Out of the Woods

©2020 by Gamin Paramour

Comments are incredibly welcome, and I intend to answer everyone.(gaminparamour@protonmail.com)

1) This is fiction: complete, utter bullshit made up by yours truly. Never happened, and nobody depicted ever drew breath on planet Earth.

2) Stay safe. Don't break the law.

3) Please donate to Nifty if you possibly can.


Andy eased into The Life.

Chapter 16

Thursday, January 28, 1988
4:47 pm

"I'm tellin' ya, there's nothing to be afraid of," Kenny said in exasperation. He zipped his coat with an emphatic motion, like an exclamation point at the end of the sentence. "You might even like it better with Vince than you do with Johnny."

"I don't know," Andy said for about the twentieth time. "It's just so weird."

Kenny stopped him before they got to the street, his demeanor softening.

"Just think of it like you're visiting a friend who likes to fool around," he said. "Forget about the money. Well, don't forget the money but just remember that with these guys it's not about the money. They pay the money because they want you so bad. They want you man! They think you're the best thing in the whole world and they would do anything to be with you.

"This guy Vince, he makes about eight bucks an hour working for a catering company, bustin' his ass hauling tables and chairs and shit. He saves up so he can have a boy once a month and he looks forward to it like it was Christmas. He'd pay twice as much if he had to because he just digs boys so much. And he's gonna dig you big time, I can tell, so just relax!"

"Well... " Andy said softly. "I guess..."

"Now you're talking. Oh, c'mon! There's the bus!"

They ran to the corner just before the bus pulled away. Kenny paid for them both and received two transfers. "You have to learn how to take the buses and El trains," he said, "and how to use transfers and tokens and all that. We've got a transit map at home I'll show you." He pushed Andy all the way to the back seat, where there was no one nearby and the motor noise would cover their voices.

"OK, so what's the first thing you do when you get there?" Kenny quizzed in a forced whisper.

Andy rolled his eyes, having gone through this a dozen times, but whispered back, "Get the money."

"How much?"

"Two hundred dollars," Andy replied, still amazed at the figure. He'd never held that much money in his hand in his whole life, and even though he only got to keep fifty it still seemed like a fortune.

"And what do you do when he gives it to you?"

"I fold it up tight and stick it way deep in my pocket," Andy recited like a school lesson.

"How long does he get?"

"An hour," Andy said. "I'm supposed to look at a clock as soon as I get there and make sure he knows what time we have to be done."

"Right," Kenny smiled. "And what do you let him do to you?"

Andy looked up in surprise. "You never said about that! You just said to make him happy."

"That's with Vince, this first guy," Kenny said softly. "He mostly only likes to do stuff with his mouth. But after this first time there will be other guys who will want to nail your butt but you can't let 'em. Not until Johnny does it to you first."

"You don't have to worry about that!" he said, then after a moment's reflection added, "I wonder why Johnny hasn't done that yet? Not like I'm in a hurry or anything."

"Yeah, that is strange," Kenny said. "Enrique is a lot smaller than you and never did it before either, but Johnny had him the second night."

Andy shook his head as he said, "I squeeze it between my legs and he does it that way, but never inside."

"It's weird," Kenny said again, looking out the window. "It's almost like he's saving it." They rode in silence for a few seconds until Kenny suddenly rose and grabbed Andy by the arm. "C'mon. We gotta change buses."

They scrambled out the rear door and stood a moment while the bus rumbled off and Kenny got his bearings. Andy turned his back to the steady wind.

"OK, the northbound will be on the other corner," Kenny said as he grabbed Andy's hand and began pulling him across the street. Andy smiled as they jogged to the other side.

It was twilight in the city, that brief few minutes when the sky glows a deep royal blue and the streets and buildings are newly awash in the multicolored warmth of neon signs. Kenny still held Andy's hand and the boys let their eyes meet for a second. They both looked away shyly and pulled their hands back. Andy nervously stuck his in the pockets of the stadium coat Steve had given him, which he wished had come with gloves. He shivered visibly.

"Cold?" Kenny asked.

"Yeah. Well, scared too."

"It's easy dealing with chickenhawks, you know," Kenny said. "We've got what they want and they have to treat us right so we'll give it to them. We've got the power, man, not them!"

"Yeah," Andy said, "until they decide to beat the shit out of us."

"Well I've been doing it for five years and nobody ever beat me up," Kenny said. "Johnny makes sure they're OK. He doesn't let just anybody have one of his boys. And Vince is about the nicest guy I've ever met. He'd rather die than hurt a boy. And besides, I'll be waiting for you right downstairs. Kid, this will be a breeze!"

"If you say so," Andy said just as the number 22 bus pulled up. It was too crowded to talk sex so they chatted aimlessly about the takeout Chinese they'd had for dinner and the Bulls game on TV they'd miss that evening.

