Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2021 08:55:56 +0000 From: Wes Leigh Subject: Misunderstood, Chapter 20 (Gay Adult/Youth) MISUNDERSTOOD By Wes Leigh This is a work of fiction intended solely for the entertainment of my readers; any resemblance to any real people or places is purely coincidental. This story is the property of the author and is protected by copyright laws. The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives today with a thoughtful donation by visiting Chapter Twenty Shit! What did Cameron want, Gray wondered? "Blue, tell him I'll call him right back." "Will do, my dude." Gray turned the bacon he was cooking, then checked the pancakes. Blue wandered into the kitchen and sat at the table. "Who's Cameron?" Gray shook his head slowly. "A guy a dated a long, long time ago." "Really?" Blue asked with a smile. "It wasn't something to remember," Gray explained. "We spent most of the date arguing about politics. He called me a cowardly pussy and stomped off, leaving me to pay the bill. I haven't heard from him since." "Wow," Blue replied, with a chuckle. "Guess you guys didn't hit it off exactly." "No, not at all. He was arrogant, self-centered, and obnoxious. The only thing I got out of it was a good recipe for spaghetti sauce!" "Wonder why he's calling now." "Don't have any idea, Blue. The better question would be: Why should I even consider talking to the rude son-of-a-bitch?" Blue giggled. "Guess you'll have to call to find out what's goin' on." Gray nodded. "After breakfast." *** Gray and Blue drove to Anne's Desert Shoppe with Caleb, Junior, and Amber in the back seat of Gray's crew cab pickup and Crash bouncing between them in the front seat. "Why are we doin' this again?" Blue asked. "Cameron said it was important. He needs my help for a project," Gray replied. "He asked me to meet him here, but he wouldn't say why. Just that he'd fill me in when I got here." "And why am I comin' along?" "For moral support. I have ... well, I have bad history with Cameron, and I just want you to be there in case things turn ugly again." Blue smirked. "Okay, my dude. I'll be your wingman." Gray chuckled. "Thanks, champ." "Why are the dogs goin'? You plannin' on lettin' `em gnaw on Cameron at some point?" Gray laughed even harder. "I hope it doesn't come to that. Nah, they just like going for a ride every now and then, and I have a hard time telling them no." Blue grinned and nodded his head quickly in agreement. "You spoil `em. And you spoil me, too." "Oh, really?" "Really. Now can I have your cell phone. I wanna catch up on some browsing." Gray glanced over at Blue. "Browsing? What kind of browsing?" Blue pursed his lips. "I ain't wantin' to look at porn, if that's what you're thinkin'. There's some anime shows I like, and it's been awhile since I watched `em." "Anime? You're seriously gonna watch anime on my phone." "I said I was, didn't I? Anime is fine art, when you think about it." "Sure it is, champ," Gray replied with a grin, unlocking his cell phone and sliding it over to Blue. "Knock yourself out. And when we're done here, remind me to get you your own cell phone. I have a spare I'm not using that you can have." "Yes!" Blue shouted, pumping his arm in triumph. "Hey, they're handy and you need a way of getting in touch with me when I'm at work. Besides all that, I have a reputation to keep for spoiling my favorite blue-eyed brat." Blue grinned and went back to browsing the web for anime episodes he'd missed. *** They pulled up in front of Anne's Desert Shoppe and found Cameron leaning against his parked car. When he saw Gray pull up, he sauntered over and stopped next to the driver's side door, momentarily surprised to see Blue and all the dogs. Gray nodded at Cameron. "How's it going?" "Good," Cameron replied. "Who's this?" he asked, motioning toward Blue. "He's ... my cousin ... from Dallas. Blue, this is Cameron." Cameron smiled slyly and said, "Right. Ok, COUSIN Blue, it's nice to meet you." Blue didn't like the way Cameron was looking at him. Neither did Amber, who growled low and deep. Blue put his hand out and stroked Amber's cheek. "It's okay, girl," he whispered, then turning to Cameron, he said, "Nice to meet ya' too." Gray decided to move things along. "So you said you needed help with a project or something?" Cameron nodded. "Yeah. I do. I'm running a little expose on this bakery, and I need your help. I heard you know the people who own this place. That true?" "Yeah. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. They're good folks. I've been buying baked goods from them for a few years now, and they've always been especially nice to me." "Oh, yeah, that's what everyone says. Good Christian people." Gray nodded. "Yes. So what?" Cameron looked over at the bakery and squinted. "Do they know you're gay?" Gray was surprised and confused. "No. Why would that even come up? I'm buying bread, not sex toys." Cameron shrugged. "If it did come out, I bet they wouldn't be so sweet and kind to you." "Really? And you know this how?" Cameron sneered. "Give me a break, Langston. They're Christians. All Christians hate gays." Gray stared at Cameron, totally taken aback by the venom in Cameron's voice. "That's ridiculous, Cameron. Anne Wilson is the sweetest lady you'd ever meet, like everybody's favorite grandmother. You can't assume she hates gays just because she's a Christian." "When are you gonna wake up, Langston? Christians are brainwashed fools who believe gays are monsters just because some musty old book says it. If you don't believe me, then let me prove it to you. You and I are gonna walk in there and we're gonna tell these bakers that we're getting married and want a wedding cake. Then you can see for yourself just how loving these Christians really are." "What!? No way, man. I'm not going to be a part of your stupid stunt!" Cameron shook his head in disappointment. "You are such a hypocrite, Gray. You get on the gay dating sites and put yourself out there as a gay man looking for a relationship, but when it comes down to actually BEING gay, you hide away and refuse to stand up against bigots and discrimination." Gray had heard enough. Obviously Cameron hadn't changed one bit. With a raised voice, Gray asked, "Who's the hypocrite, Cameron? I'm not the one who assumes that people must hate me just because they're Christians. How is that any better than someone who makes assumptions about you just because you're gay? And for that matter, you seem to be assuming a hell of lot about me." "What are you talking about?" Cameron snarled back. "You think that because I'm gay, I have to live my life a certain way. I'm not like you, Cameron! I don't want to be out and proud, shoving my sexual orientation in everyone's face. That's you. Not me. I'm happy being gay and living a quiet life, minding my own business. If you want to be a big-time crusader for change, go for it. But don't assume that I should be the same way just because I happen to be gay also!" "So you aren't going to help me?" "Hell no! In fact, I'm gonna stop you!" "Really? How do you figure that?" "Leave the Wilsons alone, Cameron. They aren't the enemy. You want to do something that will really make a difference? Why don't you work with gay kids who are being bullied in school?" "Oh, sure. Now you want to tell me what battles I should be fighting. Well, maybe this is my idea of how to make a difference. What are you doing? Playing with dogs? How are you making a difference?" Gray turned to look at Crash sitting between him and Blue. Then he turned back to Cameron and replied, "That's right, Cameron. This is exactly what I'm doing to make a difference. This is the place God put me. Right here. Loving dogs most people don't understand. Giving them a home and happiness and love." "Oh, so now this is all God's idea, huh? God gave you this job taking care of Pitbulls, so that's what you're gonna do? Is this the same God who calls gays an abomination? You like working for a God who hates you, Langston?" Gray just shook his head sadly. "God doesn't hate gays, Cameron. I think that was the entire point of sending Jesus into this world. Letting everyone know that God loves us the way we are. Gay or straight. Hateful or loving. Honest or lying. Cameron, this is wrong--what you're trying to do here--it's just as wrong as the hateful things some people do to gays. Don't do it, man. You'll regret it if you do." "Really? Well, I don't think I'll regret anything. Why don't you just go back to playing with your dogs and diddling your little cousin here. Let the big boys handle the real issues." "What the hell!?" Gray exclaimed. "Where do you get off saying shit like that to me?" "Oh, come on, Langston. Don't play games with me." Cameron sneered at Blue. "We both know that little street rat isn't your cousin. You want to play house with a rent boy? Go for it. Just don't fuck with me, or you'll be the one regretting it." Cameron slammed his hand on the hood of Gray's pickup and backed up a step, leaving Gray and Blue stunned and unable to speak. Amber leapt forward in the seat, bellowing at Cameron. He jumped and glared at the dog while backing quickly away. Blue looked over at Gray. "Can he really make trouble for us, Gray." "Yeah," Gray admitted, "but it's nothing we can't handle." "Wow, what a jerk! You'd think a gay guy would be a lot more understandin'." "Being gay doesn't automatically make you a nice person, just like being a Christian doesn't automatically make you a bigot. People are people, and some are just plain assholes." They watched as Cameron walked back to his car and reached inside. He brought out some type of small electronic device that slipped over his ear. "What the hell is that thing he's wearin'?" Blue asked. "I think it's a portable camera system," Gray replied. "He ain't up to no good," Blue observed. "No, he isn't," Gray agreed, watching as Cameron walked through the front door of the bakery. "Come on. Let's follow him inside." *** When Gray and Blue entered the bakery, they found Cameron walking toward Anne Wilson at the counter. Anne was short and round with gray hair piled up in a bun on top of her head and bifocals perched on her small, round nose. A gentle smile graced her face as she greeted the three young men. "Good morning," Anne said. "How can help you?" "I'd like to talk to someone about a wedding cake," Cameron replied. "I can help you with that," Anne replied. She retrieved a large, three-ring binder from a shelf behind her and placed it on the counter. "What type of cake did you have in mind?" "It should be a two-piece cake, one part for me, the other for my partner," Cameron explained. "How wonderful. Well, my dear, I think I have several you will like." Anne opened the book to a tab in the middle and turned it around so that Cameron could see it better. "All of the cakes in this section feature two smaller cakes with similar decoration styles. Putting them together you have a single wedding setting to celebrate the union of two souls together." "Oh, I almost forgot. We also want to have the reception catered. With a three-course meal. Appetizers. Soup and salad. And then the main course." Anne Wilson frowned, sadly. "I'm afraid we can't do that," she stated. "We're not licensed for catering events. I'm sorry, dear. We're just a bakery." "Oh," Cameron replied. "I thought you did more than wedding cakes." "We do, dear. We make all types of baked goods. Cookies, muffins, pastries. We also bake bread and tortillas, but that's all we do." Anne nodded her head slowly and smiled. "I'm sure you can find someone else who will help you out." "Well, I still want the cake," Cameron insisted, glancing down at the pictures in the binder. "Do you see anything you like?" Cameron nodded his head, pointing. "Yeah, something like this one. I want my cake to be vanilla with white frosting. My partner's cake will be chocolate with chocolate frosting, because he's black, so we'll be showing our commitment to a gay marriage and interracial harmony at the same time." "Oh!" Anne tried to hide her surprise, but didn't succeed completely. "I see. Well, I'm sure we can do something like that." Cameron continued, "Yeah. We're gonna want both cakes shaped like erect penises. They should be pointing toward each other. Make my partner's cake thicker. He's got a fat cock! Oh, and can you put a dark cream frosting coming out of the penises, like they're squirting all over each other?" Anne blushed as she placed one hand over her mouth. She collected herself and carefully closed the book of cakes. "No, young man, I don't believe we can do that." Cameron leaned forward. "You can't make the cakes I want?" Anne shook her head firmly. "Not like ... that ... no. I can provide you with wedding cakes, but nothing like what you're describing." "Why not? You would make a custom cake for a straight couple, I bet. Why won't you make a cake for me and my partner. Because we're gay?" Anne was clearly embarrassed at this point, but she was standing her ground with the rude young man. "No, sir. It has nothing to do with you being gay. It has everything to do with what you're asking. I will make you any cake you see in this book." She tapped the binder laying on the counter. "But I will not make anything like what you've just described." She pressed her lips together. End of discussion. Ray Wilson came out of the back room, dusting his hands off on his apron. Ray was tall and heavy, but not a fat man. Even in his old age, he was impressively built, and if it wasn't for the fact that he was so nice to everyone he met, he could easily be seen as intimidating. "What's all the excitement about, Anne," Ray asked. He saw Cameron standing at the counter and Gray and Blue standing at the door. He nodded at Gray and turned to face Cameron. "I came here to do business, but you folks seem to think it's acceptable to discriminate against a gay man." Ray turned to his wife, who explained that Cameron wanted a wedding cake. A custom wedding cake. Then she leaned in and whispered in Ray's ear. Ray's eyes opened wide in astonishment. He