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            Operation Angel Rescue

by Erastes
Copyright 2019 by Erastes
Chapter 69 – Our Special Weekend Arrives.

When my alarm went off, I made sure Jamie got up first and then I went to wake up the other boys before heading downstairs.  I had breakfast ready by the time they came down and we ate together before I headed upstairs to change.  I told the boys to brush their teeth and get their school gear ready while I was doing that, and they were waiting for me in the great room when I came down a short time later. 

When we reached the school, I told Reece he could leave his clothes in the car and get them after school, but he said he’d be fine and took everything with him.  He merely placed his books on top of his clothes so no one else would know they were in there, and since he was ok with that I headed over to the high school and spent the day there. 

The boys were a little hyper when I picked them up later, in anticipation of our special weekend.  “Brady was talkin’ to me about bein’ with us this weekend and he’s really excited,” Glen announced as he hopped into the SUV. 

Yeah, and Aaron was talkin’ to me about it too,” Jamie chimed in.  “He said he can’t wait.”

Reece was also excited and I have a feelin’ he’s beginnin’ to think of you as his dad,” Dakota followed. 

Why do you say that?” I asked. 

Cuz a couple of times he’s called you dad when we was talkin’.  Over the weekend he said ‘let’s go downstairs and see what Dad wants to do next.’  I didn’t say nothin’ and just figured he got confused, but he did it again today.  This time he said, ‘I know Dad is gonna make this weekend really special and a lot of fun,’ but I didn’t correct him.” 

That’s good, because I think it might have embarrassed him if you did.  I had a feeling he’d been doing that, and I think it’s because he’s not very close to his father.  From what he’s told us, I think they have a very volatile relationship, and the note his mother sent me hinted at the same thing.  If it makes him feel better to think of me as his dad then I don’t have a problem with it, as long as he doesn’t slip and say anything like that at home.” 

Yeah, that wouldn’t be good, cuz they might not let him come with us any more,” Dakota agreed. 


When we arrived home on Tuesday there was a package waiting for me on the porch, and when I opened it I found the LED flameless candles inside.  Before I fixed dinner and while the boys were working on their homework, I went back outside and placed one in each of the pumpkins so they’d be lit up when it got dark.  Then after we finished eating, I took the boys outside so we could see what they looked like lit up.  I led the boys out through the garage so they would get their first impression of the effect as they walked toward the porch.

Man, they look awesome,” Glen stated first. 

Yeah, all the pumpkins look really good,” Dakota added. 

And Kotas looks best, cuz you can see the little pumpkin too,” Jamie stated. 

They all look great and each one will add a nice touch to the Halloween party,” I agreed.

The next few days were uneventful, although our schedule varied slightly.  I stopped at the grocery store on the way home on Thursday so I could pick up the things we needed for the weekend, such as the frozen pizzas and some candy for any trick-or-treaters, as well as the boys.  This will be a special treat for them, since I try to limit their sugar intake, and I also purchased some doughnuts and a couple of gallons of cider.  Needless to say, this only made the boys even more excited about the weekend.   

By the time school ended on Friday, the boys were looking forward to going to the football game and then having their friends come home with us for the next couple of days.  Since it was a home game this week, I took them over to the diner to eat first.  Reece was not only getting more comfortable doing this now, but he also made sure to sit next to me.  The other boys didn’t object to him doing this, which I was glad to see, and I think having listened to Dakota tell me about how Reece was thinking of me as his dad had convinced them to let him do this. 

We had another lovely meal and the boys talked more about the upcoming party than about the game, and when we finished eating I drove over to the high school.  Once we’d entered the stadium area, we went to find a place to sit, and then I went with Jamie and Glen to find their friends, because I wanted to speak with their parents. 

When I stopped to chat with them, each set of parents explained they had their son’s change of clothes in their car and said we could pick everything up after the game.  Each of their dads also offered me some money to help defray the cost of the party, but I said it wasn’t necessary.  They both insisted, however, so I ended up taking what they offered, and once that was out of the way I asked what time they wanted me to drop their sons off on Sunday. 

