Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 19:22:32 -0800 (PST) From: rimpigfl Subject: MY DAUGHTER'S EX BOYFRIEND 21 Disclaimer: Usual stuff. This is fiction. Didn't happen to my knowledge. Some of the parts I hope never does. This story is dedicated to several people: My friend Bob in Illinois who's constant love and support over the last few years has seen me through some very rough times. Thank you, Bob, for always being there. My friend Geoff in England who's love and concern saw me through some of the very rough patches I went through writing this. My friend Joshua, wherever you are. I promise, Joshua, that I will never forget. And last, but NEVER least - to all Gay and Bi-Sexual members of the United States Marine Corps who continue to serve with bravery and distinction despite the persecution that they risk. To me, they are the true Heros. MY DAUGHTER'S EX BOYFRIEND - ERIC'S STORY 5 Part 21 The Narrator of the story is now Marine Master Sergeant Eric Meadows - Troy's father. By RimPig (c) 2002 Sometime in the middle of the night, Jason and I woke up and went at each other again with the hunger of two starving wolves in the middle of winter. We fucked until the sun came up and then he went to surf and I drove back to the base. I showered and flopped on my bunk to get a few more hours of sleep. I still felt guilty about fucking Janet and yet, strangely enough, not about the sex with Jason. Jason and I parted without any bullshit about being in love or wanting to see each other again or any of that crap. It was just pure animal sex between us and it had assuaged the male hunger in both of us. I didn't know what to do about Janet. I wasn't in love with her and really didn't want to get into any kind of a relationship with her but I didn't know how to break it off now without hurting her. I look back now and wonder if I shouldn't have anyway, regardless of the consequences but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I was still her 'knight in shining armor' and I felt like complete scum leading her on, but what the fuck could I do? I knew Janet was working at the PX that afternoon so when I finally woke up, I headed over the to meet her when she got off. She seemed so glad to see me that any idea I had of breaking off with her went right out of my fucking head. We went back to her place and had dinner. I wasn't expecting to fuck her again. In fact, I was hoping to avoid that. But she was now initiated into sex and she wanted a repeat performance. This time I brought along condoms - too late, but I didn't know that then. I'll tell you this, I know how they got the nickname 'raincoats'. It was like taking a shower with a raincoat on! I hated fucking with them. It took almost all the feeling out of the act and I was having a hard enough time keeping my mind on what I was doing! I finally had to think back to my all night orgy with Jason to get off. It was two months later that I had to 'pay the piper' for the mistake I'd made that night at the party when I was so stoned. I went over to Janet's apartment for dinner as usual but she was anything but her usual self. She was distracted and I knew immediately that something was wrong. I waited until we finished dinner to confront her. "Janet, what's the matter?" I asked. "Nothing. Why should anything be the matter?" she replied. "Janet, don't give me that. I know you. I can tell when something's bothering you. Now what is it?" I insisted. She sat there not saying anything and then I saw tears starting to fall from her eyes. Oh, fuck! I can't stand to see a woman cry! And what made matters worse, I knew Janet was not the kind of woman who turned on the waterworks at the drop of a hat. Something must be really fucking wrong! I went over and knelt down by her chair and took her in my arms, putting her head on my chest and stroking her long hair. "Whatever it is, babe, we can handle it. I promise." I said. She finally stopped crying and pulled back from my arms. Her green eyes looked deep into mine. "I went to the doctor today." she said quietly. "Are you sick?" I asked, scared to death that something was terribly wrong with her. "No. I'm pregnant." she said. Holy, fuck! It hit me like a ton of bricks! Janet was pregnant! She was going to have a baby! Then the 2nd part hit me just as hard - that baby was MINE! It was nothing I planned but I was finally going to get my wish! I was going to be a father! I was going to have a kid! God! I wished I could reach Matt to tell him the good news! Then, just as quick came the thought that it might not be such good news to Matt. He might not find the news good at all. All these thoughts raced through my head in seconds. Then I remembered Janet and I looked at her. She was looking at me funny, like she could see all the things I was thinking. I grinned at her. "Babe! That's the most incredible news I've ever heard!" I said and hugged her. "You mean you're happy?" she asked, a bit perplexed. "Fuck, yes, I'm happy!" I told her. "The one thing I've always wanted in the world was a son!" "Well...there's