Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 18:58:22 -0400 From: Subject: A Stranger on a Road of Tears (Chapters 1-4) Disclaimer: This is my first contribution to nifty since around 2006. Sorry for the long delay on something new but here it finally is. I feel that I've finally developed more as a writer and hope that you enjoy it. I used my adoration of anime (Japanese Animation) to make a Japanese themed story. This is definitely going to be more prolific but don't worry, the sex is there. Please email me with any comments/suggestions as I'm always open to them. Thanks for reading! -----------Chapter One A gentle autumn wind swept through the air and across the skin of a young boy standing on the edge of a lake. His clear blue eyes gazing gently over the ripples below him as leaves of orange, brown, red and yellow floated gently to rest upon its surface. A small smile could be seen across his small red lips, framed by black hair that hung lazily, cascading down his shoulders and to his mid back. Although he seemed happy in this moment, his clear blue eyes seemed somehow lonely and wanting for something that he had never had before, his shoulders slumped slightly from years of obvious practice, even if he only was nine. A peaceful moment of clarity was a welcome escape to a boy who seemed to lack the gentle innocence of youth. Reality can be a cold practitioner on the souls of many, but for a young boy who seems to have been touched by such a thing seems unfair. Surely worse fates must exist but any discomfort to a radiant youth is a travesty. His sweet face slightly reddened by the wind and his clothes slightly wrinkled, his beauty shown through regardless of the obvious imperfections. Perhaps it was these imperfections that made him so endearing, or perhaps it was something more. None-the-less this day would bring something that the boy's eyes craved, something that seemed lacking within him. This moment, regardless of how gentle, was abruptly interrupted as so many things seem to be, as a small rock came cascading through the air, meeting squarely with his forehead. His chapped lips parted quickly as he yelled out into the distance, his hand quickly rising to comfort the very place he had been struck. His eyes watery from the confusion quickly met with the faces of two boys laughing heavily nearby, pointing at him in further chastisement, as though there were any doubt as to what they were laughing about. The boy's fists curled in anger as he turned to stare at the offenders, both around his age wearing long gray pants and white polo shirts with the insignia of a school embroidered on their left breast. "Why can't you just leave me alone? You torment me at school and here as well!?" His voice was loud and quivered with both fear and anger. The reaction from the bullies was hardly what the boy had desired as they doubled over in laughter, continuing to point and hold their stomachs with their other hand. Their cheeks becoming a darker red than those of the boy whom they had hurt so many times. The boy turned and began to walk away; attempting to hold back the tears that he so obviously needed to let flow. In the distance the laughter echoed through the brisk autumn air and through the boy's mind, only making the attempts at holding back his tears all the more fruitless. He began to run as quickly as his feet could carry him, biting his lower lip, his arms flailing behind him. As he began to find some distance between himself and the boys he felt his eyes begin to water and warm tears began to cascade down his reddened face, leaving small rivers of sadness in their wake. He closed his eyes tightly, heading in no particular direction other than away from his tormentors. He wanted to badly to escape but his only means of doing so was to run as fast and as far as he could. He knew well that he had no safe haven from these animals and that he would face them again, but if even for a single day he could live in peace then his life could somehow be bearable. As he continued to run with his eyes closed he found his feet meet with a root as he felt his body falling towards the ground, he yelled out again and prepared to hit the cold ground below him. His expectations were quickly ended as he felt his body propel into the warm arms of a stranger. His face pressed against the chest of a man who he had never met. The feeling of another persons arms around him, if even for a moment, caused his boundaries to fall as he began to cry even harder than before, his body becoming limp and falling into this person's embrace whose face he didn't know. He wailed loudly, without any reason not to. The stranger looked down on him, his short blue hair blowing in the wind and his red eyes fixed on this crying child. His face was contorted in confusion and dismay as his arms wrapped completely around the boy, his right hand patting his back gently. The stranger attempted to regain his composure and delve into the reasons for this boy's tears, "Surely tripping isn't a good enough reason to cry this hard now is it?" The boy bit his lip as reality began to hit him, he sniffed loudly and raised his hand to wipe some of the tears from his eyes, looking up at the stranger whose arms were wrapped tightly around him. "I'm... s..s..sorry! I didn't mean to f..f..fall into you!" The stranger smiled gently "There's no reason to apologize, what has you so upset?" The boy sniffed again and backed away a little, the man's arms loosened as he regained his composure and stood on his own two feet again. "It's nothing..." The man laughed a little "Nothing with so many tears? Very well, you don't have to tell me anything but perhaps some tea would do you some good?" He winked and put his right hand on the boy's shoulder, causing him to smile a little. His face more red than ever and his puffy eyes matching in color, "If you don't mind..." He replied meekly. The man just nodded and began to walk up a stone path before them. The boy followed hesitantly as his eyes surveyed his surroundings. He had run quite a distance, he was at the end of the lake with a great forest nearby. He had never been this far north before but knew it to belong to some wealthy families that lived here. He looked down at his feet as he walked, partly to admire the stone beneath his feet and partly to avoid tripping again. He gazed occasionally at the back of the stranger before him, he was quite tall in comparison and wore a black kimono that seemed a tad tattered from wear. The boy laughed a little to himself seeing that he was wearing sneakers with his kimono. He had never seen such a thing before and the picture seemed off somehow. The stranger turned his head to look at the boy and smiled gently "There now! Even the thought of tea is cheering you up isn't it?" The boy blushed a little knowing that he had been heard. He was thankful that he didn't know the reason for his laughing though. The stranger stepped off the path and began walking towards a stone cottage situated between two sakura trees. It was small but seemed well maintained. The boy watched as the door became larger and larger, the stranger's hand grasping the handle and pulling it open. The overwhelming smell of sandalwood filled the boy's nostrils which caused him to smile a little. It reminded him of a memory from his very early childhood. He followed the stranger inside and gazed at what surrounded him. It was a simple enough abode with an older kotatsu table surrounded by zabuton tables. The rooms were separated by shoji partitions and the only light came from the windows on either side of the entrance. The boy slipped his shoes off with the stranger and slipped his feet into a pair of blue sandals, stepping onto the hardwood floor above and following the stranger towards the kotatsu table. He gently set on one of the pillows across the table from the stranger and looked at him in curiosity. The stranger smiled back at him "I didn't catch your name before.." He remarked. The boy replied quietly "Michio." The stranger laughed a little "I see, my name is Kuya." Michio bowed his head a little and watched as Kuya returned his jester. "Now about that tea..." Kuya stood up and disappeared behind one of the shoji partitions and returned quickly with a tea pot and some cups. He quickly set forth preparing the tea in clear sight of Michio's