Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2006 21:27:46 -0800 (PST) From: John Harlington Subject: Paul Palmer's Apartment 003 Disclaimer: do not continue reading this work of fiction if you do not care for fiction m/b or b/b literature. There are no real characters or situations involved. PART 003 Paul Palmer = 22 years old, short brown hair, blue eyes, fairly muscular, boyish look, university graduate now recently completed his Med Tech license. Living in an apartment. Jon Albertson = 13 years old, brassy hair that has highlights of blond, green eyes, medium build, slim, 100% all boy. CHAPTER - THE DINNER AT JON'S APARTMENT Paul woke up with a raging hard on that morning, thinking about his Friday evening dinner date! He was going to Jon's apartment at 6pm. He arose and went to his computer in his boxer shorts. He had downloaded all his digital pics from last night. He stayed up till 2am making sure he got every crystal clear image. "OMG." Paul literally drewled as high resolution images of Jon flashed frame by frame on his screen. He zoomed in and could see the frozen gym short mound detailed image of Jon's boy dick. The shaft was nicely thickening. He was quite endowed from what he could tell. He slowly scrolled inch by inch up the boy's dick and twin ball image impression in the grey shorts. He came to the picture of Jon's large oval ball poking out on one side from the sofa. He zoomed in and could find no hairs. He saw the images of Jon sucking down the Chinese dinner. Before he could get to the video file of the dick wagging back and forth beneath the dancing boy's gym shorts, Paul exploded with spurts of cum onto the computer screen. He moaned and let it flow. He sat dripping for several minutes. He clumsily reached for his t-shirt lying on the floor. He mopped up best he could. He lay down on his unmade bed moaning as the orgasm passed. "I've lost more cum thinking about that boy!" Paul took a long refreshing shower and cleaned up. He spent 2 hours lifting weights. When other people were at work on a Friday, Paul was enjoying his life of leisure. The clank of his weights bulged out his muscles. He was fairly hairless, except for some calf hairs and some dusting up his thighs. He liked the way he looked and felt. Paul had a great lunch. He took his kitchen garbage out to the apartment dumpster designated for his building. CLUNG! CLATTER! THUMP! CLAUP! Paul turned around with his empty kitchen garbage can and ran right into Jon holding a bag of kitchen garbage. "Jon!" "Paul!" The two eyed each other in admiration. Jon was wearing snug blue jeans with his crotch nicely bulging. His firm tight butt was clearly shaped by the hugging blue jeans. "How ya doing Jon?" asked a nervous Paul. "Fine. I eat lunch that mom has prepared for me. I stay in our apartment till she gets back from work." "Ohh I see. Yes, since you are home schooled, you get a life of leisure." "How bout you? You're not working! It is Friday at noon." "Guess that makes the two of us." "I gotta go. I really can't talk to strangers. But it is great seeing you!!! I can't wait till you come over tonight at 6 and eat with us! And help me with my homework." "I can't wait either. I love spending time with you." Jon sheepishly smiled, hunched his shoulders and turned quickly around and ran into his apartment. Paul could hear the dead bolt locking. Paul thought he might have been coming on too strong about enjoying spending time with the boy. He didn't know. His feelings were somewhat hurt by the quick chance conversation in the parking lot. What did Paul expect? An hour conversation? Paul tried to convince himself that Jon was still very eager about their budding friendship. Paul walked to his apartment but thought he saw Jon peeking at him from the curtain of the window. The curtains moved. Paul returned to his apartment and went about his business catching up on some paperwork for the Medical Clinic. He still had to organize his part of the work. Every once in awhile, Paul would massage his crotch jeans thinking about Jon. Those snug blue jeans and firm butt. What a boy! 6:00 PM - PAUL ARRIVES AT JON'S APARTMENT (Before Paul could knock the door opens) "He's here! He's here!" An excited Jon jumps up and down shouting to his mom as he opens the door. Paul realizes the boy had anticipated his arrival and was standing at the door waiting and watching. Paul is wearing his khaki pants and sports shirt. He takes off his jacket. Jon hangs up the coat. The boy is wearing long fleece gray pants that are too small, many holes throughout, a t-shirt, and is barefoot. "So glad to see you Paul. Jon has been eagerly waiting for you. We are having a simple supper. Tonight we are doing science with Jon's home school. He is behind in several lessons. If you have time, I was wondering if you might help him." "Well, if there is time." (He doesn't want to appear to be anxious) "Have a seat Paul, Jon." Ginny serves up potato chips and hot dogs. Paul is seated on the side of the table next to Jon and facing Ginny. There is a white tablecloth, in Ginny's attempt to dress up the table. Paul notices from the side of his vision that the boy has his dick flipped UP and to the side of his thigh, in the soft snug fleece pants. When the boy sits up at the table the dick tents up like a peak. "Mmmm. Hot dogs!" Jon says. Paul melts as he watches his boy eat the hot dog. The boy eats two and then asks for a 3rd hot dog, no bun. The boy picks up the extra long red hot dog and sucks on it as Ginny talks. Paul is trying to control his swelling erection. Jon also tugs and scratches his package as he eats. "We are behind in the home studies. We were in science life cycles. We studies animal and bird reproduction habits. Jon should have had this course work when he was 12." "Well, never too late, so long as you do the work, Jon." Paul acting like a big brother. "We briefly touched on human genetics, diseases, and, ahem, repro...." Ginny blushes. "Reproduction!" beams Jon. "You feel uncomfortable talking to Jon about reproduction?" asks a confident Paul. "Ahem, yes (tears up)." Ginny goes quickly to the kitchen crying in her apron. "What? Ginny?" Paul follows quickly leaving Jon to devour potato chips. "I'm sorry Paul. Jon's dad died of testicular cancer. I see the diagrams of the male genitalia and I remember his death." "I understand. Here is a tissue." "It's so silly. Really. Jon really has to understand that section. But, ahem." Ginny clears her throat. "It's only 10 pages." "Listen, I will be happy to go over that section with Jon tonight." "Will you? That would be great. You two, uh, go to his bedroom for privacy. I thought of putting you two on the sofa here in the living room. But a boy, studying that stuff in front of his mom. You know." "Of course." Paul turns and faces Jon with his hands on his hips. "We got a lesson to do." "I'm going. I'm going." Jon wipes his lips with his hairless forearm, his blond hair falls into his eyes. "Jon! Use your napkin. Not your arm." Ginny scolds. "Ahhh mom." Jon takes Paul's hand and leads him to his bedroom. IN THE BEDROOM Jon bounces on his unmade bed. Paul sits close to him with the book. "Ok, let's see here. Ah yes. Male reproduction. The testes lie outside the abdominal cavity of the male within the scrotum." "Testes?" Jon brushes his blond bangs out of his eyes. "Balls. Your balls." Paul playfully pokes at the boy's outlined twin balls in his soft fleece pants. "Owww!! That kinda hurt." Jon rubs his balls. "Listen! On top of the testicles in the scrotum, or sac, is the epididymis, or the housing area for the sperm that is made." "Huh?" Jon is a blonde. "Look at the picture. And see this diagram." "Oh! I see. Yeah. Ok. I didn't know our balls had a house in them!" Paul punches Jon playfully. They both laugh. "You have probably noticed that as you are almost 13, your balls have grown larger. And hang down lower." "Oh yeah! They have!" Jon realizes what he just revealed and then blushes. "It's ok. We're guys!" Paul smiles. "The penis is a long shaft and the enlarged tip is called the glans penis." Paul continues. "Yeah, when I turned 12 mine really grew a lot!!" Jon boasts. "Yeah, I can see!" Paul takes a chance and very quickly takes his finger and runs it up the length of the boy's penis in his soft grey fleece pants. "oooooh. Uh." Jon just looks at Paul. The boy felt an electric like tingling with the trace. The boy watches as his sensitive penis twitches, rolls, and twitches. "Erection is achieved because blood sinuses within the erectile tissue of the penis become filled with blood." Paul quickly continues. "Yeh, I get hard a lot!" Jon offers then realizes what he says and pulls the bed sheet over his head laughing. "You boy!" Paul playfully wrestles with Jon on the creaking bed. Paul notices the many crispy stains on the linens. "What are these, young man?" "Oh, uh, GULP. Those? Um. Stains. Um." "Tell me about them." "Well, it's weird like. When I turned 12 I've been waking up at night and usually in the morning with my underwear sticking to myself. Wet sticky stuff. It's getting worse. I don't want to tell my mom!!" "I think your mom already knows! I helped her do the laundry!" "Oooooh man!!! Really!?" Jon hides himself again with the sheet. "Yes. Your dick must be leaking something at night." "I guess." "Let's read on. As sexual stimulation becomes intense, sperm enters the urethra. See the diagram? Sperm and seminal fluid form semen. Once the semen is in the urethra, rhythmical muscle contraction cause it to be expelled from the penis in spurts!" "Spurts? It comes out of the penis!? Like pee?" "Yes Jon. The text says the contractions that expel the semen is part of the male orgasm." "Orgasm? What's that? That weird feeling I get at the end of my dreams? That good feeling down there, like I don't want the dream to end?" "I guess it might be." "What is in the semen?" "Your sperm! The book says more than 400 million sperm in 3.5 milliliters of semen exist. Looks like you are having what is called wet dreams." "Yeah! They are wet all right. I thought something was wrong with me!" "No, you are growing up nicely." "Really? Am I?" "Yes indeed." "When will wet dreams stop? Or do they go on all the time?" "When you masturbate, you won't get wet dreams. You relieve the epididymis of its pressure." "Epidid, oh, the sperm house, in my balls." "Yes Jon." "And that's why my balls ache so much? They are just full? Like when I have to pee? I gotta go bad?" "I guess you could make that comparison." "And when my balls ache and I go to sleep, it just happens?" "Well, you probably move about in your sleep and stimulate your penis. The rubbing against the sheets. Movement. And your penis releases the excess semen your balls are making. They ache because you are really making a lot. Look at all these stains! See!" Paul takes the boy's finger and points to one circular crusty stain after the other. "Here. And here. And here. There's another one. And see that big one?" "Yes. I see them. Yeah. I can't help it. It just messes up my bed a lot. All the time." "Masturbation relieves the built up pressure." "What is masturbation?" Jon looks wide eyed at Paul. "Jon, you mean to tell me........" "BOYS! Come on in the kitchen for ice cream." Ginny startles the two just outside the door. "Ok Ginny. Before you come in, I want you to show your mom what we learned. Read up on the testis, scrotum, penis, penis glans, urethra, epididymis, prostate gland, Cowper's gland and..." "Ok! Ok! I will be there." Jon buries himself in the book. IN THE KITCHEN "He will be out in just a minute. He wants to recite his vocabulary for you on the male reproduction system." "Oh Jon, thank you. Here. Here's your ice cream. He wouldn't touch any of those pages from me when I tried to teach it." "Thanks Ginny...Jon really did quite well. He is a quick study. And...." BWALLLLLLLLLL!! OOOOH!!! UH UH Jon comes running crying into the arms of Ginny. Then he turns and hugs Paul sobbing uncontrollably. He drops the book. Ginny picks it up. "What's wrong Jon?" Ginny then opens the book to where Jon dropped it. It shows photos of testis and patients with testicular cancer. Paul shakes his head in understanding. "Jon, tell me what you are thinking." "I am afraid I have it too." "What? You mean, you are afraid you have testicular cancer? Like your dad?" Ginny tears up. "Ginny. It usually doesn't occur in a boy his age. Usually. I think he's just afraid and is thinking back to his dad's death." "Jon, Doctor Paul says boys your age don't get this disease. Don't you believe us?" Paul smirks with his elevation to doctor, since he is a med technician working in a doctor's office. Paul whispers in Ginny's ear while he holds the sobbing, worried boy. Ginny nods her head in agreement. "Jon. Listen to me Jon. Paul has agreed to check you out tomorrow at the medical clinic. Ok? He will prove to you that you don't have it. Ok?" Jon stops sobbing. He looks up to Paul with red eyes. "Ok. Ok. But no shots." "Deal. No shots." "Now go onto bed Jon." Ginny kisses him. Jon reaches up to Paul. Paul pats him on his head. PAUL AND GINNY TALK "Ginny, I have keys to the clinic. Sunday we will go in early morning and do an examination. I will show him the charts and prove that he does not have the disease." "Great Paul. If you say he doesn't he will believe you. That will stop his fear." "Very good. Well, it is late. Have a good night Ginny." Paul can barely walk back in the night to his apartment as his cock has grown rock hard down one leg of his jeans. Will he be able to sleep any this night? He thinks he will have sticky sheets too tonight. NEXT CHAPTER - MEDICAL CLINIC EXAM FOR JON