Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:49:29 -0600 From: Aniel Subject: What Jamie Bought-4 Caution: The following story is a work of fiction. It contains sex between two people who should know better. Any resemblance of the characters or the events depicted in this story to real life is purely coincidental. If you are not allowed to read this kind of material for any valid reasons please do not continue further. Always practice sex safety. Any comments, questions, or money may be sent to my email. Thanks to you. Cuidado: Este cuento contiene actos sexuales entre hombres. Si no te gustan los putos, no vas a disfrutar lo que me paso. Ojala que es legal leerlo en tu lugar, pero si eres un menor, debes hacer cosas mejores con tu vida! Siempre queria visitar un bar de karaoke. Bueno, si tienes preguntas o comentarios escribeme en mi correo electronico arriba. @@@@@@@@@ What Jamie Bought 4 @@@@@@@@@ Sitting in Jamie's lap, I decided to ignore Angel and scan the room. Jamie rubbed my back and pulled me into him. Soon, I was yawning and once again I snuggled into his chest. Why did he make me so tired? Being in a new country, listening to a new language, and missing my brother in Monterrey all conspired to exhaust me. Scanning the room, I spotted the two guys 69ing on the couch again. One of them pulled his cock out of the other's mouth and shot all over his face. For some reason, this made me thirsty. I swung my legs down over Jamie's lap and began to stand up. Jamie grabbed my hand, but followed me as we went over to where all the alcohol was. As I picked up the pitcher of margaritas chilling in a bowl of ice, Jamie grabbed it from my hand and replaced it with the orange juice next to it. I looked up at him with my needy child eyes, but he shook his head and kissed me softly. I sipped my juice and we returned to the chair. Ignoring the room of people fucking, I settled into his lap and finished my juice. Handing him the empty glass, I laid my head against his chest and nodded off. "Baby," Jamie said, shaking me, "blah blah blah blah." I stared at him oddly, and then realized it was English. I glared up at him with confused eyes, and he smiled, kissed my lips, and stood up, off the bed. It was morning. He was dressed in a black suit with a blue shirt, and a silky blue pattern tie that brushed across my face as he leaned over me to pull the blanket up around me. He handed me an index card which had a stick figure labeled Jamie and an arrow pointing to a big tower. Below this, it had another stick labeled Angel with an arrow pointing to a house and 10:30 next to it. On the back, it had a stick figure labeled Jamie and an arrow pointing to the house with 3:00 written next to it. I nodded, and snuggled into the pillow holding onto canguro (the stuffed kangaroo he bought me at the mall). He leaned in and we kissed for a few minutes, tongues intertwining, before he ruffled my hair and rushed out the door. I went back to sleep for an hour or two, then found a shiny silver remote control on the table next to the bed. I reached for it and hit the big button. A screen lowered from the ceiling, and a porn movie began to play. The scene had these two Mexican boys fucking on a blanket next to a farmhouse. I felt dirty watching it by myself in Jamie's house, so I changed the channel. I found a Spanish music video channel, and caught up on all the new songs I had heard on the radio, but never seen the videos to. After a few songs, I decided to get up and dressed. I looked at the clock, 9:30. I still had an hour till Angel got there. I filled up the big bathtub and took off my pajama bottoms and briefs. The water was warm, and I laid back into it, listening to the music from the TV, and trying out all of Jamie's products. Rich people don't just buy one kind of soap or shampoo; there were all kinds of body washes, sponges, skin care products, and conditioners. I got through half of them before I began to prune up, and decided to get out. I dried myself off on a big fluffy towel, and then wrapped it around me, venturing back into the bedroom. When I walked back into the bedroom, I noticed that Jamie had laid out clothes for me on a chair in the corner with a label that said "Aniel." I took the small black bikini briefs from the chair and slipped them on. I put on the black extra small t-shirt that hugged my chest which, while I am very tiny, made me look paper thin. I then put on the army green overalls with a zillion pockets. I even found a small black rope necklace with a small onyx rock in the middle with Jamie's name carved in white. The cold stone rested right into where my neck met my chest in that little groove. Under the chair was a pair of black suede skater shoes and black socks to go with. After dressing, I went back into the bathroom and found some gel to spike my short hair. I then brushed my teeth, smiling at myself in the mirror. Looking into the mirror, I felt silly. I looked like a little kid, maybe he was into that. I turned off the lights and went down to the kitchen to find breakfast. In the fridge was a bowl filled with fruit that had my name on it. I sat at the counter of the large granite kitchen island. Halfway through my fruit, the phone rang, at least I thought it was the phone ringing. I felt the vibration through the counter, and saw a red flashing light to my left. I pushed it, hoping the ringing would stop, and a square of the counter lifted up and then flipped over. A small TV screen appeared, and Jamie was in it, smiling at me. There were large windows behind him with the tower of the Americas visible. He waved and began talking at me in English. I understood the words hello and baby, but that was it. Finally he paused and said, "Angel?" "No Angel," I said, throwing up my hands and looking around the kitchen to show that Angel wasn't there. He held up a finger for me to wait, and then picked up a phone and called for Jose. A few minutes later, Jose appeared wearing a grey suit with a pink shirt and grey patterned tie. "Angel hasn't gotten there yet?" he asked me. Finally! Spanish! "No, I haven't seen him," I said as he translated for Jamie. "Did you find your breakfast? Make sure you eat it all," Jose translated. I held up the bowl and smiled, "Yes, thank you." "Do you need anything?" Jose asked. "No, I will sit and wait for Angel," I told him. "Ok, Jamie says he loves you very much, you look cute in your outfit, and do not go outside, do not turn on anything in the kitchen, and do not answer the door. Angel has a key, Jamie will track him down or he will come home to take care of you and give you lunch," Jose told me, as Jamie winked. I smiled and told him that I loved him too. I didn't mean it, but I did what we all do when we are financially dependent on someone else. When Jamie hung up, the screen flipped over again and the counter reappeared. I felt the place where it had flipped out from, and shook my head. Finishing my bowl of fruit, I put the dish in the sink and sat back at the counter not knowing what to do. I decided to explore the house for awhile. I found a large library with hundreds of books. In the middle of the room was a pool table. On the side of the room, was a large bay window with a desk and a stack of books with my name on top. I picked up the top book; it was an English book with word cards and worksheets for me to fill out. Underneath was a math book, in Spanish, and a clean notebook with empty pages. Next to the stack were an English/Spanish dictionary, and a cup full of mechanical pencils. I sat down and began working on the first page of the English book. I learned the words, "Cat, Dog, House, Car, and Cup." I copied the words five times in English next to the pictures, and then yawned. English was boring. "Aniel!, Aniel!," I heard Angel yelling. "Aqui Estoy! (Here I am)," I yelled. Angel came bounding into the room wearing khakis and a nice blue striped button up shirt. He rushed over to my side and put his arms around me from behind. "I'm so sorry nene (baby)," he exclaimed kissing me on the cheek, "I was stuck at a meeting for a new project we are building off Bandera." "It's ok," I said, showing him the work I had been doing. He smiled proudly, ruffled my hair, and sat next to me to help me practice my speaking skills in English. We worked for two hours until I knew how to ask where the bathroom was, what the weather was like, and how old people are. About 1pm, I got a major headache from this new language, and we decided to break for lunch. Angel made me tomato soup and half of a turkey sandwich. He ate the other half plus a whole other one, and half a bag of chips. He said that I was on a strict healthy diet that Jamie planned. He also said that Jamie was very particular about keeping me small but healthy. As we ate, he told me all about how Jamie had been planning on getting me, or a boy similar for months. When he said this, he joked that I was basically a prostitute, but a sweet one. His words cut through me, and I set down my sandwich, suddenly not hungry. Why was he being so cold all of a sudden? Was he into me? Was he jealous of Jamie for being able to buy what he wanted? I pushed away my soup and sandwich, and got up saying that we should get back to the books. "No, you have to finish your food," he responded, pulling me back into the chair. "I'm done, I don't want anymore," I said coldly, not looking at him. "What's wrong? Why aren't you hungry? What happened?" he asked, taking my face in his hand and forcing me to look at him. "Don't touch me," I yelled, "I'm someone else's `whore.'" "What is that supposed to mean?" he snapped. "You figure it out," I said, pushing away from the table and walking out of the kitchen." Angel followed me out into the living room. "Why are you upset? Jamie paid for you, and you have sex with him. Isn't that what a whore does?" angel said coldly. I stared down at my new shoes, as tears filled my eyes. He moved in to hold me, and I pushed his arms away. He grabbed me tightly and pulled me into him. "I'm sorry, but you chose to do this with your life, at least own the title," he said. "I didn't choose anything," I said, struggling against his grip, crying out, "No one asked me what I wanted, I didn't even know about this until Jamie came to get me. You don't know anything about me." Angel let me go, stunned. I ran from the room and into the bedroom, locking the door. I looked around