Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2020 03:39:02 +0100 (CET) From: Subject: Summer Games Part 1 Summer Games Part 1 Chaosmode Authors Note: This is the first part of what I anticipate being at least a four part series. Up front: There is no sex or any kind of sexual things going on here in the first part. Aiden and James will have a relationship and it is going to be complex and amazing but the first part of the story is all set up getting to know the characters even more so I think than I did in Discovering Noah. Although when this story picks up it goes a lot faster than Noah did. Also on that note: there is a lot of descriptions of video games from the era of the Super Nintendo, if you do not want said games spoiled well sorry. IF you're not interested in reading a kids thoughts on a game the first time he tries it sorry but this is the story that I wanted to tell about a loner kid that loves gaming and the friend he makes who happens to love both him and games as well... Also there is one tough part of this story but it is the only bump after it there is nothing else really bad and its here in the first part... As always I can be reached at: Nifty needs you to help keep stories like this coming: One. The sound of the alarm buzzing on his cellphone woke James up from what had been a night of pretty much restless sleep. He had tossed and turned more than he had liked trying to get to sleep and not finding it. James got up out of his bed and started for the bathroom. In the shower he rested his hands against the wall as James let the warm water wash over him and thought about the fact that while today was the first day of summer it was also the first day of his summer job before going back to his last year of college. A job that he was sort of glad he had landed but also one that he would rather not be doing. Though he had agreed that if his performance went good over the summer that he would stay on in the fall when college back up and in a part time capacity just like he was doing now. James slipped out of the shower and combed his hair, brushed his teeth and went back into his bedroom. In the bedroom James pulled on a pair of slacks and the uniform shirt which had the company name on it. Voltage Games was a moderate chain of gaming stores that had video games but also all kinds of other games and even an online gaming arcade in the back of the store where people could come to play games and tournaments were hosted. At just twenty-one and having just finished his third year of college and going into his last it made sense to take a job that wasn't too demanding. James could have gone to other jobs similar at like a grocery store or some other kind of retail, but being a gamer this job had appealed even more so than working at some place like Gamestop which seemed to be places stuck in the past. He pulled the uniform shirt on and grabbed the stupid plastic name tag that had the name James on it and headed out of the bedroom stopping for a moment before my bathroom and studying himself in the mirror again running a comb through his still wet brown hair before heading towards the kitchen. He was making a sandwich for lunch when his roommate Kyle showed up from his room at the other end of the apartment. Kyle had been one of James two best friends during high school and when when they had both decided to go to the same college it had seemed like a easy solution to get an apartment together. James was going to school to be a teacher and Kyle was going to school to be a professional loser, that was his words. In reality he was going to school so that he could go into the oil industry. Kyle was taller , but also bigger, he was wide and had just a bit of a gut and he didn't care if you saw it which was why he walked around the apartment without a shirt. At six-four he was tall and wide and knew it. James in comparison was just a hair over six feet in height, and for the most part skinny, just not as thin as he had been a few years earlier. James stepped around Kyle who was taking up half of the kitchen and said, "put on a shirt." Kyle shrugged, "why I ain't going nowhere today. Got the day off from Target. I told you to get a job there with me, tell them you need a day off and the fuckers give it to you." James just finished with getting his lunch ready for the day, "yeah well I think I'll stick with this one for now." Kyle said, "well see ya this evening, we going to hit it up on GTA tonight? Lilly was asking if you're going to kick some ass with us tonight." James grabbed a soda from the fridge going around Kyle again who was now leaning against the counter top in the kitchen and said, "Maybe, depends on how I feel when I get off." he headed out of the apartment going down the stairs and out to where he had parked his car last night in front of the complex building. James and Kyle had been living together for almost a year and while he enjoyed playing GTA with Kyle and Lilly (his girlfriend who lived in another city but not too far away) James was not really that kind of a gamer. He liked more retro stuff and role playing games, some action and adventure, but online wasn't his favorite style of game and GTA online could get particularly crazy at times. Still with Lilly and Kyle it could be fun at times as well. They had a really good team and had all kinds of crazy things built up in the game. Voltage Games was on the corner of two streets, one was a main road that led to an interstate about ten minutes up it, and the other road it sat off of led back into a subdivision and that was the life blood of the game store. They were close to a large subdivision and at one of its main exits out so that helped drive traffic for game buying, for collection buying and for the online servers that they had in the back for local LAN matching or for more. There was also a space for more traditional board and pen and paper gaming where they hosted those on the weekends in one large room where four different games could all be set up at once. As James parked in front of the building, about an hour before they were due to open he saw that there was only one other car, the store manager Noel's car. The front of the store had signs up for a few of the latest games that had just come out, one proclaiming that they would beat Gamestops trade in values on some of the hottest games out. Another sign about a Magic the Gathering tournament that they were holding at the end of the month. James climbed out of the car and headed up to the front door. Noel opened it letting him in. Noel was a bigger man, more round than straight, probably weighing well over two hundred and he was a little short too, about four inches shorter as well with a shaved head and dark brown eyes along with a prominent smile that he always wore. "James, on time, I like that." He said taking his hand. Noel was twenty-six and had been managing the store for two years and was friends with the owner of the company so his job was secure as long as Voltage Games was a thing. James smiled and said, "could you imagine a school teacher being late to school?" Noel laughed, "no, not really. Come on let me show you around the store. I was going to ask you at the interview but when we got to talking about Xenogears I sort of forgot the other stuff, what grade are you looking at teaching?" James shrugged, "that's cool, probably the fifth grade, I'm still trying to decide between that or sixth honestly." As we walked towards the back of the store James took it in getting a good sense for the set up of the store. The store was a huge square, but it was split off into four different sections. There was the long set of glass display cases that ran along one wall from one side to the other and then formed an L ending at a wall that had been put up as part of the back room that was off to the left of it. This whole area was where the traditional video games and board games were all stored for trading in and selling of course. There was a huge display in the center of this room set up with all of the latest game systems, the switch, the ps4, the xbox, then next to that display was another one that had four retro systems set up on it as well. The place had larger rooms in the back off to that other end of the L and those rooms were split for the online area for LAN games and also online games that people could come up and pay by the hour to play. This was the smallest room, the other two rooms were for board games and D&D sessions along with Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, and various other card games. The final room in that back area was the employee only area where they stored games and other valuable things along with the break room. As they walked back there towards that room Noel said, "I don't know how you could do that to yourself all day long, teaching kids, its bad enough now that its summer here and we'll be over run by the ones that are old enough to leave their house without parents." James shrugged, "I don't know its just what I want to do." he didn't have a problem with kids, especially not kids in the fifth to sixth grade age range. Especially not boy kids between those ages. Noel just shrugged it off and said, "if you put your stuff down in the break room I'll go over the morning routine since you'll be one of my openers, which is good since I'm gone next week on vacation. Veronica and I go to Florida every summer to visit Disney World, its her favorite place." James knew that Veronica was his wife, he had talked about her at the interview a few days earlier. After James put his stuff down Noel walked him through the opening routine. First after you were logged in and had disarmed the alarm system you would go to the computer and run the trade in report from the night before, check it and then if the games matched you put the games in their correct system bin unless they were needed to fill a hole out front. After that of course you counted the tills which the store had two and set them up at the computer desk. Checked the schedule to see when the other employees were due in which there was a total of five people working at the store. Then you loaded up the game systems, made sure that the online computer room with its four computer slots was ready for anyone that had scheduled time to come up and use the internet. This room was a small box with enough space for four computers. Noel actually told James that it used to be bigger when they first opened but with the internet being everywhere now they had shrunk it down and it was used about once a week if that sometimes. Then you checked the schedule to see if anyone had any games set up for the two gaming rooms which on a weekday was usually a no, though there was almost always in the afternoon a group of teens that came in and played Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic. Now though with summer all bets were off and there was actually a few sessions already scheduled for a D&D session later in the afternoon today which Noel told James was actually a group of high school students. Once he had shown James all the stuff then it was actually time for the store to open. James flipped on the open sign and just as he unlocked it another member of the team showed up. Jill Sloane was a teenager, at eighteen and she had just finished her senior year of high school as well. She wasn't bad to look at really, though she wasn't what you would call classic eye catching, she was slender but her body was still nice with full hips and what most boys would like in the breast size as well. Noel said, "Jill this is James he'll be working mornings with you when I'm on vacation next week." Jill nodded and took his hand which surprised James as she said, "good to meet you James." The look of appraisal she gave he had seen girls give before, but teenage or older girls really and rarely interested James. Rarely did girls younger than that interest him either. James was used to it though when girls did look at him so he smiled and said, "You too, so how long have you been working here?" Jill shrugged, "Since the start of my senior year, I just graduated going to college in the fall to be something if I can ever settle on a major." Some kids showed up then, all teenagers and some of them knew Jill as they went to the same high school. She took them back into one of the rooms as they were there to play some card games. James was working up front with Noel when some more people came in, some adults looking to trade in games and after a few times of this and the purchase of new games from them James started to get the handle on what the process was. Around noon another employee Richard came in, he was somewhere in his twenties, like Noel just some regular guy that hadn't ever gone to college and was working here as it was job in retail and he was a gamer and had gotten the job based on his game knowledge. Richard was a cool guy really, James found that he had some game stuff in common and when he started talking about GTA James let him know about Kyle's team and said that he'd hook him up so he could get on the same server and maybe as he put it fuck some things up. It was a little later when Noel came and relieved James for lunch and he sat in the back watching videos while eating lunch. It was later after lunch and James was working on filling one of the gaming cases when the door chimed with the sound of someone walking into the shop. James looked up and he had to gather himself for a moment as he saw who had walked in. Since he had been a teenager James had known that he wasn't like others. He wasn't interested in girls his own age, or