"Get used to working nights," Kenny said. "That's when ninety percent of it happens."

In another few minutes Kenny gestured toward the bus's back door and seconds later they stood in a puddle of slush and a cloud of diesel exhaust in front of a rundown old hotel. A sign proclaimed it "The Strand Hotel For Men" and a smaller sign added "Transients Welcome."

"What are transients?" Andy asked. "People who ride on trains?"

Kenny smiled down fondly. The kid was so astute that sometimes he forgot just how little of the world he'd actually seen. "No," he said. "It means people who come and go, instead of live here all the time like Vince."

Andy looked hesitant as they navigated the four un-shoveled front steps, but at the gentlest of touches on his shoulder gamely followed Kenny inside.

The desk clerk gave them a knowing and not at all welcoming look, which caused Andy to squeeze Kenny's hand in mild alarm, but Kenny just smiled impudently at the clerk until he looked away. Kenny led Andy to the elevators and pushed the button.

"OK, do you remember the room number?" Kenny asked, smoothing Andy's hair and straightening his coat.

"Yes, Mom," Andy said, and he and Kenny smiled at each other.

"I can't help it. You're like my little brother already." He finished fussing with Andy's appearance and said, "OK, then. Go ahead and just have fun. You'll see what we've been talking about."

Andy tried to smile as he stepped into the elevator, never breaking eye contact with Kenny until the doors closed between them.

Kenny watched the numbers rise on the indicator until they stopped at the fifth floor, and he knew Andy would be getting off and moving nervously down the hallway in search of Vince's room. It would be scary, he knew, to jump right into the real commercial deal like this, meeting strangers in hotels and having to deliver two hundred bucks worth his very first time out.

Kenny had been luckier when he started out, easing into it with kid's stuff and getting used to the idea before he had to really hustle in the real world, but if he was in Andy's shoes he'd want to break in with someone like Vince. There were other hawks who were really nice but Vince was special.

Kenny made his way to the little coffee shop off the hotel lobby. It was a rat hole but there was nowhere else to go. He ordered a Coke from a waitress old enough to have campaigned for Herbert Hoover, lit up a Kool and sat back to wait.

He couldn't help but envy Andy. Kenny used to love coming to see Vince. The guy just enjoys it so much it's impossible not to have fun. He couldn't deal with pubic hair, though, even worse than the others, and so that was that. Vince had actually cried when he told Kenny he couldn't play with him anymore. That's what he calls it, "playing with" a boy. Well, tonight he had one hell of a pretty boy to play with and Kenny genuinely hoped they'd both have a good time.

His own heartbeat flooded Andy's ears. Room five-seventeen. Getting close. He wondered what Vince would look like. Kenny had described him but just now he couldn't remember a thing. Five-nineteen. Jesus Christ, he was almost there. What was he supposed to do? Get the money. Fold it up. Look at the clock. Five-twenty-one. Shit. Five-twenty-one. He had to knock. He couldn't, but he had to. He knocked.

The door opened a crack, enough for one brown eye to peek around and fix on Andy. He saw delight instantly register in that one eye, a sparkle of life coming into it like switching on a Christmas bulb, and then the door swung wide to reveal a tall, very thin man grinning like a Jack-o-lantern. This image was aided by his wispy reddish hair and excessively large, pumpkin-like head, which seemed like it had to be that big just to contain a smile so broad. Andy had never seen anyone look so buoyant, so genuinely happy. His whole body seemed involved in it, positively bursting with joy. Andy found himself smiling despite his fear.

"You're Andy," the man said in a voice much higher and softer than one would expect from his appearance. "Come in, come in," he said delightedly. He waved Andy into the room with a flourish, closed the door and fairly danced around to face him again. "Oh, I'm so glad you could come over to play."

He admired Andy as if he were an art work in a museum. "They said you were beautiful but my God. That word isn't good enough," he said. "What's better than beautiful?" But before Andy could open his mouth he said, "Andy! That's the word. You don't have to be anything else. Just be Andy."

"OK," the boy giggled. This big man was so goofy there was no choice but to giggle. "I'll be Andy and you can be..."

"Vince! Yeah. You be Andy and I'll be Vince. That worked out good, didn't it?"

Andy laughed out loud, completely unable to remember why he had been so scared ten seconds ago. Vince was exactly as he had been described: sweet, gentle, and utterly enamored of Andy, even though he didn't know him at all.

He was a pretty big guy, as tall as the Old Man but far skinnier, but even for that he wasn't intimidating at all. He was a big, goofy kid and all he wanted was to play. There was zero physical attraction, not like with Johnny. This guy was a big doofus, not a masculine figure, and there was none of the puppy-love or the feeling of safety and belonging such as he had felt with Johnny, but he already liked Vince and fooling around with someone he liked suddenly sounded like a really fun idea.

