The Pervert And The Virgin – Part Forty-Five

My thanks to those readers who took the trouble to offer their encouragement. Hopefully I have managed to make reading this tale worth your time and evoked shall we say a suitable reaction in response from you. Please let me know what you find particularly enjoyable so I can consider more of it in future stories. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.

Disclaimer: Please do not read this story of a man and a boy who choose to become lovers if it is illegal and/or socially or religiously unacceptable within the society you now find yourself. Please do not read this if the love between a grown man and a boy is likely to upset you. However, if you should decide to go ahead and read what I have written please do so with the awareness you have chosen to do so of your own free will. The story is entirely fictitious and any resemblance to anybody alive or dead is purely accidental.

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The next morning Tim was definitely awake before me. The three scurvy knaves were fucking and sucking him right next to me. Dariusz was waiting for me to stir. My eyes had barely opened when he was stuffing cock inside my mouth. All of us worked really hard to get done in time. Thank the gods there were multiple partners for each of us or we'd never have made it. We returned from our shower just as the room door was opening.

“Sorry Tracy we couldn't resist.” Dylan said when the five of them ambushed her.

A spluttering Tracy finally managed to untangled herself from beneath five naked boys.

“Glad I had my camera out.” Lawrence said calmly as the boys rushed off to dress.

The rest of the gang found it a lot funnier than Tracy. We had to rush our goodbyes. Once again we called ahead to let the gate people know we were minutes away. I learned the Germans are very attached to their rules. They learned I was willing to let them be attached to all the rules they wanted if they let me be unattached to them. One of the kind airline people on the plane gave us the name and phone number of a nice restaurant for breakfast. Tim called up their menu online through some magic. We placed our order. They told us to call when we arrived at the airport. The streetcar would drop us off three blocks from them. A twenty-minute trip from the airport was fine.

There really was too small a window to do any sight-seeing so I let go of the idea and settled for another Irish coffee with breakfast. Once again we broke countless rules trying to catch our next plane. Belinda and Abby decided all the scoldings I got at home had prepared me for dealing with airlines. One idiot tried to tell me it was to protect me. I told him I had a mace, a weighted chain and three daggers for protection. What I really need is a double whiskey and soda I explained. I had to wait until after takeoff for my drink.

Sanne kissed me when I declared Amsterdam a bastion of civilization when it came to getting good food and drink. I agreed a good lunch with lots of beer might have influenced my decision. Sanne didn't care for technicalities. My word was enough Bram added. We spent the afternoon indulging Tim's love for culture. My housekeeper was adamant he deserved a reward for not embarrassing us yesterday. She even let me buy tea for everybody.

“Leslie let's chat over breakfast or else it will be three hours before we get started.” Tim said the next morning. “Rohan loves the food on this ferry. I'm convinced it's the reason he had us travel on it again.”

“I'll let the others know why we are sitting at a separate table.” Leslie said. “You get started with feeding that scoundrel of yours.”

“Heart attacks only occur when the joy of life is lost Leslie.” I said. “Right now I find so much joy in life no amount of bacon or sausage can endanger me. Scold me later if you must but let's take care of Tim now.”

“Leslie I have sparred with a shield enough to know I am not strong enough to use it for a full bout.” Tim began. “I was never going to win this bout in regular fashion. Either I avoided her strikes or she won it quickly. I know Rohan keeps telling me to stay balanced. Overextending with any weapon is usually what loses the fight. I tried using his tactic of holding the mace close. Keeping it in the middle of my body seemed to make sense because I didn't have a shield in my way. Unfortunately what I didn't realize is I don't know enough to recognize an opening. When to go on the offensive. So I tried to distract her by doing the absurd.”

“He might have learned that from me as well.” I said waving a sausage at Tim. “Good switch in tactics. Recognizing your limitations is important. The next time you phone to see how she is doing thank her for the gift.”

“How did you know I called? Cibor?” Tim asked in surprise.

“Nobody said anything.” I assured him. “You held her shield. Calling was the only natural follow-up. Oh, Dylan while you are at the buffet please bring me some sausage, bacon and eggs. Better hold the toast. Leslie's concerned I might be overindulging a touch.”

“Tapping her shield a little harder each time was a good tactic.” Leslie complimented Tim. “Even I can see how that might have worked. You landed a good clean blow.”

“Sheer luck.” Tim admitted. “Leslie I had my eyes closed. I was praying for her. Rohan mentioned it helps you relax. When I heard the bone snap I panicked because I know how heavy those shields are and trying to hold it with a broken arm would be impossible. I just grabbed it. Then Christopher and Garth were there. They got there so quickly. You old guys keep surprising me by how quickly you move at times.

The snap was an awful sound Leslie. I wanted to throw up when I heard it. The other monks challenging me helped me get past it for a while. Rohan was moving. Blood was spraying. I heard more bones break. Then a last bit of blood and they danced. The dancing was surreal. What was it?”

“A victory dance that celebrates the battle and the courage of your enemies.” I explained. “Dabulamanzi and I used to do it after we won our sparring bouts. Then we would do it when we had run out of challengers in a drinking contest. I've thought of it Tim but a dance that old and revered would be lost on the Sunderland louts. I love them enough to know their limitations. Lets leave them to butcher “Horse With No Name”.”

“I did get sick. Right before I fetched Rohan.” Tim said. “Belinda made certain I had the bathroom to myself. Sorry I embarrassed you my Love.”

“You didn't embarrass him.” Leslie said. “Being human is never an embarrassment. We're glad you were sick. Tim you didn't have the dancing. Was there anything else you think helped you get through the bout?”

“Dabulamanzi explained in a sparring match each contestant knows the risks.” Tim said after some thought. “The nun challenged me. She set this game in motion. All I needed to do was be man enough to see it through. I was as curious as everybody else to see how I did. A broken bone heals but disgrace is a poison that lingers. That is what made me step up. I've spent most of my life feeling bad about myself for not having a family. So many hours spent wondering what was wrong with me. Feeling flawed because nobody loved me. This has changed a lot now but I do know I didn't want to feel like I'd let you guys down.”

“My biggest worry was not having gotten you enough training.” I said taking Tim's hands in mine. “We are going to fix this. I will make you a what-for force to be feared.”

“Thank you, my Love.” Tim said. “Lawrence is sharing the video with Vernon. You don't mind do you?”

“Thanks for remembering.” I said. “I'd completely forgotten. Yes Leslie just like I forgot the robe. I'm warning you this sausage is loaded.”

“Tim you will chat to me or Belinda if you start feeling any delayed reaction won't you?” Leslie said as she broke my sausage in half and devoured it. “Go for a walk around the deck with Rohan so he isn't tempted to have more of this delicious sausage. Now excuse me I need to get a little more sausage and eggs.”

“Thank you Leslie.” Tim said tenderly hugging and kissing her. “I love you.”

“Me too.” I said hugging her. “Thank you for helping Tim. Leslie I'm fine. Lao needs to pick up my training. I'm sorry I had to break the monk's nose. Tim the cuts will heal and won't hinder them too much. The guy with the broken nose will suffer longer. I was a little pressed for time. Oh well a little embarrassment on my teacher will prove motivating when I ask for some training from him.”

“Why Lao my Love?” Tim asked. “I mean there's Vernon, Charles, Waldemar and many others you've learned from.”

“Lao is the one most likely to teach me techniques that use less force and do less damage.” I said. “I think it was Ghandi who said only a warrior knows the true value of peace. Hopefully it won't take too much violence for the fucketeers to learn this lesson. Uh-oh looks like Catherine wants us to do a workout. Let's see how long we can avoid her.”

“Hiding behind a little girl isn't working Rohan.” Catherine said. “Getting her brother to stand next to her isn't doing much to help. Nice try but the two of you have some exercising to do. We'll do a little extra because I saw what you had for breakfast. Christopher tells me tonight is pizza night. We don't want you surviving your fight against the three monks just to drop dead on us from a heart attack do we?”

“Fine I'll do it but only because I enjoy sweating with Tim.” I said. “Thanks guys for trying to hide me. This pretty lady approaching is my personal assistant. That means she gets to reward people like you and your mom for helping me. They'll figure out a nice treat for you.”

“Try to remember to leave the bathroom in these clothes this time.” Tracy said handing us our workout clothing. “Yes he did walk out after his shower without any clothes on. You would think he would know by now that you put clothes on after you shower. He might just be getting old. Now what treat do you think your mom will let me buy you? An elephant ride? We could buy you an elephant if they don't have any on board. True it would take a while to get here.”

“We were on our way to get milkshakes.” the little girl said. “Mama would it be okay if Tracy bought us a milkshake? Thank you Tracy. My name is Janice and this is my brother Sam.”

“I'm Alice.” their mom said. “A pleasure to meet you. This really isn't necessary.”

“Yes it is.” I said kissing Tracy's cheek. “I'll need two milkshakes in about ninety-minutes please. The biggest they have. Don't forget the whipped cream and cherry. Better get one for Tim or he'll steal some of mine. I'm on my way Catherine. Arranging some post workout hydration. Tracy we'll need another for Catherine.”

We were doing double-decker push-ups when Tracy brought the kids out to see how we were doing. Tim was doing push-ups on my back. When Tim finished his reps he stood on my back while I finished mine. Tracy decided to help me by stepping onto my back. Catherine handed her the kids.

“All the way around the deck?” Sam asked. “That's a long run. How many times?”

“Five for Tim and fifteen for Rohan.” Catherine said. “I'll join you guys and keep count. Come on Rohan. You feeling a little old today?”

“You're about three times my age so you get to run three times as far.” Tim explained as we started our run. “The previous circuits don't exist. I keep telling myself they never happened or I wouldn't be able to complete a single lap. Don't worry I'll cheer you on for those last ten.”

“Awfully good of you.” I said kissing him on the run.

Catherine kept me company through the last ten laps. Caryn offered to explain an easier way for working up a good sweat than a three-hour exercise routine. Now I knew why Tracy had laughed when I had asked for my milkshakes in ninety-minutes. She promised to have the shakes ready when I returned from my shower. On shaking legs I staggered off to my shower.

“Must have been an epic workout if the word lunch doesn't get him up off that chair.” Adam said. “You don't have to worry about a heart-attack if you do regular three-hour routines with Catherine. Getting fit will kill you.”

Adam and Morgan offered a hand and pulled me out of my chair. We enjoyed afternoon tea on the train. Our travel agent had let the railway company know of our expected return and they were glad to add a restaurant carriage. They told her we had inspired them to consider making it a permanent arrangement. Tim insisted on paying for pizza and beer as his celebration dinner.

We managed to rise in time for sunrise meditations. Then we sparred a little at Sam's place. Caryn headed off after breakfast to get furniture and stuff for Winchester. The sunflower discount was coming in handy Tim agreed as we gave her a hand. I'd let the gang know of my plan to help with the Winchester project and asked for volunteers. Everybody decided to volunteer. My housekeepers were getting us caught up on laundry. They were making use of the full-service laundromat so they could buy food for our dinners and have it delivered to the orphanage. I asked them to rent us five or six cars for the next two weeks.

“Well that looks like everything.” Caryn was saying consulting her list. “Ingrid says all the construction is complete. The espresso machine is getting installed tomorrow. I'll see about getting a ride with the guys who are delivering all of this for us. Rohan they are on their way. I could get in a few hours of work this afternoon. The unloading won't take long because I agreed to pay for extra help.”