even girls all that much though he'd never actually say he was gay as he sometimes did find girls about the age of the kid that had just walked in interesting sometimes. Part of the reason why he wanted to teach was that it would mean that he got to be around boys around the ages of ten to twelve. Discovering that was what he liked when he was a late teen had led James on a long journey and he had met some others like himself. He knew that he would never harm a kid, or do anything inappropriate to a point, that point was one that he often had fantasies about, a kid coming onto him and forcing him into a moment where he had to be with that kid, that it was really the only option he would have for himself. He knew if a kid around the age of the one that had just walked in did try to seduce him or make a move that James would give in, he was he knew a little weak. But that would take getting to know the kid really well and as a teacher that wouldn't happen. As a teacher all he'd get to do was protect what he loved and make sure that those kids were taught right and taken care of. The boy that walked in wore a tee-shirt that looked a little worn and had what looked like Link from the Legend of Zelda on it shooting an arrow. The shirt was a little large on his smaller frame, he was probably just at four and a half feet tall. He wore jeans as well that looked a little worn and converse sneakers that also looked a little worn. His hair was a deep dark brown and went to about his shoulders but it was hard to tell as it was hardly combed, almost looked like he had woken up, ran a hand through it and left the house. His eyes were a light brown, what some would call puppy dog brown in color. He had a whole row of little freckles on his cheeks under his eyes as well that James noticed almost right away. He walked over to one case in the store and started looking over some of the games at one of the displays of retro games from the old super Nintendo days. James had actually been surprised to see games from that far back in our store. He hadn't even been alive when the system had come out but he had played games from it. The more that James had gotten into Role playing games and stuff like Zelda the more that he had heard about the older versions and gotten curious so had gotten them online and had found them to be some of the best games ever made despite them being from older systems. Kyle preferred newer stuff and didn't get why James enjoyed some of that older stuff. James thought about ignoring the kid but there was no one else in the entire store at the moment other than the teens that were hanging with Jill who clearly were trying to to hit on her. So he walked over and felt a little uncertain if he should bother the kid or not but he was curious why a kid his age was looking at Super Nintendo stuff. Noel had said that most of the people that looked at that stuff were collectors in their thirties or older who were trying to get back games that they had loved as kids themselves or using them for online streaming. The store even sold modded systems like the ones James had seen some online game streamers use. As James walked up he leaned a bit over the counter looking at the boy and said, "hey need any help?" He was down with his legs under him on his knees his eyes roaming over the cases. His light brown eyes James decided were absolutely beautiful. He was half biting his bottom lip as he studied the case of games, "No, I'm good." He had a sweet soft voice and James could almost feel a response to it in his body but he had gotten good at ignoring that kind of stuff around kids he found attractive. He had a nice collection of things on his computer, all legal stuff to help him release, stories, drawings, pictures. James had no intention of doing anything other than seeing if the kid needed help with something. He was still half biting that bottom lip and James noticed that his lips both looked pretty full. He had a small cut across the bridge of his nose and James noticed that one of his palms looked a little scraped up along with his elbow. James sat up a bit and said, "well if you need any help just let me know." He sort of looked up at James but then back down at the case. It was easy to tell that his eyes were going over the games, checking names and the such then as James was about to walk to check on something else so he didn't feel so creepy looking at the very beautiful young boy when the boy said, "I want to get that one." James leaned a bit over and said, "which one?" He pointed in the case and said, "Legend of the Mystical Ninja." James opened the case from the back and had to look for a moment before he found it and pulled it out. It cost a few dollars and James told him the price. The kid looked at him kind of strangely about that. As he was about to check him out at the computer Noel came over and said, "hey there Aiden," he looked at the game and said, "this is Aiden, James, you'll see him around here all the time. Let see," He looked at the game and then said, "you sure about this one?" Aiden shrugged, "I don't know, I just thought the name sounded cool, oh!" He reached into his back pocket and pulled out another super Nintendo cart that James had seen many times, Super Mario World. His older half sister who was in her late twenties had been obsessed with the game as it had literally been the only game his dad had still had left on his old console. The same console that James now used to play super Nintendo games on. Noel took the game and handed him Mystic Ninja as he said to James, "when its Aiden just type in the number 344-444-5555." James typed it in and the boy stood there patiently. As the account pulled up there was a lot of trade ins and purchases but they all had zeros by them. As that was coming up Richard came over and said, "Aiden little man what's going on?" He gave the kid smile and put his hand out for Aiden to give a high five but he missed and Richard said, "one day you've got to speed it up man!" Aiden just shrugged. Noel said, "so like any other account you take in the game he's trading in." James nodded and took it in and it took the trade in at zero and he almost said something but Noel continued, "then the only difference here is when you take the other game out, go ahead and scan it." He scanned it and the system showed its price and Noel said, "then you change the price to match the trade in." James felt like he should ask something about this as it was only employees that got game borrows but Noel went over him and showed him how to change it, "and then you check him out and hand him the new game." As it finished Noel handed Aiden the game and the kid smiled and said, "see you tomorrow maybe, depends if I beat it or not." he walked out of the store and James tried his best not to look but he was damn cute. As he left Richard was leaning on the counter looking around at some other teenagers that had come in playing a game. James had a feeling his eyes were on one of the girls in that group. Noel said, "If its Aiden you always use that account. He will always bring in a game from the super Nintendo. If he brings in a game no matter what our cost just give it to him for the same price as the trade in. Our system will always make the trade in zero on that account and let you edit the new game to be zero as well." James nodded and looking at the account saw that there was a trade in nearly every two or three days sometimes more. "Is all of that him?" Noel looking at it said, "yes, the employee account is the same but its all 4's all the way across." Studying it James didn't want to pry but he was curious about the boy a bit, "why does the system allow that for him?" Richard said, "Noel set it up, felt bad for the kid. Tough little shit but he's got it bad," "Really Richard do you have to put it that way." Richard shrugged and Noel said, "its just him and his mom and she works crazy hours. I think he's picked on at school too but I never ask and don't want to really. When he first started coming in he paid and always had to find games that cost less than five dollars. He always brought the game back in though to trade it back in and get another one. I finally had enough, he was nice and responsible and I decided to give him an employee account as long as he brings the game back he gets another one." James nodded and said, "that is really nice." Richard said, "he's good too, I mean he just plays all that retro stuff because its all that he could get system wise or all he had." Noel said, "you'll get it, its summer now, last summer he was up here I think most every day. You play all that retro stuff, maybe he'll finally have someone to talk about it with. I think the only game he actually owns himself is the Zelda game, link to the past right?" James nodded and Noel continued, "well its the one that I told him to keep when he kept taking it out every week. I finally figured that it was probably his favorite and we have like a dozen of them so I saw no harm in gifting it to him for his birthday last summer." After that the rest of the afternoon went pretty quickly and then James got to head home. It had been an interesting first day and that night as he lay in bed his did wonder exactly what the kid had problem wise beside his mom. He was small for his age, if he was nearly eleven which sounded about right, being a bit below four and a half feet at that age would put him slightly behind the curve. That along with the fact that he was probably pretty poor both led to him being treated badly by other kids James was certain. Kids especially boys at that age liked to pick on the outsider boys, the ones that were quite and introverted. In a way it reminded James of himself, sort of a loner who hadn't had many friends. It was a different situation though. James' biggest problem had been the constant moving before his dad and mom had divorced they had moved a lot for his dad's jobs. Until his last two years of high school he hadn't made any lasting friends and now he had Kyle, Dustin and Lilly, he really only needed three close friends. He had no idea though that night that his life was going to take a twisting turn he had never seen coming. Two. The sound of something from behind him made Aiden run even faster across the Miller's back yard. He only knew who the Millers were because they had this huge sign on the side of their front door saying that they were the Millers. He knew that they had three kids but they are all a lot older than Aiden. He jumped to the fence and climbed over it, falling onto the ground on the other side and stopped for a moment, panting looking up at the fence waiting. He was in the back now close to a retaining ditch that ran along the back of the subdivision. After a moment when he didn't hear anyone coming Aiden sat down on the edge of the ditch looking down at the small trickle of water that ran through it. Sometimes when it flooded the entire ditch would get filled with water and one time it had even flowed over into the back yards of the house up against it. His house was one of those. He found a rock sitting close to him and picked it up tossing it down into the water below. His palm still hurt from where he had scraped it earlier when climbing over one of the fences, that had been when Kevin Laster and his gang had been chasing him after he had gone to the Circle K to get a drink and a snack. He had lost his snack, of course that had been the first thing that Kevin had taken from him as he stepped out of the Circle K. Then he had lost the drink after Kevin had pushed him down which was when he had gotten the second scrape on his arm of the day. He had rolled away from that and taken off running with Kevin, Paul, Billy, and Lane all chasing him through the subdivision in the opposite direction of where he had planned to go after leaving the Circle K. He sat up a bit and pulled the game out of his back pocket just making sure that Legend of the Mystical Ninja was okay in his back pocket. The game had sort of reminded him of a beat'em up, where you went around and used weapons to take people down but you also had shops and level ups and there was kind of a story to the game as well which had been interesting. He put the game back in his pocket and stood up. The good thing about Kevin and his gang was that they weren't really interested in Aiden past a point. If he could get a few miles away from them they'd loose interest in him just as they had yesterday. It wouldn't be a problem if Kevin didn't live on the same street as him. The slightly older Kevin liked picking on Aiden because he was different and also smaller, and some people were just bullies who liked messing with other people Aiden figured. Aiden started walking along the side of the ditch heading to the end of it where he could see the street. He wasn't all that far now from the main street that fed into the subdivision that led up to Voltage Games at the front of it. The Circle K was in the middle of the subdivision, it had been built when Aiden was five which was also around the time that Voltage Games had opened as well. Though he had only found the place at the beginning of fifth grade which had been shortly after his tenth birthday in July when his mom had gifted him with a super Nintendo that she had found at some garage sale along with a few games for it. He had figured that he could trade the three games he had gotten in for one game but he had actually gotten two and then somehow after that he had started to become a regular up there using whatever little money his mom gave him for allowance for doing chores to buy games. Somehow though Noel had started letting him just return a game for another game as long as he kept them in good condition. He liked Noel, and Richard too, then there was Jill and that guy named Henry that he saw sometimes but only rarely. They were nice to him and there was honestly very few people in his life that were nice to him other than well his mom of course. Some of his teachers though usually they were too busy with the problem kids to really notice him. Either the kids that had issues with school work all together or the ones that caused problems like Kevin. He and Kevin were in the same grade, although Kevin had turned twelve a few weeks before summer started as he had been held back in the fourth grade for some reason. Even back then he had liked to pick on other kids, Aiden, Derrick who was the only black boy in their class, and Thomas all pretty much got picked on by Kevin and despite the fact that he picked on them all Thomas and Derrick also pretty much ignored Aiden as well though he wasn't sure why. He figured it was just because he was who he was and didn't make friends all that easily. It was easier too by himself to avoid Kevin and his group as he was a pretty fast runner and had noticed that Derrick and Thomas weren't. At the end of the ditch he got out onto the sidewalk that went above it and headed up to the front of the subdivision. Voltage games sat on one corner, there was a restaurant on the other, some Mexican food place called Victors that his mom had taken him to a few times for dinner. He walked into Voltage games. There were a few people inside, some kids playing on the systems and it looked like Richard was hanging out with some other kids over at one of the newer systems. He didn't see anyone else so he just walked right over to the super Nintendo games. For Christmas his mom had found him a Sega Genesis somewhere and those games were okay but he hadn't chosen one in awhile. He was looking through the Super Nintendo games when someone said, "Did you really beat that one or get bored with it?" Aiden looked up, the new guy, the one with the James name tag was sitting up on the counter behind the display case. He wasn't as young as Jill, but Aiden figured he wasn't as old as Noel or Richard either. He did have an adult kind of look to him and feel but he was also pretty relaxed and while not as skinny as Richard he wasn't big or taller than Richard either. Aiden shrugged, "I didn't beat it, but I didn't get bored either." He had gotten frustrated though a little and had decided that he wanted to try a different game. James got off the counter and opened the case as he said, "did you like the town stuff? The story?" Aiden shrugged, he hadn't actually had anyone from the store before talk to him about super Nintendo games. "It was okay, I think the stuff in Zelda is better." James nodded and pulled something out of the case. "here, I think you should try this one and then tell me what you think about it." He handed Aiden the game, smiling and Aiden smiled back a little feeling relaxed. "You know about Super Nintendo games?" James shrugged, "Sure I do, my dad loved the system and he gave it to my sister and I to play when we were younger, but I really got into them the past year or so. If you like Zelda you might like this one too. Its got some side scrolling action but there's also some stuff involved with building cities and the such." The cover Aiden decided was interesting, it said ActRaiser on it and had lightning going across it. "so willing to try it?" Aiden shrugged and said, "sure." He walked with James over to where the computers were and waited as he was checked out and placed the game in his back pocket as he said, "well thanks I'll probably see you tomorrow." Then he head out of the shop. As he was leaving Aiden could sort of feel James' eyes on him and he wasn't really sure why it felt different than how it felt when Noel or Richard looked at him. Outside he headed back to his street. The walk wasn't a long one as it was only two blocks back from the front of the subdivision but he still walked a little slowly hoping that Kevin and his gang weren't outside to pester him. The subdivision that he lived in was an older one, once he supposed in the eighties the houses here had all been new but now they were older and showed signs of it as well. A lot of the houses were lived in by people who already had grown kids, but some of them were lived in by families like his own with single parents. As he turned down his street he was relieved to see that Kevin and his gang weren't outside so that he could get home without getting bothered. He passed the Miller house which was the only two story on the entire block and his house was four down from it. A small one story with a red trim and three windows that looked out onto the front street. Kevin's house was across from his and down two more but it was close enough that he could see if Kevin was out and he was grateful that he wasn't at this moment. Aiden headed into the house and kicked his shoes off by the front foyer and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water and walked into his bedroom. The house had three bedrooms, but one of them wasn't used, although it was used when his grandmother came to stay sometimes though she hadn't been out in a couple of years now. His bedroom sat across from it with the bathroom next to the guest bedroom. AT the end of the hall was his mom's bedroom with its own bathroom that sat towards his other wall In his bedroom. He walked into his bedroom and turned on his older television as he took the cartridge out of his back pocket and popped it into the game system. The game loaded and he pressed start laying down on his bed. At first he wasn't sure why James thought this was a good game. It was just a normal hack and slash, like Ghouls and Ghosts though it did look really pretty. There was some jumping and there was a big boss at the end that you had to time your moves right or you died. Aiden did die a few times but he got the hang of it soon enough and made it past the first level. Only to be greeted by a strange little floating cherub angel that wanted him to rebuild the world. The game took on a whole different thing after that. He had to fight these little lairs of monsters and send people to seal them and then he had to build more parts of the city and unseal things. Suddenly he found himself really interested. It was clear that the small town was built a certain way based on what he unlocked but that was still pretty cool. He had to fight a second side scrolling level to beat the boss of the area and that opened up even more. He was working on the third zone, getting the hang of the game when his mom came into his room and sat down on the edge of his bed, "hey sweetie how was your day?" She stroked his hair a bit and kissed the top of his head. Aiden paused the game and said, "Good mom." She studied him and he knew that she saw the new scrape on his other elbow to match the one from the day before but she didn't comment on it. Sometimes Aiden got the feeling that his mom knew what happened to him but she didn't know what to do about it. It was why he didn't bother her with it because he didn't want his mom to worry about him. She stood and ruffled his hair a bit, "That's good I'm going to start dinner in a few minutes, want to help?" Aiden said, "Sure just let me save." His mom left the room and he saved the game before going out into the kitchen and helping his mom with dinner. It wasn't difficult to prepare, he just set the table and he stirred the rice when his mom asked him. His mom was a very pretty woman, somewhere in her mid thirties as she and given birth to him when she was twenty-four. Aiden didn't know who his dad was or where he was, the man had just never been in the picture and that was enough for Aiden to know. It didn't matter as he and his mom got by together just fine. As they sat down at the table his mom said, "was that another new game you were trying?" His mom didn't like games all that much but she was happy to talk with Aiden about what he liked. That was the thing about his mom his interests interested her. "yeah, you've got to go through these levels and fight guys and then you have to build back the towns and stuff so that people can live there again... James recommended it." His mom paused a bit in eating as she said, "James, I don't remember a James working up there being mentioned before." Aiden shrugged, "He's new but he knows stuff about super Nintendo games so he just suggested that one to me because I liked another game." She nodded and said, "Well that's nice, so what other kind of trouble did you get into today?" Aiden knew that his mom was indicating his new found scrapes. He shrugged, "I was climbing some fences and fell it wasn't that bad though just some scrapes. I didn't' fall all that far." "You sure?" Aiden nodded and his mom sighed, "well as long as you're okay I suppose that's the important part." After dinner she insisted on him getting in the shower and after his shower Aiden put on his pajamas and got back up on his bed to keep playing the game. Around ten his mom came in his room and he hugged her goodnight along with a kiss on his cheek before she stroked his back and said, "Don't stay up too late." He agreed that he wouldn't but the game was so good that he kept playing it. The last boss was difficult but around one thirty in the morning he finally beat the game and watched the credits go. That he decided was a lot of fun so he was glad to see that James had been right. He wondered what other kinds of games that he might suggest for Aiden to play. He turned off the system and the television before laying down on his bed. Aiden wished as he did most nights that he was older, or bigger, being bigger or older would stop someone like Kevin from picking on him so that would be nice. The doctor had told his mom a few months ago that he was in the lower percentile for both weight and height for his age, not even four and a half feet, but an inch below that and far too skinny too. He couldn't help it and his mom was worried about him not growing enough so she had started feeding him more vegetables. Though he didn't really like them Aiden wasn't the kind of kid to argue with his mom. Since he had been old enough to remember things it had just been the two of them. He liked it like that, but sometimes he thought there might be more out there for his mom and for him too. Maybe he could meet and make a real friend of some kind... Three. The first day of Noel's vacation was an interesting one. Opening by himself was a new experience for James but he handled it as best as he could. Jill showed up a few minutes after the store was due to open and he had realized after a week working at Voltage games that was her usual operation. Noel had hired Jill because she was that rare girl that liked video games James figured. He liked Jill, she was actually pretty cool and chill though he had no real sexual desire for her as she was just up there above what he considered interesting in that way and also female. Although he could see the appeal. Around eleven he noticed the rain clouds and checked his weather app and saw that they were definitely going to get some rain in the afternoon. Richard was there by then and there were a few teenagers and adults that had stopped on their lunch breaks to buy things going in and out of the store before the storms came rolling in. Around two Jill headed out as it was the end of her shift since she worked part time. The other two employees were off today so it was just Richard and James. He let Richard go on break around two since there were no customers in the store and it was unlikely that anyone else would be coming in. Around right then when the rain had just sort of started James was reading one of those companion books for D&D, mainly looking at the artwork as they always had some really incredible stuff in there when he heard the door chime. He looked over at the front door and saw Aiden. The boy's dark brown hair had gotten a little wet some of the water dripping off of it onto his shirt which was that same Zelda shirt he had worn the first day James had seen the boy. The rain really started coming down about a minute after he walked into the shop and James saw him put the game on the glass counter as he started looking through the games. The boy looked cute wet, he wasn't soaked just some rain water on his face and arms and his hair. "So?" He asked as he walked over. Aiden looked up, "it was pretty cool. The side scrolling levels were kind of just so-so but the city building stuff with the sealing of monster lairs and shooting arrows at the monsters that came out and the people giving you gifts and stuff that was all really cool. It was a little short though, I wish there had been more levels. Is there more?" He looked hopeful James decided and he shook his head, "no, there was a sequel but they abandoned the whole city building stuff because it wasn't received very well. There's some modern games that take some stuff from it, there was a game on the first playstation that I used to play when I was your age called Dark Cloud that I'd say was kind of inspired by it." Aiden sighed, "That sucks, I mean the side scrolling levels were just not as interesting as the city building stuff." James smiled a bit and climbed up on the counter sitting there as he said, "Noel said you liked Legend of Zelda a lot?" Aiden nodded and James said, "did you ever try Super Metroid?" Aiden shrugged, "no Noel said it was a platformer like Mario." James scoffed, "what? Its got more in common with Zelda than a platformer. I mean its a side scroller and there's jumping and shooting but there's also item collection and lots of secret hidden rooms and power ups that make you more powerful and you have to solve puzzles to get to some of the hidden secrets on the maps." He jumped down and went into the case and pulled out Super Metroid, "you should give it a shot and Noel and I will have a talk about what a platformer is when he gets back." Aiden smiled and James liked the boys smile, it was slightly lopsided on his cute small face and went really well with the small dotting of freckles on his upper cheeks. He was about to go ahead and change the games out for one another when the power went out. The sound of thunder rolled across the sky and Aiden looked up at the ceiling when the power didn't suddenly come on. James handed him the new game and Aiden took it looking out the front windows. James from behind the counter said, "you shouldn't go back out there. You're welcome to stay here till it clears up." Aiden shrugged looking back at him and said, "yeah my mom would kill me if I ran home in this and got sick." James smiled, "yeah moms are the worst. I think I was about a year older than you, ran home in the rain from school, we lived about two blocks from the school and I thought I could beat the bus, got soaked and sick too." Aiden said, "your mom probably got all kinds of mad." James said, "nah, she was at first but she felt sorry for me when I got sick, she did keep reminding me why I got sick though." He smiled and Aiden smiled again before James said, "okay, lets get serious here." He came around the counter and said, "come on," He sat down in front of the cases and Aiden studied him then sat down sort of next to him but with a bit of space between them, "so," he pulled out his phone and pulled up a list of super Nintendo games. "Let's see how many of these you've played. Noel says you've been coming in here for awhile..." Aiden shrugged, "Okay." They started going through a list that James had found about the top 100 games on the SNES and as he was reading them off and showing Aiden pictures of the game if he didn't know the name the boy would move in a little closer until they were sitting almost by each other. At one point his shoulder hit James' own shoulder and he smiled a bit as the boy was almost leaning over fully. As they got to the end of the list James said, "so you've only played one of the top four Super Nintendo games of all time?" Aiden shrugged, "But that's just one list." James smiled and pulled up a few other lists, "really?" Aiden studied the other lists, his finger scrolling on James' phone as he handed it him and he said, "well they do change the order on some of them compared to the others, what's a Chrono Trigger anyway?" James taking his phone back said, "its a game about a boy who helps a princess out and she gets sent back in time so he has to go save her and save all of history from Lavos a being fro outer-space that wants to consume the planet. Its got robots, frog men, magic users, an epic score and some really good artwork." Aiden thought about that, "is it a platformer? Or an adventure game like Zelda?" James shook his head, "no its a role playing game. You get experience and build levels and get special techniques. If I made a list I'd put it first not Zelda, but everyone's got their own ideas on what game is better, they're really probably pretty much tied." Aiden said, "do you have that one here?" James turned looking at the case that they were sitting in front of, "no, or if they do its in the special case, its probably really expensive too, not traded in a lot. You interested?" Aiden sighed and said, "sure but if its rare its probably never going to be traded in here. Part of the reason Noel lets me rent the games is that no one really buys SNES games anymore. Or Trades them in." James nodded, "I can see that, but if somehow you could play it would you be interested in playing it?" He saw Aiden thinking about it and then the boy said, "yes." James said, "then its a deal I'll let you borrow my copy tomorrow." Aiden looked up and over at him, "Y-you're sure, I would like to play it and I'll be really careful with it and everything." James smiled, "I'm sure you will Aiden." The rain was still coming down outside and the power still hadn't come on. James stood up and went over behind the counter and grabbed a deck of cards that he had seen and a bucket, "Okay, well I am officially bored, ever played card toss?" Aiden shook his head, "No. AM I supposed to know what that is?" James sat the bucket down a little away from them at the counter and said, "well the goal is the flick the card into the bucket." He pulled the cards out and took one and said, "you flick it like that and it goes... well shit," He sighed as the card went flying towards the bucket and then landed off to its left. "You get the idea." Aiden smiled and took a card sort of tossing it and it landed about half way to the bucket, "how did you do that?" James picked up another card, "you've got to flick the wrist like this." He showed Aiden with his wrist and the card went flying hitting the bucket and then bouncing off of it. "Kyle and I used to play this in our free period senior year, he always won." Aiden tried to flick his wrist and said, "I don't get it." James said, "here, pick up a card, here," he put his hand on Aiden's that was holding the card. The fifth grade boy had small hands and wrists he decided, and his skin was soft and warm too, but he ignored that as he showed him how to flick his wrist and said, "but you have to do it hard and quick, give it a few tries and you'll get it." As he let go of the boys wrist. That close he could almost smell sweaty rain wet preteen boy. Aiden got a little better on the next one and when he tossed his third one and it went into the bucket he said, "Boo-ya! I got it!" James looked over at him and said, "cheater." Aiden smiled, "no way. I got that. It was all skill." James laughed and Aiden laughed too. Just then Richard strolled into the store and said, "well damn the power's out here too." He stopped when he saw them sitting on the floor tossing cards and came over sitting on Aiden's other side, "what are you two doing?" James said, "tossing cards." Richard took his turn and he showed both of the up pretty quickly. Around the third game the power finally came on and the rain tampered off to a mere trickle around four in the afternoon. As Aiden started to head out James said, "I'll bring you that game tomorrow." Aiden nodded and said, "cool, see you tomorrow then. I got to get home before my mom." He headed out. James tried not to watch the boy take off at a run but he was so very nice to look at. As he took off Richard said, "cool kid a bit strange but pretty cool." James smiled, "kind of reminds me of me at his age a lot." Richard just said cool and about then the final rush of people for the evening showed up. He hadn't been this attracted to a kid around Aiden's age since he was in high school and had met Kyle's little brother who he hadn't gotten past first base with. Four Aiden felt strange as he ran back towards his house. He liked Noel, Richard, Jill, and Hank because they always let him hang out a bit and try out other games and such and even sometimes told him if he might or might like something. James though actually knew about the games on the super Nintendo and more than that he talked with Aiden about that stuff. He often got the sense from Noel and Hank who were both a lot older than him, somewhere in their mid twenties that they were just humoring him because he didn't cause problems and was the only one playing the games they had. Jill just thought that he was cute like her little brother and Richard just did stupid stuff like the fake high fives. James though hadn't done that stuff, he had actually talked with him about the games themselves and when the power had gone out instead of making Aiden maybe entertain himself he had sat with him and they had talked more about the games that he had and hadn't played. Then during the card game when he had touched and held his hand and wrist to show him how to play the game, that had felt somehow nice. No one had actually just sat with him and talked with him like that other than his mom. Which he knew sometimes she feigned interest as she was a good mom and she loved him a lot. James hadn't feigned though he had actually been interested in what Aiden thought about the games that he had played on that list. Back at his house his mom wasn't home yet so after kicking off his shoes Aiden went into his bedroom and put the cartridge in his super Nintendo. The music he noticed first off as the stuff started was amazing, and then the game spoke, saying that the Last metroid was in captivity and the galaxy was at peace. Then stuff happened and he was soon trying to escape a space station before it exploded. For the next hour Aiden got a feel for the controls of the game, it wasn't like any platformer he had played before and he could sort of see the similar ways that this game and Zelda were. Instead of dungeons there were sections that were all interconnected but you needed better weapons or suits to get further in the game. He died more than a few times trying to figure things out and around six when his mom got home with dinner for both of the he saved and sort of felt an itch to get back to the game it was that good. His mom let him go after his shower and he plopped back down on his bed playing the game some more. It was really good and he managed to beat some big green monster that went from small to big that he was pretty sure was the first boss and from that he got a better suit and then an ice beam but by then it was nearly one in the morning and he was falling asleep. The game was a lot harder than Actraiser and a lot bigger too. He saved and turned it off and climbed into his bed to get some sleep. The next morning he woke up and played it some more after getting some breakfast and then he remembered that James said he was going to bring that other game, the chrono one that had sounded really cool. He got dressed and headed out of the house. He was thankful that he didn't see Kevin or his gang as he walked down the street and headed up the other street to where the game store was. He hadn't brought Super Metroid with him as he hadn't beaten it yet which felt strange as he walked into the game store. He had brought money though as his mom had given him his five dollars for the week to spend on whatever he wanted. He hesitated a little as he stepped in afraid that yesterday had been kind of an oddity or something and James wasn't going to remember what he had promised. There were some people that James was helping so Aiden instead looked over the games in the case and then those people were leaving as James leaned over the case holding something out, "as promised one copy of Chrono Trigger." Aiden looked at it, the front picture on it was of some strange beast and a boy with red hair jumping at it with a girl putting fire on his sword and a frog crouching down. It was a really cool front cover and made the game look really cool. Aiden took it and said, "I'll be careful with it." James said, "I don't doubt you Aiden, and I can see you're eager to go try it out." Aiden shrugged a bit, "I still haven't beaten the other one." James nodded, "well? Is it just a platformer?" Aiden shook his head, "no way, its got that in it but its also got stuff like ice beams and it took me a full thirty minutes to figure out that I needed to freeze those little brown things to climb up a certain area to get the power item in order to go forward to another area, and there's a whole bunch of upgrades and other things too that I haven't even seen yet or know how to get yet." James smiled and Aiden felt as if he was liking that Aiden was enjoying the game. "Good, it sounds like you're having fun with it." Aiden said, "yeah, if I have fun with this one too is there anything else you'd recommend?" James said, "but of course, there's Secret of Mana and Final Fantasy Six both were in the top ten on those lists. You like Zelda so I think you'll like Secret of Mana and if you end up liking Chrono Trigger then I think you'll like Final Fantasy six. The Final Fantasy series is my favorite series of games." Aiden said, "cool," Someone else came in and Richard was with a customer. So Aiden said, "I'll let you help them and I'll tell you tomorrow what I think." James nodded and said, "sounds good Aiden, its summer though so don't forget to go out and have some fun too." Aiden shrugged James was kind of like his mom in that regard telling him to not stay in all the time but it wasn't in a bad way, just in a I care about you kind of a way he supposed. As James went to help the people that had come in Aiden headed out of the store. He walked back down the street but went past his street to go up to the convenience store as he still had his five dollars so he could get a soda. He was walking up towards the store when Kevin's second in charge Lane stepped in front of him. Lane had actually already finished sixth grade and he was taller than Kevin and wider too. "Hey there little shit, been a few days since we've seen you." He looked around and saw that Paul and Billy were both there as well and Kevin came walking out of the Circle K store smiling with a mountain dew soda in his hand. Aiden started to back away and ran right into Paul who had moved up behind him. Paul and Billy were in the same grade as Aiden and Kevin, and like him they were bigger than Aiden and really good at messing with him. Of course he had been the second shortest person in his class just Julia Pearson was shorter and she was a girl so to the other boys that didn't count. He knew that one of the reasons Kevin picked on him was because he was smaller. Kevin slowly walked over as Paul grabbed his shoulders. He tried to escape but Paul gripped his left shoulder so hard that it almost hurt. Kevin smiled, "whatcha got for us there huh little runt?" Aiden swallowed, "N-nothing, come on Kevin I gave you money last week..." Kevin stepped closer, he tried to escape again but Billy had moved to one side and Lane to the other with Kevin in front. "you think I give a shit when you last gave me anything. You going to go run home to mommy? Tell her so she tells my mom again?" Aiden shook his head no. He had only tried that once and it had only made things worse. Kevin wasn't going to stop being a bully especially not now that school was out for the summer and he knew that Aiden's mom worked during the days. That was why Aiden ran around outside as little as possible. He just wanted Kevin and his friends to leave him alone but they liked picking on him because he was smaller and had no friends. Paul who was holding him from the shoulders spat in his hair as Billy on his side said, "I think he's going to do it anyway Kevin." Lane on the other side said, "lets beat the shit out of him." Aiden swallowed and when Kevin started towards him the older boys fist connected with his stomach and from inside the store one of the workers stepped out and said, "what in the hell are you kids doing, move on get out of here." The others turned to look at the man and Kevin went to say something to him and that was when Aiden took his chance to slip out of Paul's grasp by kicking backwards hoping to connect with the boy's shin but instead he connected with his upper crotch area and Paul went down gasping and holding his middle. Aiden took off, running through the parking lot. The other boys though weren't content with letting him go this time as he had retaliated. Aiden ran back up the street hoping to head for the safety of his house but as he crossed the street from the Circle K, Billy who was a fast runner as well had caught up to him jumping in front of him and pulled him down onto the ground leaning over him, leering and hit him square in the stomach, then once on the face too, "you little piece of shit!" Kevin arrived with Lane, and a second later Paul came sort of limping and moved over to kick Aiden right in the stomach as he groaned and rolled over. Kevin leaned over and picked something up off of the ground, "Oh what's this..." Aiden rolled over and tried to grab for it as he knew it was the game. Kevin studied it, "Want this back runt?" Aiden said, "Please, you can have my money, that's not mine I'm borrowing it..." Kevin smiled, "Oh got a little friend. Giving you games? I bet he won't be your friend anymore when it doesn't work anymore!" Kevin tossed the game to Paul, "seems fair, smashing game for smashed balls!" Kevin leaned over Aiden leering and spat on his face. "You're a real shit Aiden." Then Aiden watched as Paul threw the game to the concrete sidewalk and stomped on the cartridge a few times before laughing and tossing the two broken pieces on top of Aiden as the four of them walked past him, Paul giving him one more kick as they headed up the street. Aiden sat up slowly and looked at the game that was in two pieces. His stomach hurt, his face hurt a bit, he wiped the spit off of his cheek and stood up slowly. He could just never return to the game store, then he wouldn't have to see it when James got mad at him. He studied the cartridge and wondered if there was a way to put the two pieces back together, but there was some parts that looked broken as Paul had really stepped on it. Aiden sat down on the curb across from the circle K, he hadn't gotten that far away from it. His shoulders felt sore, there was a scrape on his chin, another one on his elbow he could feel it. He'd probably get a black eye too. He had no idea how he'd explain that one to his mom. Worst of all though the game had been destroyed. He was thinking about how James would probably be all mad at him too, not believe him that someone had beat him up and broken the game. Also he didn't want to tell someone that he had been beaten up, that wasn't what you did. It just got Kevin in trouble with his mom or his dad and that usually led to Kevin being grounded which would lead to Kevin picking on him even more. Aiden was about to get up and start the walk back to his house when a voice he knew said, "Aiden?" He looked up and felt fear go through him, it was James, of course it was. He started to move or something but James looked concerned as he came over to where he was. He had been leaving the Circle K it appeared as he had a coke bottle in his hand. He said, "what happened to your chin?" He leaned down a bit and said, "here, look up for me..." Aiden shook his head and sniffed, he wasn't going to cry, "I-I'm sorry I told them not to but..." He handed James the game. James looked at it for a second then put it down on the ground before bending down and looking at Aiden. "look up for me." Aiden looked up not sure why and James seemed to study his chin and was looking at him more, "whoever did this did a number on you huh?" Aiden sniffed a bit and said, "w-what about the game though, I let them break it." James said, "fuck the game Aiden, its just a game. You're much more valuable than a game don't you think?" Aiden shrugged, "I dunno, I just thought you'd be mad." James sat down next to him and said, "of course I'm mad, but not at you." He stood up and picked up the game putting it in the Circle K plastic bag that had some kind of snack in it and said, "come on, Noel told me you live close by?" Aiden nodded and James said, "well let me at least make sure you get home safe, and make sure that those scrapes are taken care of I imagine your mom has a first aid kit?" Aiden shrugged and James said, "band-aids? Neosporin?" Aiden nodded a bit and James said, "lead the way." They walked up the street and then down the other where his house was, walking past Kevin's where thankfully Kevin and his gang weren't outside. They might have been terrorizing someone else honestly. He led James into his house which felt strange since James was a virtual stranger letting him into his house. James though was all professional and he didn't seem like he was going to hurt Aiden. In fact there was real concern on his face and he was careful especially with the wound on his chin when he applied the band-aid to it. * James still wasn't sure what he was doing in Aiden's house. He had acted on instinct the moment he had seen the boy sitting there obviously hurt. It appeared as if he was going to have a black eye and that wound on his chin might leave a scar but he wasn't sure. His one elbow had been bleeding and by the way he walked someone had probably hit him in the stomach a few times. The house was older, all of these houses were older, probably built in the eighties, he had lived in a subdivision like this one during one of his parents moves for a short period of time. As they walked down the street he saw four boys outside in front of another house and he could tell by the way that Aiden flinched that these were the four boys that had caused him harm. He wanted to go over there and do something, but he knew it wasn't the right time or place to do anything. Aiden's house was small, a little three bedroom one story that from the outside looked like it had been built in the eighties for sure and the inside looked older as well though it was pretty well maintained. The couch and other things in the living room looked worn and old but not all that old, just something that someone with a little less could afford to get. It felt like a comfortable home though, as if the two people that lived in it belonged there. He felt physically sick seeing Aiden beaten up. He never could understand why boys felt like they had to bully other boys, and they always picked on the smaller strange and silent ones as well. Like it was some kind of right of passage or something beating up another kid and laughing about it with your friends. After James was sure the bandages were applied he pulled the game out of the plastic bag. He had been heading home after finishing work as Richard and Hank were closing and had stopped at the Circle K because he wanted some M&M's, and that was when he had seen Aiden sitting there looking like he was in pain. Aiden looked at the game, "Sorry..." James touched his shoulder, "don't be, it wasn't your fault Aiden and I'm not mad." Aiden nodded a bit and then he said, "the clips are broken, but the actual motherboard system looks intact. Nintendo built these things strong. Do you have any tape?" Aiden got up and went over to the kitchen looking through a few drawers and came back with a role of scotch tape. He watched as James applied to the sides and shook the cartridge a bit before he said, "want to give it a try?" Aiden nodded and James could tell that he was uncertain as he said, "my mom might not like you being here.. because you're... a stranger." James nodded, he was a little worried about that himself. His first instinct to protect and make sure that Aiden was okay had kicked in so fast that he hadn't thought about what might happen if he was in Aiden's house with him when his mom got home. He had just wanted to make sure the boy was okay because he had looked like he had gotten really hurt. "Do you think I should go?" Aiden shook his head and said, "no not till we test the game out right?" James smiled and the boy smiled too before heading back towards his room and James followed, he was curious what the boys room looked like. His bed was unmade and had what appeared to be sheets with the design of space and the galaxy on them. His television was an older one which was actually the best thing to play SNES games on so that was pretty cool, and he had a dresser and on top of it was a few different Link figures and funco pops. It looked like the room of a boy of ten or eleven who had a mom who struggled to get by but gave everything she could to her son. Aiden popped the Metroid game out of his SNES which James noticed was an SNES mini and then put the Chrono Trigger game in. When the game started he looked over at James and said, "I can't believe it works." James smiled, "SNES games are tough just like you." Aiden nodded a bit and said, "still I'm sorry that I didn't.." James interrupted him again, "don't worry about it Aiden, do those kids pick on you all the time?" Aiden he could tell was uncomfortable. "Ummm its no big deal." He shrugged. James just sighed a bit not sure what to do with that. "It is, you should talk with your mom. She could help you with his parents." Aiden he knew didn't want to talk about it, "its okay really. I usually get away just today I wasn't fast enough." James sighed but didn't push the issue. There was really no way for him to at the moment, if ever. They were walking back to the living room when the front door opened and Aiden's mom walked into the house. Aiden's mom was clearly where he got his light brown hair, though the rest of him probably came from his dad, though it was hard to say. She stopped looking at James and then Aiden said quickly, "this is James he works at Voltage games, uh he saw me fall and I cut my chin and elbow and he helped me back to the house." James wasn't sure what she thought about him as when she heard fall she was looking Aiden over, studying his bandages and he could tell that she didn't believe he had fallen. Then she looked at James and said, "thank you for for helping. I really hope he wasn't a bother?" James shook his head, "no he was fine. We thought that he might have broken the game he borrowed but its okay too. I'll see you at the game store next time... and try to keep your eyes on potholes when running." Aiden nodded and James started to step out. Aiden's mom said, "go wash up Aiden, its almost time for dinner." James heard the boy sulk and take off. As he left James started for the front door but Aiden's mom stopped him, "thank you for bringing him home. I don't know how comfortable I am that you came in here without another adult here.." James turned back looking at her. Her eyes were filled with worry but not about him coming into the house. "he's a sweet kid. I'm guessing that these other kids that bully him do it more often than he admits. He wouldn't talk about it, but that's what happened." Aiden's mom nodded and James said, "I see a kid in trouble I help them, might be my instinct since I'm going to school to teach kids his age and we're already learning about things to watch out for with bullying and the such." Aiden's mom said, "Fifth grade or sixth?" James shrugged, "Fifth, I take it Aiden's going into sixth?" She nodded, "Hes small for his age but yes, he'll be eleven in August and I started him a year earlier because he was already reading and ahead of other kids his age. I'm Amanda by the way." She held out her hand and he took it as she said, "it was nice of you again James for helping Aiden get home." James nodded as he stepped out onto the front porch with her and said, "I'm sorry for coming to your house, I just acted with a need to take care of him. I know if I was a parent I wouldn't be comfortable with someone I don't know in the house with my kid either, goodnight Amanda." She nodded once as he walked down the steps and down the street. He was walking to the end of the street when he saw a group