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            Operation Angel Rescue

by Erastes
Copyright 2019 by Erastes
Chapter 46 – School’s in Session.

I spent a great deal of time doing laundry over the weekend.  This included the new clothes I’d just purchased for the boys, our riding garb, the bedding, and the typical daily accumulation of clothes, towels, and other items.  While I was involved with this task, the boys were doing their own thing, but I would corral them from time to time to take care of the items that came out of the dryer.  It was a busy time. 

By the time Sunday night rolled around, I was exhausted and wanted to get a good night’s sleep before heading into school in the morning.  I made the boys turn in early as well, so they would be more alert than they were on Friday morning, and after some minor protests they finally relented.

When we woke up on Monday, I went downstairs to fix our breakfast.  After we ate, we all got dressed and I made sure the boys grabbed their backpacks before heading out the door.  I drove them to school, and prior to their getting out of the SUV I gave each one his lunch money and some information. 

I’ll probably be spending most of the day at the high school, but I’ll be back to pick you up later.  You can either wait for me outside or in the cafeteria if you want to get a head start on your homework.” 

You really think we’re gonna have homework the first day?” Jamie squawked. 

Maybe not a lot, but you’ll probably have some homework.  It may just be a reading assignment, but it may be more than that as well.” 

Dang, I thought the teachers would at least wait ‘til tomorrow before they did that.”

Not necessarily, but I’m glad you’re already watching your language.  I don’t want any of you swearing while you’re at school, because that wouldn’t reflect well on any of us.” 

K, I’ll be careful,” he basically agreed.

Yeah, we’ll watch what we say too,” the other pair concurred. 

They then got out of the SUV and headed into the school.  I’d advised them over the weekend that they should go to the guidance office first to pick up their schedules, and I just hoped they remembered to do this and were satisfied with their class assignments.  As soon as they had entered the building, I drove over to the high school. 

I went directly to my office and began to get my things organized, and then I went to the guidance office to see if there were any issues they wanted to bring to my attention.  I was informed that there were a few new students this year, although none of them needed my immediate attention, so I headed to the main office to sign in.  Along the way, I chatted with a few of the other faculty members, as well as some of the staff, and as soon as I reached my destination the principal asked if I would help monitor the hallways until the students got settled in.  I agreed and went out to see if I could assist anyone, as well as doing whatever else that was needed to keep things running smoothly. 

I continued roaming the hallways until the first period started and the corridors had cleared, and then I returned to my office.  I stopped to pick up the folders for the new students along the way so I could peruse them and see if I spotted anything that required my attention.  After I finished, I went over my notes from the previous year to remind myself about which troubled students were still attending the middle school.  Once that was done, I went to the guidance office to get copies of the schedules of those students so I could check up on them.  I thought it would be best to see how they were doing after being in a non-structured environment for the summer.

During the lunch hour, I chatted with the teachers in the faculty room to see if they had anything they wanted to bring to my attention, but it seemed that everyone was getting off to a smooth start.  How long that will last is yet to be seen. 

Since nothing much was going on at the high school, I went to the main office to let the secretary know that I was heading over to the middle school to see if I was needed there.  She told me she’d let the principal know and they’d call if anything popped up, so I drove over to see what was happening at the other location.  After signing in at the main office and letting the secretary and principal know I was in the building, I headed to the guidance office to see what was going on there.  The secretary addressed me as soon as I walked through the doorway. 

Mr. Schultz, I met your sons this morning and they all seem really sweet.” 

Yes, they’re great kids and I hope they manage to fit in.  Would it be possible to get copies of their schedules so I can see which teachers they have?” 

Certainly.  I still have the master copy for each one on my desk, because I’ve been too busy to file them away yet.  I’ll make a quick copy of each one for you.”

Thank you.” 

When I looked them over, I was pleased to see that they’d been assigned to some of the more experienced teachers, although Jamie’s schedule had one name I wasn’t familiar with.  I’m not sure, but I think it belonged to one of the new hires, and Jamie had that person for English.  I’ll be interested in seeing what the boys have to say about their teachers on the ride home, as well as during dinner this evening. 

After I’d checked up on my sons’ schedules, I asked if there were any problems I should be aware of or whether there was anyone I should meet with, but nothing of that nature had come up yet.  Since I didn’t have anything to do, I headed to the faculty lounge to see who was on their free period, and I discovered one of the new teachers there. 

Hi, I’m Eric Schultz, the school psychologist. 

It’s nice to meet you, and I’m Betsy Tokos.  I teach English and just started this year.” 

I know, and I believe you have my youngest son in one of your classes.” 