“I'm certain it won't but you see this young gentleman here is exhibiting the classical signs of extreme horniness.” I said pulling Holden over. “Garth will confirm it if you don't believe me. Garth also tells me the cure is known instinctively to all ladies. So I am sending you off with this poor lad to relieve his suffering.”

“Rohan I have to get this stuff done before the dignitaries arrive.” Caryn protested. “Holden can ride with us.”

“Then you'll be working instead of treating.” I predicted. “Caryn I'm pretty certain you could get it done in two days with a workforce of twenty. Last night thirty or more people volunteered to help. You are going home with Holden for an afternoon of kinky sex. Do we need to buy Holden some restraints to make certain you stay in bed until you join us for dinner?”

Caryn told us we didn't need to buy restraints. Tim insisted we buy some as a bonus for her hard work. Adam let her know he had received restraints as a birthday gift and he was several years younger. No lady should live without restraints close at hand Morgan declared. They headed off with Juliet to rectify the matter. I promised Tim I'd meet them for tea in an hour. Dylan, J and Sophie were arriving in a few minutes. I'd meet them at the airport and bring them back with me for tea.

A blushing Holden let us know Caryn definitely knew how to treat his condition. The blush deepened when Garth suggested a second dose of medicine tonight to prevent a relapse. Tim let me know he must have caught a dose of it from Holden because he was starting to think naughty thoughts. Caryn tickled Adam for a solid three minutes when he suggested Tim speak with nurse Caryn about a cure. I agreed with Morgan the food prepared by the Order chefs was getting better but it wasn't at a level to satisfy Petersen. The two of them might need to stay for an extra week or two I decided.

The chefs were up to preparing a decent breakfast sandwich though. We left London right after sunrise meditations. The rental place had handed over the keys yesterday so we could leave before they opened. I wanted to avoid rush hour traffic. Caryn was itching to get started. She was discussing a plan of strategy with Bram and Ingrid. The problem was too much help. We'd get in each other's way if we all worked on it.

“Hello Vernon!” Tim shouted running over to hug his friend. “This is a pleasant surprise. Thank you for being here to meet the delivery trucks yesterday.”

“No trouble at all.” Vernon said. “I have some vacation time to use up before I retire. You don't mind if I join you for a few days do you?”

“Asking questions like that will get you spanked.” Tim warned. “We had better join the others and see what the plans are for today.”

The kitchen in the barn was the main priority. Guys were arriving to connect it all and we would be on hand to help move things into place. Vernon told us there were a couple of guys in the barn getting things started. Bram went to let them know we were ready to help. Tim and the boys would help me cook lunch and prepare afternoon tea. Because the entire gang had volunteered Caryn was confident we could get Vernon's cottage completed. There were a couple of things she wanted him to decide. Table linens, curtains and a few other accessories.

“Does Ingrid know the plan?” I asked Caryn. “Bram does as well. One of them can stay here and the other can supervise the house. You can take Tim and Vernon to get these last few things sorted out. I'm certain I can find somebody to help with lunch until you return Tim.”

“I'll lend a hand when we get back and help you catch up.” Vernon said. “Come along Caryn. I can't wait to move in.”

Bram chose to stay at the farm because we couldn't pry Sanne away from the gardeners. I placed Phyllis and Sam in charge of getting Sanne and the gardeners what they needed as soon as they needed it. We'll need to bring some extra help in tomorrow I warned them. Unless we get this garden finished in three days Sanne will be here when we want her at the hotel next week I predicted. Bram agreed I was most likely correct.

“Sanne these two lovely people are in charge of getting you whatever you need to finish this garden in three days.” I said introducing Phyllis and Sam. “That's all the time you have so make the most of it. We're bringing in more helpers tomorrow and Saturday if needed. I won't have you sneaking away from the hotel to work on this garden. This is not negotiable. Better get to it. Phyllis is brilliant at organizing it so leave that to her.”

“Rohan this is a large garden to get done in three days.” Sanne protested.

“You can see it in your mind already.” I said confidently. “You know exactly what goes where and all you need is some soil tests to put together the list of what we need. Caryn is heading to town with Vernon in a minute and can get the soil samples to the testing place. Alida will help you. Bram is close at hand. I will drive you out here one day next week if Alida tells me you did whatever you could and the visit is necessary. That's my compromise. What about some vetkoek for tea?”

Sanne was already turning her attention to the garden so I decided to surprise her with vetkoek. Abby made a run to the store to get me some extra supplies. I was going to experiment. A folding table got brought to the garden so Sanne had her command center. I placed Dylan, Sophie and J in charge of seeing they had plenty of water and other drinks. We laughed when Abby returned with a load of bricks and mortar along with my extra groceries. Bram had to build a grill area complete with fire pit just like the one Tavish had made. Sam helped me get the kitchen appliances in place. Morgan and Adam were manning the commercial deep fryers and making vetkoek for us. Phyllis knew where Sam was if they needed anything.

“Rohan is their any limit on the budget?” Phyllis asked. “I didn't think so. Sanne says we'll never get the garden dug in three days. I'm certain there's a company with machines to do it for us in Winchester. The garden supply store will know of one. I have to check on some plants. Thanks. Must dash.”

We went from not having time to dig out the garden to not having time to mark out the areas to dig. Bram laughed when he heard about it and calmly kept on with his bricklaying. Adam was helping him because Amanda could manage the drinks and snacks for the garden crew. They even had time to help mark out the areas to dig. I kissed Phyllis when three excavators showed up to do the digging. Ingrid made use of one of them to dig the foundation for the sparring area.

“I've never had vetkoek made this way.” Alida said. “They are delicious. I can see the resemblance to profiteroles. Sanne will be like this all through the garden project. There will be one mini-crisis after another. Yes Adam it will be perfect in the end. We all know this which is why we are so relaxed about it.”

Tim let Sanne know he thought it money well-spent. Yes the extra money for full-grown hedges and other plants was all within the budget as well he assured her.

“How much have you allocated for the garden budget?” Sanne asked shrewdly.

“As much as needed.” Tim said calmly.

“You are as bad as Rohan.” Sanne said with a smile.

“What I have learned from Rohan is not to put a price on the enjoyment people will get from a project.” Tim said. “The sooner we get the garden in place the sooner we start spreading joy. Isn't that why we are all here working on this project? These magnificent vetkoek are a good reason as well.”

“There's a lot of joy in eating them.” Abby agreed. “Now Sanne let's go choose those flowers. The monks know what you want done here. You can trust them with the digging or selecting the plants. I thought you might prefer to choose the plants. We'll be back for lunch Rohan.”

“Alida please go with them and help Sanne choose mature plants instead of trying to save me a little money.” Tim said. “Alida between Winchester and Blyth I am already spending so much it doesn't make sense to scrimp on a few hundred dollars or even a few thousand. Besides I'd like to enjoy the garden. Vernon also deserves a nice garden to enjoy if he is moving in this weekend.”

“Sanne will be no trouble once I mention it is a sweet gesture from you to Vernon.” Alida said confidently. “Tim it is a very sweet gesture.”

“Please will you see if you can arrange for some lavender and rosemary around a seating area.” Tim said. “Those are two of Vernon's favorite herbs. Maybe a pot or two? I don't know but it would be nice for him to enjoy them while he reads or has some tea.”

“What about a covered area?” I asked. “There will be plenty of open spaces. This will give him a space to use if it is raining. One of those little clay ovens to keep warm. Sanne will have the last word on it. I don't know if I'm making sense.”

“You are and I think it's a great idea.” Alida said. “Now that Abby has finally got Sanne moving towards the car I'd better go join them.”

“We'd better get lunch started.” I said.

Equal amounts of roast chicken and chicken in wine sauce were on the menu. The mashed potato, green beans, carrots and creamed spinach would go well with both chicken dishes. I called Phyllis over to help us plan our strategy. She accepted when I bribed her with a couple of vetkoek. Sam was having fun helping Bram. Last I heard there was talk of a few rotisseries being built. Ingrid had wisely marked out an area behind the barn for the grill area. Tim just laughed when Vernon said Bram would most probably use the entire length of the barn for his grill area.

“Tim we've run into a few small problems.” Bram said joining us a few minutes later. “Right now accessing the grill area means walking around the barn. A couple of doors would be very useful. Sam and I can put them in. We also need a covered area because it rains a lot here so do you mind if we add a retractable awning to the doors?”

“Bram if you think it is necessary you have my permission to buy it.” Tim said. “Don't forget a seating area for the chef's cheerleaders. Some patio furniture would be nice. Is there anything else you need?”

“One last thing.” Bram said. “While we have the electrician here I was going to ask him to instal an outlet for a smoker. There's an open patch we need to fill at the far end. Purely for feng shui reasons of course.”

“Of course.” Tim agreed. “We've been so careful about the feng shui everywhere else it would be sad to ruin it because of one little area. What time will all of this be delivered?”

“They're unloading it as we speak.” Bram said. “I'll get Sanne to choose some patio furniture. I never thought of that because we built some seating in the brickwork. Amanda you're right. We'll need cushions for it as well. Would you mind measuring the built-in seats and speaking to Sanne about the patio furniture? They will need a hand getting the smoker in place.”

“Bram I would be delighted.” Amanda said with a smile. “Have you found a smith to make you the metal inserts on the pits?”

Marikie laughed when Bram insisted on giving Tim a thank you kiss before heading off to play with his new projects. Vernon agreed if Sanne had her garden project it was only fair to give Bram his grill project. Ingrid came in with a stunned expression on her face. Tracy immediately poured her a shot of medicine.

“I take it you've seen the grill area.” I said with a chuckle. “We'll wait until it's finished. I'm pretty certain he used every inch of the space you gave him.”

“Everybody here means a lot to me Ingrid.” Tim said. “The cost doesn't matter. What matters is Bram being able to build something he feels proud of. A lot of people will see what he built so he will want it done properly. We regularly have a large group with us in America so no doubt he built for such a group. I cannot thank Bram enough for all he does for our family but I will keep trying by paying for projects like this one.

While you have some more medicine would you please give Abby or Alida a call and see how close they are to returning? We're holding off on the creamed spinach. Tracy has their phone numbers. Thank you. I'm curious about the two fire trucks that just arrived.”

“These are the things that make a project memorable.” I said. “Here comes Phyllis. Let's ask her.”

“She's laughing so it isn't an emergency.” Morgan said.

“Sam suggested the higher up they put the awning the less likely it was to get impregnated with smoke and food smells.” Phyllis said. “Bram agreed they had a very tall barn and the awning was electric so they could get it to work nicely if they extended the wires to the switch. The electrician suggested a wireless switch would be easier. Seems they are easy to rig up if you're an electrician.

The problem was finding some ladders tall enough. A delivery of some beer and a couple of hundred pounds to the Fireman's Widow and Orphans fund solved that problem. They have very tall ladders on fire trucks. There are even nice baskets to stand in while you attach the awning. Good idea Rohan I'll extend an invitation. A fortnight from now? Got it.”

Sanne helped herself to some medicine from Tracy's bottle. She didn't even pour it in a glass. Then she scolded Tim for spoiling Bram. Unless you are firm with Bram he ends up overdoing things just like Rohan she explained to him. Tim admitted to having a few more bricks delivered when the ones Abby brought back got used up. A few hundred bricks Sanne declared. Tim told her he knew about the smoker, the awning and patio furniture. We'd just learned about the firetrucks. We'd invited the firemen to a barbecue with their families in a fortnight. Bram would want to attend. J as well Amanda added.

When Sanne paused for breath Tim asked about the garden. We finished preparing the spinach while Sanne spoke of all the wonderful plants. How the garden supply store had been a treasure trove full of wonderful surprises. The crew from the house joined us for lunch. We told them we knew about the fire trucks. Caryn rushed off to invite the six firemen to join us for lunch when I let her know we had enough food.

The fire chief considered the donation, beer and barbecue enough reason for them not to upset us by declining a lunch invitation. He would call if they needed the trucks. Sanne had to drag Bram in by the ear for lunch. I couldn't wait to see the area after lunch. Vernon let the gang know my cooking had improved beyond recognition. I could easily cook with the chefs at the hotel he agreed. The cobbler was a new dessert for the firemen who asked for the recipe. Drinks in hand we all headed outside to see what Bram had created.

“Bram it is beautiful.” Tim said with tears in his eyes. “I am going to have a small plaque placed somewhere here so everybody will know who is responsible. Even with all the help I can't believe you guys got it done this quickly.”

“Yes this will prove adequate for my needs Caryn.” Vernon said. “Bram judged it perfectly. We could feed all of Winchester with this grill area alone. Then we have that amazing kitchen we just tested. I think it worked flawlessly but I'm no chef. We'll let Petersen give it a test run for us. Nothing broke and the food was edible. That's all I need from a kitchen.”

“You can smoke all the fish you catch.” Adam said looking at all the racks in the smoker. “I think you can squeeze them all in this little guy. Next to the whale.”

“Sanne there is just one little thing.” Tim said batting his eyes at her. “One small element missing. Will you do it for five kisses?”

“See the extra work you have given me Bram?” Sanne scolded. “Now we need flowers for this area. I have barely two more days to get the other finished. Now we need pots and plants for this area.”

“I knew you would add the perfect finishing touch.” Bram said calmly. “We are a couple so it made sense for me to leave you something to do on this little project. Now if you don't have the time I can take care of the flowers.”

“All this good work would be ruined.” Sanne declared. “You don't know a cabbage from a carnation. Alida where's your notepad. This is what we will need.”

“Got it.” Alida said minutes later. “Abby we're going shopping for flowers and pots again. We'll need some volunteers to help us when we get back.”

“Bram we'll be careful while the mortar sets.” my housekeeper promised. “This is a lovely grill area. I can't wait to see what Petersen and Rohan come up with for the barbecue. Thank you for giving me an excuse to stay another week in England.”

We thanked the firemen for their help. They promised to let us know how many to expect. Tracy gave them her phone number. My housekeeper insisted it was perfectly fine for them to bring their families. I let them know if not enough children showed up she would use her riding crop on them. Adopt some extras Morgan suggested. The fireman left and we returned to our work.

I took a walk to the house to get an update from Caryn and Ingrid. The scurvy knaves and Leslie were keeping an eye on our cakes for afternoon tea. Caryn admitted she was well ahead of the schedule she had come up with on our European trip. Another hour and the house including the coffee shop would be complete. I told her the inside of the barn was complete including the dormitory area. That only leaves the garden and Vernon's cottage Caryn told us. The curtains would be ready tomorrow at lunchtime. We would get an update on the garden from Alida. Shortly after or even at lunch we would be left with nothing but the garden to finish.

Caryn promised to head to the farm the moment they finished. I wanted us to leave right after tea. Tim scuttled these plans. He pointed out it was silly to travel three hours back to London only to drive back here in the morning. The house had six bedrooms. The dormitory slept thirty. Both spaces were ready and we could even finish most of Vernon's cottage if we wanted. Caryn pointed out there were plenty of robes for us to wear while we washed our clothes. A quick trip to Southampton would allow us to stock up on toiletries. The saving in time alone would make this a good idea.

When Tim put forward his idea at tea my housekeeper called it brilliant. Our extra food at the orphanage wouldn't go to waste so there was no reason to return to London. Sanne kissed Tim for the extra six hours of gardening. Abby, Tracy and my housekeeper made the trip to Southampton for toiletries and dinner. Leslie suggested pizza because everybody could help prepare it. Vernon decided to go along with them in his car because he wasn't convinced they would have enough space with just their cars.

“Why on earth did you marry me if you are so eager to get rid of me Scoundrel?” Tim asked as I carried him over to Vernon's car and dropped him in the passenger seat. “A subtle hint you want me to talk with Vernon about the sparring. Okay I will have this chat but it will cost you seven kisses.”

Caryn decided to get started on Vernon's cottage. He had let her know he trusted her to get it perfect while he was gone. Ingrid was very happy with what we had finished today. Thirty people working for six hours is a lot of man hours I pointed out. I told her she was off-duty for the rest of the day. We grabbed a whiskey and soda before heading over to the garden. Alida told us even though it didn't look like it the garden was coming along nicely. I told her of my plan for extra help. She reminded me the gang had finished nearly all their stuff so we didn't need to bring in all this extra help. My housekeeper needs it I insisted.

“Feeling better?” I asked Sanne when she joined us at the table and took off her work gloves. “Good. Then go find your husband and take him for a long walk. There are some trees about a mile in that direction. The others will be gone for another two hours. Better be quick.”

I thought Vernon's cottage looked amazing. Caryn was happy with how it looked. Tim called to let us know they were ten minutes from us so I could get everybody together. I texted Sanne to let her know. She returned with Bram five minutes later. We prepared pizza in our robes. Leslie got told several times this was a very good suggestion of hers. The entire gang lined up at the workstations. A lot of joy filled the barn as we cooked and chatted. We ate pizza standing at our workstations. Leftover cobbler topped with custard and ice-cream made a delicious dessert.

My housekeepers, Leslie, Ivan, Amanda, Tim and the scurvy knaves joined me at the house for the night. There was enough room at the farm for the others to sleep comfortably. I let Sanne and Bram know we had an empty bedroom in the house if they needed sanctuary. Habitable was not the same as finished so the blessing would wait another day or two I told Tim as we snuggled together. He agreed to wait for Caryn and Ingrid to officially sign off on the project.

“Let's go from sign off to get off.” Tim suggested. “Settling those seven kisses would start things nicely.”

“That would give us a reason to test the plumbing in the bathroom.” I said. “You are as smart as you're cute.”

“Why don't you start with checking my plumbing first?” Tim suggested.

All the plumbing was perfect and in perfect working order I decided just before turning out the lights. The next morning I got to check Morgan's plumbing while the fucketeers tested mine. Tim was a little confused about why we were walking in the dark to the farm for sunrise meditations. The sun will pop up from behind the hill soon enough I predicted. Soon after arriving at the farm the sun put in a welcome appearance.

The clever shoppers had collected breakfast fixings yesterday. I kissed my housekeeper when I saw all the greens for smoothies. Abby told us we needed to test the appliances and waffle makers were important appliances. You can't have waffles without syrup or sausage she told Leslie. Everybody knew that. Morgan was quick to agree he knew how important syrup and sausage was to waffles. Leslie decided he'd waffled quite enough on the subject.

“Scoundrel I love my tea but that's a lot even for me.” Tim said admiring all the cakes on display. “My fellow fucketeers have brought great honor to our tea time celebration. Glad to hear you have enlisted help to take care of all these cakes. I hope they arrive soon or there will be none left.”

“That's them in the bus heading up the driveway.” I said. “Let's go greet them.”

“Rohan did you drag these kids away from their lessons?” my housekeeper asked sternly.

“No I didn't.” I said calmly. “They volunteered to spend some of their weekend time helping Tim. Very much like you lot. I think the least they deserve is a little cake. They're all yours for the next five hours.”

Standing well back I avoided most of the kissing and hugging that went on. A few of the hooligans listened to Benjamin and came over to hug and kiss me. Yes I did bake some cake I admitted but I was quick to point out all the help I'd got from Morgan and Adam. That got me off the hook. We had tea and cake so Sanne could share her plan for the garden. Bram and J would get help from the Order chefs to help prepare burgers in the new grill area. I would wander around doing whatever seemed right.

When Caryn announced she was going to collect Vernon's curtains I headed off with her and Holden. The walk was good for us. We stopped at the house to see how the last few touches were getting along in the coffee shop. Shopfitters were installing the display cases for the pastries. Caryn told me this was the last bit that needed doing. A last walk through after the kids left and she'd call it done.

Eager to get the last touches on Vernon's cottage we hurried back to the farm. The kids laughed when I lifted Tim up on my shoulder and carried him to Vernon's cottage. He thanked me for including him in finishing it with a kiss or two. On the fourth kiss Caryn asked if I was hanging curtains or banging Tim. The hanging and banging of Tim was a nighttime thing she insisted. I suggested we hang the curtains so we could shut out the sunlight and pretend it was night. Caryn scurried about making some minor adjustments to ease her nerves more than anything. Holden fetched Ingrid for a last walk through.

“Tim I am so nervous.” I admitted. “Vernon means so much to me as you know. This is worst than the love nest because I had nothing to do with that. That was a gift for both of us. I guess I could say it's your project and let you handle it.”

“No you couldn't.” Tim said. “You're too honorable and we both know without your financing none of this would happen. Thank you my Love. I'm not certain why but having Vernon stay here feels so right. He's a very special man.”

“Yes he is.” I said dreamily.

“Rohan you're blushing.” Caryn said in delight. “Well if it's personal I won't ask Tim to repeat it. I'll just enjoy the moment.”

“Let's just say I asked him an intimate question about a very special man.” Tim said. “Rohan suggested I ask the man in person.”

“There's nothing more to do here.” Ingrid said. “We'll let Vernon know it's ready when he wants to see it.”

After speaking to Sanne about the progress of the garden and getting assurance from the gang we would continue when the kids left at three Vernon decided they would break for lunch thirty-minutes early and view the cottage. Tim and I worked alongside him for an hour before my housekeeper announced it was time to view the cottage. Vernon insisted the children join us. We all took our shoes off on the covered patio beneath some grapevines. Sanne promised him a kiss if they didn't grow and provide shade next Spring. When we left the cottage earlier I'd insisted we lock the door. Tim gave Vernon the key without a word.

Tracy and my housekeeper both swatted me I was so nervous and kept fidgeting. Dylan did his old fondle the ass, kiss and grounding trick to help me through it. However long it takes for Vernon to join us he instructed. Vernon kissed Tim, Caryn and Ingrid soundly. Caryn must have wilted under the kiss or she'd never have admitted I suggested the theme for the decorations.

“Would you believe it was pure coincidence she ordered some of those pieces from your favorite art gallery?” I asked somewhat hopefully. “I don't suppose you'd believe she just happened to mention your name and that is why you got a card from the owner? Fine I'll confess I might have mentioned something about how we enjoyed visiting the gallery and sharing tapas with the owner. Yes that's a definite might.”

