Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 10:13:15 -0500 From: Lee Mariner Subject: Whiskey Beach #8 WHISKEY BEACH By Lee Mariner JANUARY 2003 DISCLAIMER: This is a gay fictional story intended for adult readers only. It depicts homosexual acts involving men and boys. All characters are fictional and in no way related to any person or persons, living or deceased. Any such perceived similarity is purely coincidental. IF YOU ARE NOT OF LEGAL AGE TO BE READING THIS STORY OR YOU DO NOT APPROVE OF SUCH MATERIAL, PLEASE LEAVE. DO NOT ENGAGE IN UNPROTECTED SEX, IT CAN LEAD TO LIFE THREATENING CONSEQUENCES. All stories that I have written or I am writing may be found in Nifty Archives under the Prolific Authors Listing under my pen name of Lee Mariner. This work is copyrighted (c) by the author and may not be reproduced of copied without the specific written consent of the author. It is assigned to the Nifty Archives under the terms of their submission guidelines but it may not be copied or archived on any other site without the written consent of the author. Copyright: January 2003 - Author: Lee Mariner - All Rights are Reserved. * * * * * * * Chapter #8 "Yeah another dull meeting." I thought, walking through the doors into the lobby. I might want the meeting to be over but I had more than that I should be thinking about. In less then 24 hours, Todd was really messing with my head and that could be dangerous. I had worked hard to get where I was and if I wasn't careful, it might all fall like a house of cards. I had an established banking career while Todd was really just starting out. The future for both of us was something we had to consider if the feelings I was having meant what I thought they did. The biggest hurdle would be how he felt other than the sex. "How could my life become so confused in just one weekend?" I thought walking into my office. Hanging my jacket up, I opened my attache case to double-check the reports and documents I would need when Martha walked in. "How was lunch?" She asked. "Good thanks, I went to the Heidelberg. Any changes while I was out?" "None and you have about 10 minutes before your phone rings. You did have a call from someone who gave his name as Ian McCollough. He said he would call you later." "Ian, calling here." I thought. "He didn't say anything else Martha?" I asked casually. "Just that he was a friend and he would call you later, that's all. I tried to ask if he wanted to leave a number but he hung up before I could." "It probably has something to do with the bank. If he calls while I'm upstairs ask him for his number and tell him I'll call him back after the meeting." "Speaking of which, you had better get going or Mr. Darnell will be calling." * * * * * * * Ian was on my mind in the elevator up to the President's suite, I couldn't figure out why he would be calling so quickly or why he would call me at the office and not at home. The elevator stopped with a soft jerk and I glanced at the floor indicator just as the doors opened, thinking, "I'll just have to wait and see, it can't be anything that serious since we had only just met." Griffin's secretary waved me to his office with a "they are waiting for you Mr. Bridges." She was right; everyone was sitting around the large conference table when I walked in. Griffin was standing at the head of the table and looked up as I entered, he didn't have a smile on his face. "Why hello Taylor, we've been waiting for you." He said and I detected an underlying tone of irritation in his voice. "Sorry sir, I had a last minute call from a prospective client. My apologies for being late." "It happens sometimes but if it should again, ask your secretary to call and let us know. Now then gentlemen, lets get down too business and go over the last quarters reports and your projections. Mr. Bridges, if you are ready?" I made my presentation without difficulty and from the nodding of Griffin's head and his little "ahhums" and muffled "goods" he seemed too warm a little. "Excellent report Taylor. Your projections might be a little out of line but at least your showing a positive attitude going into the holiday season." Griffin was not known for giving praise and it made me just a little uncomfortable and I didn't doubt it did the others as well. The rest of the meeting went fairly quickly with only a few critical comments. We all knew that Griffin had already, personally, gone over every preliminary report that we had submitted leading up too the formal meeting. He wasn't a tyrant but he was a stickler for accuracy and all of us knew that we didn't want to stray very far from what our reports indicated unless we could substantiate the changes. I was ever thankful for Martha on several occasions. Griffin gave his little pep talk after the last report was covered and as a morale booster he told everyone that a little something extra would be in everybody's pocket at Christmas. Of course that made everyone feel better. While I was putting everything back in my attache' case, Griffin came over and put his hand on my shoulder. "Taylor, you seemed a little distracted this afternoon, is everything alright?" "Sorry Griffin, I had a pretty rough weekend and I didn't get much rest. I didn't know about the meeting change until this morning but I had just about everything set anyway." "Oh, is that all. I thought maybe you were concerned about the background investigation that Delaware National requested and the property you bought from the McKissick Trust Fund?" He said with a sly look on his face as he sat back down at the table. "Damn." I thought. "How did he find all of that out?" For a few seconds, I felt like the little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I wasn't trying to be deceitful Griffin, I just didn't want anyone thinking I was taking advantage of inside information." "There was nothing illegal or deceitful Taylor. I've done the same on a few occasions. Cantrell and his computers will always spot an employee transaction of that size. He enjoys it when one of his computers responds to what he considers an irregularity and then he comes running too me. I guess he worries bank examiners will pounce." Griffin said, a broad grin on his face. I didn't feel any better after hearing Griffin's off handed explanation and what I think was a veiled warning that Cantrell was his inside snitch. Cantrell was a little weasely individual that took delight in acting like an auditor and putting his nose into anything he thought was an error. He was hid down in the bowels of the bank with his computers and I had a few run in's with him when he put a "blocker" on an account or transaction I had set up. "Your right Griffin, I should have asked you about it. I never thought about Cantrell or anyone else for that matter having a reason to suspect it. Everything was perfectly legal; the McKissick trust received what they were asking. Mr. Couhigg, a friend of mine, handled the transaction through his realty company and I transferred the funds from my personal account to his in the Delaware Bank. It never occurred to me that someone was acting like a watchdog and would report it." "Your mistake Taylor was transferring all of that money out of your account. I'm a bit surprised at you, a banker with your intelligence. Anytime large amounts are transferred in or out of accounts it draws attention and they don't have to be employee accounts. I don't have to tell you how tight the Feds are on large transfers and Cantrell delights in delving into those his computers catch." "I guess I was excited about finding a place like it that I could afford. It won't happen again though, I don't intend on buying or selling any time soon." "If you do, let me know Taylor, I've been looking for a nice piece of beach property. I've snapped up some pretty nice pieces of property by keeping my eye open. Not many come up in a trust fund settlement though, you were lucky." While Griffin was talking I wondered if maybe I should tell him about the offer Phil Couhigg had made for me to join his new venture but thought I better let sleeping dogs lay. "It's getting late Taylor, that's all for now. Just remember, let me know, in the future, if I can ever help you." "I will Griffin. Thanks." I said as we shook hands. I still had the feeling he was holding back for some reason. * * * * * * * In the elevator, while returning to my office, I had that queasy apprehensive feeling in my gut that there was more behind the mild reprimand I had just been given. Griffin Darnell was not known for being especially considerate of his subordinates and I was having a problem understanding why he would confront me with objections to a perfectly legitimate transaction, it was puzzling. Martha was standing just inside the door to my private office with some papers when I walked in. I must have had a distracted or worried look. "Is something wrong Taylor? Did the meeting go alright?" She said closing the door behind me after I passed. Martha had never called me by my given name and it sort of caught me off guard at first. "No, no, I don't think so Martha. Would you bring me the McKissick Trust file please?" "Mr. Cantrell took the file out of the office after you left Friday, he said Mr. Griffin needed to check a few things in it." "Mr. Cantrell, why would he be after a file from my department and especially after it has been closed? Did he say anything else after he picked up the file Martha?" "No he didn't Taylor. He makes me uneasy, sneaking around like he does. Are you in any trouble?" "Not that I know of. Do you still have the CD files of the account or have you sent them down too Master Control?" I said quickly punching in a few passwords on my computer." "Not yet, they would go with the original file when we get it back. We only keep a paper copy without attachments on file in the office." "Bring me those disks and let's see something Martha. Cantrell reported a large transaction from my personal account to Griffin and Griffin was questioning me about it." Martha raced too her desk and flipping through the master files she kept until closure she brought me the McKissick Trust disks. We checked the file together and it seemed that everything was in order. I still had a funny feeling in my gut. I asked Martha to bring me a box of blank RW disks and burnt off a set of the disks and then gave the originals back to her. "I'll keep these Martha but I'd rather no one know I have them right now." "You forget Taylor, I'm your personal secretary not Griffin Darnell's or Mr. Cantrell." She said a soft almost motherly look in her eyes. "What would I do without you?" I said closing my attache case. "I'll see you in the morning, I'm running late for a date." "We can't have that now can we?" She said rolling her eyes mockingly but knowingly. I knew she knew I was gay just by the little innuendos that passed between us. I knew exactly what Martha meant, unless directly asked she would not discuss any transactions she and I might be involved in as long as it did not compromise the bank or her. She was one of the old time secretaries that believed in loyalty to the person or persons she worked with. I couldn't figure out yet what Darnell and Cantrell were up to but I knew I didn't have to worry about Martha. * * * * * * * * Todd's car was parked in his parent's spot next to mine when I pulled in the condo garage. For a second I wondered how he got in before remembering he had his own security pass. I smiled just a little thinking about someone waiting for me and not just an empty apartment. I called his name when the elevator doors opened. "Todd, it's me. Where you at?" No response but I could hear the shower water running. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the "message waiting" light flashing on the telephone and I remembered Martha saying Ian would call later. Pushing the "play" button, his voice sort of flowed from the player. "Taylor, it's Ian calling. Sorry I missed you at your office and forgive me for calling you there. By the time you hear this, I'll be on the bus home. My youngest sister called and my mother has had a pretty bad heart attack. Not sure of the severity but severe or not I'm going home. I don't know how long I'm going to be gone but I'll give you a call when I get back in Dover. I'll miss seeing you this week. Bye for now." Pulling my tie off, I pushed the "delete" button and hit the "speed dial" for Phillip's phone number. After a few rings he came on the line. "Phil, Taylor. Hope I didn't catch you at a bad time." "That would be difficult since you aren't here Taylor. Did Ian get in touch with you?" "He left a message on my answering machine, saying his mother had a heart attack. When?" "Late last night I think, he was pretty shook up. His sister didn't have a lot of information and his father wasn't available for some reason." "Not available, that makes no sense. Why didn't he fly home instead of a bus?" "You don't know flights out of a small airport like Wilmington Taylor. By the time he got a flight, transferred, etc he could almost be home by bus. Ian's family lives in a pretty backwoods part of Pennsylvania." "Well, I hope everything works out okay for him. He did say he would call me when he got back in Dover. You be sure and call me if you hear anything will you?" "Of course I will, when are you coming down again? I still want to talk with you about that deal I mentioned and you were going to send me Lee Michaels telephone number, remember?" "Sorry Phil, I've been tied up since I got back yesterday." I said and then giving him the telephone number from my "dial-a-dex" "Have you thought about it at all Taylor? I really would love having you as part of the company, I know it's going to go great guns." "It probably will Phil with you and Lee Michaels involved. Honestly, I haven't had a chance to think about it but I will and I'll call you soon or maybe we can talk next weekend if I can make it down." "That would be better if you could. I was out that way today and Daniel and his crew were at your cottage. They probably will have it finished by the weekend." "I'll see what I can work out Phil. In the meantime, let me know if you hear anything from Ian." "I will, take it easy." Phil said and the line went dead. I didn't hear Todd walk up behind me as I was talking and I held the phone receiver for just a moment before returning it to its cradle. Thoughts of Phil wanting me to join up with him and the things that suddenly revealed themselves at work had me puzzled; there couldn't be a connection. Phil didn't need me that bad. My mind was racing trying to separate the different pieces of information when Todd spoke from behind me. "Troubles Taylor?" He said quietly and I spun around. "If there were, they are gone now. God but you get more beautiful every time I look at you Todd." He was about 4 feet away, holding a towel in front of his nakedness. Not from modestly but more abstractedly, forgotten, his thick blond hair darkened by the dampness of his shower. Thick chest muscles rose and fell smoothly, glistening in the indirect lighting and his eyes twinkled as he looked at me. A magnificently built 21-year-old boy stood looking at me an impish smile on his face, even white teeth shining from behind his partially open mouth and I could see the glistening red tip of his tongue sliding back and forth over his lower teeth teasingly as he smiled. He didn't say anything for a moment and then moved too me the towel swinging away. His half hard cock swung like a clock pendulum from side to side. Placing his finger under my chin he lifted my lips to meet his in a soft kiss, the tip of his tongue like a hot poker flicking in and out tantalizingly. His eyes twinkled but with a softness and I placed both hands on his hips flexing my fingers gently. "That does not answer the question Taylor. You've talked about Ian & Phil before. But this time it sounds like there is trouble. I want to help if I can." "Did you leave any hot water?" I asked starting to take my shirt off. "I think so but I just finished showering." "I haven't since this morning and after today I feel cruddy. Wanna take another?" "And turn into a prune, no thanks. You go ahead and I'll fix us a drink. Maybe if I get you in bed you might tell me what's happening. I know we haven't known each other that long but I have a hunch I have a stake in this. Right or wrong." Todd said as he went to the kitchen area. His smooth white cheek muscles lifting and falling as he walked and my cock throbbing watching him move away. * * * * * * * * I really needed the shower more then I had thought at first, my muscles were like tight banjo strings. Todd was right, he did have a stake in our future if there was one and I didn't know exactly yet how it was going to be one. He was one of the most exciting men I had met but it was not just a feeling of sex when we had been in bed together. He gave me the feeling of wanting to be a part of my life and me a part of his and he was sincere. . . . The warm water relaxed me while I was thinking and my cock had wilted slightly. That little catchy feeling just under the sternum was still there and intensified when I was with Todd. The call from Ian had not really excited me as the thought of it had earlier before meeting Todd and even talking with Phil had been more business then personal. I was sorry to hear of Ian's family problems but in retrospect, his call had been almost divulge of emotion except for his saying he would miss seeing me and even then it sounded like an automatic response, no feeling. "If you stand under they much longer, there won't be anything left from shrinking." Todd said laughingly. Todd's comments jerked me back from the depths of my thoughts. "Did you get the drinks fixed and how about dinner?" "Drinks are in the bedroom and for dinner I thought maybe some take out, what do you want?" "Take out is fine, I'm just a little tired from today anyway." "Tired? Maybe we could go too the Heidelberg for dinner instead of take out wouldn't you like that? There were a couple of items on the menu I'd like to try." "On the menu?" I said stepping out of the shower. "Don't you mean that cute kid waiting on us? He had eyes for you." "And you weren't exactly looking away. I don't think he could take much of this up his ass." He said waving his half hard cock at me. "Maybe you would like to find out?" I said moving to him and pulling him in my arms. My hard cock pressing against his was like the feeling of sticking your finger in an electrical outlet. His cock kept swelling and the shock of it sliding up between my legs covered me like a hot blanket. Todd held me tight, his hands at the base of my spine his hips pushing his cock deep and tight between my legs. I could feel his heart pounding as his breathing became more ragged matching how I was feeling. His eyes blazed as he locked them with mine and growled, "You have all I want." * * * * * * * *