Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 07:01:25 -0400 From: Jeff A Subject: Sibling Rivalry Sibling Rivalry a story by parrafan Disclaimer: This story is fiction. That's why it's in the Nifty Archives rather than some scientific journal. I'm sure you could have figured that out for yourself. All of it is made up. And it is intended only for the pleasure and amusement of adults. No minors allowed. Not even good-looking ones. Dedication: This story is dedicated to an online friend (the only kind I have) named David. Even though he thinks I'm a fag pedo pervert. Well, I sure proved you wrong, huh? * * * Sibling Rivalry Mr Franklin enjoyed eating at the Pizza Palazzo. The chefs there had a way with a pizza crust that had to be tasted - nay, savoured - to be believed. The toppings were abundant, in particular the anchovies: this was one pizza joint where he never had to ask for "double anchovies" - the salty little fishies that he relished so much were always generously supplied. His secondary reason for patronising Pizza Palazzo so persistently was its reputation as a family restaurant. Even though he was a single man, he delighted in sitting amongst families. Families with young boys, not to put too fine a point on it. Tonight's dinner was made especially piquant by the presence at a nearby table of the very type of family Mr Franklin most particularly treasured. A husband and wife, still young, probably in their mid-thirties Mr Franklin estimated...and three boys, each one cute in his own way. The eldest boy had noticed Mr Franklin's interest, and began flirting with him. He turned in his seat and slowly opened and closed his bony knees in a concertina motion. The boy wore tailored short trousers which showed quite a bit of thigh, much to Mr Franklin's appreciation. The man smiled encouragement to the boy, who grinned back and carelessly dropped his hand into his crotch where he lightly caressed his bunched-up short trousers with his fingertips. Mr Franklin grinned at the erotic display the boy was staging for him. He glanced at the boy's parents to see whether they were paying any attention to their eldest's flirtatious actions, but they were busy talking to their other two sons. The teasing boy ran a hand down the outer side of his thigh, then back up along the inner side, his long fingers lingering at the hem of his pants before ducking under to drag the legband upwards. He batted his eyelashes, pouted his lips and made a kissing motion at the man, who decided it was time to make his move, lest the boy mistake his inaction for lack of interest. Mr Franklin rose from his seat and strode purposefully over to the family's table, positioning himself alongside the male adult. "Good evening", he greeted the father of the three boys with a broad smile. "Sorry to interrupt your meal, but your son has been flirting quite shamelessly with me for the last ten minutes so I thought I should come over and introduce myself. Paul Franklin", he declared, extending his hand to the seated man. "Flirting with you?" the man replied, his voice betraying his bafflement. "Oh, uh, Gene Mathewson, pleased to meet you", he greeted as he scrambled to his feet and shook hands with his visitor. "I suppose it was Macauley, my blond-headed bombshell, was it?", Gene asked, gesturing towards his middle son. "No fair!" the indicated boy protested immediately. "It wasn't me! It was Mason! He popped a boner as soon as he saw the guy!" "Did not!" the eldest boy retorted. "Did too!" the one named Macauley shot back. "You been playing with it the last five minutes! I saw ya!" "Now, boys", the mother of the three imps calmly soothed, "I'm sure Mr Franklin can easily settle the matter by telling us which of you teases was enticing him. Mr Franklin?" "I confess, dear lady, it was the darling boy sitting across from you. Is his name Mason? How charming!", Mr Franklin replied. Gene recovered his composure a little to introduce his wife. "Ah...Mr Franklin? My wife, Helen Mathewson", he said, resuming his seat. "Enchante, madam", the visitor whispered, bowing at the waist and taking her proffered hand for a chaste kiss. "You are as lovely as your namesake" Mrs Mathewson giggled softly, knowing exactly what the handsome man was after. "Oh my!" she gasped theatrically, fluttering a hand at her throat. "Better watch out, Mason, or I might steal this one for myself!" "And these are our other two boys, Macauley and Elijah", Mr Mathewson completed the social amenities. "Won't you join us? There's an empty place, uh, right next to Mason" "Why thank you, er, Gene, that's very kind. As I was saying, Mason has been making goo-goo eyes at me for the last little while, and as I don't have a boy in my life at the moment, and as he is quite good-looking, I was hoping you - and Mrs Mathewson, of course - " "Helen, please", Mrs Mathewson insisted gently. "Er, yes, uh, thank you, Helen - uh, as I was saying, I hoped that you and... Helen...might permit me to date your son, get to know him a little better, and find out if maybe we're suited to each other, possibly begin a relationship...?" Gene Mathewson looked at his eldest son with an appraising eye. "Mason, eh? I gotta admit, I thought it would have been Macauley who would be the first of my sons to step out with a man friend, Horny as a jackrabbit, that boy, but surprisingly, still a virgin. Uh, that's right, isn't it, Mac? You still got your cherry? That gym teacher you were sweet on hasn't slipped you that Polish sausage of his yet has he?" Macauley's face wore a half-disgusted, half-flattered scowl. "Da-ad!" he whined, a tinge of delight his voice. "Mr Gromylkovich has only sucked me off so far. He's already going steady with a boy in the eighth grade, everybody knows that. Some big dumb football playing jock with narrow hips and a huge-" "Now, son" Mrs Mathewson interrupted. "Remember what we discussed about table manners? We try to keep our private jealousies out of polite conversation, now, don't we. You won't have much longer to wait, I'm sure, before your penis gets every bit as big as that football player's. And even if it doesn't, you know that size isn't everything, we've talked about that. Now, tell me about this blow job from Mr Grol-...Mr Gric-... whatever his name is". Macauley sat back, basked in the attention, and gleefully told his story to the assembly at the table. "It's Gromylkovich. He's from Europe somewhere, I guess. He teaches Gym to the boys in the upper grades. It only happened last week, that's why I haven't told you guys yet. Sorry". Helen Mathewson nodded, tacitly accepting her son's apology and inviting him to continue. "He's got a great body, lotsa muscles, and a really hairy chest! I think he shaves his back, but. Maybe he gets it waxed...? Anyway, we were just finishing our showers. I had a boner-" "Naturally" Mason interjected. Helen shushed him. "Well, I can't help it. I shower next to Haley, he's got the cutest butt, and he wiggles it around when he soaps up, I think he does it on purpose. You should see the way the suds runs all down his back and over those mounds..." He licked his lips and stared off into the distance. " were telling us about your Gym coach?" Gene urged his middle son. "Oh yeah, right. Anyway, Mr Gromylkovich was just goin' round, checking everybody was washing properly, you know-" Mrs Mathewson interrupted her son with a sudden thought. "That reminds me, Macauley - did you clean under your foreskin? We don't want a repeat of...last time" Macauley sighed loudly, in exasperation. "Yes, Mom, I cleaned under my foreskin. Mr Gromylkovich checked it as well", he added. "Did Haley check it too?" Mason asked in a stage whisper. Macauley glared at him as Helen intervened calmly but firmly. "That makes two strikes, mister", she said to Mason. "Keep it up and you'll be doing all your dating in our living room. I mean it, buster". Wearing a smug grin from watching his older brother get in trouble, Macauley continued his narrative. "So, while he was checking it, it was already hard from when I was looking at Haley, he said I should meet him in his office right after I finished my shower. Most of the other guys were gone by then, too. I kinda hoped he might want to, you know, get naughty with me, so I just dried off and put my towel around me and went to his office like he said" "Di'n'cha know he already had a boyfriend?" Elijah spoke for the first time in his soft, lilting voice. "He can have more than one if he wants!" retorted Macauley, annoyed that his younger brother now seemed to be scoring off him as well. "So when I got there, he told me to lie on his couch. I didn't know if he meant on my back or my front, so I just lay on the couch on my back and undid the towel and opened it up, showing him my boner and said 'Like this, coach?'" "Poor man", Mrs Mathewson commented. "He didn't stand a chance" "When he got onto the couch with me, I thought maybe he was gonna lift my legs up and fu- er, have intercourse with me right away" Macauley recounted eagerly, "but all he did was suck on my dick. Big deal. Me an' Haley do that all the time. But I got even with him. While he was suckin' it, I rubbed my foot in his crotch. He made a big sticky mess in his tracksuit pants, hee hee". "So, still no big score, eh son?" Gene commiserated. "Never mind. You'll get lucky soon enough. I hope you're not letting it worry you?" "Nah", the middle son sneered. "He finished too quick anyway. When I get the man I want-" here Macauley stared straight at Paul Franklin "-he's gotta be able to last all night" "Good luck" Mrs Mathewson muttered ruefully under her breath. "Well, thanks for letting us know, son", Mr Mathewson commented. "We're an open family, and I want us to stay that way. And speaking of openness - and virginity - , I have to ask you, er, Paul, are you a man who insists on having an innocent for a boyfriend? Because in all honesty, it would be misleading to allow you to continue with Mason if that's the case. See, my brother-in-law, Phil, er, that's Helen's brother, he...well, why don't you tell it, darling?" Mrs Mathewson smiled back at her husband. "Yes, dear, openness is very... invigorating, isn't it? But as this is Mason's story, I think he should tell it. Mason?" Mason looked at the half-eaten slice of pizza on his plate before answering. "Nothing much to tell, really, Mr Franklin. But I'll...understand...if you don't want to date me after I tell you what happened" Paul reached into the boy's lap and clasped his hand, bringing it up to table height modestly before answering. "I already get the feeling you're a brave, wonderful boy. And I'm sure it won't make any difference to me whatever happened". Heartened by this reassurance, Mason turned to face Mr Franklin. His family already knew all of the story anyway, though Elijah had never heard the full details. At least not from him. "It was Mom and Dad's fifteenth wedding anniversary, last year. Me an' Mac saved up our allowances to give them a neat present - dinner for two at a proper restaurant. Uncle Phil said he'd look after us until they got home. After they left to go eat, Uncle Phil told us to get into our PJ's. He sent Mac and 'Lije off to bed-" "An' I wasn't even sleepy!" Elijah remarked. "And then he told me to sit on the couch with him and watch TV. I felt...well, proud, 'cause he was treating me like I was...older, you know, more mature". Paul nodded, encouraging the boy to speak. "He cuddled me a bit, which was nice, you know, and, uh, touched my legs a bit, which was nice too. I thought he wanted to make out, you know, some kissing, maybe even ask me to blow him. I would have done it, too. I liked him, see". "You're doing great, hon", his mother whispered. "But then, without asking or anything, he just pulled me over his lap and ripped my PJ's off me. Tore 'em and everything. He put his hand over my mouth so I couldn't yell, and jammed his finger up my butt. It hurt. Then he said 'lie there and don't make a sound - you've been asking for this' - but I hadn't, I really hadn't. I would have let him do it if he'd been gentle, but he was too rough. He fucked me, really hard, it hurt, and then he just...left. He left me an' 'Lije an' Mac all alone!" Paul still had hold of Mason's hand as he recounted the terrible night of his rape at the hands of his Uncle. He gave it a little squeeze of reassurance. "What did you do?" The boy looked over at his brother. The two boys, despite the superficial animosity that often exists between close-born brothers, shared a strong fraternal bond. "I woke Mac up. He made the restaurant booking, so he knew the phone number. We called Mom and Dad, and they came home. We never saw Uncle Phil since then". "Stupid bastard", remarked Gene Mathewson. "Darling!" Helen began to remonstrate. "I mean it", he continued, not to be silenced. "He did a stupid, stupid thing to our boy, and it was needless. You heard what Mason said - he would have welcomed Phil's attentions, had he been the least bit gentle with him, but no, he had to go and violently take something that would have been freely offered anyway. The jerk". He turned to Paul. "That's why I was surprised when you said it was Mason flirting with you - ever since...well, ever since that night he has been a bit withdrawn, especially around men. I guess I'm really...well, pleased...that's he's started, reach out again". "Poor lamb, couldn't ride his bike for a week afterwards", Helen reflected. "So, you've already heard the worst of it, Paul. What do you think? Still want to date our boy?" Gene asked. "Darling, I think Mason should have a say in proceedings, don't you?" Helen proposed. "Well, of course, it's all entirely up to Mason, that goes without saying. But what I mean is, does it change your mind, Paul? Now that you know?" Paul looked at Mason and smiled. "I think I admire him even more now than I did when he first blew me a kiss. And I earnestly hope he still feels the same way. About me, I mean", Paul added. "Oh, that's another thing", Gene exclaimed, suddenly remembering. "I nearly forgot, and I guess it might be important... to some men, anyway. Mason's a kind of...well...slow developer, I guess you could say. He takes after my side of the family in that regard. He's...what? twelve and a half, nearly? and hasn't had an ejaculation yet. That's right, isn't it, Mason? Still having dry cums?" Gene asked his son. "Yeah, Dad, although it's a bit hard to tell with that lotion Mom got for me, it makes it all moist under my foreskin when I ja- er, masturbate, so maybe I'm missing something, droplets yet, Dad", Mason modestly replied. "And no new developments in the hair department either, son?" his Dad continued. Mason shook his head slowly: no pubics to report - again. Macauley smirked, but held his tongue. "Well, now that you've got the full picture, Paul, would you still like, be involved...with our little Mason?" "If he'll have me - I hope I'm not the kind of man that judges a boy on superficial things like ability or otherwise to make sperm, or hair growth. What's in a boy's heart is more important to me, and I can already tell Mason has a heart full of love" Mason's answer was swift and uncompromising. He jumped out of his seat and planted a big kiss on Mr Franklin's lips, hugging him tightly around the neck as he did so. Gene smiled. "Well, I think that's settled. Would you like to come to dinner one night this week, Paul - get to know Mase on his home turf, so to speak. That will give Helen and I a chance to get to know you a little better, before we inflict Mason on you for a whole evening - or maybe an overnight!" "Da-ad!" Mason whined. Paul loved the sound of that unbroken voice, even when he was complaining. * * * Paul Franklin arrived early for his dinner engagement at the Mathewson's. Like any good suitor, he came bearing gifts: a bottle of reasonably priced wine for Gene, flowers for Helen, a chocolate bar for young Elijah, and a music CD for Macauley. He took quite a bit of time selecting the gifts, and spent the most time choosing one for Mason. In the end he settled on an overlong hand-knitted muffler in the same colours as that worn by Harry Potter in the series of movies that bear his name. But it was Macauley who answered his knock. "Hi, Mr Franklin", he greeted his brother's suitor, "Come in, Mase is expecting you", he advised, holding the heavy door open. Paul was slightly taken aback to see that Macauley was already in his PJ's, if you could call it that - no shirt, and the skimpiest pair of shorts he had ever seen on a boy. Well, it did feel like the house was centrally heated, after all. Paul dismissed the concern from his mind. "Everyone's in the sitting room - come on through", Macauley invited, bawling out "He's here!" at the top of his voice before showing Paul into the sitting room. The whole family was assembled; Elijah also in PJ's (though much more modest than his brother), Mr and Mrs Mathewson in comfortable after-work attire, and Mason, the boy who had dominated all his waking (and sleeping) thoughts for the last three days, in a dress shirt, tie, long slacks and polished leather shoes. "My goodness, but you look handsome this evening, Mason" he complimented. The boy blushed, and his parents beamed. "Come and sit here, Mr Franklin, next to me", Helen Mathewson urged, patting a cushion on the sofa next to herself. Of course, that also put him next to Mason, who was seated at the other end. Mr Mathewson began the interrogation. "Thank you for the gifts, Mr Franklin, uh, Paul - you really needn't have". But he gave a sly smile to show that he was secretly chuffed. "Now, the other night, at the Pizza Palazzo, we shared quite a lot about our family, the boys especially. Before I, ah, let you, um, get more acquainted with my son, I feel I have the, um, the right to, er..." "What my husband is saying, Paul, is that we just want to be sure that you are the...right man for this time. Can you tell us, have you...been intimate with other boys before?" Helen asked. Gene chipped in. "The only reason we ask is...well, we know some families let their boys start dating when they turn ten, but, uh, Helen and I are a bit old-fashioned; we think our boys should be at least twelve before they step out with a beau. And we also wouldn't, an inexperienced man trying to show our son, and suchlike. The blind leading the blind, and all that, you know". Paul shifted on his seat as he considered his answer. "It's a fair question, and...I'm glad you asked. In fact, I've had a few relationships with boys: my first was quite a few years ago now, with a boy I tutored in piano - he was ten when we, er, started, and we carried it on for over a year. By the time we parted - his family moved to Idaho - I had taken him to bed over a hundred times. He was timid when I first met him, but in a matter of months he was taking my penis with comfort - and delight, I must say". "Another one of my boyfriends was a neighbour boy - he was eleven when his father asked me to give him some help with his homework. Well, I helped him with that, all right, and more besides. He joined me in my bed that first night, and for the next three weeks as well. I took him from ingenue to insatiable inside half a year". "I take it you've had all, I mean, you're healthy, right? Nothing we should know about in the, uh...disease department?" Gene enquired. "I get a full physical twice a year. I'll leave you my doctor's name and you can satisfy yourself", Paul answered confidently. Helen Mathewson smiled at him. "Your credentials are indeed satisfactory, Mr Franklin. Gene and I would be more than pleased for you to court our son. We, er, hope that you would take matters gradually and carefully, and bear in mind his, ah, unfortunate experience with my brother. And now, shall you join us for dinner?". The family meal was as pleasurable as any Paul had enjoyed. One disconcerting feature, however, was that Macauley seemed to have taken over the role of flirt from his older brother. When he brought the main course out from the kitchen (Mason having been excused from serving duties for the evening due to his guest), Macauley brushed his bare arm up against Paul's bare arm. At first, Paul took it to be an accident, but later, when he took the empty dishes away, Macauley tipped a fork into Paul's lap, then grabbed at it before Paul could retrieve it. Not only did he grab the fork, but a generous handful of Paul's dick as well. Later, when serving the sweets, Macauley seemed intent on bending from the waist to pick up something from the floor right next to Paul's chair - which meant his skimpily clad bottom was waving about only inches from the guest. When all the dishes had been cleared, and everyone except Helen was back in the sitting room, Macauley took her place on the sofa next to Paul, and punctuated every comment with a hand on Paul's thigh. Gene got the ball rolling by asking Mac and Elijah to take themselves into the TV room to give Paul and Mason a little private time. "Next time you come over, Mason can take you up to his room, but for now, we'd like to take things slow and steady, if that's okay, Paul?" "Absolutely!", the man replied, looking forward to a little one-on-one with Mason on the couch, even though any member of the family could wander into the sitting room at any time. With the little brothers gone, and Mr Mathewson also departed to help his wife in the kitchen, the two would-be lovers had the room - and the couch - to themselves. "Finally!" he murmured to Mason, who twisted in his seat to reach his face towards Paul and gave him a peck on the cheek. "That's for the muffler - and the other stuff. You didn't have to, you know", he whispered. Paul bent down a little to return the kiss, this one on the forehead. "I know. I just wanted to. Your folks are nice people". Mason smiled. "They're a bit strict, sometimes. Like, they made me take this oral sex proficiency course in school, even though I already knew most of it anyway, from practicing with Mac. And one time - last year, I think it was - I dared Macauley to walk to town and back naked, and he did it, but a lot of Mom's friends saw him, and he got busted, and we both got grounded for, like, two whole days!" "They still do those courses in schools? They had those back in my day!" "Oh, yeah. To pass Civics, you gotta do at least three of 'em. I took the oral one that Mom and Dad wanted me to do, and Anal Hygiene 101, yeah, Gay Male Submissiveness. I got a B+ in that one!" "Good for you!" Paul complimented the boy, giving him a squeeze around the shoulders with his free arm to reinforce his praise. "Mac is just starting to take the sex ed courses now. I think he's doing Gay Seduction at the moment. He did Bondage last term" "Sounds like you and Mac are very close" Paul murmured, casually stroking Mason's ash-coloured hair. "Yeah, I guess", Mason agreed, trying to burrow under Paul's arm. "He can be a pain sometimes, but he's a good kid" "Hey! I am not a pain, and I ain't a kid, either" Macauley yelled, bursting from behind the couch where he had been spying on the two neophyte lovers. His yell caused all hell to break loose. Mason, shocked at Mac's intrusion, started to sob quietly, and Helen strode in from the kitchen to castigate Mac. "I warned you about this, Macauley Mathewson!" she declared sternly, pointing a serving spoon at him that still had soap suds clinging to it. "I told you to let Mason enjoy some time with Mr Franklin! I warned you to show some respect! Now, look what you've done - you know how hard it is for your brother, after what Uncle Phil did, to get the courage to let a man hold him! I'm very disappointed in you, young man!" Macauley stood in front of his mother, still wearing only the short shorts. "Sorry, Ma'am", he mumbled to the floor. "I think you should make it up to your brother right now! Kneel in front of him and suck him off right this minute! And then Mr Franklin can give you a spanking!" she ordered. Mason looked up, his tear-streaked face a mask of misery. "No, Mom, I don't want him to! I only want...Mr Franklin it...Please?" he wailed. Mrs Mathewson's frown softened. She lowered the spoon to a less threatening position. "Well...all right...But you still get the spanking, young man! Park your keister over Mr Franklin's lap and be quick about it!" "Yes, Ma'am", Macauley murmured contritely, but as he stepped over to the couch and draped his body tummy down across Paul's thigh's, the man thought for a brief instant that he detected a glimmer of a smirk, a self-satisfied twinkle on the boy's face. Maybe this 'punishment' wasn't going to be as unwelcome as Macauley was pretending! "On his bare bottom, please, Paul. You're a part of the family now, and I trust you will spank him properly. Just drag those shorts down and...oh, give them to me, I'll put them in his room later". Paul draped one arm over Macauley's upper back, and tugged the boy's PJ shorts down as requested, handing them to Mrs Mathewson. With Mason sitting at the end of the couch, head in hands, his chest heaving occasionally, Paul applied several sharpish slaps to Macauley's butt, alternating between cheeks as they reddened. Slap! "Oh!" Slap! "Oh!" the routine sounded. After a dozen wallops, and a dozen answering cries from Macauley, Paul looked up at Mrs Mathewson for direction. She gave a "that's enough" nod, then told her middle son to get up and apologise. Macauley levered himself up out of Paul's lap and stood naked in front of him. "Sorry, Mr Franklin, I shouldn'ta spied on you an' Mason". The eleven year old held out his hand to shake with Paul, but the man hardly noticed it at first - he was looking at Macauley's throbbing dick, pulsing with a life of its own, bobbing up and down in the throes of a pre-teen orgasm, obviously brought on by the spanking. "Uh, very well, Macauley", he said, distracted, taking the proffered hand. "I'm glad to see you take your punishment like a man" "Yes Sir", the boy replied, lifting his gaze just a fraction to allow Paul to see the tiniest of grins on his pouty lips. Helen Mathewson ordered the boy to his room. "And take these with you!" she commanded, handing the boy his pyjama shorts. Macauley slipped away, leaving the three of them in the sitting room. She turned to her other son. "I think it might be time to say goodnight to Mr Franklin, darling. Why don't you go out on the porch for a minute with him. And honey" she added, "undo your belt and your top trouser button, in case Mr Franklin wants to put his hand down the front of your pants." "Yes, mom", the boy answered, fiddling with his clothing as Paul shook hands with Mrs Mathewson. "I hope we'll see you again, and soon, Paul. Thanks for helping with Macauley. He needs...well, anyway, see you soon, maybe." The man smiled, and accompanied his young friend out the door and onto the porch. Leaving the boy on the landing, Paul descended to the second top step, putting their faces closer to a level height. "Thanks interesting evening...and dinner, of course. Do you mind if I call you 'Mase', like your family does?" The boy lowered his head. Man and boy stood inches apart. "I always wanted...a friend who would call me a special name. Something no-one else knows", he murmured, suddenly looking up into Paul's eyes. "I'd love to. A special name, for a special boy. Did you have anything in mind?" The boy hesitated. "Promise you won't laugh?" Paul crossed his heart. "Word of honour", he swore. "I've got...a really small dick, I mean. Well, compared to Macauley, anyway, and he's more'n a year younger than me. And all the guys at school. Even Elijah's is bigger'n mine! But I don't mind, as long as you don't. Mine's tiny, of those statues of boys in ancient Greece. Like Ganymede, that was carried away to Mount Olympus by the king of the gods. could be my Zeus", Mason finished with a whisper. Paul put his mouth close to the boy's ear. "And you can be my little Gany...only I need to be sure it's as small as you say it is. Unzip for me, Gany" he breathed into the boy's ear. Mason sighed and pulled down the zipper of his slacks, his tummy flittering inside as Mr Franklin's fingers glided down it on the way to the waistband of his underwear. "May I?" Paul asked, his fingers hesitating at the elastic. "Oh yesss. Please..." Mason sighed. Paul's deft fingers slid beneath the elasticised waist of Mason's underpants. Paul heard Mason's breath catch as he found the hot little rod of flesh, and caressed it. "Oh, yesss..." the boy sighed again. Paul silenced the boy's moans with his lips, kissing him deeply while his fingers played a virtuosic tune on Mason's fleshy flute. Paul broke off the kiss and moved his mouth back to the boy's ear. "I don't want to bring you off, my dearest Gany - not out here, not yet. On our next date, in your your bed...Until then...will you...think of me when you masturbate tonight?" "Oh, yesss, Mr Franklin...I...I love you so much..." the boy moaned. "My Zeus..." Paul withdrew his hand and zipped his young lover's trousers up. He tousled the boy's hair and gave him a final peck on the lips before walking to his car. Neither the man nor the boy noticed the open window upstairs, or the faint silhouette of Macauley, standing silently in his darkened bedroom...watching...listening... * * * "Oh, mom, he's...wonderful!" Mason gasped as he threw himself into his mother's waiting arms back in the sitting room. She patted his head. "Yes, darling, he seems a fine man. You're a very lucky boy. Are you going to masturbate tonight?" Mason giggled and said "Mr Franklin made me so hard, I'll probably have to do it twice! He said I could...think of him...when I did it. I think I love him, mom!" "Even a blind man could see that, darling. Now, I put a new tube of lotion by your bed, and a cum rag to wipe up with when you're done. Off you go now, and have nice dreams." Letting go of his mother, Mason gave a wan smile. "I don't think I'll need the rag...just yet, anyway" "I know we keep telling you not to worry about it, and that it'll happen in its own time, but look here: Mr Franklin doesn't seem to mind that you don't make sperm yet, does he? You know, Mase, just maybe, he prefers boys that are still dry cummers - remember what he said about the other boys he had relationships with? They sounded pretty young to me. So just make the most of it, darling - enjoy it while you still can." Mason gave his mom a goodnight kiss on the cheek. "Thanks mom - you're the best!" He gave her a big smile and ran up the stairs towards his bedroom. He spotted the cum rag on his bedside table as soon as he opened his bedroom door - but where was the lotion? She said she bought him a new tube; it wasn't as though he used that much of it: maybe one tube per fortnight or three weeks. Not like Macauley - he went through about two tubes a week! And Elijah - well, he was still using the same one she bought him three months ago. Wait a minute - Macauley was always 'borrowing' his stuff; maybe he ran out of lotion and borrowed that, too? He undressed, hung up his clothes and put on his PJ's. Still puzzled about the lotion - and still erect - he decided to check out Macauley's room; maybe his brother borrowed it and left it lying around in there. Mason snuck quietly to Macauley's door and listened - no sound. He edged it open and slipped inside. The drawn curtains on the window let in the moon's soft light. He could see Macauley, naked on his bed, face down, with one knee pulled up. Suddenly, Mac started to moan softly. He shifted a little on the bed, and the ghostly moonlight fell on his buns - and the end of a dildo wedged between them! Mason gasped softly before covering his mouth. So that's where it went, he thought. His dad had bought him a dildo shortly after his encounter with Uncle Phil. Gene was concerned his son might have some lingering issues with penetration, so the dildo was supposed to be a kind of self-administered therapy. Mason tried it a few times - it was a six-inch ribbed model - but he could never get it in, not even the first inch. Now here in front of him, his younger brother had the whole thing jammed up his ass, and he looked like he was trying, in his sleep, to shove it in even deeper. "Oh, Paul, yesss..." Macauley moaned softly. Mason's hands tightened into little fists. Not only did his brother steal his dildo, and his lube, but now he was dreaming about Mr Franklin! His manfriend! He listened intently. Macauley writhed slowly on the bed. "Ooh, yess, mmm, Paul, mmm, give it...zzzzz.....uh, mmm, so goood...more, go harder, mmm, all night, uhhh, do it faster, mmm...." Mason had heard enough. He didn't need the tube of lotion any more, as his own erection had wilted. He eased through the doorway and crept back to his own room, already beginning to sob. What was he going to do? By any standards, Macauley would make a better boyfriend for Mr Franklin than his own miserable self. Mac was better looking, sexier, he sure was hornier, younger, and still a virgin...He had everything Mason lacked. Mason sighed. He sent Mr Franklin a text message "Gany+Zeus4ever", then cried himself to sleep. When Macauley heard his older brother leave the room, he carefully expelled the dildo from his bottom and wiped it off. He was pretty sure his brother got an eyeful, and pretending to sleeptalk was the clincher. He was going to get Mason's manfriend off him, for sure. * * * Paul Franklin accepted Mason's invitation to lunch on the following Saturday. "We usually just have salad and sandwiches outside on the deck, if the weather is nice", the boy explained. "Dad said you could bring another bottle of that wine, if you want. And bring your bathers - we got a pool. And Mom said that after lunch, I could take you up to my room for a while know" his voice dropped to a whisper. "I'd love to come to lunch, thanks. And...would my Gany like me to bring anything... special?" The boy giggled. He loved talking to Mr Franklin, and listening to his voice! "Only an appetite...for whatever!" he parried, chuckling. * * * Elijah opened the door this time, clad in a white bathtowel. "Oh!" he observed. "It's only you! That's a relief!" He stripped off the towel and threw it on a nearby chair, revealing his all-over suntan. "Mom says we gotta wear a stupid towel when we answer the door, until we know who it is", he explained. He stood aside to let Paul enter, and turned to the back of the house and bawled "Maaay-son! He's heeere!" at the top of his voice. Mason's head appeared around a corner, followed by the rest of his body, also clad in only a towel. "Hi, Mr Franklin!" he called, smiling, as a naked Elijah ran past him towards the back door. "Hi yourself! Hope I'm not interrupting some kind of communal bathing ritual or something" Paul replied. He held his arms open, allowing the boy to cuddle up to him. "Nah! Mom and dad say we hafta be careful in the house when someone's at the door, but they let us swim nude all the time. Come on out!" he explained, grabbing his older friend by the hand and pulling him through the kitchen to the open back door. "He's here!" he declared to the rest of his family, even though nobody could have failed to register Elijah's earlier screamed announcement. "Welcome again, Paul", Helen greeted him from her sunlounge. "I see you brought a bottle with you for Gene, you naughty man! He'll have to do an extra half-hour on the treadmill for that!" "Hi Paul, great day for it!" Gene observed, lying back on his own sunlounge, empty wineglass in his hand. "A little dry for the time of year, though, don't you think?" he mused, waving the empty glass in Paul's general direction. "Message received, loud and clear", Paul chuckled as he unscrewed the bottle and poured a few ounces into the waiting glass. He looked at the pool and saw the two younger boys splashing about. "I was thinking of inviting Mason for a day out at Mount Splashbare Park tomorrow, but maybe he'd be bored with it, having his own pool already..." he remarked to Helen and Gene. "No I wouldn't!" Mason yelled. "I'd love to go! Can I, Mom? uh, Dad? Pleeease?" Helen smiled. "I think that's a fine idea. Thank you for inviting Mason, Paul. He's usually well behaved, but if he's not, you know what to do..." "Yayy! Thanks, Mom!" Mason shouted gleefully. An echoing yell emanated from the direction of the pool. "Can I come too...Mister Franklin?" Macauley shouted, too loudly for any of the adults to pretend they didn't hear. "Yeah, me too!" Elijah chimed in, equally deafening. There was a pause in the tumult, one of those moments when you know something, or someone, has to give. Paul turned to Mason and said "It's your day out - you'll have to decide. I'll leave it up to you." Mason knew he better say something quickly, otherwise whatever he said would seem ...calculated, and he wasn't really that kind of boy. "Sure!" he said, not very confidently. "Let's all go". "You're a good boy, Mason. You made the right choice", his mother told him in a voice not loud enough to carry to the pool, where Macauley and Elijah had resumed their splashing game. "And you can take that towel off now darling - Mr Franklin has already felt it, he might as well see it all. He will tomorrow anyway." "Yes, Mom", Mason complied, uncinching his towel and draping it over a plastic chair next to Paul's and sitting on it. He looked somehow younger when nude, Paul thought, appraising his young friend's naked form. Ravishing, still. More vulnerable, too. Gene came to life. "That's right - now I remember - Splashbare is that naturist swim park that had the legal trouble...had to close it down, didn't they?" "Only for a brief time while the owners and the morally outraged duked it out in the State Supreme Court", Paul answered. "Five judges to two ruled that they could stay in business if they provided separate areas for each of the sexes. So it reopened a month ago, split into three zones: men, women, and families." "Sounds like a fair compromise - I'm guessing you'll be taking the boys to the family section", Helen remarked. "Well", answered Paul, smiling, "the way they've set it up, the family section is the only part that admits kids anyway - unaccompanied adults have to go to the other two zones". Helen looked around. "You seem terribly overdressed, Paul - here we all are, nude as jaybirds or in our swimsuits, and you're still in shoes, slacks and shirt! Mason, darling, take Mr Franklin up to your room so he can change into something more comfortable. We'll be eating lunch in about twenty minutes" she added, with a twinkle in her eye. "Sure, Mom", Mason grinned, grabbing Paul's hand and pulling him to his feet. His little cock was stiff before he reached the doorway. "Hey!" Macauley yelled from the middle of the pool, "where are they goin'?" "Mind your business, young man", Helen cautioned him. * * * Paul knew that it was obligatory to compliment a boy's bedroom decor, but in Mason's case it was genuine delight that he was able to express. Plenty of books, neatly shelved; no posters of rock stars but instead prints from the French Impressionists; an Amish quilt on the bed; no clothes strewn on the floor - all in all, a reflection of a tidy mind. "Your room looks nice, Gany - it's very 'you'." Mason smiled shyly. "Would my Lord Zeus like", the naked boy asked sheepishly. Paul instantly decided to go along with Mason's fantasy. Helen said they had twenty minutes, after all. "I desire that my most loyal servant Ganymede undress me! Then I shall express the full measure...every drop...of my gratitude...upon him." Mason blushed, licked his lips and began pulling at Paul's belt. "Does my Lord...wish his unworthy servant to...receive his....nectar?". Belt undone, the zipper soon followed. Paul's slacks sagged down his thighs as Mason drew his boxers down to expose his cock. "My servant should receive my nectar...on his knees" Paul commanded. Mason instantly sank to the floor, bringing his face level with Paul's horizontal cock. "No hands must touch the divine staff", he cautioned the boy, "only my servant's lips and tongue may be used". Mason whimpered as Paul pulled his shirt over his head to expose his muscular chest. The boy closed his eyes and opened his mouth, leaning in to enclose Paul's pulsating prick. The fantasy he allowed himself to be caught up in was intensely erotic for Paul - none of his previous young friends had the imagination to initiate such a scenario. He was so turned on, he didn't even try to hold back - and the tiny vibrations of Mason's humming weren't helping his control, either. He shot off in the boy's mouth. " nectar in your...unh...unh...mouth, loyal servant" he gasped as he unloaded three days' worth into the warm orifice. Mason struggled to keep his mouth tightly sealed as Paul withdrew. He picked the boy up and lay him down on his bed, arms out wide, and lay beside him. "Now", Paul whispered, looking into Mason's eyes, "my servant will swallow my nectar and declare his undying love for his Master". The boy's eyes fell shut as he let the slimy goo trickle down his throat. "Ganymede offers his unworthy body to his Master, Lord Zeus, for life", whispered Mason, holding Paul's gaze. Paul was amazed at the profundity of the boy's abject submission. Obviously Mason should have gotten more than just a B+ in that sex ed subject he took, Paul thought. "And Zeus rewards his servant's loyalty and devotion with the fullness of earthly pleasure", he murmured to the boy before moving downwards to Mason's quivering cock and engulfing it in his mouth. "Oh!" Mason gasped. "Oh, my Lord!" he whimpered. "Oh, Master!" he moaned. "I am Elysium!" he groaned, frantically jerking his hips upwards in a dry orgasm that threatened to break Paul's nose. The two lovers cuddled for about five minutes as they regained their composure. "You...are one hot little number, Master Mathewson. I shall have to take a large stick with me to Mount Splashbare to keep all the other men away from you. Because they can't have you, only I can!" Mason stretched his arms, luxuriating in the after-sex glow. "And I will have to keep you away from Mac!" he replied. "Mac? You mean Macauley? Your brother? Why?" Paul responded, puzzled. "I think he wants you. I think he overheard us the other night. And Mom and Dad won't let him date until he is twelve, and I'm pretty sure he can't wait that long. He's really, uh, horny, you know, and...he usually gets what he wants" Paul considered this statement for a few moments. "How do you feel about that, darling?" Mason smiled and snuggled deeper in Paul's embrace on hearing his friend use that word, the word his mother used most of the time for him. "Well, uh, he is my brother ...I love him...and we usually share most of the time...but I'm tempted to be selfish when it comes to you. Maybe if he sees we're...together...he'll back off?" Paul mulled that idea over in his mind. "Okay. Let's give it a go. But how will you feel if, as you say, he does have designs on me, and he...tries to seduce me?" Mason gazed up at his ceiling. "I guess...I'll have to trust think of me, even if he throws himself at you. I do trust you, you know. But I know that men have... desires...that they sometimes lose control over...Mac is a sexy boy, more...relaxed about it than me...And even if Mac know... get you, uh, into bed, I won't... you know, go crazy or anything...I know you'll come back to me..." Paul stroked the boy's chest and tummy slowly. "You really are a most remarkable boy, Ganymede, you know that? I bet if Cupid himself said to you 'Move over, squirt, Zeus belongs to me now', you would stand aside. Remind me - uh, remind Zeus - to reward his Ganymede with the rim job of a lifetime - you earned it. Now, let's rejoin the rest of your folks, before they send out a search party." * * * The first thing Mason did when he returned to the pool deck was give his mother a big kiss on the cheek. "I don't have to ask what that was for - your smile can probably be seen from outer space. Tell me about it later, darling", she said. "Thanks, Mom" was all Mason could get out. The salad and sandwich luncheon was all prepared when the two lovers reappeared, so all that was left for them to do was eat, which they did, with gusto. Macauley and Elijah jumped out of the pool and joined them - Macauley erect, Elijah flaccid. Macauley took every opportunity to brush up against Paul - an arm, a thigh, even his stiff pecker. Mason gave Paul a shy smile each time he saw his brother's juvenile attempts at seduction. After lunch, and the obligatory hour's wait, the three boys cajoled Paul into the pool. Mason, not being a strong swimmer, floated demurely away from the frivolity, allowing his two younger brothers to cavort with Paul. They tried to dunk him, and when that did not succeed, they tried to pull his bathers down. Eventually, Mrs Mathewson called a halt, and the four males piled out of the pool. "I think it's time we let Mr Franklin escape back to his home, boys. Mason, darling, would you take Paul up to your room so he can change back into his street clothes? Thank you dear." Seeing Mason naked for the last few hours left Paul with the impression that it was his natural state, but of course, boys tend to wear clothes in public life. Not tomorrow, he thought - we'll all be naked at the naturist theme park. "I had another wonderful afternoon with you and your family, Ganymede" Paul confided as he slipped down his bathers - the ones Macauley and Elijah tried in vain to remove in the pool. The two were alone in Mason's room again - but this time the urgency to satiate their desires was no longer there. They had experienced the utter joy of a climax with each other - not the overwhelming completeness of penetration, not yet - and they were content to be in each other's company for a few moments before their ordinary lives intruded yet again. "That was a very generous thing you did, out there, letting your brothers come with us tomorrow", he said. Mason shrugged. "It's fate. I can't keep Mac away from you forever. Either I will keep you, or..." The two lovers hugged, still nude. "You better get dressed. And get a good night's sleep. We are going to go on so many rides tomorrow!" the boy smiled. * * * "Do we really get to go naked all day?" Elijah asked for the fifteenth time as Paul's car neared the water park. "What if I get a boner?" "A shark bites it off", Macauley teased, before Paul assured young Elijah that no, there were no sharks at Mount Splashbare Park, and no, nobody would mind if he got a boner, or even two boners. "I wanna go on the Tumble-Twirler!" Macauley declared. "Will you come with me, Mr Franklin? Pleeease?" Paul shot a glance at Mason. "Of course, Mac, I'd love to. I expect we'll all have a great day". He piloted the car into a space and the boys piled out, each one pulling on a small back-pack. "Three children and one adult in the family zone, please", he told the ticket girl when they arrived at the main gate. Within a few minutes they were inside the park, looking for a good position that would be their home base and rendezvous. "Where are the dressing rooms, Mr Franklin?" Macauley asked as the excited group picked their way across the artificial grass towards a row of shelters surrounding two sides of a large wave pool. "Well, Mac, since it is a naturist park, they decided there was no need for dressing rooms - people just find a comfy spot, and strip off then and there. There are still bathrooms, of course...nobody expects anyone to, er, take a dump in public". Macauley gasped softly as they walked. The idea of taking a dump...with everybody watching...watching him...If he didn't already have a boner from sheer exuberance, he certainly had one now. Paul led the three boys to a vacant table and chair setting, and put his backpack on top, 'claiming' the space. The boys followed suit. "Bet I can strip off faster than you, Elijah!" Paul challenged, and the race was on. Shoes, socks, shirt flew everywhere. "Mason will be slowest, Mr Franklin - he takes forever!" Elijah informed him as he dragged his undies off and pumped the air with one victorious hand. "Good boy, Elijah! Now, come here and I'll put your sunscreen on. Where's your tube?" By the time he located the sun lotion in Elijah's backpack, the other two boys had completed undressing and stood patiently waiting for their turn at being lathered with the protective potion. At least, Mason did. Macauley hopped around, trying to look everywhere at once, eager to get started on the rides, commenting on everything he could see or was thinking of. "Now your turn, Mac", Paul said, squeezing some more gel onto his hands. Face to face with his brother's boyfriend, within touching distance, was almost more than Macauley could bear. "So much hair", he murmured, looking at Paul's muscular torso. "So...big" he sighed, looking down at Paul's groin. He looked at his brother plaintively. Mason gave a little frown. "Okay, you can touch, Mac. Just don't..." The rest of his sentence was unheeded. As Paul coated Macauley with a thin sheen of protective lotion, Macauley ran his fingers through the curly auburn hair of Paul's chest, sighing as he did so. "Who...who gets to put lotion on you, Mr Franklin?", he breathed, his fingertips still caressing the hirsute adult. "Um...that would be my job, Mac", Mason pointed out. Paul was inwardly amused and concerned at this byplay between the brothers. He hoped his relationship with Mason could withstand Macauley's blatant scheming. "There's lotsa kids with boners, Mr Franklin", Elijah happily reported, having surveyed the scene while waiting for his brothers "And guess what? There's girls here too!". "Ewwww!" Macauley and Mason chorused. "Now, boys, that's quite enough of that. See, Elijah, plenty of boys with boners - you guys will fit right in" he replied, smoothing the cool creamy gel over Mason's supple body. "Now before you all run away, let me explain how we'll work things. This is our base, our stuff will be safe here. I'll come back here every fifteen minutes or so, so if you need anything, come here and wait here for me and I'll be along. Lunch is when you get hungry, or one o'clock, whichever comes first. Drink plenty of water, and I'll put more sunscreen on you after lunch". The two younger boys ran off screaming with delight. Mason hung back to talk to Paul. "Shall I put your screen on now...Paul?" he asked softly, using the familiar form of address for the first time. He decided he was way past 'Mr Franklin', unless it was in front of his brothers or parents. "Please do, my young friend", Paul replied, smiling. "You are really hairy!" Mason observed as he smoothed the cream over the man's upper body. "I think Macauley likes hairy men. Especially when they have big, uh, penises", he added. "Do you want me to shave my chest hair off? I can have it waxed or something if you'd prefer it that way?" Paul enquired. "No! Don' it. It looks...manly...on you" Mason quickly averred. "Your hands are very soft, Gany" Paul whispered. "I live only to...serve my Lord Zeus", the boy breathed softly. " you...remember the other night when you...gave Mac a spanking? He was hiding behind the sofa and he..." Paul nodded. "Well, I was thinking, I know Mac enjoyed it, like, it wasn't a punishment at all for him, but...did it? I mean, did it...uh...'cause if it did, um, if you did, then if you wanted to, you could...I mean, I wouldn't mind, not long as it didn't hurt too...I mean...uh..." Paul took hold of the boy's hips and steered him onto his lap. "There are plenty of things I want to do to your beautiful bottom, but spanking isn't one of them", he explained. "There are some boys, like Mac I guess, who enjoy it. And there are some men who like doing it. There's no need for you to...sacrifice yourself just for something you think I might want...okay?" "I guess", Mason mumbled. "Now, that reminds me - with you walking around here naked and gorgeous as you are, you'll have a dozen men trying to court you before lunchtime. So, I want you to wear this: it will let them know that you are...spoken for!" Paul explained, taking a small velvet pouch from his backpack. "What..what is it?" Mason gasped, his chirpy voice eager with excitement. Paul untied the pouch's cord and tipped out a small necklace, a fine gold chain with an amulet on it. "It's a Promise Pendant, my Ganymede. If a boy promises himself to a man, he can wear one of these to show other men that he is beloved by a man, and not to be courted by another. Will you...wear it...for me?" "It's...beautiful", the boy said simply as Paul draped the chain over his thin neck. The pendant was in the shape of a pair of interlocking masculine symbols, the circle with the arrow, one smaller than the other. Mason shivered as the cool metal touched his bare chest. The boy looked around at the other tables, saw no-one, and whispered "Are we allowed it here? I want my mouth..." "Let's go round to the other side of the table", Paul suggested. "You duck underneath and...ahhh". Mo more instruction was needed - Mason's desire taught him all he required. To the casual observer, a man was sitting at a table, minding the family's towels and trinkets - the man had a satisfied smile on his face, to be sure. To a more astute pair of eyes, that looked below the surface, an ash-blonde boy's head rested in the man's crotch, slowly moving up and down, a gold chain dangling from his neck. * * * Paul and Mason found Macauley and Elijah in the queue for the Tumble-Twirler - a rather grand name for a winding cascade that patrons descended on large inflatable donuts. Several of the nearby boys in the queue sported boners, and Macauley's gaze was drawn from one to the next as he fondled his own stiff cock. "Can I ride down with you Mr Franklin? Pleeease" Macauley begged Paul as they neared the head of the queue. The man gave Mason a grimace of helplessness. In reply, the boy simply shrugged and said "That's okay, you go with Mac". Mason looked at Elijah. "Wanna go with me, 'Lije?" The youngest brother grinned and nodded vigorously to indicate that it was certainly alright with him. A nude teen wearing only a pair of sunglasses and a bored expression handed out the inflatable donuts at the top of the Twirler as they became available from a chute. "How are we both supposed to fit in this?" Paul asked Macauley, but before he knew it the queue moved forward, tipping him into the beginning of the ride. He shook his head to clear his wet hair from his eyes, and found himself sitting in the donut, Macauley in his lap, and heading towards the first bend in the Twirler. "This is great, Mr Franklin - you got a boner!" Macauley yelled. "Feel mine". Paul tried to keep a grip on Macauley's waist to stop the wriggling boy from being dislodged in the twists and bends of the Twirler, but that left the boy two free hands to reach back and grab his hardening cock. "Stick it in - I won't tell Mason" Macauley suggested, lowering his voice - not really necessary because the screams and rushing water drowned out all but the loudest shouts. Paul managed to evade Mac's wriggling butt, out of loyalty to Mason, but his will power was sorely tested by the horny boy, who had the twin advantages of agility and carnal desire. Not a moment too soon the plastic donut emerged from the last chicane into a small settling pond, Mason and Elijah bumping into the back of them. "Again, again" screamed Elijah, but Mason begged off. Thankfully, Macauley offered to take him, leaving Paul and Mason some time to themselves. Paul was silently thankful ('maybe Zeus was watching over me', he thought wryly) that he did not have to conceal anything from Mason about Mac's clumsy attempt at intercourse on-the-fly. He dreaded the idea of Macauley having a 'secret affair' with him, and the entanglements that would surely develop. "Want an ice-cream cone, beautiful?" he asked the boy. Mason blushed and looked around, to see if anyone heard. "It's okay", Paul observed. "You're wearing my pendant - we're officially a couple. We can say anything we like in full view of everyone and there'd be no problem. And", he paused for emphasis, "there's a matching ring, in the same design, that goes with the pendant...but you only get that when we go...all...the...way!" Mason blushed and looked at the ground. The two were holding hands as they walked, and Mason's hand stopped swinging as he paused to face his adult lover. "You mean, when you...have...sexual intercourse...with me?" Paul grinned back at him, hoping he didn't sound as lecherous as he felt. "Exactly, my little cup-bearer...when you and I are fully joined, with my member lodged in your cute little behind! But there's no rush - let's have our ice-cream first!" he finished with a chuckle. * * * The family zone of Mount Splashbare Park was populated with plenty of fun rides, more than could be found in the other two areas. Macauley made it his dual mission to sample every one of them, and to brush his naked body up against Mr Franklin at every possible opportunity. He truly believed that he bore his brother Mason no ill-will, but he was not interested in waiting another year until his parents agreed to let him start dating - and Mason's manfriend was such a hunk! So he dragged Paul onto the Splashenator, the Gurgler, the Double-Flusher, the five lane Slip-a-Dipper and the Enematron, using every opportunity that presented itself to touch, fondle, caress or just plain grab Paul's virile organ, with a view to getting it up his own ass before Mason got around to it. Paul, however, had some experience with boys, especially with the brothers of boys he had courted and deflowered over the last few years. He deflected all of Macauley's forays, though they left him with a more-or-less permanent half-erection, which to Mac's eyes only served to make him all the more desirable. Poor Mason wasn't equal to the task of competing with his brother; he simply hoped that Paul would stick to his initial choice of him, made at that pizza restaurant seemingly ages ago. Eventually their good day out drew to a close. "Okay, time to go, guys - there's an outdoor shower near the front gate, we'll get dressed there", Paul directed. Groans of "Awwww!" from Mac and Elijah were not enough to sway Paul's resolve, and with baggage in one hand and Mason's hand in the other, he escorted his brood homeward. Elijah fell asleep in the car on the way home, not surprisingly. Mason sat up front. A devilish idea occurred to Paul as he eased the car onto the freeway. "Mason, darling, can you give me a blowjob as we go? It relaxes me for freeway driving", he asked the boy. Mason grimaced. "Mac's still awake", he hissed back urgently. "Yes, I'm sure he is. Just lean over and unzip me, loverboy, I want to feel that hot mouth of yours on my cock again please. Macauley, you can unbuckle and watch over the seat, if you like. Undo your shorts as well, Mason dear, so I can play with your bottom while you're getting a mouthful. Mac, you can masturbate while you watch, if you want". Scowling, Mason complied. Paul dropped a hand off the steering wheel to feel around Mason's bottom. He heard Macauley's shorts unzip in the back seat, and sensed his head peering over to watch his older brother debase himself. "See how Mason moves his head around, Mac? Not just up and down, but...urghhh...side to side as well...uhhh ...he's a great little cocksucker, your brother...if you want to catch a manfriend, you have to use more than just your ass, remember that, Mac...and the best cocksuckers are the ones that can detect when you're about to come, then hold your semen in their mouths, waiting for permission to spit or swallow...oh, you little angel, Mason, that's fantastic, sit up and show your brother how it's done'. Demoralised, his pride completely trampled, Mason sat up obediently and opened his mouth, turning his head towards his brother, who gasped in the throes of his own dry climax. "Good boy. Now swallow all my sperms, Mason darling". The boy complied. * * * "Can you wake Elijah and help him inside with his stuff, Macauley?" Paul asked as he parked the car in the Mathewson's driveway. The two younger brothers tumbled out of the car, as Paul turned towards his boyfriend. Mason sat, leaning against the door, trying to get as far away from Paul as he could in the confined space of the front seat. His arms folded tightly against his small chest, face set in a scowl. "Why did you make me do that?" he whispered through gritted teeth. "In front of Mac! Why?" "I had to, darling, I-" "Don't call me that!" Mason yelled. "All right, I won't call you that, until you give me permission. But I felt Mac had to be shown exactly how it is between a man and his boy, between us, Mason. Otherwise he'll keep trying to seduce me, like he did all day today. I want to be part of your family, as your lover, Mason. Which means I have to be able to get along with your mother and father, who are cool about things, and with both of your brothers. Now Elijah is too young to care, but Macauley...he can ruin everything for us, if he's not handled very carefully. I've seen this happen before, and I know it's taking a heavy toll on you, but I must ask you to trust me. Trust your heart. I think you know deep down I couldn't harm you...or us". Somewhat mollified, Mason slumped against the seat. "Okay. But you might have warned me!" Paul chuckled. "And miss the expression on your face? Never! Now, I'm going to come around to your side of the car, open your door, and pick you up into my arms. Then I'm going to carry you inside and ask your mother's permission to take you up to your room. And then...remember that rim job I promised you? You know, my rim jobs have been known to make boys scream with pleasure..." Mason looked back at him, an evil smirk replacing his former scowl. "So why are we still sitting here, then...?" * * * "Is Mason alright? The other boys said nothing about...can he walk?" Mrs Mathewson was full of questions for Paul as he entered the house carrying Mason. The boy had his arms around Paul's neck, Paul's hands supporting his bony butt. "He's fine, Helen, just a bit tired and emotional", Paul answered. He swivelled on the spot to present Mason's face to his mother. "I'm fine, Mom. We had a great day". Paul swivelled back to face the boy's mother. "We did indeed, Helen, an outstanding day. The rules of proper behaviour were observed by all and sundry, and a special mention must go to Mason here, for his sheer unselfishness. In fact, I promised him a little treat - and now is the time to make good on that promise!" "Oh?" Helen smiled. "Is today the big day? The big, hard, ramrod-stiff, penetrating, conquering day?" she chided. "Mo-om!" Mason whined, still comfortable in the arms of his manfriend. "Not quite, but soon. Today, I am going to taste the delights of the forbidden valley, to sup at the entrance to paradise itself, and to kiss the twin moons of earthly delight!", Paul waxed eloquently. "Ah! A rim job, eh? It's been ages since... Well, anything I can do? A mouthwash for afterwards, perhaps?" Helen enquired sweetly. "One thing, dear lady - if you could make sure that Macauley does not come upstairs for the next hour or so. And - perhaps turn up the sound on the TV to drown out the screams and wails of passion of your first-born as I take him to the heights of pleasure?" Helen laughed. "If he uses his tongue on your hole like he uses it on his fancy words, Mason, you're in for a wild ride. Go on, you two, up you go - I'll keep the barbarians from the gate". "Thanks, Helen", Paul said as he turned towards the stairs. "Yeah, thanks Mom", Mason added cheekily. * * * "What were you guys doin' up there all this time?" Macauley demanded, his voice laced with suspicion. Paul and Mason had rejoined the rest of the Mathewsons on the back deck, Mason racing straight to his mother and giving her the biggest kiss square on the lips. "Never you mind, mister", Helen replied, after she got over the shock. "We always have a casual supper on Sunday evenings, Mr Franklin. I let the boys have what they like, as long as they make it themselves and clean up afterwards. But you're welcome to stay". "I made corn flakes!" Elijah declared proudly. "Thank you Helen, but I must depart - things to prepare for tomorrow, and so on. Elijah, Macauley, thanks for a great day out, I loved every minute of it. Mason, darling, I especially enjoyed your company today". Mason rose from his seat and picked his way over to Paul, giving him a chaste hug around the waist. "Would you like to come to dinner on Thursday? Mom, is it okay?" he asked both adults. "I would love to, Mason. And I'll bring my pyjamas as Friday is a holiday - maybe I'll get lucky and be invited to sleep over!" Helen chuckled. "Of course, Paul, come prepared. Thursday is usually the boys' play night - they put on a little play for Gene and I. Have you little thespians cooked something up between you already?" "What's a thespian?" Elijah piped up. "Thank you, Helen - and I shall see you all on Thursday", Paul remarked before departing. * * * Gene opened the door to Paul's knock on Thursday evening, making Paul wonder whether the family had a roster for such things. "Come in, Paul, glad you could make it. The boys are all very excited". "Thanks, Gene. Er, what's the theme of tonight's performance?" "Oh, top secret, top secret - the boys never tell us anything beforehand. But one thing will be different: for us, anyway. Tonight, Mason will be acting in the play. Usually, he just writes and produces, and organises the wardrobe. You seem to've had a very, er, liberating effect on him, I must say". "Glad to hear it", Paul answered, allowing Gene to show him into the sitting room which had been converted into a very compact performance space, complete with audience seating (3 chairs), a backdrop (a colourful bedsheet hung on the wall), orchestra pit (a CD player) and a proscenium arch (the doorway to the kitchen). Paul took a seat alongside Helen, with Gene sitting on her other side. She leaned over to whisper to him "These things usually start with the actors coming out one by one to make a little speech explaining who they are and what they do - just in case we don't pick it up from their performance. It's all Mason's idea - do you know, he explained to Elijah what a 'thespian' was the other day after you left, just so the little tyke wouldn't feel he was being insulted? Oh look, I think it's starting". A hand, followed by a bare arm, crept around the corner of the archway, fumbling along the wall for the light dimmer. Finding it, the little fingers turned the dimmer to darken the room. Suddenly, Elijah appeared from the other side of the arch, surprising the audience. "Harr, me hearties! I be Nobeard, the Pirate. I be the villain of tonight's play. I done captured the virgin cabin boy from my old enemy, Captain Greatcock, and I gonna be torturin' him to find out where Greatcock's treasure be buried! Harr!" The three members of the audience applauded Elijah's opening lines, and his costume - he was made up like a little pirate, complete with eyepatch, bandana, wooden cutlass, britches and a black vest. Elijah took his place on one side of the bedsheet backdrop, allowing the next performer to make his entrance. It was Macauley, blindfolded, bound with ropes at the chest and ankles, hands behind his back, and wearing what appeared to be a pair of waist-to-knee bloomers. "Oh!" he squeaked coquettishly, "Oh dear! I am Samuel Sweetprick, the virgin cabin boy! I fear I will suffer the most dreadful torture unless somebody rescues me! Oh!". The audience of three was delighted, and applauded generously. Macauley hopped over next to Elijah. The play took a departure from its expected course - Mason did not appear, and the two younger boys began the performance. Elijah turned the CD player on for some seafarin' music, and waved his wooden sword at Macauley. "Talk, ya skinny excuse fer a cabin boy! Or I'll rip yer clothes off!" The audience was entranced. "This is Mason's most elaborate production yet", Helen whispered to Paul. "The boys must have been practicing these lines for days!" "Not gonna talk, eh? Well then, I gotta rip these off ya!" Elijah pronounced, and grabbed at the bloomers, whipping them from Macauley's waist and holding them up to the gasps of the adults. "Ya gonna talk now?" It was obvious from the sound they made that the bloomers had been cut away and held together with little pieces of Velcro. But rather than Macauley's nudity, the audience saw that he was still wearing underwear, a pair of silk undies to be exact. A knowing smile from Helen indicated to Paul that another little mystery was now solved. "Torture me if you must, you bold pirate, but I shall never talk!" Macauley declaimed, struggling against his ropes as though he wanted to feel them against his flesh. "Harr! Then you leave me with no choice, foolish virgin cabin boy!" Elijah yelled, grabbing at the silk undies. Ri-ipp! Off they came, but it was the same trick again - the shiny garment held aloft in the pirate's hands, not damaged, and Macauley, now visibly wearing a g-string with an obvious juvenile erection pushing out the material, struggling pointlessly against his bonds. "Some torture", Helen whispered to Paul, who smiled his agreement. "And now, one last chance to tell me where is the treasure, virgin cabin boy! Or you will feel my sword!" Elijah hissed at the blindfolded Macauley. Both boys were impressing their parents, and Paul, mightily with their little act. "Never!" Macauley shouted like a B movie heroine. "You may do your worst, you naughty pirate - I'll never talk!" "So, ya ain't talkin', huh?" Elijah sneered, momentarily falling out of character and lapsing into gangsterese. "Guess I'll hafta use my sword on ya!" To the gasps of the audience, Elijah reached down to the tiny g-string with one hand and grabbed Macauley's protuberant boner. Lifting his wooden sword, he leered malevolently at the three adults and swung the cutlass downwards in a swift arc. Helen gasped aloud, Gene yelled "Hey!" and Paul jerked forward in his seat. The g-string snapped under the impact of the sword, and Elijah held it up in triumph. The bound and blindfolded Macauley sank to his haunches, now naked but for his ropes. Knees and thighs together, sitting on his heels, it looked for all the world like he had been emasculated by Elijah's sword. Before his parents could intervene, Mason leapt through the archway like Baryshnikov, and with a single word "Stop!" completely stole the show. He wore a white toga-like garment, covering one shoulder and coming down only as far as mid-thigh. A golden sash cord tied his waist. Both sides of the garment were generously split all the way from ankle to armpit, and in a bizarre mixture of sacred and pagan, he wore a pair of angel wings wired onto his back, and carried a tiny bow which had a little arrow nocked in its string. "You have angered the gods, Nobeard", Mason declared in his unbroken voice. "The only treasure this virgin cabin boy conceals is in his heart. Take that!" Perfectly timing his last two words, Mason fired the little arrow at his youngest brother, who caught it and held it to his chest. "Arrrrh! Ya got me, Cupid!", Elijah growled, and staggered around the small space drunkenly, holding the little arrow to his chest. When he stood in front of Macauley, he propped suddenly and reached his free hand out to him, helping him to his feet. Helen sighed as she saw that there was no injury to her middle son's middle leg, that it was yet another one of Mason's clever theatrics. Elijah hugged Macauley. "Come, my young Sweetprick! You shall be my cabin boy from now on!" Mason grinned at Paul, who broke into loud applause, sensing the little performance was completed. Helen and Gene joined in, Gene shouting 'Author!' and 'Bravo!' several times. The three little actors joined the adults for an impromptu after-show party, each one getting plenty of praise. None of the boys seemed in a hurry to change out of their costumes, but Helen suggested that Macauley might be better off if he traded his ropes in for some more conventional attire at the dinner table. Salads were on the Mathewson menu that night, because they could be easily prepared before the play began. Conversation was still full of the evening's theatre - how did the boys manage to learn all their lines, where did Mason get the ideas, who sewed the bloomers, where did the wings come from, how many times did Elijah practice catching the arrow, and so on. All the boys contributed to the vigorous discussion, and soon the food was all eaten. Helen sensed that her eldest son was eager to take Paul up to his room - he caught her eye several times and glanced meaningfully at the stairs each time. Finally she relented, with a smile, and invited Paul to retire from the table, with Mason. "You may take Mr Franklin up to your room, darling, him unpack his pyjamas. You will stay the night, Paul, I hope? I know it would please Mason, and perhaps he deserves a little... reward...for arranging tonight's splendid entertainment" "Hey! Me and 'Lije helped too, Mom!" Macauley declared indignantly. Helen smiled indulgently at Mac's outspoken rudeness. "True, dear, you both did very well. But even if there had been no play, Mason would still need Mr Franklin with his pyjamas. So just mind your manners and leave them be. Who knows, maybe we will be hearing some exciting news at breakfast tomorrow". "Huh?" Elijah grunted, mouth full of lettuce. "She means Mason's getting screwed tonight, dummy", Macauley whispered, unable to keep his voice from carrying to everyone at the table. Helen put on her stern face. "Maybe we should find that blindfold and put it around that mouth of yours, mister! You are this close-" she held her thumb and finger a matchstick width apart "-to another spanking! And not from Mr Franklin, either! Maybe I'll have to call on the pirate captain to do the honours this time". Macauley's jaw dropped at the horrifying prospect of being disciplined by his younger brother. " wouldn't!" he whispered, genuinely terrified this time. "Oh, wouldn't I?", she countered pleasantly. "Try me and see". Paul took Mason's hand and led him around the table to where his mother sat. "Give your mother a goodnight kiss, darling", he instructed his boyfriend. " 'Night, Mom", he murmured, bending to peck her cheek. "Goodnight, darling. Be a brave boy, now, and trust Mr Franklin. Let him fill you with his love, make your father and me proud". Mason and Paul turned towards the stairs, and, hand in hand, left the room. * * * "C-can you t-t-try ag-g-gain?" Mason sobbed, his words catching. "I don't think there's much point, darling. We've tried everything I can think of. We've been trying for hours. My dick is sore from being bent so many times, trying to get into your hole". Mason sobbed harder. "I'm suh-suh-sorry". Paul held the boy in his arms on the bed that looked like a battlefield. "Not your fault, my love. I know you tried hard, but your mind is just blocking us at the moment, I think. Boy and man had indeed tried hard. But Mason's asshole remained tightly shut, and no power Paul could muster, no soothing words, no amount of lube, no careful fingering, could breach the boy's psychological barrier. Three hours they had gone at it, and Paul had finally admitted defeat. "I really wuh-want you inside me, my Zeus, truly I do. It just..." "I know, darling, I know", Paul commiserated, lying back on the boy's bed, feeling tired and frustrated. "But your body apparently still remembers your bad experience with your uncle. It's trying to save you from more pain". Mason punched the mattress with his little fist impotently. "It's not fuh-fair", he managed to say, before wailing in misery. Both of them heard the door open a crack, saw the dim hallway light enter, heard Macauley's stage whisper "Are you alright, Mase?" Paul was instantly alert, fearing that an intrusion by Macauley at this vital time would set the boy back even further. But Mason surprised him by saying "I'm okay, Mac, come on in". Seeing his brother naked, Mac quickly shed his skimpy sleep shorts and crept over to the bed, sitting next to his big brother. "What's the matter? I heard you crying". "It's not Mr Franklin's fault - it's mine. I just can't...relax enough to let him fuck me. And I really want to. I don't want to let him down. I don't want him to...well, I want to be his lover". Macauley grasped the seriousness of the problem from Mason's language. The boys never used words like that, except when they were alone and being brother-to-brother honest. "Can" Mac asked uncertainly. Mason bit his bottom lip as he thought for a moment. He looked at Paul's large muscular hairy body stretched out on his bed - a body he knew his brother desired. "Let's try this", Mason stated, making a snap decision. "I'll get on his chest and feed him my dick, and you get on behind me and...well, just slide backwards. Hold on to me, and you can moan if you want - he likes that". The two boys put their plan into effect upon the exhausted man. Paul felt Mason's little stiffie touch his lips, which he opened to receive the morsel. But then he felt another sensation: another pair of buttocks had settled on his lower belly, and a hand was lifting his cock upwards for an optimal penetration angle. With a whooosh! of breath, his cock slid straight up inside that other set of buttocks, right to the hilt. "He's in", Macauley whispered, his hands on his brothers waist like a motorcyclist's passenger. "Okay. Start fucking him", Mason whispered back. Macauley began rocking back and forth, groaning as he did so. Paul's eyes widened in wonder as he encompassed the new sensations coming from his crotch. "Shhh", Mason soothed, ruffling his manfriend's hair, "I think this is what they call brotherly love". Whatever it was called, it worked. Paul stroked and caressed Mason's thighs and butt as he sucked the boy's tool. Macauley wriggled his bottom on Paul's rigid invader, humming in pleasure. All three came to their climaxes more or less together. in a gesture Paul found quite touching, Mason reached over to the little velvet pouch in the bedside table, unstrung it and tipped out the ring. He took Macauley's hand and slid the ring onto his pinky. "Now we match", he said to his brother, holding his pendant next to the ring. "We're both Paul's boyfriends". Macauley gave his brother a mischievous smile. "Let's do it again!". This time Macauley was in charge of the arrangements as he laid his older brother on his back. He clambered over him in a 69 position, waving his bottom towards a bemused Paul. "Come on, Paul, fuck me again, we only just got started!" the boy teased. Paul could only see Mason's eyes and the top of his head, in between Macauley's spread thighs, but he detected no denial, so, kneeling behind his latest conquest he introduced his prick for a return trip into Macauley's well-opened channel and pulled the boy's hips back towards his own. Macauley's usually athletic body was limp as a rag doll's as Paul pulled the boy's hips back repeatedly, impaling him with his cock each time. Mac gave up sucking on Mason, and merely gasped and groaned from the double dose of attention he was receiving, behind and below. Even Mason participated by raising his hands and reaching back to Paul's butt, urging it to greater efforts. When Paul came with a shout, the menage collapsed and lay still on the bed. * * * "What have we here?" Helen asked sweetly as Paul and his two lovers crept gingerly into the kitchen for breakfast. He held one boy by each hand, leading them to their seats. "Maybe I should let the boys explain, Helen", a sheepish Paul muttered. "Well..." began Mason. "Well..." started Mac at the same time. Mason glanced at his brother to see whether they were both going to talk at once again. "Uh, I tried to get Paul to do it to me last night, to...go all the way and fu- er, have intercourse with me, but I just couldn't loosen up, Mom, and Paul was getting blue balls, and I didn't want him to get frustrated, so..." "So I helped!" Macauley finished triumphantly. "Mr Franklin fu- um, did intercourse with me three times! He's really good at it, too! It was the best thing, Mom, an' I wanna start dating him, uh, with Mason too, of course". Mason's furrowed brow showed his brain ticking over. "Hey! We only did it two times...didn't we?" Macauley's smile was full of guilty pleasure. "Uh, after you fell asleep, Mase, I got Paul to do it to me again. Well, you were asleep, an'...I didn't wanna wake ya. He laid me on my back and opened my legs really wide, and knelt there, and sort of held them around his waist. Then he put his hairy chest on me, an'..." Mac's eyes shut in rapturous recollection for a few seconds, then popped open again. "But he still loves you for all the mushy stuff, Mase, you know, all that kissin', and talkin' about your feelings, and eatin' that spermy yer mouth..." Mason stiffened his back in a dignified pose. "I happen to like Paul's semen!" "Yeah, well...I like his big penis up my, my, um...what is it, again, Mase?" "Anus", the older boy advised, rather pompously. "Yeah, that's it! I like Paul's big hard penis pumpin' in and outta my...anus! So, is it okay, Mom? Can we both date Paul, pleeease?" Helen gave that half-frown that mothers do so well. "I'll have to talk it over with your father...I think he was hoping you'd be able to hold off a little longer, but I can see you've both found a man that makes you happy...pity it's the same man...Well, one thing is for sure, mister: starting Monday, I want you in that Anal Hygiene class at school. No excuses! I'll call the Principal and explain why you're starting it late. And, before you touch your breakfast, you march back up those stairs to the bathroom and have an enema right this minute! It's a necessary habit that you'll have to get used to from now on, beginning immediately! Now, do you want Mommy to come help you with it?" Macauley rolled his eyes. "Mo-om! Can, uh, I ask Paul to do it for me? Pleeease?" Helen's lips thinned. "This 'pleeease' business is getting a little old as well, young man!" She sighed. "I guess it probably would be better for a man to do it...I'm sure he's given enemas to quite a few boys..." "Satisfied customers, every one!" Paul piped up. "As long as you don't mind, Paul...", Helen added. "Macauley's bottom holds no terrors for me, Helen. In fact, I have a vested interest in keeping it beautifully clean", Paul quipped. "Can I get one too?" Everyone looked around in surprise - it was Mason who had spoken. Helen was the first to regain power of speech. "Why...why, certainly honey. It's a good habit to be in, especially when a boy becomes sexually active with a man. I don't have to guess who you want to help you with it, do I?" Mason smiled shyly. "I want Paul, too. If that's okay?" he added, looking at his manfriend. "You have a second kit handy, Helen?" Paul inquired. "Bathroom vanity unit, third drawer, left side" she rattled off, an efficient household quartermaster. "Up you go then - breakfast will be ready when you come down". * * * "Right, boys - this can get messy the first few times, until you get the hang of it. So let's all strip. Uh, Macauley, you first - drape yourself over my lap like you're going to get a spanking. And you can wipe that eager look off your face - this is business, not pleasure. Okay, we turn this little tap to "off", fill the bag up with warm soapy water, put some lube on this little nozzle thingy, now to work it into your...anus, Mac, and turn the tap to "on". Your large intestine is filling up with that water, you can stand up and I'll do Mason now". Paul repeated the procedure with Mac's older brother. Mason had never had any problem with very narrow items, such as thermometers, being put up his bottom; even after his interlude with Uncle Phil. It was just bigger things, like fingers, dildos or cocks, that made him clench his anal ring. The second procedure went as smoothly as the first - shortly both boys were standing next to the toilet bowl naked, waiting for Paul to give the word. On Paul's nod, Macauley squatted on the bowl and began to void his bowels. "Hey!" the imp cried, "this feels pretty good! Wait 'til you get to this bit, Mase!". With a final squirt, he finished, stood up and wiped his bottom, and sat, naked, on the edge of the bathtub to watch his brother. Mason stood in front of Paul, waiting for his turn to squat. Paul nodded, and he got on the can. Lines of concentration covered his brow. They quickly turned to frustration. "I can't do it!" he wailed. "I can't make up!" "Stage fright" whispered Macauley. Paul suppressed a short chuckle. Mac was certainly a quick wit. "It's okay, darling, it's a strange feeling the first time. Stand up again for me". The man reached out and pulled his boy to him, holding him around the waist and rubbing his slightly distended tummy with one hand. "How does that feel, darling?" he asked gently. Mason bit his lower lip. "It feels...funny. Not bad," Under Paul's scrutiny, Mason's little penis hardened in only a couple of seconds, showing the other two the accuracy of his appraisal. "Maybe the warm water is starting to have a nice effect on your little prostate. Now there's another way of doing this - and this is where it can get messy. I'll sit on the can, and you..." He turned Mason to face him. "...sit on my lap front on, like you're sitting on the can the wrong way around". Macauley's singsong voice started "Paul's got a stif-fie, Paul's got a stif-fie..." Instead of chiding the boy, Paul just laughed. "After last night, that's a miracle!" Mason sat on Paul's thighs, which he then opened, pulling Mason's thighs apart as well. Mason put his arms around Paul's neck to steady himself. Their erections - Paul's and Mason's - touched, giving Mason a shiver. "Now, remember at the table before, Mac said that you were the one who was good at the kissy stuff?" "Uh huh" the boy whispered, poking at Paul's pubes with his little dagger. "Well, I want you to prove it. I want such a kiss, that you forget everything else - including your bellyfull of water - and it will just come out by itself when it's ready. Okay?" Mason lowered his eyes. He was powerfully aware of Mac watching them. "O-okay", he whispered. He raised his face to Paul's, let his eyelids flutter shut and parted his lips. Paul brushed those same lips with his own before making a seal and sloshing his tongue into the boy's mouth. He tried everything he could think of to distract Mason from his fear - he rubbed the boy's ears, ruffled his hair, hummed into his mouth, pressed his hand in between their bodies to flick the boy's cock with his fingertips, anything his imagination could dream up. And it worked! A short burst of expelled water squirted into the bowl. Then another! "Hey! It's comin'!" Macauley gasped, watching the water being expelled from Mason's butt. Paul's lips increased their tempo as the downpour continued, until it slowed to a trickle. "There!" declared a very satisfied Paul. "I knew you could do it, my love". Mason sat resting on Paul's thighs a moment or two longer before Paul noticed that the boy was flickering his eyes towards Macauley. There it was again! Another two glances! Paul played a hunch. "Er, Mac, could you, ah, go and tell your Mom we'll be right down for breakfast. In fact, you can start your breakfast right now, no need to wait for us, I'll just help Mason clean up, okay?" "Sure thing, Mr Franklin", Macauley replied, pulling on his short pyjama shorts and reverting to a more formal mode of address now that their intimacy was completed (as far as Mac knew). His empty tummy brooked no argument, in any case. As soon as Mac shut the door behind himself, Paul gave Mason a 'what gives?' look. "Can you try now, Paul? Please?" he whispered urgently. "Try what, darling? You've, er...finished" "Fuck me, I mean!" he whispered more urgently. "Now! While Mac's eating. While I'm ...relaxed...back there. Can you do it in this position?" Paul blinked. "As long as the plumbing can take the weight, I suppose", he mused. "Just lift your knees up a bit, I'll reach down, slide down my thighs onto my cock...just a sec, I'll line it up...that's it...I'm touching your little rosebud... just think happy loving thoughts about your favourite toilet seat..." Mason giggled, then his eyes widened as he sucked in a quick breath. The little joke had distracted the boy enough to relax his anal ring, and Paul's cockhead slipped right in. Beads of perspiration broke out on Mason's forehead. "You're doing great lover, just let it slide in...a little more...over half way now...easy does it...I'm, ughh, all...the...!" Mason let out the breath he had been holding. He kissed Paul again, just a soft lover's kiss on the lips. "It beautiful", he sighed. "Let's stay like this all day". "And miss breakfast?" Paul challenged? "No way! Besides, the best part comes next!" And with that, the man took hold of the boy's hips and began bouncing him up and down, very gingerly at first, but gradually building up to a brisk tempo. Mason hung onto Paul's neck to keep his balance, and as he got used to the anal invasion, started riding Paul's dick enthusiastically. "I'm about to...uhhh...come...Gany...are you...ready", Paul gasped. "I think I'm...nearly...there...bit longer...oooohh!" Mason's squeal pulled Paul's semen straight out of his cock and into Mason's guts. The two lovers clasped each other tightly as their breathing slowed. Mason kissed Paul again. "Your humble servant thanks his Lord for his persistence. May his mighty weapon...uh...fill his...oh, shit! Just make sure you fuck me every day, got it?" Paul smiled at his young lover. "You know what this means, don't you?" Mason frowned. "What?" Paul chuckled. "You need another enema! But it can wait 'til we get home. I'm going to ask your Mom if I can steal you for the weekend and fuck your brains out". Mason paused. "What know...?", he hesitated, not daring to say his brother's name lest it ruin the moment. "Let's play it by ear. Mac's a good kid, and he loves you. Let's clean up". * * * "It's about time, you two! I thought you might have fallen in, or...something", Helen remarked when Paul and Mason finally came down to the breakfast table. "Where is everybody?" Paul asked, looking around. "Oh, Gene finally came to life and asked the boys if they wanted to go fishing. I hope you don't mind, Mason, but I know you don't much care for drowning innocent worms. I told them to beat it or they'd miss the tide, or the swell, or whatever it is fishermen hate to miss." "Thanks Mom - you saved me from a terrible fate. Uh, Paul wants to ask you something" Helen's normally placid face showed a suspicious smile. "Would this have anything to do with that scream of passion I heard five minutes ago? The one that nearly brought the police, fire brigade and the National Guard to the front door?" "I knew we couldn't fool her", Paul confided to Mason. "Silly to even try", Mason concurred. "The fact is, Helen, that due to your son's determination to enjoy intercourse with me, he finally succeeded in being penetrated - I think the enema helped - but he still needs several, er, repetitions, to...uh, make up for lost time, and to...reinforce the skills required. Um, can I take your son home with me for the weekend and fuck him 'til he passes out? Pleeeeease?" Helen smiled. "Men!" Mason ran to his mother and gave her a hug. "I won't need any clothes, Mom, and I promise I'll behave myself, and...Paul fucked me really good, he's so much better than Uncle Phil, his cock just makes me wanna explode...thanks for everything!" Helen smiled. "A bit of peace, at last! Look, Paul, if I give you ten thousand dollars, will you keep him for a month? Tell you what, I'll make it twenty!" "Mo-om!" Mason whined. end