Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 16:41:37 -0700 From: Justanother Author Subject: Speedo Boys 19 Here's the next installment of this story. I hope you enjoy it. I would appreciate any feedback of a positive nature, and of course, flames will be ignored. You can Email me at: DISCLAIMER: The usual Copyrights exist on this any all of my works. This story may involve sexual contact between Adult Men and Younger Males, two Boys, or two Adult Men. If this type of story is not to your liking, or for any reason is forbidden where you live, please, PLEASE, delete this file and stop. If this is to your tastes, then I hope you enjoy this story, for that is all it is. Fiction, Fantasy, the musing of the Author's mind written and shared with you. I do not in any way condone, support, or promote any illegal act in any jurisdiction. But, thank God, we still have the right to SAY anything as long as we don't DO anything. So, without any further ado, Please enjoy. Hermes -*- Speedo Boys Chapter 19 -- Investigation From Last time: "We both wanted you to know that we are very happy we had the chance to meet you. You're totally cool and we want you to be a good friend of ours for a long time. This is something for you to remember us by." He had a hard time keeping a straight face, but he managed. Tom opened the box and bust out laughing. He reached in and pulled out two used condoms. He smiled a huge smile and said, "I don't know what to say, how about, EWWWWWW!" He then bust out laughing. Devon and Cole laughed along with him then Devon reached behind him and grabbed his real present. He opened this box, fully expecting a dildo or something of the like, but was surprised, pleasantly, when he saw Devon's Special sunset speedo. He wiped a tear from his eye and said, "I know this one is special to both of you, so Thank you, I'll wear it proudly." He kissed both again and they all left the room to meet the parents. Chapter 19 -- Investigation Donna decided that they should stop by the house before heading over to Matt's. They pulled into the driveway and as the garage door was going up, a patrol car stopped by to make sure they were supposed to be there. They told Donna and the boys to have a nice day and left. Donna pulled into the garage and pressed the button to lower the door. The three entered the house and Devon and Cole make a beeline for their bedroom. Donna collected the accumulated mail that had been dropped through the door and started leafing through it. She took a few bills that had come and put them in her purse to take care of later, the other mail was mostly advertisements and she put them in the trash. The boys were up in the bedroom changing into fresh speedos. Cole made a comment that they hadn't heard from the rest of the guys in a long time and Devon decided to give them a call. He picked up his cellphone and looked up James' number. He answered on the second ring. "Hey Devon! I haven't heard from you in a while. How you been?" James asked, happy to hear from his friend. "Well, Dude, lots has happened. We should get together sometime real soon and talk." "Well, I'm not doin anything today. Wanna hang out by the beach?" James asked. "Um, Cole and me have to go with my Mom someplace this afternoon. What about tomorrow?" Devon told his friend, trying to steer the conversation away from where and why. "Yeah, that'd be cool. Why don't we meet at the food park at the mall tomorrow about 1:00." James suggested. "Yeah, that sounds ok. We'll see you then!" Devon said, enthusiastically, then ended the call. Donna was calling up for the boys to come down so they could head over to Matt's. They pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of running shorts over their speedo, slipped their sandals on and gave each other a kiss before heading downstairs. Donna started to head into the garage but Devon stopped her explaining that finding a place to park by Matt's place would never happen at this hour of the day. He told her that his place was only about a 10 minute walk. "Besides, it would be nice to walk on the beach, don't you think?" The three stepped out the front door. Donna made sure the door was locked and they started walking to Matt's. Donna was noticing the houses on the strand. Most looked really small and run down. A few minutes later, she noticed a building that looked much newer and larger than the others. She thought to herself, 'this couldn't be the house could it?', amazed looked at the boys and asked, "Is THAT Matt's house?" "Yep. Nice place, huh." Cole responded. Donna was amazed at the sheer size of the house. Knowing what she did about real estate in their town, the land alone must have cost a small fortune. They approached the house and saw Matt sitting in a deck chair under an umbrella. He saw the three approaching, stood up and waved. Donna and the two boys stepped up onto the Deck. Matt greeted them and asked if anyone wanted a drink. The boys wanted cokes, and Donna asked if he had any wine. Matt looked at Cole and said, why don't you go to the fridge and grab a couple sodas for you and Devon, I'll go find a decent bottle of wine. Cole went to the refrigerator on the deck and, after pressing in the code, opened the door and removed 4 Cokes. Matt was walking toward the pantry where he kept his wine storage cabinet when there was a knock on the door. He went to the door and opened it. Standing in front of him was a young Black woman. She introduced herself as Latoya Jones, and identified that she was a caseworker for CPS and had been assigned to conduct an investigation as to his ability to become a foster parent. He invited her in and offered her something to drink. She declined tersely. She stood in the entryway looking around. "Nice home, Mr. Jeffries. Can you please show me around?" "Absolutely, I actually have company, but it's almost serendipitous. Dr. Williams, and her son, Devon are here and so is Cole Allerd." He asked her to follow him and he started walking to the deck. He thought it might be a good idea not to grab a bottle of wine since he sensed in her something amiss that he couldn't quite put his finger on. He knew he was overreacting, but decided to err on the side of caution. When they exited the house, Donna saw the woman following Matt. She took a good look at the woman and recognized her immediately. "Latoya? Latoya Jones? Oh My, it is you!" Donna said elatedly. "Hi Dr. Williams. It's been a while." Latoya said, in a quite businesslike, almost aloof, manner. "How's your brother?" Donna asked with genuine concern. "He's ok now, thanks to you." She looked over at Matt and said, "A couple years ago, my brother was in a really bad accident. When I got to the hospital, I was a nervous wreck. Dr. Williams was on duty that day and cared for me as much as she cared for my brother. He was injured physically, and she noticed that I was injured just as badly, but my injuries were emotional." Matt saw the 2 extra soda cans on the table and was silently thankful. It looked to anyone who wasn't aware that they were all drinking Coke. Score one for the good guys. Matt started showing Latoya around the house, showing her his bedroom, the room that Cole would be living in, and then took her on a tour of the rest of the house. It took about 15 or 20 minutes for Latoya to check out every room. They ended up back on the deck. Latoya asked Donna, "Dr. Williams. I see by my file that you have temporary custody of Cole. May I take him inside for a few minutes and talk to him privately?" Cole looked at Donna, then at Devon. Donna asked Cole, "Is that ok, Cole?" "Well, I'd rather Dev was with me, but I guess it's ok because I can still see you all out the window." Cole replied. Latoya followed Cole into the living room. Cole sat on the love seat and Latoya on the couch. Latoya started her questioning. "Cole, first off, let me tell you that I'm very sorry you are having to deal with this kind of thing at this point in your life. I need to ask you a few questions. I need you to promise me that you will tell me the whole truth when I ask. Ok, can you do that?" "Thanks, Ms. Jones. I don't have anything to hide, and neither does anyone else I know. Ask your questions." "Ok, Cole. Do you like the arrangement you are currently living in? Living with Dr. Williams and her son?" "Yeah. Donna treats me like one of her own sons. Which isn't too far off, actually, I guess." Cole said. Latoya looked a little confused but this last part of his statement. "What do you mean that it's not too far off?" Cole blushed then replied, "Devon is my boyfriend. That's what caused all this. I came out to my parents and all hell broke loose. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to cuss." Latoya laughed. "Cole, if I got offended whenever someone said 'hell', I'd know I was in the wrong job! But, am I to understand that you say that you are a homosexual?" Cole thought, 'That must be in the file she got. I wonder if she even read it.' "That is what caused all this problem. Yes, ma'am, I'm gay." Latoya was a little uncomfortable. She didn't have anything against gays, for the most part, but she always got nervous when she had to deal with one. "Ok!" she said with feigned enthusiasm, "Do you know that Mr. Jeffries is also gay?" "Yes, ma'am." "Cole, I'm going to ask you a very specific question and I want an honest answer. Has Mr. Jeffries ever touched you, or ever had you touch him, um, you know, sexually?" Cole bust out laughing, "Matt? You have GOT to be kidding. I told you, Devon is my boyfriend. Matt's gay, yeah, but he's our mentor. He has helped me and Devon work out for ourselves about our sexuality. He has done nothing to be anything other than supportive of me and Dev. He's the easiest person we know to talk to. Neither of us know what we'd do without him!" Latoya made some notes on her pad, then said, "If we are unable to approve