Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 10:11:01 -0400 From: Subject: The Sandman Chapter 4 This first paragraph is the same old warning. This story contains boy on boy sex and boy on man sex. If this offends you, continue no farther. If it is illegal for you to read this kind of material because of being under the age of 18 or living in an area where it is illegal then only continue at your own risk. This story is completely fiction and any characters that resemble a real life person are done with that person's consent. This story is also copyrighted. Enjoy the story. The Sandman Chapter 4 Beads of sweat were forming around Tim's brow caused by the hot iron just centimeters away from his face. He tried to be strong and brave, but Milo's plan wasn't working out. He looked over to his father-like figure. Milo stood there curling his bottom lip. Milo started to shake his left arm. Soon a small pouch fell out of his sleeve and into his hand. No one saw him do this. "What is it going to be?" asked General Tucker. "Alright, alright, let the boy go." Tim couldn't believe his ears. Was Milo actually going to blow their cover? He didn't like the idea of their cover being blown because of him. He could take the pain. "Drop the iron and let me sit down. These weary bones don't last long these days." General Tucker nodded to Boswell and the Milo sat down. Tucker set the hot iron up against the wall and went over behind his desk and sat down. Tim started to slowly walk backwards towards the door. "General, do you know what happens when Stinge weed, Marcus Root, and Wonchoo venom is mixed together?" asked Milo. The general did not answer. He could care less. "I'll tell you. Nothing happens. However, if you place the mixture against heat, well then. That is something spectacular to see." "What does this have to do with answering my questions?" asked the General. "Nothing. Until now." Milo took the pouch and threw it at the hot iron. The pouch busted open and the mixture poofed out over the heated rod. A thick fog began to engulf the room. Everyone in the room began coughing and gagging. Milo ran and grabbed Tim and they ran out the door. In among the chaos, they disappeared down the hall and deep into the head quarters. Milo broke out his dagger he had strapped to his boot and was ready to protect him and Tim. They came across a guard standing in front of a door. Milo reached into one of his many pockets in his cloak, and pulled out another pouch. He held his breath and ran to the guard and threw the white dust into the guard's face. The guard collapsed. They entered the door that lead them to a dark, spiral staircase. They ran down and they could hear slashing and screaming once they reached the bottom. There were two rows of cells running down the dark, dingy corridor. The occupants started to make noise and chat and scream and yell when they saw Milo and Tim. They ran down the corridor and ran into two armed guards, sword drawn, ready for a fight. Milo stopped. He looked in the cell that they were standing in front of and he saw Mosk, whipping Carrick. Carrick was just hanging from the chains. His back was bleeding and raw. "What do we have here?" said one of the guards. "Look, drop your sword. All I have is this small dagger. It is no match against your swords." "Then maybe you should drop your dagger then," said the first guard. Milo reached into another pocket and pulled out yet another pouch. He quickly opened it and threw it at the two guards. A fine pink dust cloud formed around their heads. They began sneezing uncontrollably. Mosk drew he sword and marched out of the cell to slay the intruder. Milo took out a small class vile and opened it up. He threw the contents at Mosk's face. He screamed in horror as the acid burned deeply into his skin. Tim quickly grabbed the keys from Mosk's belt and he unchained Carrick. Carrick collapsed to the floor. Milo ran over and used himself as a crutch to carry Carrick. They ran up the stairs and back into the corridor. Guards were swarming all over the place, looking for them. "Tim, take Carrick to the horses and go back to the farm and get the others. Waste no time. Ride off to the village of Heddex. There you will find Aurora." "Who's Aurora?" "My daughter. We haven't spoken for years, but I know she will take care of you. Now go." "What about you?" asked Tim, knowing he isn't going to like what he about to hear. "I am going to stay here and distract them. Don't worry about me, I'll meet you in Heddex." Milo then pulled out all of his vials and pouches he had and started to created one giant distraction. Tim fought back some tears and helped Carrick outside and onto the horses. They road off and made it out of town before anyone noticed that they disappeared. ***** Scott, Doug, Stephen and Joshua sat on some hay in a wooden cage on back of a wagon as Gallick and Fara sat up front and controlled the small team of horses, heading back to Gallick's place. "Doug? Is that you?' asked Joshua. "Hi Joshua." "I thought you were sold to the mines?" "No, the Sandman rescued me." "You know him?" asked Stephen to Joshua. "Yeah, he use to be one of Gallick's boys. But then one day Gallick told us that he sold him to the mines." "He probably didn't want the other boys know that Doug escaped with the help of the Sandman," said Scott. "By the way, I am Scott." "I'm Joshua and this is Stephen." "Too bad we couldn't meet under better circumstances." The boy's attention grew to the horses. They had stopped and started neighing and bucking. Fara and Gallick were trying to get them under control, but weren't having much luck. "Damn Wonchoos!!!!" said Gallick. "The trail is covered with them." A wonchoo jumped at the lead horse, but missed him. The horse bucked once more and then shot off, leading the team down the wrong trail. Gallick and Fara worked frantically to stop them, but to no prevail. The four boys bounced up and down in the back, trying to hang on. The wagon hit a big rock and leaned onto one side, but fell back on all four wheels. During this time, the cage almost fell out of the wagon. "Whoa, that was close," said Doug. "I got an idea," said Scott. "On the next bump and tilt, everyone lean to the same side." The wagon hit a deep gulch and leaned to the left. All four boys quickly pushed and leaned onto the left side of the cage. The wheel hit a rock and the cage came tumbling out of the wagon with a crash. The cage broke and the boys managed to get out of it. They got up and saw that they were alright. They quickly ran deep into the woods as they heard the echoes of Gallick and Fara disappear. ***** Ederickson shook violently on the table. Billy and Ben ran to him and immediately putting more ointment on the wound and began wetting him down by pouring buckets of water on him. Billy ran to the kitchen and grabbed a wooden bowl that had some gooey stuff in it. He brought it over and started to slap it onto the bite mark. Within five minutes, Ederickson calmed down and laid there, breathing hard. "Did we get in time?" asked Ben. "I hope so." "Man, that was a close call." Both boys got dressed and just hung around, watching and treating Ederickson. Around sunset, the front door burst open and in ran Tim. "Tim, you're back!!!" said Billy. "Look we have to go now. They know where we are at." "Where's Gramps?" asked Ben. "We got split up. He said to meet him in Heddex." "Heddex? That's a two day ride." "I know but we have to go." "We can't go. Doug and Scott aren't back yet. Plus we can't move him." "You boys got a wagon?' asked Carrick who stood in the doorway, using it to prop himself up. He was worn and very week. "Yeah, out back," replied Billy. "Go hook the horses up to it. The slave retrievers will be here soon." Billy, Ben and Tim hooked up the wagon to the team of horses. They carefully carried Ederickson and placed him in the back. They loaded up the wagon with some personal belonging and a bunch of Milo's equipment, recipes and ingredients. Carrick forced himself in the driver's seat and got the team going down a back trail. "What about Doug and Scott?" asked Ben as he watched the farm house grow smaller. "There is nothing we can do. If we wait here for them, we will be caught," said Carrick. Then he slashed the reigns harder and they disappeared into the dark. ***** The sun was trying to wake up and let her hands dance upon the land, but a blanket of dark clouds turned her warm hands into cold, wet fingers. Joshua, Stephen, Scott and Doug pushed their tired bodies through the rain and towards the medicine farm. They came to a giant tree. At the base of the tree was a small entrance leading to an underground hole that was sheltered by the tree. "We're not far from the farm now. You two crawl in that hole under the tree. It will be a bit cramp, but you will be safe," said Scott. "Where are you going?" asked Joshua. "Doug and I are going to scout ahead. We want to make sure that Gallick and Fara didn't track us here." Stephen and Joshua crawled under the tree. The whole was big enough for them to sit Indian style comfortably. It was dark and damp though. A small trail of rainwater was flowing into the hole as well. Scott and Doug cautiously headed towards the clearing where the farm was. They heard something coming and took cover behind some rocks. They watched two slave retrievers on horseback come passing by. Once the coast was clear they continued on. They had to hide once more, because this time a slave bounty hunter on the ground came crawling by. Sniffing the air and smelling the dirt. The bounty hunter stopped and sniffed the air as if a dear was smelling danger. But then he dismissed whatever he had smelled and continued on. Once the coast was clear, the boys made it to the edge of the forest. They could see the farm house swarming with slave retrievers. "How they find where we lived?" asked Doug. "I don't know. Maybe something went wrong with Gramps and Tim." "You think they caught Ben and Billy?" "No, I don't think so. Look the wagon is gone. I don't think the slave retrievers would have taken the wagon." Scott and Doug's eyes grew really big and their hearts stopped when a dirty hand came around from the back of their heads and clamped over their mouths. "Shhhh, they're hear you," Scott and Doug turned and saw it was Milo. They were so relieved and left out a big breath of air. "Gramps, they taken over the farm," whispered Scott. "That's alright. The others should well on their way to Heddex. Did you find the runaway slaves?" "Yeah, they're in a safe place," replied Doug. "Good, let's go get them and head to Heddex." The three then went to get the others and head on their two day journey to Heddex. ***** The journey was hard, wet and long. Carrick's back was really hurting him and he was pretty sure it was infected. They arrived to the large town of Heddex. The rain that has been lingering for the past two days, kept people off the muddy streets. Ederickson was still unconscious in the back. He was gaining his normal color back and the puss from his arm was almost completely gone. Ben and Billy were cuddle up in the back with each other as Tim sat up front with Carrick. "Well this is Heddex. Did Milo say where to find Aurora?" "No, he just said go to Heddex." "You think he would be more specific. Heddex isn't a one horse town you know." "What we do now? Go to the inn and get out of the rain?" "No, I want to stay away from public places for a little bit. I saw a barn just on the outskirts of town. We will go hide the carriage and you boys there. I will then ride into town and see if I can find this Aurora." "Look!" pointed Tim. Carrick followed the direction where Tim's finger was pointing too. It lead his weary eyes to a weather beaten sign. Aurora's Brew Carrick stopped the wagon in front of the building. It was old, in great need of repair, and spooky looking. He jumped off the horse and his legs almost gave out on him. His back was hurting him and he needed to get something to put on it. "You wait here. Any sign of danger, regardless the amount, you guys flee and head into the forest." Tim nodded in acknowledgement. Carrick went to the front door and pushed it open. He was almost blown over by the incense wave that swept past his nose. He walked in and the room had many kinds of bottles of all shapes and sizes. The room was lit by many many lighted candles. "Hello?" said Carrick, unsure of himself. Out the back coming from behind a thick burgundy curtain came a lady. She was about Carrick's age. She had long strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. She was slender and wore a black dress. "Welcome, what can I do for you?" The aroma of the room made Carrick's head spin. His back was killing him. The lack of sleep over the past couple of days was catching up to him. The room started spinning and down he went with a thud. The women in black went over to him. She saw that the back of his shirt was sticking to some raw sores. She knew he needed treatment. She peered out her curtain covered window and saw the wagon out front. By this time, the rain started to come down harder. She went over to the door and opened it up. "Boy, you with him?" she asked. "Yeah," replied Tim. "We all are." The women saw that someone was laying in the back of the wagon, but couldn't see how many. "You have more sick in the back?" "Yeah, our friend was bitten by a wonchoo a couple of days ago." "He's still alive?" "Yeah, we been giving him some treatments," said Tim. The women ran out in the rain. By this time, Ben and Billy were waking up. She climbed into the wagon and looked at Ederickson. "Are you boys alright?" "Yeah, we're fine," said Ben. The women began looking more intently at the wound and the treatment. A strange look came over her face. "I know this work. Where is he?" "Who?" asked Billy. "My father." "Gramps is your father?" "Yes, I am Aurora Jenkins." A big flash of lightning wiped through the cloud covered sky with a loud clap of thunder soon following. "Look, help me get him inside and then take the wagon to the wagon barn behind my shop. We have to get out of the storm." The boys listened and soon they took cover in the eerie looking shop. Ben, Billy and Tim stood in the doorway to a bedroom in Aurora's shop. They had placed both Carrick and Ederickson in a double bed together. She attended to both their wounds. "I think both of them will be alright. The Wonchoo bite is looking really good. My father always new how to handle poisons. Speaking of the bastard, where is he?" "We don't know. He told us that he would meet us here," said Tim. "What kind of trouble are you guys in? Are all escaped bed partners?' None of the boys answered. They all looked to the floor. "Why don't you love your father?" asked Tim. "I love my father. I just don't like him very much." "But why?" "That is between me and Milo. Now I have some cabbage soup on the stove in the kitchen, go help yourself, while I finish up here." The day seemed to drag by. Tim was worried about Milo. He wondered if he escaped the slave retriever's head quarters. He stood by the window as beads of rain pittered pattered against it. Daylight was beginning to diminish. Dusk had come. ***** General Tucker sat in his office very disturbed the past few days of events. He was not pleased with the lack of results his men were getting. His door flew open with fury. Standing there was an average size guy that looked like a wimp, but inside he was very confident and head strong. "General Tucker, what is happening here?" "Governor Hauser, how dare you storm into my office like this!" "Knock off the tough guy shit. I heard you had a jail break yesterday. This doesn't look good." "I have everything under control." "Look, the vice chancellor took a turn for the worse. You know that chances are good you will get his job when he dies. It is important you get his job." "You don't have to tell me governor. I know Chancellor Osborne is leaning towards setting all slaves free and making bed partners illegal. When I become vice chancellor it will be my job to make him see otherwise." "You better, otherwise we all will be out of money and power. Now make sure yesterday's events don't ruin our plans." Governor Hauser then stormed out, passing Colonel Mosk. "You best be bringing me good news," insisted Tucker. "General, we found a bounty hunter in the woods just outside of Jenkins's farm. He was murdered. There was some blood on his own dagger. We're not sure who's though." "Did you find Jenkins or the others?" "No General. But I think he might go to Haddex." "Why, what's there?" "His daughter." "Did you send a team there to check things out?" "We leave first thing in the morning." "Very well, Mosk. Whatever you do. Don't fail. Kill them all if you have too. Just bring me their bodies." "Yes General. With pleasure." ***** Carrick woke up with the smell of bacon sweeping pass his nose. His body was sore, but he managed to stand up. He looked and saw his long time friend sleeping on the bed. The wonchoo bite looked really good. He was pretty sure his friend was out of danger. He wondered off into the kitchen. "Good morning," said Aurora as she was cooking up some bacon. "Where's the boys?" "Still sleeping. How you feel?" "Better, thanks." "You're boys wouldn't speak last night. Tell me. What trouble are you guys in?" "What makes you think we are in trouble?" "My father wouldn't have set you here otherwise." "My friend in the bedroom is the Sandman." "The Sandman? You guys are in more trouble then I thought." "We will stay here just til Milo gets here. Then we will get out of your hair." "You guys can stay here as long as you like. But if slave retrievers come, I am turning you in." "Why?" "Because what you guys do is illegal." "But what people do to those kids is immoral." "I am not one to judge on immorality. My job is a healer of the body, not of the heart or soul." "I've been to one of these bed partner houses. This boy only 12 or 13 years old was brutally beaten by a man who had sex with him. It was horrible. The look in their eyes." The bell to the front door rang when it was slammed open. Aurora went to the front of her shop and saw four boys being used as crutches to an old man. "Father? What happened?" She saw the front of his soiled shirt was covered in red stain. "He was stabbed by a bounty hunter," said Scott. Carrick and Aurora rushed to Milo's side and took him into her bedroom and laid him on the bed. She tore open his shirt and accessed the wound. "It's bad. He lost a lot of blood." She ran and grabbed a bucket of water and some medical ingredients. She began cleaning and treating the wound. "Aurora," said Milo very weekly. He felt for her hand and held it. "It's okay, father." "I'm sorry," "For what?" She felt tears building up in her eyes. She forced them back with great success. "For not respecting your opinion." "That's okay. I guess you can say we are even." "Aurora?" "Yes." "Aurora?" "I'm here." She held her fathers bloody hand to her cheeks. "Grant me one wish, a favor." "What's that?" now she was losing the battle with her tears. "Aurora? You there? I can't see you." "I'm here, Father. What is it you want me to do?" "Take care of my boys and others that might follow them." "I can't father. You know that." "Yes you can. Let your mother's heart lead you in your decisions. Please do this for me." He squeezed her hand really tight as he grimaced in pain. "I'm sorry father. I can't" "Then you're not my daughter." His body went limp as his spirit was released. "Carrick?" "Yes." "Take what supplies you need, take your friend and the boys and please leave my home." "Don't you get it?" She turned around in anger. "I get it alright. You see what breaking the law does you? It gets yourself killed." "I broke the law all my life and I am still living." "But it will catch up to you, just like it did to my father. Now leave." "I don't even now where to go." "I do," said a week voice. Carrick turned around and saw Ederickson standing in the doorway. He was still a little pale, but he was awake.e a throbbing headache. Who's that?" "A father's disappointment. Let's go out here and talk." Ederickson and Carrick went outside behind the shop. Morning fog hung around, making it hard to see. "What happened? Where are we?" asked Ederickson. "You were bitten by a Wonchoo. I took you to a friend who healed you. In the mean time, I went to rescue Joshua and Stephen. It didn't go according to plan, but we got them. They are upstairs sleeping with 5 ex-bed partner's who Milo was raising as his own children after they were freed by your predecessor." "What happened to this Milo?" "A bounty hunter got him," said a voice. Carrick and Ederickson turned around. Standing behind them was Scott and Doug. They had Milo's blood all over their clothes. Their eyes were red from crying and the streaks of tears caused a small glare. "I'm sorry boys. I am sure he met a lot to you," said Ederickson. "He was like a father." "I don't think we are safe here for long," said Carrick. "You said you know where to go?" "Yeah, The Keeper's Estates. He will help us with the boys. Once we get there, I need to ask a favor of you." "What's that?" "I need a forger to make these boys birth certificates. I can think of no other who can do a better job then you." "Forging is my forte. I'll do it." "Thank you my friend. Now let's head out." Carrick and Ederickson sat in the front seat of the wagon with all the horses teamed up. Joshua, Stephen, Billy, Ben, Tim, Doug and Scott all sat in the back with a bunch of supplies. Aurora stood in the doorway and watched the wagon disappear in the fog. ***** The next few days were long and hard. It rained most of those days. But finally the rained stopped, but the clouds lingered around. The small group decided to make camp. Ederickson was sitting by the fire smoking his pipe looking off into the darken woods. Carrick sat on the opposite side of the fire and played his flute. The boys were out of sight. They were all laying on a small beach next to a stream. "So how much further we got to go, my friend?' asked Carrick. "We should be there tomorrow night." "This Keeper of yours will help us?" "Oh yes. He has helped in the pass." "So what's the story between you and Joshua?" "What do you mean?" "Come on Sam. I known you too long. I see how you two look and act at each other. You had sex with him, didn't you?" "No I didn't. I mean..I made love with him. At first I only did it to protect both of our asses, but shortly into it, feelings surfaced out of no where. It was really bizarre." "I know what you mean. When I went there, Stephen took my dick in his mouth and the feelings I felt, got me scared. So I released them through my arrows. As much as I want to, I find it hard to fall for a boy so young." "I know what you mean. Speaking of the boys? Where are they at?" "I think they went to the stream to clean up some." Ederickson nodded and took a puff of his pipe. Carrick began to play the Sandman tune on his flute. ***** "Guys, I want to do something special for all of you tonight, but I want it to be a surprise. Is it alright with you all if I do it?" asked Billy. All the boys had no problems with surprises. They all loved Billy, even Stephen and Joshua who only knew him for a few days. "Good, don't say or do anything then. Leave it all up to me." Billy took a bucket of water and went over to Doug who was sitting down on his butt, but used his arms to prop himself up. He knelt down and took a rag and dipped it in the water. He began to wash Doug's feet. He did it gently and lovingly. Once they were clean, he caressed them and massaged them. Doug laughed a bit and pulled them back a couple of times because it tickled. Then Billy pulled his Doug's right foot up to his tender lips and began kissing them and blowing soft kisses on them. Doug moaned a bit and felt something get hard in his pants. He had Doug stand up and Billy pulled down his pants, releasing Doug's hairless cock. It was only about 3 « inches, but Billy still liked it. He got in close and took a big whiff of the young boy smell. Billy could feel his dick pushing against his pants. He could feel it leaking as well. Billy took Stephen into his mouth and began sucking it. Before long, Doug let out a gasp and moaned and arched his back. Billy felt a small amount of cum being released into his mouth. He stood up and gave his found treasure back to Doug as they gave each other a deep passionate kiss. Billy then proceeded to Ben. He followed the same motions as before. He washed Ben's feet softly and gently. Caressing them and kissing them. Bringing his feet to rest upon his cheeks. He took in some whiffs, smelling the aroma of Ben. He then had Ben lift his butt up and he pulled down his pants. Billy wedged himself between Ben's legs and began smelling Ben's masculine area. He closed his eyes and took Ben in his mouth. Soon, Ben released his boy seed into Billy's mouth and then Billy gave it back to him. Billy went to Joshua next. This was the first time he would have ever done anything with Joshua. He began to wash his feet. He caressed them and massaged them. Joshua had had sex many times, but this was only the second time he felt love behind it. The first time was with the Sandman. Billy continued to kiss Joshua's feet and rub his face over them. He then laid down in between his legs and released Joshua's hard member. He took it in his mouth and sucked it gently at first, but increased speed. Joshua was moaning with pleasure and began bucking his hips. In just a few minutes, Joshua would be tasting his own cum as Billy gave it back to him. Billy went over to Tim. He sat down and began to rub and massage Tim's feet at first. Then he started to wash them up and make them nice and clean. Billy then kissed them and licked his tongue over them. He blew sweet kisses on them and smelled them. He couldn't explain it, but he loved feet. He then stood Tim up and pulled his pants down. He took Tim's 6 « member into his mouth and he felt it hit the back of his throat. He sucked long and hard and soon he felt the explosion erupt in warm mouth. He stood up and gave Tim, a sweet passionate kiss. Their tongue wrestled with each other as the white creamy substance was well mixed. Billy went over to Stephen next. Stephen was unsure of this, but since Joshua did it and Billy has been nothing but nice to him on his entire journey, he figured he would let Billy do to him what he had done to the others. Billy could tell Stephen was nervous. He gave him a reassuring smile and then washed his feet. He massaged them and kissed them, running his tongue ever so lightly over and under his feet and between his cute little toes. Billy put one foot on each of his checks and began rubbing his face with them. He then spread Stephen's legs apart and got in between them and pulled his pants down. Billy began sucking Stephen and soon, a dry cum exploded into his mouth. Although Billy had nothing to give back to Stephen, they still kissed long and hard. Stephen loved the feeling that Billy just gave him. Finally it was Scott's turn. Billy first massaged his feet and then washed them. Like the rest, he rubbed his face with them and kissed them. He then pulled Scott's pants down and began sucking on his hard leaking member. Scott left out a yelp as his cock exploded in Billy's mouth. Billy looked up and gave Scott a big kiss. Scott liked the taste of his own cum, but tonight it was different. Not only was it his cum, but a mixture of everybody's. Billy then sat down well satisfied with what had just happen along the beach. As far as he was concerned, his job was done. "Guys, I think we need to take care of Billy now," said Ben. "Let's all of us get naked." The boys complied. Doug got down on all fours and soon he felt Billy's hard throbbing cock in him. Ben got behind Billy and stuck his cock in Billy's ass. As Billy pumped inward, Ben pumped outwards. Scott stood and straddled Doug, facing Billy. Billy opened his mouth and soon Scott started to fuck Billy's mouth. Billy could taste more precum from Scott. Tim decided to go for Billy's feet. He took the wash rag and water and began washing the souls of his feet and started kissing and licking them. It was difficult to do, because of everyone in a big pile, but he managed. As he was washing his with one hand, he was jacking himself off with the other. Stephen and Joshua wanted to help too. They each got on a separate side of Billy. Joshua began nibbling and kissing Billy's right nipple, while Stephen took care of the left nipple. Both boys were stroking themselves as they did this. Billy was in heaven. Never had he had so many boys pay attention to him all at once. Doug loved the feeling of Billy pumping in and out of him. Just the thought and the feeling in his butt made his balls stir. They began to draw close to his body. Then as if all the boys were on the same timer, cum shot out of every cock. Doug shot his load onto the ground. Billy shot his load deep into Doug's butt. He felt Ben fill his ass up with his creamy white seed. Billy coughed as Scott shot his load deep into this throat a second time that night. Billy felt a warm ooze on his leg. It came from Joshua. Stephen had another dry cum. Tim came too, onto Billy's feet, and then he leaned over and licked them clean. That night, all the boys slept well and cuddled up into one big pile. ***** The rain didn't stay away for long. When daybreak broke, the rain returned. The group traveled all day. The sun had set and the boys fell asleep in the back. Ederickson new they were close to the Keeper's estates, so he continued on. He pulled the wagon up in front of the large stone walls and gates. He pounded hard on wooden doors. He kept pounding then he heard the familiar griping and complaining. The door opened up. "How did I know it was you?" complained Muldoon. "Can we come in?" "It's been over a month, we figured you to be dead." "Almost was." "You got a wagon there?" "Yes, can you open the back gate so I can bring them in?" "Very well. Meet me over there." Muldoon shut the door, grumbling and complaining to himself all the way. The wagon was stowed in the safety of the property. Muldoon escorted Ederickson, Carrick and seven sleepy and groggy boys to Mr. Moore's office. There was a figure sitting behind his desk. The hood to his robe was down and the candle burning cast an eerie glow onto his pale face and red eyes. Tim felt rage build up in him when he saw the man sitting behind the desk. He ran over to him and began pounding him and hitting him and crying as he did so. "You Bastard!!! You killed my gramps!!!!" Ederickson pulled Tim off of the man. The man stood up dismayed at what just happened. "Tim, calm down. This is Mr. Moore. He is our friend," said Ederickson. "No, he's not. That's General Tucker, the head Slave Retriever." To Be Continued... I am sorry that this chapter took so long to come. (No pun intended). Things were really crazy around here the past week. I hope you all enjoyed this. Now I am going to do something which I don't know if it has ever been done on nifty or not. Within the next chapter or two, the Sandman, Forger, and Keeper will began working together and save many kids. I thought it would be cool to get you, the reader, involved. This is what I would like you to do. Create a kid that needs saving. Tell me his age, looks, personality and any other pertinent information that is needed to create the character (i.e. penis description, cut, uncut, pubic hair color, amount of hair, wet or dry cum, etc). I prefer the character is based off of you as a kid between the ages of 11-16, but if you don't want it too, that is okay. What else I need to know is where is your character kept and by who? You don't have to write a story or anything, just give me the basics. Like, his name is John and is a bed partner, farm slave, or mining slave, for Gandlin or whoever. They live on a simple farm. Or they live in a castle that is heavily guarded. You can get into detail on how heavily guarded it is, or you can be generic. But feel free to make it challenging for me. You don't have to write a story about your character, just a bio. And there is one final thing I need to know. Of all the characters that were introduced thus far, who would you like to see your character have a sex scene with? (i.e. Ederickson, Carrick, Joshua, Stephen, Billy, Ben, Doug, Tim, Muldoon, General Tucker, Colonel Mosk, Scott or the one of the 3 boys that Ederickson saved in the first chapter or two? Once you email me this info, I will began working on your rescue. I will weave it in with the plot that is already happening. It should be a lot of fun and keep it challenging and interesting for us all. Please email the info to me as soon as possible at Thanks!!!! -Ben