glared at Cameron, but kept his temper in check. "I won't make anything like that for you, young man." "That's what I told him, Ray. I showed him the other cakes and said we'd make one of these for him, but he got angry and started accusing me of refusing to serve him just because he's gay." Ray noticed the miniature camera attached to Cameron's ear. His eyes narrowed slightly. "Don't know what kind of monkey business you're up to, young man, but I'm now going to do something I've never done before. I'm going to exercise my right as a businessman to refuse to do business with a customer. With you. Now you leave and don't come back. You do, and I'll call the police and have them put a no-trespass order on you. Am I clear?" Cameron stepped back, asking, "Why are you doing this? You can't treat me this way just because I'm gay. I can guarantee you WILL hear about this!" Ray shook his head sadly. "You just don't get it, do you? Young man, this has nothing to do with who you are and everything to do with how you've treated my wife today. With disrespect. With aggression. With inconsideration. Now, I'm only going to tell you one more time." Ray stepped around the counter and walked right up to stand in front of Cameron. "Get out or I call the police!" Cameron practically stumbled over his own feet, trying to scurry out of the bakery. As he left, he saw Gray and Blue standing near the door. He was momentarily surprised, but his expression changed to gloating and triumph as he pushed past the two and left the bakery. Gray looked at Blue. "What the hell was that all about?" Blue shrugged. "No clue. But while we're here, ya' think we could grab some doughnuts? *** All the way to the house, Gray was silent, deep in thought. Blue chattered for a bit at first, talking about how good the cake doughnuts were. When Gray didn't respond, Blue gave up and munched on the doughnut while staring out the window. Crash whined and pushed his nose into Blue's arm. The boy slipped the last piece of doughnut to the puppy. "I just don't understand why he has to be that way," Gray mumbled. "Cameron?" "Yeah." "Don't know, my dude. Maybe his momma dropped him on his head a lot when he was a baby." Gray snorted. Blue giggled and continued, "Or maybe, his daddy made him scrub the toilet with his toothbrush. I hear they do that if'n you go into the army." Gray chuckled, shaking his head at Blue's silliness. "Or maybe, he's just a big old asshole." "Well, there's no doubt about that, is there?" Gray replied, falling silent again. Blue frowned. He didn't want to interrupt Gray's thinking, but he'd never seen Gray so somber before. It was creeping Blue out, to be honest. "Gray?" Silence. "Gray! You okay, my dude?" Gray jumped. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry, Blue. I'm fine. Just thinking, is all." "What'r'ya thinkin' about?" Gray sighed and glanced at Blue, before bringing his focus back on the road. "I'm embarrassed to say." Blue snorted. "We've sucked each other's dicks. And you're embarrassed to tell me what you're thinkin'?" Gray frowned and nodded. "Yeah, I am." "Come on, Gray. Talk to me." Gray sighed. "That's just it. We HAVE sucked each other off, and that's the problem. Am I being a hypocrite? I've had sex with a minor, for God's sake. That makes me a pedophile! And yet, I take issue with Cameron using dirty tactics to fight for gay rights? What the hell is wrong with me?" Blue was shocked. And angry at himself. Yet again, he'd shoved his big foot right up into his mouth. Why did he have to be so fucking blunt all the time? He looked over at Gray, wishing he could say something that would make Gray feel better. Gray glanced over at Blue and their eyes met. "Sorry, Blue. I didn't mean to unload on you like that. Just give me some time to think this through, okay?" Blue nodded and began scratching Crash behind the ear. Fuck! He'd done it again. *** When they got back to the house, Gray still wasn't talking. He carried the bag of doughnuts into the kitchen, poured himself a glass of milk, and sat down at the kitchen table to think. Blue stood in the entry to the kitchen, silently watching Gray. Then Blue turned, his face miserable but his mind made up, and he walked with shoulders hunched over, down the hall to his bedroom where he picked out a few items of clothing and began stuffing them into the backpack Gray had bought him. Then he took out a piece of paper and began writing. *** Blue walked down the sidewalk, backpack slung over one shoulder, dejected but determined. He wore the Stetson hat; it would help keep the sun off. But he'd left the boots behind. Boots just wouldn't be comfortable, living on the street. And they'd attract too much