"Come sit down, Andy," Vince said, putting a hand on his shoulder and steering him toward the spare furnishings. Andy sensed the thrill Vince got just touching his shoulder, despite the heavy coat and the flannel shirt underneath. The hand did not squeeze him or push him or do anything in any way threatening, save linger until the last possible second when Andy turned and sat on the well-worn sofa. Vince smiled down at him, still drinking him in like wine. Andy found it somewhat embarrassing but very flattering at the same time.

"You want to take your coat off?" Vince asked, and Andy smiled at himself for having forgotten all about it. He was still processing this whole new sensation of being so obviously an object of veneration. He shrugged out of the coat and draped it across the back of the sofa as Vince asked, "How about a Coke? I've got Cokes." Vince bustled over to one corner, which seemed to be outfitted as a tiny kitchen.

The apartment consisted of one moderately big room more or less divided into three sections. At the far end was a neatly made single bed, a small dresser piled with manly accoutrements like after-shave and deodorant sticks, and bi-fold doors that Andy assumed was the clothes closet.

The living room area was defined by the ancient but sturdy sofa where Andy now sat, one overstuffed chair, one end table and a TV stand. There was no stereo, just a portable AM/FM radio on top of a TV that looked twice as old as Andy.

The near end of the room looked like Kitchen By Playskool. Everything was miniature, with a travel-trailer-sized refrigerator, a stove that looked like an Easy-Bake Oven compared to the towering man, and a tiny Formica table with one kitchen chair. Next to that the bathroom door stood open.

There were no paintings or decorations of any kind on the drab, dirty beige walls and not a knickknack to be seen. There was some sort of cork-board near the bed at the other end but Andy couldn't make out anything that was pinned to it. The room was far from the opulence he shared with Johnny but it was Vince's and honestly earned, and Andy supposed he had a right to be proud of it.

"Or maybe a root beer," Vince's voice echoed, his head actually inside the refrigerator.

"Root beer would be great," Andy said. "I love root beer."

"Oh, yeah, me too!" Vince said as he returned, pausing to open two bottles and drop the caps into the trash. "Ever since I was a kid." He handed Andy a bottle and plopped down onto the sofa next to him. "My Mama would give me fifty cents so I could go to the root beer stand by the highway. They give it to you in a big heavy glass mug that's all frosty on the outside. Do you like it that way?"

"Oh, sure," Andy said, smiling at his host. "That's the best way." He was beginning to see why Kenny said Vince was kind of slow, but Andy liked his own description better. Vince was a little boy whose body grew up but his mind didn't.

"Bottles are OK, too," Vince went on, gesturing with the one he was drinking. "I hate paper cups, though." Suddenly Vince turned to Andy and startled him, asking, "Don't you want the money? They always ask for the money."

"Oh!' Andy exclaimed, then smiled at Vince. "Here I am talking with my new friend and forgot all about the money."

It was exactly the right thing to say and Vince beamed. He put a hand on Andy's knee and gave it a gentle, affectionate squeeze, then withdrew with an embarrassed grin and brought a wad of bills out of his pocket. He clearly enjoyed handing over the money, proud of having earned such a sum, perhaps, or maybe misunderstanding the nature of the payment and feeling that he was giving Andy a gift. Either way it made him happy and Andy was glad.

He counted the ten twenty-dollar bills, taking a second to marvel again at the fortune, then folded the bills tightly and stuffed them deep into a pocket. He grinned into Vince's kind, happy eyes.

Kenny checked the clock above the cash register: eight-fifteen. Andy was expected to be down about nine o'clock but Kenny actually thought he would probably be a little late, being new on the game and probably unwilling to do anything unkind to Vince like cut him off before he's finished. Besides, he may be enjoying himself so much he won't want to quit!

Kenny had been with Vince maybe twenty times over the years and had often wanted to stay longer than Vince could afford. He pictured the scene in that tiny bed, naked Andy beautiful and excited as Vince worked his magic, and Kenny had to reach under the table to adjust the growing hardness in his jeans. Just as he did so he caught a movement in his peripheral vision and turned toward it.

There was a man sitting by himself in a booth littered with dirty dishes, staring at Kenny over the top of a steaming coffee cup. He was in his late thirties, Kenny guessed, full-bodied but not fat, thinning but not bald, plain but not ugly. He could best be described as nondescript, a nobody who could easily disappear back into the sea of ciphers, except he was looking at Kenny and Kenny knew that look.