Mr. Jeffries appointment as your Foster Father, you will most likely wind up in one of our group homes." Cole got very nervous. "Why wouldn't you approve Matt to be my Foster dad? I already told you that he's helped us a whole lot." "Cole. It's been proven that gay men don't make good foster fathers. Especially when the child being an adolescent boy. There have been some... problems in the past." Latoya said. "Oh, so you're going to turn him down because someone else acted bad? You're going to punish ME by putting me in a group home where they'll find out I'm gay and I'll get my ass raped?" Cole said with venom in his voice. "I thought that you were supposed to do an investigation and make up your mind based on what Matt could be, not what others have been in the past. I know if I had your job, I'd look at the facts, not stupid ideas that people wrongly have!" Latoya was angry. She wasn't going to let some snot-nosed queer boy tell her how to do her job! She grabbed Cole buy the arm and forcefully dragged him onto the deck. Donna saw this and said, "What in the HELL are you doing dragging that boy like that. I have a mind to file a complaint against you for assault!" "As far as I am concerned this application for a Foster care license is as of now, dis-approved (She place specific emphasis on the 'dis'). Since you have custody, Dr. Williams, I will not remove the boy... yet. I have serious problems with him being housed in the same house as the boy who, according to Cole, is his boyfriend and they are sexually active." "I'm not certain I heard that correctly," came a voice from behind Latoya. She spun around and was met face-to-face with Judge Phelps. "What I saw was you and the boy talking, then all of a sudden you started to say something that made the boy laugh. Then, it seemed to me that you got upset when he put you in your place. I do believe what I then witnessed could very easily be prosecuted as Aggravated assault on a minor. I suggest you have a seat." "It is not the policy of Child Protective Services to place a young boy in the home of a homosexual who will most likely molest the boy." Latoya said. "Oh, now you're going to add profiling while acting in an official capacity, which is a hate crime, Ms. Jones, and defamation of character to the growing list of charges. Matthew, please pick up the telephone and call the police. I will personally swear out a warrant for this woman's immediate arrest." Matt left to make the call. Donna was standing there not believing what she was witnessing. Cole was holding on to Devon for all he was worth. Latoya was seething at this point. A few minutes later, they heard sirens approaching. 2 patrol cars pulled out onto the strand in front of the deck. The Officers exited their cars and approached. "What seems to be the trouble here, we hear that Judge Phelps was in need of our help." The first officer said. "Thanks for coming, Officer. I witnessed this woman assault this boy as she was interviewing him for Child Protective Services. This woman," he said, pointing at Donna, "has temporary custody. Ms. Jones was sent by CPS to conduct an impartial investigation, which apparently, was something she was ill prepared to do. In addition to the assault, I witnessed Ms. Jones making a statement that profiled Mr. Jeffries here. That according to the law constitutes a hate crime when said profiling is done with the 'color of authority'. Subsequent to that, she made several defamatory remarks about Mr. Jeffries. As a private citizen, I am swearing out a complaint and making a citizen's arrest. Please take this woman and have her processed." The officer said, "Usually, citizen's arrests aren't valid for us to detain an individual. In those cases, we issue a citation and the person is required to appear in court within 48 hours." "How about if I want to press charges for her hurting me?" Cole asked. "Well son, since you're under age, I cannot use your testimony to arrest someone. It can be used in Court, but I'm not allowed to place someone under arrests solely on the word of a minor." This was not the case, and the Judge knew it. He was about to speak when Donna intervened. "But, since I have legal custody of the minor child, I have the right to press charges on his behalf, do I not?" "Yes, ma'am." The officer replied. "Latoya, I'm sorry you feel the way you do, and I'm truly sorry for what I HAVE to do to protect a child that is in my custody. Officer, I am formally filing a complaint against this woman, Latoya Jones, for assault and battery on Cole Allerd, a child under my court ordered Guardianship." Donna opened her purse and removed the documents she'd gotten earlier at the Family Court and showed them to the officer. The second officer approached Latoya and asked her to stand and place her hands behind her back. He said, "Latoya Jones, you are under arrest for assault and battery on a child under the age of 14." He began to recite her rights to her when the Judge interrupted. "You need to READ her rights to her, officer. You cannot just recite them from memory. I will not allow a technicality to interfere with justice if I can help it." The first officer reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a laminated card. He began to read. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you without charge before any questioning. If you give up this right to remain silent, you may choose to stop answering any questions at any time and request a lawyer. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?" "I do." Latoya spat. She was then led away to the patrol car and placed in the back seat. The second officer got in his car, with Latoya in the back seat and drove off. The first officer said to Donna, "She will be taken to the station and processed. Because the charge against her is for assault on a child under 14, she will not be eligible for bail until after she's arraigned. You will be contacted by the District Attorney's office to inform you when you and the boy need to appear. If there's nothing else, I'll be getting back to my patrol." "Thank you, Officer." Donna said as she watched him walk back to his car. Once they were gone, Cole said, "OH MY GOD! I can't believe what just happened. If you weren't here, Judge, I have a feeling I'd be on my way to a group home right now. Thank you for being here... Um.. you weren't here before, when did you get here?" "I walked up the steps about the same time you were entering the house. I watched the entire exchange. I had a feeling something like this would happen and was coming to warn Matt. I guess they moved quicker on this one than they do on most other cases. I need to make a telephone call to Ms. Jones' superior. Excuse me." He then walked into the house to use the telephone. Donna and Matt were sitting on deck chairs, and Cole and Devon were sharing one of the bench seats. They were discussing what had transpired and Donna got very angry when Cole told them about the questions that were being asked. It wasn't an investigation, it was a witch-hunt, just as Matt had said before. About 15 minutes after he entered the house, Judge Arthur Phelps stepped out onto the deck. He sat in one of the Deck chairs and was about to speak when Cole asked, "You look warm, Judge. Can I get you something to drink?" He looked at the boy. In his mind's eye he saw back to when another boy, much like this one asked a similar question. That young boy at that time was Matthew Jeffries. "Thank you Cole, I would like a Coke if you would be so kind." Cole jumped up and ran over to the fridge, punched in the code and opened the door. He retrieved 5 sodas and balanced them as he brought them back to everyone. "Ok, I spoke to the Director of CPS. He apologized up one wall and down the other for Ms. Jones' actions. I explained to him that she had physically assaulted a 13 year old boy and that she had some serious prejudice against a protected class of individuals. I don't believe there will be any chance of this reoccurring. You should expect another caseworker later this afternoon. I am nearly certain of a positive result in this, Matthew." They sat and just talked for a while. The doorbell rang and when Matt answered it, there was a man standing there. He introduced himself as Robert Chambers and he was the Director of the local Child Protective Services office. He was unable to find another caseworker to conduct this inspection so he decided to do it himself. Matt greeted him and gave him the same tour that he'd given to Latoya. He was impressed with the house and said, "I don't see any reason that the facilities here wouldn't be adequate. Is the boy still here, and if so, May I speak to him?" "He's here, please follow me, but in light of what happened earlier I seriously doubt that his guardian will allow him to be interviewed outside of her presence." He then led the man to where Donna and the boys were sitting with Judge Phelps. "Hello, I'm Robert Chambers, Director of the CPS office here in town. Would it be possible for me to ask Cole a few questions in private?" Cole looked at Donna and shook his head, terrified. Donna looked at the man and said, "I'm sorry, but in light of what the boy had to go through at the hands of one of your employees, I cannot in good conscience allow him to be interviewed without my being present." "Very well, will you both step inside so we can talk in private." He politely asked. They went through similar questions that Latoya had asked, but there was no judgments made based on Cole's or Matt's sexuality. After he'd asked his questions, he thanked everyone and left the house. Prior to his leaving, he said that there would be a background check done on Mr. Jeffries and that their recommendation will be on file within a few days. The 5 of them sat down. This had been a trying day. Nobody knew what the next day might bring. * * * Director Chambers left the house and returned to his office. He contacted one of their lead investigators and asked him to come to his office. Moments later, the man was sitting across from the Director. "John, I need you to do a very fast, but extremely thorough background check on someone. This individual is being considered for a Foster Care License. Normally this would be routine, but, this man happens to be Gay. Not too mention that not only is that the case, but the child in question is also. I need you to find out what this guy has been up to. I need to know what he looks at on the Internet. I need to know if he frequents or has dealings with young boys. If we are unable to find anything, I will be hard pressed to deny this application and I really don't want to set that kind of precedent." John, the investigator, couldn't believe his ears. What nobody in the office knew was, he was gay. He usually conducted the background checks and it was his policy to overlook minor issues about someone's sexuality. True, if he found that someone was truly abusive, he'd pull the plug on the creep, but Gay men have been discriminated against for too long, and this was his way to try to even the playing field. "Ok, Director. What's the man's name?" "Matthew Jeffries", the Director stated. John's eyebrows lifted. He knew Matt, and he knew him well. Several months earlier, he'd even dated Matt for a few weeks and knew for a fact that the man had nothing to hide. This was going to be easier than he'd anticipated. He didn't tell the Director that he knew the 'subject'. "Ok, when do you need my initial report?" He asked. "Well, we need to have our recommendations filed with the court in 7 days, so as soon as you can possibly get it done." The Director stated, and then started reviewing some documents on his desk. This made it apparent to John that the meeting was over. John went to his office and turned to his computer. He went to the software he used to perform background checks. This was far superior to the 'commercial' background check companies because with a single query he was able to obtain information from all 50 states in addition to some foreign countries, for Financial, Criminal, Known criminal associates, and a host of other data. Some of the data would be illegal for any 'commercial' sources to release to a member of the public. Moments later the report was ready and he hit the 'print' button. It took about 3 minutes to print the report. As he expected, the Criminal check came back 'No Criminal Record Found', 'No Arrest Records Found', 'No Outstanding Warrants', 'No Open Investigations'. He turned the page to look at the Financial aspects. No recent unexplainable deposits. No recent payments of a suspicious nature. He looked at Matt's total net worth and was shocked. He'd had no idea during their short time dating that Matt was that well off. The figure stated in the report, and he knew that was usually very low compared to reality, said that Matthew Jeffries was worth nearly $250 million. He turned to the history section of the report and found that Matthew had grown up in the area. He'd attended public schools and was a fairly good student. There was no evidence of a sealed criminal record as a Juvenile. What John found interesting was a notation that was made based on his school records from his Junior High School days. It appears that at some point, Matthew had gotten injured at school and the school was unable to contact his parents. Matthew requested that the school contact a friend. The School Nurse called his friend who came to pick the boy up. What was surprising was the name of the friend. Arthur Phelps. Judge Phelps was a friend of Matthew Jeffries. He thought about this and wondered. He decided to call his old friend, his old lover. He picked up his telephone and dialed the number for Matt's cellphone from memory. "Hello." Matt said. "Hi Matt, it's me, John. It's been a while." John said with genuine joy at hearing his former lover's voice. "Oh, Hi John, I never expected to hear from you again! Not that I'm upset, I just couldn't understand why you left so suddenly." "Um, it's complicated. Hey, can we get together? Maybe go out for drinks?" John asked. "Gee, John, I don't know if drinks would be a good idea. See, I'm trying to get a license to be a Foster dad." Matt said. "Gee, that's great!" John said. He decided not to tell Matt that he now worked for CPS and was assigned to do a background check on him. "I know one thing, you would be a great father. But I didn't think that CPS allowed Gay men to be Foster Parents." "That's one thing we're hoping will change. Hey, John, I have company here right now, a few friends, why don't you come by the house later and we'll... 