attention, probably get him beat up. The hat might too, but he was willing to take that chance. He loved the hat. A vehicle slowed down in the street beside him and drove slowly along next to the sidewalk. Blue glanced sideways and saw what he expected: Gray's pickup. Caleb sat in the front passenger seat, his head hanging out the window. He whined softly. The other dogs watched eagerly from the crew cab seat. Blue gritted his teeth, shifted the backpack to his other shoulder, and kept going. The pickup came to a halt and turned off. Blue heard a door open and close. He stopped and turned around. Gray was walking toward him, holding a piece of paper in his hand. Blue recognized it as the good-bye note he'd left for Gray. Gray held up the paper and asked, "This really how you feel?" Blue nodded slowly. "Yep." "And there's nothing I can say that will change your mind." Blue shook his head slowly. "Nope." Gray carefully folded the paper and slid it into his pocket. "Well. I guess I'll leave you to it then. You probably have somewhere you need to be." "Uh huh." Gray sighed. "Okay, then, but Blue, there is one thing I want to say before I let you go." Blue stared at Gray, his blue eyes sparkling with fresh tears. Gray tapped the letter in his pocket. "From the very first time you walked in my door, you've had a hard time accepting my hospitality. Your letter makes that very clear. And you may be right that leaving to be on your own again will make everything easier on both of us. But I have to disagree with one thing you wrote. Blue, you aren't an asshole. Not for accepting my help. You weren't taking advantage of me, not for a second." Gray paused and thought about how to say what needed to be said. Taking a deep breath, Gray continued, "Now there are guys like Cameron Schaeffer who really are assholes, because of the way they deal with other people. They take a good cause, like bringing attention to unfair treatment of guys like us, and they take it too far. They end up becoming the very person they're trying to change. Cameron is such a big asshole that he says hateful things to people who are actually on his side, getting everyone riled up and fighting each other. I shouldn't have listened to what he said, but I did." Gray made a fist and tapped his chest three times with his own thumb. "Without realizing what I was doing, I became a big, old asshole too. I kept my feelings to myself, and I refused to talk to you about how I felt. When I finally did talk, I made it even worse by saying stupid shit that hurt someone I really cared about. And then, I finally realized what I did, but by that time, it was too late, because I'd lost someone I was beginning to love." Blue shook his head slightly, confused. "You ... you were beginning to love me?" Gray swallowed hard. "I don't know how I feel, Blue, but yeah, you've got a quirky sense of humor and you're always a big help with the dogs and you do anything I ask around the house and you're so damned sexy and you're so patient with me being such a complete noob at sex and ... and ... and I can't explain why a 24-year-old man would fall in love with a 15-year-old boy--" "I ain't a boy," Blue interrupted. "Okay. With a 15-year-old young man. Damn it, Blue, I don't know why, but I am falling in love with you." Blue shook his head slowly. "You're not in love with me, Gray. You're just not. You had sex with me, and it was the first time for you, and so now you're excited about startin' up a relationship. But you said it yourself ... I'm a minor so that makes you a pedophile, and I don't wanna get you in trouble!" Gray walked slowly forward and took Blue in his arms, hugging the boy gently. "Blue, I was wrong to say that. I'm no pedophile. I've never been attracted to an underage kid before now, and I'm not attracted to you because you're underage. I was just confused for a little while, and I said some things that I shouldn't have said, but now I've had a chance to think it through, and I've learned a few things." "What things?" Blue mumbled, pressing his face against Gray's chest and knocking his hat to the ground. He didn't care about the hat anymore. He just wanted to hear Gray say it was all going to be okay again. "Well, I've learned that you and I get along pretty darned good. We make each other laugh. We're good together, because we like each other." "Uh huh." "And I've learned that I need someone like you in my life. I love my dogs, but sometimes you need another human being to talk to and to share with. You've given me a precious gift these last few days, and I'm very, very grateful for it. Thank you." Blue nodded. "You're welcome." "But probably most important of all, I've learned that I feel a