There was no escaping the kiss. A long kiss that brought back memories of making love on mountain slopes in Andalusia. Tim told me the blush answered his question. He promised to share it with Vernon later. Although the architecture was definitely cottage-style everything else was pure Andalusia. Caryn let Vernon know the gallery owner had helped her immensely. When Vernon commented on calling to thank the owner Caryn got him on the line while the kids distracted Vernon. Then she handed the phone to Vernon without a word. Tim led him to a chair and sat on his lap when Vernon started to get tears in his eyes. I knew how he felt. This had been my reaction when I called ten days ago to introduce Caryn to the gallery owner.

“For somebody who professes not to know much about interpersonal relations you keep coming up with one wonderful surprise after another.” Leslie said. “So tell me honestly how did Caryn and your friend do in expressing Andalusia?”

“They nailed it perfectly even down to the kitchenware and cookware.” I said. “She's going to receive something very special when we return to London.”

“Thank you Rohan but I didn't do it alone.” Caryn said. “That old man was so sweet and helpful. He got another local business to sell me the kitchenware. I pretty much furnished the entire place from shops in that area. A town called Jerez mostly Leslie.”

“Vernon is so lucky. He can step outside and be in England while indoors he enjoys Spain.” Leslie said. “You really nailed it because now I am curious to visit this wonderful place. Maybe in a few months we'll go visit it.”

“Amatus says if we don't visit soon instead of tapas he'll only be able to eat soup.” Vernon said hugging me. “Thank you Rohan. I am deeply touched. Before I ask this wonderful young man of yours to join me in my home tonight I'd like to ask if you wouldn't mind? I know he is free to choose but the house is also finished today.”

“We will finish the garden today or early tomorrow morning.” I said. “The church dignitaries arrive in London this afternoon. They will join us tomorrow morning. I was thinking we would get everything squared away in the morning. Then I would bless the house and farm. I'll gladly bless your cottage as well if you wish. After lunch I will have my meeting with the dignitaries while the boys catch up on some weapons training. I'd like it if you helped Tim and Tracy.”

“My pleasure and I'll gladly take you up on your offer to bless my cottage.” Vernon said. “Well Tim would you like to join me for my first night in my new home? I don't cook as well as Rohan but I think we can conjure up something edible.”

“I'd be honored Vernon.” Tim said. “My Love we really need to return to London soon. I am out of clothing.”

“A lot of the gang are going back tonight.” I said. “They will travel back with the dignitaries in the morning. I have no idea who is staying. Tracy will most probably stay to keep an eye on me. Now we need to get these kids fed.”

Burgers, fries and left over cake drenched in custard was our lunch. We thanked the kids. I even stood in line to hug and kiss them. Benjamin would return tomorrow with the others. Two hours later Sanne declared the garden done as best we could under the circumstances. What I hadn't planned on was the mass exodus. The gang knew they would be driving to London, sleeping and coming right back tomorrow but there was a lot of luggage to collect. Tracy, Adam and Morgan were the only ones staying with me at the house. Tim was spending the night with Vernon.

The six of us took a stroll through the garden. Despite being created in a mere two days it looked wonderful. I was certain Sanne would tweak it tomorrow but I liked it already. Vernon spotted the lavender and rosemary beneath a gazebo. He thanked Tim. We found an open bench with the same herbs around it. This was in the herb garden area. A beer at the grill area before we said our goodnight I decided. I channeled a song to end the day for all of us.

Our clothes got washed again when we made it to the house. The three of us explored the coffee shop and kitchen while our clothes were in the washer. Time to introduce ourselves at the local pub I thought. We chose the nearest pub so it was no surprise the construction guys had frequented it. I had a second helping of fish and chips. Then we played darts for a few hours so I could sample their drinks menu. Allowing Adam and Morgan to join in the sampling even with singles left them unsteady on their feet. They managed to keep it together but definitely appreciated me wrapping an arm around them on the walk home. Tracy wisely chose a room on the floor above us.

“You're cute and drunk in a bedroom with Rohan.” Tracy said. “Even the orphanage kids can predict what's going to happen in there soon.”

“Hmm I wonder if a perverted pater would like to take advantage of drunk little old me?” Adam asked. “Dad you've always done chi healing on us before bedding us when we've had too much to drink. I'd like to try drunk sex. We'll discuss your fee in the bedroom. Tracy doesn't need to hear it. Good night, Tracy. Let's have a sing-a-long Dad. Yo-ho-ho I've had too much rum. Now my dad will fuck my drunken bum.”

Tracy laughed as she headed up the stairs. I groaned and asked if there was a spare bed up there. My personal assistant was way too smart to try to rescue me from my fate. Morgan closed the door firmly behind us. There was only one way this night was going to end and that was in a sweaty mess of cum. Sometimes you simply have no choice but to wallow in the mud. I'd muddle their middles something good I vowed scooping him off the ground.

“You'll be hitting the high notes soon.” I predicted. “I am going to drill and fill some drunken ass. Guess whose ass?”

“Well it's not Tracy's because Brother Michael isn't here.” Adam said counting off on his fingers. “Tim is with Vernon. The other scurvy knave is in London. Can I take the removal of my clothing as a clue? Even a drunk lad like me can figure it out now. Thanks Pater dear. Now press home your advantage. Fine I'll wait until you're naked. Let me roll over so you have a clear view of the target area.”

“The surrounding slopes are lovely but the target area remains hidden from view.” I said shedding clothes quickly.

“Can you see the bullseye now Pater?” Adam asked spreading his cheeks. “Giving me the finger is a good answer. I love a man of action.”

“Even if those actions are the debauched actions of a pet pervert?” I asked climbing up to kneel behind him.

“Loving perverted debauchery is the best sort.” Adam said. “Fuck I'm drunk if I can get those big words out. Does my pervert Pater have something big out? I'll take your big finger and raise you another. Very nice Dad.”

Watching my three fingers sliding in and out of him I had to agree it was very nice. He'd released his cheeks so they were nice and round all about my fingers. I grabbed hold of his left cheek with my left hand. Squeezed the flesh. Struck the flesh with the palm of my hand. Groped his ass some more. Adam lay with his head turned to the side kissing Morgan. He was groaning in pleasure. Letting go of his ass I pulled his right arm back up when he tried to reach down beneath himself.

“That's for me to play with not you.” I said. “You don't get to play. You get played.”

“Any chance of playing something a little more upbeat?” Adam asked. “Playing at beating me is good.”

Swatting his cheeks with my free hand was nice. The blows caused his hole to tighten around my fingers. I could only hang on for two dozen smacks before the thought of my cock being squeezed by his hole proved too hard to resist. Adam groaned at the sudden emptiness my withdrawal created. Letting him suffer the emptiness a little longer I rimmed the boy for several minutes. Face buried in a boy's ass minutes away from fucking it is a very pleasant experience. I stopped the spanking while I ate.

Placing a trail of kisses up his spine I finally reached his neck, cheek and ear. Grabbing a pillow I slipped in under his hips while kissing him. Reaching own I took my cock in hand and guided it in to him. There is always a wonderful feeling of power when I guide my cock in to a boy. His lying there waiting without any attempt to flee is so fucking hot. The offering of his body for me to stuff, grind and fill with my seed turns me on and always will. Keeping my fingers wrapped around my shaft I fed my cock to his ass.

“Oh fuck yes!” Adam groaned. “Fuck me Dad! I love you! Oh damn that feels so good. Why do other boys wait? They're mad.”

“Unlike you they might not have found the right partner.” I said. “They might lack your honesty or the support of their family. Yes like Clifton.”

“This drunk sex is so hot.” Adam said. “I feel so relaxed. So loved. A pity about the tears.”

“I think they're sexy like the rest of you.” I said kissing them away as the ran down his cheek. “Time to get you cock-side up. My balls are about to erupt.”

“Yours aren't the only ones.” Adam said as I flipped him over. “Race you!”

A race I won by two squirts. Only when victory was mine did I lend him a hand with his orgasm. Stroking his pumping cock brought our play to a lovely ending. Rolling over on the bed I settled him above me while I licked him clean. Adam smiled when I told him he tasted as good as he looked. Funnily enough he looked good enough to eat. I held off on eating him until I'd done chi healing on him in the shower. Then I did eat him and Morgan. A forceful double-team. Anybody would have thought they were trying to eject something poisonous from their balls. I loved them banging against my chin. The second load tasted as good as the first.

“Tracy called for some help.” Tim said entering our room the next morning.

“I'll kiss her thanks when I can walk in a week.” Adam promised from beneath me. “His second my fourth. Two by mouth.”

“Yours don't count.” I said humping him. “Well don't just stand there feed me. I don't care which end. Be quick. I won't hold out for much longer.”

“Thank the gods.” Adam said. “I should have stayed drunk. Tim I'll tell you in the shower if we ever get there.”

“Roll Adam over.” Tim said while lubricating my hole. “I want to fuck you.”

“I've meant to let you know my ass has felt somewhat neglected recently.” I said kissing him thank you.

My mate set about putting that right with a lot of vigor. Adam promised Tracy two kisses for sending Tim in to finish us both off. Such a vigorous fucking cannot last long but it sure as fuck was fun while we lasted. I got my lips around Morgan so he wouldn't feel neglected. The messy ending provided some fun as well. Adam almost wept with relief when I slung him over my shoulder and announced it was time for a shower.

“Rohan I kept waiting for things to quieten in your room but it didn't happen.” Tracy said when we joined her and Vernon in the coffee shop. “You're welcome for the rescue Adam but I think these two guys deserve a kiss.”

“Who want's a latte or a mocha?” I asked busying myself at the espresso machine. “We need to test the coffee. Morgan it is good to end a nice meal with a shot of espresso so I had to learn how to do it properly. Steaming the milk is trickier so let me warm up a smidge to hold the espresso.”

Adam, Morgan and Tim paid close attention as I explained how to adjust the grinder. A good rule of thumb is to start at twenty-five seconds for your shots. Then adjust according to taste and bean. Allow yourselves five minutes to get it right I advised. I let them sip the first few that weren't quite right so they could tell the difference. Morgan made the espresso for Tracy and Vernon's drinks. Tracy had a mocha. Vernon asked for a cappuccino. Tim got the espresso for his and Adam's drinks. They joined Tracy in a mocha. I made myself a latte. They sipped their drinks while I cleaned and shut down the machine. Caryn had stocked the shop with paper cups so we enjoyed our drinks on the way to the farm. I made us some breakfast burritos to enjoy while we waited for the others to join us.

“Hello Lance.” I said scooping him up in my arms. “Is Scotland still above England? You haven't hidden her in your cottage?”

“My home isn't that big.” Lance said. “Charles' home isn't big enough to hide a whole country. No I haven't tried. Griogair says we can't fit Scotland in Charles' house so it's true.”

“Yes we can trust Griogair to tell the truth.” I said. “He's very wise.”

“Rohan stop keeping this handsome boy to yourself and go say hello to your friends.” Vernon said reaching for Lance. “Would you like to see the new home Rohan made for me? Tim tells me he helped make you a nice home. I'd love to see your pictures. We'll find a place to sit inside so Sanne doesn't put us to work in her garden. I work at the hotel with the treehouses for a little while longer. Then I am leaving to enjoy some rest and help Tim here. I like Tim a lot as well.”

The gang had enjoyed breakfast on the road. Petersen had brought some chefs with him to train in the new kitchen. That way he could test it and teach at the same time. They would start with tea. I let him know the others were all requesting scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream with their tea. A hankering for the teahouse in Blyth I explained. Leif headed to the garden right away with Sanne. I led Nancy, Charles and the dignitaries to Vernon's cottage.

“Lance needed a refill on his hot chocolate and I haven't had any today.” Vernon explained when we found them at the stove. “He's doing a great job.”

“We even have this special thermim er thing to keep the milk from burning.” Lance said. “I'll have to show you it later when I can take it out of the milk. Mama please remind me to buy one for Fionola on the way home. Rohan you don't need to buy me one because I have too much money saved. There's two hundred pounds in my account. Nobody lets me buy anything. They pay for everything I need. Charles even pays me for helping the others. Please tell him I don't mind helping without pay.”

“He has become a great gardener.” Charles said. “I'm sure he would love to go shopping with Sanne for some gardening books this afternoon. Nancy can go with and see Winchester while we take care of Order business. Naturally I heard about Tim's bout. Every bully in school wanted to test me because of my title. They will want to test him and the boys because of their links to you. Their schooling can take an extra year if it must but this can't wait.”

“Enough business talk.” Nancy said. “Do you mind if we poke around without you Vernon?”

“Go ahead.” Vernon said. “We're almost finished.”

“We need to go find Ingrid and Caryn. Please excuse us.” I said taking hold of Tim's hand. “We'll be serving tea soon but somebody will be over to fetch you.”

“After you've sampled a few dozen scones for us.” Layla predicted.

“They are trainee chefs so I feel honor bound to test them before serving them.” I said. “You're all very special to me. I don't mind the extra work.”

Phyllis, Sam, Caryn and Ingrid were soon rounded up. Smartphones at the ready we did a tour of the place. Tim let us know Vernon couldn't think of anything he was missing in the cottage. A plaque to thank Bram and Sanne for their help was the first item on our shopping list. Alida would be able to let us know how to spell their last name. A gong or bell for the barn to help call the others for meals was next on the list. Petersen would check the coffee shop and house kitchen then give them a list of any missing items but it seemed unlikely because Caryn had bought everything on the list he'd given her.

“I am having trouble understanding what you find so difficult about the simple phrase no chemicals ever.” Sanne was saying hotly to a monk. “You may lose part of a crop while the natural protectors or your other plants grow to take care of the problem but there is nothing here that needs spraying. Citrus trees might need a light spraying once a year but we aren't growing any here.”

“Do you have any trouble with the phrase 'no chemicals ever' Sister?” I asked a nun standing behind the monk.

“Sister Colleen. No Sir. I can't stand the thought of using them.” Sister Colleen said.

“Good. Sanne please meet your new head gardener Sister Colleen.” I said. “Christopher will arrange for another monk to take this gentleman's place. He is going to work on another garden and learn more about organic gardening or find another profession. Sister Colleen to prevent any misunderstanding Sanne will teach you her system. Everything from when to plant and harvest to where and how to set up a composting place. What to compost. What not to compost. When to trim the hedges. Sanne you need to include the to go cups from the coffee shop. There are some made from a vegetable plastic I'm told we can compost but that's your call.

Garth I'm glad you and Christopher decided to let us know tea is ready. This monk needs a little counseling. He's revealed he isn't very keen on organic gardening so I've suggested a career change. He might just need some counseling to find his misplaced humility and faith in organic methods. That's for you to decide but this is food and I won't have any surly energy near it. Be cheerful or be gone.

Sister Colleen is now the head gardener. She told me she doesn't have the knowledge or experience. I was going to ask Sanne to take Lance shopping for some gardening books this afternoon and explore Winchester. Maybe Sister Colleen can join you. A library of gardening books will be very nice to have here. Sister Colleen you will gain experience by working here.”

“Rohan pays me a ridiculous hourly rate and I've put in this garden with the others from the ground up over the last two days.” Sanne said. “Sister Colleen it would be my pleasure to work as a consultant for you. I will give you my contact details. We will be down the road for a week. Rohan has promised me a visit during the week but call me with questions or problems. Rohan can we use your housekeeper's debit card or is this charged to different card?”

“You can use this one.” Tim said handing over a card. “I have sparring today but tomorrow morning before we leave I will set up accounts or leave card numbers at the stores around town. That way if you need anything you can go ahead and place the order. Christopher I'll need your help. I don't know what the Order pays for and what I need to pay. Yes this is a gift so the cost of the properties, the construction and other stuff is on me. All the expenses up until we leave tomorrow for the hotel.”

“Tim it is a very generous gift and I know your project won't earn you any money for a while.” Christopher said. “The Order is happy to cover any bills you might be responsible for until your Blyth project generates an income. I will place an accountant in charge of these properties and businesses. He can set up the necessary accounts in Winchester. You have done more than enough. You need some down time. Please let Edgar know to expect his call. We will share the accounting records with Edgar so you will know if this is something profitable enough to repeat elsewhere.”

“You might have given away a goldmine.” Garth said. “I'm sure Edgar will be able to include expenses like loan repayments that we won't have thanks to you. The profits might be inflated otherwise.”

“Garth I hope I have given you guys a goldmine.” Tim said. “You took me in when I had nobody just like Nancy and Charles took in Lance. Whatever income this generates will never be enough to repay you. Shall we go have a spot of tea and a scone or two?”

“Truly as wise as he is cute.” Tracy agreed with me. “I don't think he meant one or two dozen though.”

“That's okay he will grow wiser as your influence rubs off on him.” I said. “Tracy the parts of me that rub off on him have never been called influence.”

Tea got served in the yard. The tables and benches came apart for easy storage and setting up. There were different sizes in the storage shed Sam told us. Pieces slipped though other pieces and were held in place with wedges. All you had to do was take out the wedges and everything could be dismantled in seconds. Bram modestly explained it was a system in use during Medieval times when the nobility traveled. They needed furniture that folded flat for transportation. Wedges were cheaper than nails. The scurvy knaves thought it was very clever.

“Tim we have a wonderful garden just over there by those hedges.” I said waving a half-eaten scone in that direction. “Behind those hedges we will soon have a vegetable farm growing. Don't you think it would be nice to have some flowers in this yard?”

“You're right this does look a little sparse.” Tim agreed. “What do you suggest?”

“We have two very good gardeners on hand who might be talked into helping us if the number of kisses were right.” I said smiling at him. “Sanne gave a gift of her time to create the garden. Bram's given the grill area. I think it is only fair I'm allowed to give the gift of flowers for the yard.”

“That does seem fair as long as you stay off my turf.” Tim said. “I'll give you a dose of what-for with a mace if you try to start a range war here.”

“What we need is an impartial surveyor or two.” I said. “The gardener working on each of our parcels of land might be a good choice. She'll know how to divide it up. Yes Sanne I noticed you looking around in horror while we were having tea. Use this card for the yard.”

“And this card for my area.” Tim said. “They're company cards so you shouldn't have a problem. They can call the office to confirm it's okay if they want. You have our cellphone numbers.”

“You guys are the best to work for. I suppose Tim's range is around Vernon's cottage.” Sanne said. “Vernon we must have a chat about your garden. I have to agree with Tim a home isn't complete without a garden and you did agree to let him take care of the home. He seems to have you over a barrel metaphorically speaking. Only the two of you can decide if that applies literally as well.”

“The lucky man.” Adam said with a sigh. “Layla I've always wondered what it would be like for somebody to have me over a barrel. The closest I've gotten is over a knee. When our next dividend comes in from one of our businesses I'll have to buy dad a barrel for his playroom.”

Sanne and her gardening crew led Vernon over to his cottage to discuss the garden. The gang helped clear the table and load the dishwashers. Then Petersen kicked us out of the kitchen. I got permission to chat with the dignitaries in the grill area if we stayed in the far corner.

“All the wounded from Sunday are doing well.” Layla began. “The nun has asked us to convey her thanks to Tim for supporting the weight of the shield. Christopher was quite graphic in his explanation of how bad things would have been if Tim hadn't acted the way he did. She is an ex-lover of the monk who attacked you. All she knew is you broke his ribs and jaw so she was trying to get some measure of revenge. Donat let her chat with the monk through instant messenger. He explained your kindness and she feels bad about picking on Tim.”

“Tell her it all worked out for the best.” I said. “Tim has more confidence. I got to stretch and dance with Dabulamanzi again. Her broken arm is the worst part of it all. She's healing well? Good. What about the other three?”

“Cibor is having Hospitallers counsel them.” Chen said. “They are really good in their chosen fields. I know you believe bullies are deeply wounded emotionally. We took this opportunity to get them some help with those wounds. The rest is up to them.”

“Rohan we'd like to return and visit the projects in Katowice and Kraków if you don't mind?” Layla said. “Donat and Kasper told us so much about it. They also told us about this incredible garden Darius is growing where nothing can grow.”

“When were you planning on visiting?” I asked.

“We'd like to spend a couple of days here and up in Blyth to see Tim's projects.” Hafiz said. “Since there isn't much going on here now it might be best to visit Poland and return Thursday. That way the monks and nuns will have set up their routines.”

“I'm bringing Sanne back to check on the garden and can join you on Thursday.” I said. “This will also give Tim an opportunity to meet the monks and nuns. You guys are doing a lot of traveling back and forth.”

“Rohan we had to visit for the blessings and handing over of the gift.” Dabulamanzi said. “This is a short visit but the next one will be a week or ten days. We'd love to stay at your home in Poland. Natalia and Kazimierz will be able to fill us in on what you've been up to. Yes we'll check in with Wincenty as well.”

“We'll also take you up on your offer of the use of your car but we'll rent one as well.” Chen said. “That way we can cover more ground. We'll be arriving tomorrow night and return to London Wednesday evening.”

“Sunrise meditations, sparring and breakfast are all we will be able to get in tomorrow.” Layla said. “Then we drive to London and fly to Poland. We lose two hours traveling east so our two-hour flight is an effective four hours of travel.”

I made a quick call to let Natalia know my friends would be staying at the house. She asked Layla to call her once they knew what time they'd be arriving so she could have a meal ready for them. No trouble she insisted. The gossiping would make it all worthwhile. Layla laughed delightedly when I repeated Natalia's comment about how Polish women loved to gossip. I had warned her of Dabulamanzi's appetite. She would cater for him like she did for me.

When Layla told me she had an update on the Andes project I asked her to wait until lunch so the others could hear it. Petersen told us we had about an hour until lunch so we joined Alida and Abby. They were getting the flowers in around the yard. Sanne, Tim, Vernon and some of the gang were taking care of Vernon's garden. The flowers made such a difference for a relatively small investment. Petersen was calmly teaching Lance how to make very special hot chocolate in a huge pot. Lawrence took a picture from way back so the flash wouldn't give us away. When Leif saw the picture he kissed Lawrence. Yes it was a very touching picture of Petersen standing with his arms around Lance who sat on a stool. We all had hot chocolate as our first course.

Layla gave us an update on the Andes project while we drank our hot chocolate. We wheeled in the flat screen TV from the dorm area so the pictures and video could be seen by all. The helicopter was very impressive. Even Tracy was in awe of it because she had bought it without seeing it. She had trusted the guys on the ground and her faith wasn't misplaced. The boys couldn't wait to go for a ride. Petersen thought sparring inside a helicopter would be fun. I had to agree. All of us enjoyed watching as a large prefabricated section got lifted into place. The use of local, natural materials made the structure blend in with the mountain as if it was camouflaged. The rooms would be on the side of the mountain so everybody had a view over the edge. Layla showed us some pictures of the view.

Smoothies took the place of vegetables for our lunch of chili dogs. Petersen had called ahead and asked the Order chefs to prepare the chili. Naturally he had tweaked it this morning. Sweet potato fries and coleslaw were the sides. The perfect meal for our day. Petersen complimented Bram on his grill area. We laughed when Leif told him to stay out of the construction business because he worked so quickly he'd never make any money. All of us were still amazed at how quickly it got built.

The last of the planting got done after lunch so our food could settle. Then the boys got ready for their sparring lessons. The others headed off to see the town. Caryn and Ingrid went to look over the house one last time. This time I insisted we sit in the dorm lounge so I wouldn't be tempted to watch the sparring. There wasn't a lot of stuff we needed to discuss. A few joint projects between the regions they wanted to me to check. There were one or two promotions and commendations they felt would be best coming from me. I had a look at the annual financial statements for each region. We were doing very well.

“I have a special report to make.” Garth said entering the room with a tray of cookies and a pot of tea. “Chen you will find this most interesting. We have been working on a secret project for Rohan. He asked us to look into our traditional spiritual paths like the Druids and such in Europe to see if we had our own version of Tai Chi. Initially it was proving a fruitless search because of the lack of written material. Then one of our monks made an inspired connection.

He was watching a video Lawrence had made of Rohan and Lao doing Tai Chi at the cabin. A nun commented that it looked like a very beautiful dance. The monk had the wonderful idea of studying traditional dances from all over Europe. Rohan you unknowingly started a romance. The nun and the monk have danced for hours every day since they saw that video. Christopher gave them a special dispensation and budget to travel wherever they needed. Here's their report.”

The report consisted of videos showing them dancing. They had wisely changed out of their robes so we could see the steps. Alongside the video was a sketch of the foot placement for each dance. What was interesting was how the Irish and Scottish dances matched one from Spain while the Britons did a dance that was almost identical to one from Germany, Austria and Hungary. Our clever duo had traced these dances through the centuries so we could see how close they stayed true to the original. Fashion necessitated a change in some of the steps. People in large skirts couldn't stand as close together and some of the steps got dropped.

“We have to try these dances.” I said excitedly. “The oldest known versions. Where are these amazing people now? Somebody has to teach us the dances.”

“They're off in Romania I believe.” Garth said. “Don't worry Rohan we felt the same as you and had them come back to teach others the dances. We wanted to make certain this would have the same effect as the Tai Chi. When we began this project we had monks and nuns take Tai Chi classes throughout Europe. They approached their teachers with the new steps and asked them to try the sequences. The teachers weren't told it was a dance. They were all surprised to hear it was a Western Tai Chi sequence.”

“Holy cow! I have something to give Lao.” I said so excited I couldn't stay seated. “When I bump into those two I believe I'll bed them both. Yes Layla even the lass.”

“Yes Chen I'll warn them right away.” Garth promised. “They might come up with another way for you to reward them Rohan. I'll be certain to check with them the next time they call. Some of the others they taught the dances to will be joining us for dinner. I thought it would be fitting for them to teach us on the night we blessed this project and accepted the gift to the Order.”

“Looks like Rohan intends to practice his reward for the other two on Garth.” Dabulamanzi said when I lifted Garth into my arms for a very sound kiss.

“So glad you think I'm brilliant.” Garth said. “Rohan another kiss and I'll have to drag Christopher away from the boys for an hour. You've got me nicely primed for the post sparring shower. I'd love to spar with you Rohan if your meeting is over.”

“Rohan is too excited to continue any meeting.” Hafiz said. “I'd like to stretch a bit. Let's go see what we can do to help. Rohan do you have any Frisbee on hand?”

“I don't think so but we have shoppers in town with my debit card.” I said smiling. “Good idea Hafiz. The nuns and monks working here will enjoy having them around.”

Sanne promised to see how many she could get for me. I saw the others were working with the short sword so we decided to work with them. Christopher had brought some from London for us to use. There was enough for all of us. I decided we would partner Tim, Tracy and the boys. That way they could practice attacking or defending against us as their instructor wanted. Once their lesson was over we would have at each other. The others kindly agreed to help. They told me it would be a nice way to warm up. Tim grinned at me when Vernon scolded me for being sloppy in my posture. I wasn't setting a good example. We didn't want Tim to imitate such a sloppy stance did we? Vernon swore an elephant glided across the ground better than me. Apparently somebody needed a refresher course about bringing honor to his teacher.

“What are you lot grinning at?” I asked the other dignitaries who were watching my scolding with delight. “Wait until we spar in a bit. I'll give you what-six through what-nine. See if I don't.”

Working with Tim was wonderful but we had agreed to switch so I left him with a farewell kiss and move on to spar with Tracy. She was working on keeping her movements minimal with Christopher. The rolling hands with short sword came naturally to her. Christopher was so happy to find a student who loved it as much as him. I promised to send Tracy over for regular training with him. He also made me promise I would work with her on this technique.

Petersen wisely had the boys working without shields so they could spar longer. We switched partners every five minutes because they had been at it for a while. Lawrence was moving between them and recording their training for analysis later. When we finished working with all of them Petersen went inside to supervise tea. Garth agreed fifteen minutes of sparring before tea would be perfect.

Vernon sat with the boys, Tim and Tracy so he could offer insights. I'd asked him to help Tim with the strategy involved in these bouts. Sparring with Garth would allow them to see how Garth fought against a bigger guy. Garth had worked tirelessly on getting his technique right with each parry or strike. The results showed as he held me off for a long time. The only area he needed to brush up on was his timing. One of his thrusts started a fraction late which allowed my thrust to get through before his. I had moved a little to the side before thrusting so his just missed me.

“That was a lot of fun.” I said wrapping an arm around Garth's shoulders. “You fought well. I am glad the boys got to see such good technique.”

“Excellent technique Garth.” Vernon complimented him. “I'll get Lawrence to edit Rohan out of the video so the boys don't get confused.”

“They're bright enough to know to learn from Garth. Let's save Lawrence the extra work” Christopher said. “A very good bout.”

The shoppers had returned loaded down with gardening books. Lance was very excited because he had found two books on gardening in Scotland. Sanne had pointed out some books that taught the basics. Nancy told us Sanne was going to help them set up a small vegetable garden next to their home so Lance could practice. He had also purchased himself and Fionola a thermometer. Petersen complimented him on his choice. Lance confessed Caryn had given him the name of the good ones from the list Petersen had given her for the coffee shop.

“There's an open patch of ground behind those hedges that might just be big enough for us to have lots of fun in Dabulamanzi.” I said with a grin. “Why don't we pretend we're in Africa for a bit? You might even prove somewhat of a challenge.”

“Might? I seem to recall the score is four to three in my favor.” Dabulamanzi said with a grin. “I think that patch will do. Better enjoy it before they turn it into a garden.”

“Dylan he only has the lead because he kept setting those damn mosquitoes on me.” I explained. “Very bad form to beat the head guy in front of all his warriors. They had me outnumbered. Does anybody have a toothpick for Dabulamanzi?”

“I do.” Vernon said. “Dabulamanzi this sword needs a good workout. I would be honored if you used it to teach Rohan a lesson.”

“The lesson will have to wait until we get dinner in the oven.” Petersen said. “I'm not missing this bout. My assistants deserve to see it as well. Rohan we are doing roasts for dinner. Some of the dancers are also chefs. The others know how to cut vegetables.”

“We can help as well.” my housekeeper said.

Vernon opened the sword case when we were all gathered behind the garden hedge. The sword was a beauty. Forged in Spain it sparkled even in the weak sunlight of a British autumn. Dabulamanzi was grinning broadly after a few practice swings to get the feel of it in his hands. He kindly complimented me on my claymore. Moving well away from the spectators we faced off to do a traditional warrior's dance before our battle. The moment we slammed our foot on the ground for the last step Dabulamanzi swung at me.

“Yes!” I shouted as slipped under the blow.

I'd have to embody water if I wanted to have any chance against the fire of Dabulamanzi. He was big enough to hold a lot of African heat in his frame. Columba or Benjamin might be able to match his strength but I wasn't willing to put mine up against his yet. Despite being almost as tall as my sons the broadsword seemed like a rapier in Dabulamanzi's grasp. The pace of his attack was incredible.

The instinctive footwork and patterns of my Tai Chi were all that saved me three or four times. Even before I was aware of it I was weaving through a sequence. My claymore deflected some of the blows. A lot of the time I was weaving away or slipping under the blows. I could only weather the initial storm. There was no thought of attack for the first seven or eight minutes as Dabulamanzi kept up the pressure. He caught me with a body slam that knocked me off my feet. I rolled with it and put some space between us. Dabulamanzi was rushing me even as I started to come out of the roll so I tucked into another one and rolled back past him.

When Dabulamanzi spun around I was on the attack. Brute strength would get me nowhere so I used a lot of thrusts to keep him off-balance. The claymore was too heavy to keep jabbing for long. I had to put my body weight behind the strikes. Angles and circles Lao had told me during our Tai Chi lessons. The high ground is not always found in a piece of land he had told me cryptically. Speed was my advantage. I couldn't allow Dabulamanzi to start dictating the pace again.

Thrusting up at his chest and face I forced him to bring his sword up to block my attack. Then I suddenly dipped the point of my claymore and thrust at his calf. The thrust was no more than a feint. Putting my body behind the strike made it seem as if I was fully committed but I had relaxed my arms. I was holding the sword too lightly. The slightest contact from Dabulamanzi's sword would have knocked mine from my grasp. Waiting until the last instant I rolled my sword around and under his attempted parry. Bringing it back up underneath his arms I cut across his body from hip to shoulder. My stroke ended with the tip of the claymore resting lightly on his shoulder.

“The score is level.” Dabulamanzi said calmly. “Well fought Rohan. You bring honor to our tribe.”

“I learned from the best.” I said withdrawing my sword. “You embody the honor of a nation. One day my honor may grow from a child to a man like yours has. Well fought kaBhekuZulu. Bayete Dabulamanzi. Bayete.”

“That's Dabulamanzi's official title Dylan.” Layla said. “Bayete is a traditional royal salute. KaBhekuZulu means prince of the blood. Yes Charles your friend the queen would greet him as visiting royalty but Dabulamanzi prefers not to make too much of it. Rohan only used it here because it was such a good match.”

“Rohan is a lot stronger than when we last sparred with him.” Chen said. “Rolling the claymore like that for an underhand strike takes phenomenal wrist strength. Catherine the Order will be forever in your debt if you take him up on the offer of that gym. Yes some of the credit goes to Lao but you also contributed and did the physical training. We know it wasn't easy to keep on after some of the incidents. Thank you. Will you allow me to treat you to a beer? Good. I feel the need for one.”

“He was holding it too lightly.” Vernon said. “Any of the boys could have knocked it from his grasp.”

“Yes they could have if they'd made contact.” Hafiz said. “I don't think they could have if Dabulamanzi couldn't. You saw how fast he was with your sword. Rohan set that up nicely. I think he is learning a lot more from Lao than just some fancy new footwork.”

“Are you happy with the exercise your sword got Vernon?” Layla asked. “Good. I think we'll let them go shower now. None of us want to spar after that bout. Chen's idea of a beer sounds very good right now. May I treat you to one Vernon? We'll be out at the grill area.”

“Tim will you get us a beer and join us at Vernon's cottage please?” I asked. “After fighting with man-mountain I need somebody to help wash my back.”

Three beers and fresh clothing for me in hand Tim caught up to us as we were about to enter the cottage. Vernon was honest enough to say he didn't like the loose grip I had on my sword but conceded Hafiz had made a valid point. I promised to speak to Lao about it to see what I could have done. Tim reminded me Lawrence had recorded the bout so we could send it to Lao. Vernon asked if we could do that and arrange to talk with Lao tomorrow.

“While Tim helps wash my back why don't you give Lao a call and ask him.” I suggested. “True he might not answer if you use your phone. One of the scurvy knaves can get hold of him for you. My guess is he will say it has to do with circles and angles. A comment of his that came to mind during the fight.”

Vernon wisely chose to go the find the boys and leave us to shower alone. He insisted there was no need to text them and ask them to come over to the cottage. I agreed Tracy would be over soon so we'd better get in the shower.

“Tell me Scoundrel how do I wash your back when I'm pinned between your chest and the wall?” Tim asked a few minutes later.

“You don't.” I said. “Timing is everything and obviously now is not the time for back washing.”

“Obviously.” Tim agreed as I fucked him. “More like a stabbing of my backside. Perfectly fine by me. Have I mentioned you were magnificent out there? Only twice? Well let me say it again. You were magnificent out there. You are also doing a magnificent job inside me.”

“Sex after a bout is always so fucking good with you.” I said slamming into him. “I love you, Tim. My hot, desirable lover.”

“Please Scoundrel can I?” Tim asked. “I really need it now. Three blowjobs it will be. Gods it isn't fair to negotiate in such a state.”

“I like it.” I said enjoying what him jacking off was doing to me.

Fucking a boy who is jacking off is a very pleasurable experience. Especially when you are tall enough to look over his shoulder. Watching his hand stroking his soapy cock while feeling his ass clamping down on me was incredible. I knew I wouldn't last long but I gritted my teeth determined to hold out until he got off. My resolve was no match for the sight and sensations. I exploded two strokes before him. Maybe it was the sex or it might have been the fight but I left the shower on very weak legs.

“Reaction to the fight and having my back washed.” I said to Tracy. “Once I get some food inside of me I'll be fine.”

“Looks like Dabulamanzi is having the same delayed reaction.” Tim said as we watched him step out of the dorm area leaning on Sister Colleen.

“You know I thought there was something I was forgetting when I stepped out of the shower.” Sister Colleen said with a grin when Tim asked if she'd enjoyed her back washing chore as much as him. “Dabulamanzi you were kind not to point out my failing but now we will have to take a second shower before bed so I can wash your back.”

“Honor demands she fulfill her duty Dabulamanzi.” I said. “You could have hinted. Actually Tim did wash my back. He was multitasking.”

“You just wrap your legs around his hips and have him step in close.” Tim explained to Sister Colleen. “Reach around and scrub-a-dub-dub. Try it and if it works well for you I'll accept an Irish coffee with breakfast as a thank you.”

“I'd never have thought there was such an art to back washing.” Tracy said. “Let's sit these two down and get some beer to pour down their throats.”

“Must be a reaction to the sparring.” Layla said. “What else could it be? I mean after such a bout it isn't likely they had the strength to frolic in the shower.”

“There wasn't much frolicking.” Tim said. “Rohan got straight to the point with his blunt instrument.”

“Point taken.” Layla said with a grin.

“Yes it was.” Tim agreed. “Oh that wasn't a question. Sorry my Love looks like I let the cat out the bag.”

“The cat was never in that bag.” my housekeeper said.

“Lao says you kept him from dying from embarrassment only because you remembered the circles and angles comment.” Vernon said with a grin. “Now if you remember the use of opposing forces in Tai Chi you wouldn't risk losing your grip on the sword. That was very embarrassing. A sign of desperation none of his students should exhibit. He knows you are busy tonight so we will chat tomorrow afternoon at five.”

“Let's go help Petersen get caught up on dinner.” my housekeeper said. “Rohan you have too much to do and not enough beer has been poured down your throat. Keep him company Dabulamanzi. We'll try to keep your royal pedigree from Leslie. She loves calling people My Lord.”

“Thank you. I find it hard enough to stay humble and modest.” Dabulamanzi said with a grin.

“I'll keep giving you what-for. That will keep you humble.” I said. “You do realize though if I have to work that hard for each lesson I will have to charge. A good shower attendant isn't cheap today. I'd admit my current one is worth way more than the seventy or eighty million he's cost but then he'd find it hard to stay humble and modest.”

“Better that you struggle to restrain yourself from singing his praises.” Dabulamanzi said raising his glass to mine. “That's part of our service as clergymen. The exercising of restraint and realizing it isn't always best to express our joy and love for those dear to us.”

“I think I'd better go help with dinner before my restraint crumbles.” Tim said. “Care to give us a hand Sister Colleen? I think Dabulamanzi plans on waiting a bit for that second shower. We also have some mystery guests arriving.”

“Those are the dancers.” Dabulamanzi said accepting another beer from Tracy.

“Really?” Morgan said. “Oh not those sort of dancers. I had such hopes for the Order. How enlightened it would have been if it saw to the spiritual well-being of those dancers. Good idea Adam let's go drown our sorrows in a half-pint.”

“Tracy keep an eye open for a strip club I can buy Morgan for his birthday.” I said. “Looks like he's found his path of service. Tracy the sooner we get him the strip club the sooner he will realize it is the patrons more than the dancers who need help.”

“He'll have to wait until his eighteen.” Tracy said. “Hard to run a business if you can't get through the door. Even in Europe it will be another three years at least before that can happen. On the plus side you have three years to get his folks to agree. Now about these dancers. Okay I will wait.”

The handing over ceremony took place in the yard. I had taken Tim aside to tell him it wasn't too late to decide to keep both the Winchester and Blyth projects. He was adamant he wanted to start by giving something to the Order. I admitted the Order had given me a lot. This was partly why he wanted to give something he explained. They helped you and if they hadn't we might not have met as soon as we did if at all Tim continued. Only after we'd had this conversation did I put on my formal robe. These properties would belong to the Order when I blessed them so I had to be in my official clothing.

Christopher accepted the keys for the cottage, the padlock on the front gate and the keys for the barn from Tim. He then handed the keys to Vernon officially signifying he was caretaker of the property. Because he wasn't a formal member of the Order there was an official employment contract signed by Christopher, Vernon and me. Standing in the center of the yard I let the others know if they knew the words to any of the songs they were welcome to join in. I was going to bless the farm. Then we would enjoy dinner and walk to the house. We would return to the farm for dessert which the dancers were bringing with them. Then we would all be learning new dances.

Like the face on the lake of my mantra experiences I let an image of the farm arise within me. Complete with buildings, fences and our newly constructed garden. While the image was forming my Lady softly sang a song of greeting. Similar to the one she sang at sunrise but with slightly different lyrics. Instead of something as ephemeral as the day here we were greeting something solid. My Lady repeated the song four times before I nodded to signify the image was complete. Then we sang a Gregorian chant of healing slightly louder. Opening my eyes I motioned Clifton over to stand in front of me. He didn't need any instruction. The moment my Lady started chanting the healing mantra he joined in. I let my hands rest on his shoulders as we chanted. Kneeling down I gave him a hug and a thank you kiss.

Then I motioned Tim and Christopher over. Now it was times for songs of thanksgiving. The old hymn of our Order was known to a few of the monks and nuns here tonight. Unsurprisingly most of them were our dancers. I couldn't do the mantra to seal it out loud but my Lady knew of a song that did the very same thing.

“Light, love and life.” I said when the song ended. “Let's eat!”

A good thing Petersen had the food ready. I admitted to Tim the timing was deliberate. The sooner people took their seats and started eating the less likely I was to be hugged and kissed. A grinning Tim led me to the door to the barn where Tracy was waiting. She made us both stand there while the others filed passed us. Each of them thanked us. Some with just a hug but most with a hug and a kiss. Leslie admitted they thought I might try something to avoid being thanked. They couldn't possible let me behave so dishonorably and still feel good about calling themselves my friends Abby added. Yes she agreed my Lady was responsible for most of what had just happened but she couldn't kiss my Lady so I'd have to pass it on. Dylan was quick to point out I got to enjoy twice as many kisses this way.

“Petersen you've outdone yourself this time.” I said after my first bite of the roast beef. “I can't remember the last time you fed me something this tasty since we spent a weekend at er uh well never mind. Sister Colleen is too young to hear such things. Sorry Sister Colleen.”

“Me too young?” Sister Colleen asked.

“I'll finish the story when you've washed a dozen backs or one back a dozen times.” I promised. “How did he get these Yorkshire puddings so light? Tracy make a note we need to work on Yorkshire puddings. Keep that mint sauce downwind of my plate please. I'm too weak to get that upset again. Dabulamanzi had to uphold the honor of his tribe. The sparring went on for ages. When his sword struck mine my teeth rattled. Thank you kind sir for this platter of mint-free lamb.”

“A pleasure Pater dear.” Adam said kissing my cheek. “The sooner you get done with dinner the sooner the second blessing takes place.”

“We're hurrying you right along so we can get to the dancing.” Morgan said. “The dancers are all very pretty.”

They did hurry me right along. I had time for one more helping and then I was leading a procession to the house. We slipped in through the back so we wouldn't disturb the neighbors too much. One again Tim handed over the keys to Christopher. There wasn't enough room for everybody inside so we crammed in to the small back garden and sun room. Mindful of the neighbors I kept the volume down. The intensity was the same. This was a gift from my husband to the Order. The first of many I guessed. He was being generous. Frederick had called to let me know this could indeed turn into a goldmine. He'd urged me to have a long chat with Tim about keeping the Winchester project. I was glad Tim had decided to focus on Blyth. Now we could watch things unfold down here without much risk. There were other towns where a similar model could be set up.

Clifton had no concept of stage fright. He joined in the chanting as relaxed as if it were just the two of us. The others joined in. I let the healing chant continue longer because this plot felt like it needed a little extra healing. On a whim I extended my vision to include the neighbors. Once we were better known to the neighbors I'd ask about doing more energy work on the entire block. Right now I did what I could and trusted the benefits of healing this much would help the rest of the land recover.

The dancers had brought pies for Petersen. He'd baked them while we ate dinner and left them to cool while we blessed the house. I headed straight for my overstuffed apple pies and a cinnamon shaker. A good two scoops of ice-cream rounded off my first serving nicely. Tim asked if I had my eye on a dancer or two when I stopped after two servings of dessert. I told him he'd understand soon enough.

We hadn't told the others about the hidden purpose for our dancing. I wanted to get an honest reaction from them tomorrow morning. The yard wasn't big enough for all of us to dance in so we carried lanterns out to the garden. There was a large area of lawn decorated with container plants. The space would be used for weddings and weddings needed a dance floor. We soon had the containers moved aside. Then we split up into smaller groups so the dancers could teach us the steps. Right from the start I could feel the same response in my body I got from Tai Chi. My Lady admitted she could have let me know about this earlier but then our dancing duo wouldn't be having the time of their lives. These dancers wouldn't have come together. The Tai Chi instructors would have missed out on learning something new. Sometimes being quiet is of greater value than speaking out.

