Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 22:18:33 -0800 (PST) From: Pete Brown Subject: Someone Has To Do It, Part Eleven Someone Has To Do It By Pete Brown petebrownuk @ Read all of Pete's stories at Part 11 After my savage treatment from Rob, Ian sat down with me the next morning over our mugs of tea and tried to explain what was happening. "None of the rest of us had any problems like this, Steve... Well, at least, not as bad as you are getting. He just caned us all when we first arrived - eight strokes or so, as you might expect as a typical punishment - so that we'd 'know' that he was capable of doing it, and had every intention of doing so if we didn't behave. Some masters, after all, chicken out when it comes to actually caning their servants, and the master wants us to know that he's not one of those wimps." "But with you it's different - firstly, he knows you. And I guess he knows that you've got a pretty fiery temper, and..." "No I haven't! I don't lose my rag...." "There you are, you see! That's typical of you, Steve. You but in, you deny things that are patently true, and you are impatient and temperamental. Sure you work hard, as I could tell anyone that asked, and you really work up a sweat in the garden. But a master wants more than that - I mean, if you just want the work done, you could buy another servant, or get the garden contractors in, or whatever. No, what a master wants is to be in control. That's part of the pleasure of owning a servant, rather than employing someone: the knowledge that your word is law, and that the servant has to obey, totally and completely, or you have the power to punish him. So what does Rob see when he has you in the bedroom or study? He doesn't see an obedient, subservient bloke, ready to do whatever is necessary to please him, does he? He sees you kind of seething with inner rage, always ready to argue with him, and I bet you plead with him, don't you, not to punish you, or to fuck you?" "Yes, but...." "There you are! Typical. You just can't say 'yes', can you? You've got to start some explanation of why Steve is right. But don't you realise that if the master has decided to cane you, or fuck you, he's got to go ahead with it whatever you say? If he listened to your arguments, and then didn't do it, you'd have won, wouldn't you? And that's not what being a master is about - the joy, the pleasure, the satisfaction of being a master is giving an order and then having it obeyed totally and completely, without any discussion at all. So there's no point in begging him not to fuck you - not only does he have to do it, once he's said he's going to, but the fact that you query it takes away some of the pleasure of the whole thing. Can you see that?" Well I suppose I could - it seemed a bit odd and twisted, but I think I could see the point. I nodded, and Ian went on "So not surprisingly, given that you're resisting him, the master sees you as something that's got to be really and truly broken - he wants to tear you down and then put you together again as a proper servant. And every time you argue, or plead, or don't look subservient, or have a look of rage or disappointment on your face, you're just goading him on to do more and more to you. You're a clever bloke, Steve, can't you see that?" "Well, yes... But what the fuck am I supposed to do about it?" "Just fool him, if you must. I don't suppose it's any good telling you to really become a proper servant - but you could try fooling the master into thinking that he's succeeded - at least that way he'll stop devising more and more terrible punishments for you. So when you go into the room always assume a subservient position, and don't stand there kind of bristling and proud of yourself. If he says something, just agree with him, say 'yes, master', and then do it; and never ask him for favours, or plead with him not to do something - if he says he's going to fuck you, just accept it." I sat there looking at him, and he went on "Well, do you think you can do that?" "I don't know, Ian." "Well give it a try! You can't take much more of this savagery. And suppose he decides to up the stakes, and goes to Court and says that you're so unruly that you need 'calming'? Do you want to lose your balls?" "No, of course not! But he can't do that, can he?" "Oh yes he can - you're a lifetime indenture, remember - and a master has a lot more potential power over you than he does over, say, Finch, who's only doing ten years. With the Court's permission, he can do pretty much what he likes with you - so if you really provoke him, you could be losing those nice low-hangers of yours. Or worse...." "Worse? Oh, come on...." "How about if he has you stubbed?" He saw me looking quizzical, and added "Just cutting your cock off, down to half an inch or so." I shook my head in amazement, and Ian put his hand on my shoulder, looked into my eyes and said "Steve, I've given you all the advice I can. But take care, mate - that's al I can say. The master can be really nasty, and none of us would want you to lose your balls.... And Marco and Pavel would sure as hell miss your cock if it was removed...." He got up then and said we ought to get back to work, and for the rest of the afternoon I thought about hat he'd said. It would be very hard to mask my true feelings, I knew. But on the other hand if I could fool Rob into thinking that I was a totally obedient and subservient guy, then one day I might get the chance to do something else.... Perhaps escape, if Rob's guard was down. My arse was still very sore and smarting that afternoon, but Finch said that the master had decided to use me before he went out to squash that evening, and that I was to go to his study before dinner. He looked at me, and lowered his voice and said "...and be careful, Steve. I know the master's very cross with you, and I'd hate to see you hurt. Just try to obey, and think of something else - I'll tell Pavel to keep your dinner warm for you..." So I stood there outside the door fully resolved to try the new strategy, and when Rob called for me to go in after I'd knocked, I stood there with my hands clasped behind my back, and my head bowed. "Ah, Steve! Good, now just a quick session this evening as I'm off to play squash, and my opponent's got such a nice body that I can't concentrate on the game. So I'm going to fuck you, to burn off some of my tension...." I stood there, still with my head bowed. "Did you hear me, Steve? I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to fuck you hard. I'm going to make you get down on your hands and knees, press your shoulders to the floor and then fuck your arse that will be nicely raised in the air.... Just like dogs do it. Do you understand?" "Yes, master." I managed to get he words out without a trace of anger, or even sarcasm. It seemed to stop Rob in his tracks, as he was clearly expecting me to argue. "Very well then - strip off, and get down. And I want to see your arse nice and high in the air!" "Yes, master." Without a moment's hesitation I took my jeans off, and crouched on the floor, pushed my shoulders down, and hen even reached back with my hands to pull my bum apart. I saw Rob's look of astonishment, but just knelt there still and quiet, as Rob fussed around getting stripped. He ran his finger all along my arse crack, and I couldn't help wincing as my hole really was sore from the cane and tawse, and Rob at once said "So you don't want me to fuck you, do you?" "Master does as he wishes...." Well, that shut him up! And the when he tried to push his cock into me, I did my best to open myself up (well that wasn't strictly speaking part of the plan, but it hurt so much, that anything I could do to make it easier was a bonus for me). Rob fussed around and grunted and pushed himself at me, and it seemed to go on for a long time, but then he gave up - he got to his feet, and I saw him pull on his boxer shorts, and then his trousers. "I've decided you're too sore, and I'll fuck you later in the week instead.", he told me. "Thank you, master." "Are you being fucking sarcastic, Steve?" "No, master. But I am sore, and I'm grateful, master, for you not fucking me today." "You didn't protest..." "Master does as he wants...." Rob looked at me again as if he still wasn't sure whether I was being sarcastic or not, and said "Get out, then - I'm starting to get late." "Thank you, master", I added, and didn't even stop to pull my jeans on, and did it in the hallway instead. The others were just finishing dinner as I went into the servants' hall, and Pavel went out to fetch me mine in which had been warming. I don't actually like pheasant very much, but it seems the master and mistress had been given several brace by a client of the mistress, and so that's what we were having. I find it's too "gamy", and I don't like finding the bits of lead shot in it, either. Still, I was ravenous after a day's work, and with the bread sauce and sprouts and stuff, it wasn't all that bad - especially as there was a big bowl of trifle afterwards, and Pavel had managed to scrounge some sherry form somewhere to make it "proper" (us servants were never usually allowed alcohol, of course). Following that, Ian and I decided we'd have a little competition - he took Pavel and I took Marco, and we raced to see who would cum first. Afterwards, lying in Ian's narrow bed, our bodies pressed close together and the odour of sex heavy in the air, I couldn't help smiling. "You're looking fucking happy....", he muttered. "Well, who wouldn't be? A great meal, a good fuck, and now you...." He looked at me seriously. "So it was it OK with the master, then?" "Yes, it seemed to work. In fact it worked so well that he was totally unprepared for it, and found he couldn't keep his cock hard when he came to fuck me! It's just a well we'd had that talk this morning, or else I might have told him that he wasn't a proper bloke, if he needed Viagra at his age.... And I don't know what he'd have done then...." Ian squeezed me and bit me on the tender part of my shoulder gently, and added "Well there's one bloke here who doesn't need Viagra... That cock of yours is trying to fuck my navel... You can't still want it, after that epic pounding you just gave young Marco?" "I don't want 'it', Ian, I want you..." "Steve, here's some more advice for you - don't go falling for me! It won't work, Steve - we're servants, and a bit of sex is fine, but anything else...." "No, I meant I wanted to fuck you...". I was half stammering in my confusion, as I realised that in the closeness and warmth of the narrow bed I had indeed meant more than just wanting to fuck Ian. I wanted to hold him, to kiss him, and to have him do the same back to me. I wanted us to be more than just fuck buddies, more than just friends.... But my history of being a "man" held me back from saying all that, and so I stumbled on with "...yes, just a good fuck! To hear you talk anyone would think I was gay. I'm only fucking you as there's no woman available....". I'm not sure it was wholly convincing, though. ____________________________ In the next few weeks I found Ian's advice was working , though, and although I had to kneel between my mistress's legs when she was there alone, and take Rob's cock when he was alone, I got through it. It really did seem to be true that providing I showed no resentment or displeasure, both of them backed off from their more extreme demands. May the first was a bit of a black day, though: when we'd showered in the morning there were no fresh jeans for Ian and me, although the maids had left Pavel's kitchen "whites" and Marco's chauffeur's shirt there as usual. I was muttering on about it, when Ian just said "Oh, it's the 'official' start of summer, I suppose - we've got our summer uniform." "Where?" "You're wearing it, Steve. The mistress has decided that in the 'summer' we don't need clothes as it's warm enough.... And you know how she likes to 'see' our muscles - the groomers are still shaving your chest, aren't they? - well, she can now see even more." "But it's not decent...." "Look, Steve, who's to see? We don't go out of the grounds, and the master and mistress see us naked all the time - well, they see you naked as you're their current sex toy, but I did that job before you." "But its' not right! We're men, Ian, and you don't make a bloke go around absolutely starkers when he's working... Surely they could just give us a pair of shorts or something." "Why? Look, Steve, I thought we'd got over all of this... If that's what the master and mistress want, that's what we have to do. Don't start being the old Steve, and arguing and questioning... Just act as if it's perfectly natural - as it is, I suppose: millions of years ago our ancestors didn't have jeans. They didn't have work boots either, but at least we're allowed those, as it would be fucking hard to dig and stuff without them. Now, come on, it's breakfast time..." "I can't go into the servants' hall stark naked! Let's a least put a towel around us whilst we eat.... The maids...." "NO, Steve. Finch would order you to take it off, and for the first few days it's bad enough to put up with the sniggers of the maids anyway - if you had to pull a towel off you in front of them, it would be even worse. But quit worrying - neither of us has got anything to be ashamed of, and the maids are just secretly jealous that they don't get to experience our cocks. Provided you act perfectly naturally, and don't rise to the bait, they'll soon get tired of teasing us. You've done it with the master, so you can do it with those silly bitches...." It was easy for him to say, but fucking hard to do! For one thing, when you're naked you're normally totally naked, aren't you? In the bathroom, or bedroom, or places like that. But we weren't exactly naked - we had our big heavy work boots on - and that seemed to somehow compound the incongruity of our position. And walking along the corridor and "down the back passage" just wearing boots seemed bizarre, and I was very conscious of my cock swinging around as we went along. The bitches did snigger and smirk, and whispered to each other, and pointed at me, and then at Ian, and sniggered and whispered some more, and I just knew they were comparing us and doing something utterly puerile like saying which of us they'd like to have fuck them - a choice they'd never be given, after all, as if the master or mistress decided they needed fucking, it would also be decided which of us (or both of us, I suppose) was going to do it. Still, when I went out to the pool it saved a bit of time, I suppose, as I didn't need to dry myself to pull my jeans on after I'd done the cleaning. And once you got used to it, it wasn't all that bad working in the nude - but May in Weybridge can be chilly, and both Ian and I needed to work even harder than usual just to keep warm. The year wore on, though, and one day in late June when the master and mistress were both out, Ian and I lay down in a patch of sunlight at the far end of the grounds. We lay on our bellies, and were idly swinging our legs up and down, and you do. I looked at Ian and he looked fantastic - like me, I suppose: there was now no trace of a tan line on his lean trip body, and I wondered if I should suggest we fucked as we lay there. Just as I was about to make a move on him, Ian spoke, though. "Fucking marvellous, isn't it, Steve?" "What?" "Well, this... The grass, the sunshine, the greenery, the open air..." "Well I suppose so. But there's