Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 22:00:24 +1030 From: Caleb Nathanial Subject: The Alpha Male and Me Part 2: Aftermath Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. It contains homosexual themes of an erotic nature, if this offends you or is illegal for you to read, please stop reading now. The views and opinions expressed by the characters are not necessarily those of the author. This document may not be copied or hosted on other websites or be changed without the expressed written consent of the author. The story, including the characters depicted, are the intellectual property of the author. Author's note: I'm sorry this has taken me so long to write, some parts of this have been very difficult and I appreciate everyone's patience. Thanks to everyone who wrote to me after the publication of the first part. This would have taken even longer to finish if it wasn't for you motivating me to write. I reply to all my e-mails so please send any comments, feedback or anything else to The Alpha Male and Me Part 2: Aftermath The next morning I woke up feeling like I couldn't move, as if there were steel rods where my joints were supposed to be. But the pain throughout my body was second in my mind. Had that really happened? The man I thought I was doomed to only desire, a feeling that could never be reciprocated... was he really here only 15 hours ago doing what I thought had never have crossed his mind in his 42 years of life? Everything I thought I knew was screaming at me that it was impossible, that he could never see me in that way. I had examined his every move and word, he was unequivocally the most masculine and heterosexual man I had ever known, it wasn't only ridiculous, it was simply implausible. The thoughts were winning, it truly seemed impossible, but it only took one movement to stop the hammering of thoughts in my head. How else would this pain exist? The pain was on my side, it allowed me to believe. No other explanation could account for this, less it be even more ludicrous. I forced myself to move, the pain now a pleasant reminder of what had happened. I tried to move to the door and while it was physically possible there would be no doubt to an observer that something was seriously wrong. Panic shot though my body, I had only 3 hours until I would be surrounded by people, school was on the horizon. There would be no way I could conceal this, and if I tried to feign illness mother would most certainly take me to hospital after the injury in sports class yesterday. There, the trained professionals would pick what was really wrong instantaneously. I was filled with relief when I realised that sport was my last class on Friday which meant today was Saturday. I had two days to recover from this. The relief quickly left as the significance of Saturday dawned upon me. Mikaihail would be here in 13 hours for game night with Eric. A feeling of angst was now gripping me. I tried to go about doing school work and not moving when I was around someone. It was later in the day that the phone rang and I was once again relieved as Eric expressed his disappointment that his friend had to cancel because of a work commitment. This was obviously a faked commitment but I was okay with it. I wasn't ready to see him now; my mind was still a mess, I couldn't even keep track of time. *** Monday was a trial for me. The pain was taking longer than I had anticipated to subside, forcing myself to walk normally only intensified it. It was helping me stay sane by reminding me of what had happened. Remembering, unfortunately, made it difficult to listen in class. "I recognise that smile, but it doesn't fit on your face Mr Nathanial." Mr Stevens broke me out of my video playback of the previous Friday. I hadn't realised I was smiling and that it was apparently a type of smile. "I know, a smile in sports class, who would have guessed." I reply patronizingly. He ignores the inflection and continues "have some fun on the weekend did you?" He says sounding almost suggestive. How did he get that from a smile? "No actually, I was thinking about you" I say continuing the suggestibility, a plan formulating to get him to leave me alone. "Me?" he replies surprised. "Yes. Did you know we only have 12 weeks left of the school year, that's only 36 more sport classes. And in 15 minutes that'll be reduced to 35." I say with cheer. I then lower my voice to sound uninterested "I'm counting down the hours with anticipation." Mr Stevens clears his throat and begins to walk away from me. Thankfully he let go whatever he was thinking. *** The next Saturday he once again cancelled on Eric which I now felt a little disappointed by. The pain had almost completely cleared up and I was starting to get my head straight. I wanted to see him. However, I wasn't under any false notions. I know he probably sees it as a huge mistake and never wants to see me again; his actions are definitely consistent with that. And I know that the best possible outcome is that he doesn't hate me and things go back to the way they were. But even