Chapter 2

“Hello Geoff, I understand that you have had a rather interesting day so far. You started this morning as a beggar and now you are a prince. I know, you are not the real prince, but until he is found, and to lessen tension, you are going act as such. Now, I am here to give you a full medical checkup, to see how fit and healthy you are. Have you ever been to a doctor before?”

“No Doctor, I have not been, well except once when I was torn open by a woman, but he just fixed me up and I was gone half an hour later.”

“Very well. I understand that you were tutored by the kings own tutor. How is he, I knew him very well?”

“He passed away a few months back. Having been banished like he had been, there was nowhere for him to go, so he became a beggar, and he taught me everything, because I did not go to school. He was my best friend, and I was more happy for him that his suffering had finally ended. My friends and I buried him on the hill overlooking the castle, because he never truly left here.”

“What happened to him was sad, but he knew what would happen when he did what he did. Yes, the prince had it coming, he deserved it, and he was very saddened that his dear tutor was banished because of him, he fought that ruling with every fiber of his being. He hated his father afterward because of that incident, and it taught him a lot. Because of that, it actually helped the young prince to become a far better king now.”

“I am sure that he would be happy to hear that such a lesson at least paid off, maybe he knows now, maybe not.”

“Possibly, now, I am going to have you lay down on the bed so that I can give you a thorough checkup. There are going to embarrassing things, but I am sure you will be fine. If you are as much like the prince as your looks would have a person believe, then you will likely enjoy much of the embarrassing parts.”

“Okay, and if you are saying the prince is full on gay, then yes, we are the same there. Is the rumor that the king is also full gay true?”

“Yes, it is not so much a rumor as a well known fact. More of his line have been full gay than not, and that is okay. They still get married, they still have their heirs, but, more often than not, the queen also has her own personal assistants to take care of her needs.”

“Yeah, that is what we heard. We do not always get the truth in the slums.”

“I am sure you do not.”

The doctor then proceeded to go over every square centimeter of Geoff's entire body. He examined every scar, every bump, every mark and everything else in between. He poked and prodded, he measured and weighed, he had Geoff pee and cum in a pair of cups, he shone lights and banged hammers, and even drew enough blood to make him a little woozy. It was well over an hour later when he finally finished.

“Well there, you sure endured that much better than the prince normally does. He hates when I give him his annual checkup to ensure that he is still in perfect health. As for your health, you too are in excellent health. I will not go so far as to say perfect, but not too bad, considering where you hail from. You could use a bit better food, and those scars are going to be permanent I am afraid, because to remove so many of them would be incredibly painful and dangerous. Otherwise, you are in as good a condition as could be hoped for.”

“Thanks Doctor. That was pretty thorough.”

“When one has only a dozen or so patients, one can be thorough.” He grinned.

“Yes, I suppose so.”

“Okay Gabriel, I think Geoff would probably like a fresh diaper now.”

“Okay Doctor.” Gabriel came in with all the required items and proceeded to diaper Geoff back up nice and thick.

“Thanks.” Geoff said, and he meant it too, he was already starting to like them, quite a bit.

“Okay, you boys behave, I am going to head out now and go test everything. I will get back to you in a couple to a few hours with the preliminary stuff if there is anything to be concerned with. In the meantime, I believe you were told to stay in your rooms and let no one else in, as you already exhibited when I arrived, so you should be good.”

“Thanks.” Both boys said.

As soon as the doctor left them, Gabriel turned to Geoff and asked him, “So, what would you like to do?”

“I have no idea, what is there to even do?”

“You have not seen the prince's play room yet, so why do we not head in there and you can enjoy playing for a while. He has a couple computers, several video games, his own miniature theatre, and so many toys it is not even funny.”

“Okay, but I have no idea how to use either a computer or a video game, I have never even touched one.”

“That is fine, you can play and learn and have fun.”

Both of them headed to the play room and Geoff's head nearly exploded at the sight that befell him as they entered.

The room itself is absolutely massive, easily four to five times larger than his entire hovel of a house, but that is not really all that hard to achieve, just not inside another house. If he had to guess, Geoff would put it right around the three hundred square meters range, but that is a conservative estimate he felt.

The theatre area is very nice, there are a couple dozen speakers surrounding a three tiered platform with five very comfortable looking recliners on each tier, and the screen is simply massive, easily the largest that Geoff had ever even heard of.

Next in line is an entire bank of large screens and cubicles underneath, storing a dozen game systems and all the accessories for them, and in a large cabinet beside them are all the games, there appears to be at least a thousand of them. There are a dozen very comfortable chairs for people to sit in while playing these games.

In the centre of the room there are several large tables. Geoff had seen and or heard of some of them, but he did not know all of them to look at them. A pool table, an air hockey table, a card table, and a couple others, and then a large work table for arts and whatnot rounded these out.

Along another wall are dozens of different arcade style games, from the original Pac-Man to all sorts of different pinball machines, as well as a pair of insane looking simulator machines, one for driving, the other for flying. Gabriel told Geoff that these could be programmed to drive or fly virtually anything.

Then the last wall held all the toys, all in large cabinets with easily a few hundred drawers total. On the front of every drawer is a label, telling people what all is inside it. Geoff wandered over and looked at some of the labels, to see what all was in there. When he reached the area where it said Lego on several of the drawers, he opened a few to check it out, and found dozens more cubicles inside, sorting the colourful bricks and assorted pieces even further. There are seven large drawers, each with approximately thirty more dividers, holding several thousand pieces per drawer. Geoff had always wanted to play with Lego, so that is what he decided to do.

“I would like to play with the Lego please?”

“You do not have to ask, it is there to be played with. Are you sure you do not wish to play video games though?”

“No, why would I. I have never played them before, and not sure today is the day I would like to start. I have always wanted to build things with Lego though, I love making things. Are there any plans?”

“Yes, hundreds upon hundreds of them, in the last drawer.”

Geoff opened up the last drawer that said Lego on it, and found it to be filled with only plans, like Gabriel had said hundreds upon hundreds. They were all sorted, so Geoff started thumbing through them, trying to find something that looked interesting. One of the work tables is very close to this area, probably for good reason, so, when he found the plan that he wanted, he went there and started setting up. He then found what pieces he needed for the first stage, and then went and collected all of them and started to build.

Gabriel looked through the plans for a minute once Geoff was done, and then he too came to the table with something and started to build as well.

“I like this.” Geoff said almost an hour later, very nearly the first sound to be made since they had started playing. They had both been enjoying themselves so much that words were not needed.

“Yeah, I love doing this too. Some days the prince just likes to sit and play quietly, we almost never talk either, just nice and peaceful, and very relaxing. We both love to build things as well, which is why the prince has so much Lego.”

“Good. How did I do?” He said, showing off the piece that he had just finished, a very respectable looking space ship.

“Very good, especially if this was in fact your first time.”

“It was.”

“Then excellent I say. Go ahead and set it aside, in a few days, one of the staff will take it apart and put it all away for you.”

“Okay, but I can do it now.”

“No, that is okay, someone is paid to do that sort of thing, and this way you can show it off for a few days. He comes in once a week to do just that, he is a master brick sorter. If you mess with his system, he is likely to have a nervous break down.”

“I wish I knew if you were joking or not.”

“Actually, I am not joking, he probably would. It is his sorting system, he maintains it for the prince, and always keeps the prince fully stocked for every need.”

“Now that is something that I could learn to get used to.” Geoff chuckled, but set the space ship aside, and then went and pulled out another plan and started building it as well.

“You know something, I am starting to get hungry, I should put in a call for food. Did we skip lunch, because I certainly do not remember ordering any with everything that happened this afternoon?”

“No, but to tell you the truth, I have eaten nothing since yesterday morning, and lunch is next to unheard of for me. Hell, I am lucky if I get breakfast or dinner, and it is always just one meal a day. Any more than that is just wasteful for me, only my parents eat two to three times a day. They usually make me sit and watch them eat too.”

“Really?” Gabriel said in disgust.

“Oh yeah, and I learned years ago that if I said anything about it, that I would get beaten for even suggesting that I was worth feeding more than once a day. I am just a useless piece of garbage that they are stuck with.”

“Why on earth would they treat you like that, no human is worth so little.”

“You may wish to tell the palace that, because that is exactly how they treat us in their kingdom. As for my parents, wish I could tell you. Granted, I only call them parents for lack of a better term. I have known since I was young that I am of no relation to them. I am fair haired and skinned, very well educated considering where I come from, I love to learn, and they are exactly the opposite in every way, shape, and form. I can guarantee with almost a hundred percent accuracy that they are not my parents.”

“Oh. If they are not your true parents, then what could possibly make them treat you the way they do? Why would they have even kept you at all?”

“Who knows.”

Gabriel put in a call to the kitchen, asking for a cart to be brought up with a selection of finger foods that would be good for a sick young man, as well as more than enough for himself. He made sure to inform them to only leave the cart and knock, but he was informed that they had already been left that instruction, so not to worry. Less than half an hour later, the knock came to the main door to the suite and Gabriel went and retrieved the cart and set it all up at the same table that they had been working at. There was way more than enough food for the two of them though.

“Wow, why so much food?”

“So that we have snacks for later as well. Go ahead and dish up, and then once you have yours, then I will do so as well.”

“No, you go ahead first. I am used to going without food.”

“Sadly no, I cannot. Rules. And yes, I understand, you are not truly the prince, but you look the part and I am still honour and duty bound to follow said rules. The rule states, very clearly I might add, that no help is to eat before the masters do so.”

“Oh. Why?” Geoff asked as he started dishing up.

“It goes way back to when there was not as much food, it allowed the royalty and their guests to get the best and the most food, leaving the rest to the servant staff. It is much more relaxed now than it used to be though, so none of us complain. It used to be that none of us were even allowed to eat at all, until every last member of royalty and their guests were finished, and then we got to clean their plates and eat what was left over.”

“I suppose that makes sense in a backward twisted sort of way. I Certainly do not agree with it, but in a way, it is exactly how I have been raised anyway, except I am usually the second class citizen getting only the scraps that are barely good enough for the dogs. And trust me, had we had a dog, it would have gotten to eat before me.”

“I do not always agree with everything to do with royalty, but it is the way it is, and some of it even for a good reason.”

As soon as Geoff finished dishing up, Gabriel dished himself up some as well, and then they ate in near silence. Geoff had very little, even though Gabriel urged him to have more, but, like he said, he eats very little, so he is full, and he does not like to eat beyond full.

After dinner, they went and changed each others diapers, sucking each other again as they did so, and then they continued building, barely talking at all, and when they did, it was not for long. They had a snack near bed time, and they had both had lots to drink throughout the evening, and when Geoff claimed that he was getting tired, Gabriel said that they would change each others diapers once more before bed.

“Where will you sleep, you said you were to stay here with me the entire time?”

“The servants quarters are through the door to the left of your bathroom door, I sleep in there. I have my own small bathroom and bedroom.”

“May I see them?”

“I see no reason why not.” He said, and then went and showed Geoff his room.

“Wow, it's quite large and nice.”

“Large, your definition of large must be highly skewed. This is one of the smallest suites in the entire palace.”

“Probably, but my bedroom is a small corner in the kitchen that is blocked off with a little movable partition. I hang what few clothes I have over the top, and it is only just large enough for me to lay down, so trust me, this is huge. Besides, what more do you really need, you have a nice size bed, and it looks really comfortable, you have a good size dresser, and your bathroom is really nice as well.”

“I am not complaining, far from it in fact, I would not want too much more, I do not need that much space. I was only making a comment, because this is one of the smallest suites. Mind you, most of the servant suites are nearly identical.”

“Oh. I suppose considering the size of the prince's suite, this is tiny.”

“Yes, in comparison, it is. I am told, though, that the king's suite is huge compared to this, and even the queen's suite is larger. I have never been in either though, so I cannot say from seeing them with my own eyes.”

“Oh, the king and queen do not share a room?”

“Would you want to share your room with a girl?”

“Hell no.”

“He is of the same mind. He has a wife for an heir and an heir only. Otherwise it is all boys for him and girls for the queen. They both get what they want in abundance, the deal works well for them both, and I assure you, neither wants it any other way.”

“Oh, the queen is gay as well. That is one rumor that never reached us in the slums.”

“Totally. From the way it sounds, both the king and queen's toy rooms are far more interesting than the prince's.”

“Toy rooms?”

“Yeah, as in adult toys; dildos, plugs, you know, fun toys.” He grinned.

“Does the prince not have toys of his own?”

“He does.”

“And you never told me. I have always wanted to try a butt plug.”

“You never asked.”

“If you are not allowed to fuck me, does that mean you are not allowed to insert a plug in my pussy?”

“Of course I am allowed to, I am just not allowed to cum in you, or piss either. I am allowed to make you feel as good as possible any other way though.” He grinned.

“Goody, then let us go have some fun then.”

“Okay, and I would like you to do the same for me.”


They went back to the bedroom and Gabriel showed Geoff the prince's rather impressive collection of hot and kinky play toys, and there are lots. Fifteen different dildos from pretty small to frighteningly large, twelve butt plugs in the same size range, four different sets of anal beads, with the largest bead on the largest set being easily six centimeters across, several vibrating cock rings, and even a pair of different sized cock cages. Never before had Geoff seen such incredible toys, and out of all the toys the prince had, these were the toys he wanted most. He grabbed the plug that he wanted. It was not the largest, but nor was it anywhere close to the smallest. He passed it to Gabriel with a grin and said, “This one, stuff me nice and full. I wish you could cum and piss in me first, and if you decided to do so, I would not complain at all.”

“I cannot, it is too much of a risk. As it is, allowing you to suck me is bad enough. You can fuck me though and fill me up before putting this plug in me.” He said, grabbing the largest one in the drawer.

“Nope, if you cannot fuck me, then I will not fuck you, plain and simple.”

“Fine, be like that.” Gabriel pouted cutely.

They did get down to some serious playing though. Geoff was urged to lay down first, and Gabriel started by petting his erection through his hot soggy diaper. Geoff was moaning deeply, this he loved. Gabriel then opened up his diaper and sucked him in, and then, using the lube that also came from the drawer, he started lubing up Geoff's moist hole. By the time Geoff came for his first time, Gabriel already had two fingers working easily inside him, and then by the time he came a second time, Gabriel had four. Pulling out now, he grabbed and lubed up the chosen plug, and then started working it into Geoff.

Still while sucking, Gabriel worked the plug as deep into Geoff as he could, until Geoff made any sort of sound, and then he backed out, then he would continue again, until he made a sound, and then he would back out. Geoff was loving this, no one had ever taken their time and allowed him to open up nice and slowly, and nothing felt better. For the most part, Geoff had always loved being fucked, but there had been a few guys that just fucked him too hard and they did hurt him, but even when it hurt, it did feel good as well.

Of course, with that being said, Geoff had not been fucked all that often, he asked for too much money, so he sucked more than anything, and mostly because he did not like being used so much. No one ever allowed him to fuck them, no matter how little he took, so he just charged a lot. There were a few that had been willing to pay, because Geoff really is that good, and though no one had ever told him before, he really is that good looking, even a beggars look and dress did not hide his looks all that well. Then there really is the fact that those who knew what the prince looked like thought he looked remarkably like the prince, and they loved to fuck him, because they had always dreamed of fucking the prince.

Even in a time where news would often take pictures of anyone for any reason, that simply did not happen in this kingdom to the royalty. Therefore the vast majority of people had no idea what the prince even looked like. There were a few pictures available, but, for the most part, the vast majority of the kingdom had never actually seen the prince, and when they did, it was from afar. No, the kingdom had a very strict privacy rule for all royalty and high officials, take a picture and or write any sort of article, and you would be jailed for a minimum of ten years. That law had been instituted long before the king was even born, the king at that time was sick of the press and told them where to go and how to get there, now it is just accepted, but the first few years a lot of people were jailed, and they did not get out early, ever, no matter how well they behaved, for to go against a royal decree meant full punishment, period. No one in the castle ever wanted this changed, hence the reason no one knew the prince that well.

By the time Geoff was just about to cum once again, Gabriel slipped the entire plug into Geoff, thus causing Geoff to explode in possibly the largest single orgasm of his entire life. He had cum too many times to produce any sweet cum, but his body sure tried to ejaculate more anyway, and fifteen strong pulses is what Gabriel had counted before Geoff actually went soft in his mouth.

Gabriel grinned brightly, detached from the beautiful boy and proceeded to diaper him nicely, lotion and cream and powder, the works included. By the time Gabriel finished diapering Geoff, he was just coming down from the amazing orgasm.

“Wow, that was the best ever, thank you so much. I cannot wait to do the same to you now.”

And so he did, repaying the favour in almost the exact same way, he sucked and fingered and plugged and diapered Gabriel so that he was nice and fully stuffed and thickly diapered. He sighed deeply as soon as he too came down.

“Thank you so much, that was absolutely amazing. The prince never sucks me as he plugs me, and he never changes my diaper for me at all, it is so much better when you get to enjoy everything as well.”

“That is what I keep telling you. Reciprocation is the best. My customers never do so, and the royalty here never does so for you, but my friends and I always do.”

“Yeah, my friends here do with me as well, but well, to them, it is only about paying back, because even though almost all of them are gay, they all have their boyfriends already, so sometimes I join in on the fun. The kings boys are fully gay too, but he is very protective of them, they are almost always with him, and we have only had fun a few times. The others here are just servants and staff, other kids like me. The king does like to have hot boys around, even if he is not fucking them. Since they are not all gay, nor were they hired to do that, he leaves them alone though, I have enjoyed a few of them from time to time, but again, they all already have boyfriends or girlfriends. I have always wanted another gay boy here that enjoys playing as much as I do that would be my boyfriend, so that when I am not assisting the prince with things, I have someone to be with. The prince is great, he will fuck me sometimes three or four times a day, and I usually get to suck him once or twice as well, but I never get to feel anything. It has been so nice with you.”

“Then why not ask the prince to hire an assistant, one that you can help choose.”

“I doubt he would go for that, but, maybe I could make it very worth it for him.” Gabriel grinned.

“I would be happy to apply for the position. As it stands, right now I have no home, and you know I am gay. I also have all the educational requirements I believe.”

“That will not likely work the way you are thinking, because I have a sneaking suspicion something of far greater importance will be bestowed upon you.”

“What?” Geoff asked.

“I cannot say yet. Right now it is only old rumors and guesswork on my part, but seeing you, it fits. I do not wish to tell you something that may get your hopes up, and then have them crash down. Suffice it to say, however, that should I be correct, your lot in life will increase considerably, possibly more than you could have possibly imagined.”

“Well, then, for my taste, I hope you are incorrect. I just wish to live a nice quiet peaceful life, no more beatings, no more always having to sell myself to get a little food, I want more, but I do not want lots.”

“Then I will say no more, and you do not fret about it, what will come, will come, and hopefully in the end you will get what you truly deserve.”

“Yeah, I just hope I do not deserve a noose around my neck.”

“No, nor has the king ever ordered such a thing. It is not even done any more, you must know that.”

“Yes, I do, but it was never officially abolished either, it is at the kings discretion, and parading as the prince could anger him more than enough for him to do so.”

“No, the king is neither mean nor evil, he would never do such a thing to a child, and most especially to one who looks exactly like his son does. No, at the very least, you could be used as a decoy for the prince.”

“Yeah, well, you live my life and tell me you would not be as afraid as I am.”

“I know where you are coming from, I understand your fears, but they are baseless, do not worry. Now, unless you need anything more before bed, I do believe you have worn me out more than enough where I will likely have a good sleep.”

“No, I think that I am more than ready for bed as well. I am starting to get very tired.”

“Then goodnight, have a good sleep, and enjoy getting to sleep warm and dry all night, and have no fear, your night diapers are more than thick enough to hold up, the prince has only ever leaked a couple times, but even he admitted that they were exceptional nights and he would have been shocked had he not leaked.”

“Why, did someone piss fuck him or something?”

“Not just one someone, three on the one night, two the other.” He grinned.

“Nasty.” Geoff grinned brightly, and said grin said that he did not believe it to be nasty in the normal sense of the word either.

“Yes, it was rather enjoyable to watch and experience as well. Now, have a good sleep, call me if you need anything though, and I will come as soon as I can.”

“Thanks, and goodnight to you as well.”

Gabriel tucked Geoff in and then scampered over to his room and crawled in as well. Both boys fell asleep within just a few seconds and had a very good sleep. Geoff sure did enjoy his first ever real sleep though. He was warm and snug and comfortable, he was not wet or uncomfortable, and because of this, he had a far longer sleep than he had ever experienced before.

On the other side of the castle, two men were meeting in private, one had some interesting news, while the other had just heard news as well.

“So, have they found him Marcus?” The doctor asked.

“No, they can find no trace of him anywhere. He must have taken off his bracelet, but it was not in his room, so I hope he did not lose it. Granted, it is also not sending out either, so it may be broken. I hope the prince is not broken along with it though, for I, for one, do not wish to explain that one to the king and queen.”

“Nor I.”

“The tracking information though tells us exactly where he went, and it does show exactly where he was when it stopped working though. The guards checked the area, and there is nothing.”

“Where did it stop working then, can they trace him from there?”

“Sadly, no. It stopped working right inside the palace grounds. It seems the prince escaped from his room, skirted the roof, jumped down into a pile of trash, and then that is it, that is when it stopped transmitting. We do not believe that the prince was ever made aware that his bracelet was a homing beacon, for in case he was ever taken, so he could not have known to break it, at least as far as we are aware, but it is possible he guessed as much. It could have just as easily been an accident when he jumped into the garbage pile as well. From there we can only assume that he left via the servants shipping door, it is right next to there, and it is not guarded, because it can only be opened from the inside. The monitoring system does pick up that door having been opened right around the time we assume the prince went missing though, and none of the kitchen staff said that they opened it, for they are not expecting deliveries today. It is possible that the prince knew this, I have noticed him watching things far more closely lately.”

“That must be it then. Why would he want to run away though?” The doctor asked.

“I do not believe he wanted to run away, I believe it is more a case of he wanted to experience more. He has been asking more and more lately to get to go outside, into the city, see things, feel things, experience things. The king did not wish this though, he is deathly afraid of his son getting taken and or killed. He is afraid of the old rumor, you know the one.”

“Yes, about that, the blood tests came back, and I now believe that that may very well be the case, they are a match.”