He met the man's eyes and winked, fully expecting the usual recoil, the embarrassed fluster. But instead the man's eyes widened and the light of understanding awakened in them. He looked around, not nervously but carefully, then flashed a sly smile that could be taken for nothing but an invitation. Kenny knew his response would determine the outcome. A rebuff now would send the man back to his coffee, wondering how he could have misread so blatant a signal as a wink, while a smile would amount to Kenny's signature on a contract.

It had been a while -- almost three weeks, after five years of at least a trick a day -- and Kenny had to acknowledge he had truly missed the feeling he got when a man looked at him that special way. He glanced at the clock again: eight-seventeen. He couldn't have Andy come down from Vince's and not find Kenny waiting. Johnny would kill him, but more importantly Andy would freak and he couldn't do that to the kid. But if he told this hawk up front that's he's got to be back in this seat by nine without fail, maybe offer him an extended session another time for regular price...

Kenny made eye contact and smiled.

Vince's lips were warm and soft. He nibbled at Andy's neck then kissed him lightly again on the lips. They were still on the sofa, still fully dressed, and Andy found himself getting impatient.

"Do you want me to take my clothes off?" he asked, but regretted saying anything when Vince seemed to get nervous and back away.

"Do you want to? You can do anything you want," he said. "You can even go home if you want."

"No, Vince." Andy took the man's big hand and held it gently. "I don't want to go home. I want to stay with you."

Vince smiled sheepishly. "Really?" He seemed to need an answer.

"Really," Andy said, smiling his friendliest smile. "I like you and I want to be here with you."

Vince just held Andy's hand for a moment then averted his eyes while he stammered, "Can I... can I take your clothes off for you?"

"Sure," Andy said. "That sounds like fun."

"Tommy liked it," Vince said. "He always wanted me to."

"Was Tommy one of your friends?" Andy asked. "A boy like me, who came to visit?"

Vince looked away. "Tommy was my big brother. A car hit him on his bike when he was twelve and he died."

Andy had no idea what to say. Awkward seconds passed.

"You want to go over to the bed?" Vince asked brightly, as though he hadn't even mentioned the tragedy. "I can strip you over there like I used to strip Tommy."

"OK," Andy said, amazed by the sudden shifts in tone. He had been taken aback by the mention of a dead brother but if Vince was happy he supposed he should be happy, too. After all, it was a kid Andy didn't even know and it was probably twenty-five years ago.

He rose from the sofa and took one step when Vince suddenly lunged for him, flipping him easily over one shoulder and hanging Andy down full length behind him by his ankles. Andy shrieked in laughter as Vince walked him across the room, holding him securely by the ankles and taking care not to bounce his face off of the back of his legs. Vince was so tall that with his feet just above shoulder level Andy's head still hung barely past his butt.

Andy laughed and wailed in mock terror as they crossed the room, whereupon Vince dropped him in a heap onto the bed. Andy bounced and giggled, getting to his knees and facing Vince with a grin and brandished fists.

"Hey, you!" Andy laughed. "Just because you're big, you think you can lick me?"

Vince smiled broadly and swallowed up Andy's fists in his two big hands. "Oh, I can lick you all right!" he said and effortlessly muscled Andy's arms apart to full spread, then leaned in and lapped up the side of his face like a big slobbery dog. This resulted in a wide wet streak and one astonished boy in convulsive laughter. Then Vince gently pushed Andy to his back and began to unfasten his shirt buttons.

Andy giggled but no longer fought. He was surprised by his own ardor, how much he wanted things to get started. His dick pounded hard in his pants and his heart pittered like a gerbil's.

He imagined Vince and big brother Tommy happily sharing a bedroom and their giggling fun, until that one horrible night when poor little Vince began having to sleep all alone. Andy decided right then he would do whatever it took to make Vince happy and the hell with Johnny and his ego having to be first. If Vince wanted Andy's butt Vince would have it.

Kenny sat on the bed in his briefs, which jutted out like he was smuggling a cucumber. The guy, "Fred" -- as if Kenny really believed that was his name -- was taking a leak and didn't want Kenny revealed until he was there to see. Kenny listened to the stream splashing into the toilet and was glad it sounded steady and healthy. He needed this guy to pump, pump and pop and trouble with the plumbing would not have been a good sign. Christ, it was eight-twenty-five already!

"Do me a favor and wash that thing while you're at it," Kenny called and Fred laughed. "Not kidding!" Kenny said, and he heard the water run and could tell by the shadows dancing on the open bathroom door that the man was complying.

"OK," said Fred as he stepped naked into the room, his short, thick, pink-scrubbed erection leading the way. "Let's get a look at what two hundred bucks buys in this town."

Kenny swung his beautiful long legs up onto the bed and lay back, lifting his butt and sliding his shorts quickly down and kicking them off. He stretched his lean young body into a well-practiced pose and was gratified when Fred's mouth opened in undisguised appreciation.