That’s possible.  It is way too soon for me to remember all of their names and faces yet.  This morning has been overwhelming.” 

I’m sure you’ll adjust quickly and I look forward to talking with you again, once you’ve adjusted and settled in.” 

Thank you and I look forward to chatting with you again as well.  By the way, what is your son’s name?  I’ll look for him now.” 

It’s Jamie Schulz.  He’s on the quiet side, so you might have to draw him out a bit.” 

That’s fine, but I don’t remember reading his name in my earlier classes, but there have been so many that I might have just forgotten.  It’s also possible he’s in one of my afternoon classes.” 

I grabbed the boys’ schedules from my pocket and glanced at them again.  “You’re correct.  He’s in your last period class.” 

Then I’ll definitely look for him.”

I was surprised there weren’t more teachers in the lounge at this time, but the others might have stayed in their classrooms to organize them a little better.  After all, it was only the first day, and since there was no one else around to talk to, I decided to take a walk and see if I might spot anything out of the ordinary.  As I was doing this, I heard an announcement. 

Mr. Schultz, please come to the main office.” 

It appeared that I was needed for some reason, and I hoped it had nothing to do with my sons.  However, the announcement would definitely alert the boys that I was in the building now.  When I got to the office I was able to breathe a sigh of relief, because the principal was standing with a young man I hadn’t seen before. 

Mr. Schulz, this is Jorge Garcia and he just enrolled.  The problem is, he emigrated here from Guatemala and we don’t have any school records for him.  I was hoping that maybe you could utilize one of your psychological tests to determine which grade he should be placed in.  His English is limited, but I’ve been able to get some information from him.  He told me his age, but he wasn’t able to tell me much about his academic background, since the schools in Guatemala are vastly different from ours.”

Certainly, I’ll do what I can.  Jorge, if you’ll come with me, I’ll see if I can determine which grade you should be in.” 

I spent the rest of the afternoon asking him questions and giving him aptitude tests that didn’t depend on his grasp of the written language.  His verbal skills were crude, and I felt his literacy skills would be even poorer, so I utilized other techniques to determine his skill level.  One thing I would definitely need to do is to ask the Spanish teacher to work with Jorge on his English.  I’m glad this particular school district offers French and Spanish to middle school students, because I took German in college, not Spanish.  I thought it would help me gain a better understanding of my ancestral heritage. 

When the final bell rang, I waited until the hallways had cleared before I went looking for my sons.  I headed directly to the cafeteria and found Jamie and Dakota there. 

We heard you being paged, so we knew you were somewhere around here,” Dakota began.  “I thought you was gonna be at the high school today.” 

I was there until lunch, but there was nothing for me to do so I came to see if I was needed here.  Do either of you know where Glen is?” 

Yeah, he went to the bathroom.  He said he’ll be back in a little while,” Jamie answered. 

Ok, and as soon as he gets here we can go home.  So how was your first day?” 

It was good and I was able to meet some of the other kids in my classes,” Dakota replied. 

Me too, and they seemed pretty nice,” Jamie followed. 

I thought they would be.  So did any of them ask if you were related to me?” 

Not at first, but they started asking me that after the announcement asking you to go to the office,” Dakota responded. 

A couple of the kids asked me if we was related before they heard the announcement, and then my English teacher said she’d talked to you about me earlier.” 

Yes, I met her when I went to the faculty lounge.”  Just as I was finishing my comment, Glen walked in and joined us. 

Are you ready to leave now?” he asked. 

Yes, as long as you all have everything you need.” 

Yeah, it’s in my backpack,” Glen confirmed. 

Same here,” the other two agreed. 

After we got in the SUV, I decided to enquire about something else.  “I take it that you all had P.E. today, so were you told that you needed to get gym clothes if you didn’t have them already?” 

Yeah,” they all concurred. 

Then let’s head over to the sporting good store so we can get those items now.” 

They merely nodded, so I drove there to pick up the last of the items the boys needed for now.  After going inside, we found where those particular items were on display, and then I helped the boys select the correct sizes.  I had them try on those items, and once they changed they came out so I could see how the shorts and shirt fit.  Once each boy had the correct sizes, I paid for everything and we headed home. 

On the way there, the boys told me about their classes and their initial reactions about their teachers.  They also informed me that they had a little homework to do, but said it shouldn’t take very long to finish, so I suggested they do it first, while I was working on dinner.  They complained that they wanted to take a break and that they’d do their homework later.  They insisted that they wanted to do something different, such as get on the computer and play video games, but I told them they could do that after they finished.  Following a little more discussion, they eventually relented, but before they took off to do what I’d asked, I had them drop their gym clothes off in the laundry room.  I wanted to wash those items before their next P.E. class. 

While they were doing as I’d requested, I went out to the kitchen to start working on dinner.  When it was ready, I called the boys down to eat, and as we were chowing down the boys told me a little more about their classes, teachers, and some of the other students they had met.  They didn’t remember the other students’ surnames, but occasionally I would be able to figure out who they were talking about.  I did this by piecing together the first name they gave me with the description of what they looked like, which helped me to make more sense out of what they were telling me. 

I hope I can be friends with the boy I met in math class,” Jamie told me.  “His name is Aaron and he’s small like me and really cute.” 

And I bet he has blond hair and brown eyes,” I responded. 

Yeah, he does.  How did you know that?” 

I know him and he’s one of the boys I suspected might be gay.  I’m not sure if he is, but I got that vibe from him.” 

I don’t know if I’m gay either, but I hope he will be my friend.” 

I hope so too, because he’s a good kid.  He lives with his mother, and although I don’t remember what happened to his father, I know he isn’t around.” 

That’s just like me too.  Well, before my mom died.” 

And that’s how I came to work with him, because his mother told me he needed a man to talk to about certain things.  I believe that might also mean she’d be willing to let him spend some time with us.” 

I hope so, cuz he seems really nice.” 

From what the boys were telling me, I concluded they were with a different group of kids for nearly all of their classes, which was sort of unusual.  For the most part, the administration kept the same group of students together for each of their classes, unless of course a particular student was either remedial or exceptional in a particular subject.  Since my sons had registered late, it seems they were placed in the classroom with the smallest number of students, so they didn’t remain with the same group all day long.  That may work in their favor, though, because they’ll get to meet more of their peers this way.  Since the other students already knew most of the others in their grade, this wasn’t as necessary for them. 

When we finished eating, we cleared off the table and took care of the dishes, and then I told the boys to bring their homework to me so I could check it.  They obviously weren’t used to doing this, so they complained briefly, but I explained it wasn’t optional.  I advised them that they were to explain what they’d been assigned as homework, even if it was just reading.  I would then check to make sure they understood the assignment and it was done well.  I also informed them that they could ask me for help if they were having problems, but I expected them to finish their assignments each day after they got home.  Since I worked at the school, I reminded them that the teachers would inform me if they were falling behind or not doing well, and if that happened there would be consequences. 

After they showed me their homework and described their reading assignments to me, I agreed to watch TV with them once we agreed on a program.  Unfortunately, we were tired from the long day, and the boys were mentally exhausted from their studies and homework, so we found ourselves dozing off before the show ended.  When I realized this was happening to all of us, I sent them upstairs to shower and hop into bed.  Morning would come quickly, especially since we weren’t used to getting up so early. 

The next few days went pretty much the same and the boys were starting to make a few friends.  Each of them had found others in their classes that they began chatting with, both before and after class, and they even started eating lunch with some of them as well. 

I sat with Aaron at lunch yesterday and today and he’s pretty nice,” Jamie told me on the ride home on Thursday.  

So you’re friends now?”

Yeah, I guess so, cuz we like spendin’ time with each other.  He told me about his mom, so I told him about my mom dyin’ and you adoptin’ me.” 

That’s good, and I’m glad you’re getting along.” 

Yeah, and I’m hopin’ that maybe he can stay over with me some time.” 

Let’s not rush things.  I think you should get to know each other better first, and I want you to get settled into your classes before you start inviting people over.  You’ll be able to do that in a few weeks, so just hang on until then.”

Ok, but I think he’s gonna be my best friend.” 

I thought I was your best friend,” Dakota challenged. 

You’re my brother.” 

So that means we can’t be friends?” 

Yeah, we can be friends too, so Aaron will be my best friend who’s not my brother.” 

Oh, ok.” 

Nice move,” I whispered to Jamie after their discussion ended, and he just looked up at me and grinned. 

I also thought the boys were getting off to a good start academically.  They’d been doing their homework every night and I’d been checking it over, and their assignments appeared to be well done.  When I praised them for their efforts, they told me that the programs they’d worked with on the computer had helped them, and I was pleased to hear this. 

The middle school had a faculty meeting after classes ended on Friday, so the boys went to the cafeteria to work on their homework while I attended the meeting.  Before it started the art teacher, Mr. Bull, came over to speak with me. 

I have your son, Dakota, in my art class.  As you know, it’s part of the fine arts curriculum and Dakota is already displaying that he has considerable potential.  I was hoping that I could convince you to get him to join the art club, because I’d like to use that time to help him develop his talent.” 