no guarantee that it will be a boy..." she started to say. "Honey, no matter what it is, I'll love it! I want children! I want to be a father! But, I'm telling you. This is going to be a boy! I can feel it!" I babbled. Finally she began to smile. I guess she figured I'd freak and run out on her. Little did she know that there was no fucking way I would ever walk out on a child of mine! This was what I wanted more than anything in the world and now I had it. I hadn't known how I was going to accomplish this, but quite by accident I did. The only fly in the ointment was Matt. How would he feel about this? I knew I would have to marry Janet. My child was not going to be born without my name! But what would Matt say about me being married? And not to him? Would he love me enough to keep right on with our relationship having to hide it? I wished again that I could reach him, that I could somehow talk to him about all of this. But there was no way. Regardless of the fact that the 'Cold War' was over, communications between the US and the Embassy in Moscow were still monitored. I couldn't take the chance of Naval Intelligence finding out about Matt and my's relationship. I'd just have to make the decisions on my own and hope that Matt will understand. "We'll have to get married right away. I don't want my son being born without his parents being married." I told Janet. "Eric. We don't have to do that." Janet said. "Yes, we do. I grew up without a mom. My son is not going to grow up without a father." I said. Janet smiled at me. I guess she thought the same thing I did. I would learn much later that she had far different thoughts in her mind. She was in love with me. She was thrilled to be carrying my baby. I, on the other hand, liked her but was totally in love with the baby she was carrying. Neither one of us realized that the seeds of the destruction of our marriage were sown before we ever even got married. We went to bed that night and fucked. No condoms this time or ever again. No need for them. The next day, I went to see my commanding officer and asked his permission to marry Janet. This is required in the military. Permission is almost never denied - unless you're trying to marry a foreign national which the military suspects of being a spy or saboteur or something. I explained the situation to the Captain who was also rather surprised at my happiness at getting Janet pregnant. I guess he was far more used to young Marines who ended up having to get married because of a pregnancy but not really wanting to. The Captain had me talk to one of the base Chaplains and it was arranged for Janet and I both to meet with him that evening. We met with the Chaplain who explained to us that it would take about a week for all of the paperwork to be processed so we set the wedding for a the following Saturday. It would not be a big wedding at all. Basically it would be just me and Janet, the Chaplain and the Chaplain's wife as witnesses. I really didn't have any close friends and neither did Janet. The only person I wished could be there was in Moscow. Probably freezing his nuts off! I thought that Janet would ask her parents to be part of the wedding but she told me that she didn't want them there. I knew she wanted nothing to do with them, but I told her she should at least tell them that she was getting married. She told me that she already had told them, by phone. They told her she was making a horrible mistake marrying me and that I would never amount to anything and she would end up poor and alone with me not being able to provide for her. She told me that she simply hung up on them at that point. I was stunned. These fucking people didn't even know me! They'd never met me and they had already decided that I was a worthless, good-for-nothing loser. I was furious! I asked Janet just how they arrived at this conclusion? "I told them that you were a Marine and then they asked where you were from. I told them Georgia and that's when they started in on me." she said quietly. "Son of a bitch! Those bastards!" I fumed. "I told you I wished they were dead sometimes." she said. "Did you tell them you were pregnant?" I asked. "No. That never came up." she said. "Good! Because I don't want them knowing that you are. I don't want our child to EVER have contact with those two assholes!" I all but screamed. "We certainly agree on that!" Janet said. "Babe, I'm really sorry." I told her. "What for? You didn't do anything! They're the problem! As far as I'm concerned, I don't want to ever see or speak to them for the rest of my life. From now on, it's going to be as if they were dead!" now Janet was just as angry as I was. We stood there fuming for a few more minutes and then I looked at her and she looked at me and, all of a sudden, we both just broke out laughing! Her parents were assholes! So what? They had nothing to do with our lives and never would. The following Saturday, in a little chapel on the base at Camp Pendelton, Janet became Mrs. Eric Meadows. I was surprised by one person who did show up for the wedding. My commanding officer. He told me that he tries to be at any weddings of the men under his command. He said that I was part of the Marine Corps family and he was there representing that family. It was a really nice gesture that both Janet and I appreciated. After the wedding, we drove back to her apartment. Now that we were married, I had moved my things there the night before. As a married Corporal, I had the right to either live off-base or occupy family quarters on the base. Since family quarters required being on a waiting list, we decided to live in Janet's apartment until something opened up on the base. We were told it shouldn't take that much time. Marines were being transferred in and out of Pendelton all the time. When Janet was six months pregnant, they did an ultra-sound on her and we found out for sure that the baby she was carrying was a boy. I couldn't have been happier. It was my dream come true. A son! It was about this time that base housing opened up for us and we found ourselves living in a small, two-bedroom bungalow. Our first house. It was also about this time that I was promoted to Sergeant and was teaching weaponry full time. My life, from all outside appearances, should have been happy. Instead I was more and more miserable. I was eagerly looking forward to the birth of my son, but nothing else in my life was right. I felt like such a hypocrite! I wasn't heterosexual but here I was leading a typical heterosexual lifestyle! Well, except that every so often, I would sneak off base for a few hours and find men to have sex with, like Jason. But, then again, I found that a lot of the guys I was having sex with were in the same boat that I was. They were 'straight' to the outside world and hunting cock in the shadow world of parks, public bathrooms and adult bookstores. I missed Matt! More than anything else, I missed him. I thought that everything would be ok if he could just be near me again. If I could just lay in his arms, feel him touch me and tell me how much he loved me - then everything would begin to make sense again. But there was no indication that anything was going to change anytime soon. I was able to keep most of what I was feeling from Janet - mostly because she was so naturally self-absorbed in the development and birth of our son. I was able to stop having sex with her because of concerns for the baby - or at least so I said. What this did, of course, was to make my clandestine sexual pursuits happen even more often. My life was now so complicated! And I knew it was somehow all my fault. In fact, because of all the complications, I nearly missed the birth of my son. I had learned all the places on base where sex was available with other Marines if that's what you wanted. And I did. That night, I'd met this real hunk of a young Lance Corporal and we had gone out behind one of the rifle ranges and I had fucked his ass and sucked his cock until we were both exhausted. I drove home, expecting to just crash and lose myself in the oblivion of sleep. Instead, when I got home, Janet was waiting for me to take her to the hospital. The labor pains had started about an hour before. I got her into the truck and drove like mad for the base hospital. We made it to the labor room, but just made it! The nurses got me dressed in a hospital gown and mask and I was standing there watching when, in what seemed like a very short time, I saw my son's head begin to crown - pushing through the vaginal lips. Then his head and finally Troy Randall Meadows entered the world! We had chosen the name Troy because we both liked it. I had insisted on Randall because that was Pop's name and Janet agreed. The doctor's put Troy into Janet's arms and then had me cut the umbilical cord. Before he was taken away to be cleaned up and weighed, Janet handed me this tiny, wiggling bundle of blankets and newborn and I stood there, holding my son for the first time. I couldn't speak. I was so moved when I looked down into his little red face that tears were literally pouring from my eyes. A nurse finally took Troy from me and I leaned over and kissed Janet on the forehead and thanked her for giving me such a beautiful son. She smiled up at me, but I could see that she was exhausted. They took her to her room and I left the hospital after having one more look at Troy in the nursery. He lay there in a small, plastic crib, bundled up in a small blue blanket with a little knit cap on his head. I swear he looked right at me with his big blue eyes! It was probably one of the happiest moments of my life. I didn't know what to do at that point, I headed home and sat at the kitchen table with a bottle of Jack Daniels and got drunk, supposedly in celebration. But it wasn't completely a celebration because before I passed out completely, I remember all too clearly putting my head down on the table and crying my eyes out. I now had a son, but my heart was torn apart! I wanted Matt. I wanted him close to me. I wanted him to share this moment with me. But he was thousands of miles away. I took great delight