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Jesse: The Nebraska Rancher's Son - Part Eighteen
PJ Franklin <>


Character summary to date:  Jesse McKensie is twenty-five years old, Randy Wolcott, twenty-four. Clark Wooley, Uncle Nathan’s stepson, is nearly thirty years old, married to Miriam, their son Donny is two, one more on the way. Tommy King is Jesse’s age, so is his wife Juliann. Randy’s godson, T.R. (Thomas Randy King II) is seven years old and C.J. (Clarence Jesse King) is two. Chase Morgan is seventeen as is Zane Miller.

I didn’t need a certificate, real or fake, stating that I was Jesse’s husband. I was Jesse’s husband and he was mine, end of story. Jesse thought the same. Similarly, adopted or not, Chase and Zane were our sons and we their fathers and dads, step or not, adopted or not. Yet all of us did want things to be as legal as the laws of the times allowed.

Alicia and Georgina did everything to arrange a ceremony to declare Jesse and I to be husbands and our boys to be our sons. They found a nice lesbian church pastor in Omaha to do the ceremony. They found an attorney as well, another really nice lesbian lady in Omaha who would help us to adopt Chase and Zane as our legal sons and heirs.

I though it would be easy, a piece of cake, just a simple ceremony exchanging some vows attended by a few close friends and family. I was wrong, but happily so. Yes, it was simple; but I had no idea how important it would feel and how terribly meaningful it would be to publically declare a family bond between the four of us.

Georgina found us a really nice place in Omaha to hold the ceremony and reception. At the crack of dawn that morning the four of us loaded our luggage into our big Ford truck to travel to Omaha for the afternoon ceremony. Jesse was driving and I sat up front, the boys in the crew cab bench seat in back of us.

“You boys ready to go do this?” I asked getting kind of excited.

“I’m ready to have two dads if that’s what you mean,” Zane said from in back of me, his hand coming forward and clutched onto my shoulder. That’s when it started, my emotions coming to the surface and we hadn’t even made it out to the highway yet.

“Damn right,” Chase said fiercely, “I need two dads to keep me in line, I need a brother too,” and he wrapped his arms as well as he could around Jesse in front of him and Zane encircled me with his.

I looked at Jesse, his eyes a tad red, “Good grief. How am I going to drive this thing if I can’t see?”

I lifted up Zane’s hand and kissed it, “Behave yourselves back there,” I said and winked at my husband.

The three plus hour trip to Omaha was uneventful. My sister Alicia would be there with Georgina to greet us, but as soon as we arrived things got more emotional. I knew that my step-dad, Harold, and my mother, Clara, would be there; still, seeing them standing in front of Georgina’s house kind of got to me.

Jesse parked the truck on the curb and I rushed out the door and right into my mother’s arms, “Mom!” fighting back tears, “Oh Randy, I am so proud of you!” she hugged and kissed me, and Jesse was right behind me and they hugged and kissed.

“Harold!” I said, wiping my eyes and we hugged, “Good to see you son, very proud of you and Jesse!” he said.

Suddenly I realized that I had never acknowledged my step-dad as such before, so I just said it,  “Can I call you dad?” barely suppressing a sob. I so missed having my own dad. Harold hugged me, “I’d like that son, Randy,” Harold’s emotions mirroring my own.

I turned to look at Jesse who stood red eyed and a tad distraught. I knew what it was. We both missed his parents, Ma and Pa McKenzie just then. I hugged Jesse, “Ma and Pa are here with us honey,” I said quietly. Jesse sighed and nodded his agreement. Meanwhile, Zane and Chase stood by respectfully.

“Oh God, how could I forget. Mom, Harold, here are our two sons, our boys, Zane and Chase,” and the boys rushed up to hug mom and Harold, big grins on their faces.

