Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2019 18:14:32 -0500 From: Eric Murphey Subject: Transitions Chapter 23 Gay Adult youth Hey Hi how ya all doing? I hope your all well and happy. I will give you a warning this time. Dont do this at home its a story. Nothing real in it. Ok thats your warning. I am having a really nice day today. I hope you are as well. I really liked the last chapter. I hope that this one carries on and shows the love that is in these relationships that its not just about sex. Anyway make a donation to Nifty today. Its easy its simple and its free because of the donations people make to them. I as always appreciate all the emails. I am always pleased when i see some in my in box. So far only one have i not responded to because it deserved no response. I dont care to argue in real life and dam sure wont do it with some internet tuffy. I wish you all as always peace love and happiness. Eric Hope you like where its going. Transitions Chapter 23 Eric woke the next morning and Alejandro wasn't next to him sleeping for the first time since he started living with him. He gets up and goes to the restroom wondering where he is. When he walks out of the restroom he checks Alejandro's room and hes not there. After Eric leaves Alejandro's room he hears music wafting upstairs. Instead of taking the back stairs as usual to the kitchen he takes the front winding staircase and hears now distinctly piano music. As he comes down he sees Rich at the Grand piano playing and the boys dancing around like pentacostals. Rich is playing Honky Cat by Elton John. Rich's fingers are flying over the keys like an old friend. Eric sits on the couch in the observatory and watches just smiling watching the boys dancing and Grand Poppi Rich tickling the keys. Its hilarious every time it gets the the point where the song says Get back Honky cat. He glances at the boys and they shout out Get back Honky cat and keep on dancing. Rich is belting out the words and his voice is really very good. Hes letting out the woos in the perfect time. Its extremely obvious he has played this song many times in the past. Once that song ends he breaks into Your Song again by Elton John. The boys calm and sit next to Eric. Rich is singing it beautifully. " I know its not much. But, its the best I can do. My gift is my song and this ones for you." He sings looking at the three on the couch. "And you can tell everybody that this is your song." Rich sings heartfelt. "I hope you don't mind. I hope you don't mind that I put down in words. How wonderful life is that your in this world." Rich completes the song and goes into another. He starts "Give a little Bit" By Roger Hodgson. "Give a little bit. Give a little bit of your love to me. Ill give a little bit of my love to you. There's so much that we need to share. So send a smile and show that you care. Give a little bit. Ill give a little bit of my life for you. So Ill give a little bit. A little bit of my time for you. See The man with the lonely eyes. Oh take his hand you will be so surprised......." Rich continues and finishes the song. Then he heads into Claude Debussy Clare de Lune Once he completes that song he stops and they all start clapping, making Rich blush. "Thanks guys Rich says." He slowly gets up from the piano bench and the boys are quickly at his side helping him. "I had no idea you played the piano. You are really very good." Eric says. "I started when I was just a boy and hated every second of it. But, my mother insisted. After I stopped fighting it I learned to love it. I used to get off of work every night and to unwind from the daily bullshit I would play for an hour sometimes two. Al would just sit in the chair smoking cigarettes and listening with his eyes closed. He said that he simply loved to unwind from his day with my playing. It brings back a lot of fond memories. We used to go to parties and everyone would beg me to play. I used to be a lot better but old hands aren't as nimble as young ones." They all go into the kitchen where Julia is making some breakfast for everyone. Shes got french toast and the works going. "You know I thought you were just going to clean and now your doing all the cooking as well." Eric says. "I loves to cook Mr Eric. I really loves it now with Mr Rich playing the songs he plays. Hes very good." "Hes going to teach us how to play too. Isn't that right Grand Poppi." Julius says. "I will if its OK with Eric and your mother." Rich says. "It be OK with me for sure." Julia says. "I was going to get Alejandro lessons anyway. May as well be taught by someone he loves then anyone else." "So that's settled then. Rich how much do you charge for lessons?" Eric asks. Rich puts his fingers to his chin and ponders a moment. "I think that since I have never given lessons before that I shouldn't charge too awfully much. I think that two hugs an hour will be just right." Rich says smiling. "No that's not right. You are providing a service to me. I cant let you do it free." Rich looks at Eric with a serious tone in his voice. "Young man I said two hugs an hour and that's all I will take. You have opened your hearts and your home to me. That at my age means more then any monetary gift. It will be my pleasure to start them on the road to musical discovery. Am I clear?" "I .. I... I Believe so." Eric says knowing he will never win this battle. "Now that's settled. We will start today at say 3 o'clock and Alejandro will go first today we will work for an hour. Then at 4 Julius will start. We will practice every other day together and you will both practice on your own the days I am not teaching you to get right what I taught you before. The boys will rotate and every other time Julius will go first. Or do you think that's too much practice Eric?" "I think we should leave it up to the boys how badly they want to learn to play." The boys look at each other and Julius speaks for them both. "We want to learn really bad. It looks like great fun." "Yeah Poppi." Alejandro chimes in. "Well, I guess that's settled then." Eric says just as Julia is putting the food on the table. They all settle in and start eating the scrumptious breakfast of french toast eggs and sausage. The boys being boys both use half a gallon of syrup each on their french toast. As they are eating Eric says to them. "Its supposed to be a scorcher today. Whats say we break in the swimming pool. Rich you should join us too. I know the boys would love it and its good therapy for your hip as well." "I do believe that sounds like fun. I cant think of the last time I was swimming. Gosh must be 20 years or more ago." "But, boys you have to be careful around Rich he is still healing and cant horse around like we do." "We know Poppi." Alejandro says as he shoves another syrup drenched bit into his mouth. Once they all finish eating. They all get up and rinse their plates and put them in the dishwasher, even rich even though the boys tried to do it for him. He said something to the effect I may be old But I can rinse a plate. "Eric I cant go swimming with you guys. I haven't got a swim suit." Rich says. "Ah Rich we don't really wear them. I hope that's OK?" Eric says. "OK Hell young man I was a nudist for most of my life. This is the most I have worn clothes in fifty years." He chuckles. "To be honest this is the most Alejandro and I have worn clothes. We wear them out of respect for Julia." "That seems the right thing to do." "Why don't you boys go play for a while until our food settles and I will call you when we are ready to swim." "Can we play video games for a while?" Alejandro asks. "Now seems like the perfect time for it." Eric and Rich go into the parlor and sit and chat for about an hour when two boys come scurrying in naked with towels in their hands. "Is it time yet?" Alejandro asks tapping his foot. "Rich are you ready to get in?" "Sure I `m ready now." "Cool." Julius says and the boys race off to the door to go to the pool. The pool is outside but covered in a green house type structure so it can be used in the winter as well. It is also heated by solar panels that are on the roof of the house. Most of the house is powered that way with panels around the entire top of the house. That is one of the reasons Eric feels he can justify having such a massive house. Hes actually creating less of a carbon foot print here then in his old house. There is also a covered walkway from the house to the pool. There are doors on the pools cover one at each end. Rich sits on one of the loungers to undress as the boys dive in. "They swim like fish." Rich says. "You have no idea Rich. When we were in the islands Julius grabbed hold of a sea turtle and swam with it. It was an amazing sight." "I bet it was. I have never been to the islands I think I would like to go one day." "Maybe that day will come sooner then you think." I was thinking of going down again around thanksgiving so Julia can See family and whatnot before the christmas holidays." "That will be nice. I will save my pennies." Rich is undressed and Eric helps him down the steps into the pool. Once they are down the steps Rich takes off and swims the length of the pool and back. He goes for the corner where Eric has taken up his perch to watch the boys and makes sure they are safe. The boys are swimming and playing. They are competing to see who can swim the furthest under water. They can both make it the length of the pool. They swim around the men and back again. "Whoa." Rich says as one of them swims by. "Let me guess one of them grabbed your cock?" "Yeah. Kind of took me by surprise." "They get a bit grabby in the pool. AS a matter of fact they get grabby everywhere." "Boys will be boys I suppose. Definitely took me by surprise." They play some games and Eric tosses the boys around for a while. Rich gets out and grabs some change he has in his pocket and tosses it in for the boys to find. Even Eric joins the game. The winner is the one who collects the highest amount. They all play in the pool a couple of hours, and have a great time doing it. "Guys I am having a great time. But, I need to rest a while." Rich says. "Its OK Grand Poppi. We are getting tired too." Alejandro says. The boys help Rich out of the pool and even dry him off. Julius seems to be making extra sure his cock and balls are very dry. Eric sees Rich chubbing up a bit. Eric just shakes his head. "Grand Poppi are you going to take a nap?" Julius asks. "I plan on it yes." "Can I take a nap with you?" "I don't see why not. But, we better ask your mom first. I don't want her mad at me. I don't think that would be a good thing." "No man that is a very bad thing." Julius says and smiles. As they walk in Julia is walking out of the kitchen. "Oh perfect timing you boys. I just got lunch ready. I was coming to get you." "We were going to take naps. But, this sounds like a good thing to do first." Eric says. They go in and she has made turkey sandwiches with lettuce, tomato, and spicy brown mustard. They all have a handful of Pringles and a couple slices of pickle on their plates. They sit and enjoy the nice meal she prepared. Julia is humming the song Three little Birds by Bob Marley. "I love that song." Rich says and starts singing. By the next line they are all singing and when they complete the song all bust out laughing. "Momma can I take a nap with Grand Poppi?" "That's be fine Julius. Just don't go touching his man parts unless he want you to." She says. "OK Momma." Julius says. Rich is kind of shocked at her very liberal attitude. He decided that Julius was indeed a gay boy and wasn't sure if he had accepted it or not yet. He also knew Alejandro was definitely not a gay boy. But, he figures they play around a bit because most boys do. Eric and Alejandro retire to is room and Rich and Julius retire to his. They all quickly nod off and enjoy a good nap. After about an hour Rich wakes up and sees Julius his head laying on his chest. Rich's hand is on his firm little bubble butt. Rich rubs the very soft skin with his hand. Rich thinks what a cute little bugger he is. But, nature is calling him and he better dam well answer. Has to pee so bad probably only take 3 minutes to get the flow going. He carefully slips out of bed to not wake Julius. He heads to the bathroom and starts peeing. Julius is next to him before he is done and his flow starts almost instantly from his nearly hard cock. Youth Rich thinks. "Grand Poppi?" Julius asks. "Yes Julius." "You got a pretty big one don't ya?" "No I don't think so. Its pretty normal I think. Well, at least from all the ones I have seen." "Your balls hang down pretty far though." "Yes Julius when you get to be as old as dirt like me yours will too." "You got really big balls I bet you shoot a lot." Julius says feeling them as Rich is concentrating on peeing. "I think its a pretty normal amount." "Oh OK." Rich finishes peeing and is grateful once again he was able to pee. Sometimes it tricks him and he thinks he has to pee and then nothing. Very frustrating getting old. Rich washes his hands and walks back into the other room and sits in the rocking chair. Julius isn't far behind after he washes his hands. He climbs up on Rich's lap. "You know what Grand Poppi?" Rich wraps his arm around this little jewel of a boy. "Whats that Julius." "I love you." Rich smiles and clicks his dentures at him making him giggle. "I love you too little man." Rich says hugging him to him. Julius returns the embrace and they hold it for a long minute. "I never thought in my life I would find another person to love after Al. But, Julius I love yo so much. I love Alejandro, your mom and Eric too. They are really great people but, you have a really special place in my heart. I think you are a special boy. A very special boy." Rich says and the tears start flowing. "I'm sorry Grand Poppi did I make you sad?" "No buddy I am so happy at how my life has turned out after the last few weeks. The last few days really. It just beautiful. Just beautiful." Rich says. "Hey I say that." "You say what?" "I like to say things are beautiful. Like with Alejandro and his Poppi. Just watching them. Its like yo can see the love flow from one to the other. There is no doubt that they love each other more then anything else on the planet. I have no doubt that as rich as Eric is he would give it all away and live in a shack to be with Alejandro." "I would bet my life's fortune of $72 on that." Rich jokes. "They really are beautiful. That's why my mom wanted to take the job when Eric offered it. She knows I'm gay and that I want a man friend to do stuff with and to teach me sex stuff. I been trying to find one for a long time. But, none seemed right until I met Eric. Then I ask him practically beg him to put his penis in my butt. He wouldn't do it. He said that he would love to that he knew it would feel great. But, that it wouldn't be right because he doesn't love me. Well, he didn't at the time. But, I think he does now. He also said it wouldn't be right because he was going to leave St. John and he wouldn't want me to feel like he used me. He said it should be really special and that the person should love me and I should love them. Course me and Alejandro fool around but that's just cuz were boys. Boys all do that. All of em I know anyway. Like I know Alejandro isn't gay but he likes the way it feels so he does it with me. But, Grand Poppi. I think you are the one to teach me and to love me." Rich thinks for a few minutes before he answers. "You aint mad at me are you?" "No Julius I am just thinking a few minutes so I can respond properly." Julius starts crying and it quickly turns into sobs. "You aint going to do it. Why wont anyone love me?" "Whoa buddy whoa whoa whoa. I never said that. Its just I have never been asked by a little boy to make love to him. I have never been one that went after the younger boys. I was always into older men. I guess like you. I know how you feel. When I was your age all I wanted was an older man to love me and make me feel amazing. But, back in that day you didn't dare say anything. If you did you might just get killed or at least beat up really good." Julius is calming down hearing Rich say these things to him. "So you will then?" "I will have to talk to your mother and Eric first. I want to make certain that neither of them will be upset. I am much to old and fragile to go to prison at my age." "They will all be good with it. So when are you going to ask. I will now if yo want me too." "No I will take care of it in the next few days." "Oh thank you Grand Poppi I knew you really loved me." "Julius love isn't about sex. Granted sex is and can be part of love but, that's not what love is about." "I know Grand Poppi. My momma loves me but she don't have sex with me. I love her and don't want it with her either. I know love be about taking care of the other person. Doing nice things for them. Like you making love to me will show me how much you love me. Its like the icing on the cake." "OK I didn't want you thinking that anyone who will put their dick in you loves you. Because believe me there are a lot of guys out there that would love to have a young boy like you and to use you and throw you away." "I know. I stayed away from them. I just like good people." He says hugging Rich again. "Will you play me a song on the piano again?" "Anytime you want Julius." Julius hops up and Rich shoves himself up with his arms into a standing position. "Grab my robe for me. I doubt your mother wants to see my old balls bouncing around." Rich says chuckling. "I like your old balls." Julius says and fondles them. They go to the conservatory and Rich starts playing Three little Birds because its fresh in his mind from earlier. "Cool you know Bob Marley." Rich just smiles and continues. Julius asks him if he knows another Marley song. Rich starts immediately playing and singing One Love. But, he is singing it directly from his heart to Julius. When he finishes Julius who was sitting next to him on the piano bench kisses Rich on the mouth. "Your beautiful man. Just beautiful." Julia walks out of the kitchen and sees Julius kissing Rich. She walks over to them and is drying her hands with a towel. "Its good. I think that my boy has found his man. I really thought it would be Eric. But, I think his love like that is just for Alejandro. I know he play sexy games with Julius but, Julius tell me he wont do what he want because he would feel like he was using him. You be good to him. Don't be hurting him now. I know what he want and you gots my permission just like Eric to do anything my boy wants to do. Them laws be stupider then a chicken. A boy know what he want. He know what feel good and what don't." "Julia are you saying...." Rich starts. "I see how my boy look at you and how you look at him. You two got a real love going on. You gots my permission to do whatever he wants. That is if you wants to." "See that Grand Poppi you didn't even have to ask. She see love like I do." "Well, I want to take my time if that's what you want to do. I don't want to do something and you change your mind later." "My boy know what he want. He want you. He want Eric too. But, I think that never gonna happen. Mr Eric is a man who wot hurt no body. That's for true." They all agree. Rich starts playing a few more songs and Julia sits on the couch to listen. Rich plays beautifully. He plays about half an hour and says his hands are tired, and needs to stop. He and Julius go back to his room to watch TV while Julia goes back to finish dinner for everyone. Did you like it? If so two things just a quick donation to nifty. Maybe a quick note to me.