Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2006 14:57:26 +0200 From: A.K. Subject: "The Choice" 12/15 (Adult Youth) ---------------------------- THE CHOICE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on November 12th 1996 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Khasidi ----------------------------- USUAL DISCLAIMER "THE CHOICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest. ----------------------------- CHAPTER 12 - THE TEMPEST Ubaldo Crespi gave the priest a withering glance. The confusion that appeared on the young man's face, confirmed him in his suspicions. Brusquely pushing the young man aside, Ubaldo headed with determination towards the bedroom. He opened the door before Gustavo could stop him. "Adriano! What... What are you doing here!" barked the astounded man. The boy hadn't yet managed to get his clothes back on. He was dressed only in his boxers and was trying to extract his other clothes from the tangled heap he had gathered from the floor as he had thrown himself into the bedroom. "And what are you doing naked!" the man roared, shaking his head violently as though trying to wake from a nightmare. As the man's rage grew, he half closed his eyes and the hard breath blew from his nostrils like that of a bull ready to charge. With a violent slap knocked all the clothes out of his son's hands. Now he had no more doubts about what it was his son had been doing. Half naked and in the bedroom of a priest, and the priest half naked, too! After a few seconds the fierce man, in spite of the formal elegance of his dress, seemed to shrink. He groaned like one who has received a blow to the gut. He stepped back and leaned against the door frame for support, then he released a long, trembling sigh as he surrendered to the evidence of his own eyes. But he quickly regained mastery of the situation. His body recovered its erect posture and seemed almost to swell, "Adriano, dress, immediately!" he commanded in an cold voice, "You are coming with me away from the domocile of this... of this man Ubaldo gave his orders to his son in a cold, quiet, flat tone, but still his voice carried in itself the menacing, hard, inflexible quality of a bear's angry snarl. But the man saw his son's eyes suddenly fill with a cold distant look of repulsion and sharp contempt. Angry and astounded, he closed his fists, asking himself what was the meaning of this unexpected glance. He had expected shame, confusion, regret, but instead... Even though he had been stricken with panic the instant Gustavo had whispered to him that his father was at the door, Adriano was already aware that it would be useless and naive, but above all dishonest, to deny the evidence. So, in spite of his initial confusion and fear, he decided not to lie, to be a man, to be strong. He thought to himself that if there were any moment when he ought to try and ask to be understood, accepted, it was this one. This was the moment he had longed for and feared at the same time, the moment of truth. So, he tried. "Dad, let me explain..." he whispered, his voice hoarse but determined. Though he knew it was useless, Adriano prepared himself to try to find a possible way to conciliate what he was feeling with his father's cold, merciless logic, exactly as he had had to do as a child when he'd had to face his father's disapproval. He thought that he should to try to explain what he and Gustavo felt for each other. But, the result turned out just the same as it had when he had been a kid trying to explain his own point of view to his father while, at the same time, trying to protect his body from the blows of his father's belt. His efforts to make his father understand had been useless as child and he realized that nothing had really changed. Any such attempt was doomed to failure. "Listen, Dad!" Adriano urged again seeing the wall in his father's eyes. "Would you please listen to me? I..." "I told you to dress, Adriano." Ubaldo hissed his words out with deep disgust, stopping his son before he could add any more. His attitude hadn't changed a jot, nor the tone of his voice. In the menacing color of his face Adriano could forcast a terrible storm theatening... if not something worse. Realizing that it would have been useless to insist, Adriano bent to pick up his clothes from the tangle on the floor. The man dragged his son out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He stood in the center of the studio and turned to face Gustavo. With a voice sizzling with venom and contempt from between his teeth, he said, "And about you! You don't have the right to say a thing! You understand me? You have absolutely no say in this. So you better not let me hear your voice, you got that?" Crespi's mind, overcoming the first shock, was now running at full speed. He was starting to plan what steps to take. He would have liked to take legal