Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2021 00:18:46 -0400 From: Eric Murphey Subject: The three needs section 11 gay adult youth DOnate to Nifty The Three Needs Section 11 By Eric Murphey Jim wakes himself up snoring. He shakes himself awake and looks at Judah. He smiles thinking of last night and why he slept so well last night. He stretches and his bones crackle as he does. He slips out of bed and heads to the restroom he takes care of his morning duties. When he is done shaving he puts the razor down and thinks he will get new one. An electric one even. He smiles when he thinks about it. Buzz buzz buzz around his face. He heads to the kitchen and starts making some blueberry muffins. He isn't being all fancy making them from scratch. He uses a box mix. He makes some coffee as they are baking and about the time the scent of the muffins overtakes the house Judah comes out looking like a little mouse smelling the air. "What smells so good?" "B-blueberry muffins." Judah snuggles into Jim on the couch. "They smell sooooo good." He says wrapping his arms around JIms naked chest. "They have a few minutes left to bake and then we need to let them cool a few minutes. B-B-but when they are still hot we w-w-will eat them. B-b-butter on t-t-top. Mmmhhmmm." "Sounds nice." They sit and just enjoy each others touch until the timer dings. New timer too, Jim thinks. He gets up and pulls out the muffins and pops them out of the tin He sits them on a plate and grabs the butter from the fridge. He gets milk for Judah and juice for himself. He puts a glob of butter on one and puts it on Judah's plate. Judah peels back the muffin wrapper and sinks his teeth into it. "MMMMMMMMMMMM." His all he can manage as he takes another bite. Jim is smiling as he takes his first bite. Muffins are nice. Jim eats four and Judah manages three with two glasses of milk. They hear that Taylor has arrived and when they are done eating Jim takes him a cup of coffee and a muffin. Taylor has the primer already started when Jim makes it out. They talk for a bit and Jim asks him. "Y-y-y-ou ww-want any f-f-furniture. I'm g-g-getting all n-new." Jim thinks because Judah was already living in a mausoleum and I don't wont him to continue to do so because that's what my house is. Jim writes down I just wanted something that was mine is all. Everything in there is my parents. Its all still good because its all high quality I just want something that's mine is all. "Honestly I can use pretty much anything. The place i rented was furnished. To be honest at first I was just going to get a blow up mattress and some of those plastic lawn chairs. Oh and you can park your truck back int eh garage I got the rest of it all cleared out and its either used or over here now." "C-c-cool." Jim heads in the house and Judah is playing with the legos building a Star Wars one. Jim sits next to him after he takes off his boots and oat and starts building with him. Around eleven Jim gets Judah dressed. Last clean outfit Jim thinks. Time to do laundry or buy more clothes. Need to buy him more clothes anyway but still should do laundry. He gets on Judah's one shoe he can wear and puts a sock on his foot then the air splint. He carries Judah out to the truck and starts it up and they head off to lunch. Jim pulls into the Olive Garden because he was thinking he wanted some Italian food the other day. They walk in and Jim is carrying Judah. The hostess seats them and a server is out in a minute. "Can I get you a drink sir?" She asks. Jim shakes his head no. "A soda then?" Jim smiles and points to the Coke symbol on the back of the menu she gave him. "One Coke and you young man?" "Iced tea please." "Sweet or not?" "Not." "Be right back with your drinks." Judah looks at the menu and Jim already knows what he wants. A few minutes later the waitress appears with a large salad bowl with a salad in it and a basket of hot fresh bread sticks. "So have you guys decided or do I need to give you a few minutes?" Jim nods and points to the menu. "Spinach lasagna nice, Its one of my favorites." "I don't know what to get I never ate any of this stuff before." Judah says. Jim had a feeling it may happen and he points to the menu. "Ah you will like the cheese raviolis for sure. They are one of my favorites too." She starts to giggle. "They are all my favorites I'm glad I work here and have to walk a hundred miles a day or I would be 500 pounds." She says still giggling and getting their menus. "I like raviolis." Judah says smiling to Jim. Jim gets him a salad made and puts it in front of him and a few bread sticks. Judah takes a bite of a bread stick. "You always know or make the best food." Judah says smiling and taking another bite of bread stick. Jim smiles and eats his salad and bread sticks. As they finish the salad and Jim is setting the bowls aside the server shows up with their food. Judah is surprised because he is think canned ones. Not a massive plate filled with them. His eyes get massive at the sauce and cheese covered raviolis. "Think you can eat it all big guy?" She asks. "No but I'm gonna try." He says making her and Jim laugh. Jim holds up the empty bread stick. bowl. "Sure I figured." She says and grabs another basket from the tray she brought out. "Thank you." Judah says to her. "Your welcome." "Be careful its hot sweetie." She says and ruffles his hair as she takes her leave. Judah cuts off a piece and blows on it watching the steam come off of it. He takes a bite ad his eyes clothes as the favors hit his taste buds. He looks at Jim and smiles. Jim smiles back and nods. Judah grabs a bread stick. and dips it in the sauce and takes a bite. Jim can see that this is certainly a good place to come back another time. They eat and enjoy the food Jim does get another soda and Judah gets about half of his lunch finished before he just cant eat another bite. The server is good and packs it up without asking. She asks if they want dessert and both decline. Jim thinks if I don't eat as many bread sticks. next time I will have tiramisu. They head back to home and they say hi to Taylor on the way in and invite him to dinner again. He accepts. Jim lets him know its just leftovers is what they are having. Jim is cooking a lot lately. He is really enjoying it. But he is used to making a meatloaf and eat on it for three or four days. Now he wants to make fresh things for Judah. Not that its bad to eat leftovers. But, he just wants to give him anything he can to make him happy, and have a happy tummy as well. When they get back inside they head and start assembling the doll house. Judah is really having fun helping. He likes to learn and is having fun. Around 4:30 Jim stops working and he goes to make fresh mashed potatoes anyway. He does that and pulls out the meatloaf and heats it up. He has Judah go get Taylor and they have a nice dinner. Taylor is nearly done so he wants to finish before he goes hone so he eats and heads back to work. Jim and Judah clean up after and they sit down and watch an IU basketball game since no Wings tonight. IU wins and it wasn't even an exciting game. IU took the lead from the start got a 14 point lead and it was just never close after that. Even Judah couldn't get too excited about it. Other than to say we are creaming em. Once in a while. Judah was so bored with the game he started playing with the legos and Jim decided it was more fun too. After Jim gives Judah a bath, he starts a load of laundry and they go to bed. They have a bit of their nightly fun and are asleep quickly. A few weeks pass rather quickly and it Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Judah did go trick or treating and it was a good time for him. Him drove him around to local businesses to trick or treat because Judah didn't want him having to carry him everywhere. But they had a great time. Taylor has gotten the apartment done and moved onto the property and has been rather busy. Jim bought a new building that is rather run down because Taylor said he would love to rehab it. Its is an older home built in the 1890s and its truly an amazing home. Jim likes it so much he almost had Taylor turn it into a single residence again. Judah has gotten his cast removed. He isn't allowed yet to run around due to the broken ankle. But he can walk around now and have a good time. Jim has gotten the school supplies and has started the home school process. Judah is loving it and thriving at it. Jim has even gotten Judah involved in Hebrew School and Dan is his cantor. Between Dan and Jim Judah is learning Hebrew fairly quickly. Judah is an extremely smart student whose only desire is to absorb all the material put in front of him so he can start on the next. He is a teachers dream. They have even been attending Temple on Saturdays. Jim's temple is reform and still meets on Saturdays. Jim told Judah if they ever switch to Sundays at his Temple they would no longer go to observe the Shabbatt because Sunday isn't the day of rest. Judah is of the new thinking that its more important to preserve the Temple than to meet on a certain day. Jim feels its important to observe the proper day. They don't argue about it but they do have several discussions on it. Judah always making valid and well thought out points. Jim rebuffing them with equally thought out arguments. What they both decided is that they will never agree but enjoy the discussion. They have gotten into a happy little groove. The Rabbi and Dan are worried about Jim and Judah as he has told them the truth about Judah that he is a runaway and the situation he has came from. The Rabbi and Dan both feel that the best course of action is to have Judah "turn himself in." Jim and Judah think that's a ridiculous plan as they are fairly certain they will take him from Jim. Even though the plan is to not have Jim mentioned. They both refuse to even contemplate the idea. However the Rabbi and Dan didn't object when Jim had Taylor who turns out is a very competent hacker broke into the data base and somehow Judah's new name and place of birth wound up in the system. Jim was terrified when he went to go get Judah's 'real' birth certificate. But it is all very real and Jim is listed as his father. His mother remained the same. Since Judah had never been finger printed everything is actually legal. Even if they dig. So the former Judah just dispersal from the rolls to never be heard from again. Jim asked Taylor why he didn't create a new life for himself the answer was easy. If he did and was caught and printed the jig would be up immediately and he would be in some seriously deep shit. But he has thought about it for after his parents pass. He couldn't bare to disappear on them. Even though he is certain they would understand and are tired as he is of seeing him struggle just to survive. Many times falling short. His dad never minded helping Jim in a pinch because he knew his son tries very hard. He and his wife have adopted Jim and Judah as family for their kindness and acceptance of their son. SO much so that they have invited them for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. That they are going to tomorrow. Today though its buying Judah a new suit day. He has two already that Jim has gotten him for Temple but he wants a new one for visiting. Jim has decided to get one for himself as well. They go to the mens warehouse and pick up a couple off the rack that fit pretty good without any alterations. They both look really nice in the new suits and have a nice time at Taylor's parents house. Who are not Jewish however want to be part of Hanukkah with Jim and Judah. They are loving learning about Judaism from their adopted grandson and son. They are always amazed at Judah and think the world of the little boy. The great thing that happened is that after Judah left Todd didn't report him missing for a week and CPS came in and arrested him on suspicion of murder. Jim and Judah felt bad that he is being brought up on charges that aren't real but feel that its karma's way of working it out and keeping Judah safe. Taylor's parents and Taylor love being a part of Hanukkah and Judah is enjoying having a real family again. The angles in heaven rejoice especially the little band that formed a plan to bring the man and boy together. They all celebrate as Judah becomes a man on is bar mitzvah. Judah goes on in his life and he attends ISU as it is right down the road and when he graduates he stays in town to be near his dad and adopted family. After a few years in the working world Judah decides he truly wants to be a Rabbi and ends up going to a Yeshiva and it breaks JIms heart when Judah is gone. When Judah completes his studies he gets a temple int eh Northeast and Jim moves to that area to be near his son. Judah meets a nice woman Sarai and they get married. She is never told the truth about Judah's childhood. Only three people know the whole truth and that's Mr Dan, Judah and Jim. The original Rabbi has passed and they plan on never telling anyone. Todd got convicted of a few minor things and only spent 2 years in prison. But the good thing is he will never be allowed around another foster child again. This will be that last section of this story. I will be posting one more section of Accidental Transitions then I will no longer be writing any more. I hope you enjoyed my writings I wish you all peace love and good happiness Eric