Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 10:15:50 -0700 From: Jay Dallas Subject: My Girlfriend's Dad Chapter 1 When I was in sophomore year of high school I had my first girlfriend, but it was just a flirting kind of thing. We were going through the stage where we felt that in order to fit, in a guy must hold a girl's hand and smooch in the halls when no one was around, so that's what he did. We were together a matter of weeks before we decided we weren't actually that interested in each other. She wasn't a bad looker, but I wasn't super attracted to her. I was about 5' 4" back then, and weighed around 130 pounds. I was a sort of a toothpick even though I had been on the track team for the past two years. I played on the basketball team in the 7th grade until I messed up an ankle, and did football during the 8th grade until I jacked up my shoulder. Between freshman and the beginning of senior year, I had four girlfriends, but through all of them, I never saw, what all the rage about having a girlfriend was! The girls I was with constantly asked me for things, wanted to talk all the time, called too often, were too sensitive about every little thing I did or said, and were never really interested in the things I wanted to do. Sure they all had vaginas, but that just wasn't enough of a trade off most of the time. Kelly and I were friends for about two years before I was sort of forced into asking her out. We hooked up just to shut up some people and their stupid rumors. It was the middle of senior year by the time we became a couple, and late fall was just settling in. I was then 5'9" and 150 lbs, of serious athletic build. I had somewhat tight abs and a decent set of biceps, since I liked to work out in the weight lifting gym and run the track often. I wasn't one of those muscle head guys, however, that wears those stupid looking muscle shirts and show off all the time. I could tell Kelly was different from the other girls. She wasn't an airhead like many teenage chicks; she was kinda smart, and she was into rock and roll, rock climbing, hiking and biking, which really confused me. I had never done that sort of stuff but it all sounded pretty cool to me. Here was a girl that I could actually have an interesting conversation with. After we had been 'going out' for a few weeks, towards the end of a Friday, she asked me if I wanted to try rock climbing that weekend. I figured heck, it sounded like something I might like, so I said yes. The more time I spent with Kelly, the more I realized I liked her more than other girls. I guess the reason why my other relationships didn't work out was because I was just too nonchalant, and I wasn't entirely interested in the airheads I was with. Kelly was different, and she wasn't too bad a looker, either. She jumped with excitement and said she would call me later that night. I usually spent my Saturdays working with my mom doing deliveries for a little flower shop she ran, but it would be easy to ask for the day off. We sat in the parking lot for a while as she waited for her ride to pick her up, even though I offered to drop her off at home. "Are you sure you want to wait?" I asked. "Yeah, my dad is already on his way," she said with a little laugh. She seemed somewhat uptight then, ringing her hands nervously. We sat only a few minutes longer before a black truck pulled up to the curb. Kelly waved enthusiastically at the truck as the driver's window slid down like a curtain. I could barely catch the glimpse of a man in grey cowboy hat and dark shades. He wore a thick, silvery red moustache that made him look like a real tough guy, and the air about him was akin to that of a lean, hungry wolf. The stone-like expression on his face did not make me feel any welcome. "I'll call you tonight, okay?" she laughed and ran to the truck, twirled around to the passenger side and hopped in like a ballerina. I sat on that bench alone, hearing myself say, "okay, seeya later," so faintly that she couldn't possibly have heard me. I waved shyly towards the driver of the truck, and for a moment, I could tell that from behind his pitch black shades he was staring straight through me. I did not receive even a nod or a wave back as the truck kicked into gear and roared out of the parking lot. I sat for a moment, trying to figure out what the heck just happened there, and realized I might be in for some trouble. By the time I got home my cell phone had already gone off. I checked and saw a picture of a cute girl doing a `thumbs up' with one hand and holding a soda can with the other on the screen of my phone; it was Kelly. "Hiya Kelly," I answered enthusiastically. There was some background and conversation I could not quite understand so I continued to greet my mom, remove my shoes and walk into my room while I waited for a response. "Hey, you there?" she called out through the phone. "Yeah, I'm here, what's up?" I answered dryly while pulling my socks off and emptying my back pack. I didn't enjoy seeing the homework that I had to complete over the weekend. "Sorry!" she answered back quickly, "my dad was asking me something. Hey, do you want to meet up at my house around ten in the morning?" she said. It sounded like she was running or something. "Sure, meet at ten, no problem," I answered without really thinking. There was more noise and background conversation before she came back on. "Oh, actually do you think you can come a little earlier? What? Oh yeah, how about 9:30?" she said, and this time it sounded like she was crinkling tin foil in front of the mouth piece. "Sure thing," I responded with fake enthusiasm. It didn't really matter to me when I got there. "Yeah, my dad wants to meet you tomorrow before he leaves for work," she added, and this time, I heard her words as clear as the light of day. "Wh... what?" I struggled for words, remembering the stone faced man who had glared at me and made me feel like an insect smashed on a windshield just earlier that day. "Did you hear me? He wants to meet you tomorrow," she said slowly and loudly. I pulled my ear back from the earpiece a bit before answering, "Yeah, I gotcha." "Cool I'll text message you my address so you can map-quest it or something, okay?" "Sure, yeah." "Seeya tomorrow!" "Okay, see...yeah...tomorrow." "Oh, and make sure you wear something that you'd be comfortable to work out in." "Sure... work out... okay..." "Bye!" "Ahuh." She hung up and I sat for a minute with the phone glued to my ear. I felt like I was a cheap, no name actor in one of those scenes that you see in those movies where the boyfriend meets the girlfriend's dad and he's a total hard ass jerk and scares the boyfriend off by terrorizing him. I'm no sort of wimp, and I never let things get to me but for some reason, that guy really sent a chill down my spine. I made it back to my bed and flopped down like a house made out of a deck of cards. On the ceiling, the poster of my favorite rock metal band stared back at me. Was I really that scared of him? What was I supposed to say when I meet him? What happens if he starts asking me questions about college and stuff? How should I respond? I shut my eyes in disbelief that I was getting so stressed out over it. I curled over and even though it was cold, didn't bother to pull the sheets over myself. I pretended I didn't have any homework to do and drifted off to sleep. I kept waking up in the middle of the night and only grasped deep sleep for a few hours. I was up by 6am because my body had gotten accustomed to waking up that damn early for school. I washed my truck and emptied out the mountain of fast food bags and left-overs that I usually toss onto the floorboard. It smelled like absolute death so I sprayed around some of my mom's flower scented air freshener stuff. My truck then smelled like a chick, which wasn't exactly what I was aiming for. After checking my phone for Kelly's text message with her address, I realized I already knew where she lived. I used to have a friend who lived on the same street as her so I figured that if I head down that way I'll just look for the house number. The street she lived on was in a rural type area and the houses were far spread so it wouldn't be too difficult to locate. I felt like my balls were in my throat, I was so damn nervous. I reached Leigel Road, and counted off the house numbers, 1336, 1338, 1340... It was all a blur until the house numbered 1356 jumped out and slapped me in the face. I pulled into the lot and saw the black truck parked in front of the garage door. I stared for a moment, expecting for the driver's window to roll down for that stone faced