in taking care of my son - even changing his dirty diapers! I would sit and hold him and rock him for hours. Janet was constantly telling her friends how much help I was with Troy which made her friends rather jealous since most of them couldn't get their husbands to do anything with their babies. I took over the night feedings, allowing Janet to get some rest. It exhausted me, but it gave me completely private time with my son. I sat there, in the dark of night, with him in my arms, feeding him, burping him, and rocking him back to sleep. I loved that little boy with more love than I ever thought I was capable of. Many mornings Janet would awaken to find my side of the bed empty. She always knew where to look for me. She would go into the nursery and find me, sitting in the rocker, Troy in my arms and both of us asleep. The next six months were a period of astounding growth for Troy. He learned to sit up and before we knew it, was crawling all over the place. He'd even started to take some tentative steps towards walking, learning to pull himself up by attaching himself to my pants-leg and pulling himself up until he was standing and looking at me. As attached as I was to Troy, the feelings appeared to be mutual. Oftentimes, when he would cry, it was me who could calm him faster. I held him so much that I quickly learned to do almost everything one-handed because one arm had him in it. He was also beginning to talk! Not sentences or anything, but certain words. The first word he ever clearly said was "Dahhh-dee!". I held him in my arms and cried when he said it the first time. Things went along pretty well during that period. Janet and I were doing ok. She was a good friend, almost like a sister. Oh, we occasionally had sex. It was my only sexual outlet during this time because, since Troy's birth, I'd not gone out 'hunting' preferring to spend time with my son. Janet worked nights at the PX so that she could be with Troy during the day. This made day-care unnecessary. Janet and I agreed that we'd rather take care of Troy than have strangers doing it. On a rare night off for Janet, she had shooed me out of the house to go to the NCO club for a few drinks telling me that I needed time by myself. I couldn't tell her that time by myself was the last thing I needed. Whenever I had time to myself, away from Troy, all I could do was think of Matt and how badly I missed him. That night, I'd had maybe 3 or 4 beers and was sitting alone at a table in the corner of the club. My head was down and I was, as usual, thinking about Matt and hurting so bad I was nearly in tears. I suddenly saw a pair of very shiny boots stand next to me and as I looked up the olive drab pants to the uniform shirt, I mentally noted what a good body this Marine had. But then I looked up and saw the face and my heart all but stopped in my chest! It was MATT!!! I leaped up and threw my arms around him! I didn't care if I was in the fucking NCO club! It was Matt! But he didn't return the hug. Instead he pulled my arms from around his neck and pushed me away. I looked at him quizzically and I could see that he was angry - very angry! I didn't understand. It was just getting through the fog of alcohol in my brain that something was very wrong here, but I couldn't comprehend what. "We need to talk." Matt said, his voice rough with anger. "Sure!" I said, not understanding what was happening at all. "Outside." Matt said and strode toward the door. I followed him. When we got outside, he walked around the building to where there were shadows. I again followed him. I just couldn't understand what was going on. I walked up to him and then next thing I knew, his fist lashed out and landed right on my jaw and I crumpled and lay on the ground! Matt had hit me! I tried to get up and I'd no more gained my feet then he hit me again! This time, I hit the ground and stayed there. I almost blacked out. I started crying. I was hurt and humiliated and I couldn't understand what was happening. "I ought to kill you, you son-of-a-bitch!" Matt spat at me. "Why, Matt? Why?" I managed to sob out. "I get shipped off and you fuckin's go and get fuckin' married, that's why!" he all but screamed at me. "It's not what you think, Matt! Please, let me explain!" my sense were coming back to me. "There's no fucking way you can explain this!" Matt said, his voice cold and angry. "Please, let me! Matt, I love you! I've missed you so much!" I begged, literally on my knees. "You have a real fuckin' funny way of showing it, you bastard!" he said, but I could tell he was calming down some. "Please, Matt. Please let's go somewhere where we can be alone and I'll explain everything to you. Please!" I begged again. I guess I looked pretty pathetic kneeling there on the ground. And, thank God!, Matt still seemed to have some love left for me because he agreed. We got in my truck and I drove us back behind the rifle range where I'd had sex with that hunky Marine the night Troy was born. We were silent during the drive. I stopped the truck and we both got out. I let down the