I know he likes to doodle, but I didn’t realize it was more than that.  I’ll be happy to mention this to him, but the decision will have to be his.” 

That’s all I ask, but I hope he takes advantage of this opportunity.  Tell him the first meeting will be held after school on Tuesday.”

Ok, I will, and thank you for the information and for your interest in him.” 

Once I finished speaking with Mr. Bull, I went to take a seat.  Before I was able to sit down, however, Mrs. Finnegan, the vocal music teacher, came over to speak with me next. 

I met your son, Jamie, in my class this week and he has a really sweet voice, even though it’s already starting to change.  I’d be more than willing to help him develop his talent and was hoping you might convince him to join the chorus.  We’ll be having our first practice after school on Wednesday, so would you please encourage him to attend?”

I’ve heard him sing in the car before and realized he sounded pretty good, so I’ll talk to him about joining the chorus.  The decision will be entirely his, though; because I won’t pressure him into doing anything he doesn’t want to.” 

That’s fine, but I hope he decides to join us.”

As I was taking my seat my head was spinning.  It seems that two of the boys have some hidden talent that I was only mildly aware of, so I’ll have to speak with them to see if they are interested in acting upon either of these opportunities.  I just hope Glen won’t be jealous, since his name hadn’t come up, but I wouldn’t hold either Jamie or Dakota back because Glen didn’t have his own opportunity. 

As I was thinking about this, the meeting started and the principal began to go over the various items on his agenda.  This included giving us a copy of this year’s school calendar, which listed the dates of the school holidays, the teacher workdays, and the dates when grades were due for each report card period.  It also listed the payroll schedule, since we were paid bi-weekly, and as soon as he covered the last of the items he dismissed us.  I got up to leave, but before I reached the door Mr. Gallo, the instrumental music teacher, came up to speak with me. 

Mr. Schultz, may I have a moment of your time so I may speak with you about your son, Glen,” he began.  “As you might know, we have an informal testing session with all of the new students to determine their musical aptitude, and we did this during the last period on Wednesday.  I’m pleased to inform you that Glen did extremely well on it, so I met with him yesterday during his free period to test him further.  I learned that he is well coordinated, has good muscle memory, excellent rhythm, keeps time well, and he’s able to pick up on different patterns.  Due to those skills, I believe he would make an excellent choice for the percussion section of our band and I’d like to start giving him drum lessons.” 

I was slightly overwhelmed, since we were now batting three for three, but I controlled my reaction long enough to respond.  “What exactly would it entail?” 

I would conduct a lesson with him once a week during school hours and he’d also have to meet with the other students for band practice.  That happens every Thursday after school, and I hope he’s interested in doing this and you’re willing to support his efforts.” 

I’ll discuss it with him and see what he has to say.  I’ll let you know next week what he decides.” 

After we said our goodbyes, I headed to the cafeteria to get the boys, but I wasn’t going to tell them about any of my discussions with the various teachers just yet.  I would do it later, because I wanted to be able to speak with them about this so each one would know what the others were involved in.  As I told the various teachers, I’d explain the opportunity to them, but the decision was theirs alone.  I wasn’t about to pressure them into doing anything they weren’t interested in. 

The boys jumped up and started walking toward me as soon as I reached the cafeteria.  They were apparently eager to go home, so I led them out to the SUV and we hopped into our seats.  During the ride, I asked them about their day and they filled me in on how it went and what they’d done.  It was pretty typical stuff and they told me stories about their teachers and classes, as well as some information about the students they were getting to know.  This continued until we reached the house.

Once we went inside, the boys raced up to their rooms and I headed to the kitchen so I could begin fixing dinner.  I was just getting started when my cell phone rang, and when I looked to see who was calling I noticed it was Paul. 

Hello, my friend, and I’m a little surprised to be hearing from you on a Friday night.  What’s the matter, is your social calendar empty for tonight?”

Not exactly.  I’m actually calling to ask you for another favor.” 

Uh oh,” I mumbled, knowing what this probably meant. 

It’s not that bad, but there’s another boy I think you might be able to help.” 

Paul, this isn’t a good time.  The boys and I have just finished our first week of school and are just getting settled in.  I’m not sure I’ll be able to take on something like that right now.” 

Actually, it’s the perfect time, because this boy wouldn’t have missed much yet and shouldn’t have to do a lot to catch up.”

That’s true if we’re only thinking about the boy, but I also have to consider my sons and myself.” 

