WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and are in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

Also, please donate to Nifty to keep the magic happening. Please feel free to let me know what you think and maybe any suggestions you might have for future installments.


Chapter One


Probably gonna have to swipe another map soon; this one's starting to tear apart in the folds. Looks like two hundred miles or more. I'm so hungry. Wonder if I'll starve or if the heat'll get me first. My brain was noisy as I kept plodding onward in the sweltering southern heat. Out of the blue, a song from some old Christmas show jumps into my mind: Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking `cross the floor. Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking out the door. That had been me; one foot in front of the other. I didn't really have a plan when I left Dell; just knew I couldn't stay there any longer. I'd covertly managed to get my hands untied. I had the element of surprise, I thought I might be able to sneak up and choke him to death. Luckily, he left me tied up (or so he thought) to go get more beer. As soon as I heard his old truck start up, I jumped up and put my clothes on for the first time in days and grabbed the old road map and stole the cash he had in the cigar box on the dresser. It wasn't but about thirty bucks; I'd have to make it stretch. I took off into the woods. I had to skirt the edge of the fields until I got past Ronny Mixon's land. That greasy old bastard was buddies with Dell. If Dell catches me again, he'll kill me this time. All I had to do is make it to Butler's store by the freeway. Once I made it there, hitching a ride with a trucker should be easy.

I spotted a driver who looked to be about 30, more or less. The bathroom at Butler's had one of those old-fashioned trough style urinals and I made sure to take a place kind of close to him. He wasn't that bad looking to be the first thing that came in. He was about 5' 9" and I guess around 165lbs., wavy brown hair and brown eyes. He had sleeve tattoos and I followed the design all the way down the right one to the hand that was holding about four floppy inches streaming piss into the trough. I had mine out, but since I didn't really have to go, there was nothing coming out. At first, I didn't think he was interested, but once he figured out I was looking I saw his floppy begin to firm up a little.

"How old are you, boy?" he asked.

"Eighteen" I lied.

"Try again" he said.

"I'm old enough" I said, not wanting to tell him I was only 16. I was afraid he wouldn't let me go with him. "You need company where you're going?"

"Could be I do, but you got to be straight up with me. How old are you?"

"I'm 16, but I'll be 17 next month" I said.

"Well, meet me back here in 13 months and we'll talk" he said as he started zipping up.

"You want me to be straight with you? If you won't let me hitch a ride and get away from here there's a redneck queer who's going to find me and kill me. He's probably out looking for me now" I pleaded with him. He looked me up and down trying to tell if I was lying.

"Tell you what, I'll get you out of the county. I cain't promise any more than that" he said, "no charge."

"Thank you, mister, you don't know how much it means to me" I said. I went over and cracked the bathroom door and scoped out the parking lot. I jumped back and shut the door. "Which truck is yours?"

"The big red Kenworth" he said, "what's wrong?"

"The piece of shit that's after me is in the parking lot. Can you go out and pull your truck between here and that old beat-up gray Ford truck? When you do, I'll jump in.

"You owe me a story" the man said.

"You got it, if I live to get away from here" I told him.

I waited on pins and needles, praying to gay Jesus that Dell didn't decide to check the bathrooms while the dude cranked up and pulled forward. As soon as he blocked the view from Delll's truck I ran out and jumped on the still moving truck, climbing like a monkey and pulling the door open and sliding in fast as I could.

"Damn boy! You got some moves!" my new friend said, "You look like you know your way around a truck!"

"I've spent some time in `em" I said sinking down in the seat, "Let's get out of here!"

Once we started down the entrance ramp I peeked back and could see the slimy fuck heading toward the bathroom. If this guy... hell, I didn't even know his name. If he hadn't let me come, I'd have been being dragged back into that old piece of shit pickup about now and that would have been the end of me.

"You got a name, mister?" I asked.

"Kerry. Kerry Greene with an E" he said.

"Clay" I replied, "and you probably just saved my life."

"Just relax Clay, we got a long way to go. I'll be ready for your story as soon as you get ready to tell it."

"I ain't had more than 3 or 4 hours of sleep in the last week" I said yawning. It was the last thing I remembered before waking up in the dark truck alone. I climbed down and saw we were at a rest area so I went in to empty my bladder; it was about to burst. I didn't see Kerry but I could hear somebody in one of the stalls so I figured that must be him. I pissed and headed back out to the snack area and got myself a Mountain Dew, cussing to myself because the canned drink was $1.25. I thought about a snack but this shit was too high so I decided to just head back to the truck. Kerry intercepted me on the way and rushed me to get inside.

"Did that trooper see you?" he asked.

"I didn't see anybody when I went in" I told him.

"Good. Get in the sleeper, they're looking for you. He's asking all us truckers if we seen a kid matching your description. It's time for that story now" he said as he hurried back onto the interstate. I took a deep breath as I moved from the sleeper back into the shotgun seat.

