My Mexican Bodega

Part 19

From the Delusional Mind


Eric Murphey

"Chuy, Juan its good to see you guys. The boys and I made fish because we know you like it Chuy. I hope you do as well Juan."
"Yes sir I like fish.' the boy answers me.

"Good lets head upstairs then."

When we get upstairs Emilio and Mario look at Chuy and Juan and Mario smiles.

"Hi Juan. I didn't know you were hanging out with Chuy."
Emilio looks at him with cold eyes.

"Hi Chuy." he tells one of our guests and promptly ignores Juan.

I already have the oven preheated so when they got here I could just put the fish in and that's what I do.

"Do you boys want to go into one of the boys rooms and play a game or you can play a video game here."
"Sure." Mario answers and he and Juan go into his room to play a game and Emilio sits at the table.

"Aren't you going to join them?" i ask him.

"No I'm good. I think I'm going to play with these math problems papi."

I give him a look he isn't used to seeing. Its disappointment.

He looks at me and I see the look on his face that he realizes I'm disappointed in him. He looks like he is about to cry but looks down and start on his math problems.

"HMM. Lets go sit on the porch Chuy. I haven't done that yet."

"That sounds nice its beautiful outside."
"Good. You want a soda?"
He grabs one as do I and we head to the porch and sit on the patio furniture.

"Its nice out here." he tells me.

"Yeah it is kind of nice. You can see a pretty good ways."

"Is that my house over there?"

I look.

"By golly it is. I can see your back yard from here. You know what that means don't you?"
"If you are running around the back yard naked we can see you." I say laughing.

He just chuckles.

"I uh imagine you were a little surprised to see Juan with me."
"I don't know Chuy maybe. But maybe not. So whats the story on that if you don't mind me asking."
"I don't mind. You know that I want to adopt a boy from the home. If I was better established in my career and actually had a consistent income then it wouldn't be a problem. But with my income being so......well, with it fluctuating so much they are having a hard time deciding if I can afford to have him even as a foster child. But it is something we both truly want."
"You love him already don't you?"
He nods his agreement.

"He has some serious issues for certain. But we are trying to work through them. Contrary to popular belief he is a good boy. Hes been a real um jerk for a good while now. But he said you talked to him and he realized the error of his ways and is trying to be better."
"I have noticed a difference in his behavior since we talked. All for the better I think."
"What did you say to him/'

I think if I should tell Chuy. He is my friend but I also told Juan I wouldn't tell anyone if he changed for the better.

"I told him I wouldn't discuss it."
"I'm hoping to be his father. You can tell me."
"No I really cant. It would be like you breaching the attorney client privilege. You wouldn't do that would you?"
"Of course not. But this is different."
"Chuy if I ever tell you that I wont discuss something with someone else you would expect me to keep that promise wouldn't you?"
"I get you. I was just curious."
"So are my boys and I wont tell them either. Its a private matter and it wont hurt him or anyone else. If it could cause harm to him or others I would tell you. But it wont so it will stay where it is. Between him and myself."
"I can respect that. Still curious as can be. But I respect it. So how is everything going with you and the boys?"
"Man I tell you what so much has been happening the past two days I can hardly get a handle on it."
"Whats going on?"
"Well, where to begin? I suppose with Emilio and his tutor. She is saying that he is a genius. She said that he can probably attend college next year."
"Oh really. We knew he was clever."
"Yeah but he is super clever I suppose."
"How do you feel about it?"

"I'm thrilled of course." I say and look down.

"Its a lot of things really."
"Such as?"
"Its just so much at once."
He waits for me to think and get my thoughts in order.

"First thing is I keep thinking he is just a fragile little boy. He just got out of the hospital. If he goes to a college somewhere else of course we will go with him. I cant have him living in some strange city or country on his own. I really love this little town and I would hate to leave it. But he comes first and I get that. But its a lovely community and people here seem to really care about each other. What if we move to say Boston or something. How will he react? Boston is a nice enough place I suppose. But sometimes there are not so nice people there too. Its dangerous at times. I am having hard enough of a time letting Mario walk to school here on his own. What will I do walk him to classes and sit with him through them. He wont stand for that and I cant blame him. But hes just a little boy."

