Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2019 12:22:54 -0400 From: Jonathan Subject: Small Town Dilemma Chapter Two WARNING: This story is for adult men. It contains a graphic and fictional depiction of sex between young men. If it offends you or sexual activity between consenting males is illegal where you are, or you find this material offensive, do not go any further and do not read this story. The names have been changed from the people involved. The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the website to which it has been posted, without consent of the author. If you have comments or suggestions, please direct them to Jonathan Perkins at All of us enjoy the stories posted here so please support Nifty. I appreciate you reading my stories and Nifty appreciates your support. Small Town Dilemma - Chapter 2 By Jonathan Perkins (On background, our man character Bryan works for a large home improvement company and was sent to a small town in the next state to straighten out an under performing store. He had received gone through a divorce and was labeled as gay, although he was not. His first night in town he met up with four young men and ended up having a night of drunken sex with them. This is the next day as he tried to work through his dilemma of balancing work and sexual escapades in a small town.) I awoke the next morning in my mangy motel cabin wondering if the evening of guy on guy debauchery the evening before had really happened. The boys weren't anywhere to be found, there were no empty beer cans, all my belongings were where I had unpacked them. But there was the distinct smell of sweat and cum that wasn't over powering but it was there none the less. If all this didn't take place, why was I sleeping in the chair? Did I fall asleep there and dream the rest? No, the images in my head of Lucas, Frank, Brandon and Vince all sucking and jerking one another, and me as well, we too well defined to be a dream. I got out of my chair, went to the bathroom and took a shower trying to clear my head for the day ahead. This would be my first day at The Home Store to try and figure out what was wrong and fix it so I could get out of this small town and back home, such that it was. I do remember discussing the store with Lucas and Brandon, who both worked there. I instructed them not to let anyone know who I was or that I would be in the store today. I wanted to get a customer's take on the operation. The store opened at 7:00 AM, unlike most of our other stores that opened at 6. I got to the store 5 minutes early and waited for the doors to open. It was 7:35 before anyone came to unlock the front door. "Sorry mister, we're not ready for customers yet," the frumpy man grumbled. "Got to get all this stuff out of the way first." He proceeded to push all the mowers and wheel barrels and such that were shoved haphazardly in the front entrance way at the close of business the day before. He was half way done when his phone rang. He stopped what he was doing and walked past me to take the call. "Yes, I remember. No, I won't be late tonight. No, I'm not stopping anywhere on the way home. If you don't get off the dam phone I'll never get home!" Finished with his conversation, I presume with his wife, he came back and finished clearing the entrance. It was now 8:00. I walked through the store and saw that it was a mess. Shelves were sloppy with some product tipped over or mixed in with the display next to it. I asked an employee in the electrical aisle what I needed to replace a light switch? "You need a new light switch for crying out loud. It ain't rocket science." My next stop was the paint aisle. I asked the person there was would be the best paint for repainting a kitchen. "Don't really matter. Your wife will bitch about it being the wrong color and you'll have to redo it anyway. Just pick something in the middle of the aisle. Those are premixed so I don't have to deal with the color computer. Still not sure how to run the dam thing anyway" Next I went to the lumber area. Who comes up to me but Lucas, with Brandon right behind him. "Good morning sir, may I help you? What's that, you need a cleaner to take stains out from a party you had last night?" Lucas kept a straight face but Brandon all but broke out in laughter. "Cleaners would be in aisle four. If you need help finding it, I'd be glad to cum with you." Now Lucas broke into a smile and Brandon lost it and broke out laughing. "Yeah, that sure if funny, kid. Somebody here trying to help a lost customer," chimed in another employee in the area. "What are you trying to do, Lucas, get some brownie points before that fucktward from the home office gets here? Make him think