Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 14:19:06 -0700 From: Subject: Run in the woods - Chapter 17(G/M A/Y) - Typo correction Jon didn't see his brother until the next evening. When he popped his head around Geoff's door his brother looked a little pensive. "How did it go Geoff? Was Niall angry?" "He said he is really sorry about what happened and begs you to destroy the tape. He said he's got rid of all the stuff with you in it. He'll pay you 500 pounds if you destroy the tape and the photos." "I'll bet he wud say that! It's a lot easier than years in jail. He's gonna leave you alone now rite? You did say that it was all over with him now didn't you?" Geoff shifted on his bed a little. "Err well not not really, I didn't get chance to. But its ok cos Niall is really sorry. I think he will be ok now." "Geoff how long were you there? You were out ages last night. You didn't do ne stuff with him did you? Tell me that you didn't?" "Well he looked so worried I stayed a bit longer and we did stuff, he let me fuck him. I know he'll be ok now. "Geoff you are a fool. You gotta stop seeing him, he's using you. Please don't go again. You haven't arranged anything have you?" I'm going on Saturday afternoon, but I won't do any stuff just talking and watchin porno. Nothin will happen I'll tell him then that its no go." "We gotta talk about this again before you go, but I'm going to bed now. Cya tomorrow ok?" Jon went to his bed but he did not sleep too well that night. He wondered if he should tell Bill, he didn't want to betray his bro, but he couldn't just leave it. He couldn't give the photo's to the police cos everyone would find out that he was gay. Still it would be the summer holidays soon so maybe he could get Geoff away from Niall for a while sometime. He had an idea that he wanted to suggest to his rents in the morning. As Jon drifted off to sleep he remembered that he'd forgotten to chat with Chris (Burntwood) on the internet. In the morning at the breakfast table both his mom and dad were around and both seemed in a good mood. "Mom you know that the holidays are coming up and that you both have to work? I've done real well in school. Can I go on adventure camp this summer? I don't think Geoof wants to have to hang around the house just for me." "Well we were wondering about what to do with you this summer. Its probably a bit late to book now but we could try. Maybe Geoff should go to, get him out of the house because he does not seem to have too many friends around. Can you look some stuff up on the web and let us know darling? "Kewl, but I wish u wouldn't call me that. It's dead embarrassing." Jon had had a long boring day at school, it was just revision for the end of term exams. By the end of the evening he'd located 3 great adventure places with spaces left. He knew that Geoff would love them. He bundled downstairs into the lounge to find his parents. "Hey Dad how about these, can you afford for us to go for 3 weeks? Its gonna be boring at home then cos John is going to Spain for his holidays then." "Yeh three weeks is ok. Why don't you take my card and go and book on-line now. One thing though you will have to go by yourself because Geoff doesn't want to go. He says he's got things to do during the holidays, but he won't tell us what. He's made his mind up that he doesn't want to go. Are you ok going by yourself? These places really look after you and you wont want to come home." "Kewl, but I'll try and change Geoff's mind." Jon ran upstairs, Geoff was out so he just booked the one place at the site that he thought Geoff would like the best if he changed his mind. Jon made the decision to talk to Bill about Geoff and what he should do. He knew that if he did nothing Geoff would just sink back in with Niall. He logged on to the Internet. Iceflower: "Hi you hairy piece of lard ?" Bill4Boys: " Now I wonder who that might be? Sounds like you are a real dodgy person." Iceflower: "I'm going on a real kewl holiday this year. It's got sailing, canoeing, caving, climbing and even quad bikes." Bill4Boys: "Sounds good to me. When are you going?" Iceflower: "For the first 3 wks of the hols. Mom and dad have to werk." Bill4Boys: "What's Geoff going to do? Is he going as well?" Iceflower: "Nah he's bein ded grumpy an don't wanna go. Tho I rekon I kno y he don't wanna." Jon went on to tell Bill all about the events of the last few days and what had happened about Geoff and Niall. Bill4Boys: "Well it seems like you have got Niall sorted out, but Geoff is going to find it more difficult. I think you just got to stick with him and try to help him. I guess that he doesn't want to talk to your parents. I can talk to him, but I guess he doesn't know that you tell me everything?" Iceflower: "Nah he don't kno about our chats. I guess I'll keep trying." As the holiday crept closer Jon became more excited at the prospect of the adventure holiday. He even packed his bag a week before the start of the holiday, ever hopeful he slipped some KY gel that he borrowed from his brother into he rucksack. Maybe he'd meet some cute kids on the site. Geoff became even more quiet and seemed to spend an increasing amount of time at Niall's. John was now fully recovered and they managed to spend a couple of evenings together rebuilding their affection for each other after their enforced separation though sickness. Finally the day came and Jon's father drove him up to North Wales to the adventure holiday. When he arrived the site was only half full, but the place looked ok if a bit untidy. Jon's dad soon left, slipping Jon £50 spending money, little realising that his son already had plenty of cash. Sadly within a day Jon realised why the Adventure holiday was only half full of people. The food was bad and the equipment never seemed to be fully working. The instructors didn't seem to know what they were doing. There were some nice children his age in their dormitory, but no one seemed to be gay. By the end of the second week, Jon's father had driven back to Wales to pick up his son who left 1 week before his holiday was due to finish. When they got home the house seemed quiet. Jon was amazed that his 'rents were not angry at all. If anything they seemed a bit sad. "Look Geoff is not around. He went to uncle Dave's for a while. Will you be ok staying at home for a couple of weeks and looking after yourself? You are nearly 14 and should be ok by yourself." "Ok, I can easily look after myself, you don't need to be worried about that. As long as I got food and water I'll be ok. When will Geoff come back? "Well, not long after you left there was a bit of a row with Geoff so it will be a while before he comes back. Look you must be tired after that trip. Why don't you go and have a bath?" After the bath Jon was feeling really drowsy and soon drifted off to sleep. He slept late, when he woke up in the morning the house was empty. He wandered downstairs to find the kitchen table for breakfast cereal and a note from his mum: "Hi Jon, We both had to go early, but you can call us if you need us. Mrs Rogers next door will keep an eye out for you as well. Be good, we love you Mum." Jon thought realised that he could hold an orgy here and no one would know about it, but there was no one who he could invite. Every one was on holiday or away, even Bill who would be at work at this time of day. This was going to be boring. He read for a while and surfed the net, played with his PS2 but knew this was going to be a quiet time. He tried calling his uncle Dave to talk to Geoff to see what had happened, but there was just an answer machine on the phone line. Eventually he got out his bike and rode to the woods. There were a few people around, but not enough to prevent him from running naked through the trees. No one saw him and no one tried to stop him. It was not so exciting this time, so he soon dressed and went back home. He filled the rest of the day watching television and then had tea with his mother. In the evening he surfed the web and found Bill online. Iceflower: "Hi gorgeous xxxx" Bill4Boys: "Hi you sound frisky tonight, thought you were supposed to be on holiday." Iceflower: "Nah I left early cos it was crap. I got hungry and bored." Bill4Boys: "So what are you doing nowadays?" Iceflower: "I'm jus chillin. Hopin I cud meet u in da park an suk u" Bill4Boys: "U keep trying don't you ;-) How's Geoff doing?" Iceflower: "I don't know. He aint here. He's at Uncle Daves." Bill4Boys: " Oh he's on holiday?" Iceflower: "Nah Mom told me there was a massive row and that Geoff is a Dave's." Bill4Boys: "What was it about, when will he come back?" Iceflower: "I dunno, they wont tell me, I'm gonna ask them again at the weekend. I'm gonna watch a film on Tele, I'll cu l8r." That was the last time that Bill ever chatted with Jon. His work took him to Milan in Italy for the weekend. When he got back to Heathrow and switched on his mobile phone there were two messages from Jon's Mobile and also some SMS messages. "Bill where are you, I got to speak with you real soon." "Bill please call me, its real important." "Hi it's Jon why aren't you calling me." "Please call me." "It's OK Bill u dn't worry I kno wot to do. Luv you Jon" Bill tried calling Jon's mobile phone. It was switched off. When he got home there were two messages on his answer phone. The first was from Jon: "Bill It's Jon why don't you answer your mobile. I gotta speak with you." The second message was from Trevor, Jon's father. "Bill, this is Trevor. When you get this message can you give me a call at home?" Bill picked up the phone and dialled Jon's house. He wondered what had happened. Had Jon got into trouble? Had he run away or been held by a stranger? Trevor answered the phone. "Hi Bill, thanks for calling." "Yes I was away in Milan, just got your message. What is up?" "Bill, there is no easy way to say this. " Trevor's voice choked. "But Jon is dead. He took his own life on Monday afternoon." "Oh Trev that is terrible. I'll come round now." "No don't Bill; Sheila is under sedation. Did Jon say anything to you? Was he worried about anything? He just left a note that said "I'm sorry, I do love you all." "I got a lot of messages from Jon on my mobile whilst I was away, but I didn't have it switched on in Europe. He wanted to talk to me, but I wasn't there to help him when he needed it. I know he was worried that he didn't know about why Geoff was staying at Dave's." "That's another tragedy, Geoff had been mixing with some bad guys. One of them got arrested for sex with a boy. We moved Geoff away to a safe place at his uncle's. We didn't tell Jon why, but we knew Jon was missing him, but not enough to ..." "Trevor , I'll call you later. I'm really sorry for you and Sheila. If only Jon had been able to contact me or you and talk we could have saved him." "I know Bill, Jon didn't say any thing to me or Sheila. We just don't know why. Trevor, put the phone down. He could not see the tears streaming down Bill's face. To this day the family does not know what triggered Jon's suicide. Bill knew that he'd helped him over previous difficult circumstances, if only Jon had got through when he tried to seek help. There were so many people who loved him and would help. Bill sat down to start writing a story about a boy who ran in the woods. The end. Comments to