"I can understand your dilemma.
"If we go to America another thing is he doesn't speak any English yet. I just didn't think it was important to teach them English. I mean we are so far from America here that we hardly see a tourist. Sure the occasional one that got lost. But really here he doesn't need it. Plus there are a lot of people in America that hate Latino people. I don't want to subject him to that either. He has had enough crap being an orphan and I just don't want to add that to his list of shit in his life."

"There are plenty of good universities in Mexico."
"That is true. But fuck Chuy what if he gets accepted to say MIT or Stanford? How could I say no to that? They are some of the best universities in the world. I want whats best for him. The problem is I don't know what is best for him in this situation. I don't want to be over protective. But I don't want to be a fool either."

"I know I'm a lawyer. But I cant help but think what Father Lopez would say."

"Pray on it. Don't think I haven't been talking to the Creator about this. Its just I don't have any answers. I think because I don't really have the questions yet either. I never realized how terrible it is to have to think about what to do for a son that's so bright. Its a gift and kind of a curse at the same time. If you get that."

"I understand what your saying. If he wasn't so smart you would just be able to go with the normal routine. Which is known. But the unknown has a factor of fear."
"Pretty much. Maybe there is a support group for parents in this situation.
"Online I'm sure there is somewhere you can look. Maybe MENSA has something along those lines."
"I will check later for sure. Good idea. I hadn't thought of that. But you are right its the unknown that brings me fear. I suppose I shouldn't fear something if I don't even know what it is yet."


"What would you do?"
"I don't know. Same as you are I suppose."

"Yeah but Chuy you are a lot smarter than me. You should be able to help me out here."
"No I'm not smarter than you. I just have a degree. When it comes to people you are way smarter than I am. So whatever you decide I know it will be the right decision."
"A great lot of fucking help you are." I tell him laughing.

He laughs at me.

"So isn't it better that you own a house now for the adoption?"
"It does help for certain. Its just the lack of consistent income at this point."
"Didn't the sisters put you on retainer?"
"Yes they did."
"What about Hector?"
"No he just had me do some work for him. He doesn't really need to keep me on retainer."
"HM this is a predicament. We live in a small town. How many lawyers are in town?"
"Just three others."
"What do they do for money?"
"You know."
He just nods.

We sit in silence for a while thinking.

"You know in America they had this thing I saw a few times called prepaid legal service. What they did is I think they charged a monthly fee and if you needed legal service you got so much for what you paid. So it was kind of like insurance in a way. Maybe you could do something like that. I know the people in town are pretty poor. But if you charged a few pesos a month I bet a lot of people would do that. Then you would have your income requirements met."
"That might work."
"How many people here you think have a will drawn up? As a matter of fact I need to do that. Actually as soon as possible. Because if I die now it all goes to a charity. Which isn't bad but I want it to go to my boys now."
"Sure we can get that done say Monday?"
"Absolutely. But you could start writing up not cheap but inexpensive wills for people. That might produce some income as well. Have like an introductory offer. Do your will for a hundred pesos. Something like that."
"Or a bit higher. That's pretty cheap."
"OK I don't know what people pay for things like that here. Hell I don't know what they pay for it elsewhere either."
I hear from the apartment.

"Papi the timer went off!!!"
"Better go get the fish out or it will be nasty dry."
We walk back into the apartment and smell the wonderfulness that is baked fish permeating the air. Its nice now but later I will air out the place. Don't want to smell it forever because it does tend to linger. I get out the fish.

"Sorry papi I couldn't figure out how to do it with crutches."

"No its fine I would rather do it then you risk getting burned."
I get everything together and ready and put it on the table and Mario and Juan get the table set. I was a little surprised Juan helped. But I suppose he is used to it at the home. Everyone there pitches in so it works smoothly.

We all sit down to eat and we pray first. Then dig in. The rest of the evening I sit and chat with Chuy. Juan and Mario head back to his room to play or talk or whatever they are doing. Not my business unless it will hurt someone.