"Damn, kid!" he exclaimed. "You are one great-looking boy!" He stroked a hand up and down the smoothness of Kenny's thigh, then reached for his member. The guy had no touch at all, but not very many of them did and Kenny tried to enjoy the spirit of his attentions if not the actuality.

Fred tickled his fingers through Kenny's sparse bush, making appreciative noises and apparently taking great pleasure in its texture. This was a new one for Kenny. All the guys up to now had treated his hair as an unfortunate imperfection, something to be tolerated at best, but this guy obviously got off on it.

"How old are you, baby?" the man asked eagerly. "About thirteen?"

Kenny studied his eyes. Did he want him older, or younger? "Almost," he said. "Not until April."

"Whew!" Fred whistled. "Still twelve and just a nice little bit of soft, silky hair. God I love it!" He began to work Kenny more earnestly. "Will you be able to cream for me, baby?" he asked. "You didn't, like, just do it this morning and now you need three days to charge up?"

Kenny struggled not to roll his eyes. "I did last night," he said truthfully, "but I can do it again."

"Oh, that's good," Fred breathed. "That's very good."

It was beginning to feel pretty good for Kenny when Fred eased onto the bed and moved his face closer. "I know a kid your age has a short fuse," he said, "but try to hold off, OK? I mean, we'll get you out of here before nine but I want to enjoy this a while."

"Don't worry, mister," Kenny sighed as the warmth engulfed him. "I'll last a while."

Kenny relaxed and got comfortable, and had to admit old Fred did all right. He'd have no trouble keeping it hard and would probably have a nice orgasm in the bargain. His eyes drifted closed and his thoughts immediately wandered to Andy and the fun he must be having with Vince right about now. Boy, that Vince was sure good in bed because he just loved to do it. His enthusiasm was truly infectious. Fred wasn't doing too badly, either, and Kenny's legs went rigid as a particularly strong jolt shot through him.

"Do that again!" Andy begged, pushing up to the source of the delicious sensations. Each of Vince's gigantic hands cupped a cheek of Andy's ass and held the boy several inches above the bed as he concentrated his attentions upon him.

"I love your body so much!" Vince moaned. "You're so sweet, so beautiful." He said it with such heartbreaking sincerity that Andy felt like crying for joy. He knew that Vince absolutely meant what he said because Vince wasn't the type to lie or tell people what they wanted to hear. He spoke from his heart and from his soul because that's where he lived all the time.

Johnny had said things like that to him and it had felt wonderful at the time and he was sure Johnny had honestly meant to compliment him, but Andy also knew that Johnny said stuff like that to every boy and that bullshit rolled off Johnny's tongue even easier than the truth. But now, for the first time, Andy accepted that he really must be beautiful because Vince said so.

Kenny kept his eyes tightly closed and was moving along nicely toward his release. Fred was holding one of Kenny's shapely legs aloft and the fingers of the other hand were beginning to poke around and zero in on his backside. Kenny didn't mind; in fact, it would probably help him to get off, but as the thick digit began to worm into him he was puzzled to feel the chill of lubricating gel. He didn't really need it to accept Fred's stubby finger but it would make this gig even easier, and so he sighed in something approaching contentment.

"Oh, Fred!" Kenny moaned, not really expecting any kind of decent tip from a guy who could only afford this shitty hotel but figuring it was worth the effort to play up to him. "Give it to me, man!" he said with as much passion as he could feign. Fred seemed to take it to heart and Kenny felt a sharp increase in intensity.

It really did feel good and Kenny decided to abandon himself to the pleasure by conjuring up the best fantasy he could think of. He knew what that had to be.

The delicious firmness inside him was Andy's sturdy young dick, which Kenny imagined to measure about three inches. His new little brother was driving it home in deep, full strokes, and if he imagined hard enough he could feel that strong, smooth body bumping against him with every thrust. And since fantasy is unbound by the laws of the physical universe the plunging mouth that gave him such pleasure became Andy's too. And then he thought, what the hell, and Kenny imagined himself pleasuring Andy that same way as well.

Of coursed the kid would have to be triplets for it to really happen, but that's what fantasy is for, and for transporting Kenny out of cheap hotel rooms with sleazy salesmen who may or may not be named Fred. The welcome churning began in his belly and he knew it wouldn't be long.

"Close your eyes for a minute," Vince said with a mischievous grin. "I've got a surprise."

Andy giggled. He had done a lot of giggling in the past forty minutes. He was still coming down from the beautiful cum he had just had and his heated flesh tingled.

"What are you gonna do?" the boy asked warily.

"I'm not telling, so just close your eyes and you'll find out."

