Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2022 12:53:00 +0000 (UTC) From: "" Subject: The Unbelievable Story - Single chapter, short story - Adult-Youth Category Mark Leger, 22, 6' tall muscular build and thin waist with thick blond hair and bold brown eyes. His tan was reddish brown as he spent a great deal of time when not working as a tutor, he taught scuba and swimming lessons. He was also a predator, and a damn good one. He had graduated with a bachelors degree at 20 from NYU majoring in psychology, minoring in teaching. He then got his masters in business 18 months later. He had a plan, and his parents had been wealthy. He had most of what they left him invested but he kept $100k in the bank in case anything needed to be done right away. He had all the latest gadgets from nightvision glasses to keycode breakers and broadband jammers. He also had a knack for pharmacuticals and the right mixtures for his tranquilizer guns, for people, dogs, and young boys. As was usual at the end of the year, he normally offered his services to the students having a struggle, and then he would reiterate the need for those services to the parents, especially if they had to attend summer school in order to pass. He was always interested in single parent kids the most because it was easier to infiltrate, sometimes he would go in and see the destitute situation and feel bad for his lover of the evening and make a donation in order to help out, like he had done with his last lovers, Brian and Tim. Their dad was an obscene drunk, but both boys were neat, tidy and organized. Brian was doing well in school, but he happen to be a chance encounter at a birthday party he had been invited to, but had made no headway at besides making all the parents comfortable. He had the protective services people put the drunk ass in rehab and the kids went to stay with a foster family Mark had given ten thousand dollars to to make sure the boys were well taken care of. But where Mark was headed now he had waited almost 2 weeks for. Twins, and rich kid twins at that, but it got better, Scott, the one who needed tutoring in English, he had been not just receptive to Mark's small touches and seemingly innocent advances, but had encouraged them by allowing himself to be accessible. They were identical twins, Scotty and Ryan. Both 14, 5'2" tall about 95# soaking wet, both had brown hair that bleached in the sun and they both had the same amazing dark hazel eyes with a small gold spot in the left pupil. During the time Mark had in the library, he carefully ran his hand along the bare knee of Scotty's leg, then resting his hand on his own leg making it look natrual. A thesaurus was needed and Mark got it and put it open to the word referenced and leaned over the boys body and watched the goosebumps form on his arms and neck and Mark hovered a moment breathing in the sweet smell of the boys hair and skin before he returned to instructing. Mark sat back down and Scotty moved closer and his knee pressed against Marks', and the the boys hand was on his own knee, but his fingers traced along Marks kneecap. Before he reached up to make notes he pulled his shorts leg up higher and Mark decided to have a feel, and ran the palm of his hand along the inner thigh about a quarter of the way up down to the knee and he held his hand on the youths leg. Neither said anything after the time was up, but his mother made this appointment for him to get caught up and possibly graduate with the rest of his class without summer classes. He drove his BMW to the gate and gave the guard his information. The guard called and confirmed the appointment and he was allowed to enter, "Take the second right turn and go to the end. Big three story brick house with the only pull through driveway, cant miss it." The guard smiled as he opened the gate. Mark had already looked up the plans for the house, got the security monitoring system and service information, researched the internet provider and the services they had with phone and broadband. He had left no stone unturned because he wanted this one and his brother. They would make an excellent addition to his collection. The house was very large indeed. As Mark parked and walked to the door Scotty and Ryan opened the door and seemed suspiciously happy to see him. "Hey guys," Mark smiled warily "why do I feel like you guys are up to something?" He asked, Ryan the older twin by a minute and a half, replied with a question "Did you have plans tonite, please say no" to which Scotty chimed quietly "Please say no" Scotty looked desperate and Ryan looked hopeful, "Just dinner at home after this, why" Mark asked and his answer was so shocking he almost fell down. "I will pay you $4000 if you will watch the boys tonite and tomorrow, I have to go to New York." Their mother Evelyn walked up and said while she was still on the phone with someone. Mark was breathless, but not easily taken off his feet, "Thats fine" and she went and busied herself, and the boys took him inside with his breifcase. Inside the main entrance the floors were polished tile, but only twenty feet in, then it was carpet flooring in a what seemed like a social room with a few chairs and a couch with end tables. Dark mahogony trim on the walls and the pillars going to the staircase and the archway over the hallway were all ornately crafted with geometric symmetry. "Very nice