curious eyes. "So how old are you Michio?" Kuya asked as he began to whisk the tea. "Oh... I'm nine." Michio replied. Kuya smiled "That's a great age, I miss being nine." He smiled a little and began to feel some confidence gather inside of him "What about you?" "Well I'm pretty old in comparison." Michio raised his eyebrow at that odd response causing Kuya to laugh "I'm twenty four." Michio smiled, Kuya seemed to be a gentle soul in a sea full of so much discord. It was refreshing to meet someone that didn't ignore him or attempt to make his life miserable. Kuya poured the tea into their respective cups and slid Michio's cup to him. Michio bowed his head slightly and smiled, his hands clasping either side and letting it rise to his lips. He sipped and immediately began to feel a gentle warmth cascade down his chest and over his soul. He was away from his tormentors and in the company of someone who seemed nice. He gently set his cup back on the table "I guess I owe you an explanation..." Michio said quietly, returning to his demure ways. Kuya nodded a little and set his own cup down "Only if you feel comfortable doing so, I wouldn't want you to tell me anything you don't want to." Michio shook his head "You are very kind, I think I can tell you..." He took another quick sip of his tea and sat back, bracing himself with his arms behind him. "I am not exactly the most popular boy in school. I've never been particularly good at sports and I'm kind of a sissy I guess. My Mom and Dad died while I was very young and I've been raised by my Grandmother. I get picked on a lot so I like to come down to the lake just to be alone and think about things. It's the only place I have, or at least I thought it was.." Kuya nodded listening intently to Michio's words, he felt a small pang in his chest at the remarks he made about his parents. "Two boys from school came up and threw a rock at me and started laughing. I told them to leave me alone but they only laughed more so I just ran away before I started crying and I guess I kind of lost track of where I was because the next thing I knew I had tripped and fallen into you." Kuya smiled reassuringly "I understand what it's like to be picked on, I went through that too. I wasn't very good at sports when I was your age either." Michio's eyes shot straight to Kuya's, hearing those words from another person was very interesting to him. "You just can't let them get to you. I know that it's easier said than done, but you have to find your own happiness or life isn't really worth living. Perhaps I'm not normal but at least I'm who I am comfortable with. Sometimes you can be your own best company, at least I am for me, if that makes any sense." Michio smiled "I think I know what you mean." He took another sip of his tea and placed the cup back on the table again "So do people still pick on you now?" Kuya laughed a little "Not nearly as much as when I was little but some people still do. It gets better as you get older, I promise." Michio nodded as his smile grew larger, those words were more reassuring than Kuya knew. He raised the cup again and allowed the last drops of the tea to run across his tongue and dance their way down his throat, he felt re-energized and full of life. "So why do you live in such a small place?" Kuya smiled and took another sip of his tea before pouring Michio another cup full, "Well my Grandmother served Washio-san who owns most of the land out here for the majority of her life. When she became older he gave her this cottage in repayment for her loyalty over the years. When she became very ill a few years ago I moved in with her to help tend the grounds and keep her cottage clean. She passed away last year and Washio-san was generous enough to give me her old job and her cottage so I accepted." Michio nodded and suddenly understood why his kimono was so tattered. "Where did you live before?" Michio asked with genuine interest. "I lived in Tokyo and worked for an American computer company." Michio was slightly shocked by this response, why would he leave such a life to come live in the country? Kuya seemed to understand his confusion "It may seem very nice to you to live in a big city and have a good job but it really gets very lonely. I like it here because I have the trees and the earth to talk to. They are a lot friendlier than cement columns and mindless zombies that live to create bigger and better technology." Michio laughed a little at the idea of someone being friends with inanimate objects but he generally understood. Although he always aspired to move to a much larger place he would truly miss his surroundings. Michio supposed that being away from the country may get awfully boring since the colors in the city aren't vibrant or constantly evolving with the seasons. It was nature that made the lake such an appealing place to escape his tormentors because it was so beautiful and unpredictable. School was very predictable to Michio, he knew very well that it would always contain pain for him. As Kuya finished his tea and Michio began to sip the last remaining contents of his cup. Kuya stood up and sat next to Michio on the other side of the table. Michio blushed a little and quickly drew the last bit of tea into his mouth, and placed the cup back on the table. Kuya laughed and smiled at Michio "So do you ever feel lonely?" Michio looked down at the floor, not knowing how to respond. Kuya took the opportunity to tickle Michio, his fingers reaching for ever vulnerable part of his torso, watching Michio begin to flail with laughter. He landed on his back attempting to squirm away but only gave Kuya a better opportunity to run his fingers across his ribs and hips, causing Michio's laughter to increase in volume. He quickly rolled onto his stomach to deter the attacks and Kuya bent over him, his right hand pushing his hair aside as he gently kissed Michio's cheek, causing him to blush "You don't have to be lonely if you don't want to." Michio's laughter quickly evolved into confusion and bewilderment at this act as he stood up looked down at Kuya's smiling face. "Thank you... I mean... I have to go now." Kuya frowned playfully and stood as well "So soon?" Michio nodded "Yes I'm sorry but I need to go back to my Grandmother's she will be worried about me.." Kuya winked and ruffled his hair a little "I understand Michio-chan. You are welcome here any time you like alright?" Michio nodded and managed a weak smile. He quickly took his feet from the slippers slipping his shoes back on and left the house closing the door behind him. He closed his eyes and stood there for a moment, letting a sigh escape his lips. He wasn't entirely sure of what to think about what just happened. Kuya seemed very kind and gentle but Michio had never been kissed by someone before, save his Grandmother. As he began to walk down the stone path that had led him to Kuya's house he couldn't help but smile. "Perhaps I overreacted, Kuya is very nice. I think I'll come visit him tomorrow." He giggled a little and began to skip down the trail back towards the lake that would lead him back to the real world. A world that seemed so cold, which had suddenly become a little brighter because of a stranger on a road of tears. Chapter Two As the sunrise cast golden hews upon the expanse of the sky above, replacing a formerly star covered sky, rays of sunshine cast like water through a small window and onto the face of a young boy with messy black hair and a pale complexion. He laid on his futon consumed by his silk comforter with a look of complete peace etched across his face. This boy who knew so little of kindness had finally found something that resembled it. He had found it in a man by the name of Kuya, who resided in a small stone cottage by the lake near his home. For the first time in so many years, this boy had a reason to sleep in complete peace. As his pale blue eyes opened slightly, taking in the rays of sunshine, his arm rose to guard them as he adjusted to the brightness. He sat up allowing the silk comforter to slide forward and his pajamas to be exposed. He wore a pair of typical pale yellow pajamas, the top kept closed by a procession of large yellow buttons and bottoms that were a tad too long. His hands met his eyes as he slowly rubbed them, trying to cause the last bit of sleepiness to flee from him. His