you better than the rest of us?" I was so totally pissed at the store and the poor attitude of its employees I wanted to let loose on the guy and fire him on the spot. But instead the smile and laughter of Lucas and Brandon caught me off guard. "I don't know about the rest of the employees but this guy is pretty good as far as I'm concerned," I replied to the asshole. "Sounds like he'd be very helpful when someone is lost." Two could play at this game Lucas was playing. Lucas and Brandon high fived each other as Lucas commented to me, "Glad to service you sir, anytime at all." I made my way back up front to the service desk. I informed the lady behind the counter that I would like to speak to the store manager. "Hell, he doesn't get in this early. Try back around 10:00 or so." "Well, maybe you could help me then." "I doubt it if its something you want the manager for. I'm just here to answer the phone." "Isn't this the service desk? Are you here to assist customers when they have a problem." "I only answer the phones, like I said." That was the last straw. I backed away from the desk and took out my cell phone and called the store number. I heard the phone ring at the desk but she kept looking at her morning paper she had in front of her. It went to voice mail. I hung up and tried again, same response. I dialed the phone and then approached the counter. The phone started to ring but she ignored it again. "Aren't you supposed to answer the phones?" "Ya, ya, whatever" she reached for the phone and answered it. "What do you want?" was her greeting. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and replied into it. "What I want is for you to call the store manager at home or where ever he is and tell him he has 5 minutes to get his ass to the store. Then I want you to hang up the phone, get your belongings, clock out and go down to the unemployment office and file a claim!" She looked at the phone in her hand, looked at me, slammed the phone down and glared at me, "And just who the hell do you think you are to be giving me orders?" "I'm the guy from the home office that you people were supposed to be expecting and the guy who just fired your ass! Now get your things and get the hell out of the store." AS she gathered her things, there was a young girl behind the service desk as well. She came up to the counter and picked up the phone to make a call. "I'll get a hold of Mr. Bradshaw for you right away, sir. He'd be at the diner right now with his wife having breakfast." She dialed and was waiting for the diner to answer; she silently mouthed a 'thank you' towards me. She conveyed the message to whoever answered that Mr. Bradshaw was needed at the store immediately, without any delay" As she hung up the phone, I asked her about the 'thank you'. "I'm so glad you fired her. I've hated working with her and would've quit a long time ago but I really need this job. It's disgusting the way she berates and talks back to the customers" "Well, Mindy" as I read her name tag, "As of right now you are the new person in charge of the service desk. You've certainly helped me so let's see what you can do for the customers." As I was headed to the manager's office to await Mr. Bradshaw's arrival, Lucas and Brandon came up to me and sheepishly said, "We just saw what happened. So I guess you really are going to kick ass and take names. I hope everything is cool between us after last night at the motel. Brandon and I don't want to loose our jobs either. They ain't great but its all we can find these days." "Last night was on our personal time. What happens outside the store happens outside the store. But in here I expect everyone to do their job and do it to the best of their ability. That goes for everyone! Some employees may get their act together and some may get fired. And just so you know, there will be no favoritism just because we're all suck buddies." I smiled at the last comment and smirked. "But I mean it, everyone will shape up or they will be shipped out." "We won't let you down, you can count on us at least. By the way, you said 'we're all suck buddies'. Does that mean we might get together again in your room?" "What happens outside the store, happens outside the store. And if that includes performing to the best of your ability after hours, than so be it." I grinned at both of them and walked into the manager's office. I was starting to chub up thinking about a repeat performance with the boys. Have to keep my mind on business. And when I saw the mess in the office, it brought me back to the reality of what a nightmare this assignment was going to be. Lucas stuck his head in the door and told me he'd show me the infamous store room when