Aaron’s parents said they’d considered my earlier request and had agreed to let their son spend the entire weekend with us.  They said they’d packed Aaron’s school clothes in with his other things so he was all set, but Brady’s mother wasn’t quite as flexible. 

We’d like you to bring Brady home a little earlier than usual, so we can spend some time with him too,” she responded quickly and in a cold and unemotional tone. 

What if I bring him back after lunch then?” 

That will be fine,” she agreed, although I could tell she preferred that I’d bring him home even earlier.  After thinking about it briefly, I spoke again. 

I might be able to bring him home a little earlier than that, but it will depend on what time we wake up.  I know we’ll be getting to bed much later than normal, so we’ll probably sleep in later as well, so I might just fix brunch instead.  That way I might be able to bring him home even sooner.”

That would be greatly appreciated,” she mumbled.

I made this offer because I knew it would please her that I was trying to be cooperative, and possibly it would take some of the heat off of Brady’s dad for allowing his son to do this.  I was also hoping it might make her more agreeable about letting Brady spend time with us in the future, so now we’ll just have to wait and see.  Once that was taken care of, I let Glen and Jamie stay with their friend’s families, but I knew they’d be rejoining us at halftime.  In the meantime, it would allow me to spend some time alone with Dakota and Reece. 

I was debating if I was going to sit next to Reece or Dakota, since I knew how Reece was thinking about me, but the boys took care of that problem for me.  When they saw me return, they moved apart so I could sit between them.  They’d obviously talked this over before I arrived.

Do Aaron and Brady’s parents come to every game?” Reece asked as soon as I sat down. 

Yes, but each family has a different reason for doing it.  Aaron’s brother plays on the football team and Brady’s sister plays in the band, so each set of parents come to watch their other child in action.” 

Ahhh, I didn’t know that,” Reece responded. 

I believe learning the other boys’ parents were coming to see their other child perform made Reece feel a little better and less neglected.  After all, he didn’t have another sibling and wasn’t involved in those activities, so it might explain why his parents never bothered to come to the games. 

It was an exciting first half, and when it ended the other four boys came over to sit with us, and in the end our team won.  As soon as the game ended, I walked over with Aaron and Brady to meet up with their parents so they could retrieve their things, and once they had those items, we got in the SUV and headed home.  The boys were quite rambunctious and noisy tonight, and it wasn’t only because our team won.  Some of it was also due to the fact that they were excited about spending the weekend together and what we were going to do.  After seeing how hyper they all were, I was silently praying I’d be able to survive.

When we got to the house, we entered through the garage and Aaron and Brady immediately took their things up to the bedrooms they’d be using, so I hurried outside to light the LED candles in the pumpkins.  As soon as I came back inside, I called the boys downstairs and led them out through the garage so they could see what the pumpkins looked like lit up. 

Whoa, those are neat lookin’.  Where did you get them?” Aaron asked as we walked closer. 

We bought the pumpkins from a farmer I know, and then these four carved them,” I answered, and then each of my sons told them which pumpkin he had worked on. 

Dang, I wish I coulda been here to carve a pumpkin too,” Aaron responded. 

Yeah, me too,” Brady agreed. 

You mean you didn’t carve a pumpkin at home?” Jamie asked. 

Nope, I guess nobody thought about it,” Aaron answered. 

Yeah, I guess my parents didn’t either.  Maybe it was cuz they knew I’d be spending the weekend here,” Brady added. 

Yeah, maybe that’s why my parents didn’t do it either,” Aaron stated, although he looked slightly hurt that his mom and dad hadn’t thought about doing this with him. 

You’re probably right about that, so next year we’ll try to do it when you’re here with us,” I offered. 

As soon as I told him this, Aaron began to cheer up, and now that this was out of the way, I asked the boys a question.  “Since you picked out two scary movies to watch, I just need to know how you want to do it.  We can watch one tonight and the other tomorrow, or we can watch both of them tomorrow night, starting right after dinner.”

But there are other things we’ll want to do tomorrow,” Aaron pointed out, “so let’s watch one now.”

Yeah, that would prob’ly be best,” Brady agreed, and then the others concurred with this suggestion. 

Ok, which one do you want to watch tonight then?  Trick ‘r Treat or Black Pumpkin?”

