Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2023 13:19:08 +0000 From: jacklynch945 Subject: The Prince The Pauper And the Chief Chapter 36 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at This story includes episodes involving underage minors having sex with adults. I expressly condemn this kind of activity. I have made every attempt to present these acts in a thoughtful, sensitive manner. You may not agree. If so, I encourage to avoid reading it. This story mentions real people, real places, and real events, but the characters and the story are entirely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions between minors and adult men. Your feedback, whether in the form of comments or constructive criticism, will always be welcome. Please email me: The Prince. The Pauper. And the Chief. By Jack Lynch Chapter 36. You Think She's Hot? You Should See Her Kid. A day earlier. "This is John Delaney. I'm Ray Cosco." He shook Chief Brady's hand as he handed over his credentials. "What brings the DEA to Edgartown?" Tim asked, glancing at the ID's the men had handed to him. He was sitting at his desk. The two agents stood before him. "We've been tracking some people who have been involved in prostitution and drug running. Unfortunately, they may be using Martha's Vineyard as an intermediate point of distribution. "For drugs or prostitution? Or both?" Cosco smirked. "Could be both. Right now, we think it's just drugs. Heroin, to be specific." Just then, the phone rang. "What!?" Brady listened for a few seconds. "I'll be right over." Looking up at the two agents, "Sorry, gentlemen. I've got a homicide." "Mind if we tag along?" Seconds later, they were roaring out of the parking lot, siren blaring. The yard was filled with emergency vehicles by the time they arrived. There were squad cars from every jurisdiction, including West Tisbury where, technically, the crime had been discovered. Ironically, Cappy's house sat on a parcel that straddled both Edgartown and West Tisbury. This was the first homicide Tim had to deal with in what seemed like ages. He hardly knew where to begin. Even though he was trained and practiced in this kind of thing, he practically tossed his cookies when confronted with the body laying in a pool of blood. The smell alone was bad enough to make him nauseous and dizzy. After he got ahold of himself, he did his best to clear the scene. "I just wanna talk to all of the chiefs first. Everyone else, get the hell out of here!" Seconds later, it was just Vince Russo, Dan Dimond from West Tisbury, and him, along with Deputy Jim Beaver from the Dukes County Sheriff's Department. The Sheriff, JD Blanc, was off Island, on vacation. Within minutes, they had all of the initial tasks in hand. Not long after, before Tim even left the scene, they knew something about where Cappy had been yesterday. Shortly after, Chief Russo was headed over to Oak Bluffs to pay a visit on one Phil Conklin. Later in the morning, after interviewing Phil and not getting anywhere at all, Russo called Tim. "I didn't get anything from Conklin, but, I'll tell you what, he stinks to high heaven on this." "I bet," Tim huffed. *** Quash felt like he'd been struck by a bolt of lightning. The second bolt, in fact, in the last few minutes. The first one came in the form of a jolting orgasm. Ben had managed to sneak away from his family for a quick rendezvous. Pushed into the narrow opening between two Dock Street stores, he tugged Quash's shorts down and dropped to his knees. A careful examination of Quash's cock took place before licking the head and swallowing the rest of it. Afterwards, Ben wanted to fuck him in the worst way, but Quash squirmed away. "I ain't showered, man!" Ben just chuckled. "How about breakfast, then?" He asked, giving the boy a sloppy open-mouthed kiss. A minute later, they were being shown to a table on the deck of the nearby Seafood Shanty. That was when he received the second jolt. Elwood was seated at another table, mopping his sweaty forehead with a napkin. Seated across from him, another guy. Mediterranean looking, olive skin, tightly sculpted black beard, a matching black head of hair. Wiry, athletic looking. Quash tried to ignore them but Elwood caught him looking a couple of times. "My young friend," he chuckled as he now stood in front of their table. His stomach jiggled. His thin shirt was dotted with perspiration. Quash looked up at him, his mouth fallen open. "It seems we lost track of you in New York." A brief pause. "Happy to see you're doing so well." Elwood's smile faded as he glanced at Ben who had set his fork down. He returned a hard stare back to Elwood. "We should get reacquainted." "Why don't you shove off, old timer?" Ben glared. The other guy, the dark haired one, balled his hands into fists for a moment, then released them. They quickly moved on. *** Mid-day. Tratner leaned with his butt against the dresser in a small guest room at the Beach Plum Inn, just up the road from Menemsha Harbor. Phil sat on the edge of the bed staring nervously back at him. "I'm tellin' you for like the fifth time, they got nothin' on me!" Phil didn't know what was worse, getting questioned by the cops or being grilled by this scary looking guy. As Phil told it to Chief Russo earlier that morning, after picking Cappy up at the hospital, he had dropped him off at his house around 9:30 last night. He was at home in Oak Bluffs by ten. He was tired, so he went right to bed. His wife's kid would be able to vouch for him. Tratner glanced at Rico, currently slumped in the room's only chair. He just shrugged his shoulders. Sucking on his teeth, Tratner looked back at Phil. "Ok." Here are the ground rules." He explained the logistics of picking up the product, as he called it, raising his fingers in air quotes with the word, "product." Elwood filled in the blanks. "You got it?" He asked at the end. I got any options?" Phil asked. Was there a way he could just get out of all of this? "Not really," Tratner replied as he tugged on an ear. The way he looked at him, with his dead eyes and an equally dead pan expression, sent a shiver down Phil's back. "Ok, we got a run scheduled for tomorrow. You gonna do this?" "Yeah, yeah," Phil answered nervously. "I gotta get someone to help though. I can't go out by myself." "Who ya got in mind?" Phil stared back, his mouth slightly open. Yeah, I got somebody, he thought. "I'm hangry. You hangry?" Elwood chimed in. *** Suzanne held her hand against her forehead. This was just too much. Minutes before, one of the other waiters at The Black Dog had brought up the murder. Grabbing a copy of The Vineyard Gazette left by an early morning customer, she sat down at an empty table and read the front page story featuring Phil's role in the previous night's events. She thought it was curious that Phil was out of the house this morning even before she was. In a vain attempt to track him down, she called the house, not really expecting Phil or Larry to answer. All she did was roust Kip out of bed. In a sleepy voice, he told her they weren't there. Another call to Cappy's shack on the harbor yielded nothing. The phone just rang and rang. A bit later, the four of them took a table next to the windows at The Black Dog. Of all people, Suzanne thought to herself. She was just at the end of her shift and here he was, sitting at one of her tables. Before she even went for the water pitcher, she walked over to them. "Phil, we need to have a talk," she said firmly. The four men looked up at her in surprise. "Oh, hi honey!" Turning to Tratner, Elwood, and Rico with a forced smile, "Gentlemen, this is my lovely wife, Suzanne." Suzanne glared at him. Phil coughed hoarsely and chuckled. As the strangers were introduced, Elwood gave her a sweaty palmed shake of the hand. Seeing no more information was being provided, she gave Phil another look of disgust. "Today's soup is the chowder." "I gotta say, Phil. I'm impressed," Tratner smirked after Suzanne stalked away. He chuckled. "You think she's hot? You should see her kid." "Boy or girl?" Elwood asked. "Boy." Elwood looked straight at Phil. "Interesting," he murmured. *** The three of them stood impatiently watching the police teletype machine stutter, start, stop, and start again. Eventually, the BOLO report from DEA in Washington finished. The machine stood silent for a moment before launching into a new transmission from the State Police about a bank robbery in Concord. Tim ripped the paper out of the machine and handed it to the two DEA agents. Delaney opened a folder, taking out a mug shot, and comparing it to the description on the Be On the Look Out report. "Yep, that's him, Shlomo Tratner." He held up the mug shot showing a nasty looking bald headed guy. Deep bags under his eyes, a steely dead expression. "Shlomo?" Tim asked in an astonished tone. "Yeah," Cosco huffed. "Jewish mafia, if ya can believe that. Ever seen him?" Just then, the teletype stopped for a moment and immediately started punching out a second message. Delaney flipped some papers over as they all watched the paper scrolling out of the machine. "Oh, yeah. Those two." He held up two more mug shots. "Gentlemen, say `hello' to Elwood Grimes and Enrico Mancini." "What ties them to the murder?" Tim asked as he studied Tratner's face. "Proximity," Cosco replied. "And, they frequently seem to leave a bloody trail behind them." "I'm sort of interested in the Conklin character," Delaney said as he studied his notes. "How do we corroborate his story?" "I know how," Tim said as he stared in the distance. A few minutes later, the three men strode into the Edgartown Paper Store. "Hey Chief!" Stan greeted Tim with a big smile at first, then it quickly faded as he saw the official looking expression on his face. "Where's Kip?" "In back, I think." Stan turned to ring up the next customer. Tim asked the same question of Trent when they got to the back of the store. He was just finishing up a prescription order. "He just left." "Where'd he go? I saw his bike on the rack outside." "I dunno. Larry came and got him." Tim stared out the open side door of the store. "I guess we can add another name to the list of suspects," he sighed, turning to the other two men. "Hey Chief, wanna get together later?" Trent called. "Probably not," Tim replied, over his shoulder, as they left the store.