security guard to glare me into oblivion. I parked somewhat off to the side, farther from the house than I probably should have parked, but it gave me some comfort in thinking that I could make a quick escape this way. I shifted nervously in my tennis shoes as I made my way to the door. The house was of a simple shape and had a separate garage and storage shed. Behind the house there was something that looked like a garden of a sort, and beyond that was a swimming pool. I rang the doorbell and held my breath as I waited for any sign of life. The longest minute of my life passed before I motioned to ring again, but then the door began to rattle. Kelley was all geared up in her windbreaker pants and a khaki coloured vest that had a bunch of pockets, with a dark blue tee-shirt beneath. Her nails weren't polished, her hair wasn't fancy, and she wasn't wearing an obscene amount of makeup. I thought to myself then, "damn, if I ever did want a girlfriend, it would be Kelly. It's just my luck that her dad is probably going to try and scare me off." "Come on in," she opened the door and I stepped in, looking around in curiosity. There were football, basketball, race car and cowboy themed posters all over the place. Everything in the house seemed tidy except for a set of guitars lying on the floor next to some pizza boxes. "Cool house," I said in a blind daze. I was trying not to be so nonchalant with her, for the first time, I felt like I really wanted to make this relationship work. "Thanks," she replied, "my dad and I sorta have the same tastes. Dad, he's here!" I froze like a deer caught in headlights as I heard his footsteps rock the ground, coming closer and closer. He stepped around the corner and I nearly pissed myself. Kelley's dad stood there with his jeans and black leather boots like someone out of a western movie, with his red flannel shirt not completely buttoned up. I caught a glimpse of his silvery chest hair and I quickly averted my eyes towards the ground in embarrassment. "Heya, Kelly's told me a lot about you," he spoke in a surprisingly friendly voice. The sound of his voice was earthy and deep; the kind of voice a good folk-country musician would have. "It's nice to meet you, sir," I looked up and made eye contact. Without his pitch black sunglasses on, he looked absolutely harmless. His eyes were a deep forest green colour, just like Kelly's, and though he was balding at the top, he still had a bit of hair to comb around, and a pretty thick moustache. He smiled and extended his hand, and I greeted him. He gripped hard and I thought he was going to try and break my fingers, so I tightened up quickly and squeezed back. A look of surprise came over his face for only a second, and then he squeezed even harder. I responded by squeezing back with just muscle. Since I worked out pretty often, I had no difficult keeping up with him, but damn I could tell he was one ripped son of a gun. I could feel the muscles in his hand heat up and come alive, and as my fingers brushed against the hair on his hand, I started to waver, I was getting very nervous. A smirk came onto his face as he let go of my hand, and his smiling eyes beamed at me. For some reason I felt comforted. "Good, strong grip!" he complimented, moving towards the couch. "Thanks... you too," I replied, trying not to sound cheesy. "How's school going?" he asked casually. "It's going well, I've got a couple of honors classes but not having any problems, really," I replied, standing like a statue. I started to pray that he wouldn't inquire about my non-existent plans for college. He plopped down onto the couch and waved at me. "Come on and sit down," he said. "Oh," I couldn't find the words to reply as I inched towards him. Damn how I wished I wouldn't screw things up. "Don't worry, I aint gonna bite!" he laughed. I chuckled along with him and I cautiously made myself less uncomfortable on the couch. "Do you got a favorite football team?" He asked me as if I was some kind of old time buddy. I waited for a second and realized I was feeling a little bit more at ease. "Greenbay," I replied, and his face lit up like a lantern. "Good man!" he shouted, putting his hands in the air as if his team had just scored a goal. He looked me in the eye and on a completely unrelated topic asked me, "So you like my daughter?" I froze, damn he was going to try and scare me off. "Well," I started, trying to keep my cool, "I apparently like her enough to meet her dad even though I'm scared shitless." The words just kind of flowed out of my mouth without me thinking, and he stared me down with a crooked look before a smile snuck onto his face and he broke out into laughter. "Good man!" he laughed aloud, "good man!" I heard Kelly giggle softly behind me as I watched my shoes twist in nervousness. "Listen bud, I gotta run and get ready for work, but I'll seeya later, okay? We can have a beer when I get off work," he got up and patted me on the shoulder and I twitched out of nervous habit. I tried to smile back, but I was very confused. "Um, I don't drink," I replied. I was only 18, and even if I was 21, I wouldn't care to waste time or money on alcoholic beverages. I feared I had offended him in some way but he gave me a warm smile as he walked to the other side of the room and picked up a tool bag. "Nah, it's fine, don't worry about it," he nodded and winked at me. He stepped over to Kelly and gave her a big bear hug, lifting her off the ground as if she was still a six year old, but it was kinda cute to see. "You take care now and don't go scaring him off with your stunts, okay Kelly?" He said with a playful tone in his voice. "Yeah dad, we'll be fine!" she gave him an innocent smile, then pecked him on the cheek. He waved and headed out the front door. I sat on the couch and waited for Kelly to finish packing her gear, and in no time at all, we were loaded up in my truck and flying down the highway on the way up into the mountains. Why didn't he lecture me on taking care of his daughter? Why didn't he instruct me to keep her out of harm's way, or drive safely, or anything like that? I was at wit's end trying to figure out what was happening. "Hey, I think he likes you," she said, turning down the radio just as the best song on the new album of my favorite band came on. "I dunno, I didn't do much. He seems like a really nice guy," I answered, whispering the lyrics to the song under my breath. "Hey, listen," she said, turning the radio all the way down to my dismay, "my dad doesn't have that many friends. We moved out here two years ago when his work relocated him, so the only person he talks to outside of work is me." I was slowly dying inside, thinking of how I was missing the best song on the album, but I figured I'd better make conversation. "What about your mom?" I asked quickly, hoping to end the talk soon. "She left us a long time ago, when I was still real little," she answered morosely. I waited a moment, feeling sorry for Kelly, and feeling sorry for myself at the same time. "Sorry, my dad left me and my mom a long time ago. I wasn't even old enough to remember him," I told her, and that was something I never told anyone. I just wanted her to cheer up a little knowing that she could relate to me. "I'm sorry to hear that... Is that why you're so uncomfortable around my dad?" she asked shamelessly. I sat, drowning in my efforts to come up with an answer. Now that I really thought about it, I was particularly uneasy around all older men, but I never really thought about it that way. Perhaps it was because I never had a father that I was always nervous around older guys. "Sorry," she said, seeing that I did not want to answer. She turned the radio back up just as my favorite song ended. Chapter 2 It was nearly eight o'clock by the time we got back to the house. This time, I parked a little closer to the house, about three car lengths away from Kelly's dad's black truck. I put the car in park and just looked Kelly in the eyes; and what pretty eyes they were. They sparkled like little diamonds, lit up by the fire coloured dome-light in my truck. She got out of the truck and I froze until she shut her door, and I was jarred back to reality. I was not exactly sure why I was so reluctant to see her father again. Even before we stepped into the house, I could hear sounds of a cheering crowd coming from a TV. As soon as we got into the house, whether it was from my heart racing or a fireplace blazing, I started to sweat. Kelly's dad was sprawled out on the couch watching some kind of cowboy program. "Hi daddy!" Kelly called out to him, slipping off her shoes and setting her bag off to the side of the hall. "Hey guys. How'd it go?" He called back, giving us a lazy smile. "Aw, it was great!" she answered quickly, waving her arms in the air with a great smile on her face. I just loved those cute, energetic responses of hers. "He was a real natural at climbing, only took him a few minutes to get the hang of it. We made it all the way up the Yellow Mountain and back!" She was brimming with pride and excitement. I wasn't sure if I was blushing then or not. "It was really cool, I'd love to do it again," I said softly. "Well are you ready to go?" her dad called out to me, shutting the TV off with a remote. He smiled innocently, and I was confused. "Umm, excuse me?" I mumbled, confused. "Drinks, remember? We were gonna go out for drinks tonight," he laughed back. The look of innocence on his face reminded me of the kind of expression you see on a little boy asking his uncle to take him to the zoo. I thought about what Kelly had told me; about him not having too many people to talk to outside of his workplace. Whether he was trying to get me out to 'test' me further, or really just wanted to talk, I wouldn't dare disobey him. I nodded and tried to smile back. "Oh, yeah. I haven't forgotten, I'm ready to go," I answered. "But, we just got home? Don't you want to relax a little bit?" Kelly called out to me from her open bedroom door. "Don't worry sweetheart," her dad answered for me, "We're just heading down to Lagorio's, we'll be fine, don't wait up, okay?" "Sure thing. Don't overdo it, okay?" she said, and added, "have fun!" before shutting her door. "Don't wait up?" "Don't overdo it?" What was that supposed to mean!? My stomach twisted a 360 and my ribs started to close and tighten in against my lungs. What did they mean? "I got pretty drunk and drove home before sobering up last week," he laughed, "I feel asleep at the wheel and woke up in the fields behind the neighbor's house. Poor Kelly, I worried her sick!" I chuckled, and breathed a sigh of relief. We jumped into his truck, and drove about a block. I was swimming in the scent of new leather in his black truck, and as he drove, the engine roared like a buck; it felt great to be riding in such a powerful beast. We stopped in front of a little building with a few bikes parked in front. Overhead was a sign that read, "Lagorio's." As we approached the door, I realized I had never been into a bar before, and much more than that, I was still three years too young to drink. We disappeared from the night and melted into a smoky haze of cigarettes, booze, and country music. There wasn't that many people in the place. I looked around in quiet amazement, noticing deer heads, horns, and old guns hanging all over the dark, wooden walls. I followed her dad over to the barstools; he plopped himself onto a stool, but I struggled, fidgeting, trying to get onto one. The bartender was a lady with one of those plain faces that really doesn't stand out in a crowd. "Can I see some ID, honey?" she called out to me. I didn't know what to say. I reached for my back pocket where my wallet was, knowing damn well that my driver's license said I wouldn't be 21 for another three years. "Aw, Charley, he carpooled with me and left his wallet at the house. Aint you gonna serve'im some drinks? If'n you don't wanna, I'll just give him mine then," Kelly's dad answered casually. The lady he called Charley smiled sweetly at me and winked. I fidgeted uncomfortably. "Well what's you two boys gonna have?" she asked, leaning in. She took a deep breath, then sighed softly. Above the stench of liquor and cigarette smoke, she smelled sweet of fake flowers. Kelly's dad looked at me and titled his head, acting as if we were silently discussing what to drink, before turning back to the bartender and saying, "Two Cowboy Specials, Charley." "Sure thing," she answered, and walked to the other side of the bar, grabbing at all sorts of bottles. I leaned in close to him so he could hear me over the drone of chatter and country music, and said, "Sir, I don't drink, and I'm only 18." I shuddered a little, smelling his aftershave; it smelled musky and good. He patted my shoulder with his hand and softly replied, leaning in closer to me, "Don't worry, you'll be alright." I knew I was in trouble; there was no way I could have gotten myself out of that situation. Every muscle in my body was tight and tense. Was this supposed to be some kind of test? Was he just messing with me? Secretly, I did want to try some drinks; I had never drunk before and therefore my curiosity was buzzing like a lightning storm. What was it like, how did it taste, and what was it like to be 'drunk'? Charley slid two chocolate coloured drinks over to us. I watched Kelly's dad grasp the glass with his strong hands and bring the drink to his face. As he drank, the ice cubes in the glass tickled his thick mustache. He set his glass down and looked at me, as if to ask if something was wrong. "Go on, son," he motioned with a finger, pointing to my glass. I brought the glass to my face, and the thick smell of it nearly knocked my out of my seat. I nearly jammed it into my face, closing my eyes, and taking two huge gulps of the 'Cowboy Special'. I swallowed hard and nearly gagged, and when I opened my eyes, the room was a spinning blur. "Hey, speed racer," he laughed at me, "slow down some, you'll enjoy it better. You're gonna make yourself sick drinkin like that!" I nodded and tried to laugh but I'm sure it came out sounding more like a whimper. "What do you think, is it alright?" he asked, licking at his drink. "It's... um... okay," I answered shyly, sipping into the glass. "Kelly wasn't too rough on you today, was she? That gal's got a heart of fire, you know," he said, not making eye contact with me. He took another swig at his drink. "No sir, she's a great person to be around, and she's real smart," I answered, sipping around. I felt like I was drinking some kind of cleaning agent out of a hospital, but I figured the sooner I finish the drink, the sooner I could get out of that place. "You call me Rick, alright?" he drank again, rattling the ice with his tongue. "Um, okay, that's cool," I answered, drinking to match him. We sat for a moment and suddenly I felt like I was melting into my seat. My reflection in the mirror in front of us looked funny to me; I never thought I'd see myself in a place like that. I looked up, following a trail of photographs along the wall that spread out onto the ceiling, and as I leaned back, the room began to spin. My eyes went wide as I started to fall back, and suddenly, I felt like I couldn't use my arms. My body leaned and fell back in slow motion until I suddenly stopped. I looked to my left and saw Kelly's dad... I mean, Rick's right arm reaching out and grabbing me by my shoulder. He put his left hand onto my leg and I wasn't sure if I was imagining things, or if he had squeezed the inside of my thigh as he pulled me up and fixed me back into my seat. "Hey tiger, slow it down," he chuckled. "Sorry," I answered, "I aint never done this before." I tongued the rest of the drink out of the glass, finally I was done. "I'm alright now," I added. Rick waved to Charley and then put two fingers up, she winked at him and I was able to translate their silent conversation as, "two more drinks, please," and "sure thing, honey." I leaned forward hard into the counter, so as to avoid another accident. Our drinks came to us in what seemed liked a matter of seconds. "You workin?" he took a swig of his drink. "I do deliveries for my mom's flower shop," I replied, taking a sip. "Good man. You have sex with my daughter yet?" he asked casually, as if it meant nothing at all. He took another drink. "No. No sir, I don't want to get into no trouble," I said, and it felt like my words were getting farther and farther away from me. I drank again, and for some reason, it seemed like the drink was getting tastier. "Oh, I get it. Smart boy! Real smart boy!" he said, drinking more. "Oh, I'm sorry about yer wife," I tried to say softly, but I felt like I was shouting. I drank again. "What? I aint got a wife. You mean Kelly's mom? We wadn't married yet 'fore she lefus," he answered from inside of his glass. "Oh, sorry, m' dad lef me an' mum when I was jes a kid," I struggled to say, finishing off the rest of my drink. We sat for a period of time which I could not remember clearly, and made conversation that all seemed like a jumbled jungle of senseless words. We had a few more drinks, made a lot of jokes and laughed a whole lot before I said I had to pee. I tried to get out of my stool, and as my legs touched the ground, my