They quickly talked it over amongst themselves before they replied.  “Black Pumpkin!”

Ok, that’s fine with me,” I agreed. 

Before we did that, however, I went out to make popcorn first.  It had been a while since we’d eaten, so I knew they’d enjoy it, and I had each of them grab a glass of cider before we went to the family room.  I also brought out the doughnuts and the bowl of candy so they could have some of those things too, and then I queued up the movie. 

I hadn’t seen either of these movies before, so I had no idea what to expect.  The premise of this story was that two preteens had accidentally awakened an evil that had been dormant for decades and now they had to avoid a legendary monster known as ‘Bloody Bobby’.  The movie was full of screams, blood, deaths, and British accents, and although it wasn’t the scariest movie I’d ever seen, I knew it was scary enough to have an effect on the boys.  This made me wonder how some of them were going to make it through the night.   

That was creepy,” Aaron said when the movie ended. 

Yeah, and listening to the actors reminded me of watching the Harry Potter movies,” Brady added. 

Yeah, ‘cept these actors’ accents were way worse than the ones in the Harry Potter movies,” Glen followed. 

Yes, they were, and now it’s time for you boys to get ready for bed,” I urged.   

Can we use your shower?” Dakota asked, and when I looked up each of the boys seemed to be waiting for my answer. 

Of course, and you can go in pairs before you turn in.  I’ll wait and shower when you’re done.”

As soon as I finished speaking, four of the boys jumped up and began racing up the stairs, but Jamie and Aaron took it a little slower.  I also took my time and turned off the TV and the lights first, and Dakota and Reece were already in my bathroom by the time I got there.  They’d left their clothes outside the bathroom door when they went inside, and a few seconds later Brady and Glen showed up next. 

I suppose Kota and Reece are already in there?” Glen asked when he saw the pile of clothes on the floor.  He and Brady had obviously gone to his bedroom and undressed there.

Yes, they are,” I confirmed. 

Then we’re next,” he continued. 

That’s fine with me.” 

They stuck around and chatted with me while they waited, and after a couple of minutes I made an observation. 

You know they’ll probably be in there for a while, so you can go do something else if you want and I’ll call you when they’re done.”

Nah, it’s ok and we’ll just wait here,” Brady responded.  “Is that ok with you?”   

Sure, if it’s what you want to do.” 

When Dakota and Reece came out about fifteen minutes later, I reminded both boys to pick up their clothes and take them over to Dakota’s room before they left.  While they were doing that, Glen and Brady went in to take their shower next.  I was a little surprised that Aaron made certain those two had finished up and gone back to Glen’s room before he and Jamie showed up. 

We wanted to go last so you could shower with us,” Aaron explained in a hushed tone, “and we want to sleep with you too.” 

I’m not sure I should be letting you do that any more,” I replied, trying to sound gruff.

I know and Jamie told me what you said, but I promise I won’t try doin’ any of that stuff again.”

So you’re promising that you won’t be putting your hands in my underwear again?”

I promise I won’t do that any more.”

And you won’t try to masturbate me in the shower?”

Nah, I won’t do that neither.”

Ok, then I’ll give you one more chance, so don’t blow it.”

Glen and Brady were in there for another ten minutes, and when they came out they walked directly over to Glen’s room and didn’t pay attention to the rest of us.  They apparently assumed Jamie and Aaron were waiting to shower next and never suspected that they were there to shower with me.  Once the other pair had left the room, I shut the bedroom door and the three of us entered the bathroom together.

I washed both boys first and then they washed me.  Aaron talked Jamie into letting him wash my junk again, but this time he merely cleaned the area and didn’t attempt to masturbate me.  When we finished, we went into the bedroom, put on our underwear, and got into bed.  The boys wanted me to sleep in the middle again, which was fine with me, and I pulled the covers over us after Jamie turned off the lamp on the nightstand. 

Both boys cuddled against me as we drifted off, and I’m not certain how long I’d been asleep before I was rudely awakened.  It happened when I felt someone pounding on my chest, so I figured Jamie was having a bad dream.  However, when I opened my eyes I realized it was Aaron doing this.  I quickly thought about grabbing his hand and stopping him, because I was afraid he would accidentally hit Jamie instead, but my arms were pinned under the two boys so I wasn’t able to do that.   

