Date: 13 Dec 1998 08:18:15 -0800 From: Subject: The Havens The Havens by Thole When I'd finally arrived the night before it was dark after long delays in traffic construction and tortuous serpentine narrow secondary roads with a profound lack of signs. The GPS was most remarkable in finding the front gate of this camp which in the end had a large welcoming sign. Upon completing the registration process the rather portly gentleman who'd buzzed me in and now stood behind the counter directed me to a slender youth draped against the chill night in a long pull-over. I could see by the way his garment clung to his lean frame that he had nothing on under it but beyond that I was not attracted to him and this I think he sensed; but in any case he was friendly and attractive--if only he'd been ten years younger. The young man mounted an electric cart and led me off between rows of closely arranged permanent trailers and prefabs to find my site for the next three days. After helping me park and get connected to the services he said by way of good bye that he hoped I would not mind, that he would send my boy around in the morning, it was already too late, the kid was asleep. Before I had a chance to formulate a question he was gone. In the morning I was up with the sun--which is not saying as much now in September as it was back in June and July. It was a cool dawn, the warm sun streamed in through the east windows but the heat was on anyhow. I made coffee and went to sit outside. No boy appeared but eventually this same youth, nude this time, bicycled up the rise. His cock bouncing from side to side across the horn of his saddle was certainly exciting him and as he dismounted under my awning he swatted at his tumescence saying --down boy, down. And immediately it subsided. --I saw last night that you had a bike, he said, so I thought I'd come round that way, instead of with a golf cart, and take you for a bit of a show around. The boy who is supposed to be here is proving a bit recalcitrant. Tony led me back the way we'd come last night to a place where several kids were playing on a wooden junglegym and swings. They were in various states of dress, between 4 and 6 years, but for one who looked 10 or 12, red haired, blue shorts. Freckles accented the light tan of his shoulders and thighs. We stopped our bikes on the road above the play yard and a couple of the younger boys waved and called out to Tony. His elbow touched mine as he said: --What do you think? Pick one. The red-head, I answered, I'd like to see if he has an all over tan. Good choice, Tony said, that's the lad who's supposed to be with you. Its his turn to be the guest-boy. I asked him what that meant and Tony explained that the office of guest-boy was a chore-responsibility-privlege that rotated among the 10-12 year-old members. This weekend was the big volley ball tournament at White Wolf camp and all the other older kids were there to serve on the youth team. Kevin, that's the red-head's name, is one of the better players and so he is particularly unhappy to have pulled guest-boy duty this weekend. Kevin! I hollered, come here. The boy snapped round at the sound of a strange voice calling his name and Tony waved him to come up to us. The boy shrugged to his playmates and walked up the rise, his bare feet shushing through the first of the fallen autumn leaves. Tony introduced us and reminded the lad of his responsibility. The boy looked at me with firey green eyes that said if I hadn't called ahead for reservations there'd have been no guests this weekend and he'd have been away instead of standing here being angry about it. Tony broke the ice by getting off his bike--it was a fine rugged machine, as electric blue as the boys shorts--and offering it to Kevin: --Here Kevin, I'll trade; your shorts for my bike, just for the weekend, eh, and you can show our guest around. The boy's anger dissipated with a broad smile as he quickly kicked his shorts to the ground and then flipped them with one violet painted toe up to Tony who put them upside down on his head like a chieftain's headdress. --This guy's got a really cool van, he said to Kevin, you're really gonna have a good time. The newly naked lad biked off with me; his all-over tan just as I'd hoped. We rode side by side on the gravel roads and he pointed out all the features of The Havens. --The showers ain't so great 'cept for the one at the pool. You can't really get together under them cos someone's always gotta hold the water on. Was that a hint I wondered to myself as I told him I could fix that. I already had when I took a shower last night. There was just a shower wall across from the van. Not even a full blown toilet, just a wall, and enough of a box to hold the water heater. Hot and Cold taps graced the wooden wall but the shower head had been replaced by one of those kitchen sink spray nozzle hoses. A water conservation measure Tony had said earlier. Later I'll show you how, I said in response to Kevin's question, perhaps I can get you to wash my back. --I'll wash yours if you'll wash mine, he said, as long as I don't have to hold the water on at the same time. I asked what this guest thing was all about and he went off with a long story of his last turn when the guest he had to wait on was some fat old man who only wanted to drink beer and lay in the sun like some blubbery, smelly elephant seal. At night all he wanted to do was watch some stupid movies and drink beer and pee. Usually, he said, the guest-boy shows the new arrival to his site and helps him set up and then takes him around the camp and shows him where all the things are. Then he's on call if the guest wants anything. Anything? I asked. --Ya, this green eye'd devil smiled, like taking out the garbage, or getting a bag of ice, or guiding him on the nature trail, or anything else he wants; some of the older kids even do massages and things. Do you do massages? I asked. He said he hadn't learnt how yet so I said I'd be happy to teach him. --Cool! he said. Fancy that you should mention elephant seals, I said. I've just come from where they live and have lots of show&tell stuff you can look at and I have a couple of videos you might find pretty exciting. --Cool! he said again. We spent the rest of the morning riding around the camp, through mowed fields and trails, racing sometimes and then other times stopping to rest in the grass. I took a few opportunities to show him some massaging techniques--feet and calves, shoulders and neck. He would occasionally try to hide the erection of his otherwise short penis and I would coach him to let it be. Along the way I learnt that the reason why most of the kids at this camp, and probably at the others as well, wear shorts most of the time outside the pool is that its better than having to drag a towell around all the time. And the reason why there's hardly any kids over 13 is that most of them have hard-ons all the time and they get embarrassed. Too bad people are so hung up about germs and sanitation that kids have to carry towells; or for that matter, that anyone has to have a towell around all the time. Back at the van we had a late lunch and I laid him out on the picnic table outside and demonstrated more massaging. After a nap we went to the pool and then a walk along some of the nature trails we'd ridden earlier. All too soon it seemed the afternoon was getting chilly as the shadows lengthened. Back at the van again he helped me cook supper and we ate together. He was mine to do with as I would as long as he wanted to stay with me so we were making the best of it. After he'd done the dishes I put on _For A Lost Soldier_ and with that playing in the background I got out all my show and tell stuff and took him on a tour around the world. When the movie was moving into the end game I got out the body lotion and we took turns working over each other and nibbling on popcorn. Kevin thought it pretty funny when the Canadian soldier pulled the young boy into the shower with him then he got pretty serious when the man told the boy he thought the boy was something special --Do you think I'm special? he asked, looking up at me as I worked on the insides of his thighs. He was sitting astride my bum, his lotioned hands massaging my shoulders when the soldier leaned over his special friend and the boy squinted as if in pain and bit on the man's finger. --What are they doing, Kevin asked as he leaned over me, his heaving chest sliding in the lotion on my back. --What's the soldier doing to him? But then in a moment of rapturous discovery, in that event we know of as "A-Ha!", he figured it out for himself. Later, as he lay beside me, he asked if what he'd done was ok and if he had to let me do it to him and did it really hurt the boy. And could he do it again. -30-