Another Solar Fox Original Store I was browsing through this department store - at the moment I was simply thumbing through the magazines. I may be 23, but I still thought it was neat to look through the kiddie magazines and all that stuff. Well, a couple of dudes walked over, they may have been about fifteen or sixteen. They looked really cool, one was about a head shorter than me (I stand about 5' 11"), and he was wearing some Vision Streetwear. The dude that was with him, on the other hand, was wearing colorful OP's. They instantly went for the skate mags, so I knew they had to be skaters. They were really looking at the pages, I noticed, as I pretended to keep looking at the GQ mag I had picked up. It was June and school had just let out for summer vacation. I kept looking up; these guys were obviously in no hurry to leave, and I wasn't really crowding them out either! I was still a little afraid to say much of anything because of where I was, I didn't know if they had parents close by, etc. One of them, the one in the OP's, kept saying "come on man, I wanna go look at the CD's!" so I thought I better say something soon. I did as I put the GQ back on the shelf. I was going to give them a little undivided attention whether they liked it or not. "You dudes look really cool.." The older looking one in the Vision Wear, spoke first. He had straight black hair. He really looked more like he liked hard rock than skating. "You.. talkin' to us?" he asked. "Yeah man.. I like those clothes. You look rad." "Thanks!" he answered back. "How about me?" asked the other dude, who had brownish curly hair and an earring in his right ear. "Hell, you both look like you're ready to skate like shit. You dudes want something to drink?" I know how kids are today. They think anybody that tries to offer a drink, a ride or anything else is either a modern-day Charles Manson, or doesn't have both oars in the water. I figured, IF they had nothing else better to do, we'd sit, drink a Coke, chew the fat. If they were nervous and said "no," c'est la vie. I was, after all, ready for a "no". Actually, I wasn't sure once the words came out of my mouth, how I would be so hard on myself to put myself in that situation, only to have to live with it from now on. Hell Brian, the most they could do would be to say "no", and go their own way. I wouldn't follow. I'm not that low. They looked at each other as if in doubt. "Bet you guys are brothers.." "Yeah, we are," the older looking one said. "Eddie... c'mon. We can at least let him get us a drink. We're pretty broke.." "Oh.. okay," the other boy agreed. We went to the snack bar, I got a medium Coke, "Eddie" got a Cherry Coke, and the older boy whose name I had not yet discovered, ordered a Coke as I had. We sat down at a booth. "Okay man.. look.. thanks for the Coke,"Eddie said. "Any reason?" "Hell dude, just the goodness of my heart. I don't really want anything.." The older boy looked at me. "What's your name?" "Brian. What's yours, thrasher?" "Heh.. I'm Bill, and this is Eddie. I'm seventeen and he's fifteen. How old are you?" I began to quickly gather that they were not here with their parents. "I'm twenty-three," I truthfully answered. I have long brown hair and blue eyes. Bill, the older one, had brown eyes to go with that long black hair of his. Eddie had blue eyes with his curly brown hair. "Shit, you dudes are short on cash..?" "Yeah.. way short," Bill remarked. "You dudes rockers?" "Hell yeah!" Bill said. "We love rock. You?" "Yeah, I can dig it.. heh. I also dig skaters. I mean, there's so many people that don't.." "Yeah, I know," he said, sipping his Coke. "Tell him Bill, go ahead and tell him. He ain't a cop," said Eddie. Bill gave him a cold stare. There was silence. "Tell me what? Shit guys, I can hack anything.. trust me. Hell Eddie, go pick out a CD if you want one. I mean, I do carry credit cards that are worth something..." Eddie took a deep breath and rested his head on his hand on the tabletop. An annoying fly kept getting near his face and he had to keep brushing it away. "Shit," Bill said, "we're.. on the run. Not from the law, from our house. We kinda got our boards outside along with our packs, kinda hidden out of sight, but we'll never get anywhere, I know that." "Where were you running to?" I asked. "Dunno, just.. anywhere. If you could.. well.. do anything for us, we'd appreciate it..." Anything, eh? Interesting. Yeah I could. This sounded like a magnificent offer. I'd never heard anything like this before. "You got your man," I said. "Listen can I.. just.. be your host for a little while? Kinda.. well.." I paused. They sat their drinks on the table. Eddie spoke. "Sure man, anything. Just.. keep us away from our folks ok? That's all we ask.." ".. and don't blow our cover," Bill broke in. "Shit man, you'd be safe with me. I mean hell, if you wanna go somewhere else, I could arrange that too." Bill nearly choked on his Coke. "Ack! You mean.. we could stay with you?" his eyebrows rose in excitement. "As.. long as you don't go totally apeshit and do acid-drops off my walls.. heh.." "No problem, dude!" Eddie said, very Jeff Spicoli-like. I got up and told Eddie to go get him a CD if he wanted, and I'd come with him. "No man, I couldn't do that.. it's your money." "That's okay.. I'd listen to the CD too probably.." I offered. He did. I began to wonder what kind of player he had. Bill told me that he had a Sony portable. That explained it. I knew he wouldn't want something for a CD player he had at home. Not now anyway. While we were looking through the compact disks, I looked at Bill. "Yo.. seriously, how much money you dudes got?" "Hell, between the two of us.. probably not over $55." I reached in my wallet. I didn't want to say that I didn't offer them a chance to totally turn down my offer, if for some reason it ever -DID- end up in a court of law for WHATEVER reason. "Bill.. here's $100," I said, handing him a hundred dollar bill. "No. Keep your money." I was slightly stunned. I offered again. "Are you sure? I mean, I want you to come, but if you'd rather go it alone, I just don't want to slow you down." I cared enough about the boys not to want to hurt them. "Naah.. if it's okay, we'll still come with you. Is it still kosher?" "Yeah!" "Fine then.. no sweat dude." Eddie had picked out a Warrant CD. "I beg your pardon. That's not all that hard," I stated. "Yeah, I know.. I wanted something a little softer." "Bill, you can get one if you want." "Naah.. I've got enough now." "O-kay," I said, rather uncertain. I asked them if they wanted anything else, they said no. I then gave Eddie some money to buy his CD, and secretly slipped off back to the magazines, and bought the skate mag they were eyeing. I wanted them to have it. From the way they looked and acted, I wanted to buy them the world and give it to them on a silver platter. We went out and got into my brown Honda Accord LX. "Nice car!" Bill commented. "Thanks. Where's your stuff?" I asked. "Around back, halfway down a hill." Hell, I thought. Running away, only $50 to their name, riding skateboards.. and looking in a department store at magazines. They weren't very money conscious, were they? I wondered where they got the $50 from anyway. "Cutting grass," Bill said. "I like to split a little with my brother. He really is cool, you know.." "Yeah. How well I know." "Just.. wait til you get to know us. Then you'll know better!" Bill said as I stopped the car. They got out behind the department store, walked carefully down a steep embankment, and retrieved their untouched backpacks and skateboards. Damn, a thief or a prankster could have wreaked havoc had he discovered those things. I popped the trunk and let them put the stuff back there. They got back in and slammed the doors. I pulled back around in the parking lot, and stopped momentarily. "Just one thing.. why DID you guys split?" "Oh," Bill started, "our parents fight and my dad drinks real heavy. He.. well, slapped my mom and shit.. we took off." "Oh geeze.. I'm sorry." "It's okay," he said. "You've got nothing to be sorry about." I got to the first redlight past the store now. Should I tell them, or should I just let them know gradually? Would they eventually find out? Well, they needed to know.. and I felt like it would be punishing them if they didn't know, and soon. Hell.. go ahead. They had the option to leave, and they elected to stay, for Chrissake! "Listen guys, there's something you might.. not be quite so kosher about.. I think you should know.." "What? You live with your 80-year-old grandmother and she doesn't like rowdy kids?" Bill joshed. "No. This is a little more serious than that." "What?" "I probably am a little different than you guys, you need to know that up front. I'm gay." Silence. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah.. fine," said Bill, trying to hold back a smile. Eddie, in the back seat, couldn't help but chuckle. At first it was a dry, shallow, faked-type chuckle. As I looked at him in the rear-view mirror, he couldn't hold back any longer. He burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" "Oh, nothing. Eddie thinks.. I'm strange because I don't like to look at his dick when he's naked." Instantly it seemed after uttering that sentence, I became a shrink. It was also as plain as the nose on my face that they were at least, accepting of my desires. My apartment was still about fifteen minutes away, on a GOOD day. This traffic was terrible though and it would probably take about thirty. "So, Eddie likes showing himself off, does he?" I joked. "Oh, yeah. He'd go to the store in his underwear, if you'd let him." "Oh no I wouldn't!" Eddie said. "I.. just wouldn't wear anything at all!" Heh.. what a clown. Well, Bill was about the only one that seemed like an "old stick in the mud," so I thought I'd work on him for a little bit on our delayed trip home. "So you.. just don't really like gays?" "I don't really have any problems with faggots," Bill said. "I just.. don't like the idea of someone wanting to get in my pants, you know?" "Well, there's nothing wrong with that, Bill, really. I respect that. But I mean, do you not really wanna talk about it?" "Sure dude, I don't mind talking about it at all.." Bill answered. "Well, I mean, have you ever jacked off?" "Yeah man, I jack off all the time." "Well, okay.. oops.." some woman slammed on her brakes ahead of me as I tried to slip through a yellow light. Then she came to a total stop and tried to make a sharp, sharp right. Evidently she'd missed her turn. "Damn.. crazy drivers.." I muttered. "Know whacha mean, dude," Bill assured me. "You drive?" I asked. "Yeah, but.. don't have a car." "Ahh.." I couldn't tell now if Bill was happier talking about this, or sex. He was smiling a little now at the subject change, but well, maybe gay sex or any sex was a hangup for him. But he said he jacked off all the time. What gives? I looked in the rear view. Eddie had his penis out of his shorts. He hadn't said anything to me about it, he was just sitting back there being quiet, and had it out. It was a pretty nice size, from what I could tell. Hell Brian, watch the road! "You.. just don't like girls?" Bill asked. Good. Now he was taking some initiative. "Not really. See, girls just never have turned me on." "Me neither," chimed in Eddie, trying to call his brother's attention to his cock, beginning to grow a little turgid. "Edward.. put that thing away!" Bill sounded. "That's okay," I said. "It's perfectly alright. Look, I mean, it may seem like you need to be fatherly to Eddie, but dude, you don't! You're both probably so used to being cramped into that space at home that you just need to get out and breathe! Get some fresh air!" "Yeah.. yeah man.. you're right. Look Eddie, I'm sorry.." Bill apologized. "That's okay man.." "So, you're straight. I respect that. I think you're really cool in your own way. That's not a problem for me," I stated. "Yeah well.. thanks dude," Bill politely responded. "I just know that you probably feel good though, when you getcha rocks off.." I took a chance on continuing. "Yeah.. it's really wild. I spray cum all over my room." "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" "Nope, not really.. last girl I tried to be friends with dumped me." "Why?" "She.. musta thought I was trying to be too fresh.. something." "Look Bill, you don't think that just because you see another guy's dick that you're gay, do you?" "No.. it just doesn't turn me on to see one." Shit. Call out the infantry. This kid was in bad shape. Finally we arrived at the apartment. I was glad too, now we could relax and talk.. The two of them really were cute, sitting next to me on the sofa. Eddie had, of course, zipped up before we got out of the car. But it wasn't Eddie I was really concerned about. I looked at Bill. He sat right beside me on the sofa, Eddie on the other end. "Bill... you've obviously played along with me this far. Are you uncomfortable with me?" "No dude, I'm fine," he said. He sounded a little unsure. "Can I get you something?" "Nope... not really man.." Damn. So bland. What was up? I guess I should have expected it.. but why was the difference in these two like night and day? Maybe even now, Bill was being over-protective - of Eddie and himself, too. My God, when was Bill happy? "Well, you say fags don't bother you, but you seem upset man.. I mean, do what ya want to do. I don't want to stand in your way." "No, fags don't bother me, as long as they keep their distance." Now, it really bothered me. Eddie struck me as being potentially gay. These two could probably never really get along, and I could imagine Eddie would have all sorts of stories to tell me in that respect. "Bill, would you do ONE thing for me, if I swore not to interfere?" "What?" he asked, beaming at me. "I mean, you can ask Eddie to go to another room if you feel more comfortable doing that. But would you just.. show me your dick? I mean.. you don't have to if you don't want to.." "Well, yeah, I guess I can show it to you.." "Do you want Eddie to leave or something?" "No, Eddie's seen it before. He calls it, "the Howling Monster." Finally, I was making some headway and felt like I had accomplished SOMETHING, anyway!! He unzipped his blue pants and pulled out a huge dick that must have been seven inches, and it was soft. He left it hanging there now and didn't seem in any hurry to put it back away. "Shit dude, I gotta go piss.." "Okay.. bathroom's the first door down the hall.." I called behind him. "He's a real sourpuss, I warn you," Eddie said. "I know, I can tell.." "He's looked at me before." "Are you gay?" I asked. "YES I'm gay. He doesn't understand it though, it's like talking to a brick wall!" "Shhh.. here he comes.." I whispered. His dick was still out. He came back and sat in the same place. "Decided to leave it out?" "Yeah.. wanted you to see it, I guess," he said. "Yeah, don't guess you'd get anything out of looking at mine, an older gentleman. Especially if you don't get anything out of looking at Eddie's," I said, matter-of-factly. "What the hell, get it out," he said hastily. I did, I was a little stiff from looking at his, and now mine being free, it was stiffening the rest of the way. Eddie also freed his from it's tight quarters. Eddie sneered at me. He was stiff too. "Do you care if your brother strips to his underpants?" I asked Bill. "No, I don't mind.. whatever he wants to do is okay with me.." damn.. seemed to lose some of your over-bearingness, didn't you, guy? Eddie and I both stripped to our underwear. Eddie even removed his shirt. He stuck his penis back out through the fly of his underwear. He looked like he was ready for anything as he sat back down and jacked his tool a few short strokes. I did the same, slowly, carefully. I glanced over at Bill and he slowly began to sport a small hardon. "Yeah," I thought. "Out from under home pressures. That'll do it to you every time." I let Eddie play it his way now. "I wanna - rub your leg," he said, softly to me. I got near him and he rubbed it, removing his underwear and showing me his nuts. This was the first time Bill had ever seen his brother interact with another guy. Hell, he'd been given his choice to leave and turned it down more times than I could imagine. If he was suffering now, it was -purely- his own fault. But what if he wasn't suffering? I turned briefly to look from Eddie's balls that he was showing me, to Bill, who was slightly stroking a full hardon now, and unsnapping his pants. He pulled them and his underwear down and revealed to me a nice set of balls, really drooping low in this heat. He glanced over at me and smiled a halfhearted smile. "Whacha thinking about?" I asked Bill. "Right now?" "Yeah.. right now." "Just.. how big my cock is, heh... bet it's bigger than yours now." I stopped rubbing Eddie's leg and turned to face Bill. I turned my dick around and pointed it right at him. "Damn dude, that's a big sucker," he assured me of my dick. "Look at mine." He had stroked it all the way up and it was really throbbing. His seven was now probably damned near close to eight, if it wasn't eight. Damn. He had a right to cherish that thing. I just had a mere six, not that it mattered, and Eddie looked like about maybe five and a half. "Yeah dude, you got a -fuckin'- big peter there too.." I boasted. "Thanks!" he said. I kept looking at it, and back at him as he smoothly stroked it. "Yeah.. I guess you can feel it if you want. What the hell, it won't kill me.." Bill said. I did, it was huge and warm. Damn, it occured to me that I had just bought some time. If I played my cards right, I might just win the game. How I utilized the time was totally up to me. I stroked it a few times. "Yeah man, you do know how to make it feel good!" he said, seeming that I was proving something to him now. I rolled the dice, played a little Monopoly. "Want me to REALLY make you feel good?" I said, playing on his very aroused and sudden "I don't give a damn" state. "Sure.. do whatever you want, man. That feels good." Honk! I clamped my lips around it and began to suck it as I would want my own sucked. "Oh fuck, this is wild!" he said, leaning back and spreading his legs. Just five minutes ago, I would have never dreamed this would ever come to pass. Soon his long, hot load shot out into my mouth as I caressed his balls and sipped every drop of his cum. Eddie had shot off, too, drenching himself in his load. It had splattered on his chest, legs and feet, and a splotch had gotten on my sofa. That didn't bother me in the least. He sat back now, exasperated. "Well, I hope you learned something from that," I pleaded. "Yeah, I did," he confessed. "I learned that a guy can be better sometimes to another guy than a girl can. That