When I eventually freed my arm from around his waist, I used it to stroke his hair while at the same time kissing his forehead.  I also whispered to him that he was just having a bad dream and I wouldn’t let anything hurt him, and eventually he calmed down.  I continued doing those things until he had relaxed completely, and then I moved my arm back to his waist. 

I remained awake for a while longer to make certain things were back to normal, and then I finally allowed myself to drift off again.  I was sleeping soundly until I heard someone scream ‘NO!’ followed by a plea of ‘Don’t hurt him.’  This time it was Jamie having the bad dream. 

I was surprised that his cries hadn’t awakened Aaron too, and I quickly did the same things with Jamie that I’d done with Aaron a short time before.  After he started to quiet down, I waited a little longer before I allowed myself to go back to sleep, and thankfully nothing more happened until I heard someone calling my name.

Dad, Dad,” I heard the voice say, and when I opened my eyes I saw it was Glen.  I also noticed the room was much lighter this time, which made me realize it was now morning.  “Are you gonna get up and make breakfast for us?”

Yes, I guess I must have overslept.  These two had a rough night and kept me awake for part of it.”

Yeah, Brady did that with me too.” 

Was it bad?”

Sort of, and it’s prob’ly why he’s still sleepin’.”

Ah, I see, so just give me a few minutes and I’ll head down to the kitchen and start getting things ready.”


After Glen returned to his bedroom, I attempted to extract myself from the now peacefully sleeping angels, but no matter how carefully I tried to do it, they still woke up.  Go figure, they had each slept through what the other one had done during the night and while Glen was chatting with me, but they awoke when I made an effort to pull my arms from under their bodies. 

Where are you goin’?” Jamie demanded.

To the toilet first, and then downstairs so I can fix breakfast.  The other boys are hungry.”

Then we’ll go with you,” Aaron followed. 

I know you had a rough night, so you can sleep a little longer and I’ll fix your breakfast later.”

No, we wanna be with you,” Aaron continued.

Yeah, we got enough sleep,” Jamie added. 

Are you sure, because it’s going to be another long day?”

Yeah, we’ll be alright,” Jamie replied. 

Yeah, we’ll be ok,” Aaron added.

Seeing their minds were made up, we got out of bed and I headed into the bathroom.  I had two small shadows following close behind me as I entered, and as I stood at the toilet to relieve myself they moved to either side of me and did the same thing.  They were more subdued this time and remained focused on what they were doing, and when we finished we washed our hands and put on some clothes before going downstairs.  The other four were already sitting at the table waiting for me.  I was surprised Brady was there, since Glen had told me he was still sleeping, but he’d obviously woke up.

I was gonna get things ready, but I didn’t know what you were gonna fix us this morning,” Dakota stated when I approached the table. 

That’s fine,” I stated as I entered the kitchen and began making a fresh pot of coffee.  As I was doing this, I also glanced out at each of the boys before I spoke again.  “So what would you guys like for breakfast this morning?”

They quickly discussed it amongst themselves before Glen replied for them.  “How about French toast?”

I can do that, and I can fix some home fries to go with it.”

And sausages and bacon too,” Jamie added. 

Yes, I can do that as well.”

And I’ll help you,” Dakota offered.

Ok, you can get out the sausage links and bacon for me, and then I want you to open four cans of sliced potatoes and drain them.  Oh, and grab an onion for me too.” 


I’ll pour each of us a glass of orange juice and get the butter and syrup out for us to use,” Jamie added. 

And I’ll help him,” Aaron quickly offered.

And I’ll set the table,” Glen followed. 

And me and Reece will help Glen,” Brady stated.

Glen, when you’re finished doing that, will you go outside and turn off the LED candles in the pumpkins for me?”

Yeah, ok.”

Just put on a jacket first, because I suspect it’s chilly out there.”


While they were doing those things, I got out the bread, eggs, milk and other items I would need so I could start on the French toast, and then I cut up the onion and sliced the potatoes into smaller pieces for the home fries.  As soon as that was taken care of, I placed a pan on all four burners on the stove.  One was for the French toast, another for the home fries, and the third and fourth pans were for the sausage links and bacon strips.  Dakota helped me keep an eye on everything, and he also carried the various items to the table when they were ready.  While he was doing that, I remained at the stove and continued making more French toast because I knew the boys were going to want more. 

Just leave me something to eat,” I teased as I glanced out at the table, because I knew how the boys could pack away the food.

Yeah, we will,” they chimed back.

After the boys had finished eating, they took care of their dishes and Dakota and Glen even offered to wash the pans by hand for me while I was finishing my breakfast. 

I appreciate you doing this, but what’s going on?  You’ve never done it before.”

Yeah, but you do a lot for us and you’re gonna be busy doin’ other stuff for us today.” 

I’m busy every day, but I accept your explanation and thank you for your help.  I guess I should also use this time to find out what you boys want to do next.”  

Ride the four-wheelers,” Aaron, Brady, and Reece shouted back.

We can do that, but it’s chilly outside so you’ll need to wear a jacket.  I suspect you’d probably enjoy doing it more if we waited until after lunch to do it, so what do you think?”

Why would it be better then?” Aaron asked. 

It will be warmer and we can do it like we normally do.”

The trio talked it over quickly and then answered.  “Ok, we’ll wait ‘til after lunch then.”

Ok, but that brings me back to my first question.  What do you want to do now?”

Can we play UNO Dare!?” Glen asked. 

Yes, I suppose we could do that,” I agreed. 

Great!  You guys are gonna love it, especially if you have to do a House Rules Dare,” he followed while looking at our three guests.

Why?  What are those?” Brady asked. 

Those are dares that me, Kota, and Jamie made up.”

How are they different from the other dares?” Aaron followed.

You’ll see.”

After this discussion ended, they took the leaf out of the table so they’d be closer to one another, and then they arranged themselves so they weren’t sitting next to the boy they slept with at night.  This meant Glen was sitting between Reece and Aaron, Dakota was located between Aaron and Brady, and Jamie was between Brady and Reece.  I then took time to explain how it was different from regular UNO before they got started. 

It’s very similar to regular UNO in that you have to follow either the color or number on the card at the top of the pile, and if you don’t have either one you have to draw a card.  There are also skip and reverse cards, but the main difference is that there are two types of ‘plus two’ dare cards.  Some of them come in a single color and you can play them any time that color is on the top of the pile, and there are ‘wild plus two’ dare cards that you can use at any time. 

Before the game starts, however, you have to decide which ‘Dare List’ you want to use and then you’ll use it the entire game for all of the dares.  The four ‘Dare Lists’ are Show-Off, Daredevil, Family, and House Rules, and each ‘plus two’ dare card tells you which number dare you have to follow.  Each list is also numbered, so you will perform the same number dare from the list you’re using.”

We’ve got to use the House Rules dares,” Glen urged. 

Why?” Brady asked. 

Cuz you’re gonna like them better.”

Ok, I guess we can do that then,” Brady agreed with the other two quickly concurring. 

Glen immediately jumped up and raced out to grab the list out of the drawer in the kitchen, and he also grabbed the kitchen timer on the way back. 

What’s that for?” Reece asked.

You have to do each dare for thirty seconds, so we’ll use this to time it.”

Why aren’t you playin’?” Reece asked as he looked at me, since I wasn’t sitting at the table with them. 

I’m just going to referee this time until you get used to playing.”

What I didn’t say was I couldn’t play because they were using the House Rules the boys wrote.  I merely sat on a stool at the kitchen counter and sipped on my cup of coffee while I watched them play.

Dakota was the first to get a ‘plus two’ card, thanks to Brady.  “I’ll take the dare and the card says number sixteen.”

Glen quickly read off the dare.  “Let the guy on your left suck your cock.” 

The other three boys’ mouths dropped open, because they couldn’t believe these were the dares they had to do.  “Does that mean I hafta suck Kotas cock?” Aaron asked seeing he was sitting on Dakota’s left side. 

Yep,” Glen replied as Dakota lowered his pants and underwear so Aaron could do it. 

Aaron was a little hesitant at first, but he was a good sport and did it.  He didn’t immediately stop when the timer went off, which drew some comments.