so, I know who I am and I'm not the type of person to let things go, especially something like this. I know what it is like to have what I want most in this world, to be with him, and I don't want that to mean he detests me. I will do anything to that end, even if it means risking a life of soul crushing depression as a result of his rejection. I am going to follow this, even if I find that it's a dead-end, I am going to see how far this tunnel goes. *** Today is Friday and I have made up my mind, I am going to confront him. If he cancels on Eric this Saturday than I will go to his work. It has been 14 days since I last saw him and, as sad of a person as this makes me, I am starting to miss him. I miss the confident way he holds himself, his face, his eyes, his voice, but most of all I miss the way I feel when he's around me, the emotional fluttering and how imposing his presence is to me. I don't want a life in which he isn't featured; I don't want the part of my life which actually feels like life to leave. While sitting at my desk trying to work out a flawless excuse to the leave the house tomorrow the front door opens and Eric greets the guest. "Hey Mike! It's good to see you, you should have told me you were coming I would have gotten some more beer." I freeze in place and drop the pencil I was twirling around my fingers. As resolved as I was about seeing him, it didn't stop the fear of the actual act. "Actually Eric, my computer is on the fritz, is it alright if I borrow Caleb? I need to send something to work." His deep voice makes my blood pump faster, but I'm not sure whether if it's because I'm happy, excited, or terrified. Eric lets out a huff at his disappointment that his friend is not staying. "Caleb!" He shouts down the hall. I snap out of my daze and begin to move, much too slowly. I want to see him, I'm not an easily shaken person, so why is this so hard for me? With all the conscious effort I can muster I compel myself to move out the door and down the hall as if nothing is wrong. I enter the living room and he is there in his full suit looking at me, everything I miss about him hits me at full force and I can barely maintain my composure. I know I should greet him but my voice would definitely have problems with that. After a second of starring Eric breaks the standoff. "Mike needs some help with his computer, don't take too long, he's busy" I focus my sight on Eric and try to let my hate for him clear my mind and help me speak. "Of course" I say with a slight nod, in a tone almost normal. I return to looking at him as he speaks. "I hope you're not busy Caleb; I wouldn't bother you if it wasn't important." He speaks a whole sentence without an inkling that something is off. "It's fine." I push myself too far and my voice becomes a little uneven. I envy his ability to maintain his confident composure. He breaks his eye contact with me and starts for the door. I begin to feel anxious as we exit the house, it could happen at any moment now, whatever it is he is planning. He leads the way out of the house and down to his car. We get in and he starts to drive in silence. Again the car is like a separate world and my anxiety starts to intensify. Though he only lives 2 blocks away, every second of the ride feels like its own battle to stay calm. Not a word is spoken by the time the car pulls to a halt. We walk in silence across the lawn of his house, which could only be described as a manor. A two story modern style home, large panes of glass make the walls of the living areas which allows the backyard pool to be seen from the street. He unlocks the door and holds it open for me, never meeting my eyes. I enter, every bit of my mental capacity focused on keeping control of my legs. The door shuts behind me and I can hear it lock, the house is obviously empty except for us. He moves past me and stops at the back wall, and begins to motionlessly stare through the glass. Every second of silence worsens my feeling of anxiety and it becomes almost impossible to stand there. I can't possible imagine what he is thinking, I certainly didn't expect him to do this which makes any attempt to figure him out seem futile. Time passes, how long I couldn't tell, but I eventually get enough control over myself to be able to speak. The tension I can feel is gargantuan and I need to break through it. "Mikaihail" I try to draw his attention but my attempt seems to have fallen on deaf ears. "You know, the longer you don't speak the less I think this is about talking and the most certain I become that you're going to kill me." I say half jokingly, truth being that I wasn't convinced that wasn't his plan. The words cause a reaction in him and he turns around to meet my gaze. His face scares me, for the first time I see pain in his eyes. My heart lurches out to him, wanting to comfort him and make the pain go away. But there is no doubt in my mind that I am the reason for the pain. Nevertheless I try to make it stop. "I'm sorry" I say hopelessly. Anger and frustration fill his words "You're sorry?!" The roar of his voice reverberates through the empty house, his confident composure all but a forgotten memory "I raped you Caleb!" I had always found him imposing but now I fell completely powerless and insignificant. Fear of him fills my body, it would only take him one strike to end me. But more importantly, what he says surprises me, I had been replaying the scene to myself ever since it happened and it was like life to me, how had we seen it so differently? Then it dawned on me: Of course he had seen it as rape, no one but me would have had seen it any other way. "What is wrong with you Caleb! You should have told someone. Your parents, the police, I should be in jail for what I did to you!" He shouts more to himself than to me. The thought of never seeing him again is sickeningly aversive. "No! I would never do that to you..." I say trailing off, still too terrified. He clenches his fists, his eyes furious. He seems to be losing a battle for control within himself. "I'm a despicable person; it's where I should be." I could see this only had the potential to degenerate, I had to stop him from hating himself. No hatred should be directed at Mikaihail, most of all from himself. I never wanted to say this, but I'd rather that I come out of this scared if the alternative is that he would. I close my eyes and with all the voice I am capable of I quietly interject "You didn't rape me." I can hear his heavy breathing begin to slow and some of the tension lift. I didn't want to open my eyes and face what was coming, but I was doing it for him. I cautiously lift my lids and I see him staring at me perplexed, but still worked up. "What?" he says with anger still noticeable in his voice. I try to say it again "You didn't..." "I heard what you said" he cuts me off, his anger flaring up again. "What did you mean" he commands an answer from me. It is so difficult to speak, and what I need to say is so difficult to admit. I had never really planned to tell anyone this. I have to look away from him, and I instead focus on the floor. I force the words out of my mouth "I... I wanted you." I couldn't see his face, but his body wasn't moving. It was as if time had stopped. I couldn't imagine what was going on in his head; moreover I didn't want to know, it couldn't be good. I felt wounded and exposed, like I had given away a part of me I couldn't take back. A strong feeling of fever began to take hold of me. After what seemed like hours of torture he spoke "Caleb... You're..." I had to cut him off "Yes... just please don't say it." I breathe feeling like I would vomit. I couldn't hear it, it was too much He started walking towards me and I lifted my head to see his face. The next words out of his mouth would surely be decisive. As he got closer to me I needed to tilt my head to continue to stare into his eyes. The position feels like I'm in court and he is the judge about to hand down his verdict: whether I would live or die. More accurately, whether I would get a chance to live or continue to die. "Caleb..." I hold onto the echo of his voice as I know it could very well be the last time it comes out of his mouth. "Do you..." My heart stops beating, waiting for the end as he beings to slowly shake his head. "Let's get dinner." He closes the small distance between us and enfolds me in his arms, constricting me into the contours of his body. I am stunned to the point of paralysis but the feeling slowly washes away and I am caught in a delirium of paradise. I close my eyes and let my head rest against his chest as I slowly return the embrace. I let the moment overcome all the anxiety and fear I was feeling until there is nothing but the feeling of being complete and absolute. My eyes begin to wilt and fill with tears. I was in his arms and he in mine, I never wanted to leave this embrace, I never wanted this feeling to end. All the options which seemed like mistakes, or choices I had made that I wasn't sure about, I knew they were all the right ones: they had lead me to this moment. In this empty space we existed outside of time. My family, school, even the rest of my life was insignificant. There was no way to tell how long I stayed in his arms, but the light outside was almost completely gone and bit by bit the reality that this was actually my reality became apparent. This wasn't a dream or an imagination and what I was feeling was not euphoria, it was not groundless, it was real. I open my eyes and look up at his face, he is looking down at me with an affection in his deep brown eyes more intense than I had ever seen on anyone else's face: picture, movie, or anywhere else. The validation I received from his expression causes an insuppressible smile. He tightens his hold a little more in reaction. My mind moves up the stairs and into another room, but in this position I am able to tell that neither one of us was thinking about that. I remembered he had said something before this; it seemed like days ago the words had been spoken and I'm not sure if they still apply or even if he meant them. "You were kidding about the dinner thing, right?" I break the silence to clarify while smiling in humour at the thought that he was serious. I can feel his deep chuckle in his chest before I can hear it. I then come to the realisation that no, he wasn't. "You don't want to go to dinner with me?" He says with a huge grin on his face. "Well, it's not the most inconspicuous thing" I point out. He slowly shakes his head, clearly unpersuaded. "You think people are going to see us and immediately assume..." he says humorously still shaking his head. I could see his point. I hadn't been good at judging people lately. "We'd have to go somewhere where nobody who knows us would be." He continues to stare into my eyes as he dictates "You can make any stipulations you want. But we are going out tonight." *** "And what drink would you like?" "Vodka, straight." Mikaihail looks at me with disapproval but his smile still somehow remaining fixed. I drop my head in defeat and then twist it towards the waitress, "just a coke." The waitress leaves and I turn to Mikaihail "So you're allowed to break the law but I'm not?" I summarise without being able to sound the least bit bitter about the situation. He gives what I've said some thought and replies "Sounds about right." I had decided that a deserted high priced cinema was the best option for dinner. Just to be sure we wouldn't see any familiar faces we drove an extra suburb towards the city centre. The car ride was not an unbearable climate of inexpressible feelings; it consisted of me half laying against the window admiring him and he returning my stares whenever the road didn't need attention. But once in public nothing could be expressed, it was just like any other day for me, except now I knew he felt some semblance of the way I did. I had chosen the least popular movie which had been out the longest. Well that would have been Valkyrie but even in this delicate situation I refused to give Mr Cruise money or attention, so we went for the next most vomit worthy movie. The movie wasn't as bad as I had expected but that wasn't saying much. Besides, the dark cinema was deserted except for us, it served its purpose. I reached across towards his chair and grabbed his hand, just needing contact with him. Knowing that now it was possible to have, it felt like something I didn't deserve. While still holding my hand he stretches his arm around the back of my head pulls me closer to him. I sit nestled in his arm, letting the feeling of paradise take me. "Sorry" he says unexpectedly, still looking at the screen. It wasn't obvious what he meant, but I knew exactly what he was referring to. "You don't need to apologise." I reply. There wasn't much in this world of I was surer of than this statement. "What I did is indefensible." A small bit of frustration coming through his voice, in reaction to my answer. I held his hand a little tighter. "If you didn't, we would still be sitting across a dinner table once a week, we wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't be happy. It needed something to push it over the edge." I attempt to convince him. It seems to work as he pulls me closer. "Mikaihail" I retrieve his attention. He turns his head and our eyes meet. "Thank you." Though it wasn't obvious, I'm sure he knew that I was referring to the same thing. *** After the movie had finished we walked out of the deserted shopping complex and towards his car. There was no one around so he held me by the waist as we walked, it seemed natural and uncomplicated. But there wasn't much about this situation that wasn't wrapped in complications. "What is this?" I ask him. The feeling of safety in his arm makes it too easy to say what I'm thinking. "What?" He says requesting clarification. "Well, we just had dinner and watched a movie, and now we're going home together. This isn't our lives." I try to explain my convoluted thoughts. "Our lives are so different, it's like we're on separate tracks and there isn't room for them to intersect." I let the commentary sink in and wait for his answer; but it doesn't come. "I don't know how this would work." He still doesn't answer. I try to force him by looking up to his face. "Well, I'm going to try. However hopeless it looks." He announces. I didn't miss the fact he had dodged the real question, but I was happy with his answer. I turn my head to rest the side of my face in his chest as we walk. "Ahh damn it." He says annoyed. "What's wrong?" I ask a little franticly. "I must have left my wallet in the theatre. I'll run and get." He lets go of me and jogs back towards the complex. I shrug off the feeling of rejection and continue slowly towards the car. After a minute I can see the car in the distance and as I near it an arm comes over my shoulder and hangs lazily over my chest. Fear takes a hold of me as I know instantly that the arm isn't muscled enough to belong to Mikaihail. "You shouldn't be walking alone so late at night in a place like this. Don't know who might find you." The man says with a depraved smile as he starts rubbing my shoulder. This isn't a random person, I know who it is, but what is Mr Stevens doing here. I keep walking with his arm around me as if nothing is wrong. If I can get to the car I can trigger the alarm. "If it's only sport teachers I think I should be alright." I try to keep the volatile situation as stable as possible. "Whenever you ignored what I told you or treated my class as useless I wanted to teach you a lesson in respect." He continues with the same vile intent in his voice. "I've always wanted to do things to you but I've never had the chance. Then I see you all alone here." The thought makes me feel sick, now that I'm with Mikaihail I'll never want anyone else. We're about 10 meters away from the car and I'm already trying to figure out the best way to execute my plan when he changes our direction and puts himself between me and Mikaihail's car. We were now walking towards a service entrance to the complex I have no idea what to do, there isn't an escape, he would catch me if I tried to run, he would gag me if I tried to scream. After only a few steps in the new direction Mr Stevens' body unexpectedly crashes towards the ground, his arm almost taking me with him. His head impacts first, connecting with the edge of the gutter. Mikaihail quickly steps in front of me protectively, his fists still clenched after the first strike. I quickly feel relieved as the safety of his presence cradles me. Mr Stevens is on the ground with his hands clutching his face, writhing in pain. Mikaihail is trembling with anger, looking ready to kill. He starts to get closer for a second attack but I grab his upper arm. "Can we just get out of here?" I plead with him slightly hysterically, I don't want Mr Stevens to get a good look at him. He turns to look at me, anger radiating from his face. "Please." He clams down a little, his concern for me taking over. He grabs me by the waist and quickly walks me to the car. He opens the door and helps me in before shutting it and getting in his side. He revs the car to life and reverses, almost hitting Mr Stevens, before speeding away. When we get onto a main road he puts his arm on me, holding tightly, and takes deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down. "Are you okay?" His concern turning into worry. "I'm okay thanks to you." I was actually impressed by his display, him being protective of me was strangely arousing. I began hoping that didn't make me a perverted person. "I'm sorry I left you alone." Hate for himself seeping through his voice. "You couldn't of had known that would happen." I know I can't stop him from hating himself, it seems to happen a lot where I'm concerned. So I try to cheer him up. "But I'm quite okay with you not leaving me alone." I say smiling at him. He fights a smile but loses as I clutch onto his arm the rest of the way home. *** As we enter his house the anticipation starts to get the better of me. He turns on some lights and walks over to face me and places his hands on my lower back, encircling me with his arms. "You've been through a lot tonight, are you sure you don't want to go home?" He says caringly. The anticipation continuing to build. "All I want is right in front of me... Unless, you want me to go." I say teasingly He looks up at the ceiling with a smile on his face, pretending to think about the question. Without warning he throws me over his shoulder and starts towards the stairs. We quickly get to his bedroom but he walks past the bed and into the en-suite. He playfully squeezes my butt before he puts me down and reaches into the shower to turn the knobs. Judging by the multiple shower heads and expansive basin, I'm guessing it would double as a hydrotherapy pool; the shower itself would be about 3 square meters. The water begins to come from all directions in the shower and it looks like a storm inside the glass. As he is turned I put my arms around him and try to undo his belt buckle. Unfortunately my arms aren't long enough to encircle his tremendous body, so I instead move a little to one side and undo it with one hand. He leans back into me and sticks out his pelvis as I unzip his fly. I run my hand under his shirt and across his stomach before I enter his underwear, I grab his penis and start to stroke it. Even while semi-flaccid I can't fit my hand around it but he gives a quiet slow moan in response. Its size makes me remember how much pain it caused me the first time and I feel a little afraid of it, but not nearly enough to stop me. I can feel it growing with each stoke, and as it begins to get too big for my hand he grabs my wrist and pulls my hand out of his pants. He turns around to face me and uses his finger to signal me to turn around. I turn while sticking out my ass a little in anticipation. He places his hand on my stomach and lifts me up. He grabs my thigh with his other hand and pulls it over his leg. He presses his penis into my butt and starts to slowly thrust his penis against my ass in midair through our clothes. After a few thrusts he brings his mouth to my ear and whispers. "Are you sure you want this?" He asks with a huge grin that I can tell