Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 01:44:25 -0400 From: C. E. Jordan Subject: DENNIS 2 MY DENNIS 2: GAMES On the way to my mom's suite directly at the end of the long corridor I had to pass Dennis' apartment which was just next door on the right. His room overlooked the main entrance to the apartment complex so he could see me whenever I arrived at the building. I guessed he would be lying in wait as I passed by. And sure enough, I heard the familiar little scratching taps as I got near his door. I paused there for a minute. The door opened up just long enough for a thin arm to reach out, grab my shirt, and quickly jerk me into the apartment. Dennis kept a tight hold of my shirt as he walked backward pulling me directly into his bedroom which happened to be right across from the door to their apartment. His mother's room was next to his. "Are you going to stay with me tonight?" He asked. This was something he'd been asking me for weeks. "I don't know...." I started to say, but he placed his fingers on my lips saying, "Ssssshh, mom isn't up yet." I grasped those fingers and kissed them lightly. Rosa, his mother, was still resting before she had to leave within the hour for her job as a night nurse. "I didn't come prepared to stay overnight," I whispered, "I don't have clothes or anything with me and I didn't ask your mom permission to stay." "Oh, you know my mother doesn't care about that, you can stay here anytime...she likes you...and you don't need any stupid clothes." "So what am I gonna wear to bed?" I asked. Dennis grinned seductively and leaned forward with just his chest against me. "Oh you don't have to wear nothing at's gonna be just us." Instead of the erratic, nasal breaks endured by many pubescent boys, D's voice would occasionally slip down into a more husky, velvety sound. And this was the way he spoke now. He pressed himself harder into me pushing me against the wall seperating his mother's room from his own. And I wrapped my arms tightly around his slim body. "Yeah, right," I said unconvinced, but his suggestion caused my breath to quicken. And the feel of his thirteen-year-old body in my arms was swiftly weakening my resolve. Dennis laid his head on my chest and pretended to pout. He complained in a babyish tone, "I come and stay with you every weekend, but you never, ever, stay with me a whole night." The long fingers of his right hand were now gently stroking my face and I finally gave in as he knew I would. I wasn't certain how I'd explain to my mother why I'd slept in an apartment right next door when I had a perfectly good bed available in her home. But at the moment I really couldn't care less. "Your mom don't have to know," said Dennis. Sometimes it seemed the boy could read my mind. "You obviously don't know my mother very well D, she'll definitely know--but I'm going to stay with you anyway..." "Oh...alright!! Yaaaa..." Dennis yelled and tried to wrap all his limbs around mine, throwing me off balance. My head banged hard into the wall as I fell sideways with him sprawled on top of me. There was an echoing noise in the next room as his mother, startled out of her sleep, jumped out of bed and rushed out of her room. "Dennis..." she called, "What happened....?" By the time Rosa poked her sleepy face into our room, we were untangled and looked relatively innocent. "Oh ...hi Charles...." his mom said, not particularly surprised to see me there. She turned to Dennis, "What the hell was that noise, I though you fell down or something." " was getting late so I knocked on the wall to wake you up," he lied. But that was an inspired save. She looked at her watch and winced, "Damn! I'll be late for work. Next time just come in and shake me, ok? You don't have to knock the wall down." And she was gone. Dennis ran to his door and yelled after her, "Ma...can Charles stay over tonight? "Sure" She said without even pausing as she rushed to the bathroom. "But don't forget to do your homework." "Maaaaa...", D sang out impatiently, "it's Summer, I don't have to do no *damned* homework!" He slapped his hand over his mouth and his eyes popped open wide as he realised what he'd just said. We both froze, waiting for the inevitable. We waited. And waited. Then finally, we started to breathe again. "I guess she didn't hear that." Dennis sounded as relieved as he looked. He flopped down onto the floor beside me. "Thank god she didn't," I said, "or your ass woulda bin grass, you-fucking-well-curse-too-damn-fucking-much kiddo." Dennis, who was about to put his arm around my shoulder recoiled from me in shock. He stared at me wide-eyed as I tried to keep a straight face. "What's the matter, D? Geeze, I think this is the first time I've ever seen you speechless baby." "But--but..." "But... what? Aren't you the one who likes cussing?" "It*wrong* when you do it." "Oh yeah? It sounds wrong when you do it too." "Ahh..," his face brightened up and he grinned, "you were just trying to teach me a lesson, right?" I didn't say anything, just raised my eyebrows. At which point he leapt at me, "Now I'm gonna teach *you* a lesson," He growled, and Dennis' hands were suddenly moving over my vulnerable body. His giggles filled the room as I twisted and turned clawing the carpet trying to get away from his tickles. But his knowledgeable fingers found all my tender places. I was helpless, drowning in his laughter, in his touches, in his soft skin, in those deep brown eyes. ****** "You should turn him over your knee and spank him." Dennis and I