action, but the consequences of a scandal and media coverage that would surely ensue prevented him. He slowly raised his eyes to look upon Gustavo. "Why not just punch him out?" he asked himself. "Why not just smash that hypocrite face?" But the moment had passed. Even if he couldn't beat the shit out of this asshole, though, he wanted to destroy him with all the violence possible, and he knew that there are things that hurt more than getting punched out. This man, who had never forgotten the even the smallest debt owed him, reached a quick decision. He would annihilate the strong man who faced him. "Allow me to say," he began, full of scorn, "That, though I can't understand how you could come to this, I intend to find out how you did it." Ubaldo said in a menacing tone. In spite of the anger that was devouring him and making his hands tremble, he still maintained the appearance of calm. "And, even though I can't expose this skeleton in your closet, as far as my son is concerned, it's over. Do you understand?" Mister Crespi took a step backwards and glanced over the priest from head to toe as if he were measuring his athletic body. The man was covered only by a short bathrobe which was half open on his chest. Almost unbelieving, Crespi became aware that the priest was really well shaped. He told himself this man was too virile, too manly to be a priest! He should have been more...asexual! "Good Christ! I would have never thought that a priest... a man who was consecrated... that you could..." The play of the afternoon light through the study's window in back of Gustavo exalted the gold of his hair and of the golden down on the contours of his forearms and legs. Perhaps it was just the sun that disturbed the boy's father, but his eyes closed in two menacing slits. The priest didn't try to defend or justify himself. He simply stood in the center of the room, still and silent. But in spite of his initial confusion and worry, in spite of the fear for the consequences that might befall the boy he loved, the young priest stood straight, nor did he lower his eyes before the boy's father, but kept his dignity and pride intact. In love for the first time in his life, the young priest wanted to be, now, at the side of the boy he loved, in the bedroom, to comfort him within his arms with a kiss. Each smallest part of his body was urging him to do so. And it was only for Adriano, and not for himself, that Gustavo, with incredible self-control, remained where he stood, still and silent. He knew that if he spoke, he would risk making the anger of the man facing him explode. The bedroom door opened and Adriano, cleaned up and dressed, appeared hesitantly in the doorway. He took two slow steps into the study towards his father and the man he loved, the men stood like statues facing one another, frozen by the icy power of their glances. "Let's go!" Ubaldo Crespi ordered his son in the tone of one who admits no denial, not even looking at him. He took his son by the arm and, as if he were protecting him from the priest, forced Adriano to pass behind himself as he pushed him towards the door. The two lovers, sunk in their pain, offered no protest, no objection, no entreaty, but each started to mourn inside his heart. Crespi's callous demand was like a death sentence to the joy the two young men had begun to find in their life together. The dreams that had been blossoming so recently, now lay dead and scattered. Through his study window, Gustavo could see the reflection of the sun on Adriano's dark, gently curling hair . The bowed head of his pure lover glinted faintly and seemed to send him a last message of farewell. >From the window he saw Ubaldo close the car door on his son, go around the car, enter, start the engine, and drive off around the corner. A few seconds later Gustavo was kneeling in his bathroom in front of the toilet vomiting up everything. As he stood up again and pressed the lever, it seemed that everything good, even his soul had returned as vomit and was being flushed down into the sewer. The strong man began to cry. At the Crespi home it was almost dinner time. The apartment was warm and there was an agreeable atmosphere, accented by the smell of roasting meat coming from the oven. In the living room Daniele was watching a Western on television, while Loredana in the kitchen was keeping an eye on the roast as her mother had taught her. Oreste was sitting at the table in the living room, engrossed in the latest issue of "Micky Mouse Magazine" When the door opened the two boys lifted up their heads in surprise - it was too early for either their mother or their father to be home. They were astounded when they saw Adriano come in, pushed almost violently by their father. Their elder brother's face was flushed and their father wore a terrible expression that the two boys had never seen before. They watched, agape and silent, as the two crossed the room and disappeared without a word towards the back of the apartment. In the corridor, Adriano headed towards his bedroom. "Oh no, young master! This show isn't over yet!" his father said, seizing his arm and turning him around. "We still have a lot of things to clear up before evening. Now get in my room!" the man added, closing the living room door behind him. Diego and Oreste looked at one another in silence - something terrible was happening. Loredana appeared on the kitchen door, "Who was it? Mum?" "Sshhhttt!" the two boys commanded, their faces pale. "But..." the girl began, amazed by this response. Diego switched off the T.V. and the two little boys pushed their sister into the kitchen, closing the door behind them. They didn't want to hear what they knew it was going to happen. "Get inside!" the man ordered. He followed his son and locked the door, slipping the key into his pocket. Adriano nervously passed his hand through his hair, asking himself which would arrive first, the thrashing or the words - he feared the latter much more; but he was no longer willing to say "Yes, Sir!" to everything his father demanded. "Adriano," the man started with a voice as sharp as a dagger, "Do you know what that man was trying to make you do? Are you aware of what people would say, not only about you and me, if such a thing were known? Do you understand that it could ruin all I have worked so hard to build over the years?" Ubaldo's face became hard as stone, "But I'm telling you, I won't allow that to happen!" The fire, barely constrained, made his voice go up a note, "Before that, I will break your head wide open, I swear to God!" Then, thinking that the main thing was to avoid a scandal, the man assumed a vaguely conciliatory tone. He had to make a deal with his son now, to teach him how he had to behave. Looking Adriano over from head to toe several times and assessing him, he finally nodded, saying, "Well... you are really still a kid, or anyway you are still too young to get married... I guess I can understand. I mean... I am a man and I can understand some... some... drives." he said searching for the right words to say to his son to get him on his side. "Don't think I can't understand you. Your father is no fool. Every man needs a woman, especially when they are young. But there are situations in which it is just not possible to have one." Yes, his plan was now clear - he had to get his son on is side if he were going to be able to ruin that priest. And, by God, he would ruin him! He would make that man rue the day he had laid his filthy hands, his lusty eyes, on the son of Ubaldo Crespi! Ha! The pervert! "Anyway... anyway there is no possible solution, you see. One has to be able to wait until marriage. Anything else is against God's law, not to mention what all sound and respectable people would say. But you can find relief... even if you haven't discovered it for yourself... I would have thought that at least one of your friends would have explained to you how... how to do it when you... you can't resist. I mean, by yourself... with your hand. It is not really right, but at least it's a less serious sin, do you see? Or you can flirt with a good girl, without trespassing the limits... Your mother and I arrived at our wedding day both virgins. Before that day, of course, there were some pecks, some caresses, nothing more. I expected that my son would not be less than me. But I can't understand it. I never thought you were a blockhead, and I'm sure I'm not wrong about that! But I understand you. You went to see him, the... the parson to ask for advice, and for that I don't blame you, even though you should first have come to talk with me... And he... he who should be the man of God... he took advantage from your confusion, of your drive to... God! I will never be able forgive such filthiness, such an hypocrisy, such paltriness in a man, and even less in a man wearing the robe! It's disgusting! Anyway... now tell me... how did he manage to convince you to do... to do those things, to yield to his lust?" He was somewhat calmer now and didn't even wait for his son's answer. He was talking more to himself than to Adriano when he continued. "As for that Cirasa... I really can't understand him! There is nothing feminine about him. He is such a he-man, he's strong, a sportsman, sound... I would never have guessed he could be a pervert. I could understand it if he had tried with a girl... as wrong as that would be... There are even priests who have abandoned the priesthood because of their weakness and that have married. And the Church has now become so permissive that they can even marry in the church, celebrating the sacrament... Yes, I could even try to understand that... After all a priest is a man, too. But with a boy... with you! And how many have there been before