Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2014 21:01:38 -0700 (PDT) From: Harrison Westbourne Subject: WESTBRIDGE SPIRIT: CHAPTER 15 I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the fifteenth installment of WESTBRIDGE SPIRIT. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex between young men and older men, as well as love among men, and some paranormal activity. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW! This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address: In order to keep this site free, please consider a donation by using this code: If you enjoy this story please visit my other stories: INCEST / DARYL'S ENLIGHTENMENT ADULT YOUTH / THE RUNAWAY AND THE DRAG QUEEN COLLEGE / HUMAN BIIOLOGY IN THE GREENHOUSE SCIENCE FICTION / FANTASY / FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET Brief Recap of Chapter 14 of WESTBRIDGE SPIRIT MAYBROOK Just before Phillip's accident, I had been suffering for several days with an extremely painful migraine headache. My doctor ran a complete series of tests but could find no direct cause. The medication he had prescribed did not seem to be providing any relief at all. That evening when the call came, I had gotten ill after eating and knew deep down that something was about to happen. Without even being asked, I arranged for a security detail to watch the manor and immediately obtained a flight to Chicago. I was a nervous wreck throughout the flight and was never more happy to get off a plane. Frank met me at baggage claim and filled me in on Phillip's current condition. Driving directly to the hospital, I found my entire family gathered together in the small chapel praying for his recovery They were pleased to see me and Richard took me to visit with Phillip. He was so frail and vulnerable lying in that hospital bed with wires and tubes everywhere. I talked to him and assured him that I would stay until he was back with the rest of his family. WESTBRIDGE SPIRIT: CHAPTER FIFTEEN (15) MAYBROOK Phillip was happy to see me but I could tell he was also fearful of whatever had caused the accident. We talked for only a few moments before I had to leave to prevent him seeing me cry. As I entered the hall, I broke down and was comforted by Patrick, who was working on his laptop. Making me sit in the small visitors room, he calmed me by asking some questions about the architecture of the manor. The assignment was to do a comprehensive study of a historical building. Wesbridge Manor was listed of the state of New York's Historical Register due to the fame of the individual who designed the house. It also contained quite a few innovative aspects that were first attempted when building the structure. We finally left for Oliver's home and I was able to see Kyle and Campbell. They were thriving now that they had people who loved and protected them. I barely made it through the front door when they attacked me with hugs and chatter about how much they missed me. As typical kids, they were loud, messy, and entirely enjoyable. Part of me wished I had been able to be a father myself but that was not in the cards for me. The families I worked for were as close as I could get. If all the greetings were this wonderful, I could live with my lot in life, Also, everyone has treated me as more of a grandfather or favorite uncle than a servant. After a nice family meal, I took a nice hot shower and laid on the bed. Picking up my phone, I made a call to Lionel as I reclined in the dim light from the nightstand. We talked about our last date and even made plans to get together once I returned, There was a little pillow talk but both of us were really far too tired to do a full-fledged sex session. "I love you's" were exchanged and the call ended. Turning out the light, I crawled into bed and was soon asleep without the headaches that I had recently been experiencing. COLLIN These incidents were certainly unnerving. I was beginning to wonder if it safe to remain with the family or move back to my dorm. This job was paying for a great deal of my college expenses so the idea of quitting was difficult. The affection I feel for young Kyle was a strong motivator to remain to keep him safe. It didn't help that I was experiencing some truly weird dreams that every book I searched couldn't even help me analyze. Most of these involved me wandering through the apartment looking for Kyle and the others while fighting a gale force wind and freezing cold. Even through the roaring noise, I could hear the pleas for help and catch a fleeting glimpse of one of them every so often. Now with Phillip having been in a terrible car wreck, the boys were all having terrible nightmares themselves. Patrick had the benefit of having Frank to help him during this difficult time. Campbell and Kyle tried to comfort each other and Richard was stretched extremely thin. It became my goal to do everything to help the boys and ease their fears. Kyle had always been the one who gravitated towards me more than Campbell. He would blush and stammer when he tried to talk to me or ask for my help. Once after putting them both to bed, I overheard Kyle tell