'chat'. Oh, by the way, I've moved." Matt gave him his new address. "Wow! A beach house, now I'm sorry we broke up!" John laughed. The two men agreed to meet later in the day. John hung up his telephone, made a few notes on his legal pad and sat back in his chair with a smile on his face. His mind's eye went back to his nights with Matt. Matt had been his first homosexual contact after living his life as a straight man. His feelings had gotten the best of him and he finally came to the conclusion that he was truly gay. After a few months of the relationship, John started getting second thoughts. One night, after a particularly satisfying session of sex with Matt, his anxiety took hold and he got up, dressed and ran out the door. He never contacted Matt again. Later, he worked out in his head that he truly was Gay and was able to reconcile himself to the point where he no longer hated himself, but, after leaving so abruptly with not even a goodbye, he felt he couldn't get back together with Matt, no matter how much he wanted to. * * * Matt hung up his cell but decided to only tell the others that it was an old friend. They continued their conversation. Matt was only paying half attention. He remembered John well. He was truly falling in love with the man. The night he left, Matt was devastated. He had hoped for a while that John would come back into his life, but instead, he met Devon. He decided that no matter what, a relationship with John was not in the cards. Matt went back to the conversation with Donna, Arthur, and the boys. * * * Donna looked at her watch. It was nearly 5:00pm. She asked if anyone wanted to go out for dinner. The boys were all for it, of course. Both Arthur and Matt declined. Arthur said he needed to get back to his chambers and read up on the cases for the next day, and Matt said his old friend was coming by to talk. Donna, Cole, and Devon looked at Matt. Devon and Cole grinned a lascivious grin, and Donna, in her mind thought, 'Yeah, Talk. Is that what they're calling it now? No matter he's an adult, he has his right to be sexual if he so chooses.' Matt saw the look on the boy's faces and laughed. "Look guys, it's not uncommon for adult gay men to get together and just talk. It's not always about sex." "Ok, Matt. Whatever you say!" Cole laughed. Both boys gave Matt a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Donna thanked him for his hospitality, telling him that she no had no reservations to the boys coming to talk to Matt whenever. She looked at Matt, directly in his eyes and said, "Even what we talked about in my hotel room, Matt. If it ever..." she let the thought go on incomplete. Matt got the idea. They all thanked Arthur for coming to their rescue. He shook everyone's hand and left. Donna and the boys walked down the beach heading toward the house. They decided to get in the car and drive back to the hotel, have dinner, and spend a quiet night in their rooms. They would check out of the hotel the next morning and return home. Devon told his mother that they were meeting their friend James at the mall the next day at 1:00. She told him she'd drive him. She was supposed to start work day after tomorrow and she was glad she'd be going from home, not from the hotel. They got to the house, hopped into Donna's car and drove back to the hotel. They went to the restaurant, had dinner, then retired to their respective rooms. As they arrived at the boy's room, Donna gave them each a hug and a kiss and told them Good Night. She reminded them that they needed to check out of the hotel by 11:00. They all said good night and the boys entered their room. Devon gave Cole a very tender hug, "Babe, I can't imagine what you're going through. I just want you to know that I Love you, and if you need me for anything, I'm here for you." Cole wiped a tear from his eye and said, "Oh Dev! I love you so much. I'm scared though. When that Latoya bitch started asking questions about me and Matt doing stuff, I got so scared. When she grabbed me I almost peed in my pants. I don't know, if you weren't there, I think I'd have really lost it. Tonight, can you please just hold me? I need to feel you touching me. I just want us to share our love for each other, is that ok?" "Anything, my love." Devon said. He leaned over and gave Cole a very tender yet passionate kiss. They remained like that for about 5 minutes, swapping saliva, dueling their tongues. When they broke the kiss, each looked into the eyes of their mate and began to undress themselves. Neither was erect. This wasn't about sexual gratification, this was an expression of the love they felt for each other. Devon led Cole to the bed and they laid down next to one another. Devon wrapped his arms around his lover. Cole's leg draped over Devon's hip. The two shared another very passionate kiss. They made out for about 30 minutes. Neither touched the others genitals. They allowed their emotions to rule their actions, not their hormones. They fell asleep holding on to one another. Each had a dream, in their dreams they lived and loved. Grew up together. And just enjoyed life. Coming Soon -- Chapter 20 -- James and his revelation.