knees buckled. An arm that felt like a tree trunk snagged under my shoulder and pulled me up. Rick had caught me before I fell, put my arm around his back and shouldered me up. His arm wrapped completely around me and gripped nice and hard around my chest. "Come on partner, I'll help ya to," he slurred to me. I struggled to make my legs move as he walked me over to the bathroom, and I felt like he was carrying me the whole way there. We got through the bathroom door and the smell of piss was overwhelming; I couldn't remember much more than that. He stood me up by a trough, and whatever he said to me slipped in one ear and out the other. I struggled with my zipper for a while but I couldn't get the damn thing open. I vaguely caught a glimpse of his hand reaching over and unzipping me. The room continued to spin as I pulled out my dick and pissed for what felt like forever. I smiled. It felt good; better than usual for some reason. It was a while before I noticed a stream of piss coming out from next to me. I struggled to turn my head just enough to see what seemed to be Rick's dick jutting out of his pants, it was shootin' piss like a gun. I normally would have turned away in embarrassment and shame, but at the moment, I didn't feel like it was that big of a deal. I tried to be funny, saying, "Nice dick," then laughing. I heard him laughing off in the distance, as his words trailed off down into a dark tunnel of swirly colours. I closed my eyes and blacked out. When I awoke, the scent of stale pizza flooded my nostrils. My stomach felt emptier than it had ever been in my life. I pried my eyes open to find myself in a strange grey room, dark and cold. As I turned from side to side, trying to find my eyesight, splotches of colour started to take shape, and I realized I was in Kelly's house. There was a thick blanket draped over me; I could not remember how I got there. Disoriented, I leaned myself up and my body felt flimsy and sore; is that what a hangover was supposed to feel like? I took a step off the couch and rolled off something that felt like a human leg. I jumped back in surprise when a deep, raspy voice called out, "Yow! Don't step on me, bro!" Rick leaned up from the floor and yawned, then patted my leg with his hand. "You alright there, partner?" I nodded, and muttered, "Yeah." For a moment, I thought I had forgotten what my voice sounded like. "You blacked out in the bar. I guess you aint used to it. I didn't think you'd be such a lightweight," he whispered. I chuckled back and stopped when I realized my head was throbbing out in pain. "It's almost 5 o'clock," he whispered, "you think you can drive? You'd better get on home before Kelly finds out I got you smashed. I'll catch holy hell if she finds out about it." "Sure, thanks for the drinks," I said, stumbling off the couch. "Take care, son, I'll seeya later. And don't tell Kelly, alright? She'll never let me hear the end of it if she finds out," he called out to me softly as I moved for the front door. "Sure thing, see you later," I answered back. I pulled myself into my truck and barely managed to get myself home without swerving off the road. I prayed that my mom wouldn't ask about what happened to me the night before, and feared she would think I did some really serious stuff with a girl. I got into my own bed, slept until 1pm, and did homework the rest of the day. For the next few weeks, as the weather grew colder and wetter, and the days got shorter, I would visit Kelly at her house about two times a week, and sometimes she would come over and spend time talking with my mom like they were best friends. Because Kelly was so outdoorsy, I was surprised when she expressed so much interest in helping my mom with her flower arrangements. Sometimes I would help Kelly's dad with odd jobs; fixing farm equipment, working on his tool shed, and other times we would sit, have a beer, and watch a game on the TV. We never talked about the night at the bar, but I was always nervous he would say something about what happened. Hell, I'm not even sure I remember what happened correctly; it was my first time getting drunk. During the middle of January, the school closed down the weight lifting gym for renovations, much to my dismay. I couldn't get it off my mind and when Kelly heard about it, she told me that he dad had a membership at one of the local gyms in town. She said that if I were to go with him, I could get in free as a guest. I was more than excited to hear about it, since the weight-lifting tests were a few weeks away, I didn't want to get out of shape. She said he normally goes on Thursday nights, and I agreed to go with him that week and see how I liked the place. The Thursday rolled around, and since Kelly was going out with some friends, I zipped over to her house by myself. I parked in front of the garage, right next to Rick's black truck. He came out the front door with a tote bag in hand, tossed it into his trunk and waved at me. "Hey there, how's it goin?" he called out from the other side of the truck. I grabbed my gym back and set it down next to his. "I'm alright, how are you?" I called back, walking around the truck. I jumped into my seat just as he stepped into his. "Good, you're right on time," he said with a smile. He patted me on the shoulder, and instead of flinching, I smiled back at him. I had gotten used to being so close to him that I wasn't that uncomfortable anymore, and for a moment, I wondered, "is this what having a father is like?" We got to the gym, and it didn't look like anything amazing. The place looked much like my high school gym, only the equipment was newer and more spread apart. I followed him into the locker room, which looked much like my high school locker room; benches set across the middle with lockers facing in from either side. He set his bag down in an aisle that was without people, opened a locker, and began to unbutton his shirt. For some reason, I could not help but stare, wondering what he looked like without his shirt on. I remembered the first time I met him, he had long, silvery fur reaching up out of his shirt, and I found myself wondering just how far down that fur went. I threw my head the other direction in embarrassment, I couldn't believe that I was watching. I opened my door and sat on the bench, removing my shirt. I felt a tugging in my pant and realized I was starting to get hard. A mixture of curiosity, embarrassment and nervousness started to twist my stomach and I sat, blushing, praying my hardon would go away quickly. I put on my sweats and cutoff muscle shirt. I only wore it when working out and never outside the gym, to avoid looking like a showoff. By the time I had finished getting dressed, Rick had finished as well and was stuffing his bag into his locker. He looked at me with an expression of surprise on his face. "Whoa, son, you've got a real set of arms, you know that?" I blushed at his compliment and laughed softly to myself. I was humbled by his muscular body trying to rip out of his skin-tight muscle shirt. He looked the way a real man should; tone and muscular. I instantly noticed his silver fur, leaping up out of the top of his shirt, and when I saw his sculpted arms and rock-like chest and abs, I found myself adoring him and his beautiful body. I caught myself a moment later. "Beautiful!?" What the hell was I thinking? I shouldn't be looking at other guys, because I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn't help it. Kelly's dad had a gorgeous body and a handsome face, with dreamy eyes, and his chest hair was driving me crazy. I wanted to see more of it; all of it, I wanted to know what he looked like. I thought I was going insane. Where the hell did all these thoughts in my head come from!? We walked out of the locker room and I kept my head down and back turned, struggling to hide my half erection. I pointed to the treadmills and he put his thumb out towards a free weights bench. We split up, and I ran a few miles to clear my head and get rid of my damned hardon. The place was nearly empty, and it was my first time working out in such a quiet environment; I liked it. I stopped to catch my breath and Rick called out to me. "Heyo, spot me on the bench here," he requested. I walked over, more than happy to oblige. I counted a total of two-hundred and fifty pounds on the bench-press bar. As he laid his head down on the bench and I leaned in forward over him, I started to get nervous and I felt my dick starting to get hard. Of all the times to get a hardon, I had to get one here and now. I helped him lift up the bar, and as he lowered it to his chest, then back up