eyes examined the plain white walls around him as he rose to his feet and began to roll up his futon, placing it onto a shelf to his right. He approached the door to his room and slowly slid it open, looking for any sign of life around him as though it were some guarded tomb. He sighed in relief to the sound of nothing as he slid out into the hall, his bare feet cold against the wooden floors. He walked towards a door at the end of a plain hall and grasped the handle pushing it open to expose a small kitchen. The boy yawned as he slowly slid a wooden stool from the far right corner of the kitchen up to a tall cabinet below a dusty window. He stepped up on it and quickly placed his hands on the counter to sturdy himself as the stool was rather wobbly in its old age. He quickly set forth on his daily task of preparing rice in the rice cooker and climbing onto the cabinet to grab a large jar of pickled plums. He reached to a higher shelf to retrieve four slightly chipped bowls and some soy sauce. After placing them on the counter below him he slid off and went to a cooler in the corner, extracting a couple of eggs and quickly depositing them in two of the four bowls he had attained from the shelves above him. He worked at this as though he were a master of the culinary arts, an obviously repetitive task that he had preformed for quite some time before hand. The expression on his face was one of concentration. While he had done this so many times before he had a goal at hand. He was rushing as quickly through this task as was possible so that he could see Kuya again, the one kindness that he had found in a world of so much darkness. He watched with great glee as the rice cooker's timer went off and he quickly shoveled its contents into the remaining two bowls. After placing everything on a tray he ran off towards the door, quickly swinging it open and flying as quickly down the hall as his feet could carry him. He approached a door, exactly like his own, and placed the tray down beside it knocking lightly. "Obaa-san?" He spoke quietly as though he wanted no one else to hear his words. "Come in my dear Michio." Came a craggy voice from behind the door. Michio nodded and opened the door slowly. He stepped inside and bowed respectfully "Ohayo Gozaimasu Obaa-san." She smiled a little behind a pair of mended spectacles. Her white hair tied loosely on top of her head and her tan skin as craggy in appearance as her voice was in sound. Michio reached behind himself and picked up the tray, placing it onto his Obaa-san's bedside table. She smiled and allowed her withered hand to meet with the side of his face "You seem in such a hurry today." Michio laughed a little "It's nothing Obaa-san; I have a friend to meet in a little while." She smiled approvingly "I see; now before I let you get off to your social life I must ask how I am expected to eat this without chop sticks?" Michio blushed "S..s..sorry!" He quickly ran off down the hall and into the kitchen again, fetching their chop sticks from a towel next to a basin style sink. He ran back as quickly as he could and placed them horizontally on top of one of the rice bowls. His Obaa-san laughed "My, what spirit you have today!" Her laughter quickly turned into coughing as she placed one hand to her mouth containing a tattered tissue. Michio frowned slightly watching this; he knew well that his grandmother was in poor health. She quickly regained her composure and smiled at him "Please don't be worried, I've survived a war so a cough can hardly contain me." Michio smiled a little, not because he felt reassured but because he wanted his grandmother to feel as much. His grandmother patted the bed next to her and Michio climbed on with her. It was a western style bed and Michio being rather short, always had the feeling that he was a cat attempting to scale a tree whenever he did this. He managed to get on top and turned to sit beside his grandmother. She smiled and handed him his bowl, pouring a mixture of raw egg and soy sauce onto it. "Thank you.." He spoke in gratitude and began to shovel the contents down his throat as quickly and respectfully as he could. His grandmother smiled and watched him in between bites. "So who is this friend of yours? I've never known you to have one much less have plans to meet one." Michio stopped eating for a moment and swallowed, his grandmother removing a stray grain of rice above his upper lip. "I met him yesterday by the lake, his name is Kuya. He's very kind Obaa-san and even served me tea." His grandmother laughed a little "Served you tea? That seems to be a lost art these days. Many years ago it was an expectation but with all these modern conveniences and sodas... I suppose progress can't be helped." She slid a pickled plum between her lips as Michio resumed the shoveling of his breakfast making quick work of it. He managed to clean the entire bowl and pop a couple pickled plums into his mouth. He chewed and swallowed quickly and prepared to wait for his grandmother to his finish her breakfast so that he could take the dishes back to the kitchen. His grandmother was immediately aware of what he was doing, "I suppose that I could do dishes today, go on and see your friend." Michio wasn't sure exactly what to say, the look on his face was one of fear and confusion. "I said go on with you!" She said shooing him away with her hand. "What if you can't? I mean... you know what the doctor said." She smiled "I think I can manage dishes but if I get too tired I'll leave them for you here alright?" Michio smiled and wrapped his arms around her neck, "I love you Obaa-san!" She laughed and patted his back feebly "I certainly hope that you do, now change into your clothes and get on out of here. Just don't forget and wear your underwear on the outside in all this excitement!" Michio giggled a little and slid off the bed and ran out of her room, closing the door behind him. He escaped to his room quickly, shutting the door behind him and quickly became immersed in the contents of his closet; an array of shirts, shorts and trousers of all shapes, colors and sizes. While plentiful for a boy of his age hardly any of them had been worn previously. He selected a pair of blue jean shorts and a green shirt. He quickly unbuttoned his top and slipped it off, exposing a butter cream colored chest with two small pink nipples that stood slightly erect in the cold of the air conditioning cascading down from above. He then slid off his pants exposing his legs, perfectly flawless and the same butter cream complexion as his chest. His thighs were curvaceous and met with a pair of simple white underwear. He slipped the shirt over his head and pulled his hair out before sliding the shorts up his legs and fastening them into place. He scurried over to a dresser and attained a rubber band from the top drawer, tying his hair behind him. He placed the pajamas he had worn previously on the dresser neatly and left his room, closing the door behind him. He found his way to the entrance room and slid out to the tataki, placing his sneakers on and stepping out into the light of another brisk autumn day. After shutting the door he paused for a moment to close his eyes and breathe in the air. Another day had come and Michio had always felt it was his responsibility to show his appreciation, he had seen so many before him not find a new day to greet and knew well that each one was precious. He opened his pale blue eyes as a stream of light caused them to gently sparkle and began to walk down towards the lake. He could see the autumn leaves dancing upon its surface as it had the day before. This was Michio's favorite time of year. The many colors seemed to delight his eyes in ways nothing else could. Although the air was chilly he somehow felt warm inside. It was a break from the intense heat of summer and a welcome calm temperature before winter brought harsh winds and snow. Michio walked slowly by the edge of the lake looking at his reflection occasionally. The slight slouch that he normally bore was completely gone this day and his hair blew listlessly in the breeze. He smiled quietly to himself; even Michio himself could not deny his change in appearance. Having something to look forward to was a welcome change to his normal thoughts. While yesterday's journey had felt so long, this day seemed to bring