Three hours later I had to admit it would have been a shame to miss out on a night of dancing like this one. I finally had to call it a night so the others could get some rest. Sunrise meditation was a must on our last morning. The dignitaries had to get to London. I reminded the others there were large areas of lawn at the hotel. A couple of the dancers loved the idea of sharing this with Lao. They were even more excited when Christopher told them how wonderful it was at the cabin. I let them know I would speak to Lao tomorrow and find out when he could spare a few days at the cabin.

“I'll suck his cock while you thrash and fuck him.” I said to Dylan as we admired Tim's back.

The scurvy knaves had asked me if they could thank Tim for his generosity. Dylan agreed to take Tim's place in my bed so the other two could have Tim all night. We hadn't let Tim know of our plans. He had gone along with our plan thinking the three of us would be spending the night together. Now he stood with his wrists tied to the two bedposts at the foot of the four-poster bed. I slid between his spread legs and took him in my mouth.

Dylan didn't waste any time. The moment my lips slid to the base of Tim's shaft the paddle landed with a solid thwack! Technically it was a spanking but he delivered the blows in a lengthy flurry. Dylan worked at top speed from start to finish. The end of the spanking came along with Tim. I was still swallowing the last of his load when Dylan pulled Tim down and mounted him. I kissed Tim while Dylan fucked him.

Adam and Morgan were next door so I carried Tim naked to their room. Then I tossed him on the bed.

“They'll explain.” I said. “He's all yours. We have to wake up for sunrise meditation so don't waste any time.”

I entered my room to find Dylan waiting with paddle in hand. He told me he'd never got to spank a married couple before. Tonight he planned to set that right. Now that he was more settled Dylan took his time spanking me. The sweet lad never missed a beat when my housekeeper knocked on the door to find out why our light was still on.

“I'm keeping dad up.” Dylan said. “Will you trust it is for a good reason?”

“Yes I will but don't take too long.” my housekeeper said.

“I won't.” Dylan promised immediately picking up the pace.

My ass was burning nicely when he finally brought the spanking to an end. I loved the sting in my cheeks. The feel of him entering me was pretty darn good as well. On my knees with hands bound to the bedposts I got fucked by my son. A good solid fucking I enjoyed to the full. Everything about sex with a young lover appeals to me. The vigor. The soft sounds of passion. The not-so-soft sound of his cursing as the passion grew. The wetness inside as he spent himself deep within me. The pride he felt buggering an adult clearly seen on his face after. The soaping and groping in the shower. The snuggling beneath the covers as we fell asleep.

The next morning we barely had time for double teams. I did get to drain them of their loads as we rushed our morning shower and dressing. Somehow we managed to get ready before Tracy came looking for us. There wasn't time to make coffee drinks this morning. I hurried us all along. Tim's wonderful night meant no complaints as we hurried him through the darkness of the early morning. Richard laughed when he saw how Tim had bundled himself in his winter layers. Lawrence asked if I felt as if I was shagging a bear because it didn't look like I would ever peel those layers off Tim. Quick-thinking Tim got his own back by asking Lawrence if he'd like to find out what shagging a bear was like. There was a large privacy hedge just behind him Tim pointed out. Lawrence settled for a kiss and conceded that round to Tim.

This was the first sunrise meditation with the Order owning these properties so I extended it a little. Because of my ties with Tim it was Christopher who stepped in to give a speech of thanks for Tim for gifting these properties and to the gang for their help. He made a special mention of Caryn, Ingrid, Phyllis and Sam. When I finished leading the meditation Christopher called Hafiz forward.

“Today we have much to celebrate in this area.” Hafiz said. “We are first-and-foremost a militant Order so it is only fitting we celebrate with a sparring bout. Many years ago a much thinner and much more reckless Rohan came to spend time in the melting pot of the Middle East. I'd like to say he owes his survival to the weapons training he received but credit must go to his Sufi master Ibrahim-al-Musthaq. Rohan did receive some weapons training and it is time for us to see what he remembers.

Thanks in large part to his recklessness Rohan had to leave suddenly and unobtrusively. He left many possessions behind. We managed to get most of them back to him but one item was too valuable to risk losing so I have chosen to deliver it in person. I think it would be good for us to spar with scimitars Rohan.”

“So long as you don't try to get me on the back of a mangy camel.” I said vehemently. “Prepare for a kiss if that box they are handing you holds Aydinlik.”

“Then kiss me now so we can get straight to the sparring.” Hafiz said calmly.

The kiss was to hide the tears that had formed in my eyes. For over a decade I had pined for this scimitar. A hurt in my heart I never could shake or find the motivation to work on shaking. Hafiz understood and let the kiss continue for a long time.

“Ready?” Hafiz asked. “Insha'Allah.”

“Insha'Allah.” I said accepting the gleaming scimitar.

The sword settled in my hand as though no time had passed since I last held it. A smaller scimitar designed for use on horseback or god forbid while riding a camel. Aydinlik was perfectly suited for me to use in the rolling fashion Christopher used a short sword. Hafiz had never fought against this style so the fight ended very quickly. I was lucky the fight ended with my back to the sun. The moment I disarmed Hafiz there was a flicker of a shadow on the ground. I rolled to my right just in time to avoid Layla who had attacked me.

There was too much joy and exuberance in my reunion with Aydinlik for any of them to face. My scimitar flashed in the morning sun as I flicked it around and under Layla's weapon. One minute the point of my scimitar was striking at her shoulder and in an instant it was nipping at her thigh. Rolling my wrist over and under I toyed with her for a bit. Then with a smile as I remembered Dylan's paddle flurry of last night I began a series of five thrusts that brushed aside her sword and ended with the point of mine between her breasts.

Dabulamanzi leaped at me from the front with a spear in hand. I wasn't going to retreat so I leaped forward to meet him. Using the flat of the blade I brushed the spear aside. Rolling my wrists I brought the sword across Dabulamanzi's stomach before our feet touched the ground. I thanked all three of them for welcoming Aydinlik back.

“Charles the claymore is a very special sword because of what it symbolizes but the first sword I ever truly loved was this one.” I said handing it to him. “They were challenging times but they were fun times. The sunlight glinting off the blade. The feel of the hot air against my face as we practiced cavalry techniques. The fights in the marketplace. What a time!”

“Fights?” Dylan asked with a grin.

“The sun addles the brain of many in the Middle East.” I said. “You teach one man the error of his ways and his entire family or tribe wants you to teach them the lesson. I swear they think that anybody wearing black with two legs is a member of their tribe. One of them couldn't learn the lesson quick enough. He was persistent though I'll give him that. Ultimately it was his failure to learn the error of his way that led to me having to leave. Genta helped me forgive him for separating me from my scimitar.”

“Anybody can see the love you have for this sword.” Vernon said. “May I?”

“Go ahead. Isn't she a beauty?” I said. “Tim the lack of a good beer was an omen but I tried to transform it by setting up a brewery. I know they don't have an enlightened view of alcohol over there so I kept it within the chapter house. Some monk got upset. I told him not to drink it. I wasn't stopping him from drinking water. Whenever I went out one of his relations or tribesman was there to nag me about it. Young and reckless I didn't take to nagging very well. How are the three stooges doing?”

“Still alive and scanning the horizon for your return.” Hafiz said with a grin. “Brother Mitchel still has the brewery going. He brews some good British ale. Adam thanks to Rohan I have acquired an enlightened view of beer. The monk was the one person who never learned the error of his ways despite being injured three times. Now he is no longer there Brother Mitchel has a much easier time. Dylan that particular monk tried to use our practice cavalry skirmish to kill Rohan accidentally. Rohan is here and he isn't so you can see how that worked for him.”

“Where do the three stooges come in?” Tim asked.

“They are the best fighters of that tribe.” Hafiz said. “They swore revenge when we delivered the monk to them for burial. When they threatened to ride through the streets to claim revenge on the citizens unless we handed Rohan over I thought it best if Rohan left. I let them search every chapter house. They kept watch on the chapter houses for two months before they decided Rohan had left.”

“Good fights.” I said with a smile. “Those guys could use a scimitar. A pity they insisted on riding camels but nobody's perfect. They scarred me a few times. I managed to nick them once or twice. Whenever I needed to practice my swordsmanship I would go look them up. Getting them to fight was easy Morgan. I took a tankard of beer with me and offered them a drink. Beer in the chapter house was bad enough but in public it drove them wild. Guardians of public morals are often easily aroused. Twits! Good fighters though. Hafiz please extend my best wishes and tell them I hope they are prospering.”

“Gladly.” Hafiz said. “There's little danger Tim. I will tie a note to an arrow and deliver it safely from a good distance away. Rohan might enjoy playing with them but they're better fighters than me. Especially the three of them working as a team. Christopher sends his SWAT monks over to play with them and record it. A lot of the tactics they use now we learned from the Stooges.”

“Breakfast is ready!” Petersen bellowed before ringing the bell Caryn had bought the other day. “Lovely sounding bell. Good choice Caryn.”

I promised the boys they could try out Aydinlik after we'd eaten and said our goodbyes to the dignitaries. The parting was made easier knowing they would be returning. Sanne was happy to hear we would be returning to the farm Thursday. I told Dylan we'd check availability at the hotel and if possible have the six of them join us. A short while later the dignitaries were on their way to London.

The boys knew enough from their training to recognize a fine weapon. The sword was light enough for them to use without too much effort. I wanted them to get used to heavier blades before they got a scimitar of their own. This morning I let them take turns sparring against a short sword with the scimitar. Vernon gave them some pointers on how to combat a light blade with a heavier blade. I left them to it and took a walk on the land.

“Lunch is almost ready Rohan.” Leslie said approaching with Ivan. “Anything you want to talk about or just some personal time?”

“Nothing too earth-shattering.” I said scooting up on the fallen log so they could sit next to me. “I was just thinking how nice it was to receive my scimitar on the weekend Tim handed over his gift. This stirred up memories of my time in the Middle East. Ivan it isn't a bad place if you are able to live traditionally. I mean as they lived three or five thousand years ago. The problem is we don't have too many records of this time left. I'm just going on feel.

Here in the West we seem to be reconnecting with a lot of the old wisdom. There are the dances, organic gardening and cob houses. What I'm feeling is restless. Some of the new balanced with the old is what I want and I don't feel as if I have got the balance in my life right.”

“Give it some thought while we are at the hotel.” Leslie suggested. “You can send most of us off to get a spa treatment when you need time to think. That sounds like the lunch bell. Let's head back. Sanne was giving Sister Colleen and Lance a gardening lesson using their books. Did you know you bought Lance copies of the books Sister Colleen has so they can chat and work together?”

“No I didn't but I'm glad I did.” I said. “This is a pretty piece of land. Maybe Sister Colleen can practice with small pockets scattered around the land. I wonder what Petersen has cooked up for us. Italian. He does great pasta dishes.”

The lunch was as good as I expected. The cars were already packed so as soon as we had loaded the dishes in the dishwashers and bade Leif and Petersen goodbye we were on our way. The drive was pleasant in the afternoon sunshine. I settled back with Tim in my arms to enjoy every moment between here and the hotel. My life felt enriched beyond all measure. Not bad for a pervert I thought to myself. Not bad at all.