again, I leaned back. I found myself staring down into his deep, forest green eyes, thinking of how beautiful they looked, and sparkled just like Kelly's, and with each deep breath he took before pushing the bar up from his chest, I felt my erection grow harder and harder. I couldn't take it; I was more embarrassed than I had ever been in my whole life, but I couldn't just leave him there. I was afraid he was going to start laughing at me. He lifted twenty times, and I helped him set it back onto the rack. He dusted his hands off and let out a deep sigh, I was afraid he'd make a comment about my hardon, but instead, he acted as if nothing was happening. "Thanks," he said, catching his breath, "do you need to take any weight off?" "No, I'm fine, I can handle it," I said coolly. On any normal occasion, I would have bench pressed two-hundred and twenty pounds for my set of twenty, but I wanted to see if I could keep up with him, and maybe I wanted to impress him. I laid down onto the bench and I could feel the warmth from his body left behind. It felt good and it made me shudder as I reached up for the cold bar. "I'm ready," I said, and as he leaned in to help me lift the bar off the rack, I saw a bulge sticking out from his sweat-pants. I went wide eyed as I froze, watching his half erect dick come within inches of brushing against my arm. I snapped back to reality just in time to catch the bar and stop it from smashing in my chest. It was a lot heavier than I thought it was going to be, and my embarrassing, throbbing erection wasn't helping me at all. I lifted the thing twenty times, and the strain on my body helped my dick to soften up. As Rick leaned in to grab the bar from me and set it on the rack, I caught a quick scent of his sweaty musk, and while I would normally think of something like that as gross, it peaked my curiosity and I wanted to smell him more. I was transfixed by his rippling, trembling muscles all over his chest and arms as he lifted the bar up from me, and I could no longer stop myself from staring and smiling openly. I felt stupid and confused. What the hell was wrong with me? We worked out in the gym, rotating between exercises for about 45 more minutes when he signaled me back to the locker room. I agreed with him and as we got to our lockers, I tried not to look in his direction, but my damn peripheral vision was betraying me. I ripped my shirt off quickly and jumped out of my pants and as I tried to jump into my street pants, I noticed Rick walking away. "Showers are this way," he called out with his back turned to me. "Oh," I muttered, and followed in my boxers. I stepped onto the cold tile floor that was already running over in warm water. Rick was standing completely naked underneath a running shower-head with his back turned to me and I would not be able to last long seeing him like that, so I picked a shower facing away from him and got the water running. I found myself turning around every other minute pretending to wash my back, trying to catch a glimpse of his bare chest, but I could only see his tight, sculpted back and shoulders. I could not help but notice his glutes that rippled and hardened whenever he shifted his weight, and looked just as hard as the rest of his body; it didn't seem like the kind of ass that you'd find on a guy his age. I rushed back to my locker before he finished and got my clothes back on. I waited at the entrance while he got dressed. We met up with casual looks on our faces, and as we left through the exit of the gym, the sky opened up and with a crack of thunder and a torrent of rain came down upon us. We made a dash for the black truck as we were hit with marble sized raindrops that hurt more than I thought falling water could hurt, and we shouted inaudibly to each other over the roar of the rumbling asphalt. We were laughing and soaked but the time we got into the truck, and kept laughing until we got back to his house. He pulled into the lot next to my truck, and as the lights in the house were not yet on, we knew that Kelly hadn't made it back home yet. Chapter 3 It was pouring as hard as ever when we got out of the truck, but instead of running, we walked to the house. My clothes were soaked all the way through, and I could imagine Rick was in the same condition as me. We snuck into the house and he made his way for a light switch. "Damn, who would thunk we'd get hit like that?" he laughed at me, pulling his sweater off. I took my jacket off to keep it from dripping on the carpet but it was no use. "What a mess!" I said, looking to him for an answer as to what I should do next. "Let's get this stuff into the dryer," he said, and I followed him into the laundry room. It was dark as I nervously watched him slowly removing each piece of clothing he was wearing, as if he was teasing me or something. I could only see the silhouette of his muscular body in that cramped laundry room as he slipped his clothes into the drying machine. I took off my shirt and undid my pants, trying not to think about it. I tossed in my socks and stood there in my soaked boxers, watching him stare at me. "Don't you wanna dry your boxers?" he asked me casually. "Umm... I... think I'm okay..." I fumbled for a response. He sighed coolly before speaking. "Son, you don't gotta be embarrassed. We've seen each other's dicks already, it aint a big deal, alright? Big whoop, everybody's got one," his deep voice was soft and grainy and it seemed to really come through to me. I was soothed and comforted and I'm not sure why, but I smiled, and slipped my boxers down my legs with my thumbs. Out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn I caught a grin coming out from beneath his red and silver mustache. He shut the dryer door, turned a dial on it, and pressed a button. The machine started to whirl and hum, and he pointed for me to walk out of the room. I stood shyly in the shadow of the hallway as he turned and walked into a room I had not seen before during my previous visits. "Head on into my room," he said softly, "we can get you into some clothes while we wait for the dryer to finish." I was breathing heavily, and waited for a moment, watching him disappear into that doorway. I stood for what felt like forever before a light came on inside, and I nervously followed. "I got some shirts and some sweats that might be big on you, but you can just grab whatever," he pointed to a dresser. His room was tidy, with little more than a TV, dresser and bed. A humble lamp in the corner gave the room a fire coloured light. A thick curtain was drawn tightly against a window. He pointed to the door, and nodded at me. "Would you mind shutting it in case Kelly comes home real fast?" he asked. "Oh, yeah," I laughed, and turned around, pushed it shut, and instinctively, locked it behind me. I turned and couldn't even think to check the drawer for clothes. Kelly's dad stood facing me with his proud, ripped body of 50-some years and his beautiful eyes. For the first time, I finally could have a good look at his handsome, meaty chest that was blanketed in a smooth quilt of silver and red fur. It was thickest around his pecs, where his muscles came out like stones on a mountainside. His fur ran thick and wide down his abs; he looked like he could take a bullet without breaking skin. The flow of silver came down like a river around his gorgeous cock, and rippled down his great, sagging balls. How I wished my package could look just like his. He put his thumb up at the TV as he sat on his bed then laid back. "I just put a video on, you wanna watch?" he asked innocently, as if there wasn't anything wrong. He pressed a button on a remote and the TV came on. I saw what looked like a cheap porno with chicks with big breasts and faceless dicks prodding around like a pack of wolves. I stood in awe, confused and unsure of what to do. I mumbled in a dumb stupor. "Hey, don't think I don't know what it's like being your age," he spoke softly to me, and again, I was hypontized by his deep, entrancing voice, "things get kinda confusing, I know, and you don't know what you should be doing. I know what was going on at the gym. You go ahead, sit on the bed here and take care of it. I won't mind." Just like the time when we were at the bar, I felt like I had to do what he told me, because I felt like he knew best. I set myself on his bed and lay as far away from him as I could, looking up at the TV. I wasn't turned on at all by the porno, but knowing that my girlfriend's gorgeous, furry dad was lying naked next to me and I was on his bed with him was driving me insane. My dick was throbbing with blood harder than I'd ever felt it in my whole life. I put my hands over my face with embarrassment and shame. My breathing started to quicken as he spoke again. "What's the matter son? You don't know what to do? You go ahead and take care of yourself, you'll be alright. I don't mind at all," he said, his grainy, earthy voice shook my soul. What the hell was I supposed to do? What would my mom think of me!? Guys are supposed to be with girls, and they aren't supposed to do this kind of stuff around each other. This couldn't be right, but even if it was wrong, why did I want to see his body so badly, and why was I getting so fucking hard looking at him? I froze with my hands covering my face, and as I felt a rough, hair-covered hand gently rest onto my chest, I moaned aloud and thought I was going to die. His bear-like paw came over onto my chest and I covered my eyes even tighter. What the fuck was he doing to me? His meaty hand gripped my chest, gently, then hard, and my whole body shook with delight. I could not wait for what was to happen next, and at the same time, I was terrified that what I was doing was horribly wrong. What would happen if Kelly found out? She would break up with me and tell everybody at school and I would be a laughing joke for the rest of my life. Fuck, I was never gay. Why the hell was I in this situation in the first place? I peaked out of the corner of my eye for only a moment and saw Kelly's dad lying on his side gazing at me with his amazing eyes. He hummed deeply and softly, and when I saw his tongue come up and tickle his bushy, silvery mustache, I swear I thought I had squirted a rope of precum across my stomach. "You've jacked off before, haven't ya, boy?" he spoke in a seductive tone that I had never heard before, and I liked it. I whimpered as he began to run his hands down my tight, muscular body. His right arm came up and softly massaged my shoulder, squeezing me gently and letting me know that I would be okay. His left arm started up within my chest, rubbing and caressing me, pulling in and pushing out the air in my lungs. I moaned in ecstacy as he lowered his hand down toward my stomach and he began to run his fingers through the lines in my abs. All this touching was killing me, and my dick was starting to hurt from my raging erection. His rough, work-beaten fingers came down and brushed my pubes, as he leaned in closer. I pressed my hands over my face even harder. "I'm gonna take care of it for you, okay, son?" he whispered softly in my ear. He was so close I could feel his hot breath on my skin, and when his beautiful, bushy mustache rubbed against my ear, I thought I was gonna cum then and there. "Yes sir," I whispered back to him, I opened my eyes just a little and saw him smiling a grin that melted my heart. I started to lower my hands as he brushed my pubic hair, and we locked eyes. I loved the color of his hair, and his smile made me want to jack off harder than anything I'd ever seen or heard before. I smiled back at him, and as a big grin came onto his face, he wrapped his rough paws around my smooth dick. Just like the first time we met, he squeezed hard, and I yelped like a dog. It hurt so bad and felt so great, I felt like I could have cummed right then and there. The muscles in his hands were beyond belief, and I thought he was going to snap my dick in half. With his right hand, he massaged my shoulder, bringing his hand lower and lower until he had his hand around my hand. He pulled my hand to his chest and I instantly buried my fingers in his fur. Oh fuck, how it drove me wild, and I smiled like I never had before. It felt warm and beautiful, and I wanted more of it. He closed his eyes and let me explore his rock hard chest and abs, slowly and softly, until he put more muscle around my dick and squeezed even harder. He pulled my foreskin down hard and it hurt more than I knew it could hurt. He pulled my dick down, and even as hard as I was, forced my dick down until it pointed to my toes. I swear I never had felt anything so painful in my life, and I wanted him to do it more. I whined and whimpered like a sick dog. How beautiful my dick felt in his strong, rough hands. I wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do with me. I moved my hand down shyly and shuddered uncontrollably once I softly got a hold of his dick. It must have been at least an inch longer and a lot thicker than mine, and as I grabbed it with my smooth hand, I turned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. His eyes opened with a look of surprise, and as we saw each other, lost in a dreamy haze, I got my hands around his furry, wrinkly dick and squeezed with just muscle. The slab of gorgeous meat trembled in my hands, and I gripped as if my life depended on it and jammed it hard into his stomach. He winced and whined as if it hurt, and I smiled. He became harder and harder and I could feel the veins coursing through his old dick, pulsating with excitement. He squeezed even harder and tears started to roll down my face, it hurt so bad and felt so good at the same time. I tightened my grip and turned his dick in my hand, then cruelly tortured him, swinging it down as hard as I could and pointed it straight down toward his feet like he was doing to me. He cried out in agony and moaned out again and again, and I shoved and squeezed even further. His breathing picked up pace and he started taking gasps from his mouth, as if struggling for air. He squeezed me even harder and bent it even further and I thought he was going to tear my dick right off. I gripped with all the strength I had in my body and pushed as hard as I could. His body twitched and jumped with delight, but I was being so cruel I thought his old dick was going to snap off. "Good, strong grip," he managed to cough out between his panting and gasping for air. "Thanks... you too," I replied, struggling to breathe, and trying not to sound too cheesy. Suddenly he let go and my dick came up and slapped my belly. I instantly released my grip and saw his meat come flying up but instead it shot straight forward and slung precum onto my lap. "Fuck almighty," he gasped out, rubbing his head with his hands. I could do nothing but moan as I tried to catch my breath. "I haven't been this hard in years... I really like your body," he whispered to me. Oh, how I wanted to please him any way I could. I had jacked off since the eighth grade, and I sometimes thought about girls, but it was never really that pleasurable. Now that I was there with my girlfriend's dad and I could get to his dick, I was more turned on than I ever thought I could be. Fuck, I wanted to make him feel so good, I wanted to make his body rumble with delight and hear him moan aloud and have his dick and balls overloaded with pleasure. He came over me as I remained laying on my back, and he set himself sitting upright on my lap. He pushed himself forward so i could feel his great, furry nut sack rub up against me, and it was fucking amazing. I had never felt anything like it before. He lined up our dicks next to each other and I was caught in his eyes. I felt like I was melting. "Go on, son," he directed me in that deep, husky voice that drove me wild. I was going to do whatever he told me to do without question, and I loved it. I put my hand forward and held both our dicks together. His was a little darker of color, thicker, and about an inch longer than mine, and it didn't have foreskin on it. I was unsure of how to jack it off without a foreskin on it. "What's the matter, son? Aint you ever seen a cut dick before?" he laughed softly. "No sir, I've never seen any other dick than my own before," I answered, trying to jack him off. I kept my fingers low on his shaft, trying to massage him, but it was difficult, and he could see I wasn't sure what to do. He gave me that innocent smile of his, looked down and started spitting on our dicks. It was warm at first, then cool and slippery. Fuck, it drove me crazy, and as I felt his cock throbbing against my own, the room became a blur. I spread the spit all over dicks and started to jack it off hard. I was going to cum soon and I wanted to spray it all over him. I wanted him to ejaculate with me. The idea of his 50-something year old balls squeezing out juice and his wrinkly dick shooting cum and mixing it up with my own was driving me insane. I wanted it so badly. I jacked our dicks together faster and faster and he smiled me to. "Hey speed racer," he whispered to me, and I looked up into his eyes, "slow down some, and let's enjoy it." I stopped, and my dick was twitching, I was on the verge of spraying all over him. He grabbed