Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 05:17:47 -0500 From: Tom Cup Subject: Terms Of Living - Chapter 9 Gay/Bi - A/Y Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 by the Paratwa Partnership: A Colorado Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, except in the case of reviews, without written permission from the Paratwa Partnership, Inc, 354 Plateau Drive, Florissant, CO 80816 This is a fictional story involving alternative sexual relationships. If this type of material offends you, please do not read any further. This material is intended for mature adult audiences. Names, characters, locations and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. ************************************************************************ Terms of Living By Tom Cup Chapter 9 Confirmation Andrew was a consummate lover. I began to wonder why I had ever resisted his advances. Of course I hadn't forgotten the reasons, it was simply that when his soft skin and firm body was entangled with mine, with the taste of his milky saltiness on my lips and his giggling songs in my ears, all seemed right with the world. There was no more of the pensive, hesitant, lovemaking. We had become a couple. At times when we returned to the cottage, after relieving myself, I would exit the bath to find Andrew snuggled in bed, nude, his eyes sparkling with the expectation of a bride on her wedding night. Tender kisses and whispers of love would pass between us as ecstasy rose and melted in our amidst. And to awake with the smell of his hair in my nostrils was more joyous to me than the smell of honeysuckle after a spring rain, and twice as sweet. And so within the cottage we were spouse, partner, and lovers to each other. Around the estate we were, buddies and companion to one another. Andrew maintained his bedroom in the main house, for appearances sake, but I doubt that it escaped the staff that it was rarely used. Craig and Sheryl lessened my duties to a point that my only true obligation was to look after Andrew and ferry him about, which of course I was disposed to do. "John," Sheryl whispered her eyes as sparkling as Andrew's, "A word please." We sat in the private sitting room usually reserved for when Craig and Sheryl wished to discuss matters undisturbed. I was a bit leery of this situation. It didn't seem appropriate for me to be invading their sanctuary. "I don't know how Andrew would feel about me sharing what I am about to share with you. I suppose that I feel a little guilt that you know my son better than I do. And also that... well, you know... the relationship that you two have..." "Is our relationship troubling you?" "John, part of the problem I am having is that it is not troubling me. Is there something wrong with me? I can't think of anyone that would understand my not objecting to my son having a... mature male lover. And yet, when I look in his eyes, watch him dance about this house, hear his laughter as the two of you walk in the courtyard, John, he's happy, healthy and in love. So why do I have a nagging feeling that something is amiss?" I sighed. "Sheryl, I love him. I never thought I would be able to admit that to myself, let alone aloud to someone else. But it is the truth. He is a remarkable young man. He has taught me things that I could have never dreamed." At this Sheryl blushed and I thought I had better clarify the statement. "What I mean to say is, his perspective on life and living are not of my generation or even yours. It is quite amazing to me the speed at which the generations are shifting. My parents differed very little from their parents. Oh, the conveniences were different but the attitudes had changed little. My generation was exposed to far more than my parents' could have dreamed and plunged forward into what we thought was a brave new world. We were loud and demanded radical change." "You John? A radical." I laughed, shaking my head. "I suppose I was a bit of a radical at heart. Though I was practical and didn't act on my beliefs. I wasn't ready to be arrested for the cause, if you know what I mean. Anyway, your generation is quite different, and a bit sneaky if you don't mine me saying. You are quiet about your beliefs but position yourself well and then live your lives as you please. The effects of that are children like Andrew. He is not hampered by what you and I would call societal norms. He understands them, they amuse him, but he is able to bend and adapt to situations that would have startled you and me and may will have killed my parents and grandparents." "Yes, I can see that. I suppose, what I am asking is, how far can this go. I mean, I assumed that he would experiment and then..." "Move on to someone his own age or find interest in a nice girl?" I smiled. "Something like that... I'm sorry John. We love you. You know that." "I do know that! And to be truthful with you it was my hope in the beginning." "And now?" "If it happened, I would understand, though I don't think it likely. But in truth, Sheryl, I'm in love with him. To me he is every bit my mate as Connie was. I don't believe that was what you wanted to hear." Sheryl laughed. "You old goat, that is exactly what I wanted to hear. I was sitting, making appointments last night when a pair of arms encircled me from behind. I was a bit alarmed since Craig is away on business." She giggled and waved her hand at me. "Just kidding. But it was a pleasant surprise to have my son embrace me. I asked to what I owed the pleasure. He said he wanted to thank me for allowing him to be happy. I realized that he meant for allowing you and he to be together. He loves you so, John. We have known to some extent his love for you and were willing to go along but..." "You no longer believe