Come on, you can do this.  I know you can.  Besides, I really don’t want to lock him up.  He’s just another kid who has had some bad breaks, just like your sons.  Let me tell you about his background and you’ll see what I mean.” 

Paul, I’m telling you this isn’t a good time, but I will give you the courtesy of listening to what you have to say.”

Great.  His name is Shawn Roberts, and his first name is spelled s-h-a-w-n, not s-e-a-n, and his parents lost custody of him when he was 9-years-old.  It seems that his parents were running an online sex site out of their home and this is what led to his becoming a ward of the state.  At first their sex site merely consisted of the two of them performing sex acts for their paying customers, but then they got greedy and brought others into their little scheme. 

They’d been making good money from those signing up and paying to view the site, but they felt they could do even better if they hired others to start performing on the site as well.  Unfortunately, it was the constant flow of people entering their home that gained the unwanted attention of their neighbors.  They reported the suspicious activity to the police, because they thought Shawn’s parents were dealing drugs.

When the police executed a search warrant, they discovered what was really going on.  The police learned that they’d been taping the performances in their living room and the parents’ bedroom while Shawn was in his bedroom and could have easily witnessed what was going on.  Child Protective Services was called in and they took custody of Shawn, and he has bounced around from one foster home to another since then.  It seems that he finally had enough of being constantly moved from one place to another and ran away.”

That’s a very sad story and it’s similar to what my boys had faced, but I’m still not convinced I can help him.” 

With his situation being so similar to your sons, it’s precisely why I thought of you.  You’d be perfect for him.” 

How old is he and how did he get brought to your attention?”

He’s a little older than the others, because he’s already fourteen and should be a freshman in high school.  Our department was contacted because he’d been picked up at a grocery store for shoplifting.  Store security observed him hanging around the first three days this week, and seeing he was obviously school age they were curious as to why he wasn’t in class.  They began observing him closely and discovered he was stealing food, so they apprehended him and contacted us.” 

It was very careless of the boy to do that during the day after school had started.” 

I agree, but he must have either forgotten or not realized that school was in session already.  He’s probably gotten away with stealing from that store all summer long, because security didn’t focus on him until after classes got underway.  Before then, they probably felt he’d just wandered away from one of his parents and wouldn’t have thought twice about him, so he was able to get away with what he was doing.” 

Yes, it was unfortunate for him that he got caught, but I’m not sure I want to take in a thief.” 

From what we can tell, he was only stealing food.  It doesn’t appear that he’s been stealing money to pay for what he needed, and he wasn’t stealing other items to sell for cash either.  He was merely doing this to avoid going hungry.” 

I suppose that’s not quite as bad then, but if he’s gotten away with it for this long then he might be prone to try stealing other things as well.” 

There isn’t any indication that he would do that, but I’d prefer it if you took him in, rather than me locking him up.” 

I hesitated before I responded, but eventually I spoke.  “How soon would I have to decide?” 

I was hoping I could take him out of the holding cell and drive to your place now.” 

There’s nothing like adding a little pressure in your attempt to get me to do this.” 

Come on.  He seems like a nice enough kid.” 

I’d prefer to actually meet the boy and chat with him before I make my decisions.” 

Then let me bring him to your place and you can do that tonight.” 

What if I decide he probably won’t fit in?”

Then I’ll bring him back with me and lock him up again.” 

That sounds cruel to give him hope only to dash it later.”

I don’t feel it’s as cruel as driving him over to juvy and leaving him there.” 

I suppose not.  Ok, I’ll let the boys know you’re coming and explain what’s going on before you get here.  I’ll want to talk to the boy alone first, and then I’ll call the other boys down to meet him.  I’ll also want to get their impression of him before I make up my mind.” 

Sure, that works for me, and thank you.” 

I’m only doing this because you were right about Dakota and it led me to meeting Jamie and Glen as well.” 

Thanks, and we’ll see you later this evening.” 

After the call ended, I went back to fixing dinner.  I’d wait to tell the boys about this after we sat down to eat, along with telling them about the other opportunities.



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I wish to extend my thanks to Emoe and Donny for editing these chapters for me and offering their suggestions. 


E-mail responses to the stories, story suggestions, or other 'constructive' comments or advice may be sent to:  ErastesTouch@aol.com  - but please put the story title in the subject line, so it doesn't get deleted as junk mail. 


My other stories:








                                                *    *     *     *     *     *     *     *

Although the boys in these stories sometimes have unprotected sex, I strongly urge all of you out there to be smart and protect yourselves from various sexually transmitted diseases by using taking appropriate precautions before engaging in sex.