Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2015 13:32:54 -0500 From: Eff Del Subject: flights of angels-chapter 27 Flights of Angels-Chapter 27 By Eff Del There are times in life when personal progress seems to have stalled or moving too slowly. At these times, it is easy to despair over ever achieving our goals. At such times, it is important to change our perspective; Remember how far you've come not just, how far you have to go. Even the slightest forward motion is progress. You may not be where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be The atmosphere in the conference room was thick with melancholy as the five of us sat at the big table. Walter's absence was a presence in its own right; a desultory palpable thing that hovered around us and refused to leave us alone. My personal discomfort was increased by the inconvenience of having to sit in such a way that my leg cast allowed me even minor access to the table's surface. I sipped from my large coffee mug and tried desperately to appear 'all business as I scanned the faces of those sitting nearby; dear, trusted faces. Each of them attempting to conceal their own private agonizing grief. I took them all in; Uncle Phil who had entered the 'Great Game' along with Walter. They had both (along with my father) been the men who had shaped built and maintained the entire empire. Everything that existed under the vast dome of "Magnus Venatus" was their work and now Phil sat; the sole survivor. 'How must that hurt? `I wondered silently. Surely, it's as bad as the pain I felt when I just lost my entire family. Barney 'Wolf Man' Dunn. 'Wolf Man' almost never attended meetings here. He'd always take his counsel and instructions from Walter who had personally hired him and developed his considerable talents. Barry; whose brilliance was only rivaled by his wit and humor. There was not any trademark grin this morning. His face was very hard and stone like. Walter had found him and nurtured him over the years and now his mentor was gone. Richard whose fate would now be to try to fill the shoes of the man he worshiped. His attempt to emulate Walter in every detail had been humorous at times. Walter had often joked that he'd 'raised Richard from a pup' and the love and respect shared between the two men had been obvious. Richard's grief was eclipsed only by the rage he was trying so desperately to conceal behind a face that he was deliberately keeping expressionless. I scanned the table and became aware that they were looking to me for leadership. At the same time, I realized that I could actually provide it. Something had happened inside me- it was as was as if I'd suddenly grown up. I felt a strength and a determination inside me that I'd never felt before. The loss of Walter had somehow pushed me into a level of life that I'd been avoiding. "Our five tragic lost Skuggor; where they attended to properly?" "Yes, Eric." Richard answered at once. "Tell me something about them Richard." "Well, like most of the Skuggor, they were loners with little or no family. Ex-military, each of them enjoyed the commitment and excitement of service with us. Of the five lost none had families in the traditional sense though two had aging parents and one left behind a sister who is raising a young daughter. He was providing major support for his sister and that child. All of the families will, of course, receive the very generous benefits provided to fallen Skuggor. Though no one actually knows about the Skuggor, those family members know that their loved one was a member of a private paramilitary organization and that he was killed in the course of the well-publicized terrorist attack upon these premises. Since there was no family preference Eric, they were all buried at Shadow Field, the Skuggor cemetery we maintain in Indiana. All family were transported and taken care of during the ceremony of course. " "Thanks Richard. I'm so sorry that I was not able to attend the services. Now, as to the sister with the little girl...we must ensure that she wants for nothing for the rest of her life. Uncle Phil, check on their housing situation. If they're renting, either buy it...NO...scrub that... find them a house that is better and move them. The little girl gets scholarships and annuities...God dammit I want that child to know that her uncle was a hero...a great man!" I sighed suddenly not actually realizing how exhausted I was. "So, let's get down to brass tacks guys. I'm making some changes. Trust me that these are not emotional decisions; I've given them a great deal of thought. Uncle Phil, I want Chris at all of our meetings from now on. His learning curve has to increase quickly because I want you to be closer to me and more involved as my personal advisor. Chris is required to step up and take over the heavy lifting. You are now my `consigliore' if you will all excuse the `Godfather' reference. Richard, from this moment, you move into Walter's place. Aside from me, you are in total command. All Skuggor will answer to you. Unfortunately, though, you must also assume his public role as my `Butler' and head of the household staff. We have to start working quickly finding you an assistant in that regard so that you can concentrate on your more important responsibilities. Not very long ago, the logical choice would have been Terry but that isn't going to happen obviously. What Terry did was not done out of malice, but it was betrayal in the worst sense. I don't want him hurt but..." "Too late for that Eric." Richard cut in. "When John found what he'd done and how it resulted in everything including the deaths of Walter and the other five, he went crazy. Remember, John was the one who'd sort of taken Terry under his wing; made him the back-up driver and encouraging Walter and Martha to give him more responsibility. I suppose he took it more than personally. Before we'd decided to confine Terry to a secure room, John came upon him and calmly asked him why he'd done what he did. Terry was already in denial of the horror he'd had a hand in and his answers just enraged John further. He lit into Terry like a mad man and beat him to a bloody pulp. John is a big strong man. It took four highly trained Skuggor to get him off. By then, Terry had a broken nose, a few shattered teeth and many facial lacerations...he'll survive but he won't be a pin-up candidate anymore. We're confining John to his own residence for safety sake." I nodded my head. Considering the situation, it didn't surprise me. No one treasured loyalty as much as John did. After everything he had done to bring the young man along, Terry's inadvertent treachery must have been particularly painful. "Alright Richard, how soon can Terry be mobile?" "Oh, he looks like shit, but he can get on down the road right now Eric." "So then, after this meeting you go to him as his superior. Tell him his time with us is done forever. He will never look for welcome here. Though his betrayal was unintentional, stupidly well-meaning and ignorant, its price was too high...remind him what the price was Richard. I need him out here by morning. Uncle Phil, find him a place in one of our companies...nothing big but something that will allow him to sustain himself... and get him an apartment pick the place...cut him a check for two year's salary. Richard, have one of our guys put him on a plane but first you tell him that I'm never to see his face again. Got it guys?" They all nodded in agreement. "As soon as this meeting is over I'm going to see John. I hope he hasn't been mistreated in any way and he'll certainly be released from confinement but not until after he and I have talked in private." Their faces were solemn and in total agreement. Richard assured me that John was being treated with complete courtesy and respect and that he was remorseful about what he'd done to Terry. That was John. "Barry, you now rise to number two in the Skuggor chain of command but actually you just settle into the unique position you've already held. You just no longer have Walter as your mentor and guide. In many ways, you've got to rise up and be your own guide now." That was the first time I had seen Barry crack. The tears suddenly weld up from his eyes and his body heaved in sobs for several minutes before he got himself together. He looked at each of us. "W-Walt was like a father to me. I-if he hadn't found me, I'd probably be in prison or even dead instead of here doing what I'm doing. W-what the hell AM I doing now Eric?" You're in total charge of those `Barry things' you are so magnificent with. We'll be talking soon about some ideas I have. This world is moving in a direction that I don't think even my father imagined it would and we've got to be on top of it. For now though, I need you to stay on top of things like you have for so long." He nodded his head in agreement and I knew that I didn't need to say anything more. I turned to the hairy bearded almost stranger sitting next to Uncle Phil. "Barney..." He quickly put his hands up to stop me. "Eric, NOBODY...not even Walter calls me `Barney'. It's a long story but, please I'm `Wolfman'." "Sorry. A lot of this is new to me and I'm still on a learning curve. So then, `Wolfman', I know that you're grooming Claire to move into your place and that she's waiting for the proper time to retire from the FBI. I must tell you that sooner would be better than later. I need you to move up to assist Richard in the overall scope of Skuggor because; I suspect we're going to be very busy over the next few years. We'll talk about my plans for the future soon but now, we need to settle with what is at hand. The NEST is secure. Next month the Commodore will leave his post as Director and return to his boat before the next season at the camp. Ricky will assume that position and I expect he'll excel at it. The basic curriculum will continue but instead of the `special training' that has been going on, the boys will receive REAL special training in things that interest them. They can participate in internship programs we've started and they can also explore the programs that Walter and Richard and Barry set up. Actually, if things go the way I think they might...the NEST may turn out to be the West Point for the Skuggor . So, here's your marching orders Richard...THIS list contains the information about casual clients of the NEST. Scare the hell out of them...they're all either `curious' or `almost pedophiles' either way, they're harmless and certainly easily frightened. This list are regular clients and hardened pedophiles. They each need a personal visit from a Skuggor with photos and threats. They should collapse easily. This next list Richard, are the damage people...the ones who made this all possible. They are public officials and political hacks. I need them quietly removed and placed in the Steele Cunt. " I noted with interest that one of the names on the list was Senator Henry Prusset; the same sleezebag that I'd bumped numerous time at the national park. I wondered how many of his times out there included NEST boys. "We'll go there to deal out our level of justice soon but now, my concern is my sons and the security of this property." Richard quickly replied; "Eric, the failure was allowing someone like Terry to have as much access as he did. You can blame John, you can blame doesn't matter, there was too much trust and a weak link was allowed to get too deep into the household. Terry wasn't evil; he was just weak and too willing to please. As of now, all current staff are going to be gently investigated and any future staff will undergo ridged scrutiny...even the janitorial workers. Terry's level of betrayal will never happen again." "OK then, I've thought about the people we've already got in `Steele Cunt' here is my decision which is up for debate before you. The Outriders we captured on Cook Island are morons. They should be treated as such. Give them each a thousand dollars in twenty-dollar bills and drop them off at some remote location like the Dakotas...I want them dazed and confused but also...I want them neutered. Painlessly as possible but I want them to know what has been done to them and why. The Outriders that held the boys at the ranch and later on the ones who held Garry and Bobby knew exactly what they were doing...they're going (as Barry once said) `into the cornfield'...the same with every one of those mercenaries that violated this property...into the cornfield." "That means dead right?" Wolfman asked. "I guess you didn't ever watch the Twilight Zone eh Wolfman?" It was the first time I'd seen Barry smile in a long while. "Yes, that means dead. Don't make it cruel and don't make it painful. Just make them ...dead." I felt myself shudder as I said these words and realized that somehow I had changed physically and that I was a much different person. That night, the losses and the terror had affected me forever. I knew that I wasn't even second guessing myself anymore and I also knew that whatever I'd become, forgiveness wasn't currently a part or my nature. " Those `proctors' from Cook Island are to be physically castrated with just minimal pain relief then, like the jerks they were in league with, a thousand bucks and dump them in nowhere. Now, there's the famous `Proctor Nick" and of course, Chang himself. I've got ideas for them but they're cruel and inhumane. I'm filled with rage and don't fully trust myself so, I've had this proposal drawn up and I want you to review it. My hate against these two is blinding my judgment so...if you decide just a quick death...sending them to the cornfield... is the better option, I'll go along with it. I know you'll have questions about everything so I'll leave you to talk and we'll meet this afternoon." I hadn't actually been up in John's apartment for a very long time. The two grey clad Skuggor at the door eyed me with curious trepidation. "Gentlemen, you are dismissed from this duty and you need not return." Without question they nodded and left. I opened the door and called out softly; "John, may I come in?" He was in the kitchen with an apron on and was apparently kneading dough. "Of course Eric." He wiped his hands on a dishtowel as he walked towards me. He wrapped me in his big strong arms and I felt his body shudder in deep sobs. I just rubbed his back and said nothing his grief passed into me and I suspect mine passed into him. I'd shared so much of my life with this strong man who was now weeping into my shoulder. "I fucked up. Huh Eric?" his voice was muffled against my chest. "Nah John, you just took it all out on the wrong guy. That little punk was just a fool but he had no idea what he was doing was so dangerous. He was just eager to please and had no regard to security. He's gone and forgotten." He raised his head up suddenly and grasped me by the shoulders. "You didn't kill him did you Eric?" I smiled at him. "No John, you almost did but I didn't finish the job. He's just gone from us. Now, are you planning on beating up anyone else or is it safe to allow Jenny in here?" He grinned like only John can grin and I pulled out my cell phone. "Better let her in before they both beat us up." It seemed an instant before the door flew open and John and Jenny wrapped themselves in each other's arms. "Obviously, you've got the day off John" He turned with a snigger and pushed me towards the door. I hardly missed a beat with my crutches. ****************** It was soccer tryouts and I was not going to miss them like we had for baseball. Jack and I were in low lawn chairs at the side of the field. We were both sipping cans of beer though Jack's was cleverly disguised. The air was crisp but still comfortable. Winter was coming but not yet, and the happy screeches out on the green pitch declared that despite the threat of winter, there was sport to be played. "Wait until you see this Dad." He said as he indicated Sean out on the green field. "I promise you that they've never seen anything like him." I was stunned as I observed his magical body work through all of the tests and then devastate the other boys in the four on four scrimmage. When he was finished he walked to me glowing like a little crystal god. His arms and legs glistened in a patina of sweat and his long thick hair was plastered against his forehead. His smile told the entire tale of his pleasure and he wiggled as I wrapped the warm up towel around him. "I think I did good Dad." He was so happy it was hard to be serious. "Yep, Son, I think you did very good. Now though, we've got to get you into warm dry clothes and then into a shower. You're the stinky boy I was afraid of when I first brought you home...Ewwwww." For just a moment, he took me serious and then realized I was kidding and threw himself into my arms. "Dad, I love you so much!" "Yep, me too little man. More than you'll ever know." As were broke our hug, coach Cramford was standing in front of us. "Hi Frank, we haven't met in a long time. What do you think about my little tiger here?" "Well, Eric, I think enough to tell you guys that he's on the team but didn't try out but I've watched you out on the field with Sean. Surely you'll play on the division two team? We actually need you son." He gave Jack a shoulder squeeze and Jack looked at me. I grinned. "Hey Jack, the way I see it is that once you get your license, neither me or John would have to drive either of you to practice. Seriously, Jack, if you want to play, then play. I think I've got an exciting season ahead of me." His smile was dazzling but he tried to contain his excitement. "Thanks Coach! I'm not as good as Tadpole here, but I'm pretty darn good." "I'm more than certain that you are Jack. I'll see you both on the fields next Saturday and I'll give you your practice schedules." As we walked away I pulled Jack close to me. "Why didn't you tell me you wanted to try out for soccer Jack?" "Well, cause I was doing the boxing and W-Walter was so involved with that and..." He suddenly broke into sobs that wracked his body. "I'm so sad that Walter is dead Eric...Dad...I'm so angry and so missing him. He w-was so good to me and so interested in everything I did. He was s-so special to me. I miss him so-so much." As I pulled him into me, Sean wrapped his arms around the older boy and tugged tightly. "We all miss him Jack. We all m-m-miss him and..." I gave into the tears that my eyes needed to shed. We three hugged and wept for quite some time before Sean actually broke the moment. "OK you guys, deep, two, three GO!" That did it and we smiled and laughed and then headed to the car. It was Jack's blue Beemer. He hadn't driven it since the invasion. I grinned as I inadvertently headed for the driver door. "Sorry Jack, this is your side I guess." He smiled back at me but it was a sad smile. "W-Walter told me that he was looking forward to me giving him his first ride and n-now I c-can't..." "But you CAN drive Sean and me home now right?" He smiled up at me and I walked around to the other side of the car. His driving was flawless. ********* At the afternoon meeting, I was pleased to notice Chris was in attendance. "Well, guys, you've had the chance to talk things over. Any questions or comments or suggestions?" "Eric, I've talked to Claire. She's putting in her resignation with the FBI and will be fully onboard in about a month. Shortly after that, I can move into my new position." "Thanks Wolfman, now how about the other things?" Richard stood up. "Almost everything else has been dealt with. The other guys have been `sent to the cornfield' quickly and as gently as possible. The ones you wanted cut loose need a few days to recover from their `alterations' and then will be out on the road. Terry begged to speak with you but I let him know that wasn't possible before we sent him off. Do you even want to know where he is?" I shook my head. "All of the others you wanted rounded up have been captured and encased in the Steele Cunt. I assume we'll deal with them at a later meeting. Please remember though that three of them are US Senators and several more are pretty high ranking politicians. Now, as to the two major detainees, we've talked about your idea for most of the afternoon Eric. Your plan is barbaric and horrible but, having said that, we've all lost a beloved friend and mentor as well as five trusted brothers. Our anger and pain equals yours. We hate the men. Who knows how many children have suffered and how much pain they've endured. A quick bullet to the brain would be merciful and get the job over with but the pain of the pyramid would certainly produce some sense of justice and personal satisfaction." "Good Richard. Get everything ready for Thursday. Make sure that my cast won't be a problem." I turned and left for the elevator. Chris was there as I reached it. He held the door as I flopped in. I hadn't seen him in a while and I smiled at his handsome face. "So, you didn't tell me you were such a martial artist. Taking down two guys while in your underwear is pretty impressive." He grinned and said; "If I'd known they were after the boys and not just me, I'd have taken out more but...but you Eric..." He shook his head and we were at the ground floor. "Eric...could I...would you it possible that you would..." I felt what he was feeling and the old urge was rising in me. My feelings for him clicked into high gear. "Chris, I'm a bit wobbly on these crutches. Do you suppose you could help me up to my bedroom?" ************************* The morning light took me by surprise. It had been a very physical night. Sexually I am decidedly a top and while I try to be gentle, at times, I can be very rough and overpowering. That was how I'd been last night and Chris apparently sensed that I needed to be that way and he allowed me to use him in that manner. I looked over at his wonderful body, his lovely face peaceful with his lips slightly parted as soft little snores snarked out of him. I bent over and kissed his forehead. Sliding out of bed, I walked into the little kitchen and woke up the coffee maker. With two cups in hand, I returned to the bedside and as I'd suspected, the aroma of the hot java had awakened him. He looked so cute with his dazzling smile and his hair mussed up as he reached out and accepted my offered mug. "Anybody ever tell you that you're the best boss in the world?" "Only the ones I fuck like hell and then make coffee for." I sat down on the edge of the bed and he snuggled up against my back. "So, Phil has told you. Are you afraid of the challenge?" "Now that I know you don't hate me, I'm not afraid of anything Eric. But..." "What's the `but' Chris?" That pyramid thing. Are you really going to do that to those men Eric?" I placed my mug on the bedside table and turned around so that we were looking eye to eye. "Chris, you know better than almost any other person in the world how powerful I am. You also know better than any adult in the world that by nature I'm loving and caring...but, Chris, I can have anger and hate at the same level as I can have love. Those two men have caused pain to so many little boys and Chang has caused the deaths of five trusted Skuggor and...W-Walter." I almost lost it then. It was hard to think of Walter without crying. "They are going to die horrible deaths and it will all be recorded and sent to anyone else I consider a threat to me or to my boys or to my boys at the Academy. I'd like you to come with me on Thursday." He stared up into my eyes. "Do I have to Eric?" "No, you don't have to., but I'd like for you to be there...OK?" "Shure, I'll go there with you but I'll probably puke my guts out." I pulled him tightly to me and smiled. "Yeah, I'll probably be right next to you." ************************************************************* His wonderful smile lit up my heart even as I noticed the flour on his chin and the tip of his nose. "Hi Dad! Mrs. Edwards is teachin' me to bake bread. I'm makin' baskets for dinner tonight!" I smiled over at Martha. "I suspect that your making baguettes not `baskets' but I bet they'll be good" "This little boy is becoming quite the chef Eric. He'll be preparing entire meals on his own in a very short time. If you'd just leave him with me, I could enjoy him in the kitchen and then pack him away in the cupboard." She squeezed him into her and kissed his forehead. "Mrs. Edwards!" He was giggling. "You wouldn't never lock me in the cupboard." He danced away from her and she swatted his wonderful little butt. "No, but in the pantry perhaps you cheeky little boy." He giggled and walked over to hug me. I noticed he was wearing the apron from Big Bear cabin that LC and Windy had made for him and that made me smile. He snuggled into me and whispered; "Dad, can I sleep with you tonight? Just us like we used to do?" "I miss you too Sean. Of course you can. Then we can play our shower music game...whose turn is it?" "Mine." He spoke softly into my chest. "Sean, is something wrong? Is there something I should know about?' "N-no it's just that sometimes I miss being just your boy an I miss Walter and s-sometimes I'm afraid an s-sometimes...I just want you to hold me like you used to." Something in my chest snapped. I pulled him so close that I was afraid that I'd injure him. "Sean, little boy...If you had any idea how much I loved you, you'd never have said those words. You are the love of my are the sweet angel who saved me from damnation. It isn't possible for one person to love another as much as I love you Sean. You are the sun and the moon and the stars to me. I love you that much." He raised his face up into mine. "You are the Earth Wind and Fire to me Dad...the elements not the group. I don't really like the group." His giggles shook his whole body and I was forced to let him go. "He's all yours Martha. Can't wait to see what kind of bread this little worm produces." ********************** He was not happy to be confined in the big house, but twelve stiches to the head convinced him that he needed to behave. I handed him his favorite Jack and water and taking my own tumbler in hand, I sat next to him. "Doc, that was brutal. I never guessed that you were so formidable. What you did for those boys was..." "What I did for those boys was what any decent man would do Eric. I love those two as if they were my own sons and nothing was going to harm them if I could stop it. Performing the ceremony for Walter was one of the most important things I've ever done. We joked and kidded but Eric, I loved that man." "We all did Doc but now to will be free to go back to Fish Camp tomorrow. I'd like you to take the boys with you because I've got to leave to do...something. I love you Doc and I trust my boys with you." "And yourself Eric? Do you trust yourself to anyone?" "Oh, Doc, I don't even know anymore." ***************************************** They were each defiant in their own way. Proctor Martin spit his invectives as he tried to justify his actions. Chang was defiant as we walked him into the room. Both cried for their lawyers or for legal representation. I had the pleasure of using Gary's response...'what makes you think that you have any rights here?" The bafflement and despair that crossed their faces was worth it. The tall thin cones were slick with lubricant. Richard's idea for cones rather than pyramids was probably right. At my nod, each of the two naked screaming men was hoisted up and placed upon the tip of the cone which was inserted carefully into their rectum. "Since you think little boys like having their ass penetrated, then you certainly will understand this. You can fight it as much as you want but, gravity will certainly take over and soon or later, you'll be dead." I turned to leave the room. Chris was shuddering and Barry was stone-faced. Richard had a cold hard look and I Knew that though Walter was dead, he'd picked his successor well. *********** The small beautiful thing standing in the room, like always, took my breath away. I pulled him into me and cuddled him against my flesh...treasuring the feel of his sleek warm skin. "Dad, will you fuck me soon?" His turquoise eyes gleamed up at me. " Nope. My sweet boy, you're way too young for that but I will cuddle you and suck that little cock of yours and try to let you know how much you are loved...Deal?' He pulled me down into a great hug. I accepted that as a `yes'. ********************************************* Hey know how much your input means yes?