Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2022 17:29:34 +0000 (UTC) From: Jonathan Subject: The Contractor -Epilogue I hope you enjoyed spending time with Shaun and Brian and their close friends as they experienced the joys and emotions together as they came of age. It's time to move on and let them live as they have chosen, varied and satisfying for each of them. I always like to finish my stories with an ending that wraps up all the loose ends and doesn't leave anyone wondering what happens to my characters. So here goes . . . WARNING: This story is for adult men. It contains a graphic and fictional depiction of sex between adult and youth males. If sexual activity between consenting males is illegal where you are, or you find this material offensive or if you are under legal age, do not go any further and do not read this story. The characters are fictional and do not represent any real person, living or dead or any real events or happenings. The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except to the website to which it has been posted, without consent of the author. Your comments or suggestions are always welcome. Please direct them to Jonathan Perkins at All of us enjoy the stories posted here so please support Nifty. I appreciate you reading my stories and Nifty appreciates your support. The Contractor Epilogue Brian and I are now officially a couple. Neither one of us actually came out as it were, but it was common knowledge to anyone who knew us. Dorothy had Conrad drew up papers giving me legal guardianship of Brian until he turned eighteen. She stayed in St. Louis with Rodney who turned out to be the nice guy she thought he was. Dorothy had finally made a good choice. The two of them would fly back here every so often to visit. Brian and I would fly out to spend holidays with them. I was glad it worked out this way. Brain and his mother had reconciled. Dorothy ended up receiving just over $100,000 in reward money from the cases involving Frank and Lloyd. She wanted to give Brian and I half but we refused. She had gotten a break with the money and finding Rodney and we wanted her to enjoy her good fortune. Brian and I had talked about getting married but had decided against it. The reason, as dumb and silly as it sounds, we couldn't decide who would be the 'husband' and who would be the 'wife', if it's really a thing in a gay marriage. I think that was just an excuse not to change the good thing we had going with each other. We worked side by side doing carpentry work, with Brian eventually forming his own crew, taking on much larger jobs. We were very successful but still lived in the house I had bought to flip. We moved into the second floor apartment when our relationship had started. Sentimental and maybe not very practical but that was just the way we were. Conrad had called Lt. Peterson to inform him about the charges being brought against Referee Oliver. When he told him that the ref was Lloyd's uncle, Mark yelled out in excitement. "Of course! The Zebra!" he yelled through the phone. "The Zebra?" Conrad was puzzled. "While we were investigating Lloyd, we tied up all the loose ends on his drug dealing but we were stymied on his sex trade with underage kids. It kept going back to the head guy that was referred to as the 'Zebra'. A referee in a stripped shirt? A guy who has constant contact with kids? It all makes sense. Let me know when you have him come in for your case and we'll be there to arrest him on our charges." "Perfect! Another case that Brian and Shaun have helped clear up. Maybe you should hire them to help you on other cases as well," Conrad laughed. "Already offered that to him but he told me he'd rather be banging nails than banging heads." Lt. Peterson made his case and Oliver spent the rest of his life in prison. Brian and I flew back out to St. Louis four times for the trial of the guy who stabbed him. Every time is was on the docket, Davis' public defender would ask for a postponement, which the judge automatically granted. Conrad made a call and it turned out he had gone to law school with the current district attorney in St. Louis The fourth time the judge was annoyed but then got really pissed when he found out that we were flying in every time to be there to testify. The DA pushed hard to get the trial scheduled soon. The judge ordered the trail to go forward right away and Davis was tried as an adult and sentenced to a 10-year term. His two goons got off with a suspended sentence and probation. Brandon and Cindy were falling deeply in love as they dated. The only difficult thing in their relationship is Cindy was a virgin and wanted to stay that way until they married, which neither one of them were in a hurry to do. So once every month or so Brandon would want to get together with Kyle and get some relief. Kyle was all in with that and was happy to help his friend. Brandon and Cindy finally got married and we could all swear we heard a loud rendition of the 'Hallelujah Chorus' in the air on their wedding night as Cindy lost her virginity. But not to forget his friends, Brandon would rent a hotel room on the same date every year as one of the nights we had all spent in a room for football. Then no more guy on guy fun for Brandon until the following year. Brandon played football in college and was being scouted for the NFL until a knee injury his senior year ended his football career. He was disappointed but relieved the pressure was off to make his father happy. At this point his father was proud of his son no matter his success on the field. Kyle kept jumping in and out of relationships with girls all through his senior year of school and through college. When he had a dry spell, he hook up with Brian and I. Other than that it was just good friends spending innocent time with each other. Kyle became a lawyer, following in his father's footsteps in the legal system. He specialized in gay rights law and had more business than he could handle on his own, eventually opening a law practice with four other lawyers. He got married to a very nice woman and they had three children. If you've enjoyed this story, please search out my name, Jonathan Perkins, in the authors section for some of my other stories posted here. I'm looking forward to my next adventure with some new characters who will find a special place in our hearts and our imaginations.