tailgate and we both sat down on it, Matt making sure that he was distanced enough from me that he didn't touch me. My heart was ripping to shreds. "Ok, fucker, you wanted to talk. Talk!" he said. So I did. I told him about how his leaving tore me apart. I told him about Pops dying. I told him about the night that I rescued Janet from the Marine private. I told him about trying to extricate myself from her without hurting her. I told him about the night of the party and the drugs and how we'd ended up having sex and then she got pregnant. I told him about Troy. And I told him over and over again, how much I loved him, how sorry I was for fucking things up so badly and ended up, literally on my knees again, in front of him begging him to forgive me. He sat there a long time, not looking at me. I remained on my knees, tears running down my face, waiting. I was like a defendant in a murder trail waiting for the jury to decide on my fate. Life or Death. It was just that for me. I couldn't live without his love. If I'd lost that, almost nothing was worth living for. Except Troy, but I didn't even know if I had the strength to go on and raise my son without Matt's love. "Well, you told me from the beginning that you wanted a son." he said, looking down at me finally. "But I didn't want it to happen this way!" I pleaded. "So what way did you think it was going to happen, asshole? To get a kid, you have to fuck a woman." he said. "Yeah, I know that! But I didn't want to lose you over it! I swear I can't take that! If you'll take me back, I'll walk away from Janet and Troy right now. This minute! I'll get a divorce and never see them again." I said and the tears began falling from my eyes again. "You can't fucking do that, shithead! That's your fucking son! You can't walk out on him!" he screamed at me. "Why not? If you leave me, life won't be worth living! The only two things that have kept me from putting a gun in my mouth is the thought of you finally coming back. And Troy." This last I said quietly. Matt sat there a while longer in silence. I couldn't see what was going on in his head. His face was like stone. Then I saw tears start to flow from his eyes. I reached out to touch him, but I couldn't do it. I was too afraid that he'd rebuff me again. He must have seen my hand reach out to him and then pull back because he suddenly grabbed my wrist. His grip was so tight that it hurt and I let out a quick gasp. He yanked me to my feet and then he stood and looked me in the eyes. "I ought to fuckin' walk away from you right now and never see you again! I ought to beat you to a bloody pulp first and then leave your fuckin' ass lying in the fuckin' dirt! You know that, don't you!" he screamed at me. "Yes, Matt. I know." I said quietly hanging my head. "That's just what I fuckin' ought to do!" he repeated, letting go of my wrist. Then he grabbed me in his arms. "That's what I ought to do, but I can't." he said quietly, almost whispering it in my ear. "I love you too much! I love you so much it fuckin' hurts!" We both stood there crying and holding each other. My mouth sought his and after over a year, I once again tasted Matt. I no longer knew whether I was crying from all the pain or crying from the joy of having him back again - and I didn't give a fuck either way! Even through the tears and the snot running out of my nose, I could smell his scent again. I could feel the warmth of his hard body. And I could feel something else. His hard cock pressing against me. Up to that moment, the pain and the fear of losing Matt forever had left my cock a limp as a used rubber. But with the feel of his hardness pressing against me while he held me so tight in his arms, my cock immediately shot to full erection and within seconds was leaking cock-snot into my briefs. I ground my cock against his and we both moaned into each other's mouths. "God! I've wanted you so bad! I've wanted to fuck you and hold you and love you! I could fuckin' eat you alive!" Matt moaned, breaking the kiss. "I'm yours. Take me any way you want. I just want to be close to you again. I want to smell you again. Taste you again." I swore to him. We climbed into the bed of the truck and lay down in each other's arms. Matt lay over me and started opening the buttons on my uniform. I reached for his and he pushed my hand away. "No! Me first! I've dreamed about doing this every day for this last year!" he said. I lay back and let Matt have his way. He opened my shirt and then pushed the two pieces of it aside. He ran his hands through the hair on my chest and I thrilled to his touch. He grabbed one of my nipples and tugged on it and I moaned and arched my back at the delicious thrills that ran through my body. Pulling one of my arms above my head, he leaned over and, pushing the shirt aside with his nose, buried his nose in my sweaty pit inhaling all of my funk. I could hear him moan as he breathed in all my sweaty musk. Then I felt his tongue snake out and begin licking through the sweat-soaked hairs and I about lost it! I could feel my briefs getting