Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 15:52:07 -0400 From: paul paris Subject: Pawn to King Four Chapter 1 This is a story of my imagination. It is completely fiction. It has been written in a way so that you will believe the beginning A long time ago, my thoughts and imagination started me writing. I vowed to keep my first story to myself. After reading it my proofreaders thought it would be a good idea to share it with you. Bingeing from my imagination it will do no harm but to me its like giving away an item that was brought with a very fist wage packet. It is precious so do take this tenderly and with the feeling it was written. I have nothing to do with this except I wrote it. Why did I write it> well I discovered that I was a boy lover. Illegal in a lot of countries please check before going further. I have the copyright so do ask if you wish to use this in any way. Fee-paying sites will automatically be ignored and refused. The content is a story of boy love. Similar to many that has been written. I wrote this over 20 years ago after making a wish via a large wishing well. It has not come true yet but the time now has run out. Pawn to King Four. Chapter 1 When I was young I had an aunt who liked me a great deal. When we went to see her there was a great big cake for me sitting upon the table. Against my better judgement I would share it out with the rest of the family, they got small pieces. So I was a pig but they never shared anything with me. Uncle always had a job for me. Boxes of seashells had to be laid in the garden in a pattern of a Jelly Fish. We never really spoke but had a great time. This happened once a month. With an hour left before we had to leave we would stop. Uncle brought out his Chess set teaching me the rudimentary of the game. "This young lads a quick learner." He would say that every time. The other common saying was "You nearly beat me their Jack." I was Jack and age 10. I had 2 brothers older than me also an older sister. The sister was in the Navy the brother were gas delivers at a mobile home complex. They lived away from home most of the time. Mum was nice. I think it was because it was just she and I. I went to a primary school where it was expected that I would advance to Grammar School. One of the teachers at the Grammar school lived in a house at the side of the primary school. We all thought it was a strange place to live but he was happy. I have not mentioned Dad. He had left home after I was born saying there been to many mouths to feed. I never understood it but as Mum said, "What the hell we will be alright." I will go back to Aunt if I may. One day we visited and found out, well I did, that Uncle had died. He had left a will. Every one was given something to remember him by. I cannot remember what everyone else got except Mum got some money to have the operation she so desperately needed, Right don't ask me. I was a kid The operation would come clearer a bit later so do not rush me. I was given his shell box. I admired how he had made it every time I saw it. Inside the box was his chess set. There was a letter. Hi jack, sorry I will not be here anymore to play chess so I am giving it to you in the hope that you will find someone who is careful to play a game or two. I will be looking over to make sure you do not cheat so take care youngster. UNCLE I forgot to say that the Chess set was wooden. Uncle had carved it himself. It was a valued item that was now mine. The family argued that I was to young to have such a precious item. Aunt went ballistic saying Uncle's word was final so that was the end of the argument. She did make me promise to look after it and I still have it today. I learned to play quite well becoming table 6 in the area Chess club within a year. Mum was so proud. My family made so much noise after I used the words "Check Mate." Against opponents. They were told many times to "Cease and Desist." My team knew I had won so it became embarrassing. Through the concentrating I did the same to my schoolwork and got into the Grammar School Mum cried all day when the letter arrived. I forgot to tell you about some6thing strange that happened at an away chess match we had. I was without family, thank goodness, and came up against the away teams number 2. Same age as me. He was a very jolly boy to play with. It was a tough mach but I won. I congratulated him but rather than shake my hand he kissed me on either cheek. When I was getting a drink I asked him why he did it. "That's how some of the boys who live abroad greet you. It's a sign of thanks." I acknowledged what he had said. "I prefer being up front and honest." He then kissed me right on the lips. From that moment I was hooked. 11 almost 12, I was in love with a boy. I was shaking, sweating and had this funny feeling in my stomach like never before. On the way home I wished someone had a gun I never even got to know his name. Perry the boy who nobody liked because he was always loosing tapped me on the shoulder when we were on the coach. "I was asked to give you this letter. It's not open, I promised. I think you have a girl there who fancies you." Now lets get the panic out the way first. I had never been with a girl. Never liked any and now I are getting love letters from them. I was going to be ill. I could not face reading the letter now so stuffed it in my pocket till I got home. I paid the normal thanks offering to help him get better but that was that. Mum was pleased that I won but was upset I was so late. She blamed the driver not me so I was happy with that. Hot Strawberry milk and I was off to bed. I chanced reading the letter before I went to sleep. Hi Jack, I found out your name from Perry. I am taking the chance of writing a quick letter to you. I should have got your name but forgot. You forget to do so many things when you have your first kiss. If this is too much for you do the greatest favour and throw the letter away. I never kissed a boy before but you looked like you needed one. My name is Alan Parker. You beat me at chess. My address is at the bottom so if you want to write please do, even if it is to tell me to go away. I hope I have not hurt your feelings Alan I was shaking to know that the letter was from the boy whose name I never got. My milk went quickly so I could write a letter in return. Hi Alan, Do not worry. It was strange but it was fun. Jack What a letter in return. I could have said something better than that after all he had taken a chance to open up. He found my name, expressed his feelings and all I could say was "Strange but fun." I put his address on an envelope putting it on the dressing table to make sure I posted it. That night I had many dreams and Alan was in them all. I had a secret hiding place that was perfect for his letter. Mum had a stamp so posted the return letter on my way to school. My mind was in a mess but I could not talk to anyone. I even thought about the Biology Teacher. He was a nice guy but I did not know what would happen if he got to know. I started to look at all the boys in school becoming embarrassed when I did. The showers were the worst. I rushed through them. About a week later when I got home there was a letter for me. As I picked it up m8um told me that she had a letter from a man who was the Uncle of a boy at one of the schools where I had played chess. "You know a boy called Alan Parker?" I told her we had played chess and I had beaten him. Half term is coming soon. You have been invited to his house with Alan. Its 40 miles away. There is a beach nearby." I was excited "Well if you get everything done I will call him to agree." I ran to get home work done then laying on the bed opened my letter. Hi Jack, When I got your letter I almost cried. Have invited you to Uncles house for a few days so we can talk. Hope its okay for you. Alan Love you xxx Told Mum everything was complete. She surprised me by saying that she had called all ready. I would be collected Thursday afternoon. Back on Tuesday. I gave her a hug but the feeling of homesickness had all ready started and I had not even left yet. We spent time packing a bag that was in the cupboard waiting. The next day at school, the last before half term was so slow. Double Math, Double English. Lunch then an early let out. I did what mum suggested. I got a card that said many thanks for the Uncle. I brought a key ring with a small cupid on it. Now don't get silly. I could feel what love was. I was confused but knew Alan was special. I also found a key in the shape of a heart that fitted the key ring perfect. So I was feeling silly. The rest of the day went slow but I did go to bed early and woke late. I just had time to have some dinner when there was a knock at the door. Mum opened it. Standing there was a huge bunch of flowers covering a boy who I knew to be Alan. Mum took the flowers. Alan said "Some pretty flowers for a pretty lady." Mum was all funny but I thought flowers, all I had was a card. Alan waved. Mum got the bag and patted my backside sending me on my way. No kiss but I guess the way we both felt we would have both ended in tears. "Jack are you sure this will be okay with you?" I looked at him. "Well considering I do not know what's going to happen I cannot answer that question. If you are asking am I happy to be with you the answer is yes." I had the key and key ring in my hand so without a thought I took his hand palming the gift into his. He never opened it but introduced me to his Uncle. We shook hands. He said, "I want you and Alan to feel safe and have fun." In the back of the car Alan looked at the objects I placed in his hand. "Do you mean this?" I looked at him and whispered. "Its how you made me feel. I only thought it was girls who made you feel like this but you have done strange things to me." Alan passed me a letter. "Read it carefully. Uncle look at this." With that he showed him the key ring and key." I was angry. "Well that is so sweet. I have one like that at home. My boyfriend gave it to me. So perhaps you were right after all Alan." What was that? Boyfriend he has one. What's going on? "Sorry Jack I did not mean to upset you. I am what is called a boy lover. I am telling you this as a secret. It is to go no further than us three. I love boys." I thought to myself that most uncles did. " I am also like Alan. We are both Gay. Alan likes you a lot. Between you and me he is in love with you." Alan shouted at his uncle. "He has been looking for the right person for a long time. I am not saying you are Gay but when 2 boys show affection for each other as you 2 are then I would say you are in Love." Mum would say that I was never backwards in coming forwards. "What's a boy lover?" I could see the Uncles eyes looking through the rear view mirror. "I am not sure if this is to early but I love boys more that grown ups. My boyfriend is 14 but I have many older friends." I opened the letter. Alan was looking out of the window while his Uncle was staring straight ahead driving. Jack, You have never been out of my mind since we first met. This break is to find out if we are made for each other. Do not be scared just be yourself. I love you and want to show you. I hate girls and have always known that. I have searched for the right person. You came into my life and things changed. This is new to me so we will have to take things step by step. The kiss was the beginning. I do know that if things happen we do not like we will stop. Just have an open mind and lets have some fun together. I do really love you Alan. I was not quite sure what it all meant but I knew I was happy to be with him at that very moment. He held my hand. I did not mind I think after reading the letter again I agreed with almost everything in it. "There is the house." In the distance was a large house covered in sunshine. Pulling into the drive the car entered the garage and the doors closed behind us. "Take him in Alan you know where to go. I will call you later for tea." We entered a large room and found the stairs that led to a large room at the top. "This is our room if it's okay with you Jack?" The only thing I saw was a great big bed. Is would sleep 4 people. There was a cupboard each plus a small chest at each side of the bed. Alan slipped his shoes off then jumped on the bed. "There is a lock in case we need it." Slipping my shoes of I got on the bed also. I was right it was big enough to sleep 4. Alan was quick off the mark. He leaned across me asking if it would be a good time to give me a welcome kiss. I agreed but I did not anticipate the length of time that Alan wanted the kiss to last. When we did stop we just both looked at each other. No words at all. "I have never done this before." I smiled "No, neither have I." I was not scared, I was just happy. Alan's hand started to move across my body. "Do you think we should lock the door?" I thought for a moment. What would we need the door locked for? Alan's hand slipped onto my leg. Slowly it went under the bottom of my shorts until is came to rest upon my under clothes. We both heard a noise. "That's why Jack." I thought again. "If you want to." I lay on my back while Alan locked the door. When he got back to the bed he removed his tee shirt. His hands went under mine. I sat up just enough for him to pull my shirt over my head. We kissed again. "Are you sure about this Jack?" I looked at his eyes. "I have never done this kind of thing before so I do not know." Alan sat up. Instead of going under my shorts he uncoupled the button, slowly pulling down the zip. With me looking he did the same to himself. Alan lay back. It was my turn I think. I kissed him but he put his arms around me. Moving his hands down he managed to pull my shorts down so that almost all of my under clothes were shown. I do not think he could wait. He slipped his shorts down then off. It seemed so simple to do the same to myself and there we had it. Two boys in briefs on the bed. "Jack touch me please." I did but I got it wrong because he took my hand and put it on top of the lump in his briefs. He pulled them down at the front. I could see his penis upright. I moved to touch it. "Ten minutes guys food will be on the table." I jumped and sat up. "Wait a minute please." As I sat there Alan pulled down my briefs exposing my penis. He managed to hold it sending shocks like electricity through me. We both then stood naked in front of each other for a final kiss. Dressing was easy shorts shirt but the briefs would stay under the pillows. The door unlocked loudly. We went down for tea. "I better put some oil on that lock." Alan's uncle Pete said that and I could feel me getting redder and