I had time, gave me a thumbs up and went back to his area. As I was surveying the mess on the desk and the disshelved office, in stormed Mr Bradshaw. "Who the hell are you to tell my people what to do, fire one of them and then DEMAND that I get here in 5 minutes?" As calmly as I could I explained who I was, why I was here and if he didn't sit down and shut up he would be the next one fired. We started going over the sorry state of affairs of his store and how it could have gotten this bad so quickly. "You were one of our top managers in your last position. What happened?" "This store and the town are like no other you've ever visited. It's a dead end environment, the black hole of retail." "Nonsense! It just requires more work and more imagination to get it in the black." "Well if you think its all my fault and you can turn it around, good luck to you. It's all yours. I quit!" And with that he got up to leave the office. I told him to go take a walk around the store, look things over and come back in 20 minutes with some ideas on how to right the ship. "I've been doing that since I got here and its hopeless. I'm getting my wife and we're leaving for good." Turns out his wife was the bookkeeper. That could explain one of the many problems concerning financial controls. The store had an assistant manager on the books but I hadn't seen him yet. I went to the service desk and asked Mindy about him. "Oh, he probably on the floor stocking shelves or over at the hardware store doing 'market research'." "Market research?" "Yes, that's what he and Mr. Bradshaw call it Timmy leaves the store and go out for several hours. I'll page him and see if he's here." Ten minutes later Timmy came to the office to see why he was paged. I explained the situation and asked exactly what his duties were. "Basically, stay out of Mr. Bradshaw's way. He never let me do anything so I just punch in, try to stay busy and if I'm bored he would send me to the hardware store to check their prices against ours. I know all their prices by heart so I'd just go to the park and then come back a couple hours later and tell him we would good. Which we weren't. The hardware store usually beats us by at least 10%." "Your first assignment is to take a walk around OUR store and look for things that we can improve or do differently. We need to get this store on its feet." Timmy ran out of the office, thrilled to actually have something to do as an assistant manager. I needed a break already from this insanity. I went to find Lucas. He and Brandon were actually helping a customer pick some lumber. They chatted with the customer and gave him some tips on the project that he was doing. When they finished I stepped in and asked Lucas if he had a minute to show me the infamous storeroom. Brandon followed along. When we got to the other side of the store Lucas opened the door. Inside were a couch, a couple of easy chairs and a coffee table. "What do they store in here, exactly?" "Lust and gratification! Want some?" I looked back and Brandon was sitting on the edge of one of the easy chairs with his mouth open, his tongue out and a smile on his face. "Not anymore, Brandon. Don't you remember Bryan's new rules? No more screwing around at work, literally." A disappointed Brandon got up and slumped out of the door and went back to work. "He'll be fine. We'll give him what he wants tonight, won't we boss?" At the thought of tonight being a repeat of last night, my crotch started to tingle and I needed to change the subject quickly. "Lucas, when we're in the store and I'm your boss we can't talk about anything that goes on outside of the store. Sexual harassment and all that. We could both get in a shit load of trouble. Ok?" "Read you loud and clear. And tonight we'll talk about and do everything we cant' in here." Lucas left and went back to work. I went back to my office and Timmy was anxiously awaiting my return. He had made a five page list of things he thought should change or be improved on. Some were totally out of the realm of possibility, some were long range ideas and some could be implemented right away. The boy has potential. He's also kind of cute. "I saw you go in the store room with Lucas and Brandon. I'd be honored to go in there someday with you if you'd like." "No, Lucas was showing me the room that we are going to clean out and put a lock on the door with only two keys, one for me and one for you. It will be used for actual storage, not sexual romps." "Oh, okay. That's sure going to make a lot of people mad, although not me. I never get invited in there." I wasn't sure if Timmy was more upset at losing the storeroom or that he never got invited in. And did he want to go in with Lucas and Brandon or maybe Mindy or . . . Didn't matter, that issue was resolved for now. As he walked out of my office I noticed his tight bubble butt and wondered what he would be like to take to the storeroom. Dam it Bryan, keep your mind of store business! The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Whenever I needed a break from the overload of this place, I'd walk around the store and seek out Lucas. Just watching him move around the store, stacking lumber or building materials as his muscles strained and he stretched his uniform shirt almost to the point of ripping was always enough to get my cock chubbing up. Looking forward to this evening and watching that hot body naked was all that kept me from going crazy. lol. The end of the day came and as I was leaving I caught up with Lucas and Brandon in the parking lot. "Will I see you boys again tonight?" "Not sure if we can get any beer. Vince's father was pretty pissed that we took so much last night. He said he's going to take the money out of Vince's pay this week." "Tell Vince I'll give him the money for the beer. He can tell his father I bought it for a store meeting last night. Which it kinda was. Just not your typical meeting. We don't need any beer tonight, I had enough last night." "You mean we don't have to get you drunk to screw around?" "You little shithead! You got me drunk on purpose to get me involved in your sex games?" "Yup. And it worked just like we planned," he turned and laughed to Brandon. "Tonight I'd like to try it sober. Probably more fun that way." The boys left and went to find Vince and Frank. I gave Vince the money for the beer and told them I'd be at the Burger Barn in 30 minutes if they wanted supper. It was on me. We met there, got the food to go and headed back to the motel. As soon as we got in the room, Lucas yelled out, "Ok, who ordered the wiener with nothing on it?" and promptly removed his pants. Out sprung a hard cock with no shame. Everyone laughed and said they all wanted a taste of that but wanted their burgers first. But not before everyone else shed their clothes. Not to be a party pooper, I did like wise and released my stiff cock. It felt liberating to be sitting around naked with these boys, no shame, and no self-consciousness. Just a lot of uncovered skin and anxious peckers waiting for desert time. "Before we start anything I want to call for a moment of silence and full salute to the passing of the storeroom," Lucas called out. He stood up from the bed, thrust his hips out to fully display his stiff penis and raised his hand in a salute. Everyone else followed his lead and did the same. A five-gun salute for the infamous storeroom. Just as Lucas was lowering his hand, Vince swung his hand over and slapped Lucas's cock then jumped back on the bed. Lucas yelled out and then jumped on top of Vince and pinned him down. Vince was laughing out load so Lucas lowered his head down and kissed him hard and full on the lips. "That will shut you up," he grinned as he lifted his head. "No it won't." And he started laughing again. Lucas went back down and laid the mouth on his again and kissed him with lots of tongue. Vince succumbed to Lucas's advances and just returned the kiss as they rolled around on the bed, rubbing their naked bodies and stiff cocks against one another. "And so it begins," exclaimed Frank. Brandon got up from his spot on the floor again and went over and started massaging Lucas's back as he lay on top of Vince. We paid special attention to Lucas's ass checks and his upper thighs. Lucas moaned and spread his legs apart so Brandon had better access to Lucas's hole. He wet his finger and rubbed it around the hole but didn't penetrate him. Then Brandon lowered his head and began lick and kissing Lucas's cheeks, moving closer to his crack. His head went back and forth as he licked up and down the length of the ass crack. Eventually he stopped at Lucas's hole and stuck his tongue out as far as it would go. He dove in as hard as he could trying to penetrate Lucas with his tongue. Lucas moaned louder and then broke the kiss to get vocal. "Yes, eat my ass you little ass whore. Just the way I like it, deep and hard." Lucas raised his ass to Brandon's mouth and Frank took that opportunity to reach between Lucas and Vince to stroke Lucas's stiff pole. "Oh shit, oh fuck, oh hell," Lucas screamed out as he shot his first load of the night all over Frank's hand and Vince's stomach. Brandon who usually doesn't say much picked up his head, smiled at me and said, "Mission accomplished" As Lucas rolled off of Vince, Brandon came over and licked the cum off of Vince's stomach. "No sense letting it go to waste." "Did you get enough or do you need some more," Vince inquired. "Always want more, especially right from the tap" replied Brandon as he lowered his mouth over Vince's cock, already wet with precum. Vince's breathing got heavy quickly and Brandon's mouth soon received his reward as Vince grabbed Brandon's head and shoved it down on his cock. He shot his load deep in Brandon's throat with such velocity that Brandon barely got a taste of it. All this time, Lucas was lying on his back and stroking Frank's cock as Frank stood on the side of the bed. "I owe you one, buddy," was Lucas's comment as he increased his speed and grip on Frank. Frank didn't last very long either, as he shot his load of cum, rope after rope of creamy white discharge, all over Lucas's chest. Brandon looked over and smiled as he moved to Lucas and licked his chest clean. I kind of felt bad for Brandon, as he hadn't gotten a chance to cum yet. Just as I said that, Lucas rolled over, grabbed Brandon and threw him down his back on the bed. Lucas spit in his hand and then rubbed it all over Brandon's ass and in his hole. "We don't have the storeroom anymore thanks to Bryan but we have his bed," he commented in my direction. Then he positioned himself between Brandon's legs and brought his now stiff again cock up again Brandon's hole. I had never seen two guys fucking so I got up and moved to the side of the bed to get a good look. There was no way that huge cock of Lucas's was going to fit in that tight little hole, or at least that what I though. Lucas just held his cock against Brandon and Brandon slowly pushed himself against it. I could see Brandon asshole push out slightly then take a little more of the intruder in. Little by little Brandon pushed back until Lucas was balls deep inside him. Then it was Lucas's turn for action. He began to with draw slightly then move back in. Brandon was moaning and wiggling around on the bed. "Come on stud, fuck me hard and fast like I know you can." Lucas increased his speed and the length of his strokes in and out of Brandon. As he did Brandon was humping his hips up and down to amplify the fucking he was getting. I was fascinated by Brandon's cock, fully erect but still flailing around from his movements. "Go ahead, Bryan, take a hold of it and play." "Yes, Bryan, jerk me off while I'm getting fucked by this hot stud" Lucas smiled and pushed harder and deeper into Brandon. I reached out and took hold of Brandon's stiff rod and began to jerk him off. Brandon had sucked my cock last night as I had taken Lucas's cock in my mouth, my first ever. So I figured I needed to return the favor. I lowered my head and slid Brandon's cock in my mouth. I didn't have to move much as he was bucking his hip up and down and essentially face fucking my mouth. "Get ready Bryan, I'm going to fuck the cum right out of this little whore." Lucas proclaimed. I should have listened as it wasn't more than a couple more thrusts by Lucas into Brandon's ass and Brandon's cock in my mouth than Brandon let go with a bed shaking orgasm. My mouth couldn't take all the cum that was spewing out of his cock and began to dribble out the corners of my mouth. Lucas gave one final thrust so hard and deep that I'm surprised he didn't shoot his cum out of Brandon's mouth. As Lucas pulled out he looked down at Brandon. "You left a big mess, Bryan. The least you could do is clean it up." I was still so turned on because I hadn't gotten off yet, I lowered my mouth and licked the cum that had spilled out of my mouth. I gave Brandon's cock one more suck. It was so sensitive that he pulled back and said he was finished. I stood up nest to the bed with my cock still standing hard and tall. "Well, everyone had their fun. Its time to get to sleep so we aren't late for work. The new boss is a real prick I've heard." Lucas proclaimed. I was taken aback as I hadn't been taken care of yet. We were all sober tonight and I didn't want to push my luck with this new group of guys so I assumed I would just have to jerk off by myself after they all left. "You right, Lucas," Vince spoke up, "The new boss is a prick. Just look at him!" Lucas grabbed my arm and pulled my onto the bed, flipped me on my back and looked down at my cock. "Yes, the boss is a prick. Or more correctly, his prick is the boss." At that they all jumped on the bed and there were hands and tongue and mouths all over my body all at once. Vince was licking and kissing my nipples, giving them a little bite now and then. Lucas had his mouth on mine, bury his tongue deep in my throat much like he did with his cock last night. Frank was sucking on my cock, fondling my balls in one hand and spreading my legs with his other hand so Brandon could get to my ass. Brandon was licking and tonguing my ass then in went the fingers. First one finger, then two and finally he managed to get three fingers in my tight hole. It hurt but at the same time felt fantastic as he wiggled his fingers against my sweet spot. I was very close to shoot my load into Frank's mouth when he pulled away and Brandon removed his fingers from my ass. Lucas got off me and positioned himself between my legs. I was in such a state of arousal and sensory overload it took me a minute to realize what was about to happen. Lucas was going to put his awesome cock in my ass and fuck me. Lucas could see the sudden look of apprehension on my face so he reassured me he would go easy and take his time to make my first fucking a pleasant one. Vince leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Lucas is the best with virgins. He broke us all in and you'll be glad he did you." Vince then put his mouth on mine and gave me a deep tongue filled kiss as Lucas rubbed his stiff cock up and down my ass. He pressed the tip of his cock against my hole and applied some gentle pressure. I flinched and Vince pulled back from me so I could concentrate on what was happening to me. "Relax your ass muscles and push out. It will make it easier and won't hurt as much" I did as I was told but it still hurt like hell as he pushed the head of his cock inside me. He stopped with just the tip inside and let me get used to that feeling. As he felt me relax somewhat he pushed a little further, going deeper and hurting worse than the first part. He felt me tighten up and saw me bite my lip so he stayed still again. He had reached the second layer of ass muscles and it was feeling better. I decided it was now or never and I pushed myself back on his cock. The burning and the pain were excruciating. "Whoa, slow down there big fella. There is no rush, we've got all night to get you opened up." I lay there motionless waiting to see how long it would take before it would feel as good as it had been for Brandon. Lucas moved slightly and then began to move back and forth ever so slowly. His movements felt good inside me. I put my legs up over Lucas's shoulder and began to relax. It really did feel as good as the look on Brandon's face last night indicated. Lucas wrapped his arms around my thighs and began to pull me towards him with every forward thrust. His cock was buried deep in my ass and it was such an overwhelming feeling. I threw my head back and moaned as I asked his to fuck me harder and deeper now it felt so good. "Push your cock in as far as you can go, stud. You feel fantastic!" "See, I told you you'd enjoy it." With that, Lucas increased his pressure and speed, hitting my sweet spot as he did. My cock had been leaking copious amounts of precum but now there were drops of white creamy cum oozing out every time he hit my prostate just right. "Hey Lucas, it looks like you're going to fuck the cum right out of him." Vince remarked. "I'm close, Vince, so make sure he cums first." Vince grabbed my cock and gave it a few strokes then bent down and slid his mouth over it. He didn't bob up and down but rather held his mouth steady and swirled his tongue over my cock. I was humping my ass on Lucas's cock and Vince's mouth on my cock made me cum and shoot my load, pulse after pulse, into Vince's thirsty mouth. Lucas could feel my ass muscles tighten at my orgasm and that sent him over the edge. He pumped his sperm in my virgin ass and filled me so full it leaked out when he withdrew. As I lay there trying to catch my breath, Lucas remarked, "Well boss this makes your second new position of the day. New boss at the store and new fuck buddy for Lucas's horny cock." Everyone laughed and nodded in agreement. "The first one I take reluctantly. The second I take gladly." I smiled up at him. We were all exhausted and had globs of cum on various parts of our bodies. We all found a place so sit and made idle chatter for about a half an hour. Lucas finally said it was time to end the evening. And with that he started to stroke his cock until it got stiff again. Everyone else nodded in agreement and followed his lead to jerk their cocks. Mine rose to the occasion but I knew I wasn't going to be able to shoot another load. Not three in one night. But alas, the sights and sounds and smells of five horny guys playing with themselves had its effect on me and I shot a third load, albeit a smaller one, just like the rest of them. They got up, wiped themselves off as best they could and headed out. "See you in the morning, boss." "In the morning, I'm the boss. At night, you're the boss Lucas." "You got that right. And you'll see this boss again tomorrow night"