wetter and wetter as my cock pumped out pre-cum like a faucet. Matt finally raised up and practically ripped the shirt from my upper body. Then he reached down and undid my buckle and unbuttoned my uniform pants. These he pulled down until they were below my knees. This left my white briefs shining in the light of the moon overhead. My cock was tenting the briefs so that the waist-band in front was pulled away from my body. My cock was almost visible through the thin material wet with the essences of my body. Matt leaned down and pressed his face to my cock. I could feel his hot breath and could feel his teeth as he lightly nipped at my hardon through my briefs. He licked at the head and then began sucking my pre-cum from my briefs. I could hear him moaning deep in his throat as he tasted me. He all but tore my briefs from my body in his rush to get at me. I lifted my hips to help him get them off and they quickly joined my pants below my knees. Matt took my cock into his hand and, pulling down the foreskin began to lick all over the wet, sensitive head. I was moaning now at the exquisite torture his tongue was giving the head of my cock. He pulled the foreskin completely back and the pungent scent of my cock-cheese rose and filled both our senses. He licked up all of it from under my cock-head, moaning and relishing this unique essence of my body. Then he plunged his mouth down until my cock was buried in his throat and his nose was pressed into my sweaty, musky pubic hairs. I could feel the tingle in my balls that told me that if Matt continued, I would lose my load. I didn't want to cum yet, so I begged him to stop. "Fuck you! I've waited a year for this! I want your load NOW!" he growled and again buried my cock in the tight sheath of his throat. I gave in. I understood. I felt exactly the same way! I wanted his cock up my ass so bad! In all of my playing around, I had kept my promise to him. Matt's cock was the only cock that ever went up my backdoor! I lay there and felt the sap begin to rise from my balls and through my cock- shaft until I blew my load into his sucking mouth. "FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!" I screamed as I blasted load after slimy load of my hot cum into his sucking gullet. Matt swallowed every drop! None leaked out at all. Then he continued to suck me until I couldn't stand it any longer, my cock was so sensitive. But he wouldn't pull off! Try as I would, I couldn't get his mouth off my cock. Finally, the sensitivity became so extreme that I began pissing uncontrollably in his mouth! As soon as my piss filled his mouth, he slowed down and began drinking my piss. I reached down and gently caressed his head while he moaned and swallowed my hot, yellow juice. I realized that was what he was after and I was more than happy to give it to him. It was our ritual, part of our bonding. I knew that before this night was over, I would drink from his body as well. When he had drunk down all of my piss, he moved up my body and again kissed me deeply, sharing just a little of my own piss with me. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. There were tears slowly running down my cheeks and he began licking them off. "What's wrong?" he asked quietly. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm just so incredibly happy to have you here with me again." I said. "I'm so sorry if I hurt you." "Well, you did! Imagine how I felt when I found out that you were married to a woman and had a kid! I figured you had felt so guilty about us that you ran into marriage so that you'd never see me again!" he said. "Oh, Matt! I understand that it might have looked that way, but don't you know by now how much I love you? Don't you have any idea how much you mean to me?" I asked. "I do now. When you offered to leave your son to be with me, that's when I knew. But you can't do that, Eric! Promise me you won't." Matt plead with me. "I won't do that. But you have to promise that you'll continue to love me. I know you could get transferred again. I can accept that. But don't you ever stop loving me!" I begged. "I can't stop loving you! I tried. God knows I tried! It near drove me insane to be so far away from you! And then when I came, I understand now. I won't ever stop loving you." he said and I could hear in his voice the solemn promise. "Because I'll never, ever stop loving you. You've got my word on that." I said. And as another man raised in the South, Matt knew what that meant. A true Southern man would rather die than break his word. As my Pop always taught me, "Son, your word is your bond.". "I think we just got married." Matt grinned at me. "No. We just renewed our wedding vows. We always were married. Ever since that night that you first put your head on my chest." I smiled. "By the way, I always wanted to ask you. Were you really asleep when you did that?" Matt laughed loud and hard. "Fuck no! I just knew that you were never, ever going to make the first move!" he chortled as he finally calmed down. "Yeah, I always figured that!" I said. "Oh, you did, huh? And what was your first clue, Sherlock?" he grinned at me. "That big fuckin' hardon pokin' into my thigh!" I laughed. "What, you ain't never got a boner in your sleep, boy?" he asked. "Let's just say, it was aimed just a little to well to be accidental!" I grinned. "I wanted you so bad that night. About as bad as I want you now!" he said. "So why were you so all fired scared to fuck me the first time?" I asked. "I figured you'd get to likin' it so much, you'd never want to fuck me again!" he laughed. "Oh, I'll fuck that ass of your, all right! But you gotta fuck me first! I gotta feel you inside me! Please?" I begged. "Your ass is mine! I'm gonna fuck you 'til you can't walk!" he growled. "Yeah, yeah! I've heard that before!" I laughed. "And I'm gonna keep doing it until you can't!" he laughed. "But you got too fuckin' many clothes on, boy! Uniform of the day is skin!" We both hopped up in the bed of the truck and stripped off all our clothes. I took the opportunity to go into the glove compartment of the truck to get a small tube of KY jelly that I kept there. "What are you doin'?" Matt said, leaning over the wall of the truck bed. "Gettin' some grease! You don't expect to shove that goddamn log of yours up my butt after a year with no grease do you?!" I responded. "I figure if it ain't spit, it ain't love!" he laughed. "Well, you can start with the spit 'cause I surely do want your fuckin' tongue up my butt again before you fuck me. But after that, use this!" I said, tossing him the tube. "What the fuck's this?" he asked. "Some stuff I got from the pharmacy. It's what the doc's use when they poke their fingers up your butt for a prostate examination." I told him. "Washes off with water - not like that goddamn Vaseline that won't wash off for shit!" "Yeah! I remember! My cock was greased up all the time when we were together!" he laughed. "Anything's better'n that stuff. I remember when we were just inducted and they gave us the old finger up the butt! I hated it. Now, I don't mind it at all, but I don't dare tell the doc that!" "Fuck, when you were fuckin' me all the time, I could barely feel his finger goin' in!" I howled as I climbed back in the truck bed. "Guess there are some advantages to likin' guys!" he smiled. I leaned over and kissed him. "One in particular I can think of." I said. "What?" he asked. "Making love with you." I said quietly. >From there on there were no words spoked for a long while. Matt ate my butt until I thought I would pass out from the desire to feel his huge cock spreading the soft tissue of my ass again. He worked me up real slow, though. I found out I wasn't kiddin' about the problems of not being fucked for a year! It hurt almost as bad as the first time. But my ass quickly became adjusted to it's old friend and soon Matt was pounding away in my hole until we both came screaming out our love for each other. Then he collapsed on top of me and I held him in my arms. I kept thinking of what I would have given over the last year, just to do that! No matter what, we had to find a way to stay together. I couldn't take another separation from him! It just hurt too much. After Matt recovered some of his strength, he got down and sucked his cum out of my ass, making my sore asslips feel so good! He shared some of his load from my ass with me, our tongues dancing in and out of each other's mouths. "Matt...don't you need to piss?" I asked quietly. "Fuck, yeah! I do!" he grinned. I got down and put his cock in my mouth. I first cleaned it of his cum and my ass juices then I just held it in my mouth and waited for the piss to start. I didn't have to wait long. First a spurt, then a trickle and then a gush of piss filled my mouth and I started swallowing quickly. As I sucked down his golden nectar, I realized that we were almost completely 'one' again. Only one last act of 'marking territory' remained. When I finished drinking down his last few spurts of piss, I rolled him onto his stomach and got down between his legs and buried my face in his butt. I spread his muscular cheeks with my hands and ran my nose up and down his butt-trench taking deep breaths of his scent. It was dark, masculine and strong. Sweat, musk, ass-juices and something uniquely Matt assailed my nose and I couldn't get enough of the aroma. But after a short while, sniffin' wasn't gettin' it'! My tongue came out and I began to lick him, stem to stern! Or at least balls to lower back. The tart, tang of his butt was like 'food for the gods' to me. I finally concentrated on his puckered hole, digging in and licking out everything I could find there. Then I began the attack on his hole in earnest! My tongue pierced his opening, time after time, driving deeper each time until I was tongue fucking him as deep as I could reach. He moaned and wiggled his butt all through this, pushing back, trying to get even more of my tongue up him. I grabbed the tube of KY and began lubing up his hole. Starting with one finger until I quickly reached three of my fingers up his butt, I opened Matt's hole for my cock. I had wanted to be in this ass for a year now and it was hard to wait even the little time it took to get him ready. I finally had him moaning and begging for me to shove my cock in him so, taking him at his word, I got between his legs and slid my cock between the cheeks of his butt and headed for his hole. My cock breached his sphincter with almost no problem and I gently slid the rest of the way until my bone was completely buried in his butt. His ass muscles locked down hard and tight around my rod and I couldn't move. I rested on his back, licking and sucking at the skin on his shoulders and neck while his talented ass muscles massaged my cock. "Welcome home, lover." he murmured to me. "That hole has sure missed you!" "No more than I missed you. Believe that!" I said. "I do. But I'd believe it more if you'd pound the fuck outa my hole like it needs right now!" he grinned over his shoulder at me. I leaned forward until our lips could just touch. I gave him a quick kiss and then raised up and started doing exactly what he asked for - pounding his hole! His ass muscles relaxed and my cock slid in and out of him at a rapid rate. The hot, wetness of the inside of his body was so exciting, so stimulating that I knew this would not be a long fuck! I pulled back and out of him, hearing his grunt of disappointment at having his hole empty so soon. I grabbed his hips and pulled him up to his knees so that I could fuck him doggie style. I also grabbed the tube of KY and re-greased his butt, my cock and my hand then I shoved my cock back in his hole and leaned over his back and grabbed his hard cock in my greasy hand. I worked his cock in the same rhythm that my cock was plundering his hole. I could hear him grunting along with me and I knew we were both well on our way to cumming. I could hear my hips slapping against his butt-cheeks and could feel my balls slamming into his. I pounded on - harder and harder, faster and faster until I could feel that tingle in my nuts which announced that all system were 'good to go' and 'firing order has commenced'! With both of us moaning like a couple of polecats, I started shooting hot loads of spoonge up his hole the same time his hot load was shooting out of his cock as I jacked him off. I must have shot at least a dozen times up his butt and could feel my cum seeping out of his hole around my cock before I even stopped shooting. When I had, I quickly pulled out of his shit chute and locked my mouth to his gaping hole. I licked and sucked as much of my cum out of his hole as I could get, holding some in my mouth. Matt turned over and I crawled on top of him, pressing my mouth to his and letting my hot load, fresh from his hole, slide into his mouth to share with him. Our tongues fought a duel over the slick cum which I would say was a draw - or rather, we both won! Then we lay there, in each other's arms, looking up at the stars or into each other's eyes. In one night, the world had gone from a cold, lonely, confusing place to one of happiness, contentment and love. My lover was in my arms once more. What could be better than that? Well...having my lover and a son! "You know Janet's going to be dying to meet you." I said. "You're kidding!" Matt said, looking at me quizzically. "Nope. She knows about you." I told him. "What, may I ask, does she know?" he asked, skepticism in his voice. "She knows that you're my best friend in the whole world and someone I care very deeply about." I answered. "And...?" he urged me on. "And nothing. She doesn't know that you're my lover and there's no reason right now for her to find out." I said. "Well...I guess I agree with that." Matt said. "And besides, you have to meet Janet!" I said. "And why is that?" he asked. "Because how else are you ever going to get to meet my son, Uncle Matt?" I grinned. "Oh, so it's Uncle Matt now, is it?" he laughed. "Yeah! You gotta see him, Matt, he's beautiful." I said. "If he looks anything like his Daddy, he surely must be!" he said, bending down and giving me a soft kiss. "You South Carolina boys do know how to turn a girl's head!" I mocked in a high pitched voice and then cracked up laughing. Matt laughed along. We talked some more and then it was time for me to get home. Matt wrote down the barracks he was staying in and we arranged for him to come to the house the next night. Janet had the night off again and he could finally meet my wife and son. We figured we would just play things by ear from there and see how it played out. We kissed deeply and then put our clothes on and I drove him back to his barracks. All the way back to my house, I kept finding myself whistling and I know I had a grin from ear to ear on my face. The End of Part 21 of MY DAUGHTER'S EX BOYFRIEND - ERIC'S STORY 5 I hope you enjoyed the story so far. If you did, write me at I love to hear from my readers. Also, if you'd like a listing of all my stories on the Nifty Archive, I'll be glad to send you one if you request it. Please don't send plot suggestions. By the time you read this, the entire story is already written. RimPig