redder. "Just do me a favour boys. Tell me, was it as good for you as it was for me the first time?" Alan laughed. "I have the answer. You just be happy and have fun." Sausage and mash for tea. I had three sausages but everyone reminded me of Alan. I wondered if Pete had set the tea up this way. Pete took the oilcan upstairs. I shared a sausage with Alan ending in a kiss. Pete said he had placed the heater in the room so that we would keep warm during the night if the covers fell off. We both got a kiss from him. We played all sorts of games and I got to have a go on a video game called Atari. We had a great time. It was coming up to nine when we were told to get a bath then a drink would be ready before bed. I helped clear up then went upstairs. To the right hand side of the room was a door. Inside was a big bathroom. Alan ran the water while I looked for some pyjamas. The message about the heater was right. The room was lovely and warm. Bath ready Alan came over to me and asked if we could get in the bath together. I was never really shy but Alan had made me so after that very first kiss. He stood in front of me arms in the air. I removed his tee shirt. I did the same. The same thing happened. Alan uncoupled the button of my shorts I did the same to him. Looking at each other the shorts fell to the floor. Grabbing a towel we both ran to the tub. It was fun just like a pool. We washed each other even the parts we never really got to play with earlier on. We had almost finished when Pete walked into the room. "Drinks are on the side boys. Please clear up after you have finished." I looked at Alan "We forgot to lock the door." Pete popped in the bathroom. "That looks good have fun. Night night." He then left. We got out after that. Drying quickly we cleaned up till it sparkled. First thing Alan did was lock the door. "Sorry I forgot." I found my pyjamas. "Do we need the pyjamas being it's so warm?" I agreed but did put my briefs on. He did the same. We had hot chocolate with cream it was so nice. After that we just lay upon the bed relaxing. "Shall we finish off where we were earlier on?" I nodded. The kissing was in full force when we managed with little force to remove the briefs we stupidly put on. His hand around my penis was pure heaven. I did the same to him. We both had no hair as some of our friends did. I was unaware just how hard I was rubbing him. Alan's body began to shake. His bottom was forcing itself up from the covers. "I think you will make me cum. I have never done it before." Suddenly as if riding a bucking horse Alan's whole body shook. "Jack I love you." From his penis that was like concrete I could feel something like saliva. He kissed me started to rub me. The skin moved up and down until I came as well. Dry for me but what's the chance of 2 boys coming together. Making love for the very first time and enjoying the climax each other gives them. For the rest of the night we lay entwined with each other on top of the covers. I was sure that there was a storm that night. I could see the flashes but no thunder. Mum called that an angry storm. I could not be angry. As the light came through the window I could see my beloved naked as the day he was born. I have asked myself why when I was that young why I found it necessary to kiss not his lips but the tip of his penis. Holding him after I felt he was all mine. Not knowing what the time was I opened the door gently and went down to see the clock in the kitchen. 6-30pm In the living room was Pete asleep with the television on. In the screen was the picture of our room and Alan was naked on the bed. I realised I was naked but liked the view of my love on the screen. I then went back up to see a small camera above the mirror. Our night of passion had been filmed. I dressed and went for a walk getting my thoughts together. I sat on a bench looking out to sea. I wondered if Alan knew about this? Was this a plan just to get pictures? Upon my return I got the answer. The camera was still on but there were now two different people to view. Alan knew Pete was with him in the room because they were both in action together. I waited till they were finished. Why wait I do not know. I told Pete I wanted to go home. "I wont tell about the camera but I want to go now. Alan was in tears. Pete started to destroy the film. Alan moved to a smaller room asking me to stay. So with the film destroyed I was to be alone. I believe Alan did not know but the true love that was once there had now gone. The time away did get off to a present enough start but it's like anything that seems to good, bad. I never spoke to Alan again. He did try a write but I answered with just one worry "Goodbye." I did not stop looking at boys so when a new boy started school who looked as sad as I felt I came to the conclusion that we were made to be friends. Comments to Flames ignored and extinguished.