Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 16:46:16 -0400 From: Dwedno Smith Subject: Chapter 13 'First Season' Chapter 13. The Crisis and Scrimmage. Tuesday night and here I am holding onto a very upset Matt as we watch the paramedics wheel his mom down the steps and into the ambulance. I had a lot on my mind but most of it was about how Matt would be. We have a lot to be thankful for and I have a lot of worried boys I have to call soon too. Once she was down they placed her in the rear of the ambulance and after shutting the doors took off without sirens. After heading to my vehicle we followed them to the emergency entrance. I parked the truck and we headed in to meet them inside. One of the security guards started to give me guff about bringing Matt in with me and I tried to explain who I was but he wasn't having any of it. Thankfully one of the head nurses on duty heard my voice and came over to me. "JR?" she said as she walked over to us. "Nancy... hi we just came in with his mom and I am having trouble bringing him in with me." She looked at the guard. "It's okay for him to come in." "Yes maam." The guard relented. We walked past the guard and followed Nancy to the area that Eileen was at. We couldn't get too close because they were checking her out. We watched quietly for some time and Matt worked his way in front of me and leaned back on me so I put my hands on his shoulders as we watched. About fifteen minutes passed and finally Nancy came over to us. "She is stable but we have to prep her for surgery and she will be going up soon." "What's wrong with her?" I asked. "The doctor says she has a possible ruptured appendix and they need to get in there right away before it gets worse." "Okay thanks for everything Nancy." I said. "Anytime JR... look have a seat in the lounge and one of the staff will be out shortly to get information about her and then one of us will let you know where in the hospital she will be taken." "Great, thanks again." I headed out to sit with Matt in tow. "Can you tell me what all that means? He said, it sounds scary." "Have you ever heard of your appendix?" "Not really." I reached over and showed him where it is. "It's a pretty useless part of your body but it can still cause lots of grief and it seems like your mom's is bad and needs to come out." "Yeah but is that an easy thing to do?" "Nothing is easy sweetie, it's a simple procedure but surgery isn't always easy. So there will be a little risk which you don't have to worry about. Your mom is pretty healthy and she should be fine." "That's good but how long do we need to wait before it's over?" "That I can't say. Here comes the person to ask questions to about your mom." She sat with us and asked a lot of personal things. Matt answered most of them with ease. "Okay guys thanks for the answers, she said. Your mom was on her way into the operating room when I left her to come here and in an hour if all goes well we will have an update for you." "Thanks." We said to her. "Might as well get comfy Matt it's gonna be a while and it's already 8:30." "Yeah I have a feeling we might be here all night. Are you gonna call my aunt and let her know?" "Yes in a little bit Matt. I just want to relax now before things get crazy again." "Okay." Matt said. Matt sat next to me in the open chair and put his weight on me. It didn't take long before he was sleeping or at least resting nicely. I had to get up and pee so I tried to set him straight for a second. He stirred a bit but I couldn't wait to find out what he was going to do. I walked rapidly to the bathroom and headed inside to pee. By the time I got back he was semi awake. I sat next to him and looked to see what level of awareness he was at. "Matt you hear me?" "Yes." "Okay sorry I just wanted to see how awake you were. While I was gone I called your home and talked to your aunt and told her what was happening. She understood and told me that the kids were in their PJ's and soon would be put to bed." He didn't answer me. He just leaned back on me and sorta passed back out falling back to sleep. I sat with him against me for the next hour or so as I dozed in and out of sleep. Finally Nancy came over to me and tapped me gently on the shoulder. I opened my eyes and focused on her. "Hey Nancy, you're still here?" "Yes I am on till midnight." "What time is it?" I asked. "It's just before 10pm JR." "Any news on Eileen?" "Yes that's why I am here. She is out of surgery as of 9:45 and it was a complete success. She is in recovery and I'm afraid you won't be able to see her till the morning so you might want to take Matt and go home." "Okay thanks I guess that means her sister might have to stay there tonight but I'll work that out. Thanks for everything Nancy." "My pleasure JR you have done plenty for all of us in the past I am just happy to help you out a little this time." I smiled at her. "We'll see you soon." I said to her. "Yes I am sure JR; you better wake that cute boy sleeping on you up and give him the good news." Now I smiled at her. "That's the plan as soon as we are done chatting." She reached out and put her hand on my shoulder and smiled. Then she headed off. I turned and looked at that cute boy who was sleeping on me. He was out cold and boy was she right... he was awesome to look at. I took my hand and ran my fingernails up and down his bare arm. After a few seconds he began to stir and eventually he shook his arm and yelled for me to stop in a sleepy tone. "Sorry cutie but you have to get up its time for us to go." He sat up. "GO?" He said loudly "Yes while you were asleep the nurse came over and told me your mom is out of surgery and she should be fine but we can't see her till the morning so we can go home now." "What time is it?" "Around 10:15, come on I am going to stop at your house and get your stuff I am sure your aunt won't mind if you stay with me tonight." He was a bit more awake now. "Awesome! That's great JR. I am really upset my mom is sick but that gets me to stay with you tonight." It didn't come out properly but I knew what he meant. We headed out and got into the truck. By now Matt was awake enough to start asking questions. "Do you think we can get here early to see my mom?" "As soon as we get up we can call the hospital and check to see how she is doing and then find out when we can see her." "Great!" he said as he shut the truck door. I started it and we headed back to his house. We arrived about fifteen minutes later and as we headed up the steps his aunt opened the door and poked her head out. "How is Eileen doing JR?" "She had a bad appendix and she went through the surgery fine and is resting in recovery. We won't be able to see her till morning." "That's good news. So what about the children?" "Well if you can stay the night... I don't really know what else to suggest." I said. "Aunt Mee Mee why don't you stay tonight and when Joey and Ash get up in the morning they can go back with you to your place. Maybe Uncle John can watch them and you can go visit mom in the hospital after that." "That would be great if your uncle wasn't working." "Oh. Matt said. You could see the wheels spinning in his head as he tried to figure this out. How about Mrs. Wesley? She can watch them tomorrow and you can go to the hospital. Mom uses her when you aren't available." She thought for a minute. "That could work but what about you Matthew? Where are you going to be I haven't heard you mention where you will be tonight." "I usually stay with JR. Mom lets me go there sometimes and since you will have your hands full with them I just figured I can go stay over his house tonight." "I don't know Matthew I don't think that's a good idea..." "Oh come on!!" He yelled loudly and stormed up the steps to his room. By now we were in the house and even I was surprised with his attitude. He cut her off mid sentence to scream out his disapproval even before she could finish saying what she was thinking or I could comment on any of this. "JR I would like to say we get along well but unfortunately we have had problems in the past especially when has been visiting my place so I occasionally have problems with him." "Before I say the wrong thing or speak out of turn I want to know if you have any objections with me taking him home with me. Granted you don't know me well but I thought by now Eileen might have mentioned me." "I know a lot about you JR and Eileen has never spoken badly once but I just figured it might be best if he stayed close to home tonight but now with this attitude I don't think I want any extra problems in the house." "You are his Aunt so it's your call. I don't have a problem with whatever you decide but I just want you to know that I do have an agreement with Eileen and since his father isn't around I am kind of who he looks up to. I will go with whatever you decide but just so you know he spends a few nights a week with me now. He was here tonight because his mom wanted to spend time with him and I am really glad she made him come home or things could have been a lot worse than they were. He acted one hundred percent responsible by calling me to tell me about her condition." "I think I am going to agree with you and let him go to your place tonight. Please call me tomorrow morning JR so I know everything is okay with him and we can probably meet at the hospital to see how she is." "That's fine Mary. I can call when we get up. I was going to call the hospital first thing in the morning to see when we could visit anyway." "Okay then you go get him and I will give you a wide path to get him out of the house for now. I don't want anymore stress tonight." "Thanks Mary I understand what you are saying but I don't have any problems with Matthew." "I know JR like I said I have talked with Eileen and she has told me how much he respects you so forget about before go get him and get some rest. Its been a long night." "Thanks." I headed for the steps and slowly I climbed them to his room. I hit the top and walked over to his door and knocked on it. "Who is it?" "Me Matthew." "Come in JR." I entered and shut his door behind me. "Please don't yell at me for what I did I had a bad enough night." I walked over and sat on his bed. "Matt come here. I patted the bed. He came over and sat next to me. I put my arm around him and he leaned on me. I am not here to yell at you. I just finished talking to your aunt and if you wouldn't have yelled out we probably could have resolved this without you being up here. In a low voice I said the rest... now I am not mad but you were foolish to raise your voice at her and when we go downstairs I want you to apologize and then we will go to my place." He smiled at me. "You got her to let me go?" "Yes all I needed was time to explain things and I don't quite understand what all your yelling was about but I am really surprised at you Matthew. Really mister you have never acted that way around anyone as long as I have been with you." He looked at me and knew I was right. "I'm sorry JR." I gave him a squeeze. "I know you are pal but I want you to tell her that when we go downstairs and most important I don't EVER want to hear you speak that way again to her." "Yes sir. Thank you for getting me out of here tonight. I will apologize as soon as I go downstairs." "Good." I leaned in and kissed his forehead. He got up off the bed. I was still holding his arm. I pulled him towards me. "Don't forget Matt she is your aunt and whatever happened to make you dislike her she is still an adult, you were raised properly and you should respect any adult as long as they don't disrespect you." "I understand, I'm sorry." I got up and he hugged me. "Thanks JR, I love you." "Love you too pal." We headed downstairs. Mary was in the living room. Matt walked over to her and immediately apologized. "I am sorry I raised my voice to you before Aunt Mee Mee." "Thanks you Matthew." He turned and headed into the kitchen and I walked over. "Wow she said to me in a low tone. That's a surprise." "Not to me Mary he is a really good kid and I honestly don't know what happened between you and its none of my business but I will not have him disrespect any adult as long as I am around." "Thanks JR. I guess what Eileen said was true." "Oh? What's that?" "She never wanted me to repeat this but... she said that you are probably the best thing that ever happened for him." I smiled. "Thanks. I'll take good care of him. I promise." "I know you will JR, talk to you in the morning." "Thanks. I said to her. Matt... get your stuff we are going now." He immediately came running and grabbed his clothes. He waved to her and so did I as we walked out the door and down to the truck. I was beat and it was almost 11pm. We got in and I looked at Matt. "Look I don't know what the problem between you and your aunt is and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but I don't want to have that happen again." "I promise it won't JR. I am sorry." "I know pal I love you and its okay." He was quiet all the way home. I stopped for a cup of coffee and then we got back about 11:15 and I almost forgot about Nicky until he ran out of Bastions house and over to us. "I didn't think you guys were ever gonna get back. How is everything? Is Matt's mom okay?" "Everything is under control, Matt's mom should be all right but we won't know for sure till tomorrow." "That's great, Nick said. I see you brought him back with you." "Yeah, with his mom in the hospital I thought spending the night here would be best." "Okay. Sebastian's mom is still awake and waiting for you, she took Tommy home at 10. he felt bad, he said something about wanting to stay over tonight but he understood that he couldn't." "Yeah maybe next time." I said to Nick. By now Matt had joined us and was standing next to Nick. "You two go inside and I will be over after I talk to Bastions mom." "I still have a few things at his house so I will come back with you." "Okay Nick. I turned to Matt. You going in the house?" "Yes I am tired I will meet you back in the house when you are done." "Okay sweetie, go ahead in." He didn't seem to be in a very good mood at all I thought to myself. I headed over to talk to see Bonnie. I knocked on her open screen door and she got up off the couch. "Hey JR is everything all right?" "Under control is a better way of putting it. Eileen is resting after they took her appendix out and we are going to see her in the morning. Matt is with me and I really appreciate you taking care of things tonight." "Think nothing of it you have done more for me than I can think's a pleasure to finally return something." "Thanks. How were they after I left?" "They acted like gentlemen. Nick watched TV with Bastion and Tommy till 10pm and then he asked me to take him home. He was hoping you would be back by then but he understood the situation. Bastion went to bed a little while ago. He wanted to stay up until you got back but he didn't make it and you have Nicky right here." She said to me as Nicky was all but glued to my side. "Yup I'll see you tomorrow after we get back from the hospital. Thanks again." She smiled. "G'nite JR." "Nite Bonnie." With Nick at my side we headed back to the house. "So how are you feeling JR?" "Tired Nick why?" "Just wondering." "Ohhhhh?" I said. He didn't say anymore. We entered the house and I locked the door behind and went out back to shut down the pool since I didn't get to do it before I left. Nick followed me and I heard nothing from Matt as we passed through the house. Nick stood and watched as I went over to the filter and cut the motor to it. The pool looked pristine as I gave it a quick look/see. Then I headed back inside and Nick followed. I locked the back door and headed towards the steps. "I'm going to bed Nicky." "I guess I will too even though I am not that tired." "Sorry pal I am beat. You should try to get some sleep we have a lot going on tomorrow." "Yeah I know how do you think we'll do?" "Honestly I think we are good enough to kick some ass as long as everyone does their job and no one gets hurt." "Yeah I agree." We talked a little at the top of the steps before I brushed Nick's mop and said good night to him. He gave me a hug and squeezed me tightly. "Thanks again for everything JR, I love you a lot." "Your welcome big guy, I love you too and thanks for everything too." He pulled away from me with a puzzled look on his face. "Why are you thanking me?" "Because you are sweet, kind, and really cute and having you around makes me feel great. I almost wish that I could have both of you for good but you and Matt have families and they are where you will eventually go when all this if over with." He wasn't smiling anymore. "You do know this can't last forever Nick." "Yeah I do but I don't want it to end JR I love being here, living with you. This place is awesome and you make it so easy to live with you I really am getting used to it." "I am glad but don't get too used to it you have a mother who misses you and eventually you are going to have to go back to her and be the man of the family when things calm down." I could see him thinking and the wheels spinning in his mind as he ran through what I just said. I turned to go to my room. "JR?" "Yes?" "When this does end can I still come over and visit?" I turned and walked over to him. "Nicky if you didn't come and visit I would be very upset and think I did something wrong." He smiled at me. "So I can visit no matter what?" "As long as your mom is okay with it and you don't cause any trouble my door is always open for you and any of the boys." "Thanks." He turned and headed to his room. I went to my door and opened it. Matt was lying on my bed on top of the covers and appeared to be asleep. He had a long night and it wasn't really wasn't all that great overall for me either. Now I have to wake him to get the covers down. I went over and gently shook him. "Matt... wake up cutie... Matt..." Slowly he started to come around to me. "Come on big boy I need to pull down my covers." He moaned and mumbled something I didn't understand as he sat up and put his feet on the floor. Eventually he stood up. He was still dressed in the clothes he had on at the hospital. "Get ready for bed Matt you can't sleep in those clothes." I pulled back the covers and he slowly began to undress. As I stood watching the half awake boy he took off his shirt and dropped it on the floor and then pulled off his undershirt and did the same. Then he sat and pulled his sneakers off dropping each to the floor with a dull thud. He lifted each ass cheek and pulled his jeans from under each side and then pulled them off and they too wound up on the floor. Now he was in just his underwear and he fell back onto the pillow on his side of my bed and brought his legs out and over the covers that I pulled down. If he didn't look so cute I would have smacked him out of his lethargic state.I went to his side of the bed lifted his legs to free the covers and pulled them up and over his underwear and stopped at his chest. Then I leaned in and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He mumbled something after I did that but I couldn't make it out either. I went back to my side, set my alarm for 7:30 and after putting out the light I got into bed myself and got comfortable. The day was finally over and it was time to rest. The