very special attraction for a certain young man who stumbled into my life one cold, wet morning. That young man is almost half my age, but he's somehow wiser in years than I'll ever be. He made my heart warm for the first time in my life, and now my heart feels like it's freezing up all over again because I may have pushed him away because I'm such a stupid asshole." Blue giggled. "You're not a stupid asshole." Gray shrugged. "Sure seems that way to me." "You ain't. But you are a little ignorant sometimes." "Ignorant. Is that better than being stupid? "Yep. You can fix ignorant. Just gotta listen to someone smart who can ed--u--cate you." Gray pressed his cheek against Blue's hair. "You know anyone who'd be willing to put up with an ignorant asshole like me?" Blue tilted his head up and smiled tentatively. His blue eyes sparkled as he stared into Gray's silver orbs. "Yep. Me." Gray released Blue and leaned down to pick up the Stetson. He put it back on Blue's head and tapped it once to settle it in place. Nodding toward the pickup, Gray said, "Let's get you back home where you belong." *** The two young lovers stood in the bedroom, kissing passionately. Blue had Gray's lower lip sucked into his mouth, tugging and nibbling before releasing it, only to have Gray's tongue slide along his own and across his upper teeth and gums. Blue gasped and thrust his tongue into Gray's mouth, trying his best to push his tongue into the back of Gray's throat and almost succeeding. Gray reached behind Blue's head and pulled him close, pressing their mouths together, breathing in, pulling the air from Blue's lungs and breathing out again, filling Blue's lungs with life-giving air. Pulling away, Blue gasped, "I love you, Gray." Gray kissed Blue quickly on the lips. "I love you too, Blue. With all my heart." They resumed their battle of lips and tongues as they stumbled toward the bed, falling together with their naked bodies entwined, hands caressing smooth sides and hairy legs, squeezing thighs and curved ass cheeks, pressing throbbing cocks together and slowly humping one another. Gray suddenly pulled away and whispered, "I wanna sixty-nine with you. Show me what to do." Blue nodded. "Okay. It ain't hard to figure out." "What do we do?" "Stand up and turn around to face my feet." Gray did as Blue asked, turning to face Blue's throbbing 7-inch monster. Grinning he exclaimed, "Damn you're hot." Blue grinned and grabbed his heavy cock in one hand and began waving it around. "Come and get ya' some." Gray dropped down on the bed next to Blue, pushing his waist toward Blue's head as Gray turned to face Blue's tapered dick. Taking it in one hand, Gray held it away from Blue's body and began licking all around the top, sliding his tongue between the foreskin and the tip of Blue's cock. He pushed his tongue inside the piss slit and wiggled it around. Then he sealed his lips tightly and began sliding slowly down Blue's shaft, feeling the thick cock spread his lips slowly apart the farther down he went. Blue was obviously enjoying it, because his balls jumped and pulled up inside Blue's body. Blue wasn't wasting time on his end. In one long gulp, he took Gray's shorter cock all the way into his mouth and down his throat, swallowing rapidly to massage the end of Gray's cock with his throat muscles. Then he pulled all the way off, sucking gently on just the circumcised cap for a few seconds, before shoving himself all the way down again. Over and over he repeated deep-throating Gray, knowing it wouldn't take long for Gray to explode doing it this way. Although they both enjoyed doing everything they could to please each other, they were each constantly distracted by the sensation of the other guy sucking away on them. It was difficult to keep focus on the task at hand when your cock kept vibrating with electric pulses. Soon they were both stopping to pull away and gasp for breath for just a moment before diving back on. It became a contest. Who could overwhelm the other with intense sensations? Who could make the other moan and gasp? Then the contest became a race. They eagerly devoured one another, mouths bobbing up and down hard throbbing shafts, hands caressing, squeezing, bodies quivering, then cocks exploding as they had never done before. In the final, shaking aftermath, both lay quietly, lovingly licking away the sweet produce of their lovemaking with eyes closed and hands clasped between them. Some might cynically claim that it was a case of a horrible fight leading to incredible make-up sex, but that really wasn't the case at all. It was simply a matter of young lovers finally realizing just what they had in each other. The end of MISUNDERSTOOD, Chapter Twenty