you? Jesus! Now that I think about it, he was always amongst the youth, the boys... who knows how many he's led astray, he's corrupted, he's led into sin? He must have become really good at it..." he went on with contempt, "It's not that I didn't know that such men existed, if they can be called men. People who have appetites against nature, that make them want to fondle kids, to milk them... or even do worse than that. One reads about it in the newspaper sometimes..." Ubaldo stopped seized by a horrible doubt, "Hey, he didn't by any chance... Adriano, with you... did not he also try to... to..." Adriano was silent. He had listened appalled to all the rigmarole his father had been spewing out, had felt all the poison and the contempt his father was directing at the man he loved, and had undersood, astonished, exactly what the man was trying to do - excuse his son by making the man out to be guilty... But finally he could no longer maintain his silence. "Dad, I did everything he wanted from me... but he did the same for me - everything I wanted. It was me who wanted to be with him! I begged him, he didn't beg me!" There was a short silence. Adriano's father looked at him, too astounded to speak. "That's the truth." Adriano added, almost unable to believe that he had found within himself the strength finally to be totally sincere. "I wanted to be with him." "What?" his father shouted, for a moment more astounded than angered. In silent testimony to the truth of his confession, a single tear overflowed Adriano's eye and slid slowly down his cheek, a drop of pure crystal which left a shining track in its path. The young man, meanwhile, stood straight with pride, to assert his point with more strength. Adriano faced his father's glare directly. A moment passed "I wanted to belong to him," he repeated, serious, sincere and strong. Even though he knew that he could repeat it endlessly without his father really understanding, he pronounced it with a clear voice, not challenging or aggressive, but with total sincerity and without the slightest shame. He repeated it again, "I wanted it. Me!" "Shut up! Shut up, I say!" The man's breath came sterterously, while his chest swelled and his fury rose again to dangerous levels at his son's challenge to all he had said up to that moment, "Shut your mouth!" he shouted, red with rage. He clapped his fists to his ears so as not to hear his son's lips pronounce such blasphemy again. Then, on impulse, he seized the front of his son's jacket and threw him violently away from himself. The boy landed on his mother's dressing table and fell to the floor amidst a rain of small plastic bottles and ceramic jars which tinkled down on him in disorder together with colored cotton flock, tissues, curlers and the contents of his mother's jewelry box. The boy, who didn't emit a single moan, stayed still, half lying on the floor, still looking into his father's eyes. The man tried to calm himself and to calculate a way to keep shame from his family name. "You expect me to believe that you... you, the son of Ubaldo Crespi, blood of my blood... that you allowed him... that you let him take you like a female?" "That's right." the boy answered quietly. There was no longer any excuse not to believe it. Ubaldo Crespi wiped his sweaty hand along the seam of his trousers, as if he could thus purify it from the contact with his son. Then he came closer to Adriano and bent down. Grabbing him again below his shirt collar, he hoisted his son up bodily and, looking him straight in the eyes with growing fury when his son maintained his gaze, he shook him. "For God's sake! You did it?" he sobbed, "You wanted it?" For a moment he was unable to believe his son. But as the words penetrated, his rage increased along with his disgust, his nausea towards his son. "You! You really... you asked that man to fuck you like your were some cheap whore?" He slapped his son. "You asked him to fuck you?" he repeated with a voice low which cut like Spanish steel. "He says he wanted it..." He yelled as he continued to methodically beat the boy, "He says he likes it!" He ceased his assault against the boy who was now trembling from head to toe. Then the man's face was twisted into a mask of revulsion as he yelled furiously, "I am a man! I sired a male, not a half woman, not some hooker who walks the streets!"With his free hand Ubaldo Crespi punched the boy's face with the full force of his anger. Clara's anguished voice came from outside the door, "Ubaldo! What's happening, for God's love!" Diego, scared, had phoned her and she had come home from work at a run. "Go away, Clara!" her husband thundered. "Ubaldo, let me in! What's happening in there? Why did you lock the door? Why are you shouting?" The woman shook the door. "I told you to go away!" he shouted in anger, finding that even his wife seemed not to obey him any more. "I'm not going anywhere! I'm his mother and I have the right to know what Adriano did! Ubaldo! Open this door!" Clara shouted with determination. "I told you to go to your kitchen, immediately!" the man yelled. His neck veins were swollen, his face red. Then, with an icy tone and a weird laugh, more of rage than amusement, he added, "Really, I wouldn't have the heart to tell you now the kind of filthy fucking maggot you gave birth to, woman. And what's worse, I never thought that such a pile of shit could be part of me! If he really is!" he said with a sneer. "It would have been better if I had jerked off that night instead of fucking you!" he shouted. The woman was more shaken by the vulgar words, which she had never before heard her husband utter, than by the content of the sentence. "What the hell are you talking about? Open this door!" she demanded, starting to shake the door again. Adriano felt blood dripping from his lip and from his arm that had apparently been wounded when something had fallen from his mother's dressing table. But all through the dialog between his father and mother, his eyes had never left those of his father. Even if he were to kil him, his father could never take away his love for Gustavo, and this gave Adriano strength. He felt incredibly strong, much stronger than his father. His face flushed, not with fear or pain, but because of this discovery. His fear had left him completely. Adriano slowly lifted up his hands and took hold of his father's hand which was still grasping his shirt and forced open the fingers. His father looked at him in disbelief, but his son's two hands were stronger than his own. The boy freed himself and stepped back, "Open that door," he demanded in a low, clear voice. "What...?" his father asked, feeling his world crumbling in on him. "Open it, or I'll knock it down!" his son repeated with an icy calm he didn't know he had in him. His father raised his fist, but his son stopped him with an iron grip on his wrist, "Now that's enough! Don't you raise your hand to me again," he growled, forgetting all the teachings about honouring his father and his mother that had been instilled in him since the day he was born, "Or this time, I swear to God, I'll break you in pieces!" More than the menace, it was his son's icy, controlled voice and the strength of the boy's iron grip on his wrist that persuaded the furious man to take the key from his pocket with his free hand. Adriano seized it rudely and discarded his father's wrist. As went towards the door, he saw his father approaching out of the corner of his eye. "Don't come near me. Let me be." Adriano hissed, without turning his head, adding in a cold, low voice, "Leave me in peace!" Opening the door, Adriano saw his mother's astounded expression. She had overheard his last words, and seemed almost oblivious of the blood on her son's face. His father, following him, brushed his shoulder with his hand. "Didn't you hear me?" Adriano asked, turning bursquely towards the man, "If you lift even one finger against me again, I swear to God, I swear that if anybody goes to the hospital with broken bones, it won't be me. It'll be you, you son of a bitch!" Ubaldo froze in his tracks as if he had been turned to stone, but Clara seized her son's arm and said, harshly, "Adriano! What's happening in this home? Do you know that you are speaking to your father, boy? Aren't you aware? Your father!" she said, sorrowfully but decidedly, interposing her body between the two men. "What did you say?" the man burst out, recovering from the surprise of the rebellion, first of his wife and then of his son. "His father! These balls?! Clara, I'm a sound man, born to a sound family, one that always lived a sound life, and you know it. How can a sound man have something to do with that misbegotten sack of shit!?" he said full of anger, more for the humiliation he was undergoing than for anything else. Then, addressing his son, he yelled, "Out of here! Out of my house!" He stretched out his arm and pointed with his finger towards the apartment door. "You are nothing but a useless turd! Do you hear? You are the filthiest piece of shit on this earth!" "Don't worry, I'll never enter this house again until it will be time to build a whitewashed sepulchre for your carcass, hypocrite pharisee!" Adriano said to him with contempt, turning to leave. Ubaldo followed him, shouting: "Go away, filthy creature! Go back to him, you bastard! Go be his bitch! Go whore yourself to that filthy man!" Clara stood, completely undone by what was taking place before her eyes. "But what is happening, in the name of God? Ubaldo, what are you talking about?" Bursting into sobs, she leaned on the doorframe between the living room and the entryway, looking at her son who was tarrying at the door. Adriano turned to look at her with pain in his eyes only to hear the voice of his father from the living room shouting at him again to disappear from his life. Without any more hesitation, he opened the apartment door, shut it it behind him with a bang, and ran down the stairs. Burning tears streamed freely from his eyes. It was ten past five in the afternoon. At five thirty the telephone in Gustavo Cirasa's study rang. Gustavo raised the receiver in a daze. He couldn't find his voice even to say "hello." But it was no problem; as soon as he lifted the receiver, a voice spoke from the other end. Even though it was distorted by venomous contempt and disgust, the parson didn't have any problem recognizing that voice. It was Ubaldo Crespi. "Well, you pervert, if corrupting the sons of your parishioners is what you really like, I have to admit that you are a professional. All right, you bastard, I'll let you have him. And you can keep him, and fuck him as much as you want," he said. There was a long pause, then he added, "I am a God-fearing man, unlike you. I don't have faggot sons." Ubaldo spit out these words with the assurance of the righteous man. "He's not my son!" Then his voice became scornful, "If I were you, I'd go to the window and look out. I imagine that pretty soon someone will come to you to be fucked like a bitch in heat. Why don't you marry him? Maybe in your own church? He says he likes making you cum inside him!" The dam that had held back Crespi's rage, broke down, "Do what fucking shit you want to him! Dress him like a woman, paint his face with some nice make up! Use him and all his various holes as you please! Just make sure he never again shows himself to me, absolutely never again, or I'll kill him. I am sorry to say that it seems that you get out of all this scott-free. I talked to my lawyers; he is now of age, they say; and our law doesn't protect me any more. You can fuck him as much as you want, according to the law. At least I have two more sons... I don't want to wash my dirty linen in court. Mine has been a respected and respectful family for generations, and it won't be you two who ruin it! Therefore, it will not be me who let's this story out to the town or the church. So, you fucking bastard pig, the only thing you have to do from now on is simply not to appear again in our church. Make up whatever excuse you want, tell them you are sick; but don't you dare to celebrate the Mass... I'll bet you would even have the face to take holy communion with your hands still dripping with sperm!" "Mister Crespi..." "Shut up! I told you you, don't you dare to speak to me! Shut up and listen! I've got more to tell you. Save yourself some problems and listen to me! I have no time to waste listening to apologies, or lies, or denials, or requests for forgiveness. You did something so dirty that there is no forgiveness. You should just thank heaven that I have more serious problems than a faggot son and his filthy boyfriend. But don't forget what I'm about to tell you, listen to me carefully." He paused to catch his breath, or maybe to create an effect. "You will go on Monday to take away all your belongings from the parish office, and you will move on to a new hunting territory. Here in town there will no longer be a place for you. And, just to be absolutely clear, to prevent you from moving to another parish to do your evil, I am going to go see the Cardinal tomorrow. I am going to report you to him and he will chase you from the church forever. I'll see that he cuts you off and also prevents you from getting a job in a school as a teacher of religious studies. You are going to have to disappear, somewhere far away, where I can't find you, because, if I do find you, I won't let you to take a breath! And remind that other one, too, if he comes by again to get fucked by you, that I don't want to see him within ten kilometers of my home or my office. I don't want to even see his shadow." Those were the last words that Gustavo heard, for Crespi hung up on the other end. The young man remained a moment, looking at the receiver, then he hung up, too. But he raised the receiver again almost immediately and dialed a number. He got an answer after a few seconds, and immediately said, "This is Gustavo Cirasa, Your Eminence. I am sorry... I know it is late, but tomorrow... Can you send another priest to celebrate the evening Mass, and then also the Sunday masses in my church?... Yes, Your Eminence... Yes, I know, but... Yes, I will come as soon as possible to explain it all to you... Thank you your Eminence, and, again, I apologize... Certainly, I will come by for the papers which I asked you for, too." It was a quarter to six and Gustavo had just gotten out of the shower when the doorbell finally rang... ----------------------------- CONTINUES IN CHAPTER 13 ----------------------------- In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at ---------------------------