
The Age of Aquarius dawned again when the great cycle ended on December 21, 2012. As the golden age of humanity preceded Pisces, so it recycles. The turbulent age of Christ and his sycophant followers will fade, beginning with the resurrection of Ganymede, immortal boy lover and flask bearer to the Great God Zeus.

Just as Christianity emerged in the sore shadow of autocratic Rome, the dawn of Aquarius will arrive in an uncertain whisper. The Seven Books of Aquarius chronicle the naissance of pure love. Its formative years provide but the merest hint of the cataclysmic change that will follow. The ascendancy of Aquarius will ignite balance and harmony, social advancement, creativity, and technological advance. Its sacred commandments restore antediluvian Atlantis and the Pantheon of Gods from which all things derive.

Unlike Pisces with its strict puritanical relations between man and woman, the new era elevates human sexuality, celebrating the union of dominant and submissive, without regard to gender or age. However, only pederasty bonds its lovers in body, mind, and spirit. In the way of The Brotherhood of men and boys of ancient times, the Seven Catamites and Cat himself begin their physio-mental-spiritual journey to spread ultimate good, a good so good its existence erodes the conundrums of society through attainment of contact with the ecstasy of the Divine.

(Note: Catamitus is Latin for Ganymede)

The Seven Catamites of Aquarius

Preamble: The End of Pisces

  1. The Dawn (The First Catamite, Panther)

  2. Flying High (The Second Catamite, Alexander)

  3. Safe Words (The Third Catamite, Damien)

  4. Variety is the Spice of Life (The Fourth Catamite, Andreas)

  5. Good Memories (The Fifth Catamite, Philip)

  6. A Pretty Pansy (The Sixth Catamite, Theodore)

  7. From the Beast (The Seventh Catamite, Jason)