just one thing wrong - we can't choose, can we? We're just lying here because the sun is out and we're taking a break from work. If we wanted to go to the sea, or the city...." "Who'd want that, when there's all this countryside..." "I've told you before, Ian, it's not 'countryside' - it's just suburban gardens!" "Well, it's as good as, as far as I'm concerned. And the real advantage is that we only have to walk a hundred yards or so to dinner." "Yes, but that's all we can do. I want to go places, see things.... "Steve, you've got a good life here." "No I haven't. I'm not free. I can't do what I want, go where I please..." "But you're well fed, we live in a nice place, there's Pavel and Marco for sex.... I've never had 'proper' food before, or enjoyed all this space... It was always takeaways and junk food before for me, and living all cooped up on top of each other in ca council flat... And I certainly never had sex on tap, whenever I wanted, as often as I wanted.... No, this suits me down to the ground - I never want to leave here." "Ian, you can't be serious! We're not free. We have to obey the master and mistress in everything..." "...and when you were in the army, I bet you had to obey there? And how 'free' were you, if you were just a private earning the lowest wages in the place? I can tell you I wasn't 'free' in Bermondsey - I was always worrying about money, about having the wife and her brothers and everyone always on at me... What was 'free' about that? I never went anywhere as we had no money, we never did anything exciting as it all costs And we never saw a bit of green, not like this..." We just lay there, and I felt there was some sort of barrier building between us. How could I really like Ian, when he seemed to have accepted the life of a servant so totally? Although I was pretending to do so, inside I was looking for some way out, some escape. This all started to really worry me. I found the closed life we lived, however superficially comfortable it was, getting harder and harder to take. And then a week or so later at breakfast Finch announced that "the young master" was coming home from school that day, and that Marco was going to drive down up to Rugby to fetch him. That morning I asked Ian about it, and he told me that the master and mistress did in fact have three kids - the oldest, "Master William" was fifteen and boarded at Rugby, and the other two, Julian and Amanda, were eight and six. "They go locally, of course", he explained, "But you don't see them around much as the nanny looks after them and the rarely come into the grounds as they're too busy with ballet classes, gym lessons, pony riding and all the other stuff rich kids do. The next morning when I went to do the pool there was someone already there - a kid, who I assumed must be "Master William". He was a bit like Rob to look at , but perhaps taller, and a lot thinner, as he hadn't yet put on his "proper" male muscles and stuff which blokes really only grow when they're eighteen or so. Still he was obviously mature, as he had a little treasure trial running down his slim belly, and I could see hairs glistening on his legs and arms, too - he'd evidently been in the pool already, as his long swimming shorts were all wet. He looked at me for a moment. "You're the new servant... Steve?" "Yes." He had that casual arrogance that public schoolboys can acquire. He tossed his long hair out of his eyes, and said "Listen, fucker, I'll be sixteen in two weeks time, and my father says I should get proper respect from the servants. So it's 'master' when you address me, understand? Otherwise my father has said I can cane you." I was about to retort "You and whose army?" As there was no way that this young slight kid could possibly cane me, but I remembered all the effort I'd put in to creating a good impression so far, and held my tongue." "Did you hear me, boy?" Fuck me, this lad was calling me a boy! But I bowed my head and said quietly "Yes, master". "Good. Now go and fetch me a towel form the house - I've forgotten mine. Finch will fetch it from my room." Well, what could I do? He only had to tell Rob I was disobedient or disrespectful, and I'd e back where I started, so I turned and started to walk back cross the lawns to the house. "...and be quick about it.", he called after me, so I broke into a loping run, even though that made my cock and my balls jerk around uncomfortably. I hated to be used to fetch and carry like this - I mean, as a servant I was meant to use my strength around the grounds, not get stuff for some kid. When I got back he was still sitting there on one of the loungers, and he snatched the towel from me without even saying thank you. He started to wipe his body, and I could see that he wasn't in bad shape - as I've said, he lacked development, but what there was seemed pretty nice, and unlike so many kids of that age he wasn't a bit fat. "What are you here for anyway?", he then asked. "My father told me the servants were not allowed to use the pool." "It's my job.... Master. Every morning. To clean it." "Well you'd better get on with it then - neither my father or I like to see servants standing around idle." So there I was - me, a big mature guy, having to take orders from this kid, and having to work hard as he just sat there languidly stroking his limbs with the towel as I jumped off the side and began wiping all the tiles down with a cloth. "I thought you weren't allowed in the pool!" "This is the way the master told me to clean it, master". I managed to keep the exasperation out of my voice as I said that, pushing the words out almost through gritted teeth. "Well make sure you don't piss in it! You servants are like that, I know. And I've got my girlfriend coming around later, and I don't want her eyes starting to sting from your piss!" I nodded, and worked on silently, but just to spite him, as I walked up and down so that there would be no telltale patch visible, I forced a big bladder full of piss out. As soon as I'd finished, he told me to go away and get on with my normal work as "he didn't want his girl friend to be affronted by the sight of my cock" and "it was time you servants learned to be respectable." - as if it was my fault I was made to work in the nude in the summer! Working away with Ian later than morning I asked him about William, and he kind of shrugged. "We haven't seen much of him really, as Master Rob usually takes all the kids away somewhere for a long holiday, or the mistress extends one of her business trips and they all go to the States somewhere and take a house. But when he has been here he's usually not a lot of trouble - I expect it's just because he's growing up. And I did see that girlfriend of his - she's a real stunner, I can tell you - and I suppose now that he's getting ready to fuck her he's got all his hormones firing...." "What do you mean?" "Oh, come on, Steve! None of the kids these days dare fuck until they're legal - it's too risky. If he got her pregnant or something, or even if her folks found out they were fucking, he could be indentured. None of the young want to risk that - especially not kids like William, who've seen what being an indentured servant can entail. But once it's his birthday.... Well, all the rules change, don't they? I mean, the master and mistress, and her parents, might not like it, but once he's sixteen, he can do what he likes." "You say you've seen this girl and she's a stunner?" "Absolutely! If you like young girls, we'd better make sure you don't see her - that cock of yours will be shooting all over the place." "That sounds too good to miss. Shall we not have a break this morning and go and take a look?" "You randy dog, Steve. I suppose you won't want to fuck properly now.... I'll be all lonely tonight." I gave his bum an affectionate slap, and grinned. "It will do you good to see what the opposition is like - just so you know what really turns me on....." "I know that already, Steve - a nice hard muscled body, like mine..." We laughed then, and walked off towards the pool house, approaching it from the back so that we could peep through the fence without being seen ourselves. Ian was right - William had found himself a real stunner - a nice trim body, good sized tits, a little mounded belly.... And I could see all of this as she had on the tiniest bikini I'd ever seen: the tiny triangles of the bodice covered her nipples, but that was about all - not that she needed any support, as her tits were firm in the way that only those that haven't been suckled can be. And I could tell that she must shave herself, as the tiny silk triangle at the bottom just covered her cunt and left almost nothing to the imagination. She was a pale tan all over - well, what we could see of her that wasn't covered by William! He was all over her, stroking her, kissing her, running his hands over every bit of her body, and she was responding in the same way. I distinctly saw her hand on his crotch, and not just stroking it casually, either, but gripping his cock through the material of his shorts, and sighing as she did so. "The dirty beast!", Ian whispered, putting his mouth close to my ear and giving me a little kiss on it as he did so. "Look at that hard-on he's sporting! Still, who wouldn't? Well, except Pavel and Marco, I suppose. Fucking hell, Steve - doesn't it make you wish you were a free bloke again, able to go around and pick something like that up and shaft it?" "I wasn't ever a cradle snatcher, Ian - what do you reckon she is? Seventeen?" "Could be. Girls look a lot older around then, don't they? It's got a lot of blokes into trouble, that has - you think they're over sixteen but they're really fourteen or something. You just can't tell, an the lying bitches are panting for cock and tell you it's OK. Just like they tell you they're on the pill, so you don't bother to try to use a condom, or even pull out. That's how I got caught - she said it was safe, and I believed her, and before you know where I was she tells me there's a nipper on the way, and I'd better marry her - she'd just turned sixteen - or else she'd go to the police and tell them we'd been fucking when she was only fifteen.." "I'd better take care, then..." "You'd better do more than that, Steve, mate! If you so much as touch her she'll scream the place down, probably, and then the master will have you off to be 'calmed' as quick as anything!" He reached down for my cock as he said this, and finding I was rampantly erect, began to stroke me almost mischievously. "I think you'd better let me take care of this, Steve.... I don't want you losing control! And tonight I think we'll have to make sure that Pavel and Marco both understand there's temptation for you - and competition for them - around , so they'd better work especially hard!" William must have heard us sniggering as we stood there watching the pair of them, as he stopped trying to get his tongue down her throat and looked around, so Ian gently tugged at my arm and led me away. I suppose he was right, as there was no point in having a big set-to, was there? It was all just wishful thinking - there was no way I was ever going to get my cock near that girl. Still, that night, egged on by Ian who told the most outrageous lies about how my cock had been leaking pre-cum at the merest sight of a fuckable woman, both Marco and Pavel did indeed try their hardest. The next morning William was at the pool again when I went out to clean it, and he just snapped "Get on with it, and be quick about it! Alexandra will be here soon as we want a swim before breakfast as we're going to eat by the pool...." So I just slid into the water and worked away as he watched, with me thinking all the time about what he was going to eat for breakfast - if I had a girl like that next to me, I'd be nibbling her tits and her cunt.... Of course that made me hard, and when I got out, William was staring at me. "Now get lost! - you're disgusting, having a hard-on like that." I bit my tongue, and stopped myself from saying that that Alexandra didn't seem to mind erections all that much, judging from what I'd seen yesterday, but kept silent, just gave a perfunctory "Yes, master", and walked off. My life would have been very different if that evening, as we were finishing work, Ian and I hadn't been going back to the house past the pool house. We couldn't resist taking a peek through the fence to see if the girl was still there, but to our disappointment it was only William and Rob, who evidently had just swum as they were standing there towelling themselves dry. "You're coming on, William - you almost beat me today." "Yes, dad. I've been practising at school. It's good exercise - keeps me fit for the team - I'll need to do more, as I've been selected for the colts when we go back in September... And, of course before then.... Well, I want to be ready for Alexandra, don't I?. "What do you mean?" "Aw, come on, dad... I'm sixteen next week. You know what that means!" Rob grinned, and put his arm around William's shoulder. "I suppose so. I was randy as hell at your age, too. "I can hardly wait, dad.... It's really hard!" He grinned. "In both senses! I mean it's hard all the time... You know, dad" He rubbed at his crotch as he said this, and both of them laughed out loud. I felt really envious of them, as I'd never managed to be that close to my dad. "Well it's worth waiting for, son. It's just not worth the risk of getting caught, and then being indentured. Still, you can pick them, I'll say that - if I was a few years younger, and if your mother wasn't watching me like a hawk, I'd be really tempted. " "Oh come on, dad - an old guy like you: you'd never be able to keep up with her! "Don't you be so sure. I'm fit and, shall we say, very 'active'. Still, we ought to think about plans for September, just before you go back to school - your mother is going to a big legal conference in Las Vegas - the usual tax fiddle, I suppose, and we could ask Alexandra to join us." "I was going to talk about that, dad - I don't want to come at all this year..." "But we always have a family holiday together...." "Dad, I'll be sixteen then... I'd rather stay here...." "I can understand that, son - you want uninhibited sex, with your mom and the kids and me out of the way.... But we all value these family occasions, so I'd like you to come with us again. Look, I'll talk to your mother - I'm sure we could lose the cost of a ticket for Alexandra somewhere." "No, dad ,that won't be possible. And it's why I don't want to come - she's got a big birthday party planned for September. They're having a proper do - black tie and everything, with a marquee on the lawn, caterers, a disco, everything. All our friends are going, and all her relations and everything..." "It sounds like a lot of expense for a seventeenth birthday..." "No, dad - it's her sixteenth: her parents really want her to feel like a woman." "She's only fifteen now....? I thought she was older than you...." "No, dad, of course not..." Rob became suddenly serious. "William, listen to me, and listen carefully. You may be sixteen next week, but there's to be no fucking with Alexandra, do you understand me? " "Dad, I'll be old enough..." "But she won't be! And it will make it worse for you - you'll be counted as a man by the courts, and a man fucking an underage girl is in really big trouble! It wouldn't just be an indenture for a few years - you'd be indentured for life. You don't want to end up like Ian and Pavel and Marco and Steve, do you? Bought by some rich family like us, and made to work...? So absolutely no fucking, OK?" "Dad..." "Listen, you're not stupid - well, I hope not, after all the money your mother and I are paying for your schooling! You've got to wait, William - it's not long, after all." "It's all summer! It's been difficult enough when I've been at school, but with Alexandra around it's all but impossible, dad... You know... The way she touches me, all that kind of stuff..." "William, I really don't want to discuss this with you! This is nonnegotiable. If you don't think you can control yourself, then we'll send you up to your grandparents in Scunthorpe for the summer - that should be enough to really make you think! You know what they're like, and Scunthorpe..." "Dad, please... Can't you remember what it was like for you when you were sixteen?" "Of course I can! That's precisely why I'm worried! And in my day I just used to look at the internet, with one hand, and with the other...." "We don't do that much these days, dad.... Especially not at school. Not at fifteen, anyway - that's for the younger men." "So what do you do?" "Well, you know, after games practice, things like that, and in our study.... Just a bit of harmless fun, really - it's better to wank your mates than wank yourself, isn't it?" "Oh, so you've tried that, have you?" "It's the accepted norm at school, dad - we all do it. And they're all waiting to hear what it was like to spend the summer fucking.... I don't know what I'm going to do, dad - I mean, my reputation... I told them I was going to start sex and they all want to know what it's like to fuck every day, whenever you want to...." "Look, William, listen to me: You are not, I repeat not, to even consider it with Alexandra. You can do it at her birthday party if you like, but not before then. Not under any circumstances. Your mother and I have too much invested in you to have it all wasted when you're indentured!" "I don't think I can wait, dad.... Ever time she's near me I have a hard-on. It's so fucking embarrassing, for one thing...." Rob looked at his son, and said calmly "OK, I think I can remember what you're going through. It wasn't so difficult when I was growing up as the indenture laws weren't in place. So I tell you what - after your birthday next week you can start fucking.... But not Alexandra, OK?" "Dad, she's my girlfriend... I can't cheat on her...." "Oh you will one day, William. It's not man's nature to be monogamous. But there' a simple solution for you here, that's not at all like 'cheating' on her." "You mean the maids? Dad, I really don't fancy them, and they're all much older..." "No, not at all. A young man needs to learn all about sex properly, and I'll teach you. Do you want to start with Marco - he's eager, and it can be fun with a hairy man, or Pavel - we keep him smooth, as I think I've told you: he likes to be fucked, too. Then there's Ian - he's very satisfactory in bed: he's got a good hard body, and he knows how to use it." "You mean fuck the men servants....?" "Yes, why not? It's a whole lot of fun, I can assure you. And particularly if you go for Marco or Pavel - they're really randy and will want it more often than you want to give it. But take your time - I'll show you, if you like - it's something we can do together, just us two. It's a long time since we did something together. We'll have them all in, and you can try them out.... And I'll really show you the way to have a good time - you and I have always had a good relationship, and it will be fun teaching you. After all, someone has to do it." "What about Steve, dad?" "Ah, well, Steve's a bit different.... He's not like the others." "Why?" "For one thing, he's bigger and tougher, and for another he's not really 'tamed' - he likes to think he's fooling me, but I know it's only an outer show. Underneath he hates being used for sex - although I have to say that makes it even more exciting in some ways: when I go into Steve, it's like an explorer going into unknown territory, and you never know whether you'll get out alive or be set on by the natives." "I've looked at Steve in the pool, dad. Can't I try him? And you make him sound like the most exciting fuck of all around here...." "Well I'd prefer you chose one of the others. But I suppose that if it's Steve you want, we can use him - he is, as I say, a great fuck and his body is really good to look at. Providing I keep his collar controller handy, it ought to be all right. But not until your birthday, understand? Your mother is going to be away, as you know, so you and I will have an early dinner, and then we'll have an evening's entertainment..." "Can't we do it after breakfast, dad? I want to get started straight away..." "No, not really. I may have to work that day. And, anyway, it's like going to the cinema in the afternoon - it doesn't feel right. Much better to enjoy a meal together, knowing that we've got something spectacular afterwards." Ian dragged me away then. He could tell by the way that I was starting to grip my fists and generally tense up that I might do something stupid if we stayed there. End Of Part Eleven.