renewed vigor and it wasn't long until the great forest before him began to grow in size and Michio could just make out the stone path in the distance that would lead to Kuya's home. Instead of feeling the need to hasten his arrival when he saw what appeared to be the faint outline of Kuya before him, he felt that allowing Kuya to see him first was a wiser choice. Their encounter yesterday had been so abrupt that he felt it rude to continue this trend. A small part of Michio began to worry about his visit, perhaps his invitation yesterday was just a formality? Or perhaps it was too soon? Micho almost felt the urge to turn around and the slump that he bore so often begin to return when suddenly Kuya turned and noticed Michio heading towards him. "Michio! Is that you?" He yelled out. Michio swallowed deeply "Yes!" He replied with slight hesitation. Kuya laughed and began to jog towards Michio to meet him. Michio stopped in his tracks as his eyes darted to Kuya's. The red leaves above them seemed to match Kuya's exactly. Michio blushed for a moment and even thought that they were pretty. Kuya stopped directly in front of him and placed his hand on Michio's shoulder. "Michio-chan! I'm glad that you came back!" Michio smiled a little "I wasn't sure if it was appropriate or not..." Kuya laughed a little "I told you that you were welcome here and I meant it. I was a little worried that you wouldn't return after yesterday, you seemed a tad embarrassed from my kiss." Michio suddenly froze as his mind raced back to the events of yesterday. He had almost forgotten about the kiss in his excitement to return. "It was.. I mean... I didn't mean to.." Kuya laughed again "No reason to apologize I understand if I startled you a little. Perhaps you don't like kisses?" Michio became even more flustered than before, "I like them! I mean I... What I mean is.. I don't.." Kuya smiled and gently kissed Michio on his right cheek causing Michio to blushed intensely. "Follow me I have something to show you!" Kuya turned on his heel and began to jog towards the stone path that would lead to his home. Michio stared at him in awe as to what had just occurred, how could he simply kiss someone like that that he hardly knew and expect it to be alright? Michio was slightly confused but shook his head to regain his composure. He followed after Kuya, running as quickly as he could to keep up with him. Although Kuya was jogging with little effort, Michio's short legs made it difficult to keep up with him. As his feet met with the stone path he could see Kuya a few steps ahead reaching the door of his cottage and turning to wait for him. Michio's arms flailed as he pushed himself to catch up, stopping directly in front of Kuya and placing his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. Kuya laughed a little "Sorry about that, I forgot how short you are!" Michio became flustered again and blurted out "I'm not short I'm just nine!" Kuya laughed heartily at this and kissed him again only causing Michio's red cheeks to become what he felt would be a permanent crimson. Kuya grabbed the handle to his door and pushed it open, removing his shoes and stepping up on the hardwood floor above. Michio followed suit and watched him disappear behind the shoji partitions again. The familiar smell of sandalwood filled his lungs again as he examined his surroundings. He could tell that Kuya was a meticulous house keeper as the kotatsu and zabuton were just as they had been before he had tea with him yesterday. He looked down at his feet and saw the faint imprint of his reflection. Michio had never seen a floor this delicately cared for before. He suddenly made a mental note to never invite Kuya over to his own home. Michio's examination was quickly ended as Kuya returned holding a small parcel in his hands. Michio watched curiously as Kuya walked over and knelt in front of him so that they were eye level. Kuya smiled at him and handed him the package which he took apprehensively, "You told me yesterday that you were picked on. I remember very well what that felt like and it made me feel like a coward because I could never stand up to them. My grandfather gave me this and I used to keep it under my pillow and look at it when I felt weak or unimportant and it always made me feel brave. This was once carried by a mighty samurai." Michio curiously ran his fingers along the side crease of the package, releasing the tape that bound it and opened the flap. His fingers met with a wooden box that he pulled out, placing the paper on the floor below him. He slowly opened the box to reveal a dagger; the blade was about ten inches in length with an intriquette designed black lacquer handle. Although Michio never felt the need to possess a dagger, he had never received a gift from someone other than family before and it warmed his heart. He closed the lid, placing it next to the paper and wrapped his arms around Kuya's neck "Thank you so much!" Kuya laughed and returned the hug "I like to give things to my friends, think nothing of it." Michio backed up a little, his arms still around Kuya to admire his face. A single tear had rolled down Michio's cheek and the smile on his face was as vast as the sky. Kuya's smile grew as well as he let his finger wipe the tear away, "Have you known so little kindness to cry for this?" Michio laughed a little rubbing his eyes to make sure that no additional tears fell. "You are quite adorable Michio-chan." He softly kissed Michio across the lips, gently sliding his hand across his back. Michio blushed again and stared deeply into Kuya's eyes unable to speak. The kisses on his cheek before had been abrupt, but this was completely unexpected. Kuya's fingers found their way between Michio's as he raised their joined hands to wrest on his torso. "There are many people in this life that will lie about their intentions or attempt to mislead you. There are people that will seek to hurt you because you are different or chastise you because you don't fit their mold of what a man should be. The reason people have always hated me is because I am honest. I know my emotions well and I do not hide them." Michio bit his lip and swallowed deeply, still staring into Kuya's eyes and allowing his ears to consume every word that escaped his lips. "I see something very special within those pale blue eyes. I see a young boy that seeks to end his loneliness. It hurts me to see you so lonely." Kuya gently kissed Michio on the lips again, causing Michio's heart to flutter lightly within him. "I must admit that I have quite the crush on you Michio-chan." Michio's heart skipped a beat at those words. His emotions had always gotten the best of him and bridled his tongue more often than he wanted them to. The words of someone telling him that they had a crush on him were never expected, especially from a man. This was something that Michio never saw coming. He silently wondered to himself about many things, what should he say in response? How did he feel about Kuya? How could he feel this way after such a short time? Was it okay that Kuya was a boy? "I find you very nice..." Michio whispered. It was the only thing that he could think of in reply. Kuya's fingers met the back of Michio's head as they slipped the rubber band off, allowing his hair to fall free. He ran his fingers through the trestles of black hair. "What do you think of my kisses?" Michio looked down at the floor, "I suppose they are okay... I don't know what to say when you kiss me though..." Kuya smiled gently as he allowed one of his fingers to slide under Michio's chin and raise his head so that their eyes met. "Silence can be good sometimes." Kuya's lips met Michio's again but this time something new and incredible occurred. Kuya slowly slipped his tongue between Michio's lips and began to lightly caress Michio's tongue with it. Michio was frozen in complete shock as he felt his body become limp. He felt himself be lowered to the floor as Kuya continued this dance within his mouth. Kuya supported himself with his arms as he stayed chest level with Michio. His breathing was steady and calm, the warm air escaping his nostrils and cascading across Michio's face. Michio slowly began to meet the advances of Kuya's tongue, allowing his own tongue to join in this strange and new dance. He was unsure of what to think but he began