"Okay" I sighed, "do you remember all the stuff in the news about Travis Thompson?" I began. Kerry gave me a curious look.

"You talking about Double T?" he said.

"Yeah, that's him, Double T was my dad" I said.

"Clay, I don't know if I want to hear your story after all. Double T was a mass murderer" he said, suddenly feeling kind of queasy.

"Only part of that story that's true is that my momma and daddy are dead" I said.

"Story I heard was he killed your momma and then ran his truck through that crowd of people" Kerry said.

"Yeah, I heard that story too, but did you hear the part where the coroner said he was dead when he came off the freeway? Or the part where the coroner said he was shot full of potassium chloride? Did you hear the part where the same coroner was found dead a couple of days later after suddenly committing suicide without leaving a note or anything?" I asked. Kerry definitely looked spooked now.

"Wait a minute" Kerry said, "the police said Double T's son, CJ, was missing and thought to be dead. They thought your dad killed you too."

"They didn't spend much time looking for me. Seems kinda suspicious, doesn't it?" I replied.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into?" he mumbled.

"Nothing. If you just get me out of South Carolina and into Atlanta I'll make myself disappear and nobody'll be the wiser" I said. He still wasn't satisfied yet.

"What about that `Dell' character?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, `Uncle Dell'. He came to the house and got me when it all went down. The police hadn't even got there. He said daddy had made him my godfather when I was born and he was going to take care of me. I'd never heard of him before. But I was 14 and way more gullible then. To answer your question, I don't really know who the hell Dell is. My guess is he's involved with the ones who poisoned my daddy and killed my momma. The last two years I've been kept prisoner in his trailer, tied up a lot, kept naked most of the time, starved a lot and fucked at least twice a week by that greasy son-of-a-bitch. I got away from him one time before. It was about 6 months after I'd been there, and when Dell found me and got through with me I woke up in the county hospital with my jaws wired shut and my whole body black and blue. He told the ER doctor that I'd been skateboarding and got hit by a car. They released me into his custody before the wiring came out."

"Damn!" was all Kerry could say.

There was nothing but the sound of the engine for 20 or 30 miles. I could see Kerry digesting all the information I'd laid on him. His jaw kept clenching and releasing. He looked like he was about to say something a couple of times, but them went back to watching the road. We were coming up on Columbia by the time he made another noise.

"We got to change your looks" he said "they're looking for a blonde kid, you want to be a red head or a brunette?"

When we stopped to refuel, he went into the Dollar General down the street and bought me a bottle of hair color a little darker than his hair and kind of shielded me as we went to the bathroom. I read the box and followed the directions as good as you can in a truck stop bathroom. The results weren't perfect buy it kind of looked like I had streaks of blonde from the summer sun in a mostly brown head of hair. When we got back to the truck, he pulled out some scissors and started cutting my hair into a short cut similar to his. For a trucker, he cut hair pretty good.

"If anybody asks, you're my cousin" he said. He threw me one of his shirts. "Put that on. We got to do something about those ratty-ass clothes of yours."

"Why? All you gotta do is get me to Atlanta" I said, taking my nasty tee-shirt off and pulling his on. I could see him looking at me. The lights from the dash showed my ribs. I probably weighed 20 pounds less than your average thin teen.

"No. If even part of what you say is true, I'm not going to be the one to throw you to the wolves. You can stay with me till we figure something out" he said.

"Thanks, Kerry." I was still very wary. I only met this guy a few hours earlier. How could I know this wasn't another Dell? I'd be sleeping with one eye open until I knew him better. We went on for another hour or so and then he pulled off into another big truck stop.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. Regulations. Gotta take down time." He pulled into the lot and found a place along the back fence to park.

"I'm going to get a shower, you can too if you want. Might find some jeans in that store over there that'll fit you" he said, pointing at a western clothing store across the highway.

"I don't even know what size I wear anymore" I mumbled.

"Lift your shirt up" he said. He wrapped a metal measuring tape around my waist as good as he could. "I'd say 26 waist, close as I can tell." Then he shoved the end of the tape up into my balls and measured the length to my ankle. "30" he said, "Look for 26/30s" he handed me a $50.

"I'll pay you back somehow" I said.

I found a pair of `cowboy cut' Wranglers on sale and a shirt that actually fit. I took the bag back across to the truck stop and paid for a shower. After I got cleaned up, I put the new clothes on, wishing I'd bought some socks, my old socks stunk pretty bad. I didn't see Kerry so I went back out to the truck and climbed up.

"Wasn't sure what you liked, so I just got some cheeseburgers" he said passing me the sack. A cold 20 oz. Mountain Dew was in the cup holder. I inhaled the two McDonalds cheeseburgers and the pack of fries. I hadn't eaten anything since I had a Pop Tart early this morning. Dell rationed food, he said he didn't want me getting fat. More like he wanted me to stay weak. I dug in the pocket of the jeans and handed Kerry $20 and some change and the receipt from the western store.

"You didn't have to bring me a receipt" he said.

"Daddy said trust ain't given, you earn it" I said as I ate my apple pie, "I figure I owe you about forty bucks, including the food. I'll pay you back as soon as I hustle up some money. Or maybe I can work it off..."

"What do you mean?" Kerry asked.

"Well, I don't have a CDL but there's things I know how to do. I can make your down time very enjoyable" I said. "Dell was gross, but I think I might actually enjoy doing stuff with you."

He didn't say anything, just looked like he was thinking, picking his teeth. It was about 8pm.

"I'm gonna watch a little TV, you coming?" he said, crawling into the back. I got up and worked my way toward the sleeper.

Kerry was pulling his shirt off when I poked my head in, he had already folded his jeans and put them on the shelf next to the bed. I could see from the bump in his boxer briefs just where his cock lay.

"You can get comfortable if you want to" he said.

"I ain't got no underwear" I told him.

"Oh. You should have got some over at that store. You could put your shorts back on" he said.

I shrugged and pulled the stinky things out of the bag and turned away from him to slide the jeans down my legs; my naked ass was practically in his face. I pulled my shorts on and sat down to pull off my socks.

"Shit! You can throw them things the fuck away" he said, wrinkling his nose. I agreed, but his reaction still made me laugh. I unsnapped the western shirt and pulled it off and folded my arms across my chest. I was very self-conscious about my body, I looked almost like those pictures from the Holocaust. If there was anything you could call an advantage about being this skinny, it was how big it made my dick look. I knew it wasn't anything special at five and a half uncut inches, but on my emaciated frame it looked big. With my threadbare, loose cotton shorts on, it made an obscene bulge. I could see Kerry trying to be discreet as he checked it out. I knew at some point me and Kerry would be getting together, even if he didn't know it yet. As much as I hated Dell, I'd gotten used to getting fucked regular. It was the one thing I halfway missed about that situation. I settled in next to Kerry and pushed my bony ass back into his lump and rested my head on his shoulder. I wasn't sure, but I think I could feel a little thickening in his crotch area.

We streamed some old TV shows from his phone to the screen and kind of zoned out for a while. I could hear him lightly snoring behind me. I slowly turned around, trying my best not to wake him up. His dick was about half hard. I studied his body while he slept. He had an average build, medium hair under the arms, a little between his pecs and a Dellicious looking trail leading from his belly button into the boxer briefs. I had to see where that pathway led, so I pulled on the waistband of his shorts as gently as I could, lifting it away from the puffy tube inside. He stirred a little and I stopped immediately until he settled back down again. Once his breathing went back to normal, I started up again and pulled the waistband down until I got it tucked under his balls. His cock was circumcised, but it was a pretty loose job; the skin still covered halfway over the head. I ran my finger up it from his balls up toward the tip and watched as it stiffened up. I guess I was so caught up in examining his peter I didn't notice when he woke up.

"Having fun?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just wondering about...uh" I mumbled.

"Its okay, but we're not doing anything" he said.

I'm sure he could see the disappointment on my face.

"No telling what that Dell guy may have given you. We'll have to find somewhere to get you tested" he said.

"But you do like me though?" I asked.

"Clay, there is nothing I'd like to do more than plow your ass right now, but it'll have to wait till I know you're clean" he told me.

"I can go buy a rubber from that machine in the bathroom" I said. He shook his head, a determined no.

"Well...can I at least give you a hand job?" I asked with a little of a pout.

He sighed and finally gave in. I laid next to him and started jacking his dick slow and gentle at first. He started leaking and I rubbed the slick stuff all around his head. It just made him spew more out and I kept repeating the motions. I was jacking myself with my other hand, and even left-handed I was close to cumming. Since I've been able to cum, I've always shot a lot; I just make a big ass mess everywhere. I used it to my advantage this time, once I caught my breath, I coated my hand in my hot cum and used it as lube to finish Kerry off. When I started twisting motions on his head, his whole body tensed up and he shot a line up to his chest hair then dribbled a little more by his navel. I definitely had him beat in the volume catagory. He opened a drawer by the bunk and pulled out a (kind of stiff) towel and we cleaned up and got back to our previous state of dress.

"Now, can we turn off the video and go to sleep so I'm not running off the road half asleep tomorrow?"

I just smiled and went back to little spoon position with his arm draped across my chest. It was the first time I'd felt safe since my parents died. I yawned a couple of times and pretty soon we were both asleep.


Lambodara 8/12/2021


I'm back in the saddle again. Thanks to the ones of you who appreciate my little stories, you're the ones who make it worth putting up with the haters.