It got no easier. Clark and Miriam Wooley, their kids and of course Tommy King and Juliann with our godsons T.R. and C.J. descended upon us shortly thereafter for a brief but heartfelt reunion. Soon thereafter and we all traveled to the Douglas County courthouse to complete the adoption process.

We all sat and waited in the back of the courtroom until it was our turn and then the bailiff called the four of us to the front to stand before Judge Kathleen Carter. My stomach seemed up in my chest and me full of nerves. Jesse and our boys looked nervous as well.

Judge Carter looked at the papers through her reading glasses and then looked down at the four of us,

“It would appear that the papers are in order. Do you Zane Miller accept Misters Wolcott and McKensie to now be your lawful parents?”

“Yes your honor, I do,” and then she asked the same of Chase who also said, “I do.”

The judged signed the papers and then looked up,

“The State Of Nebraska now recognizes both Zane Miller and Chase Morgan to be lawful children and legal heirs of Misters Wolcott and McKensie and might I add a personal note that I find great personal satisfaction that you four are forming a family in the highest tradition of that institution. Congratulations!”

Zane looked at me first, Chase at Jesse. Zane suddenly hugged me and broke down, sobbing in to my shoulder, “I love you daddy.” Chase sobbed a bit as well hugging Jesse long and hard. Then the boys switched, “I love you dad,” Chase said hugging me. I kissed his cheek and then we all went out into the hallway with red eyes.

More tears, more hugs from everyone, my Dad, mom, Alicia and Georgina, Tommy and Clark and their wives. We all walked out of the courthouse awash in smiles and then parted company briefly to caravan back to Georgina’s, the four of us piling back into our truck.

There was this long silent pause until Jesse said with a kind of awe, “We’re an official family now.” I was still too emotional to reply, but I reached over and clasped his hand. Zane reached forward and slapped his hand onto the top of ours, Chase’s right after his, the boys’ faces pictures of emotion and solemnity.

We made it back to Georgina’s and headed to out bedroom to get ready for our family ceremony. As we four men dressed in our spanking new western gear, Zane stuck close to me like glue, Chase next to Jesse. I could not explain my special affinity for our redheaded beauty, my new son. I loved and liked Chase just as much, but there was just something about Zane.

“Daddy? I want to change my name soon. I don’t want to be a Miller anymore. I want to be Zane McKensie-Wolcott,” the last name that Jesse and I would be assuming.

“Me too. Chase McKensie-Wolcott sounds mighty good to me,” and then Chase hugged Jesse. Zane latched onto me and I to him.

“I hope you don’t mind I call you daddy sometimes, instead of dad or father,” Zane said. I held my seventeen-year-old son out at arm’s length, “Never, ever stop calling me daddy, OK son?” my voice cracking a little.

We looked over, Jesse was hugging Chase to his chest fiercely. They were having a moment too and I was so glad but then the four of us hugged tightly together, “Come on guys, we need to get going,” Jesse finally said.

We all made it to the rented hall for our commitment and family ceremony. In front of our family and friends we four all took our turns making short speeches. There were no dry eyes in the place as Zane first expressed his love for Jesse, his brother Chase and of course, me. Chase did the same sharing his personal feelings and thoughts.

The hardest though was telling the room how much I loved my Jesse, how he made me so happy and how I wanted everyone to know that he was my husband forever. Jesse offered me his eternal love and commitment and then together we welcomed our boys, our sons into our family in front of everyone. This time I bawled hard, so did Jesse and the boys as we hugged together and everyone cheered and clapped, many through tears.

The lady Pastor pronounced and introduced Jesse and I as life partners and husbands and our sons as our new family. Alicia and my mom were a mess of teary emotion, so was Georgina and to my surprise, Tommy King was crying as well, good ol’ Tommy.

Harold hugged me hard, “I am so proud of you son, you’ve done a wonderful thing,” and then I cried some more because my dad approved of my new family and me.

Happiness, laughter and smiles dominated the reception. I had never felt more complete in all my young years. I had a loving husband now, two loving sons and a dad for myself, Harold, as well as my mom. Nothing else could ever seem to matter as much.

* * * * * * * * * *

Our two week family honeymoon vacation would begin the next day. Where? Yes, you guessed it, at Big Bob Pladgett’s Big Sky Bed And Breakfast in St. Regis, Montana. Jesse and I loved that place and Bob said he was preparing his best room for us with a really big king size mattress.

After that we would fly down to Southern California and visit Harold and mom for an additional week in Los Angeles before returning home to Nebraska. Our sons were really looking forward to L.A., me as well. Jesse wanted to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time and play on the sandy beaches, me as well. Our sons were like excited little boys at Christmas to hear them talk about it.

In any case, we enjoyed the company of our friends and relatives the rest of that special day and evening. Mom and dad stayed overnight with Alicia and Georgina and we four retired to a hotel room that night in Omaha.

Jesse took me by the hand into our hotel room up on the sixth floor, the boys close behind. No sooner had we gotten inside then Jesse wrapped me up in his arms and we started to kiss and kiss and kiss, “Reckon we’re going to get into the middle of those two for the rest of the night?”  I heard Zane ask Chase.

“I hope so, just not now. But I’ll tell you one thing Zane, they sure do look mighty hot making out like that,” which caused us to break our kiss, “You two just do as you please for awhile. This is my new husband and I’m gonna have him to myself in the shower for awhile, so you better use the toilet now if you need,” Jesse said, his voice so sexy and demanding.

“Well bro, wanna get busy?” Zane asked Chase, “Don’t have to ask me twice,” Chase replied. Jesse pulled me aside as the boys emptied their bladders and Jesse undressed me first. He would not let me undress him, “You just stand there and watch cowboy, I’m in charge tonight,” and oh how good that sounded.

We heard giggling and laughing coming from the bathroom and then Zane led Chase out by his hand, “Have fun you two!” Chase said as they passed us. Jesse took my hand and pulled me into the bathroom, closing the door. He pushed me to my knees,

“Suck my dick hot man, suck it good!” he growled. I fixed my hands on Jesse’s hips and engulfed his erection, impaling myself as far as I dare and then he face fucked me, making me gag a little, “suck that dick!” he said demandingly. I did it again and gagged a little again.

Jesse pulled me to my feet, “You’re my husband, but you’re also my bad boy,” and then he turned me, the both of us facing the mirror above the bathroom sink and then he spanked me standing up. Jesse gave me ten hard spanks, the sting making my already hard cock get harder still, “Get over my knee,” he growled next, sat on the toilet seat and pulled me over into the cramped space.

“I’ll never get tired of putting some color into these hot sexy cheeks of yours you handsome man, you!” and then Jesse wailed on my ass hard. Oh it hurt and felt so good, so sexy and right then so needful to feel taken in hand by the guy you love so much. Even when I tried to protect my throbbing ass from more spanks he held my wrists up on my back. I loved it when he did that.

“Get up, get in the shower cowboy,” and Jesse helped me up and held my hand as he got the hot, steamy water running. We went inside and Jesse pressed me up against the shower wall and we kissed, long and hard, our erections pressing into each other.

The kiss broke and I just hugged him hard, “I love you husband,” I said into his ear, “I love you too husband,” Jesse answered but his voice had changed a tad. I held Jesse out just a little to look at his eyes. Mine searched his and we were silent just a moment before he spoke,

“Randy, if ever you … you need to be with somebody else, just tell me. I never want to hold you back from being happy, OK?” his voice barely audible above the rush of running shower water.

At first I felt confused. This was in essence our wedding night. Why would he say something like that on a night like this? Somebody else? I didn’t need anyone else. He saw my confusion, “It’s all right. It’s just that I love you so much right now and I know I can’t always make you as happy as you deserve.”

I knew some of this had to do with the uncertain future of our ranch in Burwell and of me wanting to get more education and maybe even of our boys maybe needing to leave the nest some day soon to do the same. I then remembered something I had once read, that if you love something or somebody enough that sometimes you have to let it or them go.

I chose to take Jesse’s words as an expression of his love for me,  “Thank you Jesse, but I want you. I deserve you and I don’t need anyone else,” and we hugged tightly together almost like we were afraid to let go of each other.

“I was going to ask you if you wanted me to fuck you in here, but this stall is kind of small,” Jesse said, “Sure is, let’s wait until we can be with the boys,” I suggested and Jesse grinned, kissed me and then we washed each other up, “We better make sure the boys have not torn up the room,” Jesse said next.

We got out of the shower, gathered up towels and opened the door to see the boys, Zane on top of Chase on the far bed, kissing. When they saw us, Zane bounded up from the bed, Chase right after him,

“So, did somebody get pregnant?” Zane sidled up to me grinning, “And why are you looking at me?” I playfully scowled back drying myself off with the towel, Chase sidling right up against Jesse who also was toweling off.

Zane shrugged, “Just figured,” he said and I turned him to the side to slap his bare ass, “Hmm, looks like somebody already got some spanks,” Zane’s attractive backside sporting telltale reddish hand prints. “Yea, but I got him some too,” Zane grinned and then leaned into my ear,

“Daddy, I need a good hard sexy spanking over your knee,” and then his hand grasped and stroked on my already very hard and randy cock. Hearing scuffling sounds, we looked on as Chase and Jesse were wrestling about some, Chase giggling, “No! You can’t, I won’t let you!” but his exuberant giggling only made it easier for Jesse to pull him over to the bedside and over Jesse’s knee.

“Come on son, let’s join ‘em,” and Zane let me take him by the hand. I sat spaced away from Chase and Jesse and pulled Zane’s ass over my knee, Zane settling in cozied tight up against his brother. I looked down at four sexy boy cheeks, Zane’s and Chases’, “What should we do with these?” and I gave each upturned naked cheek bottom a firm spank.

I grinned ear-to-ear as Jesse’s hands settled right over each exposed butt hole and finger-teased them, “I think they should be spanked and pleasured,” making both of our sons moan and softly laugh, “Don’t stop,” Zane crooned, “Oh daddy, finger fuck me!” Chase insisted, “Me too please daddy!” Zane joined in.

Jesse grinned, wet his finger with spit and wiggled his eyebrows at me as he then slid his finger inside of Chase. I wet my finger and did the same for Zane, sliding my long middle finger inside of Zane’s tight boy pucker.

The boys’ faces pressed together and kissed. I leaned across Zane and kissed Jesse’s mouth our fingers slowly sliding in and out of our sons’ butt holes, the boys humping back in unison. The kisses broke and I slid my finger out of Zane. Zane raised up his hips and pushed back his balls and rigid cock back between, something I loved to do when I was over Jesse’s knee.

“Spank me like this daddy, please!” Zane asked, “Me too!” Chase joined in the same position. I bit my lower lip at the very hot sight of our two handsome boys, our sons’ bare bottoms pushed up, their cocks and balls tightly strained back between their muscular thighs, the boys asking to be spanked.

Jesse and I grinned and chuckled together, our hands taking turns lustily but lightly slapping all four of our boys’ upturned bottom cheeks, the boys egging us on. I stopped and so did Jesse. I pointed to the floor, “Boys, on your knees, suck cock,” I said and they obeyed, the boys slid down to their knees and sucked our cocks, taking turns shuffling back and forth between my husband and me.

“Can we change places?” Chase finally asked. Jesse and I nodded and got down on our knees as the boys sat up on the bed. I sucked on Chase’s cock first, Jesse sucked Zane.

“What else should we do with these dads of ours?” Chase then asked Zane, “I think we should spank ‘em!” Zane replied. Jesse and I popped off of our boys’ cocks and looked at each other, “What do you think husband, do these boys deserve a turn?” and Jesse pretended to scowl a little,  “I don’t know, what do you think?”

“Oh, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt,” I said and climbed up over Chase’s knee, Jesse’s up over Zane’s, “Hmm, this looks yummy,” Chase said and I felt his hot moist breath on my hole and then his tongue licked right it,  “Oh yea, do a lot of that son!” I encouraged Chase elevating my hips.

Chase not only licked over my hole but he poked his warm moist tongue inside. A hand reached under me and stroked on my cock and pulled on my balls. Zane was doing the exact same thing with Jesse. Chase did not give up on me, but then I heard Zane spanking my husband. I looked over at him, he was happy enough. Chase then laid a few hard spanks on my ass.

“I want to see my dads make out and fuck,” Zane then said, “Me too,” Chase agreed and the boys helped us to standing, “Guess it’s time for you to fuck me husband,” I smiled. He nodded, “And you boys will be right next to us on the same bed and do the same.”

Chase and I got on the bed on our knees, bottoms up. Zane got behind Chase and Jesse behind me and treated us both to long tongue licking on our back doors. Chase scooted closer to me and we locked mouths kissing and nuzzling.

Zane and Jesse then slapped our butts, “Time to fuck,” Jesse said. Chase and I held hands as Jesse’s cock pushed inside of me and Zane pushed inside of Chase. All I could hear from myself and from my three loved ones was hard earnest grunting, thighs slapping against asses and thighs, Jesse’s balls slapping lustily up against me.

Chase and I eventually just fell flat to the bed tops as we got finished off. Jesse leaned way over me, “Take my load baby!” and then he shot inside of me, “Yes Jesse, yes, fill me up please!” I urged him on. Zane did the same with Chase.

We quickly changed places and I mounted my husband and Chase mounted his brother. I pounded my load into my husband’s insides and Chase coated Zane’s insides with his. At the end we ended up four men, two dads and two sons in a sweaty heap, kissing, hugging and I wished just then that we could just freeze time forever just as we were.

* * * * * * * * * *

The next morning we got up before dawn. The first half of our trip to St. Regis would take us only as far as Sheridan, Wyoming, nearly a twelve-hour drive. We took turns driving. Zane and I drove up front first, Jesse and Chase in the back seat. I couldn’t see it, but knew from Zane’s reactions that Jesse and Chase were making out in the back seat. Good for them!

For his part, Zane would grin at me, reach over and try to fondle me when we were driving and I would slap his hand away, giving him a playful scowl, “You keep that up and I’m gonna stop this truck and put you over my knee young man,” but I was smiling.

When it was Jesse and Chase’s turns to drive, Zane and I got into the back seat and absent of removing our seat-belts, Zane got as close as he could to me,

“I’m a daddy’s boy, my daddy Randy’s boy. My daddy is hot, super hot and I need to have him spank me and fuck my ass, hard, rodeo hard,” Zane whispered into my ear groping my crotch with his hand.

I groped Zane back. We kissed and felt each other up. The rule was no cock sucking until we all could after we reached the hotel in Sheridan, Wyoming. Zane laid his head on my shoulder as I rubbed his bare chest through the gap in his shirt. He would look up at me with his green eyes,

“I love you daddy,” he smiled, “I love you son,” I smiled back. He blushed a little, “Hope you don’t mind if I stick kind of close to my dads for a while. Got a lot of lost time to make up.”

“As close as you want to be my little man,” I said. He grinned, “Little man, I like that daddy, thank you,” and I sensed that our boys might unconsciously do a little age regression, trying to make up for lost childhoods. That would be fine by me if it pleased them to do so.

It was a full day’s journey to Sheridan and we were dead dog tired. We ate dinner, took showers and hit the sack early and the next morning started on yet another long leg to St. Regis, about a nine hours worth of earnest driving.

Bob Pladgett was standing out front of the bed and breakfast when we finally arrived in St. Regis late in the afternoon. He congratulated us on our new family and showed us the spacious large room and super big bed he had prepared for us.

Bob was a great host and even better cook and surprised us with Angus steak and French fries for dinner that night and then brought out this wonderful decorated cake with four candles. The red frosted writing on top of the white base had all four of our first names above and “McKensie-Wolcott” below.

As Bob served up generous pieces of the cake along with hot coffee he told us that he was planning to retire some time within the few following years, “Well, what’s gonna happen to this place?” Jesse wondered aloud.

“Not sure. I’d like to sell it, but I sure don’t want it to stop doing business,” he replied, “Does it make money?” I asked and he nodded, “Yea, it does, keeps it afloat pretty good, property taxes and expenses are not a problem.”

I saw a funny look in Jesse’s eye. Jesse loved the place and the country around it, that I knew. Later on that night after a long walk to stretch our legs, Jesse sidled up to me, “You know what? I could see us taking this place over some day.”

I wasn’t surprised at what Jesse said. Even at our young ages the ranch in Nebraska seemed too much at times and there were so many other things we all wanted to do with our lives. The ranch just seemed to be holding us back. I took Jesse’s hand, “Who knows cowboy, maybe that will happen,” I mused with him wondering about our future.

* * * * * * * * * *

Our sons had never experienced a real family vacation of any kind before now and what I had predicted in my mind could happen, did. For the next day or so our two strapping-strong seventeen-year-olds whooped, hollered and behaved more like a couple of crazy little kids, having fun together with each other and with their dads. Jesse and I let them. It made us remember when we were younger together, so we whooped and hollered with them.

Things calmed down the day after as if it was time for a rest after so much exciting activity. We weren’t even very physical with each other which felt kind of odd, but it also gave me perspective.

I worried how it would affect the boys, however, especially Zane. In fact the next evening after dinner Zane sidled up to me outdoors in the dying light of the day. His hands were stuffed awkwardly inside of his Wranglers and he seemed kind of stiff himself,

“Daddy, is everything all right?” he asked in a hushed whisper. What concerned me was that he was not making eye contact with me and it almost felt like the first time I met my redhead with Georgina months before.

I decided it was time to be a father to him. As Zane’s boot tip nervously traced dirt on the ground, I got real close, face-to-face, his downcast., “Now you listen good to me my son,” I said firmly lifting his chin. His eyes were a little rheumy. He was really upset, “Are you OK Zane?” I said and wrapped my arms around him.

I could feel him relax some in my arms. His arms came up and returned the hug, “I … I was just worried. I never had all this before, a family and all. I don’t want it ever to end,” he said softly.

“It will never end Zane. Do you understand that? You could go away to college and you still have two dads who will love you forever, even if from afar,” and I gently held him out at short arm’s length with my best dad’s stare.

“I never had anything that’s lasted,” he replied, “Zane honey, you’re only seventeen. Your dads are not that old either, but it’s OK, I understand,” and then I hugged him again, only this time I let my hands squeeze on his hot ass.

Zane let out a not so soft tremulous moan, “Oh daddy, don’t let go of me, ever,” and I rubbed up onto his back, “Never baby, never,” I said and kissed his temple. I reminded myself just then that Zane had spent most if not all of his youth displaced from family and feeling lost in life. It might not be so easy to trust that his new life was real and was going to last a long time.

Just then two more guys of our acquaintance came up to us, “What’s cookin’ hot stuff?” Jesse put an arm around my shoulders. Chase wrapped his arms around Zane, “Look what I caught, a hot sexy brother,” grinning ear-to-ear.

Zane stiffened a little. Chase noticed, “What’s gotten under your collar?” and let go of the hug.

“Nothing!” Zane snapped back at Chase and then glanced at me as if he were in trouble for attitude. Jesse cocked his head at me, “Anything I should know about?”

Zane looked up at me seemingly worried that I would tattle on him, or that is what it sure felt like, “Naw,” and I kind of looked at Jesse hoping he would read my mind. Jesse smiled, “Chase, why don’t we go check out that new horse that Bob just brought in.”

Chase did not question his dad, “Race you to the barn dad!” and took off running. Jesse winked at me and took off after his son.

“I’m sorry,” Zane said just after they left, “I just … wanted to be alone with one dad, is that wrong?” he said. I smiled, “No Zane. Did I tell you about Harold?”

“No,” Zane said, “Come on, let’s take a walk,” and we walked.

I suppose Jesse and I had leaked out the details of our lives piecemeal with our boys, the times before we met and just after here and there; but I had never sat down one-on-one with either Zane or Chase in detail. I pointed to the base of a tall oak and we sat and among other things, I told Zane that I understood his feelings and that I was just like him. I didn’t have a dad to relate to any more until Harold came along.

“Is it wrong for me to just want to be with you sometimes? I love daddy Jesse so much, but I feel like you understand me better. Maybe I’m just being stubborn,” he explained. We were sitting hip-to-hip. I slung my arm across his shoulders,

“It’s OK Zane. I think Chase and Jesse do the same thing. Look, you had no dad at all and suddenly you have two. It’s more natural to just want to relate to one at a time. It’ll change and Jesse knows you love him. Chase knows I love him. No worries, OK?” and I squeezed him into myself.

Zane’s head settled onto my chest and I gently cradled it. I could feel him relax, but then he tensed again, only it was different, “Bet other folk would get angry if they knew my dad and I have sex together,” and I could understand his worry.

“Never mind other folks. Does it bother you? Cause if it does, I will stop,” I said with feeling and was sincere,

“No! I don’t want to stop unless you or daddy Jesse wants to stop. I like it. I don’t care what others think, it’s none of their business!” Zane said with good energy pressing himself even harder into my body. I sighed with relief. I would have ceased sexual relations with Zane, Chase too if they needed, but I would not like it.

“Some day you’ll find a beau and he’ll want you all to himself you know,” I said next. His head pulled away and he looked at me, “Maybe, maybe not, but right now I don’t want no beau. I have two perfectly good dads and a brother to keep me busy,” and then I felt a hand grope my package.

It felt good and my cock hardened instantly, “Look what I found,” Zane said as his strong fist clamped down and I thrust my hips up into his hand, “Careful boy,” I said with a small smile, “Or what? You’ll whip my ass over your knee and then fuck me?”

My hand reflexively spanked his Wrangler covered ass, hard, “You bet I will, you know I will!” feeling my sap rising. Suddenly vision of the outside world was cut off, a pair of lips pressing onto mine and two hands rushing to unzip my jeans.

Pretty quick like, my naked erection was out and engulfed by Zane’s eager mouth, “Oh baby, oh baby, yes you bad boy. I should take a switch to your naked ass for being so bad,” I said, “Oh please yes daddy! Give your bad boy a hard switching!” Zane blurted and then went back down on me.

My mind zoomed back to not that long ago when Jesse and the boys worked over my naked ass in the barn with a switch. Bob had helped Jesse and I to mess around in his barn with switches during our first visit months ago as well. I wondered if Bob’s switches were still in his barn. I pulled Zane off my cock, “Get your ass up. We’re going to the barn, you’re getting a whipping, a switching,” I said hoping the old saw horse and the switches were still there.

“Yes sir daddy! Come on, I want it!” he said excitedly. Luck would be ours. Nobody seemed around, certainly not Jesse and Chase. It was dark out by now and a single light bulb lit the far back of the structure. Sure enough, there was the sawhorse and standing up on the wall close by, five switches. By God they looked new. I smiled. I think Bob did that for us ahead of time.

“You strip off naked and straddle that horse Zane,” I instructed, “You too daddy, get naked. Please fuck me after you punish my ass,” he replied. I silently and excitedly nodded.

It felt good to be handling a switch again. I recalled years ago, Pa McKensie’s sore shoulder getting the best of him. He made Jesse and I switch each other taking turns over the old barrel by the old tree next to the house. I went after Jesse later just because it turned us on to do so. All wonderful memories indeed.

“This is gonna hurt son, sting your ass hard!” I cautioned Zane as I swished the air with invisible cuts, “Yes sir! Please teach me a lesson daddy. Switch me hard!” Zane’s voice intense, his head way down touching the horse’s crossbeam, his naked rear up high and his cock hard as nails.

I was so going to enjoy this moment with Zane as it might never happen again, he and I or even all four of us here at Bob’s. I whipped the switch across Zane’s upturned naked cheeks.

Zane winced hard, “Oh daddy,” he said in a respectful tone, “Hurts, doesn’t it,” I stated. He nodded, “Yes sir,” and I did it again and again. I had his ass dancing up and down involuntarily trying to avoid the stinging thin limb, but he could not and didn’t I know from my past experience.

I gave my boy a good ten licks, then sidled up to him, gently rubbed the bright red welts and reaching under his tummy, stroked on his waning erection, “Oh thank you daddy, thank you, wow this is so hot!” he said.

I stepped back, “Another ten,” and was about to apply the switch when I heard a sound. I turned my head just in time to see two heads disappear from around a corner. I smirked, “OK you two, out in the open!”  and turned to see two grinning guys, Jesse and Chase step out looking “caught.”

“Sounds and looks pretty hot,” Chase said. This reminded me of course of when Chase and Zane was trying to peek at me getting a whipping in the barn back home that one time.

“Um, we don’t want to participate, just watch what you guys are doing and jack off,” Jesse added. I turned my head and looked at Zane. He had not moved a muscle, “It’s OK with me daddy,” Zane said. I nodded, “OK, get your butts over here but keep it down,” I said with mock command.

They came over. It was kind of hot to just have Jesse and Chase watching Zane and I. I whipped on Zane’s ass another ten licks. He was yelping and twitching and by now he knew what a good switching felt like. I sidled up to him and spent some time rubbing on his ass and stroking his softened cock back to full hardness.

I turned my head, Jesse and Chase had crept off somewhere, “Where did they go?” Zane asked apparently also not noticing. Then we heard it, the unmistakable sounds of a hickory switching flesh. I looked over. There was one switch missing. I guessed I got too caught up in what I was doing to notice that Chase and Jesse were taking things into their own hands very close by.

I looked at Zane and motioned him to get up and follow me. We did and poked our heads around the corner to see Chase standing up, hands on a stall wall, Jesse licking his naked ass with a switch, grinning ear-to-ear as he did.

I chuckled and hugged Zane’s naked body closer to mine, “What do you think? Is it hotter to get switched with somebody watching or watching somebody else get it?” I whispered as I reached down and fingered his tight pucker between Zane’s doubtlessly still throbbing buttocks.

Zane’s breath drew in. He sighed, “Both I guess,” and I could not disagree. Jesse and Chase never turned their heads. Jesse stopped the switching and leaned into Chase’s ear and said something and as he did, I noticed Jesse not only fingering Chase’s butthole, but he drove his middle finger right inside and started to finger fuck him.

“Jesus that’s hot!” Zane’s voice sizzled quietly in my ear and then Jesse dropped to his knees and started to tongue Chase’s hole. That was it for me, “Come on boy, you are going to get the same,” and took him back to the saw horse.

Zane straddled himself back over the horse and I dropped all pretense, leaned over and tongue-licked Zane’s back door. From there, it was pretty basic but still terribly hot to buttfuck my boy in that cozy corner of the barn as we both could hear the lustful gruntings from right around the corner, Jesse and Chase doing the very same thing.

© Copyright PJ Franklin October 15, 2014

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