Campbell that he thought he loved me. I smiled and knew we would be together one day. RICHARD My poor Phillip was lying there attached to machines with tubes all over. The doctor in the ER was very apologetic while describing the injuries they encountered. I immediately called my employer to appraise them of the situation and request a couple of days to set up a work-at-home link so I could remain by Phillip's side. It wasn't the best solution but he was my life and I refused to allow him to be alone in a sterile hospital room. For two weeks, he just slept with doctors having no idea why the coma was so intense. His injuries didn't really fit the pattern and he was on minimal medication to speed healing. Ace and Conrad came to see Phillip once he was released from the hospital. Both men were greatly concerned about the fact that whatever was haunting our family had the ability to cause this sort of trouble. State police had examined the car thoroughly and found only routine wear-and-tear except for the steering column. It appeared to have been heavily damaged with no external evidence of tampering. An expert in automotive defects found no mechanical reason for the deterioration found under the protective shield on the column jacket. They also couldn't say that it had been deliberately manipulated either. Ace, Conrad, Oliver, Walter, Phillip, Frank and myself sat in the large dining room as we discussed the police investigation. The officers believed it might have been fatigue but none of us agreed with that theory. Ace explained that they had been able to find out more about Elizabeth and her family and it was not good. She and her two sisters had been heavily abused physically and possibly sexually by both parents. The two older girls had taken the first opportunity to find a husband and get as far away as soon as they were able. Elizabeth never saw either of her sisters again, even after she inherited her husbands' estates. Her father died from an alcohol related accident in which he fell off a bridge he was repairing as a stone mason. Leaving her mother with no real income, she was pimped out while her mother plied tricks of her own. One of those johns had actually raped both women and broken Elizabeth's left leg, leaving her with a permanent limp. Ace felt this was the cause of her psychotic behavior and murderous mannerisms. Conrad had some better news regarding Geoffrey in England. He had managed to locate the legal firm that had represented his interests in London. Using their records, they led to a home address and the birth certificates of five children, three boys and two girls. Shockingly, it also revealed that Geoffrey developed another homosexual relationship with his valet, Edwin Hoffman, which lasted until the man's death from cancer. Sarah had her own history of lesbian lovers and had taken on another one with her personal maid as well. One of their sons, Richard, later emigrated to America, where he met and married a young socialite from Boston, named Constance Kylie, heiress to a shipping fortune. What made this fact extremely disturbing was I had traced my family tree for a college sociology report and found a Constance Kylie as well. This meant I was related to Geoffrey while Phillip was related to Quinn. We felt it was somehow the universe's way of assuring we found each other and were always together. The two men left files with the full details of the searches they conducted. Phillip was becoming frustrated and started to hyperventilate at one point during the conversation. I decided to take him upstairs in an effort to calm his anxiety. Helping up the stairs, he held onto me as if his life depended on my presence. Once in our bedroom, I undressed him and checked his bandages before ushering him to the bed. He kissed me and begged for a little intimate contact since we had refrained since his accident. I stripped down and carefully began kissing him. Phillip moaned and returned the affection with extraordinary passion and need. Slowly I worked my way down his body, being cautious around the areas where he had bruises or gauze. His cock was harder than I ever recall it being and was leaking more than a garden hose. Using my tongue, I moved up and down making sure to reach each and every inch before swallowing him to the base. Phillip emitted a sound that resembled a lion's roar and gripped my hair gently but firmly. His body was shivering and twitching as I gradually increased the rhythm of my actions. Tweaking his erect nipples, his noises got louder and longer the more I worked on him. Soon I sensed his testicles began rising close to his body, indicating his impending orgasm. Speeding up my suction, I soon was rewarded with a large, thick load as he screamed out in ecstasy. Once he was finished, I crawled up and kissed him one last time before he yawned and drifted off to sleep. Remaining by his side to watch my handsome man doze, I decided to head back downstairs to help the boys with their schoolwork. Dressing in sweats, I quietly left our room and found the boys in the dining room with their books surrounding them. I sat down at the head and asked if anyone needed some assistance. Frank was already helping Patrick and Collin was working with Kyle. Campbell had some minor spelling and math assignments so I gave him my attention. The room was buzzing with quiet discussion and the sound of writing on paper. After about two hours, everyone was finished and headed up to get ready for diner. I helped Oliver set the table and talked about how Phillip was doing. We chatted about his physical therapy sessions and how his counseling was progressing. Heading upstairs, I found Phillip sitting up on his bed and smiled when he saw me enter. Getting him up, we went into the bathroom and got us cleaned up for dinner. After dressing, we walked back to the dining room and I went in to help Walter with the food. The kids were gathered around the table as we started carrying in the bowls and trays of food. Since there were so many of us, family style meals were easier and helped everyone get a complete rounded diet. Phillip ate very well and even seemed to perk up as the night went on. Oliver had ice cream sundaes waiting in the freezer with four different toppings and all the other trimmings. Phillip and I chose warm caramel with whipped cream and cherries. The boys were really excited to get such a special treat and Oliver was beaming from all the compliments. After dinner, Frank and Collin took the boys to a movie since it wasn't a school night. Walter and Oliver had to run to the restaurant to take care of some business matters and interview a temporary pastry chef until Phillip was able to go back to work. With everyone else gone, I lit the fire in the front room and set a thick comforter and pillows against the sofa. Phillip had been in the bathroom and was surprised that I set up this romantic moment for us. Since he couldn't drink, I even had hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. The fire created flickering images on the walls and the soft music I chose was making the setting even more special. We chatted about the kids and our future, occasionally kissing and linking hands. An couple of hours later, Frank and the rest of the gang came back and our special moment was over. We didn't mind since they were ours and it was delightful to hear how excited they were with everything they got to do. Oliver and Walter showed up shortly after the kids and soon we had a room full of people whom we loved and loved us. As the night wore on, I could see how tired Phillip was getting so I helped him up and said good night to everyone before heading to bed. I got him into a loose set of pajamas after checking his dressings and changing a couple of them. Putting on my set, we crawled into bed and cuddled tenderly before slipping off to sleep. ELIZABETH I traced that mysterious Matthew Wilhelm and his wife, Sarah, to London. where they established a home in the fashionable area, complete with servants. My agent is convinced that he and Geoffrey are the same person but a deeper search revealed more information stretching back to England originally. This discovery made both of us wonder if they were two different people. In Boston, a discussion with the coroner revealed that Geoffrey had, in fact, committed suicide and was cremated with his ashes being secretly scattered over Quinn's grave. That revelation pissed me off since someone had to violate my sanctuary to reach the family plots. I have to find out once and for all whether they are one person before it drives me crazy. PHILLIP The night in front of the fire was incredibly romantic and surprising. It gave Richard and I a long overdue opportunity to reconnect since my accident. Even though it was just a little kissing and talking, just being close was thrilling. The kids and my uncles soon returned and it was great to see all the love in the room. Everyone raved about the dinner and what they had got to do which was fun to see. When I started to get tired, Richard rescued me and we crawled in our bed to sleep peacefully. I dreamed again of Geoffrey and Sarah as they adjusted to their new lives in London. He found a position with a bank as a loan manager and soon developed a circle of high-powered friends. As time went on, Edwin began to realize that he was falling in love with his employer and considered leaving the position. When he approached Geoffrey, the two discovered they felt the same way and soon became lovers. Sarah and Geoffrey made the effort to produce children and soon had one boy and one girl within two years. All during this time, Sarah and her maid were beginning their own intimate relationship. Even though Geoffrey had found someone new, he stilled cried over Quinn, which Edwin understood completely. He had lost a partner once himself so he didn't get upset or jealous. Suddenly, I heard a loud beeping and woke from the dream with a huge headache. TO BE CONTINUED... Please consider a donation by using this code: If you enjoy this story please visit my other stories at these locations: INCEST / DARYL'S ENLIGHTENMENT ADULT YOUTH / WESTBRIDGE SPIRIT COLLEGE / HUMAN BIOLOGY IN THE GREENHOUSE SCIENCE FICTION / FANTASY / FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET