Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 16:18:12 +0000 (UTC) From: J. Brahms Subject: Rob's Summer Adventures, Part 5 Rob's Summer Adventures - Part 5 The following weekend was a visit from Billy. As it was just Billy, the boys slept in Rob's bed which meant they had to be quiet so as not to disturb Dad. In low tones Rob told Billy all that had gone on in his visits to Jay's. "You have to find a way for me to join you," Billy insisted, not for the first time. "I'll find a time to ask," Rob promised. "I really don't know what he'd think." That issue settled as much as it could be, they turned their attention to a favorite pastime - getting each other off. It was late, so they didn't make any effort to prolong things, but certainly were satisfied when done. The weekend continued much the same. Dad took them out on Saturday, finishing up with dinner out. When Billy's parents came to get him and visit with Dad on Sunday, Rob promised that he would talk to Jay. Monday morning Jay chatted briefly with Rob, comparing their weekends. Jay had been out of town with some of his other friends, but didn't let on what they did. Rob said Billy had visited and left it at that. Tuesday he had a better opportunity to bring up the subject of Billy visiting Jay. Jay invited Rob to lunch. They picked up sandwiches and found a quiet bench where they could chat and enjoy an outdoor lunch. After a few minutes Rob started telling Jay a bit more about Billy. Jay knew about the roommate, but not much more. "You were open with me about Barry, so I guess I owe you the same." Without the truly intimate details Rob told about how he and Billy liked to play together and often shared the bed. He left out Hank and Sam and any of the others. There might be time for that later. Jay was happy for Rob that Billy was able to visit sometimes during the summer. Rob saw that as his chance. "So, I was wondering. . . Could. . . Well, could Billy meet you sometime when he's here?" Jay chuckled. "Just meet me? Or get his clothes off at my apartment?" Rob could tell from Jay's tone that he wasn't offended by the question. "We'll just have to see how things develop." Rob accepted that answer and they returned to work. That afternoon Jay got started on a plan of his own. From Rob's employment papers he had contact numbers for Rob's dad and took the liberty of calling him at work, assuring him that there was no cause for concern. He apologized for taking up Dad's time at work and was told that it was fine. "I could use a break," Dad told him. Wasting no time Jay got right to the purpose of his call. His family had a house in the country, about a two hour drive away. He would like to have Rob join him this weekend. Dad gave it a moment's thought, then gave his ok, telling Jay that he felt Rob was in good hands, and that he was eighteen, after all, so could make his own decisions. Dad might have said no if he hadn't felt good about Jay. He did thank Jay for taking the time to consult him, which only helped to raise Jay in Dad's estimation. Jay was surprisingly effusive in his thanks which brought another "not to worry" from Dad. At 5:00 Jay stopped by Rob's desk and quietly asked if he would stay for a few minutes. Rob was perplexed, but Jay showed no signs of annoyance or disapproval so Rob decided it must be something other than a "talking to." After the office was fairly empty Jay told Rob of his plan and that Dad had given permission for Rob to join him. Rob was thrilled! He also felt a sense of pride that Jay would want his company for a whole weekend. As much as he enjoyed his project at work, Rob felt the rest of the week went by at a snail's pace. Thursday night he packed an overnight bag, put his toiletries in it Friday morning, and took it to work with him. After what felt like an endless day 5:00 arrived. Jay came over and said "ready kiddo?" Rob was, and eager, too. For some reason he hoped that others wouldn't see them leaving with Rob so obviously prepared for an overnight. No one did. About halfway to the house Jay stopped at a favorite diner which had better than the usual diner food. He told Rob it would be about another hour's drive. Also to order whatever he wanted. Jay's family had a caretaker who looked after the house. He also was helpful with various other things, so it was no problem for him to have the house stocked with all the food they would need for the weekend, saving Jay a trip to the grocery store. It was getting dark when they arrived, but Rob was able to get a good look at the house which was very much what one would expect of a second home in the country. It also was isolated from any other houses which secretly pleased Rob. It took only one trip to unload the car. They went in through the kitchen where they took off their shoes. Now came Rob's first surprise. Before he could pick up his bag Jay said, in firmer tones than Rob had heard him use before, "Rob, take off your clothes." Rob expected he'd have naked time over the weekend, but this felt like an order. He started to remove his shirt. "You will be naked here all weekend unless I say you can put on clothes, which would only be if someone comes by. I'll probably spend much of the time naked, too, but you will be naked full time. You will understand what this is about as the weekend goes on." By now Rob was out of his clothes, a bit stiff with nervousness. Jay told him to gather up his bag and his clothes and follow him. Jay said he'd show Rob the house but first they should get their things put away. Jay led him to a comfy bedroom also furnished with a king-size bed like Jay's in the city. He showed Rob where to put his stuff then, to Rob's surprise, went about settling his things in the same room. Rob wasn't sure what to say, so said nothing, but he guessed that he would share the bed with Jay. This was exciting! For the moment Jay stayed dressed while he took Rob around the house. In the living room Jay explained some things to Rob. "You and Billy, and I'm guessing some other friends, have been having a lot of fun playing together. This is good, but playtime isn't only what sex is about. This weekend I hope I can help show you that there is a different kind of pleasure, much as my mentor did for me. There will be other things, too. I hope you will learn a lot over the next couple of days and that it will be good for you." Rob didn't follow what all of this was about except that he could tell that Jay was showing a special interest in him. He nodded. With a smile Jay stood up and undressed. That done he took the familiar spot on the couch that he had used at home two weeks ago and invited Rob to nestle up against him. Rob was only too happy to do so. Jay's arms around him made Rob feel comfortable and even safe. Jay was silently showing Rob affection without causing Rob the usual teenage sexual need. They stayed that way for quite a while. A bit after 11:00 Jay said "let's get to bed." He took Rob by the hand and led him upstairs. At any other time Rob would have felt he was being treated like a child by holding hands, but this only added to the warm feeling that was enveloping him tonight. Without words they prepared for bed. When Rob was ready Jay pulled back the covers so he could climb in. A moment later the lights were out and Jay was slipping under the covers next to Rob. "Now we can begin," he said in a tone that was new to Rob. Firm yet inviting. The next thing he knew he was enveloped in Jay's arms and being initiated into real lovemaking. Jay was gentle, patient, and genuinely glad to share this with Rob. Rob let Jay lead. What few words they shared were either a question or a bit of guidance from Jay. How long this went on Rob had no idea, but he didn't want it to stop. Kissing Jay was giving him a new thrill. When he knew he was ready for orgasm it wasn't the expected teen need, but a desire to share this with the older man. Jay had pushed back the sheets during their lovemaking so now they weren't covered as Jay, by hand, gently brought Rob to climax. It felt so good! Rob thought he might cry. During that lovemaking Rob had his hand on Jay's erection for the first time. When he had the opportunity he took time to explore how it felt, with Jay's responses gratifying him. Now that he had enjoyed his orgasm he took Jay again and caressed and lightly stroked. Jay let him do that for a while. Before it became more serious Jay took Rob's hand off, wrapped him in another hug, and said "It's ok. That can wait until morning. You need to sleep." Rob sighed and fell asleep almost immediately. Jay happily held the sleeping boy and drifted off to sleep. They woke up at the same time, both hard. Rob found it exciting to be lying there in bed with Jay having a hardon. Jay kissed him then said Rob should use the bathroom. Rob did and as he was coming out Jay was on his own way in. "Wait for me in bed," he instructed Rob who needed no second invitation. Jay returned and now it was time for Rob to learn about making his partner happy. Again, quietly and patiently Jay guided him. Now well awake, Rob was excited to be handling Jay's good-sized erection. More than once Jay had to slow him down, but Rob was beginning to catch on. As he came to better understand how it felt to be providing pleasure rather than just the biological urge he had with his friends, he adjusted his style, trying to be more aware of Jay's needs and pleasure. Jay began to show signs of being ready for his orgasm. Rob did the best he could not to rush. He was amazed and pleased by Jay's eruption and even with the mess on Jay's stomach and in his hand, Rob climbed up and took Jay in a long kiss. It was a while before they felt ready to move. Rob had been hard all morning. With a smile Jay said, "let's take care of this before breakfast." While it was quick, the morning handjob also was done with affection. Rob found it remarkably satisfying. That done, Jay noted that they both were a mess and needed to shower. They showered together, another new experience for Rob. Already this was a magical weekend. Before they went down for breakfast Jay unveiled another thing to come. "You will get a spanking today. It's time you find out what a spanking is." Rob's face went white, but something inside told him that Jay was right. Hearing that also confirmed to Rob that indeed he did want to be spanked, especially by an older man. His stiffening in reaction was all the proof needed. Jay noticed and knew he'd made the right decision - a decision he had intended to make, regardless of how Rob felt about it. Rob recovered and they went down to breakfast. Jay did not say when the spanking would happen or what would happen during the day before it. As he intended it to, this lack of information did play on Rob's mind. Jay said nothing more and otherwise treated the day as a normal one. It was not his goal to torture Rob with anticipation, but it was good for Rob to wonder a bit.