of four kids playing in front of a house. If anyone had the look of bullies it was those kids. James walked over to where they were playing with one another and stopped before them. One of the boys looked up at him and James waited till the others ones were looking up as well. The first one, the biggest of them roundness wise and probably the leader said, "what do you want?" James just smiled, "I'm not a parent, I'm not going to talk to your parents, I'm just going to make this simple, if I notice that any of you have harmed that kid again I will involve someone a lot worse than your parents. I don't play around with bullies, just think of me as that kids protector and you're going to want to stay the fuck away from him or face who I send after you. Beating up someone even another kid isn't something the police look kindly on." Threats worked better than violence. He walked off not sure if it worked or not but he could remember when he was nine, his dad had done something similar to the two boys that James had thought were his friends who had instead decided it was more fun to pick on him.... So it might or might not work but in his calculations he figured it was the best shot to stop them from messing with Aiden. Kids could be cruel though so it might only work for a little while. Five. Chrono Trigger was awesome, from the moment that it first loaded up with the cock ticking and he started a new save file with the opening moments the game was amazing. At first when he got into the first battle he wasn't sure what to do but the game explained its self pretty well and he got the hang really quickly on how to select attack or magic or items. It was the story that sucked him in right away. He played as a character named Crono but you could change his name if you wanted to. Aiden liked the Lucca girl the most, the one that knew everything that was going on. That was until he met Frog and instantly felt for that character. The game was so very good that he didn't want to put it down well into nearly two in the morning. He was falling asleep so he finally had to stop playing the game and save before turning it off and climbing into his bed to go to sleep. In the morning when he woke up he started playing the game again, it wasn't an easy game either, he figured out pretty quickly how to learn techniques and that he needed to gain experience to level up the characters so that they could handle attacks from the bad guys without dying. He didn't have an instruction manual so he just kept learning as he played, figuring out for instance at one time that lightening hitting certain enemies in the far past made them weaker and that made it easier to take them down. The game was complex and interesting, the characters fun and the story deep. He actually couldn't quite get his head around the fact that this game actually existed. He knew that SNES had a lot of games that were truly masterpieces of their time but the fact that this game could hold itself up even compared to games of now, that people who found it at his age now would still find this game to be one of the most amazing surprised him. At around eleven he decided to venture outside because he was feeling kind of daring and wanted to talk to someone about the game. He could only think of one person to talk to so he put on some clothes and headed outside. At first when stepped out he thought that he might have to contend with Kevin and his gang again but they weren't around so he felt good and headed up the street. Then turned up the other street for the short walk to the end of it and then up to where the video game store was. Walking towards the game store it occurred to Aiden that he was nervous, but he wasn't sure why he was nervous. The only thing that had changed since yesterday was that James had been really nice to him. James had made sure he was okay and then he had given him a game to play as well. He wasn't sure at all why he was nervous about seeing James again. It was more than that James had been nice to him yesterday and helped him and all of that. James had done the stuff that his mom would do but he had done them differently. He arrived at the store and as he stepped in he saw that there were a few customers, all teenagers that were hanging around Jill, he knew that Jill was a high school student. Sometimes he saw Richard looking at some of the high school girls that came into the store at times. Aiden wasn't sure really why but he wasn't all that interested in girls, even ones his own age. He knew other boys in his fifth grade class liked girls because he heard them sometimes talk about girls but he just didn't know if he liked them or not, mainly because no one really liked him. Boys or girls. As he walked in James noticed him, "well," He came around the counter this time and studied Aiden, it took him a moment to remember that you could probably tell that he had a black eye. Honestly he didn't even remember one of the other boys hitting his eye but they must have. James was studying his face as he said, "not too bad I've seen worse. How's the game?" Aiden smiled a bit, he liked that James didn't press the issue. He didn't try to ask Aiden about what had happened again, he just went to the game instead. "Its awesome, I mean the entire game but I don't know how far I am. I got to this one bad guy and I had to use magic to beat him but I died a few times before I figured out that he was telling me when he was going to attack me with a really strong attack. I beat him but now I have to go into this big castle..." James nodded and said, "so you're enjoying the game?" Aiden said, "yes. There's this one part where you get a robot and its so cool when Lucca fixes the robot, she's really awesome but I think Frog is my favorite character." James smiled, "yeah Frog is pretty cool. I think my favorite was always someone that you haven't met yet but when you do you'll see why." He looked at Aiden again and Aiden felt like James was studying him but not in a bad way just in a way like yesterday before he said, "how are the scrapes?" Aiden shrugged, "Not bad, nothing worse than I've gotten before." James didn't seem so sure but Aiden was glad when he didn't push it, instead he said, "well I was about to go on break, I was going to go across the street to Burger King if you want to talk some more about the game?" Aiden thought about that and sort of felt a bit of a flush to his cheeks as James said, "Only if you think your mom would be okay with it." Aiden thought about that. He knew what James was referring to, that he was older than Aiden and that his mom might not like that. Or that James might try to make Aiden do something, but Aiden had a feeling that James wouldn't and didn't want to. James was just being a friend, Aiden got that right away. He really wanted a friend too. "Sure, I mean she won't be mad about that. She'd only be mad if you wanted to take me somewhere alone, like a private place, and I'd say no to that anyway because I'm not supposed to be alone with people my mom doesn't trust, even those that might be my friends." James smiled and said, "well come on then. Let me just let Richard and Jill know that I'm going across the street." After a few minutes they were walking down the street again to head to the end and cross it over to the restaurant. At the crosswalk James said, "stay with me." Aiden nodded and walked right by James as they crossed the street and headed up inside. In the line to order James said, "what do you want?" Aiden said, "Uh I don't have any..." James interrupted him, "don't worry about it Aiden, come on what do you want?" Aiden shrugged, "A spicy chicken sandwich and some fries, oh and a half tea half lemonade." James nodded and at the front he ordered that for Aiden and a grilled sandwich meal for himself. The he led Aiden to a table and they sat down across from one another. Aiden said, "I'll pay you back some day." James smiled from across the table, "don't worry so much about that kind of stuff Aiden. If it was a problem I wouldn't have invited you. Now I think we were talking about Chrono Trigger?" Aiden nodded and said, "yeah, um are there any other two way or three way techniques you can learn? I mean I've seen a couple but there seems like there's probably a lot more." James said as their food came, "sure, there's a lot of them that you can learn, there's lists of them on the internet. Though I prefer not to know that kind of stuff the first time I play through a game." Aiden shrugged, "it doesn't' matter even if I did want to know I don't have the internet. I mean I don't have a phone and my mom and I can't really afford the internet monthly costs so she just doesn't get it. Its cool though I mean I get to play lots of super Nintendo games." He didn't want James to feel bad for him or something like that. James though if anything was a nice guy he didn't even bring up the money stuff, just like with the food or the bullying he knew not to step on that kind of stuff somehow. "Well its better not knowing anyway, it makes the game a lot more fun. I will tell you that there's 14 different endings, with some small variations to each depending on how each of your characters end up." Aiden felt his mind sort of boggle at the idea, "fourteen? Wow, um have you beaten the game?" James nodded, "more than a few times. Its one of my favorite games of all time. After you beat it you get access to a new game plus as well which lets you carry over your level so you can move through the game faster." As they finished eating James must have noticed that his drink was empty as he said, "want more to drink while we walk back over to the store?" Aiden nodded and James had them fill both of their drinks up before they started walking again. As they walked back to the store Aiden said, "can I ask you something James?" "Sure, anything." Aiden thought about that and rather or not he should ask his question. It was something that had been on his mind since yesterday but he wasn't sure really how to address it. "I know that the other guys at the store don't mind me coming in and such but non one really ever talks to me all that much.. I guess well I mean I guess I Just wanted to know why you do?" James didn't answer right away as they finished walking across the street back to the store, finally he said, "well there's a few reasons, the first is that I know what its like to be you." "What do you mean?" James shrugged, "when I was in middle school I was a lot like you are, I don't now if I should be honest and maybe I'm wrong but from what I've seen I would guess that you don't have a lot of friends and you pretty much spend your time playing games and being by yourself... stop me anytime I'm wrong. Or tell me I am. But its because of that, I see some of me in you and I think that makes me gravitate to you." Aiden softly said, "you're not wrong, other kids just think I'm strange and kids like Kevin like to pick on me because I'm small and an easy target since I won't go to the teachers for help." James stopped turning to look at Aiden, studying him, he tried to look away but James bent down a bit so that they were eye level. He had very nice eyes Aiden decided. "Why wouldn't you go tot the teachers for help?" Aiden shrugged, "because then my mom gets called and she gets all worried about me and the last thing I need is for her to worry about me." James sighed a bit and stood back up, he touched Aiden's shoulder and it felt comforting as he said, "I've been there too. It is how I felt too with my mom. I'll make a deal, you don't have to talk to your mom but if you want to talk to someone you could talk to me." Aiden looked over at him, "like a friend?" James squeezed his shoulder this time, "yes like a friend." As they started walking again Aiden said, "so what were the other reasons besides that I'm a lot like you?" James smiled, "oh so you didn't forget I said a few huh?" Aiden smiled too, "nope." James said, "Well the other would be that I like that you have a similar love of older games. Finding someone to talk with about games from that era who aren't a lot older than me is hard. The last one I suppose would be that I am going to school to be a teacher and you're age its the age that I am going to be teaching so I like knowing things about kids your age, how you are, what you do, it will only help me be a better teacher." Aiden thought about that and said, "So you're kind of using me?" James laughed, "no, I really do like you Aiden, you're a good kid and I really do want to be your friend. I don't know what your mom will say about that though, maybe you shouldn't be my friend?" Aiden had an idea then, "well you could be my mom's friend too, maybe ask her out..." James looked at Aiden and he said, "yeah that's a dumb idea huh?" James smiled, "its not, its just... I don't know if I should talk with you about how some people have different... ideas about who they should or would want to date." Aiden got it right away, "you mean that you're not into girls but into boys?" "Yes something like that." He wasn't sure really if there wasn't more to it than just that, he almost felt like he knew there was something more to it than just that James wasn't interested in adult women. Aiden knew enough to know though what gay meant, he was ten almost eleven, he had heard it as an insult a few times though he didn't quite get why other kids used it that way. As they walked back into the store Aiden said, "is that why you were bullied in school because you were into other boys? James looked over at him and then said, "I didn't know I was different until I was in high school so no I was picked on in sixth grade because I was the new kid and then again I was the knew kid in seventh grade. New kids always get picked on." As he held the door and Aiden walked in behind him the James said, "so what are you going to do for the rest of your day?" Aiden shrugged, "go play more Chrono Trigger I guess." James looked around the mostly empty store, game stores even ones with all of the back rooms that this one had didn't really have a lot of traffic on weekdays. "well if you want to hang out some more I'm done with game inventory and there's not much going on here, you ever play Magic before?" Aiden shook his head and James said, "want to learn? * There were two truths at play here for James as he sat with Aiden and showed him how to play the game Magic: The Gathering. The first was that he was really growing to like the boy. In some ways he reminded James of a younger him, a boy who was picked on by others, who was kind of a loner and what friends he did have were few and far between. The second was his attraction for Aiden. Try as he might to deny it being around the boy was so wonderful a feeling. Spending the afternoon with him, taking him across the street and buying him lunch, then now sitting in the back room teaching him the rules of Magic was wonderful. He had done it out of a place of kindness but also out of desire and he knew that. He desired to be close to Aiden and if he could find ways to do that the he would continue to find them and take advantage of them. He wasn't worried about his desires, he could take care of those himself but being able to sit with the ten year old hear him talk about things or laugh when it was appropriate was nice. Or like right now as he sat next to Aiden to show him how the cards worked. Richard who knew about magic as well had agreed to join them for the game. Sitting this close to Aiden his arm had brushed the boys a few times, and he could almost lean over and inhale the smell of the boy. He'd love nothing more than to feel every inch of Aiden but he knew better than to do that. Instead he explained the game. "So at the beginning of your turn is called upkeep and its where you can set down a land, like this here," he plucked a swamp land out of Aiden's hand and sat it down on the table. Aiden said, "I have more than one land though, couldn't I put down the rest?" James shook his head, "nope, only one land type card per round. Then you can look at your other cards. See the symbols in the top right? The numbers and then the skull or skulls next to them?" Aiden nodded and James said, "that's how much mana is required to play each card. Your land are your mana. So see this card right here?" He pointed to a black card with just one skull. "If you wanted to play that you could tap your one swamp and put this card down." Aiden studied it and read the card as he said, "what's an instant?" James said, "that's an effect that happens immediately, it either helps one of your creatures or hinders one of your opponents." Aiden nodded and they let Richard go. After a few rounds of James showing Aiden how to play the boy got the hang of it a little bit, he still lost to Richard though as about halfway through James did let him start to make his own decisions. They were about halfway through a third game when Aiden's mom showed up, "how did I know that you'd still be up here when you weren't at home." James looking at her said, "sorry, we were just showing him how to play a game." Aiden said as well, "sorry mom I know I should have gone home, it was just we were having fun." Aiden's mom sighed just a bit, "its okay, at least I knew where you were. Come on its about time for dinner." They all got up from the table and Richard started putting the cards away with James as Aiden said, "thanks for showing me the game!" He smiled and headed out with his mom. James watched him go and really he did try his best to not watch but Aiden was quickly cutting into all of his other fantasies of young boys. James knew that he was crossing boundaries that he wasn't supposed to cross, things that he said he wasn't going to do. Well he wasn't a school teacher yet and Aiden wasn't one of his students so he didn't really think he was doing anything wrong. So he was becoming friends with the boy? There was no harm in that and he had the ability to go him and jerk off on his own to thoughts about the boy. That evening when he got home James sat at his computer and started scrolling through his collection of animated drawings of young boys, finally settling on one with brown hair almost to the shoulders, the animated boy was naked, and being stuffed by a much older man. James jerked to the picture for a bit but then he closed his eyes and imagined Aiden, picturing the ten year old boy was enough to send James over the edge and he quickly grabbed a dirty shirt from his hamper and used it to clean himself as he sat there panting hard trying not to think about Aiden anymore. After he dressed he lay there in his bed telling himself that he was getting too close to the boy. Tomorrow he would need to distance himself, find a way to do it naturally so as to not hurt Aiden's feelings but also not have this hanging over him. He wasn't sure he could be this close to a boy Aiden's age and not start to let his desires slip out. Being a teacher with dozens of students he could he knew from being a student teacher earlier in the year handle it. That was different than this situation. Teachers didn't get all that close to their students, this was boarding on a real friendship and he was afraid of slipping up and touching a boy that he was starting to really adore in an inappropriate way. Yes distance would be for the best... Six. Aiden stayed up late that night too playing more of Chrono Trigger, the thing that James hadn't told him was how hard the game got. He figured out though on his own that he could build up more levels and by using the characters they got new techniques that helped make them more powerful. So he started working on that at some point that night. He fell asleep with the game on and in the morning his mom before leaving for work told him that he needed to stop staying up so late playing games that he fell asleep while playing them. It was raining really hard today too so Aiden just stayed in the house playing Chrono Trigger. He had gotten to a place in the story where there was a magical floating city and that was where he learned the amulet that the female character he had named Ace wore had come from originally. Then the profit was revealed to be the one that was trying to get Crono his other characters all thrown into jail or killed or something. Again for a bit he got stuck before finally figuring out how to beat that boss. That only led to him being locked out of that time and even more stuff happened to get the seal undone and that lead to the revelation of who the profit was and what happened to the magic kingdom and the game got really crazy from there. Aiden had never played something like this, he had played a lot of games but this one's story was so compelling, he couldn't believe each turn as it happened. The story just got more complex dealing with needing to find certain people and then suddenly the main character he had been playing as for hours upon hours ends up dead and Aiden just sat there for a moment looking at the screen reading the stunned reactions of the other characters. He did pick up the game and start playing again after a moment this time as the cave lady that had a tail and that was when he met Magus again and this time he had the option to kill him or not. Really there was no point to kill Magus as his story had made Aiden feel kind of sad for Magus. He saved him and then got him in his party and also learned that there was a way to revive Crono so he wasn't dead forever! He was working on that when his mom came home and told him that it was time for dinner. Aiden saved the game in the over world since he was just barely in a new dungeon and was a little frustrated anyway because he had to now go travel around and get this Chrono Trigger to the right place which he would do after dinner he supposed. As he sat down with his mom she said, "I am guessing that you stayed inside the house all day long today playing a video game?" Aiden shrugged, "yeah sorry. It was raining all day though." His mom smiled a bit, "yes I suppose it was. Just promise me that tomorrow you will get out of the house some?" Aiden nodded and she said, "good, I don't want you to be inside all day long, its summer time Aiden. I want you to go out and make some friends, there's lots of other kids in the subdivision other than Kevin and his friends. You should make friends with some of those kids." Aiden shrugged and said, "I've got friends, there's Noel, Julia, Richard and James!" he flushed a bit as he said the last one, of all of them James was his favorite. The truth was that the other guys did let him hang out up there a bit but they had never actually hung out with him and talked to him for more than a few minutes here and there. James actually liked him as a friend and that was the first time he'd ever met someone who liked him as a friend. His mom sighed a bit, "those aren't the kinds of friends I mean Aiden and you know it. All of them are a lot older than you. Its nice that you get along with them, being able to interact with adults is a good thing but you need friends your age Aiden." Aiden sighed a bit but his mom just gave him a look and he said, "Okay I'll try mom." She nodded and he helped her with the dishes before taking his shower and putting on his pajamas. He was working on the game some more when his mom came in to say goodnight and made him promise not to stay up too late. Aiden promised but he immediately didn't live up to the promise. He played the game till about three in the morning and that was mainly because he tied up the story line and made it to the final boss which he immediately got frustrated at. After the third time of not being able to be Lavos he saved and turned the game off. He figured that maybe there was a trick to it that he wasn't getting and that maybe James would know how to do it tomorrow was Friday so he would just go up there and ask James how to beat the boss. His mind though as he lay there in bed kept going back through the events in the game, playing over it. He had stuffed his head with the game as he had been playing on it for hours now, he had over thirty hours into the game in the last four days as he had spent all of his free time playing on it. He drifted into sleep eventually though and he didn't wake up until nearly noon the following day. He got dressed and headed out of the house. After locking the door he looked around for Kevin and his gang. Again they must have been off terrorizing someone else as they were not in front of Kevin's house. The walk up to the game store wasn't a long one and it was about one when he finally got up there. It hadn't even occurred to him that James might not be there, but he was there. He knew that people had days off from work, his mom usually had Sunday off and sometimes a weekday unless she had inventory or something else to deal with. As he walked into the store James was talking with two kids who looked to be a few years older than Aiden himself about something. He listened as James gave them suggestions on games for the xbox system and one of the kids was interested in one of the games so James put it on the system to let them all try it out. As they were playing it he saw Aiden and said, "hey, how was yesterday?" Aiden shrugged, "it rained all day so I stayed home, um how do you beat Lavos?" He just asked right away and James laughed, "already made it to the final boss?" Aiden said, "yeah I'm sure there's things I missed because the game is so big but I'm at Lavos, I keep dying, I made it through two different parts and I'm on the third part but that's where I keep dying." James thought about that for a moment, "so its this guy in the middle called Lavos Core right? With two bits on either side?" Aiden nodded and James said, "the final boss is not the one you think it is." Aiden thought for a moment, "you mean that the core isn't the final boss? There's still another one after this?" James shook his head, "no you're at the final boss, what happens when you kill Lavos Core and the left bit?" Aiden thought about that, "the right one revives them, I tried killing the right one first but nothing hurts it. So I kill the left bit and then the core because its defense goes down when I kill the left bit but then the right one revives them both before I can kill it." James nodded, "Yup, that's because you're wrong, its not the Core's defense that goes down when you kill the left bit." He let Aiden think about it, he didn't tell him the answer and then Aiden got it, it sort of clicked in his head, "its the right bits defense that goes down!" James nodded and Aiden said, "So the right bit is actually the final boss?" James shrugged, "all three together are the final boss. You have to kill the right bit and then the core to finally win but the right bit has the most hit points and if you kill the other two without focusing on it you never win because it gives the core enough time to unleash some really powerful stuff on you." Aiden said, "that's not fair." James smiled, "ah yes the old that's not fair argument on final bosses, I have uttered it many a time. It doesn't make the game play any fairer." Aiden smiled too, "that's true!" The other kids came back over the two of them were somewhere in middle school as far as Aiden could figure, one was a boy the