At around 8:30 Chuy and Juan take their leave and its just me and the boys now. I look at Emilio. I want to tear into him for being so rude. He didn't even say a single word to Juan. It really upsets me because I can see Juan is really trying to turn over a new leaf. Hes trying hard to be a better person. Not just because I threatened him. But because he sees its a better life all around for him if he does. He is seeing the differences in the way people treat him. Now they are treating him like a nice boy instead of scattering anytime he is near. So I have had some time to think about this since we were visiting. Thankfully or otherwise I would have possibly been a little vicious or cruel in what I say to him. I need to remember this for future reference to think about things before I rip into them for something.

We all sit on the couch and I grab the remote and hold it in my hand.

"You know Jesus Christo is amazing.
"Sure papi." They both answer.

"Yeah I was thinking how great he is that you can sit and spit in his face for years and years. You can abuse him and kill him in your minds and hearts then one day you ask him to forgive you and after all you have done to him. He will forgive you and love you. The whole time you were abusing him he loved you too. That's pretty amazing that he will forgive anything huh?"

The boys don't say anything so I flip on the TV. We start watching this ridiculous show the boys just love. OK I like it too. But it is ridiculous.

A commercial comes on and Emilio says to me.

"Ill try papi."

"Its all I ask."
I wrap my arm around him and pull him closer and I don't want to leave Mario out and do the same for him.

"Papi will you do my behind tonight like you did Emilio's last night?"

"I think if I do I should wait until Friday night so if you have any discomfort from it the next day you wont have to sit on your butt all day. Poor Emilio has been squirming all day from it. I think maybe hes too young for it."

"It wasn't because it hurt papi. Its because I wanted to do it again."
Oh lord. I think.

We go back to watching the show and head to bed when its over.

When we get to bed you can imagine what happened. It was essentially last night all over again. But better because I knew I wasn't hurting Emilio. I must have scooted him halfway across the bed pumping into him so hard. I'm looking forward to tomorrow which is Friday I kept thinking as sleep over took me.

The next morning I wake up as usual before the boys and head to the bathroom. I feel kind of icky. My stomach is upset and I feel like.......................

Sorry had to stop and um release some things from my stomach. Oh gad I'm sick. I hate being sick. I cant stand being sick. I go and lay on the couch and feel hot and sweaty and just icky. Before I know it I'm back to sleep and I hear the boys making some cereal.

"I don't know. He was there last night when I woke up for a minute." Mario says.

"Why is he on the couch sleeping you wonder?" Emilio asks.

"Because I'm sick." I moan and my head is throbbing.

I hope its not the fish because I don't want my boys sick. Oh my goodness what about Chuy and Juan.

The boys are over next to me in a second. One is feeling my head the other is looking in my eyes.

"Stop it. GO wash your hands I may be contagious. Do you boys feel ill?"
"No papi I feel good."
"Yeah me too."
"Good, go wash your hands I wasn't joking." I tell them and fall back asleep.

Later I hear my phone ring and Emilio answer it.

"No hes sick. Sure I think he would be upset if I didn't see you today. Sure you know the way up right. Cool I will meet you at the door to let you in."

I dont want to be out here while he is learning I stumble into the bedroom and fall face first on the bed. I think I was asleep before I landed.

I wake up and look at the clock its nearly noon.

"Emilio." I squeak out. Oh it took so much energy to say it that loud.

A moment later he is by the bedside on his crutches.

"Bob, Lupe, lunch, you, tutor water please."
"Sure papi." He is back a moment later and said Bob is getting the lunches and his tutor is going down to get them. He holds the straw next to my lips and I take a swallow. I'm drenched in sweat. I feel awful its a good thing I zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I wake up later when Mario is feeling my head.

"School good?" I ask.

"I'm calling Father Lopez. You say he slept all day?"
"Yeah. But he hasn't been throwing up or nothing just that once. Oh then another time. So twice."
"I'm calling."
"OK good. He will help papi."

Next thing I know Father Lopez is shoving the thermometer in my ear.

"Yep 39 he is going to the hospital. Make sure its not his appendix."
"Cant be. Don't have one." I lift my shirt and show the scar. Back when I got it removed you got a nice gash on your side. Nowadays a little bitty spot.

"Better tomorrow or doctor."
"Boys go get some cool wash cloths and bring them back." He tells them.

A few minutes later they come back and they start wiping off my face and forehead. Oh it feels so good. I fall asleep again when they put one on my forehead and leave it there. I put the other on my neck it feels really nice there.

I wake up and its dark and I'm in the bed myself. Not something I'm really used to. But I feel like I'm starving now. I look at the clock and its 3am. Oh my goodness. I'm glad I have plenty of food in the house and of course the shop. So I know the boys didn't go hungry. I feel bad for not making sure they had supper. But I think I remember Father Lopez being here last night. Maybe? I'm not really sure to be honest. I get up and I'm dizzy and keep my hand against the wall to make it to the bathroom. I pee and its just a little and very VERY dark. OK I'm nearly dehydrated I think. I head to the kitchen the dizziness having left thankfully. I make some toast and drink two large glasses of water before its even done. I eat two pieces of toast and go check on the boys. I see them sleeping in Emilio's room snuggled together. I smile at them and decide I need more toast. I have two more slices plain and sit down with another glass of water and flick on the TV. I don't feel ill anymore. But I sure do feel beat up. I lay on the couch and what do you know next thing I know I hear two boys in the kitchen talking about me.

"He moved last night."
"Yeah. I see he had some toast. He left crumbs everywhere. He never leaves crumbs on the counter."
"You think hes better?"
"Maybe? He ate something anyway."
"I don't think I will be eating anything spicy for a few days. But I feel a lot better boys." I say and sit up and look in the kitchen.

Wow I feel gross. I just realized I just feel like a film is on me.

"I'm going to go shower. Ill be back out in a few minutes and I will make you some breakfast."
"We got it papi. You want anything?" Emilio asks me. Mario nodding his agreement.

Maybe a boiled egg or two. Some more toast for certain. No butter or anything on it."
"Kay papi."
I go and take a shower and man it feels like I haven't showered in months. I feel so grimy. I wash off my body three times until I feel clean again. Washed my hair the same. I get out, dry off, get on some clean sleeping pants and a t-shirt. I head to the kitchen and my plate is waiting for me. I could get used to this. This isn't so bad. I sit down and eat one egg and a slice of toast. I eat the other and man it is like the best food I have ever eaten. I know its because I haven't eaten in a minute is why.

"Papi you want some juice?" Mario asks me
"No I don't think I better push it. Water will be nice though."

A moment later a glass of water appeared in front of me. Perfect timing because I really wanted a drink. Minds a little slow still. I didn't realize I was thirsty until he said something. Then it was like the Mojave invaded my mouth.

"Papi are you going to mass this morning?" Emilio asks me.

I just shake my head.

"You think it would be OK if Mario and I go?"
I look at him like he is crazy.

"Alright. You can go. Its only three blocks. You do that on your crutches around the apartment everyday. I'm sure you are antsy to get out and do something."
He looks at me like he heard me wrong.

"You want us to get anything while we are out?" Mario asks.

"No just back here safe and sound."
"Thanks papi." Emilio tells me.

Thing is I know he truly means it. I've had the poor boy on a pretty short leash and that's not fair to him. Hes a boy and he will get hurt. There is no doubt about it. I doubt he gets hit by a truck again. So I need to let them be boys. I hate it. But its true and I know it. Because honestly they are pretty self sufficient boys and the only thing they need me for is love. Because they had everything before. They get dressed and head to mass. I decide to check my emails and holy crap Mr Eric finally returned my email. I know he is super busy so I'm glad he did.

OK I talked to my friend and we think we have found something that will interest you. He has a swing set, merry go round, the bouncy things, You know the things on springs the little ones like to bounce back and forth on? He said what they are called I cant remember. Still thinking about the rodeo and everything else here. He has a curly slide and a straight slide as well. All this for 12 grand. The problem is its about that to ship it all to where you are. I know you aren't poor but I also know you aren't rich. I have a couple offers. First I just pay for it all. Second I pay for the items and you pay shipping. Because no matter what you say im helping on this. So decide which option you want to go with and let me know.

