Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 09:10:12 +0100 From: ben erikson Subject: Growing Up in England: My Summer with Carl. Episode 1: A Refuge. June-August 1976 June 17th 2001 ben erikson: Growing Up in England: My Summer with Carl A story by Ben Erikson Episode 1: A Refuge. June-August 1976 It had become one of my favourite places ever. In three months - one of my favourite ever. A refuge, a place of adventure, a second home almost. Which was convenient since my first home was right next door where I lived a normal boring life with my parents, though my Dad was rarely there. Why a refuge? What was I hiding from? My parents loved me. I knew that. They looked after me well and didn't mistreat me. They were solicitous of my emotional needs, made sure I got regular sleep and didn't overdose on Mars bars, took me to the zoo and, occasionally, the cinema and the very occasional spankings I'd endured had been so lovingly administered that they left me more giggly than contrite. I probably deserved them too. God's truth, I was about the most well-adjusted boy in my class at school. I was really happy sometimes. Sometimes sad and angry and bad. Mostly just getting on with it. Normal. Boring. Then I met Carl. He had moved in next door in June and seemed to spend his days making exquisite furniture in the basement, sensitive abstract paintings in the otherwise empty garage and playing the piano. He was almost 18 and thinking what to do now he had finished school. His parents had set him up in the ramshackle property that bordered ours and which had been empty for nearly two years and sat back hoping against hope that they were doing the right thing. Carl was one of those lavishly gifted youths who actually chose to let his talents flourish only in private. He had zero ambition. He was happy as could be. Ours was a swift courtship and, on my part at least, a most active one. Soon I had Carl teaching me the strategies involved in chess and backgammon, how to hold a brush and to play a boogie-woogie bass-line. I was spending most of my holiday sitting on the floor of his bedroom trying to handle his guitar and posing self-consciously for him to sketch my profile. We painted a bathroom together, drinking glass after glass of Cherry Cola in the hot afternoon and putting brushes down only to pee, me first with a modest tinkly trickle then Carl with massive splashy abandon. I began staying over at night, sleeping in Carl's enormous bed when I got tired, with only enough energy to kick off my shoes and sling my short trousers into a corner and lie there in my T-shirt, socks and underpants between the single sheet and one thin blanket. Carl painted his pictures all night in the garage, climbing dog-tired into his bed at 4.00, 5.00 or 6.00 o'clock, checking on me, that I was well asleep and covered up and easing his naked frame next to me and falling asleep in seconds. Often I'd wake first and lie there, still as I could be, watching Carl and calling him awake by sheer willpower, the rousing music of my loving gaze. The first few times, he'd see my face intent on his and stutter his eyes half-open, roll onto his back and sigh his lovely, deep and, apparantly, meaningful sigh and check his watch. It didn't seem to matter what time it was, gone 8.00 or 10.00, (one day he kicked me out at half-past six - I had to wake my Mum to let me in to my own house!), he'd sigh again and say: "Time you were off, little boy" or something like that and pull me up, gather my discarded socks and trousers for me, dump them on the bed and head downstairs to find his door-key. He was totally unselfconscious about his nakedness in front of me and I'd watch him bend to collect my shoes, his strong, thin body, tight, hard buttocks, the dark passage briefly here exposed, his wild and shocking mass of pubic hair, his thick and bulging penis, which swayed heavily with a seeming life of it's own and drew my eyes, my mind. One time he woke to find me cuddling his back, still dozing greedily. He shrugged me off, groaned once and turned his body round to me and with his long, strong hands grasped my buttocks and pulled me close to him. His hardened cock nestled and grunged against my Y-fronts, lifting up my T-shirt. Gratefully, I pressed him back with mine as best I could, although an erection was beyond me. I'd wanted this since - well, probably since I saw him first and now my mind circled somewhere up above the bed, eyeing through the blanket this extraordinary act. Before Carl, I'd never seen a grown man's penis, not up close and least of all, erect. Nor realised the sweet power of it's sticky grasp of life. Already, it had become one of my favourite places ever, a refuge, a place of adventure, a second home almost. My Mum loved him. She thought he'd erected a camp bed for me in his downstairs living-room, a glass of milk set on the floor. One night in mid-August I sat up for hours watching him add small detail to a silvery lunar landscape that covered most of one wall. Sustained only by Cherry Cola and the comfort of being such an accepted, silent presence, it was not until nearly 2.00 in the morning that I collapsed into Carl's bed. He was still working in the garage, wouldn't return to the house until about 7.00 o'clock, just a few minutes after I woke up as it turned out. In any case, I woke up with a start. I knew straight away where I was but didn't know quite what had woken me. Only that something had. I felt good enough, tired, but not sick or anything and I didn't want to pee. The sudden warm sensation already cooling onto my thighs alerted me at once and the enormity of the situation hit me. I pulled up the blanket and felt the sheets and mattress beneath my legs. I knew straight away why I didn't want to pee - it was way too late for that. I felt under me in large panicky swipes with my hand and immediately wanted to cry. Just to sit there, lie there in my pooling shame and cry. I had pissed what appeared to be the entire contents of a litre bottle of Cherry Cola onto Carl's bed. Not even just onto it. Into it. Into it's very fabric, it's structure. The timber frame was probably already beginning to rot, the metal screws eaten away by my all-devouring torrent of pee-pee. My underpants were a write-off. I leapt up already breathing hard and considering my options. I could sneak out somehow and avoid Carl for the next, say, 10 years. Maybe go abroad. Stowaway on a ferry, get to France or Spain and ... The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs jolted me back to a weird sort of clarity and I immediately improvised a rumpled no-stains-showing arrangement with the blanket and stood waiting nonchalantly for Carl to arrive. He came through the bedroom door and looked at me as if he'd never seen me before. I was breathing hard and barely holding down the hysteria but, I think, pretty cool under the cicumstances and with a 50/50 chance of getting away with it. "Have you peed your pants?" he said, perceptively, looking right at the yellow stain which covered my sagging Y-fronts. Such sudden discovery caused a complete moral collapse in my heart and I ran for the door, not able to look him in the face. Only three people in the whole world knew I wet my bed on occasion. Me, my Mum and Wasim, a younger little boy from my school whom I had somehow been singled out to look after. He's stayed the night once. We'd put a spare bed up right next to mine (a glass of milk set on the floor)and life was sweet except it was that night I was wet for the first time in weeks. But I knew that he would never tell anyone. Listen, I just knew, OK? Carl came down a couple of minutes later with sheet and blanket bundled up. He carried them straight past me to the kitchen where he stuffed them into the washing machine and left them there. By now I'd got over the crying - I'd sobbed noiselessly but very wetly and with lots of runny snot - for about 30 seconds and then got a grip of sorts. I wasn't completely over it. I wasn't exactly clear-headed. I wasn't yet responsible for my actions. I was 10 years old for God's sake. I wasn't legally responsible for anything. Yet there was no getting away from the one action I clearly had sole responsibility for - the depositing in Carl's bed of copious amounts of my very own pale, yellow-staining, no doubt slightly-cherry-flavoured piddle. "Blow!" he said. He was holding out a large white handkerchief. I took it and cleaned up my snotty face. He watched me intently for what felt like a long time even though I'd finished blowing and wiping and had handed the stained rag back again. He looked drained and unable or unwilling to move. Eventually, he folded it into the pocket of his jeans. "Come on, then" he said, wearily. "Let's get you cleaned up properly" He pulled me by the arm and guided me from behind with a firm hand on each of my shoulders. As we approached the hall he gave my bottom a light tap. "You know where to go. I'll get some towels" I made my way to the shower room and sat on the stool in the far corner whilst Carl busied about in the linen closet. "Things off" he called from behind the door but appeared with the towels before I'd had time to do much more than get my socks off. "Come on Benj. Get a move on." I was used to his jokey scoldings and the twinkle in his eye that usually accompanied them but this time he seemed genuinely annoyed at me or just plain weary of my presence. You can't blame him. I stripped off, draping my rather smelly underpants over the radiator while he got the water going and tested the temperature. He might scold me but he'd never scald me. I stepped into the shower area. It was a walk-in arrangement like a public swimming pool with room for two or three at least but only the one shower head. "Alright?" he asked. Still sounding a bit pissed off at me. I just nodded and concentrated on watching the water cascade down my chest, reach my shrunken willie and splash out round my feet. I kept my hands at my sides and my head down. "Over here." Again, a brisk command rather than the usual gentle coaxings I loved so much to hear from Carl and which I would do anything to earn. I had gone into myself a little and evidently hadn't moved fast enough for him, for he grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the other side of the shower area away from the water. "Hands out" he said. I looked at him blankly and for a moment I had the idea that he was going to smack me over the hands. "Benjamin. Hands out!" I did as I was told and he poured the shampoo carefully into my cupped fingers. "Go on, love. Give your hair a good wash." I think the "love" was to make up for calling me Benjamin rather than Ben, Benj or Benji. There was clearly hope of a peace treaty here. But it was early days and I calculated my best course of action was to do as I was told and keep quiet. The numbing effect of the hot water had worn off and my brain had started working again. Whilst I rubbed shampoo into my hair, Carl took a large dollop of shower gel in his long powerful hands and without a word began soaping me, starting on my right leg around the knee and downwards, very thorough, very methodical. Then up again, cupping both hands round my thighs and rubbing vigorously up and down, each stroke bringing his hands nearer to the underside of my barely emerged scrotum. He then repeated the operation on my left leg. His clothes, already smeared and flecked with different paints, were now spattered with water and soap suds. "How're we doing?" he asked, softening his voice for the first time. I still thought it prudent to keep quiet and didn't want to talk much anyway so I just caried on massaging my scalp. I was getting a fine old mop of white soapy suds. Carl bent down and very tenderly edged some soap away from my eyes. The delicacy of his fingers always amazed me, knowing as I did just how strong his hand could be. Carefully and very lovingly he massaged round the most sensitive parts of my face, pausing only to play the extreme tips of his fingers over my Summer freckles. His face was very close to mine and there was something truly adult about his breath, his grace, his tired gaze. For one second, half a second, he kissed the end of my nose, something he knew I liked and I relaxed again. "OK" he said, straightening up. "No more messing about. Lets get this boy clean!" The tone was brisk and business-like again but lit up from within with a barely concealed smile. Very much his usual voice, in fact. His usual voice with me anyway. He began again with some gel on my chest and arms. I put my arms up and let him soap me all along and under. Then he rotated me sideways and began massaging my lower back with his left hand and my stomach with his right. I had still a bit of puppy fat in those days and he patted me gently to see it wobble. Then it was straight down to my bottom and penis which he rubbed with tremendous vigour up and down and around. I felt a ghostly spasm of hot joy as his fingers work around what he called my "little acorn", and with the pressure of his hands on front and back of me I began bulging straight away, although my penis was still very small and little-boyish. Carl grabbed it and gave it quite a squeeze which shocked me a little. He then pulled me back into the shower to rinse off. "Right. Bend over" he said. I looked up at him a long second, trying to calculate how hard a smack, how many, my wetting his bed would deserve. But he had that lovely, light-filled grin on his face and I knew right away that I had nothing to worry about. "Just this once", he said, "I'm sending you home to your Mum a good deal cleaner than when you arrived." He bent me over gently and with his long index finger traced the path of my crack from my lower back to right under my sac, making sure it was well cleaned out. He kept this up a bit, getting more forceful each time until the tip of his finger penetrated my rectum on it's final approach, just long enough to make me shudder with pleasure. Then it was water off and a thorough towelling down. I ended up sitting on his knee wrapped in his giant-sized bath robe, my penis now as fully erect as I could remember and not bad, I thought, for a ten-year-old. Again he gave me a fond little kiss on my nose and again on my cheeks. He murmered quietly now. "I'll give your Mum a note about your underpants so she'll know they need an extra good wash." I looked at him appalled with a tight knot already forming in my stomach. "Carlie..." The "Carlie" I reserved for special pleadings only. Carl burst out laughing. "Of course I won't, you sausage. Leave them here. I'll wash them and you can pick them up tomorrow. We can't have your Mum thinking I'm kidnapping her baby and performing unspeakable things with him can we? Even if it is true." We both laughed. This was a fantasy we had built up one bored afternoon. "Seriously though, Benj. I don't know how long you've been wearing those pants but you probably needed clean ones yesterday at least. Doesn't Mummy do laundry anymore?" I aimed my second-hardest punch at his arm. Apart from his widening grin, it appeared to have zero effect although maybe, in a way, it did. All the energy seemed to go from him at once. "Go on. Get dressed. I've already had enough of you for one day". He set me on the floor and paused long enough to see me sweep open the robe and reveal my erection just as it began to wilt slightly. "And you can cover that up for a start" he laughed as he turned and left me to get dressed. "And no playing with yourself!" he called up. "I'll talk with you downstairs." As it turned out, Carl was too tired to give me whatever "talk" he'd been planning for me. He simply held me before I left and kissed my nose one last time. "I really don't care, you know." He whispered. "Really. And I won't tell." He hadn't needed to say that last bit. I knew he wouldn't. Listen, I just knew, OK? By the time I had slipped away from his front door, I'd worked out a plan. I'd go back home, get my Mum to make me breakfast, feign illness and spend all day in my own bed. Playing with myself as much as I liked.