to feel warm inside. This was completely new to him and his body began to tingle with excitement. Michio's toes curled as Kuya's lips parted with his, both of their eyes opening to survey one another. "What do you think of them now?" Michio smiled a little "I think I am beginning to like them quite a bit." Kuya smiled in return and began to softly kiss Michio's neck. Michio suddenly began to shiver as his breathe quickened. He felt Kuya's hands slowly slip beneath his shirt and push it forward exposing his torso. With the skill of an artist Kuya slowly slid downward, kissing every inch of exposed skin and allowing his hands to softly caress Michio's sides. He continued downward, with each kiss causing Michio to breath harder and harder. He was so unsure of these feelings but welcomed them in the passion of the moment. Suddenly Kuya stopped right below Michio's bellybutton where the waistband of his shorts began. He ran his finger delicately across the line of skin directly above the waistband and gently breathed onto the delicate skin that stood between him and what was inside. Michio looked down at Kuya, shaking with intensity at what was happening to him. Kuya looked up at Michio and smiled "Would you like to go down to the lake?" Michio stared in silence unable to process what he had just said to him. He watched as Kuya stood up and walked towards the entrance, slipping his shoes back on and escaping into the yard, leaving the door open for Michio. He somehow felt abandoned, as though there was something more that was supposed to happen. While Michio was not an expert as to adult interactions he felt that they probably shouldn't end so abruptly. None-the-less he stood up and slid his shirt back down so as to cover his torso. He sighed deeply as he tried to take in everything that had just happened. "I suppose Kuya really is a strange person..." He said quietly to no one in particular. He walked over to the door, slid back on his shoes and went outside to join his friend. Chapter Three Michio stepped out into the light of the autumn day to see the image of Kuya already near the end of the stone path, heading towards the lake. Although a tad breathless and his cheeks clearly reddened by their earlier encounter, he decided to continue on this path of exploration. While he had no idea as to what Kuya had planned, he knew that if it was nearly as exciting as what had occurred earlier that he would welcome it. He silently trod across the grass and back to the stone path, listening to the sound of his feet hitting each stone echo through the trees to meet the sound of the autumn leaves blowing in the wind. He watched the back of Kuya's head, completely unmoved as he stood at the lake's edge as though he were a gargoyle surveying his realm. Michio was accustomed to Kuya always being very animated and talkative; this new way for him to act was very strange in his opinion. He approached Kuya's side and looked up at him, his eyes gazing calmly over the serene vision of the lake before them. Kuya's hand gently took Michio's and squeezed lightly "This is the most beautiful sight in the world to me; this lake is such a magnificent creation. I always feel most serene when I am here." Michio smiled a little, "Is that why you are always down here?" Kuya nodded. Michio's eyes traced the lake's expanse and took in its beauty. Kuya was definitely right about it, every small ripple, every leaf that floated effortlessly across its surface; every tree that surrounded it seemed to be as perfect as an artist's painting. Michio recalled a time, a few years ago, when some wealthy land developers wanted to purchase the local resident's properties and turn them into a resort. He was very thankful at that moment that they had failed. Most of the people that lived around the lake didn't speak with one another very much but when it came down to preserving the serenity of a place like this, they worked together as though they were family. Even the boys that teased Michio mercilessly were more than happy to assist him in hanging posters and collecting chairs for town meetings. Michio attempted to recall if he had seen Kuya during that time but didn't believe so, it was probably his grandmother that was there at the time. Then again Michio probably wouldn't have recalled if he had been there as he was only six at the time. Michio sighed a little and shook his head causing Kuya to break his gaze on the lake and turn his attention to him. "What's wrong?" He asked with complete interest. Michio glanced over at him for a moment before returning his gaze to a yellow leaf dancing in front of a large rock. "Why do people only show kindness when it benefits them to be kind? Why can't everybody be nice all of the time?" Kuya smiled surveying the thoughtful face of his young companion and gently squeezed his hand again. "People will always do what's in their best interests. If people don't have a reason to be nice then they probably won't be. There are few people left in this world that are nice simply to be nice." Michio blinked a few times allowing that to absorb into his mind. "You are that nice aren't you?" Kuya laughed a little, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand. "I don't know about all that but I try my best. I am certainly not nice to people that don't deserve it." Michio looked at him mischievously. "Does that mean I deserve it?" Kuya smiled in return "Of course!" Michio wrapped his arms around Kuya's waist, embracing him tightly. Kuya knelt down a little to return the hug, gently kissing the top of his head. "You are a much sweeter boy than you know." Michio smiled brightly and allowed himself to back away a bit, staring up into Kuya's red eyes. Kuya's smile widened as well, surveying the pale blue eyes of Michio in return. Out of nowhere Kuya silently spoke the word "Purple..." Michio blinked in slight confusion. "What?" Kuya laughed a little, blushing for the first time since they had first met. "The reflection of my eyes in yours is purple. You know red and blue together..." Michio laughed a little "I never thought about that before." Kuya turned and started to walk further down the edge of the lake, Michio followed him waiting for something new to be said. He had never been a very good conversationalist and Kuya seemed to make up for that with little effort. "There are many good things that are purple; plums, lilacs, violets..." Michio listened although he was slightly confused. Kuya seemed to think about things in a very abstract sense that he wasn't used to. "Yes those things are good..." Kuya turned his head a little and smiled at Michio approvingly "Yes they are." Kuya stopped to pick up a rock and threw it out onto the lake, watching as it skimmed the surface. "My Grandmother once told me that you can tell a lot from a person's eyes, that you can see the depths of their very soul. I guess that the reflection that they give is just as important." As Kuya threw another rock to meet its brother, Michio sat down next to him and watched intensely to see what would happen next. "I'm not really sure if I believe all that or not. I do like your eyes though." Michio smiled a little "Thanks..." He whispered in reply. Kuya took a seat next to Michio and wrapped his arm around his shoulder drawing him closer. Michio let his head rest on Kuya's shoulder and smiled a little, being close to Kuya made him feel very warm and comfortable. "Do you think I'm strange?" Kuya suddenly asked. Michio blushed a little and stared down at his feet, "You talk about thinks in a different way from anyone I've ever met but I like being around you a ton..." Kuya laughed a little, patting Michio's arm. "Then I suppose that's good then." Michio nodded unsure of what he had meant by that. "So did you really enjoy what we did earlier?" Michio suddenly blushed again thinking back to the events in the cottage. Kuya had a strange way of making him forget rather important experiences. "Yeah! I mean... yes I did..." Kuya smiled and gently slid his hands around Michio's waist and lifted him onto his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around his torso and resting his chin on his head. Michio gazed out across the lake's surface and smiled in contentment. At least, he thought, he hadn't offended him earlier. He was suddenly removed from his gaze as the warm breath of Kuya began to cascade across his neck. Before Michio could turn to see what was happening he felt Kuya's lips envelope his left earlobe, his tongue gently passing over its natural curvature. Michio's face turned a deep crimson as he bit his lower lip and closed his eyes. This was a wonderful feeling that made him feel quite strange, just as the experiences in the cottage had just a few moments ago. He felt Kuya's fingertips gently pass over his arms, sliding slowly until they met with his pants. He released Michio's earlobe from his mouth and began to nibble gently on his neck. Michio's heart began to race quickly as Kuya's fingers found their way to the button on his shorts. Michio was frozen in shock, unable to move or comprehend exactly what was about to happen. He looked down as Kuya's fingers released the button from its clasp, his fingers grasping his zipper and pulling it down to expose his underwear. "Wha...wha...what are you...d..d.." Michio stuttered, attempting to find out what was happening when he was suddenly cut off. Kuya's fingers had found their way into the brim of his underwear as they wrapped around his little shaft, his left index finger gently passing over the head with care and precision. Michio spread his legs so that they hung over the sides of Kuya's, giving him a better angle. Kuya kissed him softly on the cheek as he began to move his fingers up and down along Michio's three inch shaft, still trapped within his underwear. Michio's fingers grasped the sides of Kuya's legs as he began to breathe heavier than he ever had before. He had never felt such a sensation before and felt as though his penis was going to explode. He gasped for air as Kuya began to quicken the movements; Michio felt a warm sensation in his stomach that he had never felt before. Kuya suddenly used his free hand to turn Michio's face to his, pressing their lips together once more as he began to dance his tongue within his mouth once more. Michio joined in the dance that he so enjoyed, his still quickened breath escaping his nostrils and spreading across Kuya's face. Their kiss was a short one however as Michio broke them apart this time, his fingers digging into the side of Kuya's legs as he yelled out "STOP! PLEASE!" but Kuya continued, his fingers sliding up and down faster than they ever had before. Michio arched his back against Kuya as his legs became weak and an unfamiliar tingling sensation covered every inch of his penis. He felt it jerk and writhe within Kuya's hand for what felt like hours but only lasted seconds, falling back into Kuya as it finally subsided. His face was flushed and his heart pounding wildly in his chest. He stared up at Kuya who smiled down at the young boy still trying to catch his breath. "What...was...that!?" Michio asked between breaths. "That was called cumming." He replied as he began to zip up his shorts, buttoning them back into place. "In a few years when you do that something very wonderful will come out." Michio blinked in confusion "Wha? Pee?" He asked innocently. Kuya laughed "No silly, cum will come out." Michio was still slightly confused. "I thought you said I just cumminged?" Kuya couldn't help but smile at the cute way that he said it. "That may have been the wrong word... I guess we can say that your penis danced. Does that suit you?" Michio blushed even more so, if that were at all possible "You make my tongue dance and my penis dance and it's all really wonderful..." He almost whispered in reply. Kuya wrapped his arms around Michio, resting his chin on the top of his head again "As long as you feel good, that's all that matters to me." Michio smiled with glee, although these experiences were so new and confusing, he had never felt so loved before. He felt as though he could stand up to any bully that gave him a hard time or win any contest that he entered. Kuya had given him a dagger for bravery but Michio already felt brave and at peace with the world now that he was with Kuya. "I hate to do this but.." Kuya laughed a little "You need to go home? I understand, let me go get your things." He helped Michio to his feet, who found it quite difficult to stand, his legs a little wobbly from everything that had just happened. His eyes surveyed Kuya as he walked towards his home and up the stone path out of his sight. Michio turned to look out at the lake again seeing a few leaves join the ones that already floated gently nearby. "You always look very happy dancing there because you aren't alone are you? Well don't worry about me anymore because I'm not alone either." He giggled a little in spite of himself. He had never been one to talk to nature as Kuya had confessed that he did, but it certainly was a good listener in his opinion. He felt Kuya's hand gently grip his shoulder and he turned, smiling up at his gentle face. Kuya handed him the once again wrapped parcel and bent over gently to kiss him on the cheek "Will you come around again soon?" Michio nodded "I have school tomorrow but I can try to come over afterwards. Kuya nodded in understanding "Don't let your school work suffer because of me." Michio giggled a little "Don't worry about that." Kuya walked him along the lake until they were in front of the stone path again, Kuya taking Michio's hand in his one last time before the parted again. "Do you feel alright?" Michio giggled a little "I feel better than I ever have!" Kuya smiled and ruffled his hair a little "Then I suppose it's alright then, take care of you." Michio nodded and began to walk away back towards his house, turning every ten steps or so to make sure that Kuya was still behind him, watching and waving gently every time his eyes met with his. It wasn't long until he was out of sight of Kuya and he sighed gently to himself, the happiest he had been in his entire memory. "I think that life can really get better." He said to no one in particular as he began to skip a little, seeing his own house coming into view. He was already thinking of things that he could tell his obaa-san about his new friend. He somehow felt in inappropriate to tell her about the kissing or the penis dance, but he would not hide his feelings as to how wonderful Kuya was or what a great time they had. His hands grasped the handle to his front door and pushed it open. His eyes became wide with fear as the parcel fell to his feet. "OBAA-SAN!" He yelled in fear as he stared at the image of his grandmother lying on the floor unconscious. Chapter Four ******************************** I had no time to hate, because The grave would hinder me, And life was not so ample I Could finish enmity. Nor had I time to love; but since Some industry must be, The little toil of love, I thought, Was large enough for me. Emily Dickinson ******************************** The white walls of the hospital reminded Michio of the snow. He was never a big fan of it although most of the other boys his age seemed to enjoy it. It always seemed a cold and unfriendly presence to him, keeping people from doing the things that they wanted and taking away all color except for white, all consuming and dull. The only thing that broke the monotony of white was a few posters that were hastily hung about, promoting good health or eating right. It was ironic to him that a place that no one would ever choose to enter unless they were very ill, would have posters telling them to exercise and eat their vegetables, surely there were more important things to say like "It's going to be alright." Or "This isn't the end just yet." Michio sighed to himself as he stared down at his shoes swinging just a few inches above the boring grey tiles below him. The sight of his grandmother lying lifeless on the floor was a shock. Although he couldn't help but feel a bit of personal responsibility, if he had stayed and taken care of his grandmother this would have never happened, he could have been there for her. He was foolish to think that he ever deserved some sort of happiness, that he deserved to spend time with someone like Kuya. He sighed and whispered that name that was so sweet to him "Kuya..." He wasn't sure why but at this time he wanted to see Kuya more than ever. The thought of having his strong arms wrapped around him once more, bringing him close and kissing his head softly brought him comfort. He was uncertain of what to expect from the doctors and