this is a passing phase and wish to convey that to me." "Yes, but something more. I know I don't need to say it but I must. John, be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you. God knows what would happen if anyone found out that you two are lovers." "I know. Believe me when I say that amidst society we are the pinnacle of decency." "Well, that does put my mind at ease. Thank you, John." "No, Sheryl. Thank you for your blessing. I have always known the strain my relationship with Andrew must put on you and Craig, and I assure you I will always do what is best for this family. I love you all, Sheryl. I always have and always will." As we were departing, Sheryl embraced me, kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "I never thought I would have a son-in-law, let alone one old enough to be my father." We both laughed. ************ "I don't understand," I said to Andrew. "What's to understand? I want to become an acolyte at the church." "Andrew, why?" "Because people are bound to be wondering why I am always with you. It's a good reason for me to be attending church and Gillian thinks it's a great idea." "You spoke to Gillian about this?" "Yes, and don't get bent." "Andrew you should have talked to me about this first." He nestled close to me, his head on my chest, his thigh sliding in between mine. "I'm sorry. It just came up. I asked her a few questions about what they did and stated that I could do that... that's all. The look on her face told me that she would approve. So I asked her if she thought it would be a good idea and she said, `it would be an absolutely marvelous idea!'" Andrew's imitation of Gillian was so on target that we both found ourselves giggling. But I wasn't convinced that more harm wouldn't come from the game we were playing with society than good. After all Gillian was a major player and we were novices. "Relax John, I'll be the perfect little cherub. And church will be so much more fun with me as an acolyte." "How so?" "Well, you will have a great time wondering whether I'm nude under those robes or not!" "Andrew, you wouldn't!" "Oh, yes I would!" ************* Father Reynolds agreed readily to accept Andrew into acolyte training. I wasn't surprised to hear that Gillian had already prepared him for the request. Or course Andrew need to be confirmed as an Episcopal also. I lied and told the good father that he had been baptized Methodist but for some reason the church was having trouble retrieving the records. "Minor detail, John," Reynolds assured Andrew, Gillian and me, "We can set up a baptism and confirmation at the same time. "I don't think that will do," Gillian said, "For one he is already receiving Eucharist. I will not have him set as a spectacle before the congregation." "Gillian," Father Reynolds began, "You know that he must be baptized to be confirmed." "Yes, so you can baptize him privately. Before John and I; his parent if they wish to attend." "Baptism is a communal ritual. The congregation must affirm their willingness to nurture Andrew." "And the whole congregation will at confirmation, for now John and I will be his witnesses and stand in for the congregation. I will not have Andrew embarrassed publicly." "Gillian..." "Father, need I remind you of my contributions to this church's ministry? Andrew is special to me. He will be confirmed and then minister to others as an acolyte by your side. I will not have his participation marred because some Methodist secretary misplaced his baptismal records. That is out of the question!" With Gillian's proclamation, Father Reynolds relented and Andrew was baptized in the presence of Gillian and myself. ************ "John?" "Yes, Andrew?" "Do you have to be single to be an Episcopal priest?" "No, it is one of the rifts between the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church." He had been staring out the passenger side window, quietly, reflectively after his first communion class. I had been expecting questions. It was Andrew's way. I loved watching him mull over an idea or question in his mind until he had all the answers that logic could produce with the information that he possessed. Then would come the bombardment of questions. "The Anglican Communion? What's that got to do with the Catholic Church?" "A great deal really. The Anglican Church, or the Church of England, was once apart of the Catholic Church. It split on the issue of divorce. Now there are other differences keeping the two churches apart. Such as Anglican priest are allowed to marry and the ordination of women to the priesthood... very nasty fight there." "Hmmm... so the Episcopal church is part of the Anglican Communion?" "Yes, but there are major differences in the Episcopal Church of America and the Anglican Churches of England, for that matter there are differences from diocese to diocese in America." "Such as..." "It is said that in the Episcopal Church of America you will find everything from Druid to Atheist priest. There are some dioceses that are what we call High Episcopal. In those dioceses, the ritual and beliefs are almost identical as the Catholics. But then there are other dioceses that even have openly gay priest. The Episcopal Church prides itself for being tolerant to a wide range of religious and theological beliefs." "Really?" "Really." He turned back to the window. I turned my attention to the road and to where Andrew's thoughts might lead us. ************************************************************************ Send Comments to: To support this and other stories by Tom Cup, become a memeber of the Tom Cup Library at: Now Available, "Calvin: A Coming of Age Story" by Tom Cup. Ask for it at Barnes and Nobles Booksellers, Borders Books, and your local independent bookseller.