Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2021 02:41:28 +0000 From: Wes Leigh Subject: Under Siege, Chapters 23 & 24 (Gay Adult/Youth) UNDER SIEGE By Wes Leigh Editing by SkyBorn This is a work of fiction intended solely for the entertainment of my readers; any resemblance to any real people or places is purely coincidental. This story is the property of the author and is protected by copyright laws. The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives today with a thoughtful donation. Chapter 23 Subterfuge and Rendezvous The three of us sat around Marie's kitchen table, eating the tacos I had picked up on the way home. As we ate, Josh told us about his time with CPS. "At first, I was nervous and scared, but I kept thinking I have to be calm. Mom and Jake will want me to be brave and not panic. And I prayed too, Jake. I told God I needed his help and it worked. When they pulled up to their building in town, I was completely calm, but a little bit mad. They took me inside and said I had to do an interview with this guy, some doctor or something. I told them I didn't have to talk to them at all. That got them really mad then, but I said my friend Jake taught me my rights, and I was tired of them pushing us around. The doctor guy started asking me questions anyway, but I didn't say anything. I just sat there." "Good boy," I said. "I'm glad you remembered. What kind of questions did he ask?" "About you mostly, Jake. Where did I sleep when I stayed with you? Did I take a bath while I was over here? Did you ever come in the bathroom while I was in there? Have I ever seen you naked? Have you ever seen me naked? It was really embarrassing, and he just kept on and on and wouldn't stop. He started getting mad when I didn't answer him at all. Finally, just so he'd quit bugging me, I told him nothing ever happened between us. Of course, he didn't believe me." Marie sat quietly, listening to her son. She seemed torn between fear for her boy and anger at the adults who had so ruthlessly attacked us. I knew how she felt. My own fears kept trying to claw their way up from my stomach into my throat. Fear of being dragged into court again. Fear of being paraded in public for the `crime' of loving this boy. Fear of his humiliation if it all became public knowledge. And worst of all, fear that the budding love we had for each other would so soon be trampled and ended. But I refused to allow those worries to overwhelm me. I was done being controlled by unfounded terrors. I started getting angry. It was bad enough these people were attacking us for what we had done, but then to have our own fears trying to paralyze us with worry over things that hadn't even happened yet? I'd had enough. Time for some serious subterfuge in defense of those I loved. "You did exactly right, Josh," I began. "I couldn't be prouder of you. Now, there are a few things we need to do. "First, we go on with our lives just like normal. We don't allow these jerks to steal our joy, and we refuse to admit this garbage they're implying about us. That means you go to school, I go to work, and we all hold our heads high and tell everyone who asks that there's nothing going on here. Got it?" Josh and Marie both nodded agreement. "Second ... and this is important, Josh ... you and I will have to stop hanging out together." Josh protested. "But you just said we go back to doing normal stuff." "Right," I admitted, "but one thing will have to change. Your mother told the judge she just learned about my criminal past. What would any reasonable mom do when she finds out there's a guy living down the street who once molested a boy? What would she do, Josh?" He frowned and bowed his head. "I suppose she'd keep her kid away from there." "Exactly. So no more coming down to my place after school. No more walking the dogs with me. No more chores at my house. I can't help you with homework or drive you to school or anything. At least, not for a little while. Not until all this court stuff gets fixed." Josh wasn't happy about it, but he saw the wisdom in my words. Marie was clearly relieved to have me suggest it. It certainly made her situation safer. Josh seemed to realize this because he took his mom's hand and said, "We shouldn't have to do this, but I'll do it for you, Momma." Marie hugged Josh to her breast and glanced at me over his shoulder, mouthing, "Thank you, Jake." I swallowed the lump in my throat and said, "One last thing, guys. Tonight is the last night I come over here to your house. They may start watching us. They may even be watching us already. I don't want to be paranoid, but there's no point in giving them ammunition to use against us. If anyone asks, I bought you tacos to apologize for not being honest with you about my criminal past. You both accepted my apology, but we all agreed that it would be best if we didn't have anything more to do with one another." Josh began to tear up. "For how long?" "I don't know, Josh. For a few weeks probably." "Can I still call you on the phone?" "Oh, dude. I'm sorry, but that's probably not a good idea. Just for a week or so, okay?" He was one miserable little boy. But we had no choice. Josh sighed. "I'm gonna miss Milo and Mitch and Amber. Who's gonna scratch their bellies?" *** I was tossing and turning in bed. Again. For the second night in a row. It was easy to sound calm and confident in front of Marie and Josh, but now, with only my own thoughts to keep me company, I couldn't relax enough to sleep. Too many unanswered questions kept popping into my head. And, of course, there was no way to answer any of them, so I couldn't sleep. Exasperated with myself, I got up, pulled on some shorts, and went into the kitchen to make a cup of hot chocolate. As I poured milk into a cup, I heard my front door unlocking and turned to see the knob moving. The door gradually opened, and Josh peeked in. I wanted to run to him and hug him. Then spank him. How could he be so foolish? When he saw me, his eyes immediately filled with tears and he said, "I can't sleep, Jake." I motioned for him to come in, then took out another cup and filled it with milk, placing both cups in the microwave to heat. I felt Josh come up behind me and hug me. His cheek was pressed against my bare back, and I felt him shaking as he cried, his tears falling onto my skin and rolling down to my waist. I turned in his arms and hugged him to my chest. Holding him, I rocked him and let him cry. It was one thing to make plans for what we wanted the world to see about us; it was another thing altogether to be away from the one you loved. `Damnit,' I thought, `this sucks!' The microwave beeped. I gently pulled away from Josh and prepared our drinks. We sat down at the table and stirred them in silence. Josh appeared miserable. "I hate this, Jake," he mumbled. "Me too, bud. Me too." He looked up at me, suddenly irritated. "It's so unfair. They don't want us together. And the only way to beat them is for us to stay apart. It's like they're winning anyway!" I didn't have an answer for him. I could have said it's only temporary. I could have set a good example and told him we were doing what was required for now. I could have `been the adult' about the whole thing. I could have done all that, but my heart wouldn't let me. All I could say was, "Josh, I miss you so much." He grinned, his beautiful bashful grin that tears my heart out every time I see it, and he said, "That's all I needed to hear, Jake. I thought that maybe you didn't love me anymore." I sobbed and shook my head. "Never, Josh. I'll always love you." "Then why can't we have one last night together?" I swallowed hard and thought carefully about my answer. "Josh, what we're having to do right now is the hardest thing two people can ever be asked to do. We're having to fight for our love. You want to know why we can't have one last night together? It's because it won't be our last night. We will have many, many more nights together. No one can stop us. We're going to fight them, and we're going to win. And when we do, we'll be together every night for the rest of our lives. And they won't keep us apart ever again." Josh smiled. "Promise?" I nodded and held out my hand, my pinkie curled up. He giggled and hooked his pinkie with my own. "Pinkie promise!" I said. "The most powerful binding force in the universe." He laughed and sipped his hot chocolate. *** Neither of us slept right away. What was the point in trying? Instead, we sat on the couch, huddled together under a blanket, holding each other and talking. The dogs sprawled on the floor around us. The lights were turned down low as we made our plans for our future lives together. It was a wonderful change of pace. No more allowing fear to predict all those gloomy future possibilities. Instead, we were countering those fears with hope. Maybe we were a little silly. After all, living happily ever after in our own cabin up in the mountains was a bit out of reach, but we still talked about it like it would one day come true. Then we cried a little more about how unfair it all was, and we comforted one another until every tear was spent and we were ready to take on the future together. The last thing I remember was leaning forward until my forehead rested against Josh's and falling asleep wrapped in his arms. I just wish I had known about the guy watching outside my window, taking pictures of the two of us. Chapter 24 Let the Game Begin On the Friday morning when Marie and Josh had their hearing with the judge, I was at home getting ready to work the afternoon-to-closing shift. I planned to leave for work around noon, so I was at home all morning doing a few chores. Just a few minutes before 9 a.m., I received an odd text message from the phone Marie and Josh shared. The message said: . A second message arrived soon after: . Strange, I thought, what is this about? Then my phone rang, and the caller ID read `Marie & Josh'. I pressed the answer button, then mute and then speaker. I heard rustling noises and muted voices. Then quite clearly, I heard Marie talking. "Where do we sit?" she asked. A muffled voice said, "At that table." I heard chairs scraping and more rustling noises, then Josh spoke, "Is it going to be the same judge, Momma?" Marie answered, "I don't know Josh. Probably." Then I heard a muffled voice in the distance saying, "All rise." More chairs moving, then a deep voice, "Please be seated. Family court is now in session, Judge Alden Spear presiding. Case number C2018-2834. Marie Canton respondent. State Child Protective Services plaintiff. In the matter of minor child Joshua Canton. I see Ms. Canton is present. And is that Joshua sitting next to you, ma'am?" Marie: "Yes, sir." Judge: "Who do we have representing CPS?" Female voice: "Sandra Moore, your honor. With Dr. Terrence Carter-Moore from Sunwest Therapy Services as our expert witness." Judge: "Very well, if I could have everyone please stand." More shuffling noises. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" Sounds of different voices agreeing. "This hearing is to determine parental fitness. It is not a trial, so we won't be quite as formal in here, and Ms. Canton, please relax and don't be nervous. We are going to be discussing a serious matter, but I promise this court will be fair and considerate of you and your son in every way." A short pause. Judge: "Now, Ms. Moore, I notice a similarity in your name and your witness's name. Are you two related?" Sandra Moore: "Yes, your honor. Dr. Moore is my husband. Is that going to be a problem?" Judge: "Shouldn't be. I just want to understand the relationship for the record. Dr. Moore, how are you affiliated with CPS?" A new male voice, somewhat whiny: "I provide psychiatric evaluations for Child Protective Services when necessitated by circumstances, particularly cases where child abuse or molestation is suspected." Judge: "Noted. Before we begin, Joshua, I may have questions for you later on. But for right now, I think it will be best if you sit outside in the hallway. Please don't go anywhere, because I may call you in at any time. Just take a seat outside, please." Chairs moving. "Thank you, Joshua." A door opened and closed. "Now, Ms. Moore, three days ago, CPS removed minor child Joshua Moore from the family home on an administrative order. Please review for the court the justification for that order." Sandra Moore: "Yes, your honor. CPS received a referral from Joshua's school counselor indicating a strong suspicion of sexual molestation of Joshua Canton by a neighbor, Mr. Jake Turnbull. Mr. Turnbull is a pedophile--" Judge: "Hold it. Ms. Moore. How long have you worked for CPS?" Sandra Moore, nervously: "Three months here, your honor, and six years in San Antonio before that." Judge: "Then you've no doubt attended several of these hearings, and I'm certain you know better than to submit evidence to the court without foundation. Do you have evidence or testimony to support the assertion that Mr. Turnbull is a pedophile?" Sandra Moore: "He was convicted of sexual contact with a minor in 2007, your honor. He is a registered sex offender. He is a sexual predator who--" Judge: "Ms. Moore, I will not warn you again. This court is aware of Mr. Turnbull's conviction history and his presence on the sex offender registration database, however you have not given me any evidence for your assertions that he is a pedophile or a sexual predator. Either do so, or refrain from stating your opinions instead of facts. And please keep in mind the purpose of this hearing. It is to determine Ms. Canton's parental fitness, not discuss wild allegations. Ms. Moore, this is your final warning. Stick to the facts." Sandra Moore, apprehensively: "Yes, your honor. CPS received a referral from Joshua's school in which a concern was raised about the possibility of sexual molestation. Joshua's mother, Marie Canton, was out of town at the time, taking care of a sick relative. Ms. Canton left Joshua in the care of Mr. Turnbull, who is a convicted sexual offender. This action concerns CPS because we believe it demonstrates a flagrant lack of concern for the safety of the minor child." Judge: "Ms. Canton, I'm going to give you an opportunity to respond. Please don't be nervous. Just explain to me what the circumstances were." Marie: "Yes, sir. My mother slipped and twisted her ankle. I had to go help her. She lives in El Paso, so I was going to take Josh with me. Then Jake--Mr. Turnbull--offered to watch Josh for me. It was just going to be for the weekend. But when I got to my mom's house, I found out her ankle was broken in three places and she had to take strong pills for the pain. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want Josh to miss any school, but I had to stay and help my mom. Jake said Josh could stay with him for as long as I needed and that he'd make sure Josh got to school." Judge: "Did you know about Mr. Turnbull's conviction for sexual contact with a minor?" Marie: "You all told me about it last week. But, your honor, Jake has never done anything to make me think Josh wouldn't be safe with him. He's very kind to both of us, and he helped me out in a really bad situation with my ex-boyfriend. Jake is protective of us. He's not some creepy sexual predator. He buys us meals when he can afford it and lets Josh do yardwork for extra cash. Jake is a wonderful neighbor, so I had no reason to think Josh wouldn't be safe with him." Judge: "Anything else you would like to add, Ms. Canton?" Marie: "No. Just that Jake is a good man, and his past mistakes shouldn't be held against him." Judge: "Ms. Moore, you may continue." Sandra Moore: "Your Honor, this might be a good time to hear what Dr. Moore has to say." Shuffling noise, then Terence Carter-Moore: "Your honor, everything Ms. Canton is describing is classic grooming behavior used by a pedophile to prepare his next victim. Purchasing gifts and food for the family is designed to make the family comfortable with his presence. The yardwork was most likely intended to keep Joshua nearby and make him feel safe at Mr. Turnbull's house. All this provides Mr. Turnbull with multiple opportunities to get closer and closer to Joshua until eventually, sexual advances can be made without alarming the child. I have witnessed similar behavior on the part of admitted pedophiles and documented the grooming methodologies in several studies in which I have been a contributing researcher." Judge: "That's all well and good, Dr. Moore, but it does not address two concerns this court has. First, was Joshua Canton actually molested by Jake Turnbull? And second, was Marie Canton aware of any inappropriate behavior toward her son?" Marie: "No! I never saw anything going on between them. They were close, but just friends. That's all!" Judge: "Thank you, Ms. Canton. Please let me ask you to respond before you speak up. It will go smoother that way." Marie: "I'm sorry. It's just that they're saying I'm a bad mother. I'm not!" Judge: "Ms. Canton, I understand your concern, but I assure you no one is accusing you of being a bad mother. We're only here to talk about what happened last week. Now, Dr. Moore, do you have any evidence that Joshua Canton was sexually molested by Jake Turnbull?" Terence Carter-Moore: "Your honor, on the evening when Joshua Canton was removed from his home, I conducted an informal interview with him. I established a casual conversation tone designed to put the minor child at ease and illicit authentic answers to general queries. Joshua Canton exhibited extreme emotional characteristics as well as high-reactive defensiveness. Based on these two responses as well as his answers to my general queries, it is my professional opinion that Joshua has been molested in some way and that his negative responses to my inquiries were the result of fear of reprisal should he respond positively and/or empathize with his victimizer, leading him to protect the one molesting him." Judge: "Dr. Moore, you are not presenting a research paper to your colleagues. You are testifying in court, so let's drop the technical jargon and try answering some simple yes or no questions. Did you ask Joshua if he had been molested by Jake Turnbull?" Dr. Moore: "Yes." Judge: "What was his answer?" Dr. Moore: "He was evasive, your honor." Judge: "And you're being evasive now, Dr. Moore. What was Joshua's answer?" Dr. Moore, frustrated: "He denied it." Judge: "Thank you. Did you ask Joshua if Jake Turnbull harmed him in any way?" Dr. Moore: "Yes, your honor, I did. Joshua denied that also." Judge: "Did Joshua indicate that he was harmed, neglected, frightened, or bothered in any way while staying with Jake Turnbull?" Dr. Moore: "No, your honor. He did not. But in situations like this, it isn't uncommon for a victim to deny molestation in early stages of therapy." Judge: "You think Joshua is lying?" Dr. Moore: "I would not say he is lying, your honor, but merely deflecting truthful responses for the moment. He could be acting out of an instinct for self-preservation or for a variety of other reasons. The bottom line is I would need a chance to talk to him enough to convince him that I am here to help him and that he can trust me enough to tell me what actually transpired." Judge: "Hmmm ... very well, I understand. Ms. Canton, when you learned that Jake Turnbull had past convictions for sexual molestation of a minor, what did you do?" Marie: "A few days ago, I talked to Jake and we agreed that it would be a good idea to stop having anything to do with each other. Josh isn't going to do any more yardwork for him. And we aren't having any more meals together. I feel horrible, because he really has been a kind neighbor, but he understands that we just ... well, we just can't ... not anymore." Judge: "Ms. Moore, do you have anything further to present to the court regarding Marie Canton's fitness as a parent?" Sandra Moore: "Your honor, we have reason to believe that Joshua and Jake Turnbull are still having inappropriate contact despite Ms. Canton's assertion that it has been stopped. And even if Ms. Canton wasn't aware of Jake Turnbull's past crimes, she should never have left her son with a stranger for a week--" Marie: "He wasn't a stranger! He's been our neighbor for over a year." Judge: "Ms. Canton, please don't interrupt. Let me be the referee here." Marie: "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir." Judge: "Ms. Moore. You've heard Ms. Canton's testimony. Given that she was unaware of Mr. Turnbull's criminal history and the actions she has now taken to protect her son, do you still believe she is an unfit parent." Sandra Moore: "Your honor, it is the position of Child Protective Services that Marie Canton should have known about the extreme danger of allowing her son to be in contact with a convicted sexual predator and that her failure to determine this prior to leaving her son with Jake Turnbull constitutes a flagrant act of child endangerment." Judge: "No, no, Ms. Canton. I see you want to respond, and I assure you there's no need to do so. Bailiff, please have Joshua Canton return to the room." Pause, with doors opening and closing, chairs shuffling. "Joshua, I need to remind you that you promised to tell the truth at the beginning of the hearing. You remember, right?" Josh: "Yes, sir." Judge: "I need to ask you some questions that may be a little embarrassing. I'm sorry if they are, but I need to ask them anyway. Do you understand?" Josh: "Yes, sir." Judge: "I know that you stayed with your neighbor Jake Turnbull for a week while your mom was taking care of your grandmother. Did Mr. Turnbull take good care of you that week?" Josh: "Yes, sir." Judge: "What did you do all week?" Josh: "I was in school most of the time, so it was just like being with mom, sort of. But at night, Jake let me watch movies and help him cook. He's stupendous." Judge: "Josh, some people have accused Jake Turnbull of trying to hurt you--" Josh, interrupting: "Sir, I know what they've been saying. I know about what Jake did, molesting that boy and all. It was a long time ago, and he's not the same guy now. He's nice and he's kind and he's helpful. He hasn't hurt me or molested me or done anything wrong. None of it. He took care of me when my mom had an emergency, and if I had to stay with Jake for another week, I would do it and I wouldn't be afraid, `cause he's not the bad guy they keep saying he is." Judge, chuckling: "Thank you, Josh. You certainly know how to cut to the heart of the matter. Well, everyone, I've heard enough to make my decision." Sounds of papers shuffling. "This court finds that Marie Canton acted appropriately with regard to the care of her minor child, Joshua Canton. This court finds no cause for parental unfitness and plaintiff's motion is denied. However, the court takes the plaintiff's concerns under advisement and orders weekly counseling sessions for Joshua Canton with Sunwest Therapy Services and Dr. Terence Moore. Dr. Moore, this is not a license for a fishing expedition. Do you understand?" Dr. Moore: "Yes, your honor." Judge: "I am scheduling a follow-up hearing for one month from today. Ms. Canton, I want Josh to spend some time with Dr. Moore each week, just chatting to make sure Josh is doing well in school and such. Would you make sure they get a chance to get together?" Marie: "Uh, sure. I can do that." Judge: "Thank you. Dr. Moore, you have one month to provide me with an evaluation. This hearing is adjourned." More shuffling noises and then the call ended. *** I had to close at work, so it was very late before I finally made my weary way home. I found Josh waiting for me on the couch. I didn't even try to scold him. What point would there have been? Instead, I checked to make sure all the curtains were closed. Then I took Josh's hands and led him into the bathroom, where we shared a warm shower. Afterward, we spent a half hour in gentle love-making followed by a comforting hug in my bed. "That was pretty smart of you to call me on the phone like that." Josh smiled and snuggled into my body. "Thanks, Jake. I thought you should hear it too." "You thought right. It helps me to know what those bastards are planning." Josh scooted closer and rested his head on my shoulder. "Does it mean what I think it means?" Josh asked. I nodded. "It means Dr. Moore will be grilling you for a month to try to find out what you and I are doing," I replied. "That's what I thought." "You know what to do?" "Yep." End of UNDER SIEGE, Chapter 24