Date: Sat, 5 May 2012 23:02:41 -0700 From: Randall Austin Subject: My Brother Tony - Part 1 My Brother Tony, the Penury Slave Part One By Randall Austin This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to Randall Austin's Archive Group: We all knew it was going to happen eventually, and now that it finally has the entire family is feeling a kind of relief. It is indeed strange for me to have to write that we are feeling relief that my older brother, Tony, has been enslaved, but it appears that that was the only thing that could have put an end to his spiraling debt. Getting a letter of invitation from the Department of Indigent Services for a review of your situation is one of the most humiliating pieces of mail a person can ever get. You can only hope your mailman doesn't blab. People see that letter and they know things aren't going too well for you. If anything, all the euphemisms currently in use for getting enslaved for being poor are even more demeaning than the old honest terms like `poverty slave' or `poor boy slave', terms that are no longer politically correct. After you are reviewed by Indigent Services and they deem enslavement as the best alternative for you to pay off your debts, there really is no other recourse open to you. And so it was for my brother Tony. He was sentenced to three years of labor service in the Indigent Reclamation Corps, where he is now receiving guidance, training and discipline in sticking to a job. I had to admit he needed those things. He was typical of young guys who get enslaved for being poor. At the age of 26 he was constantly in debt. In Oklahoma, if a person's debt exceeds $15,000, and more than three consecutive monthly payment periods pass without payments that exceed the interest rate by at least $100, then any creditor can notify Indigent Services and they will immediately order you up for a review. Tony was constantly borrowing money from my parents, my older brother Gabriel, and me, to pay off his bills. Finally, we could no longer help him out. Tony was employed as a janitor, and he lost his job after arriving at work once too often not wearing his janitor uniform. He was really humiliated having to wear a short sleeved, green, polyester shirt with `Dawson Janitorial Services' emblazoned on the front pocket and across the back, matching colored work slacks, and large dorky black shoes. And he hated most of all that his boss made his employees comb their hair in an old fashioned slicked up style with a part on the side. After Tony was fired and he couldn't find a new job in time to make satisfactory payments on his debt, we all knew that it would be only a matter of days before he was called up to Social Services for a review before the Indigent Services Department. There is a common feeling that one has to be pretty stupid to be enslaved for being in serious debt. In America, a person is free to live as poor a lifestyle as one chooses. But one has to make sure that any incurred debts are paid off in a timely manner. Tony knew he was in trouble, but he was just too blockheaded to change his lifestyle, and too attached to his `things' to sell them off. Such guys hauled up to Indigent Services and remanded to the Indigent Reclamation Corps are constant fodder for the jokes of society in general, popular comedians, and even children. The current popular joke among young kids under the age of 10: Question, What do you call a naughty boy who wets his diaper, hasn't learned his ABC's, breaks his toys, and then cries if he gets a spanking? Answer: A penury slave. In short, penury slaves are considered bumpkins, and in a way that is what Tony was. He spent all of his time trying to look good in order to impress the ladies. He bought a hot looking though impractical car and he had all the latest electronic gadgets. His fancy clothes put my brother Richard and me to shame. Counties generate a lot of revenue from the sale of penury slaves, therefore their numbers have, inevitably, been growing as county officials keep their eyes open for folks getting into debt. Most such penury slaves are young males, with typical enslavement sentences or terms of service running from one to four years. We had to take Tony to the courthouse for his sentencing before the judge. The judge had him step forward, looked him over, read the briefing, officially pronounced him a slave and sentenced him to a three year term of servitude to the Indigent Reclamation Corps. He then ordered Tony to appear at the Tillman County auction field eight days hence, on which day his sentence would begin. If Tony was not sold at auction he would then begin serving his term with the Tillman County Public Works Department. The judge told Tony he appeared to be a decent kid, and that he felt his sentence would do him good. He also reminded him that now that he was a slave, if he got into any trouble he would be subject to a very different set of laws from the laws that applied to him as a free man. Such a minor infraction as a parking ticket would earn him not only physical punishment `a forty stroke paddling', but an extension of servitude as well. He told Tony to behave himself for his own good. He then ordered Tony to go with Officer Osgood to get collared, banded, cinched, and stapled. Just as we were about to exit, the judge asked Gabriel and me if we were his brothers. We said we were. Officer Osgood, hearing the judge address us, stopped, and he and Tony listened. The judge said the file indicated that Tony would be living at home until his auction date, so he offered us some advice. "I would seriously advise you boys to treat your brother Tony like a slave during these remaining days before his term of servitude begins, for his own good. When you take him home from here today he will be collared, banded above the right elbow, and have a `root cinch' emplaced at the base of his genitals. These are items of control and I would recommend that you use them." "The root cinch is for use by his future owner to electronically control and monitor him, but there is a small ring attached at the base of the cinch, and this is for attaching his leash. I would strongly recommend you keep him leashed at all times. The armband is for attaching various control and restraining devices, and I would recommend you keep him secured when he's not being monitored. He has already proven that he does not know how to act in his own best interest. I would remind you that if he doesn't appear at his set auction appointment next week, his sentence will automatically be tripled. Don't let your brother do anything foolish. If you really love your brother I urge you to take control." Gabriel and I thanked the judge for his advice, and were then told we could accompany Tony for his brief processing. Officer Osgood led us into what looked like a medic room with a paper covered examination table. He ordered Tony to take off all of his clothes and to lie down on the exam table. Tony balked and Officer Osgood barked at him, "Move it, slave!" It was awkward because the room was small and there were no chairs, and we were all standing near each other with no place to go. I felt embarrassed for Tony. Tony got his shoes, socks, shirt, and slacks off, and then started to sit down on the exam table. In a flash Officer Osgood pulled a short flip whip from his service belt and pelted Tony's back and shoulder. Tony jumped off the table and screamed. Osgood told him that if there were any more delays he could spend the rest of the day at the courthouse locked up in punishment restraints. Tony quickly removed his t-shirt and undies. Covering his privates he sat back up on the exam table and laid back. There was nothing but embarrassed silence as he did so. I had a choke in my throat. My brother Tony may have been foolish when it came to handling money, but he was a damn nice person, and it hurt me to see him being treated in such a way. I knew Gabriel was feeling that way too, as he stood there nervously hoping Tony wouldn't do anything else to piss off Officer Osgood. The silence was broken by the arrival of the nurse, Peter Dante. He carried with him a case full of slave accoutrement. From the case he first selected a 3/4 inch wide collar, removed some plastic covering, cut open a locking seal, slipped it around Tony's neck, made an adjustment, and we then heard it click and lock into place. Officer Osgood said, "Good fit, Peter." Peter looked down at Tony and said, "You're now a real slave. How does it feel?" Tony said nothing. Peter smiled. Next Peter applied a two-inch wide metal band above Tony's right elbow. The band is for the purpose of attaching restraints, and about its circumference it had several raised and punched indentions to which securing chains and bonds could be attached. I started to get a creepy feeling seeing my brother get stuff attached to him. Peter took out a pair of hair clippers, told Tony to spread his legs and get his hands away from his groin, and started buzzing off his pubic bush. He then maneuvered Tony's equipment so he could remove all the hair that encircled the base of his cock and balls. Tony's face turned red. Once buzzed to Peter's satisfaction, Peter took what looked like a high tech plastic/metallic band and encircled the root of Tony's cock. He did a kind of milking motion at the base of his balls and cock to make sure the balls were out, and then encircled Tony's root with the band. He made various adjustments. As he locked it on he told Gabriel and me what it was for. "This band will allow Tony's owner to control and monitor him electronically. The ring at the base is also used to attach a leash. Most folks now leash slaves at the root cinch rather than the collar because these new cinches offer an extra line of protection against a slave bolting. You'll notice it functions as a choke halter as well, so if any sudden movements are made it pinches the root with a very severe squeeze force, enough to cut into the skin and cause bleeding. So be careful Tony. Don't try any foolish stunts when your owner has you by the leash." Tony kept staring at the ceiling. A tear fell from his eyes. As Peter approached Tony with the next item, Tony let out a small shudder. Peter reassured him, "Hey, don't worry. I'm almost finished. You look like a stylish kind of guy, so you should like the next decoration I'm going to put on you. It's a little ear tag, looks good on guys like you. It should go nicely with your fancy haircut." He sprayed Tony's ear lobe with an antiseptic, put a metal tag like item to his ear, and took a staple type tool and punched Tony's ear. Tony cried out, Osgood told him to "shut up", and as the nurse bent over Tony to examine if the staples went in properly he said, "Mmmm, nice cologne you're wearing Tony. I like a slave who keeps himself nice and clean smelling, so he doesn't offend us free boys." As Peter exited he told us to call him if Tony's ear got infected in the next couple of days. Osgood ordered Tony to get up and get dressed. As Tony sat up the ear tag was quite noticeable. It was a band two and one half by three quarter inches that identified slaves in Oklahoma. Even more so than the collar, the ear tag screamed out, `SLAVE'. Tony got dressed in silence; we walked out to the car in silence, and drove Tony home in silence. To Be Continued... For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please join his Archive group: