Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 12:49:59 +0000 From: Stuart James Subject: Dean and David: David Celebrates This is the twelfth - and final - story about David and follows on a few months after the last part. If you enjoy this story - or any others - remember that you can only read them if Nifty remains online. For that they need our cash. If we all give just a little, the site won't disappear and take our stories with them. I always welcome comments. David Celebrates David had been abroad for his last two birthdays. So he decided that he would have a celebration dinner for his 24th birthday. Mrs McTavish was delighted at the idea as she enjoyed preparing lavish meals once in a while. "No, I am going to get outside caterers in. You must be at the dinner, so you can't cook as well," David told Mrs McTavish. "Don't be ridiculous, you don't need me there. I will come and join the party after the meal. And I am not having strangers using my kitchen." "If you do not come there will be no dinner." This argument went on for a while as David knew it would. He also knew when to suggest the compromise he had had in his mind all along. "OK, you prepare the meal. But I will bring in staff to finish and serve the food. You can instruct them what to do and then you will come and sit next to me." Mrs McTavish reluctantly accepted the compromise. The meal had been splendid and David rose to make the speech he had been preparing for some time. He looked around the long oblong table. He sat at one end and Peter, his friend and guardian sat at the other. On his left were Mrs McTavish, then Scott and his partner Alan. Next to them was Dean and his partner Brad. On the other side of Peter sat his partner Jeremy, then Sylvia, followed by Mark and Ben, and Marks' sister Jessie. Finally on David's right hand side sat Steve. "This is an important day for me, not simply because it is my birthday, but because I have got all of the people who have been and remain dear to me, here to celebrate this occasion. I look at you all and think what each of you has contributed to make me the man I am. And today I am very contented with who I am and where I am." David glanced at Steve and the memories of what had happened just 2 weeks before flashed through his mind. David had not seen Steve since he left him in Mark's office. But one day he got a text from him asking that they meet as there was some business to discuss. David texted back that he would go to the tattoo studio the next day at about 8.00pm. When he arrived Steve was talking to the smart young receptionist who was about to leave. The reception area was as he remembered it, with comfortable chairs for clients to wait in before they were called to one of the back rooms where the work was done. There were two shelves of leather bound books that contained designs for tattoos and photographs of work that Steve had done, in case clients needed suggestions for the work that was to be engraved on their bodies. But the room was very comfortable and under stated. David smiled at Steve as the receptionist left to go home. Steve held out his hand which David thought he could see shaking slightly. He grasped the hand and they greeted each other. "It is good to see you David. You look well." "And it is good to see you, my friend." Steve looked away from David. "I asked you to come to discuss some changes I want to make. As you own a third of the business I need your agreement. In the last year I have taken on a second tattooist. He is very capable and the first choice of some clients. And we get on well. He is particularly good at the tribal type work that I don't much care for but that is still popular. But he can do a whole range of work. I think it right that I give him a stake in the business as he has contributed to the large profits we have both made. I wondered if you would reduce your holding to 25%. I will reduce mine to 50% and we can give him 25%." "You said you get on well. Are you and he.....sorry that really is none of my business." "No its OK. We did do go to bed together once. But it really didn't work out. Friends and colleagues suits us both better." "The profits you have made have more than repaid my initial investment. So I am content to give you back a full 25% for our new partner. I will keep the rest for old time sake, if you don't mind." At that moment a young man in an expensive suit came out of one of the back rooms followed by a tall dark haired man in leather jeans and white tee shirt. He had tattoos on both forearms, but that was all David could see. "Is that him? He does not go in for tattoos the way you have Steve," David said. "Yes that is Pete. He actually does not like tattoos on himself but felt he had to have some if he was to be credible to clients. He always says that he is an artist and not a model." Pete opened the door for the client and showed him out. David stood up and held out his hand to Pete and introduced himself. "So you are David. I often wondered what you would look like. I always find it easier to have a picture in my mind of what inspired a tattoo, when I am working." "I am sorry, what do you mean?" Pete looked at Steve and then back to David. "I thought Steve would have told you. I really should not have said anything. Excuse me I have some clearing up to do." Pete hurried back to his room. David looked at Steve. "What did he mean?"David asked. In reply Steve pulled up the sleeves of the rugby shirt he was wearing and held out the underside of his forearms. On both were matching floral designs and entwined in some of the foliage were the names 'Steve' and 'David'. "I got Pete to do these. I wanted you to be part of my body, and it felt right to have our names together. I am sorry if that embarrasses you. But the truth is that I still love you. It was probably my feelings for you that meant it did not work with Pete. Believe it or not I could not even maintain an erection. Never had that problem with you." Steve smiled as he tried to make light of what he had just said. David sat down again. "But I have treated you so badly and yet you still have feelings for me?" "You were the first person I fell in love with and yes I still love you. I know I told you that you had to choose, but I was wrong. I don't mind any more. I will be content with whatever part of you I can have, however small. But I would like more than just this reminder of you," Steve said indicating his tattoos. "I could not bear to hurt you again as I still have strong feelings for you. And they are much more than just lust. Although seeing you again with all those glorious tattoos on your wonderful body has....well you can guess." David indicated his crotch. "But that is why I have not been to see you. I thought it would be too painful for you. And for me." David took hold of Steve's left hand and stroked the red rose tattooed on the back. "I would like us to try again. I think I am ready for such a commitment. I know I am selfish and quite impossible. But I will honestly try to make it work, if you will. I would be prepared to marry you if that would help at all." "Marriages can be broken. It is only a public declaration and is then often followed by a break up. It is no guarantee of faithfulness or permanence." "Then I want something permanent, if only to prove to myself that I mean what I say." David stood up again as he made his decision, and looked down at Steve. "I want you to tattoo your name on my cock." "Are you serious?" Steve asked. "Yes". Steve got up and took David's face in his hands. "If you are sure, I would like to do it." Steve and David kissed as Pete came back in. They did not end the kiss as Pete said "Thank god for that. I got fed up of him talking about you." In unison Steve and David gave Pete a one finger salute and continued to explore each other's mouths. An hour later they were naked on Steve's bed. Steve was gently holding David's cock and they were both looking at the large evenly spaced stylish italic letters that adorned his cock from base to tip. Steve had warned David that it would be very painful, but David had not flinched as the needle put black ink into his skin. He just felt contented. Now Steve was a part of his body as he was of Steves'. Steve rolled onto David but rested on his arms and knees so that his torso was raised and would not hurt David's slightly swollen and sore cock. Although it was a long time since they had been to bed together each knew what the other wanted. David moved his legs to the side and raised his arse inviting Steve to fuck him. Steve was having no problems maintaining an erection. He forced entry in a single thrust and groaned as his balls slapped against David's arse. Neither spoke as they did not need to. Both knew that this was no time for delicacy. That could come later. Steve began to thrust into his partner and lover while staring deep into his eyes. David thrust back. He raised his hand to finger the intricate designs on Steve's neck. They were his now and he felt happier than he had for a long time. Maybe forever. Steve raised the pace of his thrusts and arched his back and screamed as he claimed his prize. It was what both he and David wanted and what they both needed. He left his cock in David. "Do you want me to keep pumping so I that I can bring you off?" Steve asked. "No. Let's just stay as we are. Joined together." David snapped back to the present. "I do have one announcement to make or you could call it a public declaration. Steve was my very first partner and I am determined that he will be my last. I want to make love to him every night and wake up with him every morning." David took Steves' hand as the others banged the table. David caught Mark's eye who smiled at him and raised his glass. It was a good smile, meant well. David turned his attention to Mark and Ben and Jessie. Everyone thought that Mark and I were an ideal couple. But looking back, I think we both knew that we are too different to make each other happy in that way. I adored him, but I never loved him as he loved me. For that I am sorry as it is painful to know you have hurt a true friend. But I had a lot of growing up to do under Mark's guidance, for which I am truly thankful to him. He provided stability as my life changed from a schoolboy to the owner of a large and growing business. And I am pleased we have become close friends again and colleagues. And I am glad Jessie did not kill me. She has got a temper you know." Jessie blushed a little but everyone else laughed. "Ben I hope we can be friends. Jessie is not always here to look after what she described to me as her brilliant and stupid big brother. So I shall be filling in for her whenever she is away. So you better look after my handsome cowboy." "Sylvia has been an anchor for me my whole life. Mark once told me about the way she continually questioned his business decisions. I remember as a child her coming round to quiz me regularly about how I was doing at school and so on. She was one of my trustees and she took that responsibility with all the dedication she applies to everything she does. And she gave Peter a tough time to ensure he did the best for me. Not that she would have found him wanting. I could always talk to her about anything and she would listen to my questions and give me a full and thoughtful answer. She was only ever critical of sloppiness and laziness. Not of opinions or actions. It was her stroke that brought me back, and sitting with her day after day talking about what I had done gave me the chance to look deep inside myself. It is sad that she had to be so ill for all that to happen. But she is getting better and she will continue to live here with us to convalesce so that I can repay a small part of the debt I owe her. I am only grateful that she could not hear all the things I told her as she lay in hospital." Sylvia, whose face still had some residual numbness, said quietly "I listened to every word." " I guess when Peter agreed to my parents request to be my guardian if anything happened to them, he did not believe that he would ever be called on to keep that promise. But he took up the challenge and has never complained. He gave up his home and put a large part of his life on hold in order to give his all into being a father to me. And when people mention my father, I always think of Peter. But Jeremy, don't look so worried. I don't look on you as my mother. More as a big brother. And like a good little brother I am proud of my part in making sure you two came together. Peter deserved 10 times over the love and happiness you have given him. Maybe I should have paid more attention to the love, tenderness and companionship you brought to this house. But with Steve's help I am learning, if a little late. Dean, you were my first love if not my first lover. I was so flattered when you came here and told me you wanted to go to bed with me. I was also a bit scared. You were the football captain and everything I was not and maybe, secretly, would have liked to be. But with you, I learnt a little of the joy of giving rather than taking. Helping you come to terms with yourself and start a new life has given me enormous pleasure. And now we have found each other again, I hope we can restart our friendship. Although what Brad has got that I haven't is beyond me. But it is too late to change your mind now Dean. I am already spoken for. Have you still got the ring I gave you?" "No, he gave it to me," Brad said. "He needed a bigger one. Hope you don't mind." "I am tempted to ask you to show it to me. But perhaps another day." Dean and Brad and Steve all laughed, but the others - fortunately - did not really understand the joke. "If Jeremy is my big brother, then Scott is my little brother. He only came into my life a short while ago, but I cannot imagine not having him with me. We were able to give him the love and stability that his own family were not prepared to supply. And he has repaid us by blossoming into a wonderful young man. As most of you know he has agreed to come and work in the firm with Mark and me when he passes his exams. He made a joke that we should change the name of the firm to 'David Jenkins and Son'. Now I don't mind of him thinking of me as a father figure and he would be exactly the son I would choose for myself. But there is no way that I am going to be the Father of the Bride when he marries Alan next year. Alan is 14 months older than me!" Scott smiled and then kissed Alan on the cheek. Finally, we come to the star of the show, Mrs Margaret McTavish. I remember that when she used to take me to school and when she picked me up, people would ask if she was my mother or aunt or even my grandmother. I always said 'no, she is far more important than that'. And I meant it. She has taught me so much. If there are any good aspects to my character, it is almost certainly she that put them there. Yet her own life has not been without tragedy. She came to us soon after she was widowed from her dear Archie, who died of cancer when they both quite young. I know now that she only accepted the job with us as she needed not only an income but also somewhere to live. All their money had been spent so that she could be with Archie and nurse him through his last months." David took hold of Mrs McTavish's hand as he could see a tears forming in her eyes. "It is another tragedy in her life that perhaps unfairly contains one of my happiest memories. When I was 17, I think, her sister was also diagnosed with cancer and she went home to Scotland to nurse her. I took the call when Mrs McTavish told me that she had died and that she would come back in a few days time once the funeral had been held and she had cleared out her sister's house. I told her I would go up to help her. I got the overnight sleeper to Fort William and she met me at the station. The next few days were hectic with all that had to be done so that the house could be sold. But those days were filled for me with stories of her childhood, of Archie and of living in the Highlands of Scotland. Although we had been friends since the first day she came to live here, she was letting me deeper into her life and I was both fascinated and flattered. When the job was done we checked into a hotel for our last night as there was no furniture left in the house. We are both early risers and we decided to go for a walk before breakfast. The weather was glorious and we walked for miles. At one point we came to a church. It was an old church with a lytch gate. We both sat on a low stone wall around the church and Mrs Mctavish told me that it was on that very spot exactly 35 years previously that Archie had asked her to marry him. I said I had never seen an engagement ring although she always wore her wedding ring. She told me that Archie was unconventional and had given her some pearls as an engagement gift. She told me that she had had to sell them during his last illness. "Mrs McTavish is not someone to feel sorry for herself. But it must have been difficult to give away that double string of perfect pearls with the engraved clasp that had both their initials and 'for my love' inscribed on it." "I don't remember telling you about the inscription." "Maybe you didn't. Perhaps I read it." David turned and opened a drawer behind him and took out a square jewellery box covered in blue leather and with the emblem of the Queens Jeweller on it. He put the box down in front of Mrs McTavish, who had both her hands at her mouth and was looking wide eyed at the box she had not seen for many years. Slowly she opened the box. David came round and took the pearls from the box and put them around her neck. "You have no idea how hard it has been to track these down. But one of the things you taught me was that with hard work and tenacity you can do anything. As in so much else you are right." "I am so proud of you, David," Mrs McTavish whispered. David went back to his place at the head of the table and raised his glass. "A toast to my friends. No. A toast to my family."