night went by without any problems from either boy and the next thing I knew the alarm was waking me up. It was 7:30 already. I hit the snooze button and rolled over to look for Matt. He was on his side with his back to me about as far away as possible on the other side of the bed. I didn't think much of it at first but as I lay there I wondered if he was okay because he is usually close to me or laying on me. I let the thought go as fast as it came and dozed off until the alarm clock woke me nine minutes later. I hit snooze once more and again was awakened in another nine minutes. This time I sat up and put my feet on the floor. I needed a shower and so far Matt hasn't moved a muscle even with the alarm clock going off this much. I got up and headed to the bathroom to take my morning piss. I finished up and went to splash water on my face as I was checking myself in the mirror there was a knock on the bathroom door. "Come in." The handle turned and the door opened and in walked Nick. "Morning pal you are up early." "Yeah only because I have to pee I hate waking up this early." He didn't say anymore as I went back to my mirror he walked over to the toilet and pulled his boy tool out of his underwear and the stream began to flow. I watched through the mirror as he did his thing. He was unaware that I was able to see him do his thing from where I was. When he finished he shook it a few times and then looked over at me. When he noticed I wasn't watching he stroked it a few time and then let go of his underwear and things fell back into place. He walked over and stood by me. "Feel better?" I said to him. "Much, thank you." He said to me. "Are you staying up or going back to bed Nick?" "Probably up, I really haven't made that choice." "Okay, no problem." I said. He turned and headed out of the bathroom without saying anymore. I was a little surprised but only because he usually had more to say most of the time. Either way I was done in the bathroom and it was time to wake sleeping beauty and hope he was in a better mood this morning. I headed back into the bedroom and walked around to his side of the bed. I leaned over and placed my lips on his sweet face and kissed his forehead through his messy hair. Nothing happened. I did it again and he seemed to be waking slowly from his slumber. I watched as he rolled over onto his back and his eyes opened. When he focused on me he smiled. I was relieved. I sat next to him and put my hand on his chest. "Morning sweet boy." "Hi." Was all he said right away. "Did you sleep well?" "It was good. I don't remember much from last night other then you helping me in bed." "You seemed to be out of it at the hospital. How do you feel now?" "Good, how is mom?" "We can find out as soon as you get your cute butt out of my bed and we call the hospital." He sat up and looked at me. "I gotta pee and then can we call?" "Sure cutie go do your thing." I waited on the bed for him to come back after I watched his cute ass walk out of my room, he was just in his underwear the way I left him last night and it was a beautiful site to take in! I waited and after the toilet flushed he came back in and walked over to me. Without saying anything he leaned in and gave me a hug. "I love you JR." He hugged me tighter. "I love you too pal, is everything all right?" He broke the hug. "Yes sir I am fine I just wanted to let you know... I wanted to thank you for what you did last night. I was scared and tired and I didn't know if I was going to lose my mom and it all made me feel really sad and worried. I fell asleep so I wouldn't have to think about it and when it was time to go home I didn't want to wake up until I knew things were better." "I understand Matt, how about we make that call now and see how things are." "That would be great." I picked up the phone and called to get the number for the hospital and then rang them. Someone answered and directed my call to the nurse's station. "Hello this is JR Scott I came in last night with Eileen Myers and I am with her son now we are calling to get a condition on her." "One moment sir." She put me on hold and then came back after a few seconds. "Sir the nurse that is taking care of Mrs. Myers will be with you shortly." "Okay thanks." I was put back on hold and after a few minutes someone picked up. "Hello can I help you?" "Yes I am calling about the status of Eileen Myers." "Sir are you family?" "No just a guardian." "I'm sorry sir but I cannot issue information about any patient over the phone unless they are family its policy." "Okay...I said with disgust. Hold on... Matt talk to this lady." "Hello maam, my name is Matt Myers my mom is Eileen Myers can you please tell me how she is doing?" "How old are you young man?" "I am twelve." "Okay well I am sorry but unfortunately you are a minor and all I can say is your mom is okay but I can not tell you anymore. You need to come in and see her to get more information." "Okay thank you." He hung up the phone and looked at me. "She wouldn't tell me anything except mom is doing okay." "Yeah well that's more then I got. I am going to check with Nick and we are going to the hospital." "Okay JR I'll go get dressed." "Good idea." I headed out of my bedroom and knocked on the door to Nicky's room. "Come in." I walked in. He was sitting on his bed still in his underwear but awake now. "Hey cutie we are going to the hospital to see Matt's mom do you want to come with us?" "Sure I would like that." "Okay then get dressed, Matt is dressing now, and we will be leaving shortly. After the hospital we can get some breakfast." "Great, thanks JR." I turned and left his room and went back to dress myself. I entered the room and Matt was sitting on the bed putting his socks on. "Almost ready JR." "Great love, I will be dressed shortly and Nicky is coming with us." "Good that makes me happy. I'd like it if he came along." "After the hospital we are going for breakfast." "Awesome." He said. Just then the doorbell rang. "Now who the heck is that at 8am?" "I'll get it JR I am dressed now." With that Matt ran downstairs and opened the door but not before the bell rang again. He opened the door and I heard some chatter from the top of the steps. Then Matt came over to the bottom and was about to yell up when he saw me there. "I was going to yell for you... its Tommy he was worried after last night and wanted to know how everything is. He said he tried calling but the line was busy." "Invite him in and tell him I will be right down. I have one call to make before we go I promised your Aunt a call." I didn't hear the call waiting but no big deal. "Oh yeah-- right my aunt..." He said to me. I went to the phone and called Mary. When she picked up I filled her telling her my plans. She told me she already contacted Mrs. Wesley and she was there now to watch the kids. She also told me that she was in contact with Eileen at the hospital and was aware of her condition. I wondered a little about that but I didn't say anymore about it for now. "I will meet you at the hospital JR. Thanks for calling." I told her okay and we hung up. She sounded cold to me. I have a feeling something might be up with me and Matt now that I think about what she said on the phone. I bet she called to talk about where he will stay while she is sick. I finished dressing and Nick was ready now too and I followed him downstairs and we both greeted Tommy. He told us he had his mom bring him over and after he checked to see if we were home he told her to go. "I hope you don't mind bringing him home later JR." "No problem Tommy I can take you with us to the hospital if you want. We are going now guys." I said aloud to all of them. "Great I don't mind going." Tommy said. All of us headed out to the truck and got in. It was just after 8:30. After they buckled in I started the truck and we were off to the hospital. The ride was mostly quiet with a little small talk. I looked at Matt who had the front seat and he seemed to be a bit nervous but holding up well. Finally we pulled into the lot and I parked the truck. We all got out and headed inside. We went to the clerk and asked what room Eileen Myers was in and they told us Room 434 and we each got issued a pass. I was surprised at the fact that they gave each of the boys a pass to her room without any questions. The only thing left was the fact that she might not want a lot of visitors at this time and if that's so then I will let Matt go in alone and wait in the hall waiting room with Tommy and Nick. We got on the elevator and the boys were on their best behavior as the door shut. We were on with three other people and Matt reached out and hit button number four for our floor. The others were apparently all going to floor two as one of them hit that button and they were all talking to each other. The elevator stopped at the second floor and all three got off. The door shut and it took us up two more flights to the fourth floor and all of us got off. "JR the sign says rooms 416 to 435 are to the right." "Good catch Nicky— lets go." So we walked down the hall checking each room until we hit her room number. It was the second to last room down this hall. I held the boys back and let Matt enter first as we watched from the hall. He walked in hesitantly and checked the first bed. It was empty. Then he walked to the second bed and Eileen was in it with four tubes running from her arms and she appeared to be quite groggy at first. "Hi mom." He said. She looked at him and smiled. "Hi baby." She immediately perked up. He walked over and gave her a hug and was smiling brightly as he looked back at us. "Who is out there Matt?" she asked. "JR brought me and