was even more uncertain of how he'd react in turn. He felt a familiar tingling sensation as a solitary tear fell from his left eye and cascaded down his cheek, swaying restlessly on his jaw line before falling to meet the fabric of his shirt. He knew well what loneliness was but had, he knew, never felt it as strongly as he was at this moment. He brought his knees to his torso, wrapping his arms around his legs and buried his face in his knees to hide his sorrow. He didn't know anyone here and didn't feel like being consoled. He had every right to cry and didn't want to hear from anyone except for Kuya. He began to feel himself slipping into the darkness of sleep as a few streams of tears had made their way down his legs when he felt a hand gently caress the back of his head. He looked for its source through tear stained eyes, half angry and half surprised for having been bothered. His eyes focused on a familiar shade of red, his hands quickly rubbing the tears away to ensure that this wasn't some sort of dream. "Kuya..." He whispered again. Kuya smiled a little and sat next to his friend, his hand taking both of Michio's quivering hands within it. "Why are you here?" He asked quietly, in an apparent attempt to match Michio's tone. Michio sniffled and wiped his nose on his shirt "My Obaa-san..." He spoke with unease as though he were about to reveal a great secret to a stranger. He felt that he knew Kuya well and had wanted him here but was afraid that he may walk away, not willing to console him as much as he seemed to need him to. His tears nearly began to flow again as he closed his eyes tightly and felt Kuya wrap his arm around his shoulders and draw him close, Michio's nostrils filling to the brim with his intoxicating smell. He had exactly what he wanted and he seemed to be willing to comfort him. He was so happy, so relieved until suddenly his mind began to race "W..Why are you here?" He asked as he sniffled again, his blue eyes once again rising to meet Kuya's. Kuya shrugged a little, his right hand gently pushing some stray hairs out of Michio's face that had been plastered there by tears. "The hospital called and told me that my great aunt had been brought here. I don't know much about her except that I'm her only living relative in the area, well except for her grandchild but they are supposed to be very young." Michio nodded, he almost felt himself silly for assuming that he had come just for him. Although how could he be expected to? He had no idea that his obaa-san had been rushed to the hospital. Michio almost felt embarrassed having those sorts of thoughts. "Is she okay?" Michio asked with genuine curiosity, wanting to somehow provide him with the same comfort that he had already given him. "They don't know anything yet; I'm just waiting for the doctor to come out." Michio nodded "Yeah me too..." Kuya sat back against his chair and kept his arm around Michio's shoulder, mindlessly caressing his it with his finger tips. Michio laid his head on Kuya's chest allowing himself to calm down and think about other things. There was nothing that he could do about his obaa-san but he at least he had Kuya there to comfort him. Kuya who had faced the same misfortune at the same time of having a sick loved one. At least, he thought, he didn't know her all that well. The time seemed to drag for an eternity, the second hand on the clock moving like a turtle across a patch of rocky ground. Michio's eyes gazed at it half awake as he waited for some news to arrive. He felt the steady rhythm of Kuya's heart flutter within his chest as he mindlessly poked at a hole in his shirt. Occasionally his eyes would dart to the wooden door in the corner that brought news to so many. He had waited for this door before and it never seemed to get any easier. He began to close his eyes and accept that it would be some time more when suddenly the door swung open and he heard a deep voice call "Morinaga Kuya?" Michio sat up completely and looked up at Kuya who seemed determined to meet the voice as quickly as possible. He rose and began to walk towards the doctor, a tall slightly balding man with a plain white coat. Michio's eyes traced the path that his feet followed wondering to himself why Kuya's surname seemed so familiar. He watched the doctor explain a few things quietly with the same matter-of-fact expression on his face the whole time. Kuya nodded occasionally and was completely unreadable. The doctor's eyes darted to Michio momentarily as he continued, causing him to blush a little. He knew that it was impolite to stare but surely he hadn't been that obvious. He began to twiddle his thumbs to get his mind off of the conversation between Kuya and the doctor when he was suddenly stirred by the sound of his name "Ishida Michio?" The same doctor called only his voice seemed more questioning than forceful as he had when calling Kuya. Michio stood and began to walk towards him, his eyes darting to Kuya's face which looked slightly confused. "Y..Yes?" Michio asked apprehensively as he approached the doctor, looking up into his brown eyes that seemed to have a false sense of caring, one that Michio was all too familiar with. "Your Grandmother is very sick but we have no reason to give up hope, it's going to be some time until we know something for sure." He bent down so that he was eye level with Michio, making him slightly uncomfortable. He never knew why doctors felt the need to do this every time they explained this to him. "Do you understand what I have told you?" Michio sighed a little "Yes I do..." He said trying his best not to be insulted. "I think it's best for you to go home with your cousin for now." Michio raised his eyebrow slightly in great confusion "I don't know any of my cousins..." He said silently. Kuya bent down to join the doctor before him and Michio began to feel his stomach churn a little "Michio... my great aunt... she's your grandmother." Michio's mouth had fallen open as his eyes locked with Kuya's. Every part of him wanted to run but he felt petrified, frozen to the spot. Michio had always known that he had distant relatives but had never met them. His grandmother had told him horror stories about her sister and brothers, how they had disgraced their family. "I don't... THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" Michio suddenly yelled out as his lips trembled. Surely Kuya was not related to those fiends, those desecrators of the family name. It seemed impossible to think. The doctor gave an uneasy glance at Kuya who just sighed a little "We never knew that we were related but don't worry, I'll take care of him." The doctor nodded with a look of slight concern on his face before straightening himself again and pushing a few wrinkles out of his coat "I'll call as soon as I know something." He said to Kuya who nodded in return, he returned to his place behind the wooden door as quickly as he had appeared. MIchio shook his head slightly as he diverted his gaze from Kuya, he felt betrayed, he felt as though he had never known Kuya at all. Kuya gently put his hands around Michio's shoulders as he stepped back a little causing him to release him. "You can't be..." Kuya seemed to force a smile across his face to seem comforting "I think that I'm just as shocked as you are but this isn't the appropriate place to talk about this..." Michio shivered a little, Kuya had never sounded so much like an adult before, like a guardian. He didn't particularly like the change but he did agree with Kuya on one point. He turned away from Kuya and began to walk towards the entrance doors, his own arms wrapped around him. His body shook with so much ferocity that he felt as though he was going to burst forth, flooding the floor with the entirety of his being. His arms around him were the only thing, he thought, that kept him contained. --- The drive to Kuya's house was an uncomfortable one. Michio stared through glazed eyes out of his window and onto the trees that surrounded them. Although he felt so many powerful emotions inside, he wasn't sure which one to express, or whether it was wise to express any at all. Part of him wanted to hold Kuya's hand, to know that he was near but another wanted to open the car door and tumble out onto the ground. His grandmother had such distain for the other side of her family that he had learned at an early age to never ask about them. He always assumed that they were the epitome of evil and never felt the need to think otherwise. On the other hand he knew that Kuya's heart was large and genuine, he was the only one that had ever shown him any kindness. Surely, he thought, his grandmother couldn't be wrong. On the other hand, he thought, perhaps she was? He had no reason to think of Kuya as anything other than perfect. He slowly turned his head to look at Kuya whose eyes seemed lost on the black tar of the road. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles a bright white that matched the walls of the hospital they had just departed. Michio began to speak but just sighed, he had no idea what to say. Kuya had always been able to say things that comforted him or made him think. Never had he seen Kuya wordless before and it wasn't entirely welcome. "I don't know... I always was told that... I don't know what to say..." Michio managed to mutter these words into the still silence of the car. He felt his hatred and apprehension fading away with fear at the realization of how he had acted. Even if his grandmother had told him such horrible things about the other side of his family, he could hardly feel any anger towards Kuya. "I know what she's told you or at least I can assume, but you can't allow that to shape how you feel. Families have secrets and grudges but that doesn't always mean that they're true." Kuya spoke monotone as he released his tight grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles beginning to show color again. "I don't have any reason to think you're evil..." Michio whispered in response staring at his feet, grateful that he had replied. "I want you to know that this doesn't change how I feel. The fact that we're... cousins... I mean that doesn't mean anything at all..." Kuya seemed to have trouble with the word cousins, as though it were a vile tasting soda. Michio blushed a little and looked over at Kuya again who looked flustered. It was the first time Michio had ever seen him this way before. "I'm sorry." Michio said with true regret as he placed his hand gently on Kuya's knee. Kuya looked over at him and began to smile, his composure seeming to be regained almost instantly. "I guess I shouldn't have just blurted that out like that. It's okay though, we're almost home and we can get some food in our stomachs." Michio nodded, he hadn't realized until he mentioned the word food just how hungry he was. He was so busy thinking about his grandmother and this new discovery that his stomach was the last thing on his mind. He felt Kuya's hand meet his on his knee and squeeze it slightly. He finally felt at ease and the atmosphere within the car seemed to lighten significantly. Michio watched as the car turned left onto a long paved driveway that was encircled by tall iron gates. The outline of a large tutor mansion had barely come into focus when Kuya veered right and down a gravel driveway that extended some ways into the heavily wooden grounds. Michio felt a little sick as the car began to bounce with the uneven gravel, he had not had the opportunity to ride in a car very much in his life and doing so on such uneven terrain was something that he definitely wasn't accustomed to. He looked out the window again trying to find something to take his mind off of his sickness and saw a couple of similar cottages to the one Kuya resided in. He blinked a little noticing that they seemed dark and their yards over grown. Kuya seemed to notice Michio's curiosity and began to speak "Washio-san used to have quite a few grounds keepers and was always kind enough to provide them with shelter. Unfortunately his wealth is not what it once was so he just has me. Those aren't used by anyone anymore." Michio nodded as he felt the car lurch right and down yet another pathway towards the cottage that he knew so well. He was relieved that their journey would finally be over and that his stomach could settle on even ground once more. When he finally put the car in park and raised the emergency brake, Michio made quick work of unbuckling himself and flinging the door open, stepping out onto the gravel and sighing in relief as he shut the door behind him. His stomach felt better almost instantly and he stretched a little, watching Kuya begin to walk towards the front of the cottage. He followed Kuya inside, removing his shoes and taking a seat at the kotatsu that he had enjoyed tea with Kuya at on the day of their first meeting. The sun had begun to set and its colors illuminated every window. Michio felt at ease and had almost completely forgotten about his apprehensions with Kuya being his cousin. The familiar smell of sandalwood had already drifted past the point of being noticeable and his eyes surveyed Kuya's back as he disappeared into his kitchen. "I can help if you want." Michio called out but heard no immediate response. He tilted his head a little in curiosity and stood, walking to where Kuya had disappeared. He watched silently as Kuya tended to the beginnings of a fire in a large black stove in the far corner. "Isn't that dangerous?" Michio asked curiously as Kuya poked at a large piece of wood inside, causing it to immediately be consumed with flame. "Not if you know what you're doing." He closed the door to the stove and latched it shut, standing to smile at Michio. He wiped his slightly blackened hands on a cloth that sat on the corner of a tall cabinet and placed it back before speaking again "What are you in the mood for?" Michio gave a slightly thoughtful expression before responding "I don't care I just don't want to be a bother..." Kuya laughed a little "If not to be a bother then what's family for?" Michio laughed a little not entirely sure as to whether he was joking or not. "To be completely honest... well... what do you think about Italian?" Michio smiled "I like it I've just not had much of it." Kuya nodded "Well I'm not really in the mood to cook so..." He made his way over to an aged phone that stood on the opposite counter and began to dial, placing the receiver to his ear. "Oh yes I'd like to call in an order for a delivery... Yes the usual is fine... for two... thank you." He hung up the phone and turned to look at Michio who was watching him in curiosity "The usual?" Michio asked with a slightly teasing tone in his voice. Kuya rubbed the back of his head and blushed a little "I don't really cook all that often... What do you say to some television?" Michio perked up a little "You have a television?" Kuya nodded "Yep it's in my bedroom although I warn you it's not the cleanest..." Michio nodded and followed him into the back of his house watching as his hands began to slide open a shoji door that led into, what Michio could only imagine, the most cluttered room in existence. That was a large western style bed that dwarfed his grandmother's by comparison, a chest of drawers with a few items of clothing hanging precariously from the top, a large mirror that was covered in photos and as was promised a television that sat on a high table that was littered with movies and wires. Kuya sat down on the edge of his unmade bed and patted next to him, signaling Michio to join him. Michio slid over and climbed on the bed next to him, finding it quite as difficult as it was to ascend the mammoth bed that his grandmother owned. After finally settling himself and taking a seat next to Kuya who was leaning back against the headboard with a pillow to support him, he began to look at the pictures that adorned the mirror on the opposite wall. There were a few black and white photos of a woman that looked very much like his own grandmother, he was quite certain that this must be his great aunt as he had never seen these photos before and his grandmother had an addiction to keepsakes. There were also photos of what he could only assume were a younger Kuya, wearing a school uniform that seemed like those that the high school boys wore at the school near him. His gaze broke when he felt Kuya's lips brush the side of his cheek. He turned to look at him and smiled a little "Already wanting to make me flustered?" He asked in the same teasing tone from before. Kuya giggled a little "I just can't resist, what can I say?" Michio smiled and laid his head on Kuya's shoulder, silently hoping that he could stay in bed with Kuya forever.