was wild, man.. I gotta say, that certainly changed my way of thinking.." "Okay.." I played, not sure just how much it had changed him at first. I took my jeans into my bedroom. When I came back, Bill was looking over at his brother, Eddie still was naked. Bill took off his shirt, put it behind him. I watched as he continued to totally strip off his clothes. He stood up in front of me, looking at me. He really had a nice body! Boy, Bill had really changed after seeing a couple of guys getting into it! Eddie was slumped back on the couch in the same position he was in, running his finger through the pools of cum on his body and sticking some into his mouth. Bill and I were both watching this intently. Eddie looked up and giggled at us. "Can I.. taste some?" I asked of Eddie. "Sure man.. do whatever you want." I wanted to see what his cum tasted like, having tasted it several times before. I ran my finger across his lower belly, where there was still a long untouched stream that had shot there. I smelled it and then tasted it. It was good. Well, Bill reached over and did the same. It was possible that Bill had just been a closet case; peer pressure and other things had probably made him hold back. But he reached over and not only sampled his brother's cum, but began to look at and feel of his cock, too. "Damn Eddie.. you do have a nice sized cock, little brother.." I still wondered how far Eddie had been down the trail. This was probably all new to Bill, it was my guess that no one had ever sucked him off before today. The fact that I was a little older MAY have had something to do with it, but to say it definitely did might be too judgemental. "Eddie.. just a question here.." I said. "Shoot!" "Have you ever been fucked before?" "Yeah.. I have.. see, I knew this kid named Glenn really well once, and we got into some neat shit.." "Fucked?" Bill asked. "Some dude stuck his dick up your.. butthole?" "Yeah... I suppose you think that's sick." "No, I don't.. I just think that would hurt.." "It does a little at first. But then man, well, you just think, 'wow. That's his dick up there, man! Nothing's more cool than that, and he's really feeling good!' and as soon as you think that, well, you start feeling good too.." "Can you get your rocks off that way, just like fucking a girl?" "Hell yeah!" Eddie answered. "Only better." "Damn." Bill kept tasting more and more of Eddie's now-drying load. "Damn man, you can really put out! I didn't know you had that in ya!" Eddie giggled. Bill started stiffening a little now. "I'd even letcha fuck me if you wanted..." Eddie said. "Oh, no little brother.. I'd tear your little ass sideways." "Well, that's just what I would want." "You don't mean..?" "Uh-huh. It would feel great to have my big brother inside me.." "Well, stand up," Bill said. Eddie did. A small amount of semen still on his stomach dribbled off onto the floor. Eddie's body was as smooth as silk as he stood up now. Sweat was all beaded up on his chest and you could see some of it in excess stream down his stomach. I was dying to lick it, and Eddie let me before Bill got up the courage to enter his little brother. He entered slowly. "This feel alright?" he asked. "Yeah, yeah! It feels good!" Eddie assured him. "You know," Bill laughed.. "I never dreamed in a million years I'd ever do this." "Well, don't worry about it. It's cool as shit. Just wait, and you'll really see what you've been missing," Eddie assured him again. "Yeah.. you really feel.. tight in there," said Bill, wiggling his dick around a little. "Yeah.. well, wiggle it around some more," he said. He did. "Oh, this just feels too good. I gotta pump your ass now, man.." "Pump me, pump me!" Eddie cheered on. Bill did. He really got a fast tempo going and wouldn't let up. Eddie loved it so much that he held his breath as Bill pumped the shit out of him. He jacked his weenie as he stood there, straddled all out. Bill and Eddie both came at about the sme time. They turned to face each other as Bill pulled out. "Did.. you feel my sperm go up your ass?" he asked. "Yeah I did. It felt cool.." Bill ran his hand through Eddie's thick hair. Then over Eddie's sweaty back. He wiped it on his own face. "Shit, man.." Bill said to me, "I guess.. you woke me up." "Naah. You woke yourself up. I just watched you get up and put on your robe and slippers.." I joked. Bill sat down now and felt of Eddie's cute weenie, and when I got back from putting some hot dogs on to boil, Bill was examining Eddie's dick closely. Then, as I sat on the couch, being still hard from watching all this activity, Bill asked something else I never thought I would hear. "Want me to suck you off?" "Yeah.. sure!" And he did.