Nick and Tommy came along for support." "Have them come in." she said semi shaky voice. He looked our way and waved us into the room. I walked in but Nick and Tommy hesitated as they approached her bed. I guess they didn't know what to expect. She smiled at all of us. "JR, thanks for coming and bringing my son and the others with you." "You're welcome Eileen how do you feel?" "I am in a little pain but its getting better. Doctor said he would like me to stay for at least two or three more days. When my appendix burst it infected some of my insides and they want to make sure I am free of infection before they let me go." Just then Mary walked in and immediately went to her side and we backed off as they exchanged a hug and she grabbed her sister's hand. They talked for a bit and we backed off. I wave to the boys and walked out of the room to leave them be as a family. I waited in the hall with Tommy and Nick as they chatted for a bit and then Matt came out to get us. "Mom wants you to come back in now." He said. We followed him back to her bedside. "JR thank you for everything you have done so far. I appreciate it more than I can say. Especially since I hear from Mary that you were responsible for helping get me to the hospital. You really are heaven sent. Look I have just finished discussing with my sister what we are going to do for the next few days and I would love it if you could take care of Matt for me at your place if its not too much trouble." I saw Matt smile when she said that even though I didn't look away from her I caught his smile from the corner of my eye. "Last I talked to the doctor he said they might discharge me Friday or Saturday depending on how well I am. So are you okay with that?" "Of course Eileen you know I will do my best to make sure he is okay." "Great, thanks. She said and then she coughed a bit and took a sip of water. Look I can't talk much more but Mary is going to keep the kids with her and I would like you to take this from her for your help." Mary handed me fifty dollars. "That isn't necessary Eileen you know I don't need that." "I know JR but hold onto it for Matt incase he needs something or for whatever reason. If you have any problems call Mary but I expect you to have everything under control." "Okay, thanks Eileen I hope you get well soon. We are going to leave you finish up with Matt and wait in the hall." "Okay thanks but before you go just stop at the house and pick up any clothes he might need for the next few days." "Sure thing, you take care now." I said to her. She smiled and once again I headed out with Nick and Tommy. We waited in the hall for about five minutes and Matt came out. "We can go now." Was all he said. He really didn't look too upset but I knew him well enough to tell something was wrong. Maybe he just doesn't want to talk about it with Nick and Tommy here. We got back on the elevator and headed out. When we got outside I handed the truck keys to Nick and asked him to go ahead and get inside while I talked privately to Matt for a few minutes. Both boys went without a problem and I sat on the bench in front of the hospital with Matt. No sooner than we sat did he look at me and start to cry. "I'm really scared for her JR... he said through his sobs. She looks so weak and tired." "I don't know what you talked about while we were outside in the hall but she seems to be okay while I was in there cutie." "I...I ... just don't know JR she has always been so strong and I just don't know what to think now." I put my arm around him and he hugged me back for a second and then he broke away and wiped his face. I gave him a little bit to get himself together and he finally looked at me. "I'm okay JR we can go now." "Okay pal, let's go then. You know the good thing-- if there is anything good that is... at least you will be with me for the next few days. Its sure better than your mom saying you had to stay with your aunt." "Yeah I know. Part of the talk we had while you were outside was about that. She didn't want me to stay with you; she wanted me to go to my aunt's house. I told her I didn't want to and I wasn't going to miss my scrimmage. She looked at my aunt and they discussed it for a bit and after I begged a little she gave in and said I could go with you." "I see." I said. I couldn't think of anything else to say to him. I didn't know what to say. Apparently she still has issues with me being around Matt for long periods or at anytime but what can I say she is right it's not a perfect situation, that's for sure! We walked over to my truck and got in, the boys left the front seat open for Matt, and I thought that was a nice gesture on their behalf. "Thanks for leaving the front seat open boys." "No problem JR we understand what's going on some." Nick said back to me as he smiled. I started the truck and we took off for breakfast. "I am going to Happy Jacks guys if you don't mind." None of them disagreed with me or complained. They didn't seem to care they were all just hungry. As I have said in the past... So what else is new?... I pulled into their parking lot and we got out and the guys gathered around Matt as he shut my car door. "You know Matt things will get better and everything will be all right in a couple of days." Tommy said to him as he put a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks Tom, I sure hope so I don't know what I would do without my mom. I don't even want to think about having to live with my Aunt Mary if she doesn't get well soon." Tommy looked at me and then at Nicky and didn't say anymore. He looked confused more like... why would he say that. We just let it go. Hopefully everyone will feel better with a full belly. We were seated by the hostess and before I could get to the table Nick had his butt on one side and it was planted next to Matt. Tommy was alone on the other side of the table. I looked at Nick and after a few seconds he got the idea and got up. He moved to Tommy's side and I finally sat down. I looked at Matt after I sat and he seemed to be quite stoic at the moment. Each boy grabbed a menu and started to look at the breakfast items. It was just before 10am now. The waitress walked away with our drink order and gave us a few minutes to look the menu over. She came back with four large orange juices and a coffee for me. She also brought us water. "Are you gentlemen ready to order yet?" I looked around the table and asked the same question of the boys." "Yes, said Matt...I think so, Tommy added and Nick said I'm not sure." "Okay then I will start with the other guys and we will work back to you." She said. Tommy ordered French toast and a side of bacon, Matt had French toast and sausage and I had pancakes and a side of bacon and sausage. We were now waiting for Nick... he finally decided on an omelet with cheese and bacon. She smiled at us and headed off to place the order. "I'm looking forward to kicking Hillsdale's ass tonight!" Tommy said out of no where to break the silence at the table. Nick laughed and looked at me. "JR do you think we really have a chance to beat them this year?" "Yes I do Nick, we are a decent size team this season, and you guys have been working really hard in practice." "YEAH!" he replied to my comments pumping his fist in the air. This caused Matt to giggle and Tommy just shook his head and laughed. At lease Matt wasn't totally in a funk after we left the hospital. Finally the meal came and as usual the boys ate like it was their last meal and I ate and watched them. It took longer to get the food than it did for all of them to eat it combined. I finished eating last but at least I chewed my food. They waited patiently and got more drink while I finished mine. It was close to 11am as I paid the bill (practically a weeks salary) and we headed out into what was turning into another warm late summers day. I thought they said it would be nice and a bit cooler but so far it was quite warm and I didn't see any let up from the heat in site. "Well boys we might as well go enjoy the pool if it's going to be this warm." They cheered and we got in the truck and headed back to my place. By noon everyone was in their bathing suit and about to dive into the pool. Bastion joined us after a few minutes of splashing and yelling not wanting to miss out on any of the fun, I sat on my chair and watched for a bit with just my feet in the water and suddenly the weather alert radio went off, I scrambled out of my seat and inside to listen to it after what happened the other day. I didn't want to take any chances. They said that thunderstorms were on the way about an hour or so away and they cautioned that some might be strong but not nearly as powerful as the tornado that swept thru my street the other day. As I listened they said this would bring the cooling air that would bring the temperatures down into decent range. So I guess no more 90 plus temperatures after this afternoon. I headed back outside after quieting the radio. "BOYS! YO!" I screamed out to them. They stopped splashing long enough to look at me. "I want all of you to enjoy the water because in about an hour or so there will be thunderstorms moving through to cool us down. So have fun for now and the first sign of bad weather EVERYONE gets out of the pool no questions asked okay?" They all said okay and I let them go back to having their fun. I dove in to get wet myself before the bad weather got here. Almost if on queue around 1:15 the winds started to pick up and some clouds were rolling in. Five minutes later you could hear thunder off in the distance. I didn't have to say a word the boys quickly got out of the pool and each grabbed a towel. "It was fun