Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2004 22:24:17 -0400 From: rhaven Subject: The Next Tomorrow Chapter Nine This is a story from imagination, nothing more; it could not exist in our reality. Be warned it is a tale of man/boy relationships with some bad language. I'd like to thank my dear friend Astral Toad for helping me with this story. All Good things must end. If you like this story, please visit my site for more at The Next Tomorrow By Rhaven CHAPTER NINE Mark and I ran through the woods, passed the tranquil lake. I prayed to God for the first time in years to keep my Mom safe. Without me there at home, Mom would take the blunt of Greg's anger. "Please God; don't let Greg kill my Mom!" I said silently as I ran. We burst out of the woods just in time to see Greg hit my Mom across the face. "Leave her alone!" I screamed, so angry that I couldn't think straight. I didn't think about the fact that Greg was bigger and stronger than me, nothing else matter but the safety of my mother. "Well look who's here." Greg laughed and pushed my Mom to the ground. "Jonah! No, get out of here, he's insane!" Mom cried and tried to grab Greg's leg, but he kicked her off easily. "Little mother fucker, thinks he can ruin my life? Telling stories about how mean I was to him?" Greg laughed again and headed for his tow truck. "You want `mean', I can give you `mean'." Mark grabbed me by the shoulder; it took a second for my brain to register what he was saying. "He's got a rifle!" "RUN!" My Mom screamed desperately. If Mark hadn't pulled me, I would have remained motionless. Finally, the reality of the scene became all too real and I followed Mark back into the woods. "Oh God... Oh God!" Mark cried as we zipped through the trees. "Where do we go?" He asked. "I don't know." I cried. I didn't need to look behind me, I could hear Greg stumping through the woods after us. We ran blindly, with no direction or escape. There was no way I would head to Sean's house; Greg would kill him for sure. There was nowhere for us to hide other than the Dragon's Lair, but couldn't imagine being trapped up a tree as Greg shot at us from the ground. "You can't ruin my life!" Greg screamed. "Everything was going great until you fucking opened your mouth!" Mark stumbled and fell, my heart pounded as I yelled for him to get up. I yanked Mark back on his feet, angry with my friend for being so clumsy, didn't he realize that our lives where in danger? Suddenly I heard the sound of thunder and Mark fell again. "Mark come on, we have to go! Mark!" I screamed and tried to drag him back on his feet, but his body was limp like a rag doll. In the middle of his back, I watched as blood seeped through his shirt. I blinked my eyes hard, trying to erase this horrible scene before me, but the blood remained. "Mark? Mark are you all right?" My friend didn't move nor did I as Greg walked up next to us. "Look what you made me do!" He screamed and hit me with the butt of the rifle. "This is all your fault, you little shit! Your friend is dead because of you!" "Mark's dead?" I said weakly, holding my hand over my now pounding forehead. "We could have been happy." Greg said almost solemnly. "But your pal, Sean Ponca had to go sticking his nose where it didn't belong. I was making a new life here in Archer and it could have been great." His face grew red with anger and I stared numbly as he pointed the rifle at me. "I ain't waiting for the police to come and get me!" He screamed. "I--I don't know what you're talking about." I yelled back. "Please, we need to get help for Mark!" "Fuck your friend and fuck you! Do you think I'm stupid? Your dumb ass mother told me about the police report Sean has and how they were going to get me! Did you really expect me to stay around and get screwed by you?" "I don't know what you are talking about!" I screamed again. "Oh fuck this." Greg smiled menacingly and aimed the rifle at my head. Someone flew passed me and hit Greg in the chest. I screamed and fell backwards as the rifle fired, the thunderous boom deafened me. Sean was on top of Greg, wrestling with the rifle. They rolled over and over, slamming into trees and logs. I tried to stand back up, but a sudden sharp pain from my right arm knocked me back down to the ground. I stared at the blood oozing from my arm and puckered out my lip in wonder of how I had hurt myself. Then I realized, I had been shot, that was when the pain really hit me. My arm throbbed and gushed blood, too much blood. I started to yell to Sean that I was hurt, but stopped when I saw Greg hit him hard across the jaw. I prayed for Sean to get up, but he only moaned and rolled to his side. Who would save me now, who would save Mark? The maniac stood, laughed threateningly and brushed off his jeans before retrieving his rifle again. "Leave him alone!" I screamed. "Shut the fuck up!" Greg yelled without taking his eyes off Sean. "So the hero of the day thought he could take me down. What a fucking joke. You think you're better than me, just because your dad's some fucking singer? You ain't shit!" Sean sprang at Greg, knocking to the ground. I was shocked at how quickly Sean had moved and apparently so was Greg. "Enough of this shit! You have bullied and hurt everyone around you." Sean punched Greg in the throat and then the nose. Greg tried to hit Sean with the rifle, but Sean snatched it from his hands and threw the weapon into the darkness. I was having troubles keeping my eyes open; I was puzzled on how I could be so sleepy at a time like this. My neck felt like it was made from rubber, my head rolled to the side and I frowned, the woods were illuminated by an eerie flashing red glow, I must be hallucinating. Then I saw several men approaching us cautiously, it was the sheriff and his deputy. I gritted my teeth from the pain in my arm and forced myself to stand. "Over here, please help!" I yelled to them and started to wobble on my feet. I rolled my head around to see Sean hitting Greg once more, the vision made me smile, he truly was my Tarzan. No he was better than Tarzan. Then the ground hit me, it felt like it had defied gravity and slapped me in the face. I saw sparkling stars dance in front of my eyes before a complete blackness stole my sight and I fell into an endless void. "He's waking up." "Oh thank goodness." "My sweet baby." I blinked my eyes open and quickly looked around. I was in a strange room that smelled like rubbing alcohol. White walls, white ceiling, everything was white. Mom, Sean and some woman I didn't know hovered over me. "How are you feeling?" the woman dressed in white asked me. I tried to sit up, but Sean stopped me with a hand on my chest. It was then I realized my right arm was in a sling. "Where am I?" I asked Sean, my whole body hurt as I moved, from my head down to my little toe, everything ached. "You're in the hospital." Mom answered weakly. I noticed she was having difficulty looking at me. Flashes of my horror with Greg came back to me and I remembered all that had happened. "Mark! Is Mark all right?" I pushed aside Sean's hand and forced myself up. "Where's Mark?" The adults looked at each other and I could tell they had bad news for me. I started to cry for I knew that my friend was dead. Why did it have to be Mark to die? There was no one sweeter and more caring than Mark. "It should have been me." I said quietly. "It shouldn't have been anyone." Sean said. The next week was a blur to me. I pressured Sean to tell me all that had happened that night with Greg. I had imagined that Sean had gotten the police there, but was surprised when I learned it had been Mom who had called them. Sean had been talking with the sheriff, but after the phone call and discovering that I wasn't in the house, he had raced into the woods in search for me. It took Sean a while to figure out I wasn't in the house, he thought I was playing `hide & seek' with him. I thought that was funny, I could picture Sean tiptoeing through the house looking for me; he had to have looked the fool, throwing open door and yelling `got you' to an empty room. However, the more I thought about it, I was ashamed I hadn't told Sean I was leaving the house, it was stupid of me. My only problem now was my mother, she was a complete wreck, every time she came to visit; she started to cry and blamed herself for all this disaster. I can't say that I wasn't anger with her, I was, but she had made a mistake and I couldn't hate her forever, she was my mother and I loved her. I tried to hide those memories I had of her and Greg, but it was difficult. At night, I suffered from constant nightmares, of Greg sneaking into my hospital room and killing me. There was nothing Sean or Mom could say that would stop those nightmares, it was something I had to control and I knew it would take time for me to conquer this fear. I wondered if my Mom would ever date again. How could she, without thinking of making the same mistake again. This made me sad, I had Sean, Mom deserved someone too. Though I hoped it wouldn't be too soon. Ronnie came to visit a few times, but things had changed for us, Mark's death had affected us both. Being together only reminded us, that Mark was gone. I had always thought that Ronnie was our leader, but I was wrong. Mark was our bond; there couldn't be any leadership or followers without Mark's devotion to our friendship. Ronnie was only another kid I knew from school now. During his few visits, it was apparent we had nothing in common, nothing to talk about. I'm amazed that we had become friends in the first place. I didn't hate Ronnie nor did he hate me, we just weren't compatible without Mark's cheerfulness and smile. I would miss Ronnie, but I had Sean, who came everyday to cheer me up from the boredom of the quiet hospital. Some days we wouldn't say anything, just having him there was enough. Other days, Sean would bring a book and read to me. I loved lying there in bed with my eyes closed, imagining the story as Sean masterfully read as he changed voices for each new character. "What did Greg do?" I asked one day. "I'm sorry, what do you mean?" Sean asked looking up from the book he had been reading to me. "He thought the police were coming for him... were they?" Sean closed the book and frowned slightly. "I had a private investigator find everything he could on Greg. Apparently he was wanted in Dallas for the murder of a Bar owner." I nodded and sniffed as I felt my eyes fill with tears. "Why did he have to kill Mark?" "Little Man..." Sean reached out a hand and patted my leg. "He was going to kill everyone that night. Some people are just plain evil, life means nothing to them." I nodded again and stared up at the plain white ceiling. I was still wishing that it had been me. Now that Mark's funeral had passed and I wasn't allowed to go, those feelings were even stronger. Sean had gone to the funeral and I made him describe it in detail. I was glad to hear that almost the whole town of Archer had attended, Mark would have liked that. Sean stood and kissed my forehead, somehow he could tell when I was thinking too hard and need that kiss. "Let me tell you something, little man. Some times bad things happen, if we can't find someone to blame, we blame ourselves. But the truth is, no one is at blame, no one can predict the mind of evil. Don't let Mark die, he can live on in your memory. There is no better tribute to a person that to remember them and tell their story." "I'll always remember Mark." I vowed. Time passed, and I returned home with Mom. We had a lot of damage between us, but I was willing to work on it. I felt bad for Mom, with her blaming herself for Mark's death and all the terror Greg caused. It was a long road Mom had to travel to recover from all this pain, but I was going to be there for her. Together we would smooth over the evil of Greg. I'm amazed how one person can change the life of a town, Greg was like a hurricane, he destroyed everything in his path. Now he was finally in prison, hopefully for life. His brief time in my life would affect me forever. As would Sean's arrival, but his affect was for the better. I've heard people argue the idea that there is no such thing as good or evil. But they do exist, they aren't just a unconscious choice of decisions, whether to kill or not to kill. Evil is real, it has a face, for me it's Greg. I don't care if his childhood sucked or if he got fired from one too many jobs, he was evil. I walked through the woods, momentarily looking up as I passed the Dragon's Lair. I imagined Mark looking down at me, with that smile and raccoon hat on top of his head. "Hi Mark." I said to my friend's memory. What could have been, what would Mark done with his life? Been an actor, a doctor or maybe a politician? It didn't matter now, to the rest of the world Mark was gone, but not for me, he was with me forever, eternally my young friend. "Greetings and salutations." Sean said as I approached the Plank. "Water looks inviting." I looked out across the lake. The peaceful view was comforting. "Today is a good day for a swim." I said smiling. "Today and tomorrow and the next tomorrow." Sean laughed. Sean continued staring out the window, whether he heard my story... our story, I wasn't sure. Greg, Mom and even Ronnie had all passed away, joining Mark into that dark beyond. Only Sean and I remained from those days. But I was the last to carry the torch and that thought scared me. Our story shouldn't be forgotten, it couldn't be. I held his hand and sighed, joining him in gazing out the window. What was he looking at; perhaps it wasn't outside that held his interest. Maybe he searching for a reason. A reason for life, for this disease that inflicted him now or perhaps he was searching for the lost past. "Nice day for a swim." I said tenderly. "Always a good day for a swim." Sean answered. I nodded and kissed his aged cheek. Nothing else was said between us, words weren't needed anymore. We sat and stared out the window, waiting to see what the next tomorrow would bring. The End