he has without even looking at him. The question seems reminiscent of asking a starving child if he wants food while it's already in his mouth. As he continues to thrust I answer him in a weak voice as I'm barely able to speak through the pleasure I'm feeling "And a whole lot more." He responds by kissing me lightly behind my ear and then a quick, hard thrust and lets out a louder moan, similar to the roaring moans I remember. He sets me down and helps me out of my shirt and then rubs my ass cheeks, his hands encompassing them entirely, before taking off my pants. I turn around to him and feel very small as I'm naked next to this man who is so much bigger than me and in a full suit. His only semblance of my nudity is his unbuckled, unzipped pants, which lets me see his underwear though his enormous penis is easily seen though both layers. He takes inventory of me, looks up at the ceiling and declares, "What did I ever do to deserve you?" The better question was of course what had I done to deserve someone as perfect as him. I walk forward and push my body against his ever-growing penis. I place my hands under his coat on either side of his waist and move them over his body, his pectorals and onto his shoulders. I then move them down his arms and he lets his coat fall onto the bathroom floor. He places his hands on my ass cheeks and massages them as he looks into my eyes while I slowly undo each of his buttons. His shirt slowly reveals his amazing body. I quiver with each additional inch of his body that is exposed to me. His colossal pectorals are thinly covered in hair, a lighter shade than those on his head, the hair thins as it runs down each of his defined abs. I then run my hands under his shirt, then to his shoulder and run them down his arms as his shirt comes off. I put my thumbs in his pants and pull them down over his hips and let them fall. All that's left is his underwear; I put my hands on his back and slid them down to his waistband. I put my hands inside and run them over his perfectly curved ass as I take them off. His underwear hits the floor and he steps out of them, our bodies still pressed against each other. I had found him in general, and especially in his suit, to be imposing; but now I felt being naked next to this man would make any other man feel inadequate. He turns me around and leads me into the massive shower, his penis pressing into my back. The water hits me from all sides and it feels like I'm in a rainstorm. He leads me to the centre and slowly slides his hand under my arm and down to my penis. He easily grasps it in one of his big muscular hands and begins to stroke. He is the first person other than me to touch my penis and the pleasure he elicits is immense. I arch my back in pleasure and begin to lean against him, the water pelting the front and sides of my body. I raise my arms and lock my hands behind his neck. With every stroke a new wave of pleasure fills me, I press the side of my face into his chest and arch and relax in time with his stroking. His penis is now running up my back and it makes the position all the more pleasurable. He quickly brings me to the verge even though he is taking it slow and I let out a moan in response. He doesn't stop and I continue to moan with his strokes. The pleasure is too much and my head goes back even further, pushing my body way from his, and I then see he is looking at me with a huge smile, clearly pleased with how easy it is for him to get me to climax. I let out a longer moan as he quickens his pace and I cum. With each shot my nerves overload with pleasure; Mikaihail doesn't slow his pace and I continue for longer than I ever have before. After I stop my body is spent and I almost fall forward in exhaustion. Mikaihail constricts me to his chest so I don't drop. The storm of the shower quickly washes us clean and he lets out a satisfied grumble. I lean back into him and close my eyes in satisfaction, a large smile across my face. He leans down to my ear and speaks, "I don't know if I can stop myself much longer." He says still grinning because of how pleased with himself he is. My eyes shoot open as I remember last time. I am once again scared of his tool that is pressing against my back. But more than the fear, I want him, I want to feel that connection I felt 2 weeks ago. I use my arms, still around the back of his neck, to bring my mouth closer to his ear. "So then don't... I want you inside me." He groans in sexual frustration, luckily he wouldn't have to wait any longer to release it. I release my hands and turn to face him, tilting my head up so I could see his face. He smiles as the water continues to batter us. He places one hand under my arm and against the back of my head, and uses the other to pick me up by my ass. He gentle lowers me to the floor of the basin and lies me on my back with his hands still in place, my legs separating on either side of him. His head then moves above mine, as he gets ready, till I'm looking at his chest. His much larger body now shielding me from most of the water spray. I place my arm over the top of his that is supporting my head and grab his shoulder; I use the other to grab his upper arm. He positions his penis against my ass and I can feel the intense heat resonating from its head. "Do you want a safe word?" He speaks over the sound of the rainstorm. Umm... no, of course not; there's no such thing as too much of you, I think to myself. "How about 'harder'?" He chuckles in his deep voice in response to my suggestion. I try to relax and not tense at the anticipation of what he's about to do to me. He begins to push his penis inside my hole. He begins much too softly and there is no way his monster will enter. He gradually puts more and more force into it and after a while it finally seems to be enough and it starts to enter me. I can feel my hole stretch and it hurts terribly, I force myself not to tense. This was the complete opposite to the last time. In my bedroom he went all out, only concerned for his own satisfaction. But now every movement of his was controlled, like he thought one wrong move would break me. Looking at the difference between us I couldn't really blame him. He forces it harder into me and more of him starts to enter. I open my mouth and let out a short "Ahh" in response to the immense pain he was giving me. He then thrusts in the rest of the head and opens my hole beyond its limits. I grip his shoulder and arm as tightly as I can and moan "Ooowe" as I let my hole tense now that it won't force him out. He lets out a deep moan of pleasure as he feels the walls of my hole tightening themselves around his mighty tool. My penis becomes hard again with the feeling of him entering me. I slowly get comfortable with the colossal tool inside my tight hole. He notices the change and forces more of his monster inside me, I try to bare it but after only a few inches my butt clenches down on his tool and I grip to him tightly again. He moans again in pleasure and once I relax as much as I can he then starts forcing more of his penis inside with considerably more force than before. I arch my back in pain and pleasure and my body moulds to the shape of his. With the pleasure starting to win over the pain it is easy to let him force it even more. He feels my response and forces inch after inch inside me. I moan in pleasure as his massive penis snakes its way inside something much too small for it. He gets to the point where he was able to last time; he stops forcing himself inside me and begins to audibly breathe. His body begins to relax now that he's not consciously controlling every muscle in his body in an attempt to be sure not to hurt me. That tactic didn't really work as the mere size of his penis was what was causing most of the pain, not how he was using it. I couldn't really tell a huge difference from the last time, but just that he was trying to make it easier for me made me a lot more receptive of him. Though he wasn't moving, this wasn't a moment of respite for me. His pole of a penis made any feeling of real relaxation impossible, the pain and pleasure he was sending through my already emotionally spent body was immense even when he wasn't moving. He begins to strategically position himself for his impending pounding. "Ready?" he asks as if there really was a chance of a second answer. I don't want to answer lest he realise how intense this was for me, so I instead use my legs wrapped around him to push his pelvis towards me. He gives a grinning sigh and begins to move himself out of me. He leaves the head inside and slowly thrusts it back deeper inside me. He continues in this motion and even the measured movements feel as if nothing could be more intense. Each inch he moves inside me feels like an immense shift in my body as it cannot easily accommodate something as big as him. It feels as if my body is forced to rearrange itself with every movement he makes. It doesn't take him many thrusts before I'm on the verge again and with one slightly faster thrust the feeling is too much to contain and I cum in between our bodies. My body convulses as I do and his penis is caught in the convulsions of my hole. He lets out a roar of a moan, his head goes back in pleasure. It pushes his self-restraint over the edge and he begins to pound my ass rapidly. My nervous system can't keep up with his incessant thrusting and goes into overload. All I can feel is a rapture of pleasure as I continue to cum and my body convulses. It spurs him on as he starts to ram my butt even harder and I can feel even more pain as his penis forces its way deeper inside than it has ever been and deeper than I ever thought possible. I grip onto him with as much force as I can muster to try and hold myself in place for his seismic pounding. My orgasm begins to subside and with it, the convulsions of my ass muscles. He incessant pounding is bit by bit forcing more of his penis inside my ass. He only becomes more aggressive now that my orgasm is over; he seemingly wants to feel the sensation again. After so much, I never thought it would happen, but as he enters me a little bit deeper his pelvis