while it lasted." Tommy said. "Yeah I just hope it's not as bad as last time!" Bastion added. "I just hope we can get our scrimmage in tonight!" Matt said and the other three loudly agreed with him. As the storm approached I told the boys to head inside and I followed. Within fifteen minutes the sky darkened and thunder echoed around the house and neighborhood. There wasn't a lot of lightning this time and the boys seemed to be a bit concerned about the storm even though it passed quickly and didn't do much if any damage to the neighborhood. The rain was heavy but it didn't last long the only thing it did do was make the temperature drop a good amount and by 2:30 there was no longer any need to go swimming today. By 3pm the rain had ended and I was sitting in the living room with all four of them watching TV. Tommy and Bastion were still in their now dry swimming trunks and Nicky dressed back in shorts as did Matt. Too bad I had a house full because Tommy gave me a look as if he wanted to change a few time but decided to wait. By 3:30 we were just waiting for coach Fergus to call and let me know if the scrimmage was still on. He should be calling within the next 15 minutes because I will be heading to the field by 3:45pm regardless. Bastion got up and told us he was heading home to change and I told him I would call only if it was cancelled. "Tommy what about your gear? Where is it and how are you going to change?" I said as it was getting late. Almost as if I timed my question perfectly the doorbell rang and it was Tommy's mom. Matt answered the door and Tommy ran out to get his gear from his mom's car. Unreal! I thought to myself. He must have his mother trained or something because she seems to run all over for him. He brought it inside and looked at me once again. With Bastion gone Matt in a funk of sorts and Nick already changing I pointed to the basement door for him to go down stair and change in the basement bathroom. He got the hint and headed down. With Nicky upstairs and Matt on the couch watching the TV I went into the kitchen for a second and then came out and snuck downstairs. I got to the bottom and the only light that was on came from the bathroom and the door was wide open. As I approached I quietly cleared my throat and Tommy poked his head out to see if it was me. He waved but said nothing and I entered the room with him. He was waiting for me and still had his bathing suit on and nothing more. I shut the bathroom door for privacy. "I didn't think you were going to get my hints JR." he said. "I got them loud and clear just can't do a lot with three other boys around." "Yeah I know. So should I drop my swimsuit now?" "No I want to have some fun with you if it's okay." He smiled at me. "Sure is." "Okay, I said in a low tone, lean back and relax we are going to have some fun." He did as told and leaned against the wall. I brought my hand to his suit and started to run my fingers over the outline of his bulge and watched him immediately grow and stretch them out. Before long he was pushing his hardening cock out the front and straining to be let free from his bathing suit. "That feels awesome JR but I gotta get out of these its starting to hurt." Without saying a word I reached up and started to pull them down. With a little tug they began to come off him and soon I was looking at his small patch of pubic hair. I pulled a little more freeing his rock hard cock from his suit. It sprung up and slapped him above his hair and stood straight out with his piss slot staring me in the face. I moved in closer and got a good smell of semi fresh boy meat and chlorine water which I ignored as I licked the tip of his cock, I grabbed his balls gently. They were hanging nice and low now that they were free of his suit. I massaged them in one hand feeling each one separately causing him to let out a moan and his head to fall back against the wall. He was starting to lose it now as I put the tip of his cock back into my mouth and swirled my tongue all around his head and in and out of his piss slot. "Ahhhhhhhhh!! That feels awesome! Keep it up and I am gonna cum really soon!" He said. I opened my lips and took more of him into my mouth and pressed my lips hard together around his cock and pulled off him. I could feel him shudder from my teasing and the beginnings of precum starting to form in his piss hole as my tongue continued to tease it. I had him on the edge of blasting off into my mouth when the phone rang and I heard it just as I was starting to speed up my sucking on him. I stopped and pulled off him and he let out an immediate sigh. "Sorry big guy I have to get that it's probably Coach Fergus." With a huge disappointed look on his face he sighed loudly once more as I got up off the floor and ran out the door shutting it behind me as I headed for the steps. I hated to leave his thirteen year old sweet cock especially as tasty as it is. I reached the top and grabbed the phone on the fourth ring. Out of breath I panted hello... "Hi Bill, sorry I was tied up so what's the story?" "We are set for the scrimmage, I am running a little late, but I will be there by 4:15 the latest." "No problem I will leave here shortly and be there for 4pm." "Okay great see you when you get there." "Okay thanks JR, bye," "Bye Bill." With the taste of Tommy still in my mouth I so badly wanted to go back down and finish what I started but I knew I couldn't. I opened the door and headed back down to see if he was still down there and he must have been, the light was still on. I approached the bathroom just in time to see him beating his cock like a crazy person and I watched quietly knowing when he did see me he would probably be scared and jump. I wanted to join him but I watched in silence and seconds after I got there he began to shoot. He fired three solid shots a few feet into the air landing on the floor in front of him and then a fourth dribbled out of him onto the floor as he let go and enjoyed the rest of his orgasm. I moved closer and put my hand on his shoulder after his belly stopped rising so fast and he jumped a bit but not as much as he probably would have if I interrupted him in the middle of his jerking off. "Sorry Tommy I didn't mean to scare you but we need to go." "Its okay JR I was a little scared but it was great, I pretended you were still sucking me off and it was awesome!" I smiled at him. "Glad I could still be there to see you cum, next time I will finish you but I didn't have a choice I had to get that. Clean up fast and meet us upstairs we need to go ASAP." "Right JR, I'll be right there." I left him and headed back upstairs and after I shut the door I was confronted by Nicky, "Were have you been? I heard the phone ring but I couldn't find you after that." "Sorry Nicky I had to go downstairs for a few minutes to finish up something from before. Where is Matt?" "In the bathroom upstairs he said he will be right down he suddenly had to take a dump." "Okay we will wait for him and then we need to go." I heard Tommy coming up the steps and some quick thinking might have saved me. He knew I was downstairs and so was Tommy and I didn't need any ideas floating around in his head about anything between Tommy and me. "Nick please go upstairs and check to see how long Matt will be." "Okay JR." As Nick headed up the steps I opened the basement door as Tommy came up. "I just sent Nick up to check on Matt so play it cool. We got away with it this time." "Great." He said. "Maybe so but I really hate playing games in my own house especially sex games." Tommy just looked at me but said nothing. He was dressed in his practice pants, pads and all and carrying his shoulder pads and practice jersey. "Go over and wait for us by the couch Tommy." "Sure thing JR." He was a smart boy and he didn't want to do anything to raise suspicion in either Nick or Matt he knew it would end his sexual pleasures if any of them caught onto what we were doing and I honestly think he enjoys it too much to risk that. He is definitely a sexual flirt! Soon Nicky came down and Matt followed behind. Both boys were dressed similar to Tommy and all three where ready to go now. We headed out to the truck and Bastion was already out there waiting for us. The four boys got in with me and we headed to the field to meet the others. I arrived at 3:55 and the others soon followed. By 4:15 Coach Fergus showed as promised and we immediately started to go over a few things as a group before we were ready to go at 4:30. Even Eric showed up for this one. "What happened Eric, I asked... you leave early today?" "Yeah JR I didn't want to miss this for anything." We both smiled and then Fergus spoke up with what he expected from today's scrimmage. About fifteen minutes later we were all prepped for what coach expected from them and he discussed directions to the field with any parent who was driving over and we sent the kids to be with their ride over. Of course I had the four boys, Bastion, Tommy, Nicky, and Matt as they immediately headed to my truck after being dismissed from the meeting. I helped Bill load up his vehicle with the balls and any other things we would need to help us warm up once we get there. It's about a twenty minute drive, more with traffic so we wanted to leave before 5pm instead of meeting at 5pm like originally planned. So far we were on schedule. After we loaded up the stuff we made sure each boy had a ride and after all 19 were accounted for we formed a long line and Bill started to lead us to the scrimmage. Things were starting off great so far we had all our kids and coaches and were on our way to kick some ASS! After some small talk, some kidding around and some serious talk in my truck we arrived at the field. The boys were getting ready mentally now to play hard and see how well they would be together as a unit this season. "My First Season." My group was ready and for the first time today Matt seemed to be into what was happening and out of his funk that plagued him most of the day. We parked and met up with the others in the parking lot and Bill called a few boys over to help carry equipment. After a brief chat we headed over to the field at about 5:10 and the boys circled up and began to do their exercises. As they did this Hillsdale's boys came out on the other side of the football field and did their thing. They didn't look so big this season and I heard a few of our kids comment about their size. "Never mind how they look boys. Do your exercises and concentrate on nothing else right now!" Bill said to them sternly. By the time they were done loosening up and Bill and I met with the Hillsdale coaches it was 5:30 and we were ready to start a little early. The junior team had arrived about fifteen minutes ago and were loosening up at the other end of the field. They were slated to start their scrimmage at 6pm. We were going to split it 50/50 and do our best to get all four teams going without getting in one another's way. We had two hired referees to control the scrimmage. It was unusual for this to happen in a scrimmage but we didn't want any foolishness to cause problems so all coaches agreed to this to keep things in control. The referee's had final say so even though this was just a special practice (scrimmage) and nothing more when it came down to it. The ref tossed a coin our kids called heads and we lost. Hillsdale deferred to the second half. We were going to play two fifteen minute timed halves. Each team got three time outs and we were taking ten minutes at halftime for water and discussion of things that needed to be adjusted. All rules were set and we were getting the ball since they wanted it in the second half. Since we were using half a football field we were starting on the ten yard line and working our way out to the forty. If a team made it to the forty it was considered a touchdown and then other team would get the ball at the ten yard line and we would start all over again. If they failed to score or gain a first down after four downs the other team would get the ball and it would be reset back on the ten yard line once again. Playing on half a field sucked but we didn't have much choice with the juniors on the other half. The officials also controlled things if everyone got bunched together in one spot there would be an automatic time out until one group cleared the area so no one would get hurt. The only other major rule we agreed on was only two passes per four downs. So you knew if there were two quick passes you would have to run on third and fourth down. It made things a little challenging and interesting I thought. You never knew what was coming until someone used up their passes. Running the ball was unlimited and you didn't have to pass if you didn't want to. So with all the rules out of the way it was time to play. Our boys huddled up on the goal line and got their first play from Bill. He was running the offense and I was doing the defense and Eric helped both of us by spotting and watching for mistakes on both sides of the ball as did the other coach that wasn't calling a play. Eric was our quarterback and Matt, Bastion, and Nicky were running backs. Johnny, Phil, and Ronnie played line with a few others whose names haven't been mentioned yet and Tommy was center. Danny was the left end and Luke the right end, one of the other boys we haven't met yet. That was our offense. By the way the other two boys that I didn't mention are named Kyle and the other was Billy. Our back up quarterback is Nicky. That's eleven of the nineteen boys and we will leave it there for now so everyone doesn't get totally confused. When a nameless boy makes a play he will be added into the story but not until then so we don't confuse `you' the reader anymore then necessary. They broke the huddle and lined up. Bill had called a running play and Tommy snapped the ball. The handoff was to Matt and he plowed into the line gaining three yards. The play was whistled dead and they were off into the huddle to regroup. Bill called a passing play next and they broke the huddle and lined up. Tommy snapped the ball and Eric went back looking for either Bastion or Danny to pass to. Danny was open and caught the ball for a first down eleven yards up field. Everyone cheered on our side as we made a decent gain. We controlled the ball for the rest of the drive and plowed down the field pretty much without them stopping us and it was third and goal on the thirty nine yard line... remembering the forty yard line was the goal line today. Bill called for a fake hand off and quarterback keeper. The ball was snapped and Eric faked to Bastion and jumped forward over the forty scoring. The whistle blew and the boys celebrated their first score. From there everything was reset and Hillsdale took over after a time out at the ten and got their chance to score. They ran the ball a lot apparently their quarterback didn't have much of an arm and they weren't much of a threat the entire first half. At halftime we were up 18-0 and the boys along with us coaches were extremely satisfied with everything so far. We brought the boys into one of their locker rooms and coach Fergus calmed them and began to speak. "Okay boys great first half we did much better then I expect. A bunch of cheers went up from the group. He had to calm them before he could continue. Now I am happy too but listen up... they are going to make some changes at halftime as are we. I know Hillsdale is a good team so they will probably come out fighting after they get their act together at halftime." Coach went on to discuss a few things he saw that were wrong and then I went over a few defensive things that I caught next. Finally Coach Eric spoke and he too went over a few things he caught. We were all done talking and we let the boys rest for three minutes and talk amongst themselves before we were whistled back onto the field. The second half began with Hillsdale controlling the ball. Their first two downs they gained two yards and it was third and six on the fourteen yard line. Their center snapped the ball and it was a double reverse. My ends didn't stay home and they ran up the sideline and their guy scored their first six points on a 26 yard touchdown run. I was kinda pissed off so we called a time out and I laid into the boys a bit before we let the defense off the field and regrouped for our first offensive play of the second half. It was now 18-6 and we had the ball. Bill called for a pass play to start the second quarter for us and as Eric went back to pass they blitzed him and sacked him back on the 6 yard line. There were no touchbacks even if the ball went back to the goal line. So second play was an end run and the ball was handed off to Nicky and he took off around the left side and gained 9 yards putting us five yards short of first down. Bill sent in a pass play for third down. Eric was supposed to hook up with Bastion over the middle or if he wasn't open look right for Matt. The ball was snapped and once again before we could get off the pass they were in on Eric sacking him back at the ten. Bill called time out and went out to set them straight. It was 4th and 10 and he really didn't have anything to lose at this point. The ball was on the 10 yard line and no matter what that is where Hillsdale was going to start if we didn't get a first down this play. Bill called for a fake to the halfback and a pitch to Nicky going left. The play was set and he jogged off the field. Eric took the ball faking it to Matt and tossed it underhand to Nick who took off like his ass was on fire for the outside. He turned it up field and was knocked out of bounds at the 22 yard line-- a big gain and first down for us. We got 12 yards and out of the hole. Now we had four new downs to play with and Bill started with a handoff off tackle to Bastion. He gained two yards. Second and eight. Eric went back to pass and pump faked the pass to Nicky who went out over the middle and he turned to his right and hit Matt who was wide open behind the line and he hit him in the numbers one yard behind the line of scrimmage. Matt took off and ran ten yards from the catch and it was third and one. We had two downs to get the first. Bill called another quarterback keeper and Hillsdale smothered it at the line of scrimmage for no gain. It was 4th and one. He sent the play in with Bastion who was out for a breather on the previous play. It was a quick pass over the middle to Danny on a slant. Tommy snapped the ball as Eric took a step back and whaled the ball into Danny's arms who was immediately tacked but he had enough for the first down. We were on the 32 yard line and only needed 8 yards for points. Bill was going for it on first down he called for Nicky across the end zone from right to left and the line gave Eric enough time to set up and he hit Nick in the numbers with the pass and we scored making it 24-6. So far both teams were playing well in the second half and we had the upper hand without any questions this season. There was little left to see now and we knew we had them this game. They got the ball back and our boys were so fired up that we sacked their quarterback twice in a row and their coach called time out and we heard him screaming at them in the huddle. He was pissed! We held them that time and got the ball back and scored once more to make it 30-6. There was about three minutes left in the scrimmage when one of their boys hit Nicky with a cheap shot and he went down like a ton of bricks. I took off like my ass was on fire running to his side. Nicky was hit in the left knee and was in some pain. I pulled his chin strap down and lifted his helmet off as I looked at him to ask him how bad it was. "It hurts a lot coach. Its like a burning pain going up and down my leg!" I examined his leg while Bill stood next to us and the referees got all the kids away from us. I gave him a few minutes to relax and the pain subsided some but he wasn't ready to walk on it yet so we helped him up and Bill and I both took an arm and we helped up walk off the field on one leg. After sitting him on the bench Bill went over to the official and asked him about the cheap hit and he told him they didn't see it. That pretty much tainted the last few minutes of the game and I sat with Nick while they played it out. Hillsdale gained control from there and scored twice while our boys were down but the game ended with us winning 30-18. Handshakes were watched closely by the coaches and ref's since Nick was hurt and the guys were really mad at the cheap hit he took. Nothing happened but when we play them for real later in the season there is little doubt something will happen. We out played them big time and the boys aren't going to take any shit from them this season. I helped Nicky over to the group huddle as everyone took a knee for Bill to discuss things a bit before we let them go home. He told them they did well and other then Nicky's injury they let their guard down while he was hurt some or we probably would have held them to only one score. He pumped them up by asking them what they were gonna do when we meet them in real season play in four weeks and we had them all screaming and psyched up before he finished up his talk. "Okay boys, he said. Great job tonight. Tomorrow night you take off and relax and this Friday we will have a helmets only practice for an hour at 5:30. We will be done by 6:30 and you guys get the weekend off to relax and do your thing. Monday practice next week will start at 5:30 and I want everyone ready to kick some butt. We might have a scrimmage next Friday night but I won't know till next week... so be ready on Friday and after we have a light practice I expect everyone ready for a good workout Monday night. Great job boys!! JR? You have anything to say?" "Yes, thanks Bill. Look boys I understand this was just a scrimmage and we won't see these guys for a month but I want everyone to take something from tonight and that is this... remembers the pain Nicky was in! Don't forget it for a minute. Bring it to practice and hold onto it until we meet them next time and I want all of you ready to kick their butts all over the field when they come to our house on week four of the season!! They will be coming to win and we won't let them will we!!! WILL WE!!!!" I had them totally fired up now and all of them were chanting and screaming. Eric had something to say but he threw his arms up and told me never mind. He will be at Friday's practice and say it to them then. Bill dismissed them and we headed back to the cars. I helped Nicky limp back to my truck. At least he could put some weight on it. I will check it out when we get home. The others took his gear to the truck and were waiting for us when we finally made it back to the truck. I helped Nick into the front seat this time. Matt gladly gave it up for his hurt teammate. "I'll be just a minute boys I want to talk to coach. I walked over to him, his son was in the car already, but I wanted to let him know that I caught the number of the kid that did that to Nick. I didn't want the boys to know though. It was messy out there when it happened and I didn't think anyone else knew who it was. I approached Bill. "Bill I didn't want to talk in front of the boys but did you know who put the cheap shot on Nicky?" "No I didn't get a number but I can take a guess. After last season one of their boys Jimmy Heuston was looking for trouble and he is back this year." "Is he number 35?" "Yup that should be him. He is a little son of a bitch too. His father is one of their coaches and he does nothing to discipline him." "How do you want to handle this?" I asked. "Well I don't want to stoop to their level but I do want to deliver a message loud and clear so I will have something ready when we start practice the week we start to prepare for them. I honestly don't like doing shit like this but that boy and his father need some kind of lesson and I think we are big enough and definitely strong enough this year to deliver a big lesson to them on that game day." "I agree Bill and I will leave it up to you for now to work that out." "Thanks JR have a great night and take care of Nicky. Send him my best okay?" "Sure thing Bill, see ya Friday at 5:30 call me if anything changes." "I will. G'nite." I turned and headed back to the truck, got in and started it. "What did you two talk about JR?" Matt asked me. "When the time is right you will know all you need to-- but for now don't worry about it okay?" "Sure JR." Matt said, "I bet I know what it was...Tommy said... you and coach probably were talking about us kicking their ass when we meet for real." I looked at Tommy in my rear view mirror. Our eyes met and I think he got my message. "What we discussed isn't for you guys yet so let's drop it." Drop it we did. The ride home was pretty quiet and we arrived at Tommy's house at 9pm. He thanked me and got out. "See you tomorrow Nicky, hope you feel better." "Thanks Tommy." He waved to me and shut the door. I watched him to his front door and he waved once more before he went inside and then I took off for home. "You aren't mad at Tommy for what he said are you JR?" "No Matt, not at all. I just don't want to say anything about it until the time is right." "Okay that's fair." He said. A few minutes later I pulled into my driveway and Matt and Bastion got out. "Thanks for the ride coach." Bastion said. "Anytime my friend. See you tomorrow." "Yup, good night." We waved to him as he headed home. I headed around to open the door for Nick and I helped him out. We hobbled into the house and I sat him on the couch. Matt brought all the gear in and put it at the bottom of the steps. "How about we get you out of those pants now and I can really check your knee out better." "Sure JR." Nicky said with some interest in his voice. "Oh and while I have both of you we need to set some rules after I am done since I have work in the morning and both of you will be here alone." Both boys said okay to me and I went over to Nick and helped him to his feet. "Okay take those pants down for me." Nick just looked at me and smiled. Matt who was in the background heard me and started to laugh. He was already stripped down to his girdle and underwear with a tee shirt on. He watched me cautiously help to steady Nick while he stood. Nick undid his belt and lowered his pants and they fell to his knees. I sat him back down and took his pants off the good leg first and them slowly pulled them over his injury and then threw them to the floor. I turned to Matt. "Get me an ice pack please cutie." "Sure JR." He left the room and I looked at Nick. "So we gonna have some fun tonight or is this injury going to stop you?" "It's my leg JR not my..." He stopped short of saying anything else but he did try to smile at me. I could see the pain in his face after his tight pants pressed on the injury some and right now ice will take some of that away. Matt came back with the ice pack and handed it to me. I put it directly on his somewhat swollen leg and he jumped from the cold. "It's going to feel really cold for a while but I need to get that swelling down okay?" He grimaced. "Yeah...I... know..." he said through the cold and pain. "Matt can you get me a small towel or rag not too thick and dampen it some." "Sure JR." He was gone a few minutes and he came back with exactly what I needed. I took the ice pack and wrapped it in the damp cloth for more affect and put it on the side of his injured leg. "Any better?" I asked. "Yeah that feels a lot better its not as cold." "Good because if that didn't help I was going to reach in and massage your balls next." He looked at me and now I got a really big smile. From behind me I got yelled at. "So if that is what it takes maybe next time I will get hurt so I can have my balls rubbed." Even though Nick was in pain he let out a roar of laughter and fell back on the couch. Matt came over and he was laughing too as was I. Just the way he said it was pretty freaking hysterical. Finally we all regained our composure and I turned and looked at Matt. "Awww does my poor widdle baby need some attention? Come over here." He came over to me and I immediately reached out and put my hands on his girdle and started to rub his soft cock through his girdle and underwear. "How's that feel?" Nicky yelled out to him jokingly. He looked at Nick. "Awesome!" Matt replied. Looks like we might have some fun tonight. I thought to myself. But I am not going to offer I want to see what they decide. I stopped rubbing after a few seconds and Matt walked over and sat down. I couldn't tell if he got excited from that with so many clothes covering him. "Speaking of feel how is your leg now that the ice has started to work? "It's a little better." "Okay good. You keep the ice on it for another ten minutes and then I will check it again, meanwhile Matt you go take a shower so Nick can get in soon, I have to be up at 5am so I will be going to shower shortly and since I have both of you we should talk now. Matt come sit next to Nicky for a second before you shower." He came over and sat on the couch next to Nick. "Okay boys I just want to get things straight. I will be at work as you both know till 2pm unless there is something major happening at that time. I expect both of you to behave and on your best behavior while I am gone. I have to work all weekend and Monday before I am off again and that will be for three days in a row so for now this is what we have. I am giving both you boys a chance to prove you are capable of acting like young adults while I am gone. Bastions mom is two doors down if you need anything and please I don't even want to say it but don't break anything or burn the house down. I looked at Nick. I'm sorry Nick I don't mean it the wrong way but I want to keep both of you safe and if anything ever happened to either of you I would just die." "I know what you mean JR we will be good and probably sleep through the morning if I can sleep at all with my leg hurting." "Look... I got really close and on my knees between both boys on the floor. I trust both of you like I have never trusted anyone in my life. You are both the most important thing in my life right now and mean more to me than anything else ever in my life so please be careful, be good, and have a great day tomorrow if I don't talk to you in the morning. I doubt I will at 5am but you can both call the station if anything happens or go next door too and get Bonnie if it's not serious. I love both of you very much!" Matt leaned forward and gave me a hug. I will be good JR I promise and I am sure Nicky will be too. I looked at Nick and he looked at me and reached out to hug me. He couldn't do much with his leg up but I leaned in and got my hug from him too. "I promise you we will both be good or at least I will for you JR. You know how I feel after all you have done for me I promise." I broke away from him and looked at him. He had tears in his eyes. "You okay bud?" "Yeah I am fine I was thinking about what I would do if I lost you." "You won't lose me, neither of you will ever lose me. Just be careful tomorrow that is all I ask and we will take it one day at a time. First lets get through tonight with Nicks knee." I leaned in and gave Nick a kiss and then I got up and hugged Matt and gave him one too on top of his head. "Okay...five more minutes of ice and then we will check it Nick. Matt you go shower its getting late." I smacked him on the ass as he turned to go. "Okay JR." Matt said. He headed upstairs for me as I asked... to wash. That left me alone with Nick and as much as I wanted to do something it was late, he was in pain and we both needed a shower so outside of staring at one of my cuties for a bit I sat down next to him while we waited for the ice to do its job and for Matt to finish in the shower. He leaned on me and I put my arm around him and pulled him to me. I kissed him on the head and he smelled like he had a good day of fun but not stinky. He stayed there and I just held him and rubbed him some on his back and ran my fingers through his hair some. "I am sooooo lucky to have you cutie." I said in a low voice. "No sir I am the lucky one." He said as I rubbed him some more. "We are both lucky Nicky, both of us! Anyway let's take the ice off and see how you feel now." He handed me the ice and I put it on the table and he moved his leg by bending it to put his foot on the floor. "Any better?" I asked. "Maybe a little." He said to me. "Get up and try putting some weight on it." Slowly he did. I could tell by the look on his face there was still pain. He winced and sat back down next to me. "Okay I don't even have to ask. Give it a few more minutes and we will put the ice on until you can get into the shower." "Okay." We both waited and let the ice do its job. I was looking at him and he would occasionally look up at me. He reached out and grabbed my hand and pulled it to his crotch. I didn't say anything and neither did he so I started to move my fingers and then I began to circle around his groin and it didn't take long as usual for me to feel a lump. I looked at him. "I can see you really hate what I am doing." "Yeah I really hate it. I hate it so much its making the pain go away so don't stop!" I ran my fingers up and down and then circled all around his growing member. He was silent, his eyes were closed now. I stopped what I was doing and reached inside his girdle and past his underwear and grabbed his hardening unit. "Ohhhhh yeah!" I began to rub it and play with it moving my hand up and down and he seemed to be off some place totally lost. After a few minutes of this he was now rock hard and seemed to forget about the leg pain. He wasn't moving much and he let go of the ice and it fell onto the couch. I continued to stroke him as best as I could inside his clothes and I started to feel wetness. "Getting close?" "Uh huh." Was all he said. "Want me to stop?" "Yes, stop talking and let me enjoy." He added. I laughed and let things get quiet again. He took a deep breath shortly after that and exhaled hard. Then he licked his lips and closed them tightly. He belly began to rise and fall rapidly and with his shoes off and his leg still up on the table I could see his toes start to curl. After another minute of teasing and rubbing he opened his eyes and looked at me. "I can't hold back much more JR I am gonna crème in my underwear." "So what, just enjoy it." He got quiet again other then his rapid breathing and then he let out a loud moan and I could feel the cum start to stream out of his cock and all over my hand and the inside of his underwear. I stopped stroking him and began to pump his cock to get out as much as I could. My hand was full of his juices now and he yelled out softly for me to stop touching it. I didn't want to ruin his orgasm so I quickly pulled my hand out and just watched him slowly come back from his pleasure. His stomach started to slow with his breathing starting to come back to normal some now. There was little doubt he was a total mess inside his underwear and I would probably have to wash them and his girdle when he took them off. Finally he opened his eyes took another deep breath and reached out to grab and adjust his softening cock. "Wow that was awesome! Totally freaking awesome! I never did that before but I want you to know as messy as I feel right now I don't really care it sure took the pain away from my knee for a while." I took my clean hand and messed his mop and then leaned in and gave him a small peck on the lips. "I'm glad I could do something to make you feel better cute boy." "So am I JR I really can't tell you how great that felt but I can say this... I want more and more of that, as much as I can get without it hurting me." "Well I do understand you Nicky but not tonight. As soon as my other troublemaker is out of the shower I want you in there." "I know but I honestly don't know how I am going to take one on one leg." "Mmmmm I didn't think about that... I guess I am going to have to take it with you and hope that Matt doesn't get too jealous." "I think he will be fine since he knows how I feel." "True Nicky, true... but you know as well as I do that jealousy is a really big thing and both of you have had that feeling the last few days even if you don't want to admit it to each other right?" "Maybe." He said. His face was splendid to look at, the orgasm gave him rosy red cheeks, and it just added to his overall cuteness. "Its okay you don't have to say anymore." Just then Matt started down the steps, like a herd of elephants. "Geese... could you make a bit more noise coming down those steps?" He laughed and looked at us. "I could try. So what is going on down here? Something happened..." He was really observant. I suppose I couldn't get much past him. "I know, he said. You did it with Nick didn't you?" We both looked innocent for as long as we could hold straight faces. "Maybe." Nick said and that just started me laughing out loud because he just said that to me before the exact way. I couldn't hold it in. "What?" Matt said looking totally puzzled. "You had to be here Mattie but let's just say I wanted to take some of his pain away and the only thing I could think of was..." "Yeah I got ya; you don't have to say anymore. He looked at Nick. So how was it? You are still dressed what happened?" "Ummm, I guess you could say I have a load in my pants." The three of us started to laugh at Nick's words and then Matt thought about it and changed his tone. "Ewwww... That suddenly sounds sorta gross. All that cum in your underwear..." "Yeah I know Matt but damn it made the pain from my knee go away and it still feels a little better after that." Matt looked at me. "Maybe we can try that some time." "Sure cutie, sure... we can but right now I have to get Nick a shower and I hope you don't mind but since he is having trouble standing he wants me to have one with him." "Its okay, I mind only because I would love to be in there too but honestly I understand JR he is hurt and you need to be there to hold him." "Exactly... but we will have fun tonight in bed if you want before I got to sleep." Now he was smiling. "Awesome!" he said, "Nick got his and later I can have mine." I looked at Nick... "You okay with that?" "Sure how could I say no? You just gave me a super present why would I be upset if Matt got one later too?" "Thanks Nicky." Matt said. "Okay... enough of this, let's try to get you upstairs." He got up and I steadied him as Matt pulled the table away so there wouldn't be any problems. We slowly headed upstairs one step at a time and it was time for a shower that should be quite interesting.