"Well, OK," Andy said, but it really hadn't been hard to convince him. Everything to this point had been delicious fun and he saw no indication anything would change. Vince performed his ministrations with a special reverence, practically worshiping Andy's soft young body. Andy had never felt more welcomed into anyone's life, and while it wasn't like what he had with Johnny and never would be, Vince had already carved out a place in Andy's heart.

Andy heard a familiar sound and knew it was lips against the mouth of a pop bottle and the sloshing of root beer as Vince took a big drink. He supposed his friend had grabbed a quick slug while preparing Andy's surprise, but then the boy was shocked when a freezing cold, fizzy sensation enveloped his erection. He realized Vince had taken him once again, but this time while holding a mouthful of cold root beer!

Bubbles of foam tingled, massaging everywhere at once, and Andy couldn't help a reflexive thrust of his hips. It was wonderfully, astonishingly unexpected and the boy laughed out loud with delight. Vince slowly sipped the root beer down and it was another strange sensation as the cold liquid drained away and the tingly bubbles turned back into the warm saliva he was more accustomed to. Vince finally backed away and looked up to Andy with a grin.

"Did you like that?"

"It was cool!" Andy laughed. "I never felt anything like that before."

"I knew you would like it," Vince said, "because Tommy did. He made it up. He did it to me first and then he taught me how to do it back to him. Tommy made up a lot of stuff."

"It felt really weird," Andy grinned at his big friend.

"Yeah. I wasn't sure if I liked it or not the first time." He rolled onto the bed next to Andy and kissed him a peck on the cheek. "You know, I never did that with anybody since me and Tommy used to."

Andy snuggled against him contentedly. "So how come you decided to do it tonight?" he asked.

Vince gave a shy look and slowly replied, "Well, you sort of remind me of Tommy. You look a little like him, only you're cuter. And you love root beer like he did!"

Andy gazed into the big man's soulful eyes. "You really miss him, don't you?"

"I think about him every day," Vince said wistfully. Then he brightened, "Do you want to see his picture?"

"Sure," Andy replied, and sat up as Vince reached over to the cork-board on the wall next to the bed and pulled down a faded color snapshot. There were two handsome boys with their arms around each other's shoulders, dressed for summer in shorts and T-shirts with some sort of fair or carnival in the background. The bigger one, apparently Tommy, was a head taller, and they both grinned happily. Andy saw a slight similarity between Tommy's face and his own but he certainly wouldn't categorize himself as "cuter," since the boy in the photo was plenty cute himself. There was a hint of Vince in the smaller boy's face, especially around the eyes, but otherwise the little boy looked frankly too pretty to grow up as gangly and goofy as Vince.

"I was eight, I think, when that picture was taken," Vince said. "So Tommy would be ten. I remember that day because Tommy won some kind of pennant on a stick at the carnival and that night we measured to see how much of the stick we could get up our butts. Tommy always made up stuff like that when we played sex."

Andy grinned. "So who won?"

"I did!" Vince obviously recalled it as a fond memory. "I could always take stuff way deep inside me," he said. "Tommy kept me pretty used to having stuff up there... especially his dick!"

"Did you put yours in him, too?" Andy asked.

"Oh, sure," Vince replied, as if the answer should have been obvious. "We always did everything to each other so it would be fair."

"Do you miss doing that?" Andy asked in a softer voice. He was more than a little scared, in fact his chest was beginning to thump, but he was determined to go down this road for Vince's sake.

"Sometimes," Vince said. "Why?"

"Well," Andy said, looking away nervously, "since I remind you so much of him and everything I thought maybe you'd want to do that to me." There. He said it, and even though it made sweat break out on his forehead he was glad.

"Oh, Andy," Vince said, and he took the boy into his arms and held him gently. "That's really sweet but I don't do that anymore," he said. "I'm way too big now and I couldn't hurt you or any other boy."

Andy was instantly relieved but argued anyway, "But boys do it with men all the time and they don't get hurt."

Vince just chuckled and disengaged from Andy, saying "Let me show you." He unsnapped his jeans and slipped them and his boxers down. Andy's eyes widened as inch after inch after inch was revealed. He gasped aloud.

"It doesn't even get stiff very often anymore," Vince said. "It's too big to get stiff, I guess."

"Gosh!" Andy exclaimed. "Did you ever measure it?"

Vince laughed. "Of course. It's eleven inches when it's hard and too big around for a boy's hand."

"Man!" the boy exclaimed again. "That thing would split me in two, wouldn't it?"

"I bet it would," Vince said. "I haven't put it inside anyone since I was fifteen. Those last few boys looked like it was killing them, and it's just no fun unless we both like it so I stopped. Besides, what I really like is to lick and suck."

"Well, you're sure good at those things!" Andy said and Vince smiled. Then Andy had a serious thought. "But don't you ever get to cum?"

"I jack it off sometimes," Vince said. "And it used to cum by itself when I was asleep, but now it doesn't do that anymore."

Andy smiled slyly. "Did you ever put it between a boy's legs and rub it back and forth between there?" he asked. "I like the way that feels."

Vince looked at him and chuckled. "You really are different from the other boys," he said. "Nobody ever asked whether I get to cum or not. They just take the money and go. That's OK, though," he added hastily. "I love the boys and we always have fun. They always do whatever I ask them to do. It's just that you're the first one who ever offered to do more."

"I want you to feel good, too," Andy said, and he meant it.

"I know you do," Vince said, and kissed him on the forehead. "Hey, what do you know?" he exclaimed in surprise, and when Andy looked he saw the fleshy monster arching up and away, stiffening and growing before his eyes into the eleven-inch girder Vince had described.

"You got a rubber, or are we just going bareback?" Fred asked, the first time his mouth had been off of Kenny in fifteen minutes.

Kenny was confused and frustrated. His triplet-Andy fantasy had been working wonderfully -- except for having to ignore the five o'clock shadow that scratched him and belied his image of Andy as his partner -- and he had been closing in on his orgasm. Only a minute or less away from it and now it was gone, the moment ruined.

"What the hell do I need a rubber for?" Kenny demanded, barely disguising his annoyance.

"No, for me!" Fred said. "You want to be out of here by nine, right? So, I'm just about ready to finish off inside but if we don't hurry up I'm gonna lose it."

"OK, OK!" Kenny grumbled. He'd thought he wouldn't have to give it up to this guy but now it looked like he was just as focused on a tight hole as any other man. Kenny reached his pants on the chair next to the bed and fished out a condom, peeling it expertly and rolling it onto Fred with a practiced hand. "How do you want me?" he asked with disappointment and disinterest. His nice interlude had turned back into just a job.

"On your side, baby," Fred said lustily, and when Kenny complied he scooted up behind and positioned himself. With a soft grunt and a firm stab Kenny's muscle yielded.

Andy couldn't believe the thing he gripped with his thighs. It was like riding a hobby horse, thick as Andy's forearm, hot and slick with hand cream. He'd thought Johnny felt big rubbing across that sensitive place but Vince seemed to be twice that size. In truth he liked it with Johnny better but he could tell that Vince was getting off on it really well and that made him glad.

Vince was behind him on the bed and they were more or less on their sides. Vince held him around the chest with one arm and soft, warm kisses touched his neck and shoulder every few seconds. The strokes came in a rhythm that was almost enough to make Andy feel the rumbles in his belly. He knew he wouldn't get all the way there, though. It would just be a pleasant, sensual tickle, but that would be fine. It was Vince's turn.

Fred's hot breath whistled in Kenny's ear as he eagerly thrust. Kenny sighed and looked at the clock. He hoped the guy wouldn't take much longer so he'd have a few minutes to clean himself up before meeting Andy downstairs.

"Oh, Jesus!" Kenny gasped, hoping to spur him on. "Fuck me, man, fuck me!"

Fred grunted and slammed harder. "God, I'm almost there!"

"Oh, Andy!" Vince groaned. He drove it faster and faster, his sweat-slicked flesh slapping loudly against the backs of Andy's legs. Andy clenched his thighs tightly and the giant thing throbbed and quaked.

"Oh, shit!" Vince wailed, entirely too loudly for a cheap hotel with thin walls, and drove forward with the most powerful thrust yet. Andy felt a pulse like a live thing, a giant snake slithering between his thighs, and a huge spurt of white jetted forward and sprayed the bed in front of Andy. He squeezed his legs even harder and felt it pulse again as another spray of white painted the sheets.

The way Fred jerked and spasmed behind Kenny he might have already been finished, but it wouldn't be over until the hawk said it was. He thrust once, twice more, then stayed deep inside as he filled the condom.

"Oh, God!" Fred exclaimed. "Oh, Jesus that was incredible!"

"I'm glad you liked it," Kenny said. "But now I have to get going."

Fred pulled back but didn't release Kenny from his grip. "Wait a minute, baby. You said you'd shoot for me."

"And you said you'd have me out of here by nine. It's, like, five till."

"Come on, baby," Fred purred. "You promised." He gently took the boyish semi-stiffness into his hand and Kenny was annoyed that the little traitor instantly responded.

"OK, OK," he said. "But let me do it. You just get ready to catch it."

"All right, baby!" Fred said with a grin and scooted over between Kenny's outstretched legs. Kenny began to work himself in his practiced cadence and plunged immediately back into a beautiful fantasy world of three Andys and infinite pleasure.