smacks against my ass. I almost can't believe that he has reached the hilt of his tool, I was beginning to think there wasn't an end to it. The impact makes a slapping sound as our soaking wet bodies connect. Without letting up his ramming he lets out a deep chuckle at his accomplishment. The sound of the water hitting the glass and the basin becomes background noise compared to the nearly as constant wet slapping of his pelvis connecting with my ass. The impacts send shockwaves up my body and down my legs, making me feel like a rag doll. Without restraints to how deep he can go, Mikaihail's thrusting becomes impossibly fast. He starts to moan in a deep roar, and continually moans in pleasure at his new pace and motion. With his pelvis smacking my ass with each thrust it feels though it's no longer just his penis, but his whole body, that was pounding me; every muscle's and movement's purpose is to invade me. The new pace forces me to grip his shoulder and arm with all the strength I can muster in an effort not to be propelled by his ramming. My legs began to go numb as the shockwaves from his pounding are making them vibrate so quickly. He starts to moan louder and the noise begins to sound more like a roar. It also feels more like a roar as I can feel the vibrations coming from his chest. His pounding and the feeling of this colossus of a man roaring while on top of me brings me to the verge again. His body movements become more rigid and he starts to only pull out half-way, making himself thrust even faster. The feeling is too much and I cum again more intense than before. The walls of my ass convulse around his tool and it sends him over the edge as he explodes inside me. He lets out a mighty roar as he shoves his penis in all the way and his cream begins to fire. The feel of him cumming inside me prolongs my orgasm, which gives him more pleasure. My orgasm begins to waver and I stop but he isn't nearly finished and continues to fill me up. He eventually stops and I finally am able to release my grip on him, red hand marks appear where they had been but quickly disappear as the blood begins to flow normally. The feeling of his essence exploding inside me makes me a feel as if he has ownership over me, that I am his now. The connectedness I feel now I hope will never go away, I will always want to be with him. His muscles relax and in a final effort he rolls us both over so that I'm lying on him. The batter of the storm inside the shower is all I can hear except for our deep breathing. The water sprays are hitting my back and the side of my face so I close my eyes. His penis is still inside me, taking its time to go limp, but the relaxing motion of his breathing forcing me up and down on his chest quickly sends me into bliss. I feel emotionally spent but I fight the embrace of sleep, I won't waste a second of this in unconsciousness. He rubs my back as we lye there, for me, in paradise. After a little while spent in heaven the phone rings. Mikaihail gingerly pulls out and lays me on the basin. He gets out of the shower and starts for his room. I have to get up to turn the water off because if it's who I think it is, then a late night shower would be hard to explain. He answers the phone. "Hello." ... "Oh, Hi Alice" ... "yeah he's here" ... "no, I understand, he's been a real help" ... "I'll get him back" ... "you too, bye." And that would be the end of it, I get out of the shower defeated. He comes back in the bathroom, picks me up and carries me back into the shower. "We've got till midnight, so 20 minutes." He turns the shower back on to what I believe is the intended propulsion of the water, not the barrage it was earlier. He lies propped up against the side of the basin and enfolds me in his arms, the water spraying down on us. I lay my head on one of his pectorals, easily bigger than my head. Lying there I couldn't help but think that this is a turning point in my life. At this moment, things are perfect. But there are so many obstacles in the way of us having any permanence; some of those obstacles can never be dealt with. I know that the chance of this becoming something more are slim, but it is undeniably a possibility now. Undeniable because I'm here in his arms. However, now that I know what it's like, there isn't an alternative. If I don't have a life with Mikaihail I know I won't be able to live a life without him. Before this happened I was living without life, now if that life goes, I cannot live. "Are you alright?" Mikaihail asks in his now familiar concerned voice. I look up at him and the concern is coupled with his affection. I reach up and hug him around his neck and nestle my head between my arms and him. I close my eyes and answer "I'm drinking margaritas with Jesus." He holds me tighter and rests his head on mine. ********* Author's Note: Thanks for reading the new part; I look forward to hearing what you thought. I find e-mails really motivating so if you would like to see another extension I would appreciate it if you would pass along your thoughts to I reply to all my e-mails :)