both spun around to see his mother standing there in the bedroom doorway watching us. I'd totally forgotten about her. She was completely dressed in her gleaming nurse's whites. And the vague scent of sweet perfume wafted over us. I felt slightly woozy and faint. Dennis got up to hug his mom goodbye. She gave him a little peck on the cheek, and as she departed through the front door she said jokingly, "And remember Charles, if he bugs you too much, just give him a good hard whack." "Ohhh......Maaaa....." D whined, actually a little bit embarrassed. Dennis closed the front door and leaned his back against it. He gazed at me with a soft smile on his face as I stood at his bedroom door. We were silent for a moment, savoring the fact that we were finally alone together. Then, in a matter-of-fact kind of way, I told him, "You know D, I think your mom is right, you really do need a good spanking," And as if I was speaking to a toddler I continued, "Why? because you're a very, very, naughty boy." And I slowly advanced on him with what I hoped was a menacing grin. "Huh?" The smile on D's cute face disappeared as the realization of what was about to happen sank in. "Oh nooo, you don' gotta catch me first!" And barely evading my grasping hands, off he went dashing towards the living room. There wasn't very much furniture in there so I knew he had to be behind the big sofa or the recliner. As I leaned over the sofa, I heard movement across the room. I spun around just in time to see the boy pop up from behind the recliner. He paused long enough to stick his pink tongue out at me before he was running back toward the bedrooms flicking off the lights as he ran past the switches. By the time I got to the corridor it was dark and Dennis was nowhere to be seen, but I knew he had to be in one of the bedrooms or maybe the bathroom. I checked his room first, the closets, under his desk, under his bed. No Dennis. Then I ventured into his mother's room. The only light was from the quickly fading daylight coming in from one of two windows. Frilly curtains were drawn over the second one. I'd never been in there before, so the room was unfamiliar to me. It was a warm, but very `girlish' kind of room full of pink, blue and pale green floral patterns. The pillows on the queen-sized bed were invitingly plump with patterns to match the large lotus flowers on the bedspread. It smelled of her perfume. I felt around in the clothes closet, but I knew at once that he couldn't be in there. It was packed with too much stuff. I looked around the shadowy room. Where could he be? As I checked behind a large vanity and chest of drawers, I happened to glance up into the mirror in time to see a movement in the shadows behind me. It was Dennis trying to sneak out. This time I was too fast for him. I whirled and grabbed the giggling boy. He squirmed out of my hands and almost escaped but I hung on to one leg causing him to fall against his mother's bed. I sat on the soft bed with an arm wrapped around his narrow waist so he couldn't move. The boy went limp and stopped struggling. I actually heard him sigh. "So what you gonna do with me now, spank me?" I really didn't have a plan beyond catching him. I had threatened to give him a spanking, but I couldn't imagine actually hitting him for any reason. But he took the decision out of my hands by lying on his belly across my lap as I sat at the edge of the bed. "Uh...alright," I said trying to sound tough, "I'm going to beat you within an inch of your life and I bet you'll never *ever* curse again." And I pulled him roughly into position. Then I gave him a couple of feeble swats on his butt. "Is that it?" D sounded thoroughly bored, "Then I guess I will *fucking* curse whenever I *fucking* want to." I held back the laughter which threatened to bubble up out of me and I gripped the back of his cut-off shorts, "You know what, I'm going to whip you so hard on your bare butt that you'll never talk to me like that again." "Oh sure you will, I'm going to get a *fucking* soda, want one?" And he attempted to rise up. But I pulled him back into my lap turning him over so he was face up. He struggled a bit, but I managed to unsnap his pants and unzip him. As he squirmed around I wrestled the shorts down his legs and past his knees. "Oh...I didn't mean it...I'm sorry Chaaarles..." His cries sounded almost sincere. The pants tangled around his ankles so he couldn't move easily. "From now on you're going to listen to me when I speak to you." I said sternly, knowing full well that he'd never ever listen to me, or do anything unless it was something he himself wanted. And I knew whatever it was that was happening now, was surely something he desired. During our struggle his white t-shirt pushed up under his arms, and I couldn't help stroking his tender bare chest and taut belly as my hand moved down to the cotton underpants glowing in the shadows. I could hear his breathing and he held still when my fingers dipped under the elastic waistband of his briefs. His hand momentarily grasped then released my wrist. I dragged the little bit of clothing down over his hips while I turned him over on my lap face down. The bvd's caught on his stiffening sex causing him to emit a little grunt. The underpants joined his shorts around his ankles. What little light there was, reflected off the smooth twin globes. Dennis made himself more comfortable on my lap and moved up further so his penis poked down between the v of my legs. I tightened my legs catching the bit of hardness between them. Now everything was ready. But could I bring myself to hit him? Even in play? I stroked and caressed that pretty little butt as if to apologise in advance for what I was about to do to it. Dennis squirmed a bit then quieted down. I gave him several slaps on his backside, but they were barely harder than the ones I'd given him before. "I knew you couldn't *fucking* do it." Dennis' tone was smug. "You could never..." The last sentence ended in a yelp because in an effort to shut him up I gave a pretty hard slap on the rear. I slapped his butt hard again and he grunted and thrust downward driving his dick farther down between my legs. I hit him hard a couple more times and he was more or less thrusting in and out between my legs. But if this was doing something for him, it certainly wasn't doing anything for me. I could never get pleasure from hurting anyone. So I stopped and pulled him up into my arms. "You are right," I whispered, "I can never really hurt you." Dennis kicked off the restraining shorts and underwear onto the floor and turned around to sit astride my lap facing me. His long tapered legs rested on the bed on either side of my hips. He was nude except for the t-shirt. I was still fully dressed. I cupped those warm globes and pulled him up as close to me as possible. I felt his warmth and hardness trapped between us. It poked into my belly right through my shirt as he wrapped his arms around my neck and brushed my cheeks back and forth with his soft lips. There was practically no other sound in the house except for the wild beating of my heart and his breath making little 'puff puff' sounds in my ear. Then he leaned back a bit to unbutton my shirt and peel it off. And when I dragged his t-shirt over his head he was totally naked. I stood up with Dennis' arms and legs wrapped around me. I supported him with my hands under his firm bottom and turned to face the bed. And then we were falling together in slow motion onto the vast thick softness of his mother's big bed. "Ohhhh......" Dennis breathed. I was on top of him lying between his legs. His hand paused in its sweet trajectory up and down my spine to reach between us in an attempt to loosen the belt of my jeans. I turned onto my side and assisted him in removing my trousers. I again rolled on top of him wearing only my underpants and then we were moving together in that irresistable rhythm familiar to lovers everywhere. I stroked Dennis's delicate baby skin with the tips of my fingers and caressed his hot responsive body once more astonished at how well we fit together. I marvelled at the intensity of this young boy, and how our passion was so perfectly matched. D's head rocked from side to side with his mouth open and I kissed whatever part of his face that I could reach. My lips pressed upon his cool forehead, his brows, his cheeks, his nose, and lightly brushed his dry lips back and forth, back and forth. His hand grabbed the waistband of my underwear and pushed it down. "Take it off Charles," Dennis's breath was so ragged his voice seemed torn from his throat, "I want to hold you." So I did. I closed my eyes and let Dennis take charge. He handled my swollen sex with the same self-confident ease with which he did everything else. His fist fell up and down the captured prize in the age-old manner, but Dennis managed to vary every touch and pressure enough to drive me to the edge of sanity. And just when I thought I couldn't take anymore D let go. He moved up a bit to embrace me gently. I ended up upon my back with my neck cradled in the crook of his left arm and his face was very close looking down into mine. The only light coming into the room was from the open window. It was just enough to see Dennis's lips tremble slightly as his right hand caressed my chest and nipples then ran down to my belly. He leaned in to kiss me, sliding his moist tongue against my teeth. I gasped for air as he probed deep into my mouth and filled me up with his sweetness. Dennis shifted position again. He wriggled his slinky body around until his hard penis was aligned on mine. I held on to his flexing little butt as he rode my body, grinding his hard dick against mine. He made exciting little sounds, like, Uh uh uh uh.... alternating with deep groans which rose rapidly upwards into tiny breathless almost-screams. Another voice cried out in counterpoint to the boy's sexy moaning, and I barely recognized it as my own. I thought I'd break, or spontaniously combust, so that when Rosa returned, all she'd find as evidence of our lovemaking was our ashes scattered all over her perfumed bed. Abruptly, Dennis pulled away from me and was scrambling across the bed. The sudden emptyness left me wanting and acutely alone. "Where are you going D? Please...come back." I begged shamelessly. Then soft light from the bedside lamp flooded onto us. "I just wanted to see." Dennis said and crawled back to me on his hands and knees. It was a good decision, for now I could examine the perfection of his lovely lean brown body. The yellow lamplight touched the boy's chest and arms with gold. His loose limbs seemed to acquire an awkward grace as he moved to squat across my hips facing me. I couldn't help staring at D's rigid penis which curved very slightly pointing toward the ceiling. And the shiny bald head atop his milk-chocolate erection blushed the color of dark pink coral. I rose up almost to a sitting position and piled his mother's pillows behind me for support. ( be continued......) Copyright C. E. Jordan