Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2021 18:14:43 -0400 From: Eric Murphey Subject: The Premonition Part 3 Gay Adult/Youth I really got nothing to say this week. Other tha I hope you enjoy this instalment of my little fantasy. OK I lied. I always question why people put warnings on their stories. If you aren't supposed to read it in your area. Well, you would know that and obviously dont give a shit. Also why put they made it up and not real people. Really i think that my readers YOU are smart enough to realize this isnt real. Especially this one seeing as how none of what is at the start of the story has happened, and hopefully never will. OK Im done now. I again want to thank Zero for his help and suggestions. It is because of him that this story is remotely good. Also to Sparky who is one of my Beta readers for suggestions. If you havent read any of his work you should Here is his story. He has others but this is my favorite. Nifty Archive: adult-youth/boy-from-the-shed Also as ALWAYS HELP A BROTHER OUT NAMED NIFTY!!!!! Nifty Archive Alliance Donation The Premonition Section 3 Written by Eric Murphey Edited By Zero M I wake up as usual as the sun is rising and was surprised, though pleasantly so, to have Jack next to me asleep. I must have really been out of it because I didn't feel him get in with me. It makes me feel nice that he trusts me enough to come to me in the night, and that he wanted to come to me. I feel goose bumps as I think about it. My whole life I have pretty much been a loner. People like me but I don't let anyone get too close. If they do then I move on to get them away from me, either by telling them I just don't have time, or any with any plausible excuse. I guess it's because when I was young, I was, I don't want to say abused since it wasn't exactly that. Rather, it was that I was ignored and treated like an obligation instead of like a son. So even from a young age I didn't know what love truly was. I think that these boys are going to teach me. I slip the covers off of me gently and head to the restroom to release the morning flow. Once I get done, I head to my room and grab a pair of shorts. It's nearly time to break out pants as it's slowly getting chillier outside. After a bit it gets better and I don't feel so cold. I need to figure out something for the boys. Maybe I can figure out how to use some of my clothes material and make clothes for the boys with them. I do have some denim and cotton on rolls. I learned how to sew in home economics when I was in school. Everyone had to. I did buy a sewing machine but I really never figured I would use it. Its always better to have something and not need it than to really need something and not have it, especially now. I head to the kitchen as I'm thinking and see that Eddie is awake and on the couch. "Been up long?" I ask. "Not really. Maybe ten minutes." "You could have turned on the TV." "Don't get me wrong. I like watching the movies with you and the guys. But since all this happened, I learned that I relied on TV to keep me occupied. I realized that I can tell myself stories in my head which are usually a lot better." "That's really cool. You must have a good imagination." "I guess." "I'm going to make oatmeal this morning. I have brown sugar, regular sugar, and raisins. Which do you think you would like better?" "I would like the brown sugar better. But we probably need the vitamins and stuff from fruit." "That's pretty smart. I hadn't thought of that. I got some canned apples. Maybe I should cut them up instead and put little apple chunks in it?" His eyes light up. "That does sound good. I ain't had an apple in like forever." "Alright then, apples in the oatmeal," I say and go grab a can of apples. I start the water boiling, and make a some iced tea for us for later and put it in the fridge. I start humming as I cut up the apples into little chunks. I put the oatmeal into the boiling water and start to stir it. It thickens quickly. I add sugar and some cinnamon and toss in the cut up apples and stir it all in. It smells really good. "Eddie why don't you start making some toast for us?" He gets up and starts putting bread in the toaster. I have a four-slice toaster that looks all fancy and shit, but I actually got it at a garage sale for $2 and repaired it. It turned out to be a really nice toaster. I got a couple more stashed in the RV because I like toast. I also have a couple of microwaves, two deep freezes, and a half dozen dorm fridges. Cruise down a street when college kids go home and you can find all kinds of shit on the side of the road. Basically the bedroom of the RV is filled with things like that. I got the batteries in the living room area and the weed processing station in the kitchen. I won't really be needing that anymore I don't think, but I am sure we will figure out something to do with it. I do have all kinds of Ball and Mason jars filled in the cabinets. I picked a lot of them up at garage sales and auctions at old farms. People stopped canning and it is now somewhat of a lost art in most of the country. Well, now I bet they wish they had learned. America became lazy and dependent on others to make meals for them. I was guilty of buying the frozen meals too for years. I knew I had to change that habit very quickly once I moved here. As the first batch of toast pops up, Jack walks out, sits at the table, and smiles at us. "Jack, why don't you go wake Jim up. Breakfast is nearly done," I ask him. "He is in the bathroom," Jack informs me. "Cool." I make up some bowls of our experimental oatmeal, put them on the table with some spoons, and grab some Tang from the fridge. I got it as a vitamin supplement and it's kind of like orange juice. I remember eating it dry from the can as a boy, but I don't think I would do that now. We sit down and eat, and I think it is really pretty good, and the boys all agree. Once we get done with breakfast, the boys clean up. I look at my pants to see how the hell they are made. I never made pants before, but I'm confident that I can figure it out. I look at a jacket and think, "I can do that, I hope." It may look rough on the first try but looks don't matter if you're warm. I will measure the boys and start working on some clothes for them. As much as I would love them to stay naked all the time, the coming colder weather won't allow that. Eddie is the only one who opts for a loin cloth today; Jack and Jim decide to just go in the buff. Jack and I go out with Jim and Eddie to get started on weeding in the greenhouse. I just want to make sure they know what they are doing, because our survival depends on how well they do it; it's important that it is done right every time. So I watch as they do it today and when they get done I tell them they did a good job. They are proud of themselves, as they should be. We head to the garden when we are done with the greenhouse. I should have gotten chickens, I think again. I wonder if any of the farms around here are still occupied and have some chickens they might trade for something. I know there is a farm about a mile up the road. Maybe I will do a little surveillance later and see. I think it would be nice to have fresh eggs and sometimes a nice fried chicken dinner. The chicken I cooked and canned is fine, but it's not at all the same. You can't make fried chicken with it no matter how you do it. I took all the bones out of it after it was cooked and left the pieces large, but it won't fry right because it's already cooked, I guess. We get done with the weeding and I head back to the house. This time Jack and Jim run off to play in the woods. "You boys get back here by dark or I will worry," I tell them, surprising myself and knowing I really would worry. Eddie looks at me and smiles. "Eddie and I may go check something out in a little while so if you get back and we aren't here don't worry." "You want us to help?" "No, I think it's better with just two people. But I appreciate the offer, Jack." The two younger boys race off into the woods laughing. It sounds really good to hear them. Laughter isn't something I have had a lot of lately. "So what are we gonna do?" "There was a farm down the road a mile or so. I thought we would hike down there and see if anyone is still living there. I remember they had chickens and I think it would be nice to have some chickens for eggs and, well, chicken." Eddie smiles at me. "Let's get going. I don't exactly want to sneak up on them; I just want to see what's going on before we go and introduce ourselves. Because you just never know what's happening with people nowadays." "I get it. We were always really careful, too." Eddie and I walk through the woods toward where I know the house is. It takes us about an hour, being careful working our way through the woods and walking up and down the hills. If it was a street, we could have made it in 20 minutes at a walking pace. We get to the crest of a hill and I can see the little farm house below. I see a goat out in a field. If they aren't here I'm so taking that bastard! I see some movement over by a small barn, and it's the man I had seen there before. He is about 50 or so, and I see he has a gun on his hip. I grabbed mine from where it is tucked into the back of the pants I had changed into because I didn't want to get all cut up. I got a pair of my shorts and had kind of Jerry-rigged them to fit Eddie. We both needed some protection in the woods from sticker bushes, thorns, and shit that pokes you that's not a nice poke. I also got us both hoodies. It's way too big on Eddie, but it works to protect him like I wanted. I also tucked a couple things in my hoodie pocket before we left. I see his wife walk out the back door and wave at him. He smiles a nice smile at her and starts towards the house; it must be supper time. I don't want to scare them by just walking up. Eddie and I are close enough that if we stand up, he will see us. I motion for Eddie to stand up as I do. I whistle to draw the man's attention in our direction. I see him look, and when he sees us he puts his hand on his pistol. He doesn't pull it, but keeps his hand around it as we walk up. "We didn't come here to hurt you guys. We live up the road a piece and I just thought I would scout out a little and see who is still around. I'm Rick Martin by the way, and this is my son Eddie. My other two boys Jack and Jim are back at the house." I reach out my hand and we shake hands. "I'm Mike Washington. My wife is Sarah and she is in the house." "Mr Washington, I just want to let you know I do have a pistol on me. I just wanted to make sure things were safe." He smiles. "You can see I do, too." "I brought you a gift. I was hoping we still had some neighbors." "Please come in. My wife is gonna shit." When we walk in he shouts, "Sarah, we got company!!" "Ah, bullshit!!!!" she shouts back. He smiles at me. "Well, if you're naked it ain't my fault." She walks out of the kitchen topless under an apron that covers her top. "Oh Jesus Mike, I thought you were kidding!" she exclaims, and rushes back to where I guess their bedroom is. She comes back out a minute later red as a little wagon. "I am so sorry, I thought my husband was pulling my leg." "Trust me, I understand," I say while taking her extended hand. "Sarah, this is Rick and Eddie Martin." "I am so glad to meet you two. I'm so tired of this old fart I could scream," she jokes with a smile. They seem like fun people, I think. "I brought you some gifts," I say, and pull a few bags from my pocket. "I got a pound of coffee." "You got coffee?" Mike says like a kid before he gets to open his Christmas presents. "Yes," I reply and hand him the coffee. I swear I saw a tear escape his eyes. "I also brought some powdered milk and a pound of sugar as well." Sarah looks at the sugar like it's gold. I hand it to her and she stares at it. "We have been out of sugar for months," she says, and looks at me with a huge smile. Would you boys like to stay for supper?" she asks. "Thank you, but we need to get back soon since my other boys might worry if we are gone too long." "I am going to be rude and make some coffee," Mike apologizes and leaves the room. "He loves coffee. I think that's been the hardest part for him. We don't really miss the people much because we hardly went to town, maybe every couple months to get supplies. But mostly we stayed right here. He sure does miss his coffee, though." I hear him in the kitchen running some water. "I miss a few things too. Stupid things really. Like I miss fast food, being able to just drive through when I get hungry. It's stupid, but I do miss it." "We used to get some chicken on the way home from town. It was a treat not having to cook. So I understand." Sarah gestures for us to sit down on the couch and we do. Mike returns a few minutes later with a steaming hot cup of coffee. "Rick, Sarah you want a cup?" "No thank you," I say to him. "Sarah?" "No baby, you enjoy it." He takes a sip and smiles. "Want some sugar baby?" "No, it's just fine like this," he says as he takes another sip. I can tell this was the perfect gift for them. Mike looks up from his cup. "You guys need anything?" "If you had some extra eggs I don't think I would say no." "We got plenty of eggs. Plenty of chickens too. I just keep raising more. I don't know why. I figure maybe it will turn into a good thing. Hows a few dozen sound?" Mike asks, takes another sip of coffee, and smiles. "That's a lot. Are you sure you can you spare them?" "For the coffee I can spare my wife," he declares with a hearty laugh. Sarah playfully slaps his leg. "Honey, we can spare the eggs with no trouble. We eat so many eggs nowadays. I ain't complaining mind you, the good Lord is providing in hard times and we ain't missed a meal yet. Just maybe not what we want to eat." "But I don't want to take anything you may need," I say. "We can easily spare some eggs. We got plenty. I got so many I been feeding em to the hogs. I got three out back. Got some piglets too." he says proudly. We visit for a half hour or so. "We best get back so the boys don't worry," I announce. "Well, I tell you it was sure a joy to see you two. Please come back again when you can stay a bit longer, and bring the other boys. I can fry a couple of chickens up. Won't be great though because we don't have any flour, but still it's not bad," she says. "Ah she's joshing you. Its great no matter if we have flour or not. My wife is a great cook." She smiles at him. I can tell these two love each other very much. "Come on Eddie," I say, getting up. "Your son doesn't talk much," Mike says. "I was liking listening to someone other than my dad and brothers talking," Eddie says with a smile. "Oh, he's a ham that one," Sarah says, smiling. Eddie smiles back. We head back but this time take the road instead of the trail through the woods, and are back like I figured before in about twenty minutes. Eddie starts talking as we are heading back carrying eggs. Four dozen, not three. I'm thinking eggs. EGGS!!! I got EGGS. "They were nice." "Yes, they were." "He sure was happy about that coffee." "He sure was. I thought he was gonna cry." "Me too," Eddie with a giggle. We walk a few minutes more. "You don't drink coffee, so why do you have it?" "Because I knew if something like this happened then coffee would be like gold." "He sure acted like it." "I just never liked coffee. It smells great but I don't like how it tastes. Unless it's like one of those fancy coffees that has more sugar and cream in it than coffee, like they used to make. But, I do drink it on occasion some." "Starbucks," Eddie says like it's a mythical place. "Yeah and Dunkin. I miss donuts. I bet we can make some." "MMM donuts!" Eddie says, sounding just like Homer Simpson. I can't help but laugh at him. "I tell you what, when we get back I will check in one of the cook books where I bet there is a recipe for them. We will make them tomorrow." "Oh man. I can't wait." "Now that I'm thinking about it, I am looking forward to it, too." We get back to the trailer and the boys are in the big tub. "We got neighbors!" Eddie says excitedly. "They are real nice and gave us some eggs. The man was sure happy that dad brought him some coffee." "Dad?" Jim says. "Yeah, I told them you were my sons. I think it would be easier to explain that way than to explain that I found you in the woods." Jack nods and Jim does too. "We got a mess of eggs. I was thinking to make some boiled eggs for dinner. I love them and I can make a Hollandaise sauce for them. It will be nice, I think." "Sure dad," Jim says and giggles. "Yeah dad, eggs sound good," Jack says, barely getting it out before he bursts out laughing. "Hey I'm old enough to be your dad. I'm 35. No wait I'm 36 I had a birthday. Huh." "We need to have a party then," Jim says. I look at him and smile. "You know what, tomorrow lets have a special day and eat all kinds of things we miss. For breakfast Eddie and I already decided we are going to try to make donuts." Jim is so excited at the thought of donuts that he claps his hands and giggles. "Eddie, you should probably get in the shower." "Alright, dad," he says, but this time doesn't smile when he says it. He knows now where the towels are. He turns on the water, pulls off his clothes, and puts them in the basket I have in the bathroom for dirty clothes. He steps in and starts washing. I look at him and he is just a beautiful boy from head to toe. Jim stands up and I hand him his towel and help him out of the tub. I do the same for Jack. They dry off pretty well and hang their towel on a dowel rod. I guess that makes sense for them to use a towel a few times. That's a lot more laundry and I don't have an endless supply of the washing pods. I got a lot but not enough to be doing laundry every day. By the time they are done, Eddie is stepping out of the shower. I signal for him to leave it on and strip off my clothes. I carry the pistol back to my bedroom and put it in the nightstand where it belongs. When I walk back in, Eddie is still drying off. I step into the shower and start washing up. It doesn't take too long. I dry off afterward and grab some shorts. I walk into the kitchen and start some water to boil. I have no idea how many to make so I guess two dozen. Boy, did I overestimate! I ate five and loved them. Eddie had four, Jack had three, and Jim stopped at two. So next time I will know to make about sixteen. I know we ate fourteen this time, but sometimes people are more hungry. I don't want to be short. It's getting dark already since we had a late supper due to our visit to the neighbors. After we eat I put the left over eggs in the fridge. I decide that there isn't enough sauce left to save, so I pour it in the sink and wash it down the drain. The boys clean the supper dishes. I start a movie for the boys and get out a cookbook to look up donut recipes. Hah, it's right here. I look and smile as I see that the recipe looks pretty easy. I get out the Fry Daddy that I never use but thought would be good to have around. I also got plenty of oil. I look and it does take some preparation, but it's not too bad. After that I grab a pair of my pants and sit at the table to inspect how they are made. I look and then measure it every which way I can think of. I end up using a seam splitter to take them apart so I can really see how they are made. By this time I have three boys standing around the table. "Whatcha doin?" Jim asks. "Figuring out how to make pants for you boys. It's fixin' to get cold soon and running around with your tally whackers out won't work." The boys all giggle. "Matter of fact, while you are here let me measure you guys so I can get them started tonight," I propose. I start with Eddie because he is closest. I measure his arm length for shirts that I'll work on later. I measure his waist and inseam. I then follow with Jack and then Jim. I tell you it was nice touching them everywhere. I really was measuring them; it just took a little longer then it normally would. I went to the RV and grabbed the bolt of denim I bought. I figured I would need this but not for a few years yet. I start drawing on it to get the best cut and not waste any if I can avoid it. It takes me a good hour and a half to get it right and cut out. I know next time it won't take nearly as long now that I have done it once. By this time, it's getting late and I see Jim's eyes starting to fall closed. "Why don't you boys head on to bed. I'm fixin' to go myself; I just want to clean up this mess first." The boys turn off the TV and head to bed without any argument. I watch Eddie's ass as he walks by. I like that he didn't put clothes on tonight. It means something. What surprises me is that as they walk by me, they each stop and give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Eddie is last. "Thanks for taking care of us." I smile and hug him again and give him a kiss on the cheek. I hear the toilet flush and hear feet walking down the hallway. I get my mess cleaned in a few minutes and turn out the lights. I head to my room and slip off my shorts and slip into bed. To my surprise someone is already there in the middle. I feel them slide over next to me and put their arm over me. "You OK Jack?" "Yeah. You don't mind, do you dad?" "No, I don't mind at all." I wrap my arm around his naked little body and hug him closer. He puts his head on my shoulder and I am asleep in minutes. As I am drifting off, I think about our neighbors the Washingtons. They are nice and I think we will become friends with each other. It's good to have extra help and people that have things you don't when you need them. Jack starts a little whistling snore and that's all I remember as I fall into the land of Nod.