my hand and laid it down on the bed. "Let me try something," he said softly, rubbing my stomach, "would you turn over?" I could not control the smile on my face. I didn't know what to think or what to do, but I wanted to please him. I wanted to please my girlfriend's dad. I turned myself over so I was on my belly, and as I felt his great furry body come down over me, I moaned in pleasure. He rubbed his mustache into the side of my face, and I felt his soft, warm tongue grace the tip of my ear. I was trembling with delight, thinking of all the places I wanted him to put that tongue. His rock hard dick was pressed flat against my back, and his silver fur, oh fuck, his silver fur, I could feel it everywhere, all over me. "I know you've been eyeing me," he whispered softly into my ear, letting his warm breath massage the side of my face. "I know you've been lookin' at me, so now you can get what's coming to you." Suddenly, there was a cruel, commanding tone in his voice, and my stomach started to turn over. What did he mean? I felt his rough hand brush the side of my ass. As he lifted his hips up from me, I felt him spread my glutes apart and set a finger over my ass, and with a sudden, terrifying force, jammed something hard into me. I cried out like a girl over and over again, and in agony, tears started to flow from my eyes. "Oh god, oh fucking god!" I shouted. What the hell was he doing to me now? "Just stay there, son. I'll take care of you," he said loudly. I could hear a smile in his voice. He pulled his finger out, then jammed it in hard again, and I thought I was going to faint from the pain. I felt like my ass was being ripped apart, and I had never felt anything so painful before in my life. I would have died to make the pain stop. Again and again, he jammed his finger in, then started to bend his knuckles, massaging my insides. Fuck, I felt like someone had taken a metal rod, set it on fire and shoved it up there. "Oh fuck, it hurts... Mister Carson, it hurts... oh it hurts really bad," I whimpered out pathetically to him. I was short of breath. "You asked for it, son. You were curious, and you couldn't keep your eyes off me, this is what you get," he said gruffly, grunting and panting along with me. He prodded around inside me until I felt like he was stabbing right into my stomach, and suddenly my entire body felt weak. "Here's your prostate," he said, as if he was some kind of doctor, "do you know anything about it?" "No sir," I answered weakly. He pulled his finger back then jammed it in hard, and I thought I was gonna cum a gallon then and there. I yelled out in ecstasy, suddenly the burning pain was worth every second. I groaned and grumbled and grunted from a pleasure I had never felt before as he shoved his finger hard in there and worked me like dough. He pulled his finger out and my hole burned like fire again. I knew what was coming next. "You have sex with my daughter yet?" he asked casually, rubbing my back with his rough hands. He leaned back, and I could feel him rubbing his warm-then-cold spit all over my hole. "No sir," I answered meakly. "Good man," he said with a grin, "are you ready?" I clenched my teeth hard, I was terrified. I knew it was wrong and I wanted to stop before it hurt anymore. I wanted to go home and tell my mom that everything was fine, I had a normal night just like any other and that nothing out of the ordinary happened, and I wanted to go to school the next day and still be Kelly's boyfriend. "No sir," I said, my voice trembling, "Mister Carson, I don't think I want to do this." But he did not hear me. His powerful voice rumbled like a bear's guttural roar, and like a buck knife, I felt his iron-like dick hammer hard into my hole. I swore that my ass had been torn wide open. "Fuck!" I shouted aloud. If Kelly came home then, my life would have been ruined. I started to flail and pick myself up from the bed. It hurt so bad. Tears were dripping from my eyes. His great paws grabbed each of my arms by the wrist and spread me wide. "Shhhh..." he whispered softly into my ear. His hips started to bump softly against my backside; he had driven his entire length into me in one shot, and I felt like I was going to throw up. Everything inside me burned like I was in hell. "Mister Carson, please... fuck it hurts so bad..." I was not sure what I was trying to tell him, but I wanted it to stop. "Shh... Good boy," he said softly. My words faded out into an incoherent series of sobs and pleads, begging him to stop, but he could not hear me. He was enjoying himself too much. The fur on his body tickled me as he started to pick up speed, not pulling up, but just bumping softly until suddenly he pulled his hips up, then slammed himself down hard, forcing his rock like dick farther and farther inside me, and each time he did, I felt like I was going to die. He howled like an old wolf, and his body shuddered with delight. Yeah, I wanted to please him but it hurt so badly. "Ahh, fuck! Mister Carson! I can't take it... it really hurts!" I shouted. I tried to free myself, but he squeezed my wrists and pulled my arms away from my body. He pressed his chest hard against my back and pinned me hard to the bed. It was apparent then that I could not fight his body of raw muscle. I heard myself whimpering like a dog. "Don't you call me 'Mister Carson' like that... you call me daddy," he whispered softly, his voice wavering with each downward thrust. I could not breathe with the weight of his body pressing me into the bed. "You call me daddy!" he said loudly this time, and I responded. "Daddy," I muttered softly, "Daddy, it hurts." "Do you want me to stop now?" he said softly, rubbing his mustache into the back of my neck and breathing in my hair. I waited before responding, trying to gather the air in my lungs. "No, don't stop. Cum," I said. Yeah, it hurt bad, but I had decided I would do whatever he told me. I wanted to please him so badly. He pulled his dick out, put his hands under my chest and flipped me over. As I got into my back, I started to rub my dick, oh god how I needed to cum, but he put his hand on mine and stared deep into my eyes. "You let me take care of it," he whispered. "Yes sir," I answered. He lowered his body over mine, and as I felt his chest fur rubbing against my skin, I shivered uncontrollably and the pain of the bestial fuck disappeared. He closed his eyes and I closed mine, and when his lips touched mine, I smiled. I felt his tongue sticking out of his mouth, and force my way through my lips, and soon he was exploring all inside me. His tongue would press against mine, massage my teeth, and then he would pull my tongue out and suck on it. Fuck, I had never kissed like that in my life. All other kissers in my life were nothing compared to my girlfriend's dad. I wanted him to show me everything he knew. I put my arms around him and hugged tight, and the weight of his body pleased my dick. I drove my stuff hard into his furry stomach, grinding and rubbing for my life. Fuck it was amazing, pussy felt like absolutely nothing compared to this. He kissed my lips one last time softly, then started kissing my neck, moving lower and lower to my chest, then down my abs. His hands explored my body; I was smooth all over, the exact opposite of him. "Ohh.. Daddy," I sighed deeply. I was definitely melting. I couldn't take the idea of my girlfriend's dad putting my dick in his mouth. I thought was going to pass out. "Do you like that, son?" he moaned to me, grinding his big, throbbing dick into my leg. "Yes sir," I answered with a smile on my face. I shouted uncontrollably with delight as he tickled my cock head with his furry mustache. Oh god, how I wanted to spray my cum all over his face and watch him lick my stuff off his mustache. Oh I knew it was wrong but I wanted it so badly. "Don't worry," he said with a big grin, "I ain't gonna bite." Then, the unthinkable happened; his lips reached my dick and he swallowed me. My dick trembled with ecstasy as the gorgeous mustache on my girlfriend's dad brushed in against my pubic hair, and he sucked and licked my cock. I swore I had never been so hard in my life as when he started to nibble on my balls. His tongue went everywhere I wanted it to, and every time he put my dick in his mouth, I had to struggle and stop myself from cumming. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I wanted this to last forever. I put my hand over his head and felt his hair; it was soft and silky, just like Kelly's. I messaged his head until he started nibbling on the head of my dick, and my mind went white with pleasure. Instinctively, I grab his head and jammed it hard down into my crotch. I heard him cough and gag, struggling for air as his teeth came down hard against my shaft. Whether it hurt or not, I didn't care. Exploring the back of my girlfriend's dad's throat with my dick was the most exciting moment of my life. I slammed his head down further and further again and again, each time gasping with delight; it felt amazing. He pulled his head up and looked at me with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. There was no need for words, we were loving what we were doing to each other, and that was all we needed to know. He put his hand on my throbbing dick, gripped it softly and gently pulled the skin all the way up until my foreskin was loose over my head, then all the way back down, until my mushroom was tingling from the fresh air. "I can't last much longer," I moaned. He turned himself around and lay down on his back next to me. He continued to softly massage my then sensitive dick, and put his other hand around his own dick. Fuck, his beautiful dick, after what he just did, I wanted to taste him, I wanted to eat him all up and feel his beautiful silver cock fur all over my face. I wish he would ask to fuck my mouth. I wanted it more than anything else. I was dripping with precum, and so was he. "Can I do yours?" I asked innocently. I could not believe the words that were coming out of my mouth. He turned to me and with a look of excitement, nodded slowly. "Please, son," he said. His dick twitched as I buried my hand in his chest fur and slowly made my way down to it. I moved slowly, enjoying the feel of his fur, spreading my fingers and rubbing his belly, watching him close his eyes and smile beautifully. Suddenly, without warning, he gripped my dick hard and started to work me. My body shuddered with anticipation. I instantly grabbed for his dick, and like my life depended on it. I jammed his hard meat up and down. Like a jackhammer, I slammed his dick into his stomach, but his hands were much bigger than mine, and every time he brought my dick back down, he smashed my balls and instead of hurting, it felt fucking great. "Fuck, boy! You sure know how to jack off," he panted. His breathing was sporadic and suddenly, I was bending him to my will. Suddenly, I was in control, and I could make him do what I wanted. The pleasure of it was overwhelming. "Son, make me cum, please!" He pleaded with me as he squeezed my dick, and I got harder and harder. "Fuck," I shouted to him, struggling to breathe straight, "I can't last much longer." My legs shot out and came together tight, and a second later, so did his. We struggled to fight against cumming as we jacked each other hard. It was suddenly a game of who could make the other cum first. I don't know what drove me, but I was determined to make him cum first. I was sure more than anything that he was thinking the same thing. My arm was sore and my muscles were burning; I had never moved so hard or quickly for anything before, but now that I was staring into my girlfriend's dad's eyes, and he was smiling back at me, I could not think of anything else. I wanted to be the one who put that smile on his face. Suddenly, his body rumbled like an avalanche was about to happen. His head shot back and his eyes shut tight. He looked like he was about to throw up as his face wretched in agony. He squealed like he was in pain. I was torturing him, slamming his old dick up and down, and he was doing to the same to me. He moaned and roared like a tiger, and then turned to me. He pressed his lips up against mine and I felt my dick rumbling, stinging and tingling with the most amazing feeling. Never had my cock felt as good as it did in my girlfriend's dad's hands. I felt like we were floating on thin air. He kissed me one last time as we locked eyes and we became lost in each other's gaze. My body was melting in his hands. "Son," he whispered softly into my ear. His voice was straining, and he was struggling to get his quivering words out. "Yes sir," I moaned out. I couldn't take his torture anymore. I clenched my teeth trying to hold back my roars of pleasure. "I love you," he moaned aloud, and suddenly he bellowed out like a beast. He gritted his teeth hard and shut his eyes as he thrust his head into my chest. I felt his rough shaven cheeks and soft mustache rub against my skin, and his silk-like hair shivering with delight. "Agghh!" he moaned out, and I jammed his dick faster than I'd ever jacked off before. He coughed and struggled for air, moaning and groaning and making guttural grunts. He gripped me harder one last time with muscle that he had been holding back, and suddenly I exploded like a volcano. I screamed with pleasure for the first time in my life. "Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" my cries mixed with his, and together, our chorus came to a great crescendo. A hot, thick juice shot out from his gorgeous, meaty dick and came up right to my face, landing on my lips as I shouted for more. I shouted for him to do me harder and he obliged. The entire room became a blur of colours, and it was like I was drunk all over again. I felt my great dick explode with unbelievable pleasure and I shot like a gun, slamming him in the face. He shot once more and a great stream spread from over my head, drawing a line down onto his head and onto my chest. I sprayed like a shotgun, spreading my cum all over his face and covering my stomach. We shouted and grunted like beasts as we continued to hammer each others guns. Again and again he exploded like a rifle, blasting hard and far, and again and again, I sprayed everywhere. God how I wanted that moment to last forever, and how it felt like it did last forever. Our hands came to a slow and soft massage as we worked each other's softening meat, and it felt just as good. I felt his tongue run across my tight abs, lapping up my spray. I too, wanted to know what it tasted like, so I liked it off of my lips. It was warm, slippery, and salty, and I wanted the old man's juice to fill my mouth. I wanted as much juice as I could get out of his balls. "Oh god, I've never cummed that much in my life," I said, trying to catch my breath. He moaned over and over again trying to regain his wits. "Fuck, neither have I," he said finally, licking my belly. He leaned up to me for a kiss, and he rubbed my cum all over my lips. I let him lick his cum all over my face as we sucked on each others tongues. He set his body over me and rubbed our cum in between us and into his fur. We hugged and kissed with our eyes shut tight, moaning and rubbing each other until we fell asleep. The pleasure of that night was forever engraved into my mind. We helped each other shower and clean up, and as I packed my things to leave for home, Kelly's dad put his hand on my shoulder and gently massaged me until I looked him in the eyes. "Don't tell Kelly, alright? She'll never let me hear the end of it if she finds out," he gently said to me. I returned his subtle smile, put my hand on his shoulder and rubbed him softly before replying. "Yes sir," I said. He continued to look me in the eyes and I stayed locked with him. I didn't want to leave him. Not now, not ever. "Listen, son, do you think Kelly and you will ever have sex?" he asked me softly and meekly, as if he wasn't her father. "I don't know... maybe, if she wants me to, but we'll use protection," I answered, and oddly enough, I wasn't uncomfortable at all. "I know you'll take good care of her... she's my little girl... but, I don't want you to forget about me," he said with his words breaking up. My heart felt like melting when I thought he was going to break out into tears. He started sobbing as he shut his eyes and his great shoulders rumbled with fear. I moved in close, stepped into him, put my arms around him and held him close. My dick was hard again, and he could feel it. "Don't worry," I whispered softly into his ear, massaging the side of his face with mine, "I won't be forgetting about you." We held each other standing in the hallway with our eyes closed for one of the most satisfying minutes of my life. I packed up and went home like everything was fine. It was pure luck that Kelly did not come home until after I left. I greeted my mom as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, and when I went to school the next day, I was still Kelly's boyfriend, and no one ever heard of what happened that night. The one thought that was to haunt me for months to come was one that burned like fire in my mind and never subsided: "Who do I want to go out with more, Kelly or her dad?" Written By 'Jay Dallas' December 17, 2007