Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:36:10 +1000 From: Subject: Victims of Conflict 3 Victims of Conflict (M/M) (M/t) (M/b) Revised by Ed. Victims of conflict 3 The refugees were willingly led straight into the banqueting hall as soon as they had been unloaded from each truck and they were ushered by a sergeant to the far end end tables which seated ten on each side. They entered the hall at normal walking pace but when the smells of food reached their nostrils, they began to run. Food was efficiently brought to them on trolleys and the first course was a tasty meat and vegetable soup which was demolished in a flash. The second course slowed them down slightly because it was a heaped plate of thick slices of corned beef with mashed potato, carrots, peas and covered with an appetising thick brown gravy. There was silence among them broken only by the chinking of eating utensils against plates as they concentrated totally on filling their empty stomachs and by the time the first refugees were finishing off their final course of dark fruit pudding and jelly swimming in custard, the last batches were still entering the banqueting hall. Their entrance was supervised by major general who at the same time was surreptitiosly gauging the reaction of the soldiers crowded around to watch the refugees arrive. He watched their eyes following a particular young man or boy and noticed the way they were absently ajusting their erections as they did so until they last refugee had entered. Now it was the time for him to eagerly return to his quarters and see how his own harem had fared on their journey and especially to get his hands on the four year old special pet who would be among them. He was delighted to see there was no one there in the reception hall of his luxury quarters but there were some empty plates which until a very short time ago had a light meal of cheese and cracker biscuits on them. Jugs which were full of iced lemonade and the cut crystal glasses beside them were also empty. That meant Williams, his batman had been following instructions, so by now he would have all twenty of his brand new harem in the bathroom and giving them a hot shower. He was about to go and see how they were getting on when four nude youths accompanied by their little brothers all with freshly dried and touseled hair entered the room. They stopped their chattering to each other when they saw the major general seat himself on one of the couches and they just stood to look at him. Minutes passed in an atmosphere filled with tension until the rest of his similarly naked harem entered the room in a group accompanied by Williams still in his uniform but with wet patches on it. The major general tried to see his four year year old among them but his small body was hidden behind the others. "Ah Williams. You've got everything organised nicely but where's my little one?" "There's ten little ones here sir. D'you mean the littlest?" "Of course. Bring him here with his brother. No. On second thoughts, bring them all in and I can get hold of him then." "Yes sir." Williams with a little prodding especially on their buttocks shepherded them towards the major general until they stood crowded around him while he remained on the couch. He saw the four year old holding the hand of his brother and he reached forward to take the older brother's hand and pull him forward so he could stroke his fingers through the small bush of his pubic hairs then cup his adolescent penis and testicles in one hand to repeatedly heft them. The youth was not reacting to the major general's hand and he just submissively stood looking sideways down at the carpet while his little brother was alternately looking up at his face then down at the man's hand on his brother's genitals with a puzzled expression. The youth only looked at the major general briefly when he felt his hand drawing his own downwards to be seated next to him on the couch. He worriedly caught his breath when the major general fumbled at the flies of his uniform to release his very large erection then pick his little brother up to sit him down on his lap so that his legs were opened slightly for his erect penis to stick out above the boy's white thighs. The rest of his harem looked on in puzzlement and a fearful silence. "Have their meals arrived yet Williams?" The major general had closed the four year old's thighs so they gripped his erection and his hands pressed hard against the sides of them moved the boy's whole body up and down in a slow masturbatory movement. "Yes sir. They're in the warming oven. Are you going to try and fuck that little kid straight away sir?" "No of course not. It could take weeks before he's ready for fucking. I'll hold on to him for a while and you can take them into the dining room and feed them. I'll bring him in shortly but take his brother too. He's clearly not ready for what's going to happen" "Alright sir." He crooked his finger at the youth who didn't notice because he was watching with furrowed brows what was being done to his four year old brother. Williams had to walk forward and lift him from the couch by the hand and lead him away to the dining room while he signalled the others to follow. The major general lfited the boy's small body to turn him around so he was facing him then sat him back on his lap with his erection between his thighs as before. In this position he was able to invade the child's mouth with his tongue and that is what he proceeded to do. When the naked youths and boys filed into the dining room, their eyes were wide at its opulence. They faced a long polished table with white lace place mats at regular interval along it and cut glass crystal decanters and a glass in front of each but what surprised them most of all was a life sized gilded statue of a nude and strongly muscled man fucking a small boy at the end of the dining room. The statue was placed sideways so it could be seen how much of the man's erection was inside the boy's buttocks. Everything was lit by subdued light from a crystal chandelier illuminating pornographic oil paintings of men and boys in every sort of copulation positions and sometimes in mass orgies. They seated themselves at the table and while Williams was out of the room, they gazed around with feelings of mixed awe and concern about if and when they would become involved in similar activities. They had just witnessed the army officer molesting the little boy and worried if they would be subjected to the same treatment as depicted in the statue and oil paintings. These thoughts instantly left their minds when Williams returned wheeling a trolly laden with plates of delicious smelling food. The major general meanwhile had changed the position of the child to upside down so he could poke his tongue into his tiny anus but when he tried to insert his little finger into it, the boy who had been quietly accepting his molestation, gave a shrill yip of pain then he started to cry. "Shush now, shush shush my little snookums. Don't cry because you're going to be getting a lot more up your little bum than a finger my darling. I'm going to fuck you rotten my precious as soon as your arse hole is stretched wide enough my sweetie." The boy's crying stopped at those words of endearment and the major general picked him up to take him into the dining room and be fed. None of the others even noticed him enter the dining room with the boy in his arms because they were too absorbed in eating as fast as possible. Only the child's brother saw the major general's erection still protruding from his flies when he sat his brother next to him. Williams stood behind them watching them eat with a noticeable bulge above the join of his trouser legs. "Enjoying the view Williams?" "Aw yes sir. They all look so smashing. When can I get one for myself sir?" "Well I've some good and bad news for you. I have to return to the banqueting hall but I want you to stay here with them and after they've had enough, I want you to put them to bed with the brothers together but put my little one and his brother in my bed so they'll be there when I come back. That's the bad news. The good news is that you will be able to get a loverboy from the barracks tomorrow and you can have any single pair of these tonight to do whatever you like with as long as you don't maim them." "Wowee! Oh boy. Thanks sir." He stepped forward and began to tousle the fair hair of the teenager in front of him." "Good choice Williams and you'll find his twelve year old brother an even tighter fuck." He awkwardly returned his erection into his miliary trousers before departing for the banqueting hall. There was a hubub of foreign languages in the banqueting hall among the refugees who were now relaxed and happy with their stomachs full at last then sergeant Black mounted the stage where the officers dined and shouted and waved his hands about for silence. "Do any of you speak English." He yelled. Only three hands were raised and he left the platform to stand in front of it before asking the three with raised hands to come to him. As with the soldiers who first collected the refugees in Dresden, the sergeant had a smile as he was ordered when the three potential interpreters approached him. When he asked which country they came from, they all answered Poland. Suddenly his smile disappeared. "Fucken shit! Well can any of you speak Hungarian?" "Yes. I know Magyar." The slim teenager who answered had light brown hair and blue eyes and was much smaller than the sergeant. "Oh you little beauty!" The sergeant's smile was back on his face quicker than he lost it. He involutarily stepped forward to hug the youth in relief and gratitude and somehow the hug led to a swift kiss on the lips. The sudden surge of electricity which swept through the sergeant's whole being at the contact with the youth's body left him giddy and suddenly aroused. The reaction had him stunned for a brief moment and then he realised there was work to do. He reluctantly released the youth. "Alright then. Now can any of you speak Czech?" "That ees me." The person who answered must have been the oldest of the refugees at about twenty four and he was about six feet six inches tall with black hair and dark bown eyes under striking black eyebrows. "Ah that's great mate." This time the sergeant's body contact was restricted to reaching up to him and patting him on the shoulder. He couldn't have kissed him anyway because he was too tall for his lips to reach. "Now then. I want you three to go up on the platform behind us and ask everyone in here to go back outside in the courtyard and keep close together in groups of the country they came from. Did you understand what I said?" They nodded and the sergeant watched them ascend to the platform but they looked down at him helplessly because it would be impossible to be heard above the noise of conversation among the refugees. He was obliged to join them on the platform to repeat his performance of shouting and waving his arms until the banqueting hall was quiet again. Soon the interpreters were able to ask the refugees what the sergeant said and everyone began to make for the entrance doors. The soldiers were still kept outside in the courtyard waiting for the next thing to happen and wondering what was in the wooden crates and cardboard boxes marked 'Not to be opened.' then colonel Ben Walker appeared again to take charge of proceedings. "C'mon. C'mon men. Get yourselves fell in. The quicker you do it, the sooner you'll be having a good time. And I must tell you that only a short time ago, I had the most thrilling and utterly satisfactory experiences of my life." Never in his life had the colonel seen men move with such alacrity because quite a few had seen him take the godlike blond youth into the banqueting hall and subsequently all of them saw him leaving in an unsodlierly like close contact with him and obviouly on the way to the colonel's quarters. In short they all were aware that the colonel's words indicated he'd just had a fantastic fuck. While they were sorting themseves out into their four platoons, the first refugees appeared from the banqueting hall doors. Soon afterwards the major general entered the courtyard and when he came to within a few feet of the colonel, he yelled to the troops. "Companaaay! Ateyynnn! Shun!" There was a simultaneous crash of army boots on the courtyard while the officers satuted each other. Then the colonel turned to face the soldiers again and ordered them to stand easy. "It looks as if I've got back here just in time Ben and it seems as though the refugees have managed to fill there stomachs. Did you manage to fill your your beautiful boy's arsehole?" "Oh Wally. He was absolutely fabulous and not only that, he wasn't a virgin. A Russian raped him and that's why he fled. He managed to tell me by sign language. You know, by pointing to his bum and saying 'Rooshian Rooshian' then making a violent fucking motion with his hips." "Poor boy. At least you can make him happy Ben. Why are the refugees gathering in those three groups like that." It's what I asked sergeant Black to get them to do after he found interpreters. One group is Polish another Czech and the other Hungarian. It's so they can be told to line up according to size for their uniforms." No Ben. I think they should only get their ladies knickers tonight. I've been watching our chaps and they're randy as hell. We don't want a refugee being subjected to a brutal rape in public during the delay while their uniforms are being tried on. It might upset the delicate balance the men are in about whether to turn homosexual and a sight like a rape might turn some of them off." "Hmm. Good thinking Wally. But we'll still get the interpreters to tell them they'll be getting new uniforms to induce them to take their clothes off. At what point should we let our lads at them?" "When they're at their most alluring and wearing only knickers. Get sergeant Bellamy bring the interpreters over." Finding the tall interpreter who spoke Czechoslovakian was simple because he could be easily spotted but it was more difficult with the other two because they had mingled somewhere among the other two groups. Eventually they were found and the refugees asked to form a single line with the tallest to the right and smallest to the left so they could be given their new uniforms. Again there was a delay because it meant those who were brothers had to be separated for the first time and some small boys began to cry but as the line gradually began to form, it became possible to view the remarkable sight of so many innocent and attractive young men, youths and boys as a single entity. The eyes of the soldiers watching were like the crowd at a tennis match except they weren't shifting from side to side simultaneously, they were rapidly moving up and down the line appraising and assessing young bodies limbs and faces. Some were already fixed on a refugee they had decided upon and were waiting expectantly to get closer and get their hands on him. The wooden crates and were brought before the line on trolleys then opened with jemmys. The major general arranged for the a few of the uniforms to be removed from the crates to show the refugees what they would soon be theirs. Then the moment came for two things to happen. First the cardboard boxes were carried to the line. Those marked 'L' were taken to the right. Boxes marked 'M' were placed along the centre and the rest with an 'S' on them were put before the smaller of the refugees but the boxes remained closed. Secondly the refugees were asked to remove their clothes and as they did the soldiers' eyes became even more active and those soldiers whose erections might have diminished during the wait were now fully rampant again. Standing before them in all their naked glory were the beautiful young bodies upon which they would soon be able to assuage all their lust and longings built up by their enforced celibacy. The cardboard boxes were opened simultaneously by orderlies and once again the interpreters addressed them. They were told how they would be given the fist item of their uniforms and to put them on and wait for the next. The orderlies then scooped up armfuls of the ladies knickers and distributed them rapidly along the line. Audible sighs and groans could be heard coming from the soldiers at the sight of bare buttocks and thighs as the puzzled refugees bent to step into the sexy nylon garments. It was the major general who gave the supreme order they all now desperately waited for. "Alright men. Fall out and take one of them straight to your quarters." There was a rush forward to the line towards different sections. Most soldiers went to the teenagers in the centre but some to the tall ones one the right and others to the small boys at the other end. The famous rugby league player, private Sidney Banks and lieutenant Julian Smythe were together when they made their selections. The massive muscled arms of Sydney Banks swept up the six year old he had seen being lifted from the truck earlier while lieutenant Smythe took the hand of a red haired boy standing next to him. "I think we're in paradise Banks." "Yes sir. And god bless the major general for taking us there." He had already kissed the six year old he held in one arm while one hand was at the boy's buttocks. They left the courtyard together in the company of other soldiers who were leading their selection of a refugee who would soon be thoroughly debauched. to be continued