I guess he likes suckin’ on Kotas cock as much as I do,” Reece teased, which caused Aaron to blush. 

I just didn’t hear the bell,” Aaron countered. 

Sure you didn’t.  It looked like you was havin’ fun doin’ that,” Brady added. 

They continued playing and Brady was the next one to get a ‘plus two’ dare card.  “I guess I’ll do the dare too, and it says number eight.”

That one says let the guy on your right jerk you off.”

You mean until I cum?” Brady gasped. 

I don’t think that will happen in thirty seconds,” Dakota teased.

Oh, right,” Brady agreed as he sighed in relief. 

That means Jamie has to do it, cuz he’s on your right,” Glen pointed out. 

Brady lowered his pants and underwear so Jamie could do this, and he had a smile on his face the entire time.  The game went on until there was a winner, and before that happened each boy chose to do the dare instead of taking two cards whenever a ‘plus two’ card came up.  In the end, it was Jamie who ended up being victorious. 

That was fun,” Aaron enthused when the game ended. 

Yeah, but next time we should all just get naked before we start, if we’re all gonna do the House Rules dares,” Reece suggested. 

Yeah, that’s a good idea,” the others concurred. 

So are you gonna play next time?” Reece asked as he looked over at me. 

Not if you’re going to use the House Rules again, but I’ll play if you use one of the other lists.” 

Why won’t you play if we use the House Rules?” Reece pressed.

It’s because I shouldn’t be doing those things with any of you.”

We don’t mind, do we?” he asked the others.

Nah, we want you to play too,” Brady replied.

Yeah, and you don’t have to worry cuz we won’t tell nobody that you did it with us,” Aaron added. 

They kept trying to pressure me to join in, but I held my ground, much to their chagrin, and after many minutes of unsuccessfully trying to cajole me into changing my mind, they started a new game.  This time Brady won, but they all seemed to have a good time doing the dares, rather than drawing two cards.

Before the game ended, however, I stopped watching and started fixing our lunch.  I had it ready shortly after the game ended, so I had them box up the cards so nothing got on them.  Then as we were eating, the boys were chatting about the game. 

There’s a second list of House Rules too, and they’re different from the ones we just used,” Dakota announced. 

Then we’ll have to play later and use that list,” Brady urged. 

And we want you to play with us next time,” Reece followed as he looked at me. 

I already told you I can’t do that if you use the House Rules, even if it is a different list.”

Come on, you’ve seen all of us naked and doin’ these things with each other, and we don’t mind if you do it with us too,” Brady added. 

And we won’t tell nobody you did it with us.  We’ll just tell our parents that we played UNO,” Aaron chimed in. 

I appreciate that you want to include me, but I shouldn’t be doing those things with you boys.” 

Why?  You’ve already sucked Jamie’s and my cocks,” Aaron blurted out, and after his pronouncement Brady and Reece’s mouth dropped open. 

You did that with him and you made me beg just so you’d let me shower and sleep with you?” Reece followed after he came to his senses. 

Yeah, we did that with him too,” Aaron quickly added. 

You mean you did all that stuff with them and you haven’t done nothin’ with me?” Brady whined. 

I shouldn’t have done it with them either and made a mistake by giving in.”

Then you can make the same mistake with me later, cuz I want to shower and sleep with you too.”

I’ll let you shower with me, but I’ve already promised Aaron and Jamie they can sleep with me tonight.”

Cuz of the scary movie?” Brady countered.

No, it’s because they asked first.”

That seemed to suffice for now, and I also let the boys finish off the doughnuts and have another glass of cider.  After we rinsed off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, we went upstairs to change so we could go out and ride the four-wheelers.



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I wish to extend my thanks to Emoe and Donny for editing these chapters for me and offering their suggestions. 


E-mail responses to the stories, story suggestions, or other 'constructive' comments or advice may be sent to:  ErastesTouch@aol.com  - but please put the story title in the subject line, so it doesn't get deleted as junk mail. 


My other stories:








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Although the boys in these stories sometimes have unprotected sex, I strongly urge all of you out there to be smart and protect yourselves from various sexually transmitted diseases by using taking appropriate precautions before engaging in sex.