I'm really very happy that you have found two boys to adopt. I never thought about adopting either. But let me tell you I have never been happier in my life. Or as tired. You need to send more pictures though. I really cant put into words how thrilled I am for you. I doubt very much if the boys and I will be able to make it down to their adoption. But please let me know when it is. We may not be there in body but we will be there in spirit.


I just shake my head and smile. He was always the best boss. Even better than Mr Brown who I never thought I would find a better boss than him.

I wont bore you with the details of the email I sent. I will just summarize. I told him about the recent scare we had with Emilio and how well he is recovering. I told him about Emilio's tutor pointing out how bright he is. I joked he got that from his mothers side. Finally I told him I would take option two. Like he said I'm not poor. Not rich like him though that's for sure. But I am possibly the wealthiest man in the town that isn't in the cartel. Those guys probably make in a day what I make a year. Maybe I make that much.

"We are leaving now Papi." Mario tells me and gives me a hug and kiss. I help Emilio down the stairs and get my hug and kiss from him there. They head off and I go into the shop and stock some things and make a mental list of what we need to get tomorrow. I get all that done in pretty good time. I probably should have gotten dressed. But sleeping pants and a shirt isn't like I'm naked or anything.

I glance at my phone and think. I should have given it to them in case of an emergency. I'm getting them both one tomorrow. They are careful and take care of their things. It will make them feel good and me happier knowing I can just reach them with a push of button. I think about it and think you know why not just do our shopping today and get phones today. Because I'm not sure the phone store is open tomorrow. It might be but in Mexico its hard to tell. Some stores close on Sunday some don't. My shop is closed on Sundays still. I figure show a little respect to our Creator anyway. I go upstairs and get dressed. I'm feeling pretty good now. Not normal but pretty close. Still a little sluggish but Ill be fine. Maybe I should wait until tomorrow. But I don't want to so I'm not. When the boys get back we get in the truck and head to the phone store first. We get them phones and they as I figured they would be are thrilled. Their contact list is not so big yet. Its me, Father Lopez, Chuy, and Sister Carmancita as well as each other. So they will be getting loads of texts. I get ones from Father Lopez reminding me to pray. Like I need that one. I only get like three texts a day myself. If its in my pocket it scare the shit out of me. We get back to the truck the boys all smiles. I climb in and they are looking at their phones and grinning.

"Now a few little rules. First don't download anything unless I say its OK."
"Mine craft papi?"
"Thats fine." I sigh.

"Second rule. Don't loan it to anyone. If they need to make a call OK. But that's it. Most important rule. If you ever send me to voice mail I will kill you. Its that simple. You wont have to worry about being grounded you will be dead."
They giggle.

"We promise we wont send you to voicemail papi. Dont we Emilio?"
"Sure we wouldn't do that to you papi."
"Good. Now lets go shopping."
"Papi you still feeling OK?"
"Sure why?"
"You are sweating a lot."
"Its hot."
"Yeah but maybe we should wait and get you home." Mario tells me.

"No I'm fine. Lets get it done while we are in town. But I'm so taking a nap when we gt back."
That's exactly what happened too. Shopping then nap. We did get a few new items to try out. I don't have hardly any empty shelf space left now. Everything I carry we sell. If not I just get rid of it and replace it with something that sells. No point having something collect dust when the space could generate a few pesos for the home. I'm just saying. When we get back we put everything up and I nap until morning. Some nap huh?


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Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!

Yes I said it three times. If you guys havent read this story you need to right now. You all know im not a fan of the supernatural stories and it is kind of one. Sort of but not really. You will understand when you read it. Nifty Archive: adult-youth/the-lost-boys-of-plummer-park That's the link and let me tell you what. This writer has some real talent. I do alright. Better than some worse than others. But this guy he stands out high and above anything I've written or even thought abut writing. After you read the first part email Olem and tell him how much you love it. I don't care if you have never written a writer before. This guy deserves it. So just do it.

Jack may be nimble, Jack sure ain't quick. But, he sure did indict that orange prick.

Peace Love and Happiness