Vince held him in a light embrace for a long time. Andy liked lying there still coupled and he loved that Vince had gotten off so well. He'd never seen Johnny squirt that much fluid at once, but then Johnny didn't save it up for years at a time like Vince did. He was breathing slowly and deeply behind Andy, who thought for a second he had fallen asleep, but then Andy felt him nuzzle the back of his neck and place a long kiss there.

"Thank you, Andy," he said softly, and there was something different about his voice, too. He sounded somehow more manly, more confident, and less like a goofy, overgrown kid.

"I liked it too," Andy said, and squeezed playfully with his thighs.

"You're a very special boy," Vince said, giving him a hug. "Will you come see me again sometime?"

"Sure, Vince," Andy said. "I'll come whenever you want."

"I wish you could stay forever," Vince said, "but it's after nine already and Johnny will be wanting you home."

"Yeah, I guess," Andy sighed. He didn't want to leave either, but he dutifully rolled out of Vince's warm embrace and went into the bathroom to clean himself up.

Kenny wasn't sure whether to be glad or panicked when Andy wasn't waiting for him in the lobby. It was ten after nine, and while he would bet that Andy hadn't come down from Vince's apartment yet it was possible that he had run off in a frantic search for Kenny. He quickly checked the coffee shop and was just starting to get nervous when the elevator opened and a grinning Andy jumped off and ran excitedly over to him.

"He gave me twenty extra bucks!" Andy said, and Kenny shushed him while looking around in alarm.

"Not so loud!" He gave Andy a stern look and the boy cringed guiltily.

"Sorry, I forgot."

"Well, you have to remember," Kenny said. "Now let's get out of here."

Back out in the frigid night air Kenny allowed a smile. "So it went OK, huh?"

"Yeah!" Andy chirped. "Vince is so nice! I really like him."

"He's great," Kenny said, and sighed to think he'd never be with Vince again himself. "And he tipped you twenty bucks? That's a lot for Vince."

"Yep," Andy said proudly. "And he wants me to come back again next month."

"Cool," Kenny said. "See? I told you he'd love you."

"Yeah, you were right. I should have known you wouldn't take me to anybody mean or anything."

"Of course not," Kenny said. "You're my little bro, right?"

"Right!" Andy said. "And man! Did you ever see such a big dick in your whole life?"

"You saw his dick?" Kenny exclaimed. "The first time?"

"Sure," Andy said as if it were unremarkable. "I couldn't believe how big it was."

"I didn't see it until, like, the third or fourth time," Kenny said.

"And God, he squirted about a gallon!" Andy laughed. "It felt like a fire hose going off between my legs."

"He slick-legged you?" Kenny gasped. "On the first trick?"

"Yeah, and it was awesome! He said I was beautiful and special, and I really felt special, too."

Kenny walked with his head down for a moment. He remembered when Vince thought he was beautiful and special. Now it looked like those days were gone forever and the beautiful boy by his side was the new cock of the walk. Kenny was fifteen and he felt old.

The bus pulled up to the stop and they climbed aboard, moving naturally to their rear seat and the privacy its noise afforded. As the bus lurched away from the curb the emergency exit window next to them swung open at the bottom and then banged back against the frame. Some sweating rush hour passenger must have popped it open when the crush of bodies made the heat unbearable. Cold air rushed in as the bus accelerated but they didn't want to move forward and lose their haven of silence and so they sat and endured the freezing wind on their faces.

"It's sad about his brother Tommy," Andy said.

"My God," Kenny griped. "He told you about Tommy, too? Jesus, Mark has been seeing Vince for a year and a half and he's still never told him about Tommy."

"He says I remind him of Tommy," Andy said. "I saw his picture and I guess I can sort of see it."

They rode in silence a few minutes and Kenny contemplated the life he was leaving and Andy was just beginning. He looked at the sweet-faced boy and knew exactly why Vince had fallen for him so hard and so fast. After all, Kenny himself had fallen pretty hard and fast too. Andy snuggled down into his coat and shivered.

"You must be cold this time because there's nothing to be scared about."

"Yeah," Andy said, grimacing. "It's freezing."

Kenny put his arm around his shoulder and they huddled together. Their eyes met and Andy's angelic smile spread on his face. Kenny could get lost in those bright brown eyes, and as he stared into them everything else disappeared; the bus, the banging window, the world.

Kenny drifted closer until their lips touched and they shared a brief, tender kiss. It felt so wonderful Kenny pressed in for another. They melted together, locked in a fervent, searching kiss, their arms enfolding, fingers clutching at each other until the window banged especially loudly next to them and shocked them both back to reality. An old woman was staring, a look of disgust on her face, but Kenny just made a face and stuck his tongue out at her. He grabbed Andy's hand and at the next stop they jumped off the bus laughing their joy into the night.

Next time:

The dark side of Paradise.

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