house guys" Mark commented, even his parents would have like the designer who put it together, "Mom did it all, she does that kinda thing" Ryan said as he shrugged "You want a tour, or do you want to torture the slow learner first?" Ryan said the comment with a smile and a playful punch to his brothers arm. "I am not going to write a book, a short story, or anything, why do I need to learn this crap? Scotty said defensively "You may have to write a review on a hotel, or a restaraunt, or maybe a letter to a friend, or loved one" Mark said flatly "you dont want to sound like an idiot when you do any of those things do you?" Scotty shuffled his feet "No" he murmured "I suppose torture first master Ryan, tea after then a full tour from the top down" Mark jested with a thick british accent. They had been working for a little more than an hour before Evelyn came in. "Excuse me Mark, may I have a moment," she motioned for him to come out to the hall which he did "Any expenses you may have, use this please," she handed him a roll of about a thousand in cash and a credit card "you can take them anywhere and do as the three of you decide, here is our contact list" she airdropped a list seeing he had an iPhone as well, "I am truly greatful, the boys hate the nanny and the housekeeper is off till Sunday. If you need anything Ryan doesn't have the answer to, call me, but Ryan will have most of the answers." "Thank you Evelyn, and I will take good care of them both, they seem pretty well behaved compared to some of the other kids I have been tutoring." Mark said giving her a knowledge she already possessed just made her feel more confident in them and him. "Thank you" and she turned to walk away Mark went to return to Scotty, "Mark, I will give you a check when I return, I apologize for not being able to pay you up front" "Not an issue Mrs Childer, none at all" She nodded and he went back to the desk. Confident no interuptions Mark sat next to Scotty and scooted his chair a little closer, and he was copied, their legs were touching just from being in close proximity. They read Edgar Allen Poe last week and Shakespeare this week, and they were in the beginning of Hamlet and the Uncle poisoned his own brother and as Scotty read the lines aloud, Mark laid his hand on the upper middle of the thigh. It was warm, and the nylon material felt like silk against the smooth skin. Scotty continued to read, but opened his legs up, Mark was usually not able to get this far, usually he would have made a plan for entry after dark, darted both of them and anyone else in the house and had his way. But Scotty was inviting him to play. He slid his hand down and pressed his fingers under the silky nylon shorts and run his hand along the inner thigh to the groin, squeezing gently the soft tender flesh in his fingers. "I know this is fiction because brothers wouldnt do that for real right?" Scotty asked sincerely "Not all brothers have good in them" Mark said solemnly "But I would hope that you are right, brothers would not do this to eachother" "Ryan and I have a special bond, and we dont have any secrets, and thats why we share everything, so nothing comes between us and no one can ever trick us." Scotty said firmly and with a grin. Marks hand had remained in place rubbing the boys inner leg both of them enjoying it. He could feel the shaved hairs in the crevice of where the leg meets the hip and he could feel one of the plump nuts along his knuckle. "Couple years ago in the prep school we use to go to a kid had gotten really close to Ryan and me," Scotty continued "he said one thing to me, another to Ryan and it started some real shit" He said shaking his head with a grimace "since then, me and Ryan dont keep any secrets" He had locked eyes with Mark, they were so very beautiful, but Mark looked back with a warm smile "Smart, and it insures that anyone who tried to betray you would be found out before they had the opportunity." Mark said as he slid his hand out slowly. He knew it was not a threat but he did not want Scotty to feel weird. Scotty got a text, and he stood up fast "Follow me Mark," Scotty said with a huge grin, "Arm the system for down here, we are on the stairs" Scotty spoke into his phone and as they made it to the third floor, the beep and audible sound of locks falling into place could be heard. They walked through a huge double door and into a open area with a small kitchen and dining room on the left, a game room with several table top games and a full size pool table to the right past that on the either side of the room were two doors and then a single door in front of them. Scotty lead Mark to the door in the middle, and inside was a hot tub in the left corner that Ryan was in already with bubbles going, a jaccuuzzi in the opposite corner of the same side of the room, a huge 4 person shower and a pair of private toilets with a huge vanity between them. "Okay boys I am impressed. But now I am curious, how did your parents enough for all this? I had rich parents both were money smart people and I have a very nice nest egg, but this is amazing" Mark said still looking around. His blueprints showed only the open area, not what they had done with it. "Before dad had a heart attack" Scotty said as he pulled off his shirt "he was a leading designer of security software for all the major banks in the U.S." Mark stopped and his eyes were on the site of Scotty taking his pants off, and throwing them at Mark. "Mom designs interior masterpieces she calls them for the royal families of England, Spain and Italy." Ryan moved in the hot tub and made eye contact with Mark as Scotty finished the answer. Mark had the shorts in his hand and was looking at Ryan, "We want to be tutored in sex Mark, and Scotty said you might like the idea" Ryan said with a factual disposition but the tone of asking without asking "That sounds fair, but can you afford the fee?" Mark said as he walked over to see both boys completely naked. "Money is not a problem, but thats not what you want" Ryan said puzzled "What is the fee" he asked watching Mark undress, "Its very simple" Mark slid into the tub and looked at them both Ryan first then deeply smiling at Scotty "I want a picture, of us three, together" Mark said. "Does it have to be of us having sex, that would be very fucked up if someone found it" Scotty said, "Done" Ryan said and stuck out his hand to shake on the deal. Mark shook it and saw that Ryan had spunk, and was probably gonna be a great man one day. They spent about an hour and a half in the hot tub, talking, joking, and occasionally a valid sex question would be asked and answered. But Mark knew the boys and him all wanted to be comfortable with one another. "So Scotty, I gotta know how you knew I was gonna be down for this" Mark was across from Scotty and Ryan was to his right, they were all rubbing their feet against eachothers in the middle of the tub. "You know anything we tell you and this like whole thing is like secret right" Scotty said seriously "This is our agreement," Mark confirmed "Well, you know Joey Smalls?" Scotty asked and Mark had already done Joey, twice in one night. He was a very sexy 15 year old "I think I remember him vaguely asking for geometry help" Scotty cut him off "Yea, no good with math, but anyway, he told me that his mom has had a couple boyfriends that have snuck into his room and done stuff to him and with him." He raised his eyebrows a few times, "and when you were helping me you were kinda cool about waiting till the third day to try anything and when you did you were like I said cool" "I cant help but feel like I won the lottery when I flirted with you, and I am glad you liked it" Mark replied smiling. Ryan stood up showing a smooth shaven crotch, no nicks just fully smooth skin until you got down the leg to the calves and they were soft light brown. He got out of the tub and said "Come on Mark, Let me show you the rest of our floor" As Mark and Scotty exited the tub, Ryan cut the bubbles and handed them each a heated towel. Mark looked at his phone, it was 730, "Do you guys want dinner?" he asked dropping his phone onto the table where his clothes sat. "Trust me, food is already here, mom thinks we eat junk all the time, but no" Scotty said matter of factly as they exited the bath house of a room. "You saw the game room, here is the theatre" Ryan opened the door to the room on the right and it was a small 8 person theater with a projector and a decent sound system. A gaming room was behind that but for all the money, neither of them spent alot of time on a console. then in the back of that was a workout room with a pullup station, a heavy bag, some free weights, a couple chest/back machines and a couple leg machines. Mark had several thoughts about the workout room but they did not involve the equipment for anything other than support. "Have you guys ever done anything together?" Mark asked as they exited the theatre room. Ryan looked at Scotty, who looked embarressed, "Why dont you get us some drinks, water juice," Scotty nodded greatfully and went to the kitchen on this level as he and Ryan entered a large room with walk in closets and just bathrooms with a sink and a toilet on both sides. It was seperated by a wall in the middle that had a tv mounted on it on both sides, but the rooms were joined again by the walk in closets, it had two king size beds on either side of the room, and each had a desk, and this was the kicker, The left desk was a model of the resolute desk in England the left one was from the U.S. and if Ryan had not pointed out where Mark had seen the design, he would have been still scratching his head. "Scotty did stuff with a guy but it was letting him explore." Ryan said in a whisper "the guy then tried to manipulate us and we were expelled because of the bullying being stopped by an appropriate response." Ryan said with satisfaction. Mark was going to ask more but scotty came in with several drinks, but no towel. Mark took a couple of the drinks and followed Ryan to the bedside with them. "No reason to have these anymore if your not gonna wear one" Mark said as he looked at Scotty and removed his towel. "Wait we can be nude?" Ryan said throwing his covering to the floor as well. "Are you both comfortable with eachother?" Mark asked as he had them stand side by side. "Of Course" they said in almost unison. "Okay. So this is new for both of you, you are going to be touching eachother and me, and me you, there will be times this is going to get sweaty, sticky, and wet" Mark explained the least pleasurable things about sex to both of them and they listened intently, "One last thing, you trusting me this much means alot to me, and I am very flattered. I will pledge now, before you both as open and bear as I can be, I will never lie to you, I will always be on your side, even if your wrong, and I will keep nothing from you if you ask or it involves you." Mark made the oath with earnest integrity, and would uphold it. But he also saw an opportunity to get alot more boys involved. Ryan and Scotty looked at him and they wanted to trust his words, but Ryan spoke before Scotty had the chance "I want to give him a chance, we are all naked in my room because you said it was a good idea" Ryan turned to Mark "I dont trust many people Mark but I like the man I have gotten to know today" Scotty agreed, and said "it was my idea to bring him here, I wasnt gonna say no" They looked back at Mark, who gave them an apple juice, "Each of you take a sip" taking the half empty bottle and setting it aside, "Face eachother and kiss on the mouth" Mark instructed. After they figured out who was tilting their head which way, they pressed into it well. Mark watched as they pressed their lips together and held it before pulling apart a few seconds later. "Excellent job, most people fuck that up really bad first time out" they giggled, Mark stood behind Scotty first, looking at Ryan, "The erogenous zones on a man and a woman are very similar" He bent Scotty's head to the left a little showing the neck and the artery, "any attention here is good, depending on the person it could be kissing, or sucking like giving a hickey, or even biting. Not hard but some pressure and the pressing of the tongue against the muscle being aroused." Mark worked down the chest and the nipples the lower rib cage and the space of soft flesh below the ribs, then he had Scotty lay on the bed and lift his legs and put them on the bed with his legs still spread. "Another good bite area is here and here," Mark rubbed the crevice where the leg and hip met "this is a real spot to rub and press on for a guy when he is all worked up, and obviously the asshole, but we will get to that in a bit" Mark had Ryan mimick him and they took their hands and rubbed the knee to the ankle. Scotty had sweet smelling feet, and they were so cute and smooth. Ryan watched as Mark had him continue copying him. They kissed the bottoms of the feet, then the toes, Scotty wiggled, then the tops and Mark licked from the top to the ankle and kissed up the calf, Ryan doing the same, Scotty started breathing heavy. They both left bite marks on the inner thighs, Ryan blurted out after tasting his brothers legs and groin "Fuck this is so good" Mark agreed as he wiped some slober from his face, "Here, gentle, like this" Mark used his tongue and went from the spot just above the butthole to the top of the nuts. Scotty let out a small sigh, then Ryan did it and Mark had him take the balls into his mouth, and Scotty moaned, his cock pulsing. Mark had only ever let one guy have sex with him and he was young and curious like these guys were, but also the idea of having either of them inside him cumming actually hot him harder. "Scotty, lets move around a bit, you get behind me, Ryan you lay in front of me" Everyone got in place on the bed and Mark looked at Ryan "Any lotion or lube for when you rub one out?" and Ryan reached over and produced a bottle of KY heat, "It was on sale at spencers" Mark smiled as he applied some to his anus and then stroked Scotty's cock until it was well oiled. "Put it in slow, when you are all the way in hold it there for a second then easy slow thrusts that pick up a rythym" Scotty looked everything from scared to death to winner of the jackpot for a trillion dollars, He turned back towards Ryan and ryan watched both guys faces. "Go ahead bud." Mark relaxed his anal muscles and he felt the teen dick heat like an iron as it pressed against the hole. Mark pressed back into it and felt it go in, Scotty did too and took a sharp inhale. The boys hips were pressed against his ass and shaking. Mark took Ryan and swallowed his cock and worked his magic tongue over around under and all about that boys dick. His oohs and ahhhs spurred Scotty on and Mark felt both sets of hands on him at the same time, one on his hips and the other on his head and shoulder and both saying the same thing "OHHH FUCKKKK" Ryan came first. "Oh God, Mark, mmmm, dont stop, thats gonna make me nut....mmmmmm fuck yesssssss thats uuuhhhhhhh uhh oh my god" His hips pulled back a little and Mark grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him back into his throat and bobbed keeping solid pressure on the head as he fingered the tight ass and pushed on the g-spot. His orgasm was filling for sure. Five powerful spurts that filled his mouth, and he savored slowly swallowing as another three spurts worth dribbled out. He sucked until Ryan had the tinglies from over sensitivity, and released the cock and clamped his ass tight just in time as Scotty filled him from the other end, he fell on top of mark and humped until the last spurt 7 in total and lay there breathing as his cock slipped out and Mark could feel the warm cum on his ball sac. Scotty was a quiet cummer, no yells or loud moans, but he did get vocal a couple of times. Mark crawled off the bed doing his best not to leak and went to the bathroom in the closet and cleaned up. When he returned Ryan was on his back and Scotty had the lube. "Your turn big boy" Ryan said all sexy. "Okay" Mark liked the idea, but before Scotty could lube his brother Mark got between the cheeks and rimmed Ryan like his life depended on it, the boy tasted so fucking good he wanted to have all of him. Ryan moaned into his pillow and raised his ass and did alot of fidgeting, Scotty looked on amazed. Mark rolled Ryan over and pulled him into a kiss, Ryan was just as feirce as Mark was in returning the kiss and instinctually clawed at his back pulling him down and in. Ryan felt the tip of an 8" pole about to fill him up. They stopped Kissing and Mark sat up and had Scotty lub them both up generously. "Push like you have to poop and its stuck, and take a deep breath" Mark slid the head on to the virgin rosebud that tasted like sweet cherries, Ryan held his legs up and watched Marks face as he felt the tip enter inside him, Mark never loosing eye contact with him. Scotty watched from a side view and saw all of Marks' huge cock go inside Ryan. Mark took a pillow and shoved it under the small of Ryans back then bent down their chests touching and a slow kiss eyes open locked on the others as Mark began thrusting, his hips pushing back in strong increasing speed every 4 pump or so. Ryan felt everything, all of his nerves were alive in this moment. Mark could see in the boys eyes that the pleasure level had peaked, Ryan was in charge, but in the bedroom he loved having a man on top. Mark kissed his lips again and pressed his tongue in and danced with the soft wet and warm tongue that Ryan had been desperate for someone to try with. Mark picked up the pace a little and pushed in hard a few times Ryan moaning into his mouth as they kissed. Ryan broke eye contact and the kiss and hugged mark around the neck, "fuck me, oh Mark, I am about to cum again" Scotty didnt here the whisper, but he watched as Ryan spurt 3 shots between their bellies as Mark muffled something into Ryans ear and then they both moaned, Ryans legs locked around Marks hips. "Damn Mark, you must be a great fuck." Scotty said to himself as he watched Mark lay to one side still holding Ryan in his arms. He kissed the boys brown hair which had become matted from sweat and all the moving, Ryan kissed the chest of his teacher and hoped for so much more. Not wanting Scotty to feel like they had shut him out Ryan got up and went and cleaned up as Mark had explained how easy it was with a biday. "That was intense looking" Scotty said as Ryan left, "is he okay?" Mark shook his head yes and smiled. "Wow" Ryan said as he came back in and laid his head in Scotty's lap and his feet in Mark's. They had laid there for about an hour and Ryan told Mark to make Scotty feel that special and he was going to make dinner. Mark kissed him on the lips quickly, "Can I really have both of you" he whispered, "I hope so" Ryan said as he left his head spinning as he stopped in the bathroom to put some house clothes on. Scotty came back in and Mark was laying on his back in the middle of the bed. "Where is Ryan?" Mark dimmed the lights with the remote, "Making dinner, come here" Scotty smiled and lay next to Mark. "You are so beautiful, not just your exterior, but here too." Mark said as he touched Scotty on both his head and his heart then putting his hand on the side of his young face, the eyes gleamed in the dimmer light, Scotty held Mark's hand that was free and pulled up to the older mans face, Mark let the young man come in and passionately kiss him. He held the boys lower back and pulled him in for better position and they made out for a few minutes. Mark worked Scotty up and he was ready for another round, and Mark did the same as with Ryan, held eye contact the whole time and Scotty was breathless when he watched his cock get sucked and wetted for more lube and as Mark mounted him and his cock was deep in side they never stopped and Scotty kissed deeper as Mark rode his cock harder. He felt the strong hands of a 22 year old who was inside his soul at that moment, and felt his orgasm erupt and he felt every nerve ending in his body and he buried his face in Marks chest and heard him say "Thats the best fuck Ive ever had Scotty." Their eyes met again and Scotty saw the raw passion Mark had for him and he pulled him into another deep kiss. They showered together, and then went downstairs to eat, or see if Ryan had been murdered and if they needed to order pizza. Much to their surprise, Ryan opened the door to the kitchen and stopped, "I was just on my way to get you" And in the dining room were three plates of food, Scotty had a medium rare ribey with mashed potatoes which were substituted for a baked, Mark had a double patty melt, but no onions with both cheddar and american cheeses, along with a side of potato wedges, Ryan had a bowl of soup and a roast beef melt with white cheddar. "I have never met anyone who could turn down a steak for a cheeseburger" Mark said squinting at Ryan "but I would rather have the burger, how did you know?" Ryan just beamed and smiled very pleased with himself, "He is the food guy, he can often tell me what I want before I know" Scotty said not impressed after the last two years of his brothers magic tricks. After dinner the two of them cleaned up and let Ryan shower. Mark took the trash out and saw a short blond boy at the end of the driveway on his phone, as he went inside Scotty was on his phone, he looked at Mark "My friend Shawn want to spend the night" Markheld his hand up "About yea tall bright blond hair, glasses, looks like the guy from that movie Starkid" Scotty got a puzzled look on his face, "Yea, how did you know that" Mark walked him to the front window and showed him, "Thats how". Scotty looked at Mark with a devious grin, and Mark liked it "Can we seduce him?" Scotty said in a sexy voice. Ryan was out of the shower and had just pulled up his sleep shorts when Shawn and Scotty came in, Mark in the rear. Shawn had been mid sentence when they came in, "so I had no place else to go, and I have no idea when she is gonna be back." Shawn looked like he had a bad day, "Our mom is gone to, this is Mark, hes kinda like our best older friend, we trust him like we trust eachother, so does our mom, which is why hes here." Way to sell it Scotty both Ryan and Mark thought. "He did not get the key from her before she left, so he is locked out till she gets back with him or back in town" Scotty said to Ryan, who was still in his underwear, but then he realized so were Mark and Scotty. He was nearly a foot shorter than the twins, same age, looked like a groth spurt was working its way out from the little bit of pudge that always accumulated before he got taller. Scotty and Ryan had to converse and Shawn was left with Mark. "Hi, nice to meet you" Mark reached out his hand and Shawn took it and had a firm grip "You too" They looked eachother up and down, "You bench like 220" Mark was impressed, "Yea, 210, but damn close." Shawn waved off the other two, "You seen the gym?" And they went to the gym. As soon as they were out of the room, Scotty pointed at the door "See, told you" Ryan said, "Ok ok, it looked like a bail ok." "Trust me, he knows what to do and we can set it up with the right game, and some vodka" Scotty said like it had been his idea. Mark was right about Shawn being gay, his gaydar had gone off when they opened the front door, but this was crazy. He spotted for the boy, and he made his cock a main viewpoint, and Shawn had eye contact with him and he still intentionally looked up Marks shorts, blushing when they made eye contact again. Shawn was also apparently turned on and the outline of his six inches was visible, but and Mark was really hoping, it looked un cut. He stepped it up a little, taking off his shirt, Shawn doing that and taking off his top layer shorts, Making Mark stop a second "How many pairs are you wearing" Shawn said "Just three" a little winded. "Come here a sec" Mark said and sat on the bench. Shawn got there and was standing in front of him and they were actually eye to eye. His eyes were deep green, and he had a few freckles on his nose and cheeks. Mark took the boy's ass in his hands and took the shorts, both sets, down to his ankles, "Would you like a blowjob?" Mark asked and Shawn nodded the affirmative. Mark pulled the foreskin back and sucked the head and shaft down making Shawn feel the extacy. He had big balls and a great cock for a 14 year old half pint, Mark had him sit on the bench and he went back at it and Shawn started humping after a couple minutes and blew an amazing amount of cum in Marks mouth. A little bitter, but still sweeter than bitter. Then Mark saw the bite mark, and he knew Shawn had either played him or was just making friends. "Is it okay if I ask who did this?" Mark said as he rubbed the bite. Shawn was still out of breath, and Mark kissed his chest and rubbed his legs til he was breathing and felt comfortable. "You wont tell anyone?" He asked "No, I would get in just as much trouble." Mark shined reason on his thought. "Good point" Shawn said "My neighbor, Mr. Robbins, he prefers Terry, he has a few of the guys come over and have a few drinks, a couple of us like to stay and let him do stuff with him, and eachother." Shawn said looking at Marks' dick. Ryan and Scotty had peeked in on them and Mark pulled off the shorts and started blowing him. They were eavesdropping on the conversation about Mr. Robbins, "Shawn invited me over there 2 weeks ago" Scotty said "Damn, you missed it" Ryan retorted. "Wanna fuck me daddy?" Shawn said as he waived his ass at Mark, "Need permission from my team before that you devious little minx." Mark was headed back to the main room when Ryan walked over quickly and closed the door "Yo, you guys in here?" Mark saw Scotty walking back to the door and pretended along with them, "Yea, but I think we wanted to move to a more cushy spot" Mark said as the twins walked around the corner and saw Shawn naked except for his shoes. Ryan was itching for round 2 which Scotty already had. He walked up to shawn who was looking very embarrassed, "I am sorry Ryan, I didnt...." Ryan kissed him full on the mouth and got a handful of his soft ass, "Dont apologize, we had no idea you were into guys" Shawn came down from a rush of Ryan kissing him, and hearing him say that was not what he expected. They all went back to the bedroom and Shawn had been with several guys in the neighborhood. "Eric Davis, isnt he like 19 and drive a red Acura" Ryan said in disbelief, "He likes getting head from me or Billy driving thru the neighborhood, he cums hard too. Billy told me he let him fuck him before, but he was mean about it so he didnt do it again." Billy was another 14 year old that was tall and lanky with a great tan. Ryan laid Shawn down and rimmed him Scotty watched and got between his brothers knees and sucked his dick. Making sure he was good and wet he then applied plenty of lube and gave the tube to Ryan before walking over to Mark and taking him to the bed and lay face down exposing that his ass was already lubed and ready for him. Shawn flipped and he and Scotty faced eachother. Ryan entered in with little resistance, Mark went slow with Scotty who when he felt Mark all in loved how his balls were touching Marks. Shawn was moaning Ryan's name at midway and Ryan loved it, he held onto the boys hips and pumped him full of cum. Mark looked down on his little buddy who was now begging him to fuck him harder, and as he did, Scotty came with Mark jerking him. His orgasm casues all his anal muscles to flex and contract as Mark was fucking and he came. Scotty felt the feeling of joy as Mark held him close and came. He liked that feeling. Mark and Ryan had ended up in bed together while Scotty took Shawn to his bed. They all slept very well and in the morning Mark and Ryan were the first to wake up. "Good morning sexy" Ryan said as Mark opened his eyes, then smiled and stretched. "Morning beautiful" Mark said as he pulled his lover closer. "Shawn's mom is picking him up at 2pm." Ryan said enjoying the snuggled feeling, "Mom text me and asked if he was here because his phone is apparently dead" Marks lips pressed against the side of his neck and his warm breath sent shivers thru his body. "I have not woken up happier, or feeling better than I did today, thank you" Only Ryan could have heard him, it was barely a whisper, and behind his ear. But it gave him a warm feeling inside and goosebumps. "Lets make them breakfast," Mark said as he got up and slipped his shirt on, Ryan doing the same. Scotty was awake, but Shawn was out cold. He was on his side and facing away from Scotty, and his ass was very warm and inviting. Scotty had already fingered him for almost fifteen minutes and when Ryan and Mark left he got up close and pulled his pants down. He wrapped the smaller boy in a spooning position as he made penetration and Shawn didnt stir other than to snore. Scotty felt his balls press against Shawns super smooth ass and let his hands hold on to his belly and chest as he humped slow but steady and Shawn slept thru it, Scotty came inside him and he kissed the smooth back and neck until his dick was empty. When he withdrew, he rolled Shawn over and covered him up, letting him sleep. Scotty joined them and had them wait to see when sleeping beauty would arise. They had a couple cups of coffee and some eggs and bacon. They had decided to go to a movie, Mark was not feeling a movie but had some things to get at the mall and after Shawn woke up at 1, and his mother picked him up at 230, they took Marks car to the mall. At the security gate Ryan went and told Alfonso to wave them in on his return, he knew all the security guards, he got bored and like to hang at the gate. Scotty was inviting Billy, and showed Ryan who agreed, but neither told Mark yet. At the mall the boys went in and got tickets and Mark went shopping for some new gear, specifically live wireless cameras. Billy was there and he was with Trevor, Shawn had said that he and billy both had sex with Trevor and even though he was 12 he was good at sex. "Hey guys" Ryan greeted "Trevor" Scotty said as he appeared behind Ryan. "Hey man, yea Scott, damn man you got bigger" Trevor said turning to Ryan "You look the same Ryan" they laughed sarcastically all around "You missed my birthday party,"Trevor said and Billy got wide eyed and nodded yes "Me, billy, and Mike erikson, you might not know him he isnt from the lakes" Trevor said referring to the neighborhood they were from, "We git lit up, vodka shots and mixed drinks all night and the music was so good." They went in and took their seats, But billy sat on the end and then Ryan then Trevor then Scotty. The movie was a suspense thriller called "Eyes of the Watcher" about an evil group of people who stole peoples lives and blackmailed with secrets they took. Ryan sat up in his chair and leaned closer to Billy as the intensity increased. "Its silly" Ryan started to say but Billy could not hear him and leaned in closer, Ryan said clearly "I like you, can I hold your hand?" Billy pulled back a second then smiled and blushed, offering his hand to Ryan. Scotty looked around and saw no one else in the theater. "Come here" He said to Trevor and they went to the top of the back row and sat down. Trevor was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a regular Nike t-shirt, he was also wearing UnderArmor underwear, blue ones. Scotty lifted the arm between them and Trevor was confused for a second, "You want a blowjob?" and shocked trevor pulled out his now 13 year old dick, it was about four and a half inches long but it tasted delicisious. He squeezed Scotty on the shoulder as he was about to come and as he did he went stiff. Scotty sat up and kissed his lips quick and Trevor went down with no hesitation. He had the deft hands of a theif, Scotty felt those soft hands pulling his cock out and then that tongue as he ran it all over his cock. Scotty felt the feeling and put his hands on Trevors shoulders, moving them to the back of his head and he held the boy swallowing his cum loosely caressing his head with care. "Do you wanna Spend the night?" Trevor licked his lips, "Im totally down" Ryan had known Billy for a couple years, and that said he knew Billy was a romantic at heart, but also a horny goblin teen like him. Billy had removed the arm between them and was holding Ryan's hand, in his lap, absently but not more than the side of his pinky would have an opportunity to feel anything. But Ryan did not like the idea of not having a good feel, but decided to be fair, he took Billy's right hand and pulled it into his crotch, he was not fully hard but respectable, and then he took a feel, he was not fully hard and respectable as well, maybe even a little more so, Billy leaned in and they started kissing, then making out the rest of the movie. Trevor had his housekeeper pick them up and she was very anal about time. Not as anal as he was, but he was not gonna tell her that. "9pm" Ryan said as they went their seperate ways. Scotty paid attention this time at the mall, and Mark was right, he saw 4 or 5 guys in their late forties early fifties watching the bathrooms and eye candy like him and Ryan. Too bad Mark was there to pick them up, and that he had just gotten sucked off, or he might have let one of those guys do it for him. Mark asked about the movie and they both said "It sucked" and they went and got dinner from the sushi house before heading home. Scotty chatted with Trevor and Billy most of the evening hours, Ryan asked Mark to get more lube and while he was out he and Scotty got the other king mattress out and made one huge ass bed in Ryan's room, towels, and water were all that was left, and Mark came in to the driveway same time as a very cute bubble butt blonde who could not be older than 12 walked up to the door. Mark waled over and walked in and looked expectantly at thr boy "You Mark?" The high pitched voice was so cute. "I am" Mark said with a smile. "I am Trevor, nice to meet you" Scotty wasnt a liar, he was hot. They went upstairs where Billy had already arrived and everyone was in underwear. "Thats the rules, only underwear" Scotty said. Mark tossed the 2 bottles of lube to Ryan then looked at Trevor undressing and wanted to gobble him up right there. "Leave the phones in the bowl next to the door." Ryan said as he armed the alarm and sut the house lights out. Mark and Trevo sat next to eachother on the bed and then going right it was Ryan, Scotty and Billy. "To be fair, we already kinda fooled around with Billy a little" Ryan said looking at Mark and Trevor "I think you two show make out while we watch" Ryan said and the other two agreed, Billy said "Only fair man, they both got me" Trevor looked at Mark and crawled over to him. Mark was a little more aggressive and straddled the youth and held his head in place with an actually gently kiss, slowly opening into a open mouth kiss that made Trevor moan. Mark was grinding his waist into the boys and rubbing his upper torso feeling every inch then kissing it all as well. Mark made it all the way down past his belly button and stopped, but licked the soft smooth stomache. Trevor had been holding his head and pulling his hair deeper into his body while Mark ravished him. Billy looked at Mark eyes staring wide "Me next" he said and Mark did the same thing but when he looked up he saw Scotty 69ing Trevor and Ryan deep in Scotts ass and decided to go the rest of the way with Billy. Careful not to harm his penis the tight brefis removed Mark gave him top or bottom option for a 69 and he chose bottom. Mark had his cock deep in a 14 year olds throat as swallowing a teen cock as well, it was a good day. Despite having sex as often as he did, it was with the same people. Trevor had only slept with 7 people, and 4 of them were in this room. Both Billy and Trevor like Mr. Robbins, he was cool and really good at sex too. Shawn was a loudmouth brat most of the time, but they still liked him and he was a great fuck anytime. Scotty and Ryan were surprised but not at the same time. Mark Billy and Trevor were on the bed together and Ryan and Scotty went to get something and Trevor said "I want to see them fuck" Billy agreed and Mark could not deny it would be sexy. When they returned with some snacks, Trevor looked at Ryan "We wanna see you guys have sex" Scotty looked at his brother, already naked and moving towards him. "I like it when you kiss me" Scotty whispered softly in Ryans ear, wh then held his face and passionately kissed Scotty and they fought a little back and forth but Scotty took top, Billy and Trevor watching intensely. Mark pulling Trevor into his lap and again tasting his youth and rubbing all over his naked body as he watched the twins go at it. Scotty got Ryan in doggy style and finished by collapsing on his side, Mark hardly needed to suggest, Trevor was guiding his cock into his ass as he also gave billy a blowjob. The boys were all asleep together, Mark lay awake as he watched them sleep not beleiving how his weekend had turned out. The next day everything was made as it was before the orgy weekend, Billy and Ryan were gonna give dating a try, Trevor gave Mark his number and told him point blank "I prefer older men" Scotty invited his friend David over, he wanted to see if he could fool around with him in his sleep, not as far as he went with Shawn but he was curious. Mark got paid double for putting up with all these children over the weekend, and she thanked him. Mark asked her to pay him the original amount, he felt wrong if he took more and she did as he asked, but then asked him to take an advance on next weekend, and he took both checks to the bank. If you liked this-email