and found a telephone in the corner. Beside it was another index card with seven numbers on it. I picked up the phone and pushed the numbers. It rang for a minute and then I heard Jamie's voice. I started rambling in Spanish about what had happened, and he kept calling my name worriedly. Finally he passed the phone to Jose and I told him what happened. He told me to calm down and stay in the bedroom while Jamie drove home. Angel was pounding on the door, yelling for me to open it. Jose told me to let Angel in the room and then he passed the phone back to Jamie who tried to calm me down with the Spanish Jose told him. "Cal-ma-te (calm down), estas bien (you're ok)," Jaime stumbled over the words, but I felt proud that he was trying. I went over to the door and opened it for Angel, holding the cordless out to him. He took it, and began explaining wildly what had happened in English. He was staring at me the whole time. I felt uncomfortable, and disappeared into the huge closet. I wandered around to the end, and sat in the dark behind a rack of clothes. A few minutes later, Angel came to find me and passed me the phone. He sat down next to me on the closet floor and petted my leg, apologizing. I heard Jamie on the line, driving in his car, rambling in English to someone else. Angel told me that he was on another phone taking care of business so that he could come home and be with me. Angel also told me that he had told Jamie that I was homesick and would not eat. He didn't tell him that he had called me a whore. This upset me, but I decided not to piss off Angel as I was alone with him, and he was much bigger than me. A few minutes later, I heard Jamie calling my name. Angel stood up and lifted me off the ground. Setting me on my feet, he pulled me out of the closet by the hand. As Jamie walked into the room, I ran over and held on to him, burying my face in his tie. He petted me softly and then sat down on the bed, pulling me into him. I stood facing him, between his legs as his arms held me loosely around the waist. He adjusted my overalls and straightened my shirt, smiling at me. Jamie began talking to Angel who translated for me. "He guesses you weren't ready to be home alone without him just yet," Angel said, "He is going to take a nap with you and then take you up to his office to finish up some work before you two go out to dinner." Jamie stood up, pulling me off of the floor, and setting me down on the bed. He took off my shoes and put me under the covers to nap. Angel leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, telling me he would see me tomorrow. I rolled over and ignored him. I was pissed. When Jamie left to walk Angel out, I climbed out of bed, and ran to the library to get the English/Spanish dictionary. When I got back, Jamie was waiting for me with a confused look. I sat down next to him on the bed and looked up the word "mentiroso." I found it and pointed at it saying "Angel, Angel is lee-ar." "Angel is a liar," corrected Jamie, and then he looked confused. I turned to look up "puta," and pointed at it and pointed a finger at myself with my other hand. "Whore?" Jamie asked, surprised. "Angel, me say whore," I struggled, using the English I had studied. Jamie looked angry, but he took my hands into his and said, "No, Aniel no whore," mocking my English. Then he pulled me into his arms and we laid there, him stroking my hair until I fell asleep. I woke up an hour later with my head on his chest. He had taken off his clothes and laid them neatly on a chair. My hands explored his body down to his black silk boxers. I rubbed my cheek across his soft, lightly hairy chest. He woke slowly, his arms moving first to rub my back. Then he pushed himself up and looked at the clock. "Office," he said, walking his fingers across my tummy. He got out of bed and moved to put his clothes back on as I laid there, watching him. When he finished putting on his suit, he got my shoes, and I sat up swinging my feet onto the floor. He kneeled down and put my shoes on and then led me out of the room. Grabbing his car keys and wallet, we headed for the front door. We got into his SUV and zoomed off to his building. He worked in a big silver tower along loop 410. It was next to a giant mall with ten foot tall cowboy boots in the parking lot. I pressed my hands to the window and yelled, "MALL!" excitedly, smiling at him. "No," he said with a chuckle, and reached over to hold my hand. When we pulled into the parking garage of his office, he led me to an elevator and up to the top floor. The floor he worked on was a big open space with windows everywhere. The only other person in the office was Jose; everyone had gone home for the day. Jamie's office, not surprisingly, was cavernous. It was a long room that ended in 20 foot tall windows that looked over the city. In front of the windows, facing the door was a huge curvy metal table with a computer and large black leather chair. The walls were lined with pictures of Jamie, his diplomas, travels, family, and friends. Close to the door was a pair of large black leather couches with a silver and glass coffee table. The office, like Jamie, had a sense of power and place. He followed me inside, and locked the door behind us. He toured me around the photo wall pointing out his friends and family and stories. I didn't understand much, but his parents looked like nice people. When he finished, he sat me on the couch and handed me a gameboy to play with while he got to work on his computer. I destroyed killer robots for half an hour, but I got bored. Turning off the gameboy, I stood up to look around his office. I poked through his bookshelf, not finding anything I could read. I kept looking over at him, so intensely typing and clicking and printing. He was in the middle of a phone call when I exhausted every form of entertainment in the room and walked over to him. He pulled me down into his lap, and petted my tummy while he yelled at whoever was on the other end of the line. I picked up his shiny heavy stapler and was about to staple two pages together when he pulled it from my hand, and pushed a blank sheet of paper in front of me instead. I grabbed a pencil from his desk, and began to draw a picture of some young guy he had on his desk. I was a very good artist, and had taken a lot of classes in school. By the time he had finished his phone call, I had reproduced a replica of the face of the guy in the picture. He pointed at my drawing and then at himself saying excitedly, "me!" I looked closer at the picture, and it was him! He must have been about my age, he was still very muscular, dressed in a baseball uniform and standing in front of a large stadium. I set down the pencil and laid back into his chest, sighing. I reached between my legs and petted his thigh, checking to see if he was hard. Jamie reached his hands between my legs and unzipped his pants. Then he took my hand and stuck it into his pants. I started to feel his silky boxers, and his cock sprang to life. I reached into his boxers and pulled it out through the hole. Getting off his lap, I kneeled down on the floor and stared at his huge hard cock poking up at me. Jamie kept right on typing and clicking on his computer as I leaned in and kissed the head of his cock. I stuck out my tongue and licked at it, hmmm, clean. I took my head off of his cock, pursed my lips, and dove onto it, taking it all the way to the back of my throat. Finally reacting, he took his hands off the computer and held the back of my head onto his cock. He began to face fuck me slowly, pushing his cock in and out of my mouth. I lapped the underside of his shaft with my tongue, working me throat on the head of his cock. After a few minutes, he pulled my head off of his hard cock. He bent down and picked me up, laying me on the hard, cold, metal table. I laid back, my head knocking over a few pictures. He stood up, smiling down on me, slipped off my shoes and then unlatched my army green overalls. He slid them off me, leaving me cold. He put his hands under my t-shirt and pushed it over my head as I lifted my arms. Then he reached and pulled off my black bikini briefs. I shivered from the touch of the cold, metal table. Jamie, still fully dressed with his cock poking out, reached into a drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube and greased up his cock. Then he leaned into me and lifted my naked body off the table. I threw my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he lowered me down onto his cock. I buried my head into his chest and bit on his silky tie as I felt the head of his huge cock push against my hole. I tried to relax, but he hadn't taken the time to loosen me up before he tried to enter me. My small hole resisted his huge cock, but he pushed on. I screamed as the head popped into me, double the capacity I could take. I looked up at him with pleading eyes and yelled for him to stop. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, laying me back against the cold table. Standing tall, he began to push his cock in and out of my ass very slowly. I began to get used to it, but my body still burned with the lingering pain. I reached up and grabbed his silky tie, pulling him down into me. He forced his tongue into my mouth and kissed me passionately. Quickly, his pace sped up, and he fucked me faster, laying his body on top of mine, holding onto me as we kissed harder. I laid back and let him have complete control of my body. His cock filled my ass to capacity, and the head rubbed against my special place, the one that always made me shoot buckets of cum. In another few seconds, his body tensed and I felt my ass fill with his cum. I tried to hold back, but I was so close to cumming as he fucked me super fast, shooting inside me. He finished, and collapsed on top of me, keeping his cock inside me. I felt it soften, and wiggled around on it. When he regained his breath, he stood up, pulling out of me. He grabbed a tissue from behind my head and cleaned off his slippery cock. Stuffing it back inside his pants, he zipped up and began to jerk my cock slowly. I closed my eyes as his warm hand worked up and down my shaft. His other hand reached up to pinch and rub my nipples. I bit my lips softly as I began to feel my cock go into his mouth. He obviously had not done this many times, and held my cock in his mouth staring up at me. I looked down at him and laughed. He was NOT a cocksucker, but I could make this work. I began to move my hips forcing my cock in and out of his mouth, rubbing against his tongue. He reached down between my legs and shoved two fingers into my ass. Now he wanted to loosen me up? I rode his fingers as I face fucked him slowly. In seconds, I began to shoot into his mouth. He took my cum, but didn't swallow it. When he had milked the last few drops of my cum, he moved up and kissed me, giving me a mouthful of my sweet cum. Our tongues mixed as I swallowed my seed. He rolled onto his back and pulled me on top of him. I laid my head on his chest and we stayed like that for the longest time, watching the sunset over the city out the window. As the lights of the city turned on, Jamie lifted me off of him and stood up, me completely naked and him wearing his suit with his soft, but enormous cock hanging out. He began to take off his clothes, and we both stood there, naked and sticky. He folded his suit nicely and shoved it into a white bag he took from a drawer; that must be how he has it cleaned. He led me by the hand over to the wall and pushed on a large metal panel. It clicked open about two inches, and he pulled it aside revealing a small bathroom and closet area. We hopped into the small square shower, and he washed every inch of my body with the warm water. When he finished cleaning me, I took the sponge and did the same to his body. We kissed for awhile, and then got out and dried off. He reached into the small closet and pulled out a pair of jeans. Sliding them up, with no underwear, he searched around and found a blue pullover sweater with three white stripes across the chest, and blue with white stripes addidas shoes. We moved back into the office as he dressed, and I collected my clothes from around the room where he had thrown them. He helped me into my overalls and latched them for me. When we were finished, Jamie shut down his office for the night, and we went back to his car. It was only about 7pm, and by now I was starving from my half lunch. I pulled on his arm and said, "Food." He nodded and pulled me in for a kiss in the parking garage. We sped off towards downtown, and ended up at a run down looking building. I stared at him with worried eyes and said, "Food?" He nodded, mocking my worried look, and then laughed as he hopped out of the car. He led me beside the building down a sidewalk that went down a slope and around to a garden gate. He opened it and pushed me inside. As we rounded another corner, I saw a beautiful terraced hill that sloped down to the river. On each ledge was a row of tables. He talked to the lady at the entrance, and she took us to a table on its own private step that overlooked the river. On both sides of the river were sidewalks with shops and restaurants and people. In the small river were several flat boats with people, tourists being guided along through downtown. It was the most romantic, hidden spot, I had ever seen. I sat beside him at the small table, as we watched the people below us. A waiter came and Jamie ordered everything for us. He got a coke for himself and apple juice for me. When the waiter brought our food, Jamie had ordered me a small serving of chicken fingers and French fries. He had ordered himself a steak and salad. We sat there, staring out over the river with the beautiful skyline behind it, eating in silence. What would we talk about anyways? I spoke little English, and he spoke no Spanish. Thinking about this depressed me. I was beginning to miss home and my brother, Tristan. He had finished, when I awoke from my thoughts. Jamie was rubbing my hand softly, and staring at me thoughtfully. I finished my food, and Jamie paid the check. We walked down the river looking in a few of the shops. The thoughts of home flooded my mind. I missed my school, my friends, Carlos (the guy I played around with), our neighborhood, but most of all, my brother. We kept walking, but when I snapped back to reality, I realized Jamie wasn't next to me. "Oh shit," I thought, "Where did he go?" I called. "Yahmee, Yahmee (I hadn't learned how to pronounce his English name)." I turned around, retracing my steps. I was worried, I started to cry. Where did he go? I don't want to be alone in this strange country. I ran, calling his name, hearing no reply. Finally, I heard my name being called. I froze. He waved me over to the store he was in; I must have wandered off when he went inside. I ran into his arms and filled his shirt with my tears. He said something to a stranger, and I heard the man's voice say, "He told you to wait for him outside. Are you ok?" I told the man yes, and Jamie understood. I wanted to go home now. Back to Jamie's or back to Mexico, anywhere but this crowded place. On our way back to the car, Jamie pulled me into an art store. He picked out a super nice leather-bound sketchbook and a set of colored pencils. I had never seen anything so nice. My eyes grew wide when I saw him take them to the counter to pay for them. Now I wasn't thinking about home or anything else, just how much this guy must like me, and how much he cared about my interests. The clerk wrapped up the things for me, and we went home, exhausted from a long day.