Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 18:47:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Zane Green Subject: Re: UnderGround Angel-13 Underground Angel: Part Thirteen by Zane Hunter Green This story is copyright by the author. It can not be placed on a for pay site. It is a fantasy, and is not about anyone real. It has minor characters, and is intended only for a mature audience. Comments are very welcome and appreciated at Flames will go up in smoke. I would like to thank my two friends for inspiring me as always with their stories. I also want to note that it is disgraceful that real children come to any harm in this world. Children are our future. In a story however every character is just a reflection of the author, all of these characters are just part of my own imagination, and I am a wise enough reader to realize the same is true with each story I read so gratefully from other writers. As I limped along I watched Sash shine in the glow of my flashlight. The pain in my groin lessened as my anger grew. Sash was a boy with a book in a box, a blind father, and a guardian that had harmed him in the past. I did not believe his story about the living book, but if it was so important to him I was ready to go to the ends of the earth for it, and believe me that is exactly what I felt like we were doing. I had heard rumors of the caves aligned with the subway system but if I weren't in them now I would not have believed the tales. The one amazing factor besides Sash of course was the fact that there was real estate in Manhattan that was almost uncharted. I was starting to miss the crowds of everyday life. I missed sunshine too. That man could ever live underground was an oppressive thought however if the earth ever got too hot this then would be our retreat. Sash was doing fine with the ace bandage covering his ankle and was walking steadily in front of me. I appreciated watching the graceful movements of his perfect ass; I could have walked forever following it. He was turning me into a very one-tracked man. If I must tell you at this point things were going very well considering. There was no sign of Yarrow, and fortunately he had seemed to be on his own without his thugs. I reached in my pocket and fingered my Army knife as a comfort. We finally arrived in a limestone grotto. I could hear water running behind us. "It's here Kurt, my box." Sash sang out. "Let's get it, and get out of here Sash, this place gives me the creeps even without rats." "Look Kurt, I know that you hate rats and I asked them to stay away, but if anything ever happens and you need to find me I'll send you a rat to follow." "What do you mean Sash?" "Just a feeling that I have." "Well stop having your feelings, I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you." He reached up and kissed me, then he went to a hidden spot on the floor and lifted up a brown shawl, under my flashlight detailed was a gold box. He opened it and inside was three books. "I thought that there was just one book Sash." "There is but I'm not a fool. I knew that Yarrow would take it if he could so I borrowed two books from Sam, he has books that look as old and no one but my Father and I have ever seen the living book close up. Sash gave me one book to hide under my shirt. He took another, and left one in the box which he proceeded to close and place back again." "So which is the real living book Sash?" "I'll give you a clue. It's not the one still in the box." "Clever boy. You never cease to amaze me." Yarrow was still nowhere to be found. If I had half of Sascha's brains it would have worried me. It didn't seem to take as long getting back to the buried hotel. It was as I had last seen it. Sam greeted us and proceeded to lead us inside." "He had another old Gentleman with him and I can only use that word, as he had old world manners and dress, very shabby but he seemed somewhat familiar. "This is Partellis, he thinks he can dismantle the bomb." "There's no need, the bomb was a dud." "That's lucky for you then." Sam said. Sash was watching us wide eyed. He was much more at home than I would have been. I could tell that he spent his life dealing with adults, out of curiosity I asked him. "Sash, do you have friends your own age?" "No Kurt, I never knew anyone younger than twenty." "Well that explains why you talk like an adult. Don't you want friends your own age?" "I'd be afraid they would laugh at me, I'm kind of quaint aren't I? "You should know boys to hang with, have you ever played baseball or gone bowling, or skated?" "No, I was trained to be a reader, I took lessons in reading and singing since I was two, then the sciences. I never had time to play" "Well that has to change Sash, you have never had a chance to be a child" "I don't think I would know how to be one, is it okay if we change the subject? Besides I have fun, being with you Kurt and what we do is lots of fun." "Foreplay is not the same type of play Sash, I will have to teach you to play." Sam interrupted us to show us the bathrooms. "After you are comfortable we will dine, you wash up now" he said. I was starving, but I had to go earlier and had marked the caves with my own piss, Sash had too. I could understand how it was for the homeless now. I would never turn my nose up again. Until there were portable homes, life was not easy for so many, especially the street people that I barely looked at before I met Sash. Sam showed us into the bathroom and my eyes opened wide. It looked exactly as the men's room would have looked at the turn of the century " This tearoom is the sunken garden, in my day all the best subway tearooms were called the sunken gardens." Sam instructed. "This one is very sunken Sam" I stated. "Ah yes the best was at Times Square, we used to called that the Toilet room of all Tearooms. What was nice is the others in those days, is the others really thought we meant real tearooms, those places of gossip that never served alcohol so the ladies would gather there for their tea and pastries. We used our own code name Tea rooms for something else" "Yes Sam, I know exactly what you mean from first hand experience." "Do you know your Gay history Kurt?" asked Sam. "What is this a quiz?" I know about Stonewall and I have marched in a few parades I'd like you to know." I said. "Do you know who Alan Locke and Carl Van Vechten was?" "No, who were they?" "They encouraged gay writers of my day, kind of like some enlightened people are doing now on the internet." "You know about the internet down here Sam?" "Of course! I'm connected to the phone lines above. Right now I'm waiting for Teglin to finish Why Not Me and start his next story. By the way if you're going to shepherd your young preshun. You had better learn your gay history." "My preshun?" "Sascha, is your preshun, or punk, or lamb, that's what gay boys were called in my day. You would be a wolf or a jocker my friend. Sascha is a very special one so you owe it to him to learn your past. You didn't get to living these freestyle lives on your own you know. In my day I would have been arrested for privately doing what you boys do publicly today" "I know, and I want to make life even better for Sascha." "That's my boy! Just for that after dinner you get back your favorite bedroom." "It must have a history too!" "Indeed it does, it was modeled after the most famous boy brothel in New York, even has the original chamber pot under the bed." "But there was never a boy serving there like Sascha." "No, indeed there wasn't. You found one of a kind." I couldn't wait until dinner was over to show Sash that!