Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 22:24:48 -0800 From: Kevin Harness Subject: Save The Boy, Part 4 Once again, all the usual disclaimers hold true. If you are under 18 or think that you might be, you are not supposed to be reading this story per most of the laws and statutes that I'm aware of. Also, your local laws and / or statutes may not let you read this kind of a story at all: that of boylove, which is to say that even though all the actors playing these parts are over 18, there might be a character in the story who is below the age of 18 and who has sex. Yeah, I know. But oh well. Read on. =============================================================================== Chapt 4 I woke up fairly early the next morning and wandered out to the kitchen and made coffee, went to the bathroom, and came back out and sat in my computer chair, staring straight ahead. What w-a-s I thinking? I'd not only had sex last night with someone I'd known only 24 hours, they were sleeping in my bed, staying in my apartment, cooking dinner for me, AND "they" were about 17 years old, with an aunt that lived in town. I just shook my head. Yeah sure, once in a while I brought someone home after a couple drinks at the bar. Ok, m-o-r-e than a couple drinks, but it wasn't very often that I toted someone one, much less they slept over, and n-e-v-e-r were they underage. Bit hard to do in a bar, you know? I could hear the coffee was done, so I trudged out to the kitchen, put flavored creamer in my coffee cup, and poured myself a cup of coffee. Hell, I'd even made enough coffee for two people. I sighed, and headed back to the safety of my chair, where at least I was seated and didn't have to think about balance, standing up, and other tenuous responsibilities in the middle of a morning crisis. Ok, maybe I'm over-dramatic, but I don't think by a lot in this case. Jeremy did his best imitation of a pinball and also made it out to the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of black coffee and sitting down in the living room, across from me on the couch. He was staring ahead too, trying to shake off the I-just-woke-up's. My GOD this boy was cute. I shook my head again, as if to dislodge cobwebs or shake the last few remaining marbles out. "Morning," he said. "Morning," I copied back. That was it for a while, each of us sipping coffee and staring ahead, with an occasional smile when our gazes met. He shook his head too. Apparently I didn't have the exclusive right to cobwebs and loose marbles this morning. He looked at me, and I guess he could tell I wasn't altogether a happy camper. Don't get me wrong, the sex was wonderful, Jeremy was a very nice guy, good looks, I'd slept well, coffee was fine. But I couldn't help thinking..... "You know, I think I may owe you an apology for last night," he said. "I was a bit caught up in the moment, happy to be warm and with someone nice, and I just about pulled your pants off ..." "You didn't 'make me' anything," I softly cut him short. "While I can agree we may have been caught up in the moment, happy to have some nice company, etc, you didn't 'make me' do anything, and I hope the same's true for you." "Yeah," he said, " it is." "Ok," I returned. I wanted to say, then let's just let it be where it is, let things go, and sorta disregard the whole thing as a sort of accident, with a 'no harm, no foul' idea, too. But I somehow didn't want to say the words, didn't write to just write it off, didn't want to disregard it, at all. But I couldn't say that, either. It had just all happened too fast, and I hadn't had a chance to digest anything. If I had to guess, I'd say that Jeremy was probably in the same state of mind, reeling a bit from the impact of the whole scenario, probably more so due to his circumstances prior to last night. "I think maybe I should go," Jeremy said, "I don't want to make your life complicated or whatever, and I'm used to being out on my own. It's ok," he reasoned with himself while talking to me, "I'll be ok. I mean it's way cool meeting you and kicking back and stuff, but..... I just think it's best if I go." I had been waiting for that one. It was either the coffee was working or my prediction on drama was getting better. "And go where? And do what? And stay where? No, I agree, you're not my responsiblity, and I'm not trying to tell you what to do. Ok, yeah, we went a little fast. Hell, I've known you for a little over 24 hours and we've had a fight, thawed you out, made up, I gave you a few bucks and you went shopping and got a haircut, you cooked us dinner, we talked for hours, drank beer, had sex, woke up, I made us coffee.... Hell, even with coffee I can't digest all that in any short amount of time. Jeremy laughed. "Yeah I know. My head was spinning this morning." We looked at each other for a few seconds, and smiled and each took a drink of our coffee. Thank GOD for coffee. I'd like to meet the first guy who brewed that first cup of coffee and shake his hand. I thought about it for another couple seconds, trying to come to some sort of conclusion. Come on, coffee! "So you're welcome to stay for a while for now, ok? If you want to sleep on the couch, I'll swing by WalMart or somewhere and buy another blanket so you don't freeze you butt off, and we can go from there. I don't know what you'll do during the day, but..." and I handed him a spare key from the computer desk drawer, "here's a key. No one over, just you. Lock it when you leave. If you decide to just disappear, you've got my phone number. Leave the key on the desk here and lock the door on your way out. Other than that, if you stay please help out around the apartment, and I'll make sure you don't starve or freeze for now." He took the key, "Ok. Thanks. I really don't have anywhere to go, but I'll work on it. Thanks, Donny." He walked over and gave me a kiss on the top of my head, and a light, brief hug. "You're awesome. Thanks," he said, making me blush. He went to kitchen, washed out his cup, and said, "I'm going back to bed for now. Thanks again. I'll call you later," and he disappeared into my room. "No, you are," I said to myself, and smiled. And he was, too. I was taking a sip from my coffee when my alarm went off like a shot in the dark, Jeremy scrambling to find the off or snooze button, saying something along the lines of "aw holy fuck..." Despite my best efforts to not do so, I laughed out loud. I strode into the bedroom and rescued Jeremy from the all-powerful sleep-robbing alarm clock, showing him where the off and snooze buttons were. It took me a while to stop laughing whenever I pictured him pressing different buttons in a effort to get the alarm clock to stop making noise. Work went along nicely, with my thinking every now and then of Jeremy, what he was going to do, what he should do, and what the heck all this had to do with me. If at all. It shouldn't have a damn thing to do with me, my more rational right-wing self eulogized to me, while my good-natured left-wing self argued that if I were in the same position, it'd be nice to have someone give me a hand. It was like that comical scene of having a little devil on one shoulder and a angel on the other, pleading their cases with me, and indeed even arguing with each other and by-passing me altogether. I felt like taking both of them and shoving 'em into my bottom desk drawer and letting them duke it out on their own, asking perhaps at the end of the day who'd won. I had a life to get on with, and so did Jeremy. That was probably the bottom line, for both of us actually. A lot of things could be said in addition to that, but that was a pretty clean statement of what was what. I'd learned a long time ago that just because a boy was cute didn't make interaction a good risk, or even advisable. I'd more or less violated that with the one-night-stand scenario of last night, and while I could argue that it didn't seem like that, it was hard to call it something else. I resolved to get things to a point where the boy was ok had some place to go, and usher him on his way, perhaps keeping in touch to see how he was doing. You know, sort of be a friend and check up, ask how things were going, how life was treating him, etc. That was just how things would have to be. It was for the best. And as long as I could keep those two opposing creatures shut away in the bottom desk drawer, I wouldn't have to weigh possiblities, evaluate things any more rationally, or let my heart get all involved. S-e-e-m-e-d plausible.......