other a girl and he let James talk with the two of them and ring them out on the games before they left and it was just him and James again. Well Julia was there as well but she was off actually playing a game. "I'm going to go try and beat it now!" He started to go and James said, "so that's all I am a walking game faq?" Aiden flushed and turned back looking at James and then looked down at his shoes, one of them had come untied, "no, sorry I just got excited." Perhaps James saw that he felt bad because he laughed and actually ruffled his hair which for some reason made Aiden flush even more as he looked up at James. "That's okay I was just messing with you." Aiden looked up at him and said, "I could stay a bit I suppose, maybe play more of that magic game?" James laughed again, put a hand on his shoulder turned him around towards the door and lightly pushed the back of his shoulder, "Go beat the game Aiden, you'll just sit here and get all antsy if you don't go do what you want to. I'll be here tomorrow if you want to tell me about the ending you got." Aiden smiled and did take off then just as some more customers walked into the store anyway that James needed to help. Back at the house he lay down on his bed and started up the game again. This time armed with better knowledge he went into the final battle again. Of course the better knowledge didn't help him beat the boss this time either, but he felt like he got closer than before. He was working on it a second time when the front door opened and his mom called out, "Aiden come out here we need to talk!" Aiden paused the game and headed out into the living room. He was surprised as he walked out there to see James standing there with his mom. Had he done something wrong at the game store? James didn't seem like the kind of person that would want him to get into trouble. "What's going on?" Was James going out on a date with his mom after all? Hadn't James said that he likes guys and not girls though? Aiden knew enough about that to know how it worked that some guys liked girls and others liked other guys it wasn't really that big of a deal especially since Aiden himself had no idea which one he liked. His mom said, "I tried calling Ms. Tillers but either she's out of town again or she didn't want to answer, then I tried the Banks as they live down the street and I know that you and Kevin aren't friends but his parents are the only other people I could think of, but they're on vacation." So that was where Kevin was. "So the only choice I had was asking James here as I know that I can trust him since he did help you out that one day. Anyway James is going to be your babysitter for the next two days while I fly out to Cleveland for this emergency that the company ran into." Aiden looked at James, and then said, "I could go with you." His mom laughed, "no you will not be, I am not going to hole you up in a hotel room for forty hours with me. You won't be able to do anything. At least here you can go outside and play and I expect you to be on your best behavior for James and listen to what he says just like you would for me right?" Aiden nodded and his mom said, "good, now I need to go pack." Aiden looked at James and was surprised to see the older man looking a little uncertain. There was a bit of perhaps apprehension. He figured that James probably hadn't baby sat a bunch of kids and that was what was causing the problem Aiden figured. * James was busy working on the final inventory for the evening before leaving at five as Richard and one of the guys that he barely knew were closing up the store tonight. He was about to hand off the inventory count to Richard when he was surprised to see Aiden's mom walk into the store. At first he thought that she might be coming in to tell him that he needed to stay away from her son, that maybe she had tried to do it yesterday too but hadn't seen him in the store. She was dressed in womens slacks and a blouse clearly having just come from work like the other day. As he walked over to where she was though he could tell that she wasn't there to tell him that at all. She was clearly frustrated and a little angry but not at him. When she saw him she smiled, "James, I was worried that I might not find you here... I've tried every other avenue even one that I didn't particularly like..." James said, "what's going on Amanda? Did something happen to Aiden?" Amanda shook her head, "no he's fine, its my job. I've got to fly to Cleveland in," she looked at her watch, "three hours, I need to go home and pack. You're my last hope for someone to watch Aiden till I get back on Sunday." James swallowed and felt his entire body start to react, his mind was actually fighting with itself already as he said, "you can't take him with you?" She said, "I could if you can't watch him. I understand taking care of a kid is a lot of work and you're a college student but..." "Its not a problem I just don't know how Aiden will feel about it." Amanda smiled, "Aiden likes you, he said you're a friend and while I might not like that you're older than him I do appreciate that you took care of him when those boys messed with him. I tried my usual avenues and then I even tried the mom of boy that I know is bullying him but none of them were available. I could take him with me but he'll be stuck in a hotel room in Cleveland for forty hours over two days." The real reason why James didn't want to watch Aiden was his own fear over doing something inappropriate with the boy. Touching him in a way that Aiden didn't like or want. That was where his hesitation came in. Yet, the idea of being alone with Aiden, of the two of them actually being alone, time spent together truly alone was so enticing to him. He was he knew becoming a little obsessed with the boy. Not in a bad way either. He really liked Aiden, he knew of course that was partly because he was attracted to boys Aiden's age but also really he did like Aiden. "I can do it if you can't find anyone else. Is it a problem that I have to work tomorrow from nine in the morning to five?" Amanda shook her head, "no, he's usually by himself from those hours. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to come up here with you if that's not a problem?" James shook his head, "No its fine, let me just let Richard know I'm leaving and I'll follow you up to your house." He let Richard know he was going and that he'd see him tomorrow before heading out. He followed behind Amanda's car though he knew where Aiden lived already, that was one of the hardest things for him to do, not to go to Aiden's house even though he knew the boy was by himself most of the day most days and he knew how close the house was to where he worked. He was a good guy though, James wouldn't he knew no matter how attracted he was to Aiden take advantage of it. Inside Amanda explained to Aiden what was going on and James noticed that the boy hadn't changed out of his clothes from earlier. He still wore the same shorts he had on before, cargo shorts that went to about his knees and were a dark gray in color with a tie on the front to pull them tighter and a button to go with the zipper. He wore the same gray tee-shirt he had been wearing earlier as well that said: I Can't I'm Busy Saving the World with a game controller on it. He wore socks that stopped at the top of bottom of his ankles and were white with a little bit of gray on them. His dark brown hair was a mop of a mess on his head, and his puppy dog brown eyes bright and studying James a bit. Amanda was still packing as James said, "so did you beat it?" Aiden shook his head, "no, I'm still dying!" James gestured and Aiden smiled as he took off back for his bedroom. The cargo shorts were nice, not tight really on his little body but James still got a sense for Aiden's bottom as he walked into the bedroom and saw that the boy had jumped back up onto his bed and was laying on his stomach with the controller in his hand. He stood in the doorway not sure if he should go in any further. Aiden had hit the start button to unpause the game and he saw that the boy was fighting the Core at the end. He was amazed at how Aiden concentrated on it, he could see the boy getting a little frustrated when the right bit went down but the core still managed to kill two of his three guys and he sighed in frustration as his third guy died and he put the controller down as he rolled onto his back and groaned. The tee-shirt he wore rode up a bit and James could see the boys flat stomach with his inward belly button. He wanted so badly to tickle that stomach but he held back as he said, "I think I know your problem but you're not going to like the solution." Aiden's brown eyes turned looking at James and he sat up as he said, "what's the solution?" "You probably need to gain about ten more levels, the higher magic spells make it a lot easier." Aiden sighed and said, "I knew you were going to say that." Then he loaded the game up as he said, "where would I go to do that though?" James from the doorway said, "you been to Geno dome? That's one of the places I always go to grind." Aiden started to say but was interrupted by his mom coming into the room. Amanda came to the doorway next to James then and said, "Okay I Have to go now, you promise to be good for James?" Aiden got off of his bed coming over and hugging his mom who hugged him back. Amanda was about five and a half feet, Aiden small for his age of ten nearly eleven was about a foot shorter than her so almost to feet shorter than James himself. "I promise mom." He pulled back and headed over to his bed jumping back up on it and though he wanted to linger and watch the boy James walked with Amanda to help her put her bags in the car. As he did she said, "again thanks, I don't know why but I know I can trust you to take care of him. It might be that day when the bullies attacked him and you took care of him. Most adults would have just walked on by in todays world." James sighed but didn't disagree, "yes they would have, which is a shame. He needed someone that afternoon." Amanda nodded and then pulled out something from her purse. "I was going to give this to Ms. Tillers but since its you it works as well. There's some money in there for food and my phone number as well if you have any problems." James nodded and said, "Does Aiden have any food allergies or anything like that?" Amanda smiled, "other than an aversion to going to bed before two in the morning no he doesn't." James smiled too, "I've been there, though lately being up till two in the morning has been because I didn't study all month and now I've got a final to take." Amanda sighed, "you're my son." James laughed, "what do you mean?" She just looked over at him and said, "when Aiden's in college he'll be you, the boy is a master at procrastination when it comes to school. He's so smart though that sometimes I'm not even aware he's doing it. So thats how I picture him in college." James smiled, "I'll watch after him. I imagine that he's good with pizza?" Amanda smiled in agreement and got into her car. He walked back into the house and was surprised to see Aiden sitting on the edge of the couch, on its arm rest looking at him as he walked in. "What's up?" Aiden shrugged, "You didn't show me where to go." James laughed a bit and ruffled the boys hair he pushed the boy gently from the back of his head making him slip off of the couch and back towards his bedroom, "you couldn't figure it out for yourself? You got all the way to the end with very little help and you can't figure out where to go for a side-quest?" Aiden walking ahead of him said, "what's a side-quest?" "it something you do in role playing games, like an extra quest. I'll show you where to go but then we've saving and going to get some dinner because we need to stop by my apartment so I can get some clothes to change into." Aiden said, "cool, I could just stay here while you run home if you want." James felt a little hurt on the inside that Aiden didn't want to go with him, but he also understood the boy had a real itch to finish the game and this was basically him being like Aiden's mom and stopping him from playing it. Maybe Aiden's mom was right, maybe the boy was James. He probably would have done the same thing at ten. "nope, you're coming with me. It'll do you good to get out of the house for a bit." Aiden sighed and said, "Now you sound like my mom." James smiled, "well I promise that if you want to when we get back we'll both stay up until you beat the game. I'll even give you pointers if you need them." Aiden smiled at that, "okay that sounds like a good deal." James showed him where to go in the game and then he saved and put his shoes on as James waited for him. The boy actually bit his bottom lip a bit as he sat on his bed and tied his shoes. Then they were both ready to go on a little adventure. James figured that getting out of the house for a bit would help him with his desires. He wasn't of course aware that things with Aiden were about to get a lot more complicated this weekend. End Part 1 of Summer Games End Note: I hope to have the next part out in a few days. As always thanks for reading, and remember any responses on how you feel about the story are greatly appreciated, the only real satisfactions I get out of writing is my own Joy at creating and hearing from all of you that read this about how you as well feel about this story or any of my other stories. So again thanks for reading and as always I can be reached at any time! TO reach out to me jut email me at: If you can help Nifty we all benefit because more content like this can be supported there: