Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 18:41:09 +0000 From: Chris Johns Subject: The Slave and the Teen Master Ch6 Chapter 6 Keep the heat under a pot for long enough and it will boil over. That was the case with Kevin. His resentment towards David, for adopting his son built until he could take it no more, and without thinking through the consequences dropped his resignation on David's desk. "I would like you to accept it immediately, David, but I will, of course, work out my contract notice if you wish." "If you are unhappy I would sooner you go straight away. Please hand over everything to Misha who will slide into your seat. Thank you for your years of service. I will inform payroll and have your salary and holiday entitlement paid into your account." David immediately called Misha, when he arrived David told him to sit. "If I wanted to replace you Misha, who would you recommend to take your job?" Misha looked upset but told David. "I know he has only been here two years, David, but I would make Alex deputy R&D Manager, he has an amazing brain on him. I am sorry if I've disappointed you. When would you like me to leave?" David clicked then and laughed. "I would like you to clear your office and handover to Alex as soon as you can. Then I would like you to move into Kevin's office and take a promotion to Director of R&D. I intend to take a more general role in the company." Misha was delighted, not expecting this for a good few years, if ever. "Thank you David, I'll try not to let you down." David knew he had made a good choice. Misha and Alex really were wizards, he was sure they would come up with plenty of innovative equipment if they were in competition with each other. Both were young with excellent degrees, he was sure they would be winners. David's plan now that Kevin was out of the way, was to let David Jnr. and Andrew take more and more responsibility for the general management and leave Misha and Alex to run R&D. That would give him more time to spend with Cody, particularly when he went off to university. He would be able to take long weekends mid semester and book into a hotel close to the college. When he told Cody the boy's whole being lit up. "Oh David, that will be marvellous. I was so not looking forward to going away, all those weeks away from you made me sad." Together they studied and revised for Cody's final exams, David working a similar routine with him that he had done the year he was a slave. Thinking about it David laughed. He was still a slave to this boy in all but name. He would do anything for him. Exam results were as expected. College sorted, and the big family affair was David Jnr. getting married. Like his father, David was a compassionate guy who had only a small dilemma over his new brother. "Cody, I have known Andrew all of his life. He is not only my brother, but my best friend as well. You understand therefore why he is going to be my best man?" Cody wasn't unhappy with that, but he was very happy that David thought enough of him to make the next comment. "But I would like you to be my chief usher." Cody reverted to little boy to show his pleasure at that, making David laugh. "Ok you nut, I'll get dad to tell you what you have to do." The wedding was at the house with over 100 guests so Cody actually had to work at his job. On the day the biggest surprise was Andrew and Alex showing that they were obviously a couple now. Cody was delighted and joshed both of them. Alex also learnt who the David was in Cody's life. Andrew dropped it by accident when the two of them watched how David Snr. danced attention on Cody. "Crikey, Andrew, that answers so many questions." He was amazed and couldn't take his eyes off them all day. He had to look at his boss in a different way now. `Without being conceited, I know I'm drop dead gorgeous, but Cody wouldn't even touch me. That must make David one hell of a lover.' Was Alex thought. The grounds were immaculate for the wedding, and David had dressed all his slaves properly for the day, smart polos and tailored shorts. "They look very smart, Cody, don't they? Shall we keep them dressed like that all the time in the house?" Cody sniggered, "Yes, that would save me loads of erections." David realised then that yes, some of his slaves were quite attractive. He just had not thought before he found his new sexuality. Probably the tensest moment of the day, that then became one of the better parts of the day was David's mother and step father being there and getting on fine as they had done when the coupling was different. "I was obviously distraught when you were taken into slavery, David, but I am happy again now. I'm sorry if it has caused you any grief." "Please don't feel bad, we have both come through it rather well I think. You have a new husband and I have a new son, who is keeping me young." "Yes, I must admit you look younger than when we parted. Cody has obviously been very good for you. So when am I going to meet him?" David looked round and saw Cody, called him over and introduced him. The next comment made Cody blush, all his outward sophistication, dressed as he was in silver grey morning suit, disappeared. "Oh Cody, I'm so pleased to meet you, what a gorgeous young man you are." David hugged his son and lover. "I agree, and so do all the people he meets, including his two brothers." The look that passed between them had one ex-wife wondering! ********************************* When Alex and Andrew were lying in bed after the wedding, Alex brought up the subject of Cody and David. "I would never have worked that one out, Andrew, there's thirty years difference in their ages, and I never picked your dad as a gay man." "I know, crazy isn't it, but you can see how happy Cody makes dad. The boy is a delight to be around." Alex snorted, "Don't I know. I tried to seduce him once and he rejected me without any hesitation even though I could see from his erection that I turned him on." Andrew laughed. "Kindred spirits. If I hadn't caught them making love I would have made a play for him as well. It took me a while to get my head round it, but it is great to see dad so happy, and when I told David, he felt the same way. Kevin Knight must have been mad to throw away a son like Cody." ************************************** During the next four years many more people realised that the bond between David and his third son was anything but paternal. David spent so much time during the semesters holed up in a hotel near Cody's college it was quite obvious what the relationship was. During the holidays the pair travelled extensively, broadening Cody's knowledge and adding to his self-assured and confident manner. His love for David never wavered despite a lot of gorgeous rich boys propositioning him during his four year course. On graduation he joined Hanson Industries and decided he would like to become a personnel specialist. For David the spread of loyal talent in the company was perfect. The man who would one day take over the R&D department was his second son's long term lover. His own lover would one day be the head of personnel and his two other sons would become CEO and Senior VP of the company. David would step back and become President, just keeping a watching brief on his team. This was all in place by the time David was sixty. Probably the youngest looking 60 year old anyone had ever seen. It might have had something to do with the 30 year old that graced his bed every night, the same as he had since he was seventeen. With two grandsons to hopefully take over the business as their father stepped back, as his father had done, David was content with his life, and blessed the day a blood technician screwed up two samples. The End