Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 20:30:39 -0700 (GMT-07:00) From: J J McMasters Subject: You dont hurt a boy Chapter 8 You don't hurt a boy Written by: The Iceman Warning: This document contains Adult Material and is a totally fictional story of Consensual sex between a man and a boy. If it is illegal where you live to view adult material, leave now! If you find Adult material offensive, you may also leave now. If you have not left, then it is assumed you are either not illegal and/or not offended. So sit back and hopefully enjoy. Chapter 8 Peter Meets Tom: After the shock wore off we stood in a group hug as we did the cutest boy walked in totally naked and he was beautiful as he stood there and he was smiling and Doc said "this is Tom and he is the latest one that I have helped" I sat in a kitchen chair and held my arms out to him, and much to Doc"s shock he ran to me and I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me so tight I knew I would have bruises in the morning as I held him I asked him "do you want to come home with me, and Peter will be your brother" he looked at Peter and Peter smiled and held his arms out and Tom ran to Peter and Peter picked him up into his arms and as he did Peter gave him a kiss that would make even my toes curl, Peter was holding him with his forearm under Tom"s butt cheeks and Doc said "well Tom is this the one" and Tom smiled and said in a very strong and deep voice "if he wants me and Peter will be my brother" Peter let Tom slip to the floor and Tom took Peter"s hand and almost dragged him out of the kitchen when he did I asked Doc "what is Tom"s story" Doc looked very pained and finally said "Tom is gay but his father and two brothers starved him and sexually assaulted him 3 or 4 times a day, he was almost dead and he is 15 but he was 50 pounds under weight and his growth was so stunted and I feel that he will be very late to start puberty and never reach his full potential" I was in the same pain that I felt when I met Peter, I looked at Doc and said "how long has he lived with you" Doc was quiet and finally said "he only knows me as his doctor, and he has lived with me for 6 months and he wanted to have sex with me but I can't do it, not as long as I am his doctor" at that moment Tom and Peter came back into the kitchen and Tom was dressed in cutoff jeans and a T-shirt and flip flops and Peter looked upset and I could see a wet spot in Tom"s cutoff seat, I looked at Peter and with a word being said he shook his head and looked at the floor and I knew that Peter had fucked him, I looked at Tom and said "and where do you think you are going" Tom had look of fear and he was routed to the spot and he softly started to cry Peter came to me and whispered "Dad cant he come and live with us" I looked at Doc then Tom and I said "seeing that I run the show I make the decisions in my house not you Peter but if you are going to set up your own place" by this point Doc was confused and Peter was red faced and Tom was backing up slowly so I looked at Tom and said "Tom come here" he froze solid and looked like he would pee his pants any second but he slowly came to me when he reached me I asked "did you and Peter have sex as he helped you to get dressed" his eyes came to looking directly at me and answered "Yes sir" I smiled and asked "who"s idea was it yours or his" he blushed big time and said "Mine" I looked at Peter and asked "is that the truth" Peter head was down and he mumbled "Yes sir" now I wanted to add a pinch of salt into the wound "was it enjoyable to fuck a boy that is smaller though older than you" he couldn't answer so I asked Tom "did he give you a real good fuck" now Tom was so red that I could almost feel his heat, I reach out held Tom and kissed him. I looked at Doc and said "were going home" Tom looked devastated and I could see tears in Peter"s eyes so I said "does Tom have anything he will need at my place" then the shit really hit the fan, Tom was in my arms and Peter was really crying and Doc said "you haven"t changed a bit you are still a softie" I smiled and said "Doc you know I can't hurt a boy and to make them cry is a way to hurt them that doesn't leave any marks but hurts just as bad" Peter kissed me as did Tom, I asked Doc if he needed a ride to the hospital, he smiled and said "considering that my car is at the hospital I will definitely need a ride to the hospital but I will come to your place next weekend" I laughed and said "if you do remember you are cooking next weekend" as I said that seeing that I was at the hospital he jumped out and stuck a card in Peter"s hand "if there are any problem call me I always carry my cell phone"I drove back to my place and Peter and Tom were cuddling in the back seat. When we were in the garage I said "were home and the bed is more comfortable than that back seat" they both looked at me and Peter said "Tom the first thing I need to tell you is that in this house he is the boss and if you forget it you will live to be sorry for your transgressions" Tom looked like he would be sick, so I said "in this house sex is not bartered if someone says no the answer is no if it is pushed beyond that point the person that pushes it will find out what it feels like to be thrown out on his ass and I don"t forgive any one that crosses that line" Tom was very upset and he asked "if I ask you if you will have sex with me will you turn me down, I coerced Peter to have sex with me before we left Doc"s place does that put me in a bad spot" I smiled and said "Peter could have said no and then you would have crossed that line if you forced him into sex" Tom looked at Peter and said "please forgive me for coercing you into having sex with me, I was horny and Doc had been away for a few days, but that is no excuse" Peter wrapped his arms around Tom and kissed him as deep as was physically possible without getting hurt. Tom asked "who will I sleep with tonight"I looked at Peter and said "well seeing that you have your own bed and bedroom that is where you will sleep tonight" he looked like I had slapped his face and he said "did I do anything that wrong that I can't sleep with Peter or you" I spun around and looked him in the eye and said "but you didn't ask Peter or me" that was the moment that he physically sagged and I asked "do you want to sleep with me" he smiled and answered "thank you, I would like to sleep with you" after he said that Peter whispered something into his ear and then he immediately said "and we can have sex too" I smiled and said "yes if that is what you wish" Tom smiled and Peter took him into his room and in seconds Peter and Tom were having the time of their life fighting a battle in cyberspace. As I reheated the last of the Lasagna and I set up the last of the antipasto I called for Peter and Tom and they both came to the table and there was a glow on their faces and Peter said "Dad we have decided that we will be lovers and if it is OK with you we will share my bedroom" I looked at Tom and said "I guess you won"t be sleeping with me tonight" both Peter and Tom looked at me and said "we will always want to sleep with you and that won't change now that we love each other" I blushed a bit and said "it is nice to see when my two sons are growing up and that they can share their Father" that made them blush to the max and I said "Bless oh Lord